i“ i | ¢ A Sn — —_— SOMERSET GOUNTY Go .d Short Stories. EE Rm SE. CT rl SPELLING CONTEST. IONAL pe oe CONDENSED REPORT OF THE COKDITION OF THE . eaders o snort stories, an ere | Somerset. Codnty Toye wil (Wisle SUNDAY SCHOOL are mgny of them, should be interest. SECOND NATIONAL BANK, Meyersdale, Pa., ed to know that the Pittsburg Dis- Spelling Contest, List No. 6. patch is printing daily the hast short | At the Clese of Business, October 21, 1913. & yr Sieve, Jyncops: sua 0M : stories that are being written in these | RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. wits EE gy a FSSON modern times. 7 response fo a great fl | ins and Investments. ......... $416,799 19 || Capital stock paid in ..$ 65,000 00 or i airy rN or ebenie [RS Fonts aud Patavms.. 66,791 87 || Surplus Fund and Profits. ....... 55,160 89 - i anal Lo te, "Depron LULERS, Director of Evening | tion in this form, The Dispatch has | Real Estate, Furniture and Fixtures 66,779 42 Cirelation..... .. . .T 65,000 00 ous, sponge,suicide, spiral, suliocale,s Department, The Moody Bible Institute, | taken a great deal of pains to round | ’ ’ irculation. .. 3) ttt trripeseny s sulphur, siphon, salutary, supervene,| Chicago.) up the Best eho = story writers. Cash and due from Banks ....... 73,083 33 Dividends Unpgid............... 15 00 sense, subrion, scandal, Sere, sae LESSON oa pre Among thie aGthors Seared who are Due from U. S. Treasurer Aes dee 3,250 00 Deposits... ............. 441,527 92 ceed, serenade, swoon, scorch, sta- R NOVEMBER 16 well known te magazine ‘readers are ; wt: : tistics scraggy. scapula, scurry, Sa- Charles Rattell Loomis, William Wal. | Total Resources. .......... $626,703 81 , Total Liabilities. ....:..... $626,703 81 vannah, swivel, pejatisas Sore jor. THE DEATH OF MOSES. lace Whitelock, Everett B. Stackpole, Growth as Shown in Following Statements Made to Comptroller of Currency. iate, sesame; sheer, stabbed, sagacity, Morely Roberts, Nina Wilcox Put- 5 . ’ ASSETS. sandwich, surrey, symmetry, sub- ON, "mar Deut SL in the |D8m, William LeQuex, Tom Gallon, duly 15, 1908... ...... . nc in $262,014.92 sistence, supervisor, synagogue, sanc- | signe of Jehovah is the death of his | Beatrice Harraden, W. H. Hodgson, June 25 19 at al aay eis ais, $411,680.13 tum, sacrilege, sacrifice, sanctity, saints.” Ps. 116:15. AT Ww Marchmont, Frank Harris, ’ April 4100 yeecacas Ralseiiens ini Pans shackle, subterranean, shoeing, san-| | Old Leader, vv. 1-8. We have | Leonard Merrick, Edmund Vance AHL WIE «iol Ri $605,870.62 : guine, sassafras, suave sentinel, sten- | pou come to the last of our lessons | Cooke, Agnes and Egerton Castle, June 4, 1915"... .......... "5%... . . $618,559.53 ciler. 4 Which have to do’ with Moses. Fol- Sewell Ford, Grace MacGowan Cooke, Whale mp ed NT Les OCTOBER, WBE SL Saar a $626,703.81 «oT Tariff, tenant, tomato, ten-| lowing his lamented failure at the Baroness von Hutten, Baroness Orezy, dril, tobacco, thermometer, thimble, my com grival =. Kadeak Melville .D. Post, Frank Condon, z _— Ee Be ie talons. tastonas, | Asron departed and his office is be, | C*od® Haskins Calhoun, Hugh Pen- CHURCH SERVICES. Church of the Brethren— Preaching | More Bottles Sold Each Year. turban, traveling talons, Jasslies, stowed upon his son, Hleazar. “Then dexter, Hapsburg Liebe, Don Marquis, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday | : terror, trousers, typhoid, teller, tam- quickly followed the plague of ser | Eric Salvige and others. School, 9:30 a. m. Christian Worker | [fis easy to understand why an able, transmission, tubular, theolog- Dents, the defeat of the king of the | Ask your newsdealer to serve you| Evangeiical Lutheran church, J. A. Meeting at 6:30 p. m. Bible Class, ian, transparency, truculent, tangi-| Amorites, Balaam’s folly, the apostasy | regularly With Daily and Bunday- Yount, pastor Sunday school next Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m.Teache, Increasing number of bottles of Fo- 3 . ble, transmit, ' transcend, taught, | of Israel which was cleansed by blood | Dispatch. SU Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Morning ser- Training classes meet Monday evening oye Honey sud o TS opound he troupe, trespass, turnstile, tersely, | through the zeal of Phinehas, and final- —_— vice 10:30. Evening services 7:30.|7 and 8 o’clock, respectively. Sunday | rd Y: Os. erraln in IAYS tableau, torpid, trestle, torment, tend- | I the arrival upon the plains of | Pain in Back and Rheuma Luther League, 6:45p. m. Mid-|Seh ye : iday | ord street, Houghton, Mich., gives Moab . v2 2120 D. ’ chool. Workers’ Meeting, Friday |ap excellent reason when he writes: erloin, traffic, texture, temporal, : Law Confirmed z tism week service Wednesday 8:30 p. m. | evening, 30th inst., at 7:30. |“‘Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound - angen, transmittable, theatrical, {pore Mose repeats and confirms — Methodist Episcopal church ser-| Ab the A. M. E. Zion church Sun-| pag always proves an effective rem- ; . % ih Ulster, unavoidable, umpire, | the law to this new generation of | "Porment thousands of people daily. vice, Rev. G. A. Neeld pastor—Ser- day School at 8:00 p. m. Preaching \edy, quickly relieving, tickling in § undersign, usury, ultimatum, ulter-| Israel, delivers his last charge, sings Don’t be one of these sufferers when | vices at10:30 a. m. Sunday school9:30 | 8 11 a. m. Ohristian Endeavor at tho throat and stopping the cough ior, unbiased, urchin, unification. his 1a%t AEs Seconda a Nebo hy or so little cost youfcan get rid of | a. m. Epworth:Leagne at 6:45 p. m. 7:45 p. m. | with no after effects. AV? Valleys, vinegar, vanilla, re : he cause. Foley Kidney Pills be- i 130. era Ee Sold by all Dealers Everywhere. £ waccinate Th veto, veteran, the Lord.” Inthe passage marked out ee a on if very first Evening sofyite, ot 7 For Children There is Noth- y ywhere | > ® 1 | for this lesson we have the account of . 88. Philip and James Catholie ing Better. vertification, voucher, vise, vessel, yng nagging of this wonderful servant |dose. They exert so direet an action hen 3. Beat re ; g DEAD LETTER LIST. 1 { ¥itriol, violin, vulture, vo:ation,| of God. Returning to ch. 31:1-8 and [on the kidneys and bladder that on : Sov. div ¥ as 4 a : ¥ venerable, vagaries valentine, ven-| 32:44-52 we see this journey in pros- | the pain and torment of backache, 233 nex mn ay 2 an ’ 2. In. A cough medicine for children Card—Rev. H. H. Stahl, Rev. E. tursome, vascular, volatile, vial, vig-| pect, after that we read Moses’ parting | rheumatism and kidney trouble is ¥esPers and Benediction at 7:30 p. m. | nop belp their coughs and colds |p, Hogan. ilant, voyager, Vatican, virtuous, | blessing and in this section we read soon dispelled. k Brethren Church, H. L. Goughnour, | without bad effects on their little Letters—George Albright, W. H. * © vacuum, vitiate, vogue, vivatious, | of the fulfilment of that prospect Sold by all Déalers Everywhere. |Ppastor—Preaching services on No- | stomachs and bowels. Foley’s Honey Beaner, H. Mutch. vestige voracious valid, volcano, | Moses anticipated his departure by a BE ES ik vember 16th at Summit Mills in the | and Tar exactly fills tigis need. No Nov. 8, 1913, J. F. NAUGLE, P. M : Viceroy, vociferous, yilierable, vi- Jer Slevin 3psoluisty Jf70red i Dyspepsia is America’s curse. To morning, Salisbury in the afternoon | opiates no sour stomach, no consti- | 5 yd. i i . carious, virgin, vigil, vindictive, ver-| |... 1.0 Ls npTaglen Ble restore digestion, normal weight, and Meyersdale, in the evening. pation follows its use Stuffy colds | Children Cry nae dure, vicious, vintage vandalism, essence of his life of faith, ‘good health and purify the blood, use | Sunday school and Christian Endeav wheezy breathing, coughs ind croup | FOR FLETCHER'S® SURE } vehicle. Before departure Moses solemnly | Burdock Blood ‘Bitters. Sold zt all or at usual hours. All are cordially | are quickly helped. / | = : | ““W” Whispering, Wednesday, | charged this newer generation to ob- [drug stores. Price, $1 00. ad | invited. | Sold by all Dealers Eyerywhere. | ro A S T oO = i A U : whey, wizard, weasel, warrantee. serve the law, Securing fats # oi : : boooe ) ne a vain nor an empty thing, but in dee J Jie D ‘“Xanthouz, xylopbone, xiphoid, | ;14 in truth to them the way of life. : : i : : iiss : #] ¢ xanthophyll, Xerxes. Then comes the simple dignified ac- hts So : i ‘“Y”’ Yacht,yule, Yankee, yeoman, | count of this last act of obedience, sim- wn M ; Yiddish. . : ple, yet sublime. Yonder we see him, . : - A: . viewed by the hosts of Israel, as he H v ; i Gout “2” Zine, soology, zephyr, zodiac, | oo 0000 the mountain alone—yet not Attached to 3 Ver ¥ : % CE zinecky. alone—prepared to spend his last £.a¥% j i get Jones’ : : : D. W. SEIBERT, hours upon earth with Jehovah, who : = = : others wig i ; County Superintendent. doubtless appeared as the angel— : : : Jehovah and pointed out to him the Out, 3p : SEL land he so much longed to enter, but : Help Wanted in Meyersdeie. ~could not because he failed to sanctify Pa. : ale : God in the sight of the people at a 3 he Help of Mey-, critical moment. Taking the glory to jo ie , D y himself on that occasion demanded an ‘ oy k act of punishment as a warning to . | ; Those who suffer with kidney back- | pq people, hence, “it went ill with ON ; ache, uninary ills or any little kidney | Moses for their sakes,” Ps, 106:32. . or bladder disorder, want Kkindey | There upon the mount God's covenant help. Who can better advise than| with Abraham is confirmed and with : sks Meyersdale resident, who has i eye and Sediminighsn Vigor ; : jef.] (vv. 1, oses was shown the fufil- \ also suifered, Qt has, had. relist ment of that promise, his body was Oppenheimer Garment 1 FRET ERG 2... 18 This Iron-Clad < J Loe Guarantees and 1 lacked strength and energy. goes on and many times the victories Doan’s Kidney Pills wererecommend- | o¢ the new leader are fully as great ed so highly that I was led t® begin | ang far reaching as any won by the on hand. | using them procuring.a supply at F. | former leader. Joshua was not Moses, LUTE INSURANCE aeainst defect of any kind B. Thomas’ Drug store. They soon| he was Joshua and as such called to : i lL whatsoever. Should the oI htest irregularity relieves me and I Ifys since felt TRIO NOW nioblomn. ater. vv. lo0. Tho : Hh NGL OPPEIEIMER be discovered, the makers vill correct it with- etter in every way. : ’ . / 3 / 1 ow while Meyefsdalo people Teo ommend Doan 3 “laid at rest by God himself, in an un- & National Kidney Pills. Hero's one case and | oo ond unmarked sepulchre, “over FF ======0 ional ex- ‘there are many others. against Beth-Peor,” v. 6. i : Mrs. Ross Albright, 60) Keystore| I. The New Leader, v. 9. God never street, Meyersdale, Pa., says: Fora | leaves his peeple without a leader : ‘ long time my back pained me and I| and hehe Jesus 15 Juslted 10. com- : pensate Israel for oss of Moses. : i had seyere backache and ells of “The king is dead—long live the . 4 ach dizziness. In the morning, I feft tire king” The worker dies, the work INSURANCE CLAUSE y . 3 1 Every OPPENHEIMER garment is inspected rigidly and then offered for sale with ABSO- 1 J : 3 description of Moses ‘is of one who saw out argument, quibblin g or delay. If your back aches—if your kid-| jenovah face to face, a peculiar dig- “7 THES neys bother you, don’t simply ask for | nity and the secret of his greatness. TT a kidney remedy—ask_ distinctly for | When Aaron and Miriam murmured Doan’s Kidney Pills, the same that| God declared that Moses was different » 7 ‘ 3 : ® SE AIR the Te k-| from all oth hets in that, “with It I Ih f ; 5 t t d { O rE R D Me Ae has : Fab ido = on i Drovugs hig hf ip 8 LJ ere or our ro €C 101, all or Urs== a : 5 Props., | manifestly, and not in dark speeches, : FT Ls ' :stores. Foster-Milburn Oo., PS-»| and ithe form of Jehovah shall he be- * S Ri: Baral, N.1%, hold,” Num. 12:68. Moses himself ei} . oi. Slate dealers. Price 50 . Israel that when God L k f It Wh B Y g y N t S t ¥ Bl coon Foie shiarn Go. Buta | spoke te thers ost of he miss ot ns || OQ FOr 11 én buying your Next Suit or 4 Ne York, sole ents for the| fire, “I stood between the Lord and go Cord States 2 you,” Deut. 6:4, 5. Tha supreme ® ° eérco at==- “ ’ : ; a teaching of this lesson is the fact that . . Remember the name—Doan’s—#n great as Moses®was, he was never e no others. ad | theless excluded from the promised ° | ° ° - SL Sed mm | Tt the “Sterling” Mark of Quality; the Quality | ersdale and Spme Geese—Some Ducks— wonderful illustration of the tender re] RC sme ima | Stl Ti Mark of Good Workmanship. line of Jehovah is accompanied by lale, Pa. | ‘Some Geese, Some Ducks, Some | gentleness. If he must needs be ex- on ; Blizzard—ene of the most stirring | cluded yet he is not excluded from : : . : : — —9one : . . - . stories of outdoor sport that we ever | communion vith Jehovah. Rohiatad We do not consider a garment sold until For 58 years the Oppenheimer organ - : D. 5 1 : 7 . oe v . a . ° . ick Rpomber readinh appears In he | to the will of God passes out of life. the wearer is satisfied, hence we back the ization has stood for quality as measured by | ovember Sports Afle.d, along With a| 1; he hour of the consummation of ro : value expressed in style and service ; Ya dozen other articles of unusual iner- | iy lito work hia spirit passes. ato dealer’s judgment by a guarantee unlike most p y . ; : : est to sportsmen. Wild-fowl shoo t closer fellowship with God. The : . . : a i ok. uo stair § ~ ian it | a HE other guarantees in that it leaves no loopholes : Fall and winter models present the sam: | | in Wisconsin, in Michigan and along | text most beautifully suggests that for quibbling : ; skilled workmanship 4nd the same dependable wv higan pein or quibbling or escape. ERSET P iis Arkapsas Valley, is dgserthed by | such ap uot js 8 adightyto Ged, sna wearing qualities of the past linked with the ® different authors with the unmistak-| suggests the welcome which must be ; . . = Tw able flayor of Truth. An Informal SWaiIRE Nis Bei ot Jorge 6 . We can do this because Oppenheimer Su- style refinements of the present season, once \ Nie 3 . 3 i 1 € " °y ® . . ACE, Thanksgiving typifies pioneer life in | (886 E'OroN8 Appearing of Moses perior clothes are as good as the money you pay more strikingly demonstrating Oppenheimer as @ [ove o half-century” ago. SHOW VS.| .op tro hills he never trea . ® leadership in medium priced readyv-for-servico ap al Business is a spirited account of a} Spoke of the stiige that won our lite for them. : SI1p 1 y S £7 timber cruising trip through the | With the Incarnate Son of Ged. : : clothes. Rainy River Country. Troubles of 8| «“Degth and fwdgment were a .con-| Thewv are made i © Ww . . . IN, : Game Warden; Fishing—A Procurer | stant source of fear to me until I real- of : Se # if h that » hole &ouled Spirij You will enjoy looking at these new mod- heat, Mal of to niniginesei Fossum Prune 1550 hat Neither Shan Beve mys £40 thor oughness which permits no defect 1n any els; a dealer in your community will enjo v ate @ 3 In the South; eer Hun © s s coon . y - STO 1% y : oe | | Sunken Lands of Arkansas, and An | Do mot put death out of consideration, detail of manufacture. showing them to you. : Illinois Squirrel Hunt are some of the Ted Wo Sal on Pie ned : , nine jsriotes ina reel ig we say we did our full duty? In that : . : E f Dumber. Your newsdealer "| hour the plaudits of men will be ’ . M O h & Ce g 2 : ; soon Hy Bly vou; if not, send 15 cts. to Sports stilled. . Men S Sui ss $1 0 to $28 ® PP en’ elmer C. SN wen and Bikey Tously Bee Rus to the B Afield, 542 So. Dearborn St., Chi-| Moses was a great hero, prophet, nN x7 its rated in our new Style Book, which von flo . cago, Ills. priest, law-giver, poet and general, Men sLUvercoats $10 to $30 115 79 a ry 1 contains also a- complete guide to | he captain Gore yet Israel could erect no monument Q x 2 . SE} . . correct apparel for all occasions. This I starts to For any pain, burn, seald or bruise, | Over his grave to do him honor. It Separate Trousers $2 to $6 o Q ’ SA! ? | book will“be sent free upon request. | pain. So apply Dr. Thomas’ Electric Oil—the| Wa8 a greater honor to follow his Cr PITTSBURGH, PA. : it—Judge. i household remedy. The sizes 25c admonitions and obey the law. ! £ 21 at all drug stores. ad and 5 ee