\ \ PERSONAL AND LOCAL HAPPENINGS Items Pertaining to the Town in General and Prepared for the Readers By = Our Busy Staff. FATHER AND SON IN DISPUTE. The litigation between Charles S. Vannear, aged 80 years, of Somerset, and his son, Lewis W. Vannear of Jennertown, reveals one of the most son ever involved in an action insti- tuted in the Somerset county courts. toe Chaarles Dahl spent’ Sunday and Monday with friends at Lonaconing. Ira J. Baer, spent; Saturday and Sunday with friends at Bedford. Frank Steinkerchner, of Listie, was a town visitor Sunday and Monday, Miss Edna Payne, was a Cumber- land visitor Thursday of last week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Koontz, on Monday—A daughter. Lloyd Imler, left Sunday to spend seyeral days at his former home ab Imlerville, Bedford county. J. H. Medger, of Elk Lick, attended the funeral of Mr. John T. Hocking, | on Monday. : Miss Qarrie Noel, of Hyndman, is the ‘guest of her friend, Miss Edna Payne, of Meyers avenue. Roy Domer, is spending a few days of this week with frierds in Pittsburgh. =~ Miss§Lydia Holtzhouer, of Rock wood, was in town Monday visiting relatives and friends. : Midbes Lois Klare, and Lulu Kemp of Somerset, were visitors here with friends Friday and Saturday. Watches and Chains, your choice at a bargain, look them over at half price. T. W. Gurley,fthe Jeweler. ad Louis Cohen, of Magnolia, W.. Va., is a visitor here a few days this week. Father Burns.§of Connellsville, was a guest of Father Brady, a few days last week. Thomas Courtney, of Rockwood, was a Sunday visitor here with friends. Mrs. James fiKerrigan, of Sand Patch, was agFriday visitor here with friends. : Mrs. James Leckemby returned home ‘Saturday from a visit with rela- |. tives and friends at Oonnellsyille. J. W. O’Connor, of Pittsburgh, was a business visitorjhere? Friday of last week. Orville Crowe, cof near Frostburg, Md., was a Sunday visitor here with relatives and friends. ot Mrs. Ida Hoblitzell, of Somerset, spent Sunday here with relatives and friends. : Frank Durst, of} rostburg, Md., spent Sunday here fat the home of Mr. and Mrs..C. E.Crowe, of Meyers avenue. yo Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Kendall, and Mrs. DuFour,zof Washington, D. C., | ‘wwere town visitors with friends from Friday untilj;Mondaygevening. Miss Alice Friedline, and brother Nathaniel returned home Sunday evening from ajlvisit fwith relatives .and friends at Cumberland, Md. Mr. and Mrs.. M. J. - Livengood, | and daughters, Misses Mary, Gladys and Jennie were} Salisbury visitors Sunday with relatives and friends. Mrs. James McCartney, who had been spending several weeks visit- dng relatives and friends at Addison and Confluence, has returned home. Mr. and:Mrs. H. {E. Bowman, and children returnedjhome Monday from avwisit withBrelatives ;and friends at Hyndman. Mrs. George D. Siehl, lelt Monday evening for Elkins,;W. Va., where she is spending the week with rela- tives. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Weigley, of Somerset, are guestsat the Slicer House. Theyjexpect ito remain here for someftime. Rev.:8.'R. Kresge, son’ of Rev. A. 8. Kresge, visited in town a few days this ‘week, left on ‘Tuesday for his home ai New Providence, Pa. Mise Mary Geiger, of Greenville twp., arrived here Saturday and expectsgto remain in town for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Lester G. Orris, of Johnstown, spent Saturday .and Sun- day here with the latter’s, aunt Miss Mayme Platt,jof High streef. Mrs. C.2E.ZCrowe, and little daugh- ter Dorothy spent Saturday at Mark- hy withfher son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs.;Charles Sanders. Miss Mae Beal, of Pittsburgh, is spending . the week here with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William Beal, of the South Side. Mrs. SamueliSheets, and son James of Connellsville, spent several days of this week here and at Coal Run, with relatives and friends. Jewelry forigifts,jbracelets, lockets, and lavallieres,jbeautifnl patterns, at T. W. Gurley’s. Closing =oub prices. ad James G. Ott, of jPittsburgh, and Miss Lydia®Alice:Hersh, of this place were married at Cnmberland, Md,, Monday, - ! Sometime ago the junior Vannear petitioned the court for the appoint- A. C. Lepley, of Elk Lick township, ment of a guardian for his father, will sell his personal property on ' who, he alleged, was mentally in- Friday (tomorrow). Sale begins at capacitated for the transaction of 12:30 p. m. . business on account of his advanced M. E. Yoder, will sell in Summit ; age, and was liable to be made the township, Lloyd Hay, tenant, on victim of designing persons. A hear- Tues@ay, November 25th, live stock, ing was held and the matter is still grain, farming implemenrs, ete. ad pending in court, the senior Vannear disputing the assertions of his son. Mrs. W. H. Gill, and daughter Beavertown, Pa. serious breaks between father and | s b tly Charles S. Vannear |. = Miss Alpha have returned home from oe nt ots of $024 in a visit with relatives and friends ab | against his son, and a writ and execi . 'POWDERFLASK EXPLODED. Last Thursday while two Slavish la- borers were putting off a shot, while handling a squib one happened to jump on a powder flask, which ex- ploded. Their faces and hands were seriously burned. They were taken to the State Cottage Hospital, at Connellsville, where they are getting along very well. 3 cans Baked Beans for 25 cents, at Bittner’s Grocery. ad THE GRIM == | === REAPER | * MRS, ELIZABETH ANAWALT. ‘Mrs. Elizabeth Anawalt, aged 63, ' tion thereon were issued for the sale, Call in and inspect T. W. Gurley’s of the defendant’s property. ‘Lewis Line of Xmas Goods, all being sold W. Vannear has filed a petition With’ at cost. ad the court asking that the judgment : be opened and the writ stayed .in order that he may entgr a defense: He. alleges that the mote-in gnestion was given to his father: ag collateral’ Miss Anna Housel, one of the lady clerks at the postoffice, was coufined to the house for a few days this week, on account of illness. The editor and his wife enjoyed a his father is bail for him, and which big butchering dinner at the home is held by the County Trust company of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nicholson, | of Somerset. The junior Vannear at Vim, last Friday. claims that his father never gave him Miss Kathaleen Brown, of Holli- daysburg, Pa., is the guest of her friend, Miss' Ethel Scott, of Main street. that the note held by the bank has been reduced to $300 by payments by ' ing due under the renewal until Jan- Miss Hihel Collins, of Frostburg 23.5: 191¢. The cours stayed the Md., is the guest at the home of her wait, brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Bert CoMins, of High street, and other relgtives.. Butterine 20 to 25cts, at the Donges Market. * ad Mrs. Hugh Ross, and two children | of Woodbine, are guests at the home THE ST. PAUL of the formei1’s sister, Mrs. Grace Price, of the South Side, and other relatives and friends. { PUBLIG LIBRARY. It ‘has been quite a while since any- _ Robert Helbig, who for the past thing was said about tis in these year had been employed at the Col- edlamns, 'e Twenty-four persons are lins Drug Store, resigned his position now enjoying the reading of the books, at Qakland, Md. : vantage of these books. But the Everyone wants lockets, bracelets, lavallieres and watches for Xmas great privilege. Now that the library presents.22Why not call at T. W. is there, and can be used without a Gurley’s and get the best quality, bit of cost, why anyone should not which are being sold at cost. ad take advantage of it 1s beyond under- standing or explanation. Some peo- ple, however, will 16udly bewail their disadvantages and lack of opportuni- ties for improvement, and then when taey ean haye advantages and privi- leges they won’t use them. Wm. Graney, of Lonaconing, Md., spent Snnday and Monday here with Mrs. Graney, who is spending a few weeks = with her brother, Rey. Father J. J. Brady. Somerset, spent Sunday and Monday Some people are to their own gcod. here with their relatives, Mr. and | Mrs. James Darnley, of Front street, South Side. ner’s (Grocery. ad Miss Edna Payne, of this place Tr and Miss Oarrie Noel, of Hyndman, As long as the present siGeR of who is her guest, spent seweral days 000s last, we will make photo- of the past week with friends at Som- graphs at one halt the regular price. erseb. All portrait trames will also go at -_—————— ‘Pry Sunbeam Filled Figs, Editor W. 8. Livengood, of the Meyersdale Republican, M..J. Gna- gey, and W. A, Shoemalker, spent Sunday with the formers brother, P. L. Livengood, and family at Frost money. Give it a trial, at Bitt burg, Md. . ner’s Grocery. Miss Anna Kaiser, who had been Wanted. up-to date. here for seyeral weeks with her brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and : : Mrs. M. R. Milne, of North street, Two Concrete Form Builders. About 166 Monday on No. 15, for hervhome six we-ks work. Apply to, Johns- in Morgantown, W. Va. town Construction Co., Garrett, Pa. a All 1 nds of Heinz's Pickles, at Bittner’s Grocery. oi ad Miss Elizabeth Schards, who had been spending several weeks visitiig at the home of her brother-in-law auu sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Judge, at Magnolia, W. Va., retumaed hon.v Tuesday. : : Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Dagton, o near Connellsville, arrived here Tuesday evening and expect to re- main for some time with their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mis. Thomas Carey, of Keystone street. ’ Mrs. P. W. Geidt, and danghter Marion, returned home Sunday from Pittsburgh, where the latter haa been in the ‘hospital for treatment for several weeks, due to after effects of infantile paralysis. ‘I. "I. 'Lepley, Pittsburgh & Lake Erie railroad operator and agent at Perryopolis, passed through here Tuesday or a business trip to Balti- more, Md. On his return, he will stop off here and visit his father, J. H. Lepley, a few days. Agent Gill, of the Western Mary- land railway, left Thursday on a sev- | eral days’ business visit to Baitimore, Md. During his absence the. first operator, W. R. Lynch, will look atter his-duties and he, in turn, has been relieved by 8. A. Niland, of Piedmont, W. V. folly. TTT il GUARA Photographs and Picture frames at Oonrad’s Studio at half-price. Sat- isfaction guaranteed in every sale of Photos or Frames. E. E. Conrad. ad meres mse. 6 1bs., Oatmeal 25 cents, at Bitt- ner’s Grocery. ad eretreemeeeeeeereee: | ket. ad Fresh Fish, at the Donges Mar- STII l a sister,of Mrs. C. P. Heffley, of Som- ‘home in } | security on another mote on which’ anything of value for the note, and: the defendant, and. renewed, not be-| NDS GLOVES are bound to be well made or they couldn’t be guaranteed. The leather is bound to be good, the workmanship must be good, the finish has to be right, for to guarantee any other sort of glove would be sheer business So you see you get a stylish glove of very best quality when you buy Ireland’s—and in each pair you get a signed guarantee bond that we will replace or repair them if they ‘prove defective in any way, rip at the seam or tear in the material, etc.”’ : If the gloves go wrong the guarantee does your talking. The guar- antee in each pair is absolute protection. For Men, Women and Children: Cape, Mocha, Glace and Chamois, $1.50 up MILEER &®COU1 INS, ‘erset, and an aunt of Mrs. Edwin 'M. Loveiof Pittsburgh, died at her in, on Thursday morn- 5 i CRE - 1 Prepare For Your Winter's Work by taking Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion With Hjypophosphites, A real body builder and health profnoter. The hypophosphites tone the nerves, the rich oil of hand-picked olives nourish your blood. If you are not perfectly satisfied, your money back. Large bottle, $ oo. Sold only by if J COLLINS’ DRUG STORE| | Tre Rexel Store Hartley Block Meyersdale, Pa. ing atll o'clock. She was the ‘daughter of the late John and Eliza- beth Heffley of Berlin. She was the widow of Hill Anawalt, who died a ‘number of years ago, and is survived ‘by two sons, William Anawalt, of Derry, Pa., and Anawalt of Union- tewn and a danghter, Clara, wife of William Nicholson, Berlin. A broth- er, the Rev. James Heffley, of Win- chester, Ohio, also suryives. - '"j Buy your Mince Meat and Pium Pudding at Bittner’s Grocery. ad BROUGHT SUIT AGAINST LANDLORD AT WIND- BER. . AN Lawrence Schrott, of Windber, | bought suit against John E. Has- | son, proprictor of the Hasson® House, t> recover $20,000 damages alleged to have been sustained when the p aintiff fell through an iron trap- | dor in the pavemeut in front of the | hotel several months ago. (of which were internal. 'was in an unsafe condition. | closed and he walked on hurling him to the cellar below. —_—_———————— Mince Meat 12 1-2cts, at the Dongs | Market, ad te rm | For SALE— Photographs of Werner : Human Family Reunion held at Riverside Mr. and = Mrs. Charles Lepley, of nature is a queer thing. How blind | Park, August 30th, 4 feet long, 8 | inches wide. Pleichers Stndio, a ® Somerset, Pa. at Bi i, Butterine 20 to 25cts, at the Don-|. ges Market. b ad i Fo ERVISORS. 1 the same rare. We guarantee all! (jarence’King, of Elk Lick twp., goods tu be strictly first class and pag prosecuted the supervisors of| \ E. E. Conrad, a0 that township for criminal neglect ¢£} = : : | public roads in their bailiwick.: T e Levering's Coffee has no equal for | supervisors named as defendants are Samuel Baker {Joseph Livengood, | and John Engle. | ea | Eutté ine 20 to 25cts, at the Don- ges Market ii ad ee M. E. Yoder, of Nortoik, Virginie, | will sell on Lis farm in Summit town- | \ ship, Lloyd Hay, tenant, on Tuesday Novemb.-r 25th, live stock, hay, grain, | and farming implements. = v Tl Not Get a Guaranteed Glove? NTEED on Ferree, Schrott and on Monday returned to his home This is fine, that so ‘many of the peo- | claims that he broke his right leg ple of that community are taking ad- | and sustained other injuries, some : He , con- Pe se oon wonder is who more do not use this t:nds vhat the door in the pavement sg It was it, his | weight causing the door to break and PROSECUTED THE SUP- = A. Special ‘Sale Will Be Held] AeSESSES EE EEESELLTEEETSEE Eel : You Know What's Coming the annual feast day is almost here; the bird is prepared to do his part. You can probably manage it successfully, but we sug- gest that youleave the *'dressing” to us. We'll dressyou in our special Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; vou'll be dressed right, too. ~ If you needa full dress or I'uxedo, or frock suit. we'll see that you have the right thing: If you prefer to be in - everyday” attire, or: if you want a good overcoat, here's the place: to get what \ ou need. RTLEY & BALDWIN; The Wom of Wart. Schaller & Marx Clothes. ' AD Te Bs BT Bs Bo BE BEE A A Se BB BE A &eSseScLeESTSSEEEESELST - — a b. ; WE WAN LUMBER!” and will contract with portable mill operators for their entire cut.’ = when stock is loaded and w ] PAY CASH can always furnish cutting orders to suit your timber. Write us and we will send one of our men to explain our plan of doing businesses AMERICAN LOMBER.& MFG. C0., -- Pittchargh, Pa -Sept. 18 4¢ S. Lucente Purchases Entire. Interest. The Lucente Grocery Company, doing bus- iness in the Stone Building adjoining The Com- mercial building owned by S. Lucente and V. Greco, has been purchased by S. Lucente, who is now the sole proprietor, but the business will be conducted under the former firm name--LU-. CENTE GROCERY COMPANY. a Foi BEGINNING NOVEMBER 22, 1913, When Unusual’ Bargains Will be Offered Inquire at the store for prices. AAA INST, rt oy PRBS __ || Western Maryland Linex of W. L. Hoover. late of Garret om- J 2 : erset county. P ... deceased. : SL rr ten geet um THROUGH SERVICE TO Chicago and Pittsburg the undersigned by the proper authority, and ErTmEEE— ~~ Executrix’s Notice. all persons indebted to said estate are request ed to make immediate pavment, and hose having claims against the dec>dent to present them for. settlement Saturday, November 8, 1913, at the residence of the undersigned in ‘Garrett Borough, Somerset county, Pa. RENE HOOVER, Executrix. The Chicago Limited leaves Mey- ersdale 4:59 P. M., arriving in Pittsburgh 8:05 P. M., and Chicago $5 ° 8:10 o’cloek next day. Train with §& sleepers also leaves 3:59 A. M., ar-. riving in Pittsburgh 7:20 A. M. Modern Equipment: Ris Pastor Clb Car . Ross R. ScoTT, : Oct. 2 6t Attorney. Executo:s’ Notice. Estate of William Suder, late of Berlin Bor- ough, Somerset county, Pa., deceased. Letters testamentary on the above estate having peen iesued to the undersigned by the proper authority, notice is hereby given to all perscuns indebted to said estate to make imme diate payment, and those having claims agains’ tte same to present them duly authenticated for settlement at the residence of Z. T. Kim- mel, on Friday, October 31, 1913. as 10:00 A. M. IN GOING TO DON. M. KIMMEL BALTIMORE at Use the Baltimore Limited which leaves Meyersdale 12:18 P. M., ar- In the Estate of Mary A riving in Baltimore 6:49 P, M. Beachly, Deceased. Oct. 2 tf Also train leaves 1:12 A. M., ariv- ing in Baltimore 7:53 A. M. A Letters of administration have been duly dh granted by the Register of Wills upon the estate of Mary A. Beachly, late cf the Borough of Moyergaale. Somers: County, Pa., deceased. 10 C. W. Truxal, residing in Meyersdale, Som- < {less ond = a erset County, Pa., to whom all persons who are a H. 8. So flats, 2nd and Jed: ndebted to said estate are requested to make | floors of the Centre street buildimgy payment, and all persons having any legal se. qs 5 Sok build e claim against or demand upon said estate, | Suitable for dwelling or offices—Hiea#-— shall make,the same known without delay. { 1 enveniences C. W. TRUXAL, Acministrator. | ed. All cenveniences. For Rent. Inquire ©f Ti Nov 13-tf Meyersdale, Pa. | Albert S. Glessner.