The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, November 06, 1913, Image 8
TS ayn © JURY LST. The {following ” jurors have been @hewn to serve at the regular Decem- {Bsr term of criminal court, which Decem- AR 1 Monday, wil convene on Brothersvalley —Henry Dickej : aN 11 ‘h- | Only Certain Method of Separating Good Layers From the Poor Is to Keep Daily Records. 1 1 Sno n—G. A. pittnel, | That the only sure way to know Wiford - Hon. J. C. Weller. which hens in a flock are doing the Bassbury—Harry Bepler. work and which are not “earning Fxade—G. H. Egolf. | their keep,” is by using the trap-nest, fomerset, Township—Nelson Mos-| js the belief of Prof. James Dryden of foster, William W. Cupp, Austin A. | the poultry husbandry department of Hes: William O. Begley. | the Oregon agricultural college. ¥ Topper Turkeyfoot—Aaron Lephart. | “High egg production is not a char. Yindbor — Edward “Parks. = | acteristic of any one breed of fowls, Yindber —E w ~~=~w—m—e= | says Profesor Dryden. “The trap-nest PETIT JURORS. | has demonstrated this. There is no g #ddison Borough —Joseph Null. =| particular shape or type that indicates addiso » Townsaip—Harvey Ringer. | 800d laying qualities, so far, at any A i rank Knepper. | rate, as our present knowledge goes. Jerlin Frank eg | “The only certain method of sepa- Zoswell—B. H. Burket, | rating the good layers from the poor Bernett. is to use the trap-nest and keep a \: Mack—Emanuel Enos. =... | daily record of eggs laid. It is not al- Frothersvalley—Mahlon 8. Reiman, | ways the fault of the feed and care Basier Baker.g mee SoG. | that. they don’t do better. It is the i Jenoem h—William Berkey. | misfortune of the hen herself very “#onfluence—H. C. reas N Homer - Dean, R. R. often; she couldn’t lay if she want Galler ed to. Zik} Lick—Frederick W. Bender, It Bah Newnan, Wm. Wagner. requires considerable time to | keep a trap-nest record of a flock of hens. Not every farmer has the time, @reenville—Francis Shunk, C. C.| put if a few farmers in every county Wrader. | would trap-nest a flock of hens, in a few years all the farmers of the coun- fefferson—Jacob H. Flick. | ty would very likely have stock that nner —U. J. Sechmucker. : x yi were from heavy-laying, trap-nested FnnettownD. be With, Jr 3 ove Vere possible for a Baffith. | farmer to devote a little time to it Barimer—A. C. Miller. | each day he will be well repaid for Zincoln—Wiiliam H. Hoffman. thé labor, i tower Tuarkeyfoot—Wm. Savage, | Jarzes Liston. : pe Meyersdale—F. M. Shipley, N. J.| “The Oregon experiment station is | trap-nesting a large fleck each year \. J.| and it is doing the best it can to fur- givengood, Henry J. Ebbecka, Geo. nish the farmers of that state with i Siehl. wisi | stock from good layers, with the ob- net Tot > , Ellsworth | ject of increasing the egg yield in the 39jiford~Peter Yowler | state. It is desirable, of course, to Walker. = ith | keep a full year’s record for each hen, i, New Baltimore—A. L. Smith. but if that is not possible, a record B 2aiat Township—Wm. Null, Henry | for a part of the year would be valu- 8 Weaver. . able. For instance, a record of the &hade—Peter Speicher, W. S. Um- | first six months of laying, beginning Seger probably in November, would show ; a oriell iA J. Shirer which were the good winter produ- na ? ie cers, Bomerset Borough—A. G. Witt, Fanley Shultz, Cyrus M, Shaver. Somerset Township—W. W. Rock, PREPARE GEESE FOR MARKET ascob Reitz, J. P. Coleman, Judson Walker. Southampton—Harry Troutman. Stoyestown—H. C. Barnhart. | Closer Fowls Are Confined, If Allowed Sufficient Room for Exercise, Better They Are. ober. |TRAP-NESTING IS ADVOCATED | ASSIGNEE’S SALE '0F VALUABLE REAL ESTATE | | 1 EE ——— The undersigned assignee of S. D. Livengood, will offer for sale at public | outery, at the Court House in the | Borough of Somerset, Pennsylvania,on | Wednesday, Nov. 26th, ’13 | AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M. of | all the right, title and interest of S.D. Livengood in and to the following de- | scribed tracts of land situated in Som- erset and Stonycreek Townships, Som- erset County: No. 1 Comprising ten parts, as follows: Site uate in Somerset Township, adjoiaicg land now or formerly of the George + eitz estate joan L. Saylor, John Mowry. Ann‘e M Schrock John C. Miller, and others, containing two hun dred forty five (245) acres, be the sane more o less, and being more fully described in a deec by George E. Reitz to W Baer, dated Sep tember 8, 1894, and recoraed at Somerset, Penr sylvan'#. in the office for recording decds, i Deed Buok, Vol 84, Bage 107. Situate in Somerset Townsaip, aforesaid, a+ joining lands now or formerly df Mrs. Reity Annie M. Schrock, J. J. Weigle, C. #ishe: James S, Trent. J. C Miler and others, con aining fifty (50) acres. be the same more o 1°88. and being more fully des:ribed in dee. from J. 5. Trent and wire to W, J Saer, date 14th of July, 1893, aaa recorded as aforasaid, i Deed Book, Vol 81, Page 291. Situate in Somerset Township, Somerse County. Pa. adjoining Nos. one and two ahov winds now or formsrly of Cyrus Ravman, Jaco Rayman, ivoah Rayman, and others, coutain ;% two hund ed twenty-cight (228) acres. b he same more. or less. and being more fully escribed in deed fron Anna H Schrock an wusband to W. J. Baer dated 14th of July 1893 corded as aforesaid, in Deea Book, Vol 81 Page 203 situate in the township aforesai ! snow or fore D S. Tren I. J Weigle and others, contain. ng 1 2 more fully ces ‘ribbed in deed fre 7. Fisher and wife to WJ. Baer, dat 2 »f Octoher, 1893, recorded as aforesai i, in Deed Sook, Vol. 82, Pare 396. | Situate in the township afgresaid, and Stony | ‘reek Township. "Nos 231 a ov [ iar iS now or formeriy of Jwon G Rayman Noah Rayman W S Be nett, Je ome orilz >atherire Fisher, and others, coataining on wundred for y six (146) acres. being tae sun more or less, beinz more fully described iy! deed f om Jacob J. Weigle and wife to W. J Baer, dated Novem ser 4th, 1893, recorded a vforesaid, in Deed Bok Vol, 82, Page 408 Situate in Stouycreek Township aforesaid. tdjoining No 5 above 1wnds now or formerly of Nosh Rayman A KE. Rayman, Benedict Coder. ind others, containing furty seven (47; ares, Je the s:m<= more or less, and being more fully described in deed from S. S Beanett and wife to W J. Baer, dsted 4th of November 1803 recorded as aforesaid, 1o Ded Record Vol. 82, Page 420 Situate in Stonycreek Township. aforsaid ad joining No 6 above lands now or formerly of denedict Yoder Noah Raymond and othets,con aining sixty seve ne(67) acres be the same more or less. and being more fully d:scribed, in deed from A, E. Rayman an wife to W. J. Baer, dated 29¢n ot August, 1894. in Ded Book Vol 34, Page 110 . Situate in Stonycreek Township. aforesaid, 1djoiniug No8.5-6 7 above, lands now or former- 'yof J. G. Rayman ant others. Containing one undred seveaty-six (176 acres: and one hun dred forty four (144) perches, be the same more or less. oeing more fully described in deed from Noah Riyman to W. J. Bier dated 29th, August 1894, recorded as aforesaid, in Deed Book, Vol. 84, page 114. Situate in S'onycreek Township a'or said, vdjoining Nos. 58 above 1vnds now or formerly of Cyrus Rayman and others, containing one aundred twenty eigut (128) acres, be tha same more or less, basing more fully deserib2d in leed from Jacob Rivman and wife to W.J. Baer, in deed dated 29ia Aaru3t 18394 aad as aforesaid, in Deed Brok Vul. 84, Page 112. Opinion Advanced That Country Boys and Girls Should Be Taught Rural Subjects. Advocating that the boys and girls stay on the far and at the same time teaching cits: e rural schools is contr: If the they cannot be expected to desire to do something else even vised. in Wright county, Iowa, were asked what they desired to do. boys, 157 desired to leave the farm likewise. ‘But after agriculture and home economics had been taught for | three years the same question was asked in the same schools. This time | it—C. D. Lichty, Elmer i Sitvate in Somarset T )wnship. aforesaid. ad Summ Y» A goose that is being fattened for IT tor a atoresald ad @eagey. | market should never be permitted to sayior, aad others, containion thirty seven (37) Cee i - | swi y wcres and ninety five (95) perches, be the same Upper Turkeyfoot—Daniel Dum-| swim in the water or to wander Any fo less, being more fully described in @suld, James E. Cramer. | distance. The closer they are con- deed of Joha L Saylor and wife to W.J Baer, fined, as long as they have'a pen for | Jat d 1st September 1894 recorded as aforsaid, + . Boo, Vol. 8t, page 108, 3 | sufficient exercise, the better table| °2°%¢ ar—— Good winter apples from $1.10 to » ole ®.25iper bu, at Habel &Phillips, | JOUIrY they make. To keep them This is a very valuable coal 1.25; i clean while being fattened, cover the ~ f@®ory of a Precocious Five-Year-Old. ways?’ “I have never used meplied the noted dramati EDUCATIONAL RALLY. Following is the program for an Bducational Rally to be held at the #Bandy Hook school house on Novem- Her 14th 1913, at 7:30 p. m. Song—My Old Kentucky Home. Aim of the Teacher—Stella Miller. Life of Daniel Webster—Harry Smylor. Belect Reading—Nettie Maust. Jolo—Ruth Commons. The Teacher as Trainer—Cora Witt. fmpromptu Class —Lloyd Shumac. The Advantage of an Education - ‘Walma Gnagey. The Present Day Farmer-J. F. Sphrock. How to Build Good Roads—S, C. Witt, W. J. Miller, Recitation—Alverda Growall. Jurrent Events—Mary Fike. How to Teach History—Orpha | Weyers. 3o6lo—Anna Miller. #Issay —Sadie Schrock. Debate—Resolved—That the United bates has reached her zenith. Affirmative—E. R. Hay, D. OC. Fandwerk. : | Negative—A. G. Maust, F. J. Fike. | All friends of education are Jovi) Jed to attend. pe Far corn, white middling, wheat @hop, bran,jete., at lowest prices. ad, Habel & Phillips. ena gir Bill Bowen of Atchison tells the bbe of a woman and her little son wito were on a Central Branch train ie other day. “Fares, please,” the senductor said, and the woman hand- afd him one ticket. “Boy will have to BF, too, madam,” said the conductor. “#3, but he's only five years old,” @iie replied. “Looks mighty old to be arly five years old,” snapped the con- @uctor. “Yes, he does, but you see, Je has been doing a lot of worrying,” i sie answered. a Prolific. “Where do you get the plots for your | but one,” | { 1 | >and 1 | 1.” I have used t r play, two rural dra prob- | 1 play, and now I'm wor 1g it up | Edo a musical comedv.” r the Bar| , plot in a | | ar floor of the building in which they | stay at night with a thick covering of | straw. Remove thig in the morning | with a pitchfork, either into the air | or sunlight where it will dry. Thor- oughly scrape the floor, and cover it | with dry sand or earth; as night ap- | proaches throw down the bedding again, and in this way they can be | kept perfectly clean, and under these | conditions they will improve much faster. When the time comes for selling | them, the geese should be confined in | a limited space, provided with a | building for shelter only, plenty of water to drink, and be fed all they will eat of a dry mash made of one- half cornmeal, one-fourth bran and middlings, the balance of ground oats. [Phe 7, / 9 \\ u \ NS NY WN \} NZ Q N SAL a At WA Pair of White China Geese. This is best mixed with boiled milk, buttermilk, sour milk or skim milk, | which, when thoroughly cooked, can | be mixed into the meals to make the | dry mash, and fed in boxes or troughs once or twice of day. In addition to | this, a small amount of green food, | the best of rye, clover or grass, may | be provided with good results. Remove Dead Carcasses, | Never alloy the carcasses of birds | that have died to lie around and de- cay. Either bury them good and deep or, better still, burn them. If you have | no furnace or stove in whict want Tn 1 n at and mineral property. The foregoing tracts arellsold sub- ject to certain coal and mineral leases of 8. M. Hamilton CoaljCompany, of Baltimore City, Maryland,®and there will be excepted at StheltimeJ%of sale all the rents, royalties and profits due the said assigned estate of S. D. Liv- i engood at the time of the sale. HH No 2 All that certainlot of ground situated in the Buechiy A 1dition to the Borough ot Mey" er dale. numbered on the plan of said.add tion as lo. No. 361. bounded o« F' urth Street oa the Nortn, Bridge alley on the East, Buechley- street, on the West, and lot 360 on the South, fronting 50 feet on Buechley street, and ex end ing back a distance of 150 feet. Kaown as the Fred Rowe property. TERMS: 10 per cent of the pur- chase price to be paid at time of sale —the balance of one-third thereof upon confirmation and delivery of deed—one-third in three months from date of confirmation, and one-third in six months. Said deferred payments to be secured by mortgage on the premises. For further particulars write the as- signee. CHAS H. EALY, nov 30, 4t Assignee, Somerset, Pa. MARKET REPORT. | Flour, ‘Best on Record’ per bbl. 5 65 | “King of Minnesota’’ 60 per cent Corrected weekly by McKenzie & Smith. PAYING PRICE. : Bufter, per pound..................... 30-32¢ Corrected weekly by Becker & Streng. SELLING PRICE. Corn, per bUs....h ii asia. 95¢ abs, ania ila 55¢ Wheat, per buns.......................... $1 05 Wheat chop, per cwh........ccc... cen 190 Corn and oats, per cwt. home 162 of the 174 boys desired to stay | on the farm and 161 of the 178 girls. | This changing of an almost unani- | mous desire to stay on the farm | seems almost miraculous. Yet it was | done through making a change in the | course of study, writes W. C. Palmer ! in the Breeders’ Gazette. Boys and girls will desire to do the things they have been taught how to do. Their interest is developed in the things they are taught.- Agriculture and home economics are the things that boys and girls are most interest- ed in to begin with. They live in a | great agriculture and home economics | laboratory. The knowledge that they have when they come to school is on' these sub- jects. Education to be the most effec- tive must begin with what the chil iren know. The will to do springs from the | knowledge that one can do: One | likes to do what one can do well. Do- | ing work that one does not under- | stand is drudgery. Most boys must | enter productive work. If they are | not educated for it then it will be | irudgery. Most girls will manage | homes. If they are not taught about | it homemaking would be a drudgery. | It is in the power of the schools to make th ir enthusiastic workers or drudges of the boys and girls. ILLS IV TRAIN OF AVIATION Sudden Ascent to High Altitudes, and as Sucden Descent, Frequently Brings on Sickness. M. Berget, a French aeronaut, aft- er speaking of the conditions of the atmosphere in general, brings out some points on aviator’s sickness. Aeroplanes sometimes reach altitudes of ten thousand feet in an hour, and here the effects on the ear such as humming or cracking noise are about the same as in a balloon, but the ef- fect on the respiratory organs is dif- ferent. The pilot is sooner out of breath and he feels a special kind of uneasiness. During the descent, the heart beats are of greater amplitude, but without accelerating. A quicker descent in a sailing flight at a speed of 1,000 or 1,200 feet a minute or even more, causes a feeling of a spe- cial kind, or uneasiness, accompanied with humming in the ears. Burning in the face is also felt and a severe headache, also the great tendency to sleep which has been before observed. The movements of the body are slug- gish and unskillful. These symptoms continue for some time after the land- ing, and the tension in the arteries is noticed to be higher than the normal. —Health. Hello Nation. Hello! We are the greatest tele- phone users in the world. The daily average of talks over the telephone last year was over 26,000,000. There are 70,000 places, towns, cities and hamlets from which telephone mes- sages may be sent, says Leslie’s Week- ly. This is 5,000 more than the num- ber of our post offices, 10,000 more than the number of our railroad sta- tions and three times the number of telegraph offices in the country. There are nearly 7,500,000 telephone stations in the Bell system—an increase last year of over 800,000. These are the facts reported by the American Tele- graph & Telephone company in refer- ence to the Bell business. It earned last year nearly $43,000,000. Will it be believed that the majority of = its shares are owned by women and less than seven per cent. by brokers? Progress of Cremation. No. 26 of the “Transactions” of the Cremation Society of England, which has just been published, states tha’’ there were 1,134 cremations in Grea Britain in 1912, compared with 1,023 i1 1911. A list is given of the well known persons who were cremated during the year, including the Bishop of Truro and Rev. Charles Voysey. There are 13 crematories in this coun- try, of which five are municipal. Sum. maries are given of the progress of cremation abroad. Some “Short Rea sons for Cremation” are appended, in which the plea is advanced that it “re moves the possibility of being buried alive.”—Dundee Advertiser. Did He Get It? “Won't you tell a nice little story for the lady?” asked a fond mother of her four-year-old boy whom she was showing off to her guest. “I don’t know a ’tory,” lisped the youngster, bashfully. “Oh, yes, you do,” pleaded his moth. er. “Just a little story.” “Will' you div’ me a kiss?’ The boy’s eyes brightened. patent, per barrel.................. 6 25 —_— The Salisbury Cemetery Co., are] selling desirable lots at an 'economi- | cal price. John J. Livengood, Pres-| dent. George E. Yoder, Secretary * i | and Treasurer. 2 mch 13-14! | lor an’ I just broke it. story.” “All right. Once upon a time was a 'nawful nice big vase in tl Do I get th D kiss, mamma?” TT tee i iad | ADJUSTING SCHOOLS TO FARM | The Home of boys and girls are taught one thing | if so ad- Boys and girls in thirty-four schools Of the 164 | and 163 of the 174 girls desired to do |} Quality Groceries a TE w e sell all the breakfast foods, all the dinner and supper foods, also all the between meal foods, fruits, nuts, ete. ALL QUALITY GOODS We sell Heinz’s Pickles, Baked Beans, ete. We can save money for you on Coffee. from. insistent ton Sei RT 3. XS EA nem a Ten different brands to select Yo It will pay you to buy your Shelled Nats, Dates, Grapes, ete Pe ae . from us. WE QUOTE ONLY A FEW PRICES FUR THIS 1 can choice Apples, 10c ) 3 cans best Baked Beans, 25¢ Good table Peaches, 18¢ Qt. pure New Orleans Molasses, 15¢ Good Peas, 10c Quart high grade Applebutter, 25¢ 10 pounds Pearl Hominy, 30c 6 pounds Oatmeal, 25¢c Good Coffee, 20¢ per pound. Fancy Salted Salmon, 12ic per 1b. Fresh Oysters Thursday and Friday. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. F. A. BITINER, 142 Centre treat. Both Phones. Mzyersdale, Pa. Here’s An Opportunity for You to Get AN AUTOMOBILE FREE You Have Longed for One-- Now You Gan Have It Free of Charge The Pittsburgh Post and The Pittsburgh Sun will give away eight automobiles—all fine 1914 models. Six Oak- lands, one Kissel Kar and one Chalmers ! In addition to this grand array of automobiles, there will also be given away one hundred and fifty others prizes, including player-pianos, upright pianos, Viectrolas, dia- monds, cameras, watches, traveling bags, books, etc. C___ Some of the automobiles and a great number of the oth- €r prizes are sure to come to this community. YOU can win without obligation or expense on your part. . If you want to know more about this splendid opportu- nity and wish to learn how you can secure an automobile or some other prize FREE, fill in the blank below with your name and address and send it to The Manager of the Grand Prize Distribution, The Pittsburgh Post, Pittsburgh, Pa. INFORMATION BLANK al ; Date....... Vemma ns, ie 1913 Manager, Grand Prize Distribution, The Pittsburgh Post, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1 Wish te Know More About Your Offer of Free Automobiles and Other Prizes. ; i My Name Is.3.... ....... Rr age aris Streetand Number... .......c....... ... 1 City and State .................. Fra anainen sud ie Detailed information will be promptly forwarded upon receipt of this blank A SRE TY TY SY SC SE EI TI A CS I Te - corsets and you’ll get more service from your corsets if you wear a correctly fitted Henderscn. q That has been the experience of other women who are wear- ing these stylish, mod erate priced models, q At our Corset De- partment you’ll find all of the latest designs for all figures—large, aver- age and slender. 9 You'll understand why Henderson Cor- ii sets are so popular after HEAPEESON you have worn your CorseTs individualized model, You need fewer BN —— HARTLEY, CLUTTON CO. __| Hartley Block. “Yes, a nice kiss for a nice little| The Womens Store. Meyersdale, Pa. SR gai i ah adh 8 ag AA mh Ph oD md CF held BN SM a me 2 oo re ee to ¢ ion pla tra be any Dec unl whe resi : inc tem . mer