Have ° In Use Jver ars IR RR CITY. ’ AAAS Sr SURE § Up SM Gout get Jones’ others wh all casetn Oct. -3m Pa. jon ! ow while National tional ex- ach ach ach on hand. ICHARD sburgh, Pa. f WASHINGTON LETTER Special io The Crmmercial. ‘Washington, Nov. 24.—It is no joke to the congressmen that they will lose their mileage because it has been decreed that there shall be no ad- journment before the regular session begins next month. Probably the larger number of the Senators ana Representatives have been obliged to go home to attend to private or pub. lic business, or both, and they have had to put up for th expense out of their own pockets, with no prospect of being reimbursed. The item of twenty cents per mile allowed them for traveling is not very important to those who live at no great dis- tance, but to the members on the Pacifie Coast it comes to $1,200 or $1,300 for each term, and of eourse that sum is missed when it is with- held. Attempts haye been made to cut down the rate of mileage but with- out success. The result of cutting it would be to discourage some mem- bers from bringing their families to Washington with them, amd as Con- gressman Mann of Illinois remarked when the subject was being discussed on the floor of the House, itis better for members to have their families with them. However, it occurs to ‘one to ask why Congress should not be a Tittle more liberal with other pul servamts for traveling expenses. 3Také our Oensuls, for example. They are ‘allowed but ome fourth as mmeh as Members of Congress, «or five cents per mile, and frequently this will not cover 'the bare epst of the comsul’s individuell fare, mot to mention that of transporting his wife, family, and possibly chattels, to his post of ‘duty. However, thereiis a disposition in the business "world to ask that CGengress show more libsrality to the Ceasular Servige, which is largely instrumen- tal in building up our immense for- ‘eign trade of “over four billions of dollars a year. BOOSTING FOREIGN TRARE. The foreign trade of Great Britain is-about five billions of dollars a year, and that ofthe United States is gain- ing on it steadily. In the promotion -of the expovt business of thie country the State\ Department has accom- plished a igleat deal, mostly through the ‘consular\ service and the Presi- dent is desirous" of extending it to a further degree, He has approved of ‘a proposition to\establish.e corps of consular agents at foreign capitals, with the idea that they shall work in conjunetion with the eomsuls. If the right kind of men shall be sent abroad this plan will prove of great advant- ‘age to American exporters. Germany J probably has the best system of this kind at present, and her foreign trade is going .ahead by leaps aml bounds. -Binee the Consular Serwice was put: under:2ivil service regulapions, it has greatly improved, and a better class «of men: has been sent to fereign coun- tries. :Some of the oldereonsuls pro- bably -ought to be remewed for the good.of the service, but en the other) hand, Congress should provide some |\ form.ef retirement for cemsuls, who receive. but a modest rate.of pay and and can hardly keep up the appear- ancessdemanded of them by the Gov- ernment and lay aside amything on which.to retire. They should be teat- «©d as avell.as the Army and, Navy, at Jdeast. : TRADE AGENCIES ABROAD. American trade agencies have been formed abroad, ome of the first of these being the American «Chamber of Commerce in Paris, feunded in 1894. Since'then other similar organ- izations .have been formed at, Berlin, Naples, Constantinople and .one is Proposed for Rio de Janeiro. The study of foreign commerce is both interesting and profitable. This country farnishes three-fourths of the raw cetton grown in the entire world, yet thesbiggest trade in @ We have that Best—The TROY i Ll i TT tg in i | : You can’t afford to take chances on a farm wagon—and your don’t have to. Let us talk TROY to yo! We can show yom & that it is different—where and why a TROY is the cheapest : | wagon on the market for you. gupmmm——"_ Get the most you ean for your money-—{ong, certain services | + nO break-downs; no repairs. he TROY is always ready te iit ~ hitch to—always dependable. And when it is hitched to, it rung | ' lighter and carries more than any other make of the same size. REE NN “hv Nar] [Ee Investigate these statements. Don’t buy tll you have gone over the TROY piece by piece, part by part. Materials, design, - construction—examine them all, You can trust your own facts. Drop in any time—if we can’t show you, buy some other wagon,” S!EHL HARDWARE CO. MEYERSDALE, PA. ER WHEN THE PROOF CAN BE SO BASILY INVESTIGATED. When so many grateful citizens ot Meyersda’e testify to benefits derived from Doan’s Kidney Pills, can you {doubt the evicence? The proof is {not far away—it is almost at your ‘door. Read what§a resident of Mey- ersdale says about, Doan’s Kidney (Pills. Can you demand more con- | vincing testimony? 8. ND. Wagner, 208 Market:St., Mey - | ersdale. Pa., says: ?’About four years ago I had a severe attack of lumbago, from weak kidneys. My back pained me and I knew that something must be .done. Having Doan’s Kidney Pills brought to my notice, I bought some, and before I bad taken them long, I had complete relief. Since then, my kidneys have’nt bothered me and the pain and lameness in amy back has not come back. : For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Don’t simply ask for a kid- ney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills- the same that Mr. Wagner had. Foster-Milburn Co., Props., Buffalo, New York. DEAD LETTER LIST. Mrs. Mary Bantana, Mrs. Bertha Bittner, ecard; Tbomas cards; Rev. Clarence Huber, Rev. A. A. Hoch, Rev. W. A. Kutz, Mrs. Here's Ast Opportunity for 1 You io Get j AN AUTOMOBILE FREE] You Have Longed for One-- IL Now You Gan Have It Ho Free of Charge) The Pittsburgh Post and The Pittsburgh Sun will give Sh away eigh' avtomobiles—all fine 1914 models. Six Oak- i lands, one Kissei Kar and one Chalmers ! In addition to this grand array of automobiles, there will also be giver away one hundred and fifty others prizes, Including player- pianos, upright pianos, Vietrolas, dia- monds, caiceras, watches, traveling bags, books, ete. Some of the automobiles and a great number of the oth- €r prizes are sure 10 come to this community. YOU can : win without obligation or expense on your part. 8 ,- 1f you want to know more about this splendid opportu- nity and wish to learn how you can secure an automobile or some other prize FREE, fill in the blank below with your name and address and send it to The Manager of the Grand Prize Distribution, The Pittsburgh Post, Pittsburgh, Pa. 5 £ i Shows, 2 INFORMATION BLANK Manager, Grand Prize Distribution, The Pittsburgh Post, Pittsburgh, Pa. I Wish to Know More About Your Offer of Free Automobiles and Other Prizes. My Name ds.......0...00..0.. Bena shih. TR LEE OFFER growing extent,.Japan, Still, appl \ opened had those bearing the ark|[ucinda Platt M i ’ : ples ucinda Platter, rs. Wm. Keitz “or Remedy from Oregon, Maine and New York | St. Louis, Mo, Nov. 20.—Albent T. Danbed Spon the dak The people | card; Miss Mary O. Seibert. N. A. Suresh and Number ..i... cnirneseas ie ihuih yoo ro—_ope that is are sold in every capital in Europe. ||Perkins, railway expert of the St | could not have been delivered except Smith, A. H. Thompson. CIty and-Slate +. .usivnivts vin viii vins isis iLouis Union Trust Company, on the| 88 the ark remdined in the river bed. Commerce [| Jesus went into the waters for us; 2 n my practice, 1d a successful The dried fruits and nuts of the Interstate Noy. 22,1913, J. F. NAUGLE, P.M. Detailed information will be promptly forwarded upon receipt of this Sank stand in the | upon. - Much Facific Coast are shipped all over the {Commission's . investigation of the St. | Cor. 5:21; Gal. 3:13. He has con- —_—————— needed, that world, the tobaeeo of Mary land is 1 oui & San, Frapcisco receivership, | demned sin’ for us, Rom 8-3. He Gil ering friends. supplied to_the smokers of France, ‘flatly’ contradicted the testimony of | #lone has opened a pathway fer our{ State of Ohio, Oity of Toledo Ari des and cthe radium axes of the. United |;Benjatuin +F.' Yoakum, Chairman of | deliverance. There was no other way Lucas County, ssi ¥ Sark ficle States form the principal source of | the Frisco Board of Directors, that | whereby Isfael could be delivered and| Frank J. Cheney makes oath that supply for the radinm of the world, ipramises were not made to promoters | further they were delivered: “right |he is senior partner of the firm of Distance is growing to be less and |©f subsidiary companies : that the | against Jericho” (v. 16) He. before | F, J. Cheney & Co., doing business ofa bar to commerce. When the | FTi&co would take over the properties. | their next big task, and “all the ma. in the City of Toledo, County and anama Osnal is opened in, 1915 it So far in the hearing the testim..ny,| tion were passed clean over Jordan State aforesaid, and that said firm 0X y y hn 17:12. : will'have become still less of an ob-: va), Joan ii of each tribe (ch. will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED Fashions and ‘Fads. Collar and coat cuffs in white mew; be made of chamois cloth or pean sig suede. costumes In mourning, simplicity should Ba the keynote. When elaborat = Nearly everything in bats for little | bad tact. nh , pain in the ensation, ‘tired ry, poor circu- , this’ wonderful pear aftér one ® The smartest tailored emphasize the belted coat. shows that Frisco officials’ syndicates fresh youthful cleared $7,038,000 in profits in tliesw on. It carries 3: s 2 ss ane J stacle, and new trade reutes via Pan- Projects 4) carried from the river twelve DOLLARS foreach and every case | girls is in mushroom shape. White ermine : h od, ts. stoles are finished of bidod. "Tt ama will be opened to the greater — stones for the building of an altar so|Of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Afternoon costumes are trimmed | with chenille fringe forme SS wi es ) 3 i y ‘ Stain part of the world’s shipping. SOUETHALS NOT FOR DAYTON | tec te bistcry of Sat geivomguen) thy, coe. fof HALLS Samana | Le evened | rh chou trings formed of longus ho are delients Saal IV. The Lesson. In this lesson we| FRANK J. CHENEY Collars and muffs are made of net | ches long. ill find . i ’ : . , : grey will find Pain in Back and 'Rheuma- Bn Wen t Consider | , eo brouzit, In company wit Israel| Sworn to before me and subsecrib- | and: chiffon, combined with fur. Some of the new long sleeves hawe Panama Canal’ 15: Einier cil. small buckles at the wrist to hold the fullness of the frill snugly in place about the wrist. tism into ‘the land at last. Abraham saw ed ing my presence, this 6th day of and believed. Jacob and his sons D b A.D. 1886 left it when threatened with moral| Coober A. DU. : contamination and physical death. A. bl CLEAN: Much has happened mince that time, Notary Public. but God’s purposes have gone on un.| Hall’s GCatarrh Cure is taken inter- changed. Nor has Jehovah ever hoen {nally and acts directly upon the blood defeated. Israel is delivered because, and mucous] surfaces of the system. in the language of Ps. 114:2, “Judah | Send for testimonials, ree. Draped models fitting in loose lines| Pn a A i became he San uary, Israel his do .F J. CHENEY, & Co., Teledo. O. | are rivaled by the belted style. minion.” ole how Ps. 114:3 united | “=i vo roISES. Th m0 ened forty years of history, “The sea saw | Bi by all Druggists, 75 cents; per | it and fled; Jordan was driven back.” fine ad body; clears les. The walk Lusterless materials are the only Ne appropriate ones for deep mourning. * Amber beads are used to good pur- pose on many of the new gowns. Torment thousands of People daily. Panama, Nov. 20.—Colonel George Don’t be one of these sufferers when | W. Goethals, chief engineer of the for so little cost you can get rid of | Panama Canal, has received the offer the camse. Foley Kidney Pills be-|°f the Payion eity Tanagewent. He gin their work from the very first replied, when asked about it, that his : ) one desire was to finish the canal, and dose. They exert so direct an aetion | 4, he would wait here before con- on the kidneys and bladder that sidering anything elge. He is de- he pain and torment of backache, | girous of perfecting a permanent or- rheumatism and kidney trouble is | ganization, and says that after that is Those in years of CE-U-TA, appearance to will notice a is liberal offer. n send you in A Many blouses have simulated waist. ; coats of figured silk, brocaded velvet, Bright green and pink is a color | or chiffon extending in points below combination now favored by fashion. | the waistline. 1 and see me. d. and Fri. enn Avenue ’ , | Dyspepsia is America’s curse. Ti The influence of the Russian blouse | restore digestion, normal weight; | on the new suits is very strong, | good health and purify the blood, use YY 8 on dispelled. done it will he time to consider other | myic is the history of Israel Take Hall’s Family Pills for con-| A touch ofsblack is always in place | Burdock Blood Bitters. Sold ab ali EAL Sold by all Dealers Eyerywh fields. : ' stipati ito give poi i | 0 Banach | old by ealers Eyerywhere. Se v stipation. ad ! to give point to a white garment. idrug stores. Price $1.00. LA Pm —— Me m— —-— ee STI SRSEY wy