The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, November 27, 1913, Image 1

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em —.
ale, Pa.
ed for a
people for
rn conven-
who, intent on business, neglect the
schools. Teachers, champion. the
: rights of boys and girls, your school,
land the higher eitizenship.”’
Prof. J. C. Beahm of Salisbury, re-
sponded to the address. He express-
ed appreciation of the hearty welcome
and of the superintendents efforts.
Ths highestappréciation we can show
is to go back ' with, inspiration and
Music—Prof.Jerry March.
Address—‘‘The First Requisites’’
by Deputy State Supt. Reed B. Tie-
1. Attitude of mind’of teacher.
2. Teachers should grow.
3. Teachers should reyerence child-
4. You must love the things with
which you work.
5. You must esteem your opportu-
6. Patience.
Selection—The Rebekah Quartet of
Music—Jerry March.
Announcements and adjournment.
The evening entertainment—A four
act portrayed of Abraham Lincoln by
Benjamin Chapin, was very effective.
Devotional exercises by Rev. I. H.
Wagner, pastor of the Lutheran
church of Somerset.
Address by Prof Teitrick—‘‘A Law
of Teaching’’
“The teachers shall know what he
shall teach—a knowledge thorough
and familiar. Illustration is the peg
on which you hang the facts you
teach. Ends of the recitation are
“ knowledge, power, skill and dispatch
Cornerstone of discipline is confi-
Good teaching is logic on fire.
Tuesday morning’s session was fea-
tured by a demonstration by the first
aid team of the Windber High School.
The team demonstrated five problems
as follows:—1. Compound fracture of
right ‘collar bone, and first, second
and third fingers and thumb of left
hand injured. 2. Compound fracture
of lower jaw on right side and cut
above right eye. 3. Simple fracture
of left upper arm and left eye injured.
4. Compound fracture of right fore-
arm, and severe hemorrhage. 5.
Scalp wound on top of head and dis-
tocated left- shoulder.
The Windber team is composed of
Miss Rhoda Wrye, Miss Ethel Shaffer,
Miss Mary Hindman, Frank James,
David Bantley and William Hoover.
The boys and girls gave a very
skillful demonstration in bandaging
breaks, dislocations and other injuries
to the head and upper parts of the
body. Miss Shaffer was particularly
skillful and careful in her work.
Address—Rural Schools—Prof. Den-
nis, of the State Department.
Problems of country must be solved
by people of rural districts. Three
Rural Agencies. Rural Church, The
Grange, and The Rural School.
Adjust the course of study to cen-
ter attention of boys and girls on
the country.
Address—Henry Houck—The same
old lover of children. Teach" obe-
dience and Patristism.
The special train carrying Somerset
county people to and from Johns-
town, wherg, the passengers heard
¢*Billy””? Sunday carried fully 600
people who occupied the several
coaches on Friday. They boarded
the special train at practically every
station = betWeen Rockwood and
Johnstown. .
Returning. home, the passengers
passed the time singing the ‘‘Billy”
Sunday revival hymns. There were
probably 200 song" books
party and a choir was formed in al-
most every coach ef the special train.
The special train
Master the art of questioning.
in the]
left Johnstown |
and had been engaged in teaching for
a period of 24 terms besides eleven
terms as teacher of summer normal
Mr. Cramer was the son of Chauncy
and Anna Lucas Cramer. He was
twice married, first to Idella Barclay,
who died about 15 years ago. He is
sarvived by his second wife nee Sarah
He was ja member of the Odd Fel-
lows, Modern Woodmen and of the
Masonic Lodge. He had been Justice
of the Peace and auditor of Jefferson
township. 5
The funeral service is held Thurs-
day afternoon, conducted by Rev. H.
M. Petrea of Bakersville.
The school boys who engaged in the
laudable work of raising potatoes dur-
ing vacatioll heard their verdict on
Friday evening, when the judges mace
knotn their decision on the products
of the contestants. This work was
undertaken under the auspicies of tke :
Parents-Teachers Association. The |
following were the lucky boys: |
Charles Fike, first prize, $5; James |
Hay, second prizes, $3; Frederick |
Collins, third prize $2.50; John Hay,
fourth prize, $1.50; Sylvester Stouffer,
fifth prize, 50 cents. Favorable men-
tion was given William Irvin. Messrs’
J. N. Lint and R. H. rhilson were tie |
The Bijou Theatre in the Gurley
Building,that has been closed tempor-
arily, will open this (Thanksgiving)
evening under new management. The
best pictures procurable’will be shown
each evening. You will be sure to see
the old reliable Edison, Biograph and |
Vitograph selections. Come around
and renew the acquaintanceshipof the
new manager, Eugene Hostetler, who
some time ago so sussessfuly conduct-
ed the Amuse-U. Do not fail to be
present at the! ibpening, Thanksgiving
Last week the public schools had
fire drills for the first time and én
the last drill, the buildings were
vleared of hundreds of scholars to
the beat of a drum in forty eight sec-
onds. This shows splendid discipline
and should assure absolute safety of
every scholar in case of fire, which
we hope will’ neyer occur. -
The Bijou Theatre under the man-
agement of Chris Kirias terminated
suddenly ‘and. disastrously for some
people. On Monday the constable
sold the equipment, purchased by T.
W Gurley, the heaviest creditor.
It looks as if the manager had come
to Meyersdale to do. the people and
then leave. We understand a num-
ber of bill were left unpaid and Kirias
has gone to some other soft spot to
do business.
The following officers were elected
at the Twenty-fourth Annual Conven-
tion of Somerset county school direc-
tors at Somerset on Tuesday :—Presi-
dent, Hon. Robert W. Lohr, of Jen-
ner township; vice presidents, Ellis C.
Boose of Rockwood, and W. B. Put-
nam of Jefferson township; secretary,
H. H. Shumaker of Rockwood; treas-
urer, R. R. Straub of Boswell; audi-
tor, Dr. Frederick B. Shaffer of Som-
erset. Delegates to State Conven-
tion—A. L. G. Hay of Somerset; J.
The friends of the’ ‘50, 000.000
| bona issue in ‘Somerset ‘connty feel
| like a victorious army deserted by ils
general on the field of eclury. The
man whose influence carried Somer- |
Pa., general agent for the Good
Roads Machinery Company of Ken-
nett Scuare, Pa.
ful good roads booster in. Pennsyl- |
vania. Boosting good roads is his
seriofis occupation.
Somerset county before the recent
election and. started" talking for the
it. Many of the counuy’s good roads
enthusiasts were in favor of the big
to cross-examine’ himself to find ou
whether he thought the tond issue.
was necessary or not.
‘fall in line,”’” the e¢lection was so
near at hand. His host of friends
rallied to the support of the bond:
because they believed the judge knew
what was right. a
It didn’t cost Judge McKean a sin-
gle dollar to turn Somerset county
into line for the bonds. He did it all
ty. But the Judge left Somerset two
days before the election, and his
friends ‘are eagerly waiting to give
him a banquet when he returns to
the land of the ‘Frosty Sons of
Thunder.”? s
Arrangements are being otiploted
ance workers of Homerset’county to:
be held in Somerset; y evening
December 12, under the ‘auspices ‘of
the County No-Lieense. League. Re-
ports are to be heard-from the recent
National Convention. of the Anti-
Saloon League and the conventien of
Prohibition party workers at Colum-
bus, ‘0., also from the National W. C.
T. U. Convention a a4 shury Park and
the World W. O. T,"U. Convention at
Brooklyn, N. ¥, Al ‘temperance
workers of the county are asked to
note the date and arrange to attend.
Important business matters, are to be
The public sale of M. E. Yoder in
E. Custer of Hooversville; J. B. W.
Stufft of Jenner township. Alternates,
| J. I. Steele of Conemaugh township;
{ E. K. Ruder of Brothersvalley town-
| Summit township was largely attend-
| ed and the sale on Wednesday by N. |
BE. Yoder was also well attended als
set county for the road bond issud ist
the Hon. Thomas McKean, cf Wilcox, |
Judge McKean is the ok suecess- |
Judge McKean just happened into
road bonds because be couldn’t help
bond issue and the judge hadn9 time |
He just had t»|
by his irresistibly fetching personali- |.
for afgreat conventivn of all tempers!
| though the weather was not so fayor- |
| ship and A, OC. Snyder of Rockwood,
The local Postoifce pill he clos: d
on Thanksgiving Day between the
hours of 13: 50 P, M. SoE0, P. M.
Some: ime ago com:
‘the home of Capt. Daugherty and
took the contents of his grandsons
bank, containing over sixteen dollars.
Last week ope morning when Mis.
| Daugherty came to the door, she
found a small tin bucket containing a
sack.which contained ten dollars, and
| also a note saying that the party h:d
been hard up when the boy’s bank
i was robbed, and the promise was in
cne entered
i the note that the full amount would
Le ceturned.
Mr. U. M. Weimer, proprietor of
the Meyersdale Electrical Repair and
Machine Works, and Miss Elda E.
Cook were united in marriage at the
home of the bride’s parents, 514 High
street, November 25th at 8:30 p. my,
by their pastor, Rev. G. A. Neeld, of
the M. E. church. They left on train,
No. 12 for an extended trip to Wash-
ington, Philadelphia, Allentown and
New York. On their return they will
be ‘at’ home' to their friends at 331
Meyers avenue...
hagas Pt, vio 0 whe is spending some
time ab Mount Clemens, Mich., tak-
ing the mineral baths, Teports that
‘he is having a fine time at this re-
sort. Mr. Plitt, has been some-
what troubled with rheumatism and
has made many preyious trips to!
the Michigan’ bath town. Aside
‘from from taking the baths, he oc-
easionally finds time to do some
fishing in Lake St. Clair, and if the
weather. continues mild he still hopes
to indulge in that sport before re-
turning home,
Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Gress of
Meyersdale, spent Wednesday at the
Bangard Bros.
Mrs. Jacob Hoil of West Salisbury,
spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs.
Wilson Ringler.
Vought of near Centre Church, spent |
Friday and Saturday in Vim.
day at Coal Run
Mrs. C. W.
| Shultz’s to butcher last Thursday.
Ira J. Baer,
Miss Mae Wilson, entertained a
few of her friends at her home on
Large street, Monday evening of this
week in honor of her friend, Miss
Elizabeth Schardt. who left on Tues
day for Cumberland, Md., where she
entered the Allegany Hospital, in
training for a nurse. The evening
was yery pleasantly spent in playing
‘games and music. A delicious lunch
was served.
“Thos@® present were: — Misses Nelle
Bittner, Bernadetter Crowe, Rozella
Darrah; «Amelia Clotworthy, Evelyn
Leek 'mby, Lulu Baldwin, Elizabeth
Schardt, Mary Thornley, Regena
Reich, and Margaret Wilson. Messrs.
Earle Kilroy, Ralph]
Darrow, Harry Kilroy, and Homer
Nedrow and Charles Merrill of Gar-
Miss Ethel Collins entertained a
number of her friends at her home
on Large street, Tuesday evening in
honor of her friend, Miss Zella
Mason, of Berlin, who is her guest,
at an old-fashioned taffy party.
Miss Edith Gurley, entertained the
Sorority Club at her home on Centre
street Thursday evening of last week.
Those present were: —Misses Ger-
trude Landis, Florence Middleton,
Catharine Meyers, Lucille Lint and
Kathryn Leonard. ’
The bunch of sportsmen who left
here for the wilds in Clearfield county
when the deer season opened, re-
turned home last week, but the deer,
if there are any, still remain in Clear-
field county. Some of the boys
claim they killed a deer or two, but
on account of the warm weather they
were obliged to leaye them in cold
storage, but will have them here
before the next season opens. Others
say they think they killed one but
are not sure, while others say. they
had the satisfaction of seeing one.
One of the hunters says, that the rab-
bits were so plentiful they had to
kick them out of the way, but as he
was after bigger game he did not
molest them. So here you are. Had
they even brought a measly little
rabbit back with them we might
believe at least part of Me story,
but it looks a little suspicious
when the whole bunch returned
with nothing to show but an empty
gun and a ‘‘hard luck story’’.” When
they told us they had a ‘‘rattling
good time”. We could readily be-
lieve that, but as hunters of the
fleet-footed deer they are not in it.
At any rate they had fun worth the
time and expense.
Had it not been for the timely arri-
val of the police, a man and woman,
not his wife who were alleged to have
eloped from Holsopple would have
been roughly handled by a crowd
when they arrived at Rockwood, one
night last week on their way to Phila-
adelphia. They were arrested by B.
& 0. Detective Ludwig and Chief of
Police Hawke and were lodged in
the borough lockup until the early
train for Holsopple next morning
when they were taken there by Officer |
Ludwig. The woman, it is said, had |
arranged to accompany the man te
the Qhaker City, having been dissatis- |
fied with her married life. = The hus-
Tressler helped W. M. |
band, on learning of the elopement
Mrs. Priscilla Queer and Miss Mary | | telegraphed the Rockwood police to
apprehend the runaways.
| ranged before a justice at Holsopple. |
the young man was ordered to leave
the county.
foreign extraction.
When ar- |
The couple are both of | on Sunday afternoon, Rey, Dr.
——— ——
G: AT PRESENT, : ee ‘“Yeoman’’ was the decisive word
IN E U LL SWIN A number of young folks tendered | Pronounced in the school children’s
Miss Pearle McCleary a birthday sur- | county spelling contest conducted at
/ THUSIASTIC SESSIONS prise at her home on the South Side, Somenss Monday evening by County
A NCE----EN of on Thursday evening of last week, | Superintendent Daniel W. Seibert, in
LARGE ATTE NDA : when about twenty took the hotae connection with the 57 annual session
[fo] y by storm and spent the evening in a of the Somerset county teachers’ insti-
MONDAY. : - a 3 lively, noisy, jolly time. A number tute. A boy spelled it y-o-e-m-a-n
The Fifty-seyenth Annual session PROMINENT TEACHER of games were played and the big|and a girl spelled it correctls, in a
of the Somerset County Institute was DIES eating followed. test to determine the winners of cash
opened by Superintendent Seibert . Those present were:— Misses Cora | Prizes, and she was awarded first prize.
at 1:30 p. an. 460 teachers Were pres- omr— Landis, Lenore Will, Hazel West, | Suffragettes are jubilant because a
ent; and/four were absent. One of Somerset county’s teachers Mildred Donges, Ruth Kimbel, Ruth | girl won first honors in the contest.
Devotional exercises were conduct- | died this’ { Wednesday) morning be- Detmen, Blanche Stauffer, Myrtle | Three of the five winners are girls,
: tween 12'and 1 o’clock at his home in Ray, [Pearle Collins, Margaret too.
ed by, Df. Hiram King. y : Syke 2D
Takiup Supe. Seibert conserning, Bakerevlle, Cparies &_ Cranorses einen Am vELneaen, Wal The pris winners of fist, second
We naire and valae of an Instiiute: f yo : in suffering from a Keegan, Fen oS Baffoe ¥ oe din, 1ouxth and ftth awardsof §5,94,
Address of Welcome was delivered| OF ot dizeases g ts Blanch ot = . ik ot $2, 32, 800 81, YeSpectively are as fol-
by Rev. V. CO. Zener. ‘Welcome to gd i cl Ce raion fincioal Hota Wila i autter, lra Wesh | jows: Miss Rose Davis, of Somerset;
_ everything - .except the brewery and 8 3ad. De p gP Pp ne Bruce Lichty, of Somerset township;
{grog shops. Shame on all parents of the Milford, Black township schools .
Clark Whipkey, of Upper Turkeyfoot
township: Miss Ada Fike, of Summit
township; and Miss Olive Sarver, of
Interest rivalling that manifest in
the returns from presidential elections
ons attended the spelling contest. Be-
tween 800 and 1,000 people witnessed
the final test, which was held in the
opera house to determine how the five
prize winners should rank in the dis-
tributior of first, second, third, fourth
and fifth prizes.
The preliminary test was conducted
in the High School building. one hun-
dred words were piuvnounced, each
contestant wriiing them aown similar
to a wri en exami.ation. By a re-
| markable coincidence. tie shitting of
| the entrants ia the contest was simp-
litied when only five ot those partici
patiug spelied all the bundred words
correctly. This rapid reduction of the
more than 200 contéstants made these
five the ultimate wisuers or the five
cash prizes offered. But it yet had to
be determined who should be first,
second, ete. It was then decided to
have the five pericet participants in
the original test spell each other down
down in the opera nouse in an old-
fashioned spelling bee.
It was nearly 7 o'clock when the
winners were announced. :Miss Sarver
did dotappear at the opera house for
the second test, misanderstancing the
conditions of the contest, and the last
round of spelling proceeded without
her, it being agreed that she should be
the last of the five for her negligence.
Words from a list of 1,200 furnished
the contestants during the past two
months until Miss Davis aud young
Lichty had spelled down the other two.
After doing yeoman service for the
sex, Lichty made his fatal mistake in
spelling the word ‘‘yeoman’’ and lost
first place to his fair opponent.
Following is tue program for a
Teacher’s Institute to be heldjat Boyn-
ton, December 13th, 1913, p. m.
Song—Abide With Me.
The School is a Factor in Organi=
The Work of the School and the
Taste of School Wore—Maud Hay,
Quartette. :
Benefiis derived from the Study of
Agriculture—John Lowry.
Song—Get Out in the Sunshine.
Reforms in Primay Teaching—s -
Oration—Grace Wright.
Carrent Events—Osear Brennemang
Recitation—Nina Peck,
Praise and Censure Edith Teal.
Recitation—Lulu Livengood.
Best Method of Teaching Reading=®:
"Alice Opel.
Song—Marching on to Victory.
All friends of Education are cordig
ally invited. :
On Friday evening Mrs. Samuel
Stuck, of Berlin, was given a birthday
surprise by a number of her relatives
and friends. Among those from town
were Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Detman and
children, Ruth and Robert.
Mrs. Stuck was made the recipient
J a number of beautiful presents.
Midnight hour came and went before
| the party broke up. A good supper
| was partaken of and a delightful
| social evening was spent.
On Saturday morning the two and
a half year old child of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Engle spent Sun- | no case was found against the pair,but | Paul Werner died of a malignent form
diphtheria.. The fnneral was held
‘al officiated.