The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, October 30, 1913, Image 5

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= |
EE TO rere
Jtems Pertaining to the Town in General and
Prepared for the Readers By
. Our Busy Staff.
Yost S. Summy, of Route No. 2,
called at the office .of The Commer-
cial on Friday and renewed his sub-
scription. :
Attorney Curtis W. Truxal, of
Somerset, spent Sunday here with
his parents, Rev. and Mrs. A. E.
Truxal, of Centre street.
Charles Payne, of Connellsville,
spent Sunday last here with his pa-
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Payne, of
Meyers avenue. As
Louis Klotz, of Route No. 2, while
in town on Saturday renewed his
subscription to The Commercial for
another year.
John Stacer, spent a few days
this week visiting relatives a
friends at Pittsburgh.
Miss Ethel Collins, returned home
Friday eyening from a three weeks
visit with relatives and friends at
Mrs. Thomas Judge, of Magnolia,
W. Va., is the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Alpniiller,
Altmiller Hotel. :
JH... L. Troxell, of Fairmont, W.
Va., was a visitor here Saturday
with friends.
Simon Beal, spent a few days of
last week with his brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lynch,
at Pittsburgh, and other relatives
and friends.
Miss Edna Kuhs, is yisiting rela-
tives and friends at Somerset this
Mrs. George Kuhs, returned home
Frivay evening from Somerset, where
Miss Agnes Shannon, was a visitor
with relatives and friends at Frost-
burg, Md., a few days this week.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kelley and
daughter Marie, and their guests,
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Finegan of Win-
chester, W. Va., visited relatives and
friends in Johnstown on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Ferguson of
Altoona, Mr. and Mis. John Struck-
man of Manns Choice, and Mr. and
Mrs. John Miller of Rockwood, were
| Al ent
on %e ublicans.
three county offices
the coming general
Directer of the
There are only
{to be filled at
| in November, viz,
| Poor, Jury Commissioner and Coro- |
The nominees for these offices goods
| are Joseph J. Snyder,
of the Poor, John G.
Jury Commissioner, aud Dr. H. S.
Kimmell for Coroner.
election day and work for and cast
their votes for the success of the
above ticket, and express their par-
ty faith by supporting the Rupubli-
can ticket: :
ad County Chairman.
No. 5833.
The Citizens National Bank,
guests ab the home of Mr. and Mrs.
| Baer and Ada Mitchell, were
0. Sides several days during the
week. .
Miss Carrie Steinberger left Tues-
of day for Chambersburg, Pa., where
nd | she will remain for several weeks
visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. Ida Staub, and Misses Lillian
day visitors with friends at Frost-
burg, Md. : ‘
H. L. Long, formerly of this place
but now of Connellsville, was a bus-
at | iness visitor here Monday and Tues-
Zearl Matthias, and Edward Hil-
legas, of Pittsburgh, spent Sunday
here at the home of the former’s pa-
| rents, Mr. and Mrs. George Matthias,
of Beachley street, South Side.
Clayton Wade, clerk in the Miller
| & Collin’s Department Store, spent
| Sunday with his relatives at Frost-
| burg, Md.
| Mrs. James Beltz, of Akron, Ohio,
arrived here Saturday eyening and
| w il spend several Weeks with friends.
Herman Deist, left Sunday on No.
15, for Steubenville, Ohio, where he
spending a few weeks
she had been Spe g will spend the winter with his son-in-
visiting relatives and friends.
Mrs. W. H. Gill, and daughter
Miss Alpha left Saturday morning for
Beavertown, where they will spend
several weeks yisiting relatives and
Mrs. Wm. B. Groff, returned home
Friday from Johnstown, where she
had been attending the funeral of a
Mrs. Emme Ritter, and daughter
Miss Ethel left Monday morning on
train 57, for South Bend, Ind.
where they will remain for some
time visiting relatives and friends.
Miss Maggie Baer, is visiting rela-
tives and friends in J ohnstown.
Miss Florence Johnson, of Salis-
sbury, was in town Friday last with
Miss Eva Palmer, of Somerset,
spent Friday and Saturday of last
week here at the home of her friends,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baldwin, . of
Grant street.
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Brenneman, of
Bittinger, Md., were here a few days
last week with friends.
Mrs. 8. J. Zufall, of Mechanics-
burg, Pa., was the guest of her
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Her-
man, Deal, of Main street, a few
days this week.
Mrs. Walter May, of Connellsville,
was a visitor here with relatives
Friday last.
Miss Marion Knieriem, returned
home the last of the week from a
visit with relatives and friends at
Cumberland, Md.
Mrs. M. Hady, of Somerset, is a
guest at the home of her son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Hady, of Large street.
Miss Pearl Knieriem, of Frostburg,
Md., spent the past week here, a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Conrad, of High street.
Mrs. John Wagner, is spending a
ew days of this week with relatives
at Johnstown.
Mrs. Oscar Imler, of Akron, On
iis spending. a few weeks here and
near Berlin, with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Frank Klare, of Somerset,
was a visitor here with friends Mon-
Mr. and Mrs. Oyrus Shultz, of
Roekwood, spent Sunday and Mon-
day here with relatives.
Miss Pearl Hay, of Rockwood,
spent Saturday and Sunday here
with friends.
Messrs. W. H. Blume, H. C. Staub,
George H. Stein and Dr. W. T. Me-
Millen, attended the reunion’ of the
L.0. O. M. held at Uniontown, last
Saturday. _s
Mr.andll <M. Landis,of Akron,O.,
are spend? fia few weeks here with
her paren § Mr. and Mrs. Christ
W. H. Rutter, of Somerset, was a
business yisitor here Friday last.
Mrs. J. P. Kelley, and two children
have returued home from a visit
with relatives and friends at Win-
chester, Va.
Miss Marion Leydig,
day and Sunday with her parents,
at Glencoe.
law and daughter, Mr. and’ Mrs.
James McDowell, and other relatives.
Mrs. J. A. Calkins, and children
| left Monday for Johnsonburg, Pa.,
to spend a few weeks with reiatives
|and friends.
W. J. Gambert, f Pine Hill, was a
town visitor Saturday.
BE. L. Shaw, of Cumberland, Md.,
was a business visitor here Saturday
of last week.
Harvey Hay, of Salisbury, was a
town visitor Monday.
Miss Lena Miller, of Harpers Ferry,
is visiting friends in town this week.
Miss Bessie Smith, of Cumberland,
Md., spent the past week here with
H. 0. Newman, of Salisbury, spent
Monday In town with friends.
George Younkin, of Grantsville,
Md., was transacting business in
town Saturday.
James Mosholder, of Johnstown, |
is spending the week here with rela-
tives and many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Feaster, ard
children, have returned tc their home
at Jenner, after spending a few
weeks here with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lint, have re-
turned home from Baltimore, Md.,
where they had attended the funeral
of thé latter’s mother.
s Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Weisel, and
children returned home from a visit
with relatives at Manns Choice.
M. T. Grim, of Glade. Pa., while in
town on Tuesday, renewed his sub-
scription to The Commercial.
Charles Dahl, spent Sunday with
friends, in Lonaconing, Md.
Mrs. Mary Hummel, of near New
Germany, Md., was a town visitor
Monday with friends.
Edgar Klingaman, of Johnstown,
spent Sunday here with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Klingaman, of
Meyers avenue.
Mrs. J. M. Olinger, and daughters
Misses Emma and Kate left Monday
afternoon on the W.M. R. R., for a
spent Satur-|
visit with relatives at Wichita, Kan-
sas, and will also yisit other places
during their stay in the west.
Frank Hoop, of Pittsburgh, was a
town visitor several days last week.
Cyril Pancoast, of Steubenville,
Ohio, spent a few days of last week
visiting friends here.
Claude Thornton, of Mt Vernon,
was a town visitor several days last
For Sale.
A Glenn Summit Range, in good
condition. A good baker. Call at
once, at corner Fourth Avenue and
Sherman street.
For SALE—Photographs of Werner
Family Reunion held at Riverside
| park, August 30th, 4 feet long, 8
inches wide. Pletchers Stndio,
a Somerset, Pa
| =mEvery thing Electrical sold by the
| Globe Electric and Novelty Com-
| pany. an
at the close of business, Oct. 21, 1913.
Loans and AiSCOUNTS. co... cover cesces £609 186 04
Overdrafts, secured anu unsecured...
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation..... 65,000
U S. Bondsto secure U.S. Deposits. = 8000 00
Ober bonds to secure Postal Savings 2 000 00
Other bonds to secu e U. S. Deposits. *2.000 00
Oiher bonds to sec re Postal Sayings 3000 00
Premiums on U. S. Bonds...... «eect 934 22 |
Bonds, Securities, ele. ..ov ree aersr een 78,391 34
Banking house. furniture and fixtures 29,300 00
ther Real Estate owned... .oeee vee 6,200 00
Due from National Banks (not re-
SErVe BZENLS). wocoeeerensnrenesnrees 17,015 28
Due from State and Private Banks
and Bankers, trust Companies
and -ayvings Bank........e.o-eeeee 228
Due from approved reserve agents... 138,788 23
Checks and other cash items .r. LA
Notes of other National Banks. . 2,00¢ 00
Fractional paper currency, nicl
ANA CENTS. eres sratrernasas toners 354 73
Legal-tender NOteS...... .... w---:- 61,187 90
Redemption fund with U. S. Treasur-
er (5 per cent. of circulation) ....... 3.250 00
TOLAL.seovesonssssanssnsscenns . $1,029,161 09
Capital stock paid in.......oeceeereres $ 65,000 00
Surplus fUnG.. cece seveecseeseescsss 100,000 00
Undivided profits, less expenses and
LAKES PAL eae venesriensene tans, 20.012 03
National Bank notes outstanding.:.. 65.000 00
Oue to other Nac onal Baoks.... . 1,035 89
Dividends unpaid. .. esas 30
Individual d- posits subject to check.
Demand certificates of deposit .......
Time Certiticuies of Deposive...ii.... 2
Certified CHECKS ouvieenene
Cashier’s checks outstanding.
United States deposiis......
Postal Sayings Deposits. ........
Reserved for taxes and interest
OAL eos asssneisrsrasasrssaneuann $1,029.161 09
State of Pennsylvania, | oo
County of Somerset,
_ I, R. H. Philson, Cashier of the above-named
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state-
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
belief. R. H. PHILSON, Cashier
Correct—Attest: S. B PHILSON,
and sworn to before me this 25th
My commission exrires
Notary Public.
day of October, 1913.
March 26, 1915.
eee ———————————
No. 5801.
The Second National Baik,
at close of business, Oct 21, 1913.
Loans and sees cosnns $344.33 31
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. .. 232 18
U. S. Bonds to secure circulation.... . 65,000 00
Other bonds btu secure Costal Sivings
GEOL cers sevens orreivnanat nt aey 7.000 00
Other Bonds to secure I”. S Duposits :
$1.000 00; to secure Postal Savings
FT BUBT0 cenennvnanes ei vee 11.308 70
Premiums on U. S. Bonds .....ouceee. 1.791 87
Bonds, SECUTilies, 81C «..v.cerreneress 53 935 00
Banking house furniture, and fixtures 62036 40
Ober real estate Owned, ooo caeees 4743 02
39.825 02
Due from approved reserve agents. ..
Checks and other cashitems.... ......
Notes ot other National Banks.......
wractional Paper Currency, Nickels
ANd GrnlS oo: svssivissrresesvaseuaee 426 87
Law ful money reserve in bank. viz:
SPECI@. are navn srnns sess 228.304 10
L.egal-tender notes ...... 4.000 00
Redemption fund with 7.5. Treasur-
er (5'per cent. of circulation)....... 3250 00
MOL sis caeeri snenns saveenras
pital stock paid 10
TPOUBL. ses carn sasransnss vennsnnnne $626,703 81
State of Pennsylvania, County of Somerset, 88.
, J. H. Bowman, Cashier of the above named
bank. do solemnly swear that the above state:
ment is true to the bess of my knowledge and
belief. . BOWMAN, Cashier.
CORRECT—Attest: J. in. COVER
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20th
day of Oct, 1913. My commission expires
March 26, 1915. KOBERT COOKE,
Notary Public.
By this means I wish to thank
Thomas Carey, ticket agent on the
B. & O. station, at Rockwood, for
kindly getting my package on the
train and returning it to me at Mey-
ersdale. Samuel Arnone,
To feel strong, haye good appetite
and digestion; sleep soundly and en-
joy life, suse Burdock Blood Bitters,
he family system tonic. Price, $1.00.
be sure to have a competent Elec-
trician to do the work, saves re-
wiring. Safety from fires. Globe
Electric Company.
Salesman Wanted.
Salesman Wanted to look after our
counties. Salary or Commission. Ad-
dress, The Victor
Cleveland, Ohio.
_— —
| Wiring Guaranteed to pass inspec-
tion of Nutional Board of Uuader-
writers. Store and Office 127 Cen-
ter street. ad
ep Stomach Sweet - Liver Active -Bawels Regular
for Director graphs at one half the regular price.
Bender, for | Al} portrait frames will also go at
All Republi- goods to be strictly first class and
can voters are urged to turn out on up-to-date.
915 55 | diate payment, and those having claims against
00 | the same to present them duly authenticated
Photographs and Picture frames at
Conrad’s Studio at half-price. Sat-
isfaction gnaranteed in every sale of
Photos or Frames. E. E. Conrad. ad
As long as the present stock of
last, we will make photo-
the same rate. We guarantee all
E. E. Conrad. ad
eee pre
For Rent.
H. S. Glessner flats, 2nd and 3rd
floors of the Centre street building,
suitable for dwelling or offices—Heat-
ed. All conveniences. Inquire of
Albert S. Glessner. 3
Executors’ Notice.
Estate of William Suder, late of Berlin Bor-
ough, Somerset county; Pa., acceased.
Letters testamentary on the above estate
having peen iesued to the undersigned by the
proper authority, notice is hereby given to all
persons indebted to said estate to make imme
Our Annual Gold Fish Sale!
Saturday and Monday, Nov. 1st. and 3rd.
With Every Purchase of a 25c Bottle of
Rexall Cherry Bark Cough Syru
Rexall Cough Syrup, gh Da
Rexall Baby Cough Syrup,
Elkays White Pine and Tar, or :
ao Rexall Cold Tablets, :
we will giye you—ABSOLUTELY F REE—two Gold Fish and an 18 ounce
aquarium. With a 50¢ bottle of any of the above, we will give you a §
half-gallon acquarium and two large Gold Fish.
All Rexall Remedies are guaranteed.
Y i d
Syrup later—if you don’t now. br will need the Coughs
After Monday, if any are left, the Gold Fi ili selk
sti onda ny 7s Jou , the Gold Fieh and small globe will self
The Rexall Store
Hartley Block Meyersdale, Pa.
for settlement at the residence of Z. T. Kim-
mel, on Friday, October 31.1913, at 10:00 A. M.
P. W. SUD "R,
Oct. 2:tf Executors.
Administrator’s Notice.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Admin-
istration C. t. a in the estaté of Hannah Caro-
lina Wilhelmina Mosholder, dcceased. late of
Meyersdale Borough, Pa., have been granted
to the undersigned, to whom all persons in-
detted to the said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same will make
them known without delay.
Administrator, ¢ t. a.
HAY & HAY, :
Executrix’s Notice.
{ Estate of W. L. Hoover. late of Garrett, Som-
rset county, Pa., deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters testamen-—
tary of the ab. ye estate have péen issued to
the undersigned by the proper authority, and
all persons indebted to said estate are r: quest
ed to make imme: late payment, aud host
having claims against the deccdent to present
them for settlement Saturday, November 8,
1913, at the residence of the undersigned iu
Garrett Borough, Somerset county, Pa.
Ross R. ScoTT, Executrix.
Attorney. Oct. 2 6t
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tne
Signature of
Don’t bear unnecessary burdens.
Burdens of a bad back are heayy.
Get rid of them.
Doan’s Kidney Pills are for had kid-
neys. :
For lame, weak and aching backs.
Local endorsement proves their
27 34
500 00 worth.
S. D. Wagner, 208 Market St., Mey-
ersdale. Pa., says: ’’About four
49504 10 | TEATS ago I had a severe attack of
i lumbago, due to weak kidneys.
, back pained me and 1 knew that
| had complete relief.
Sr islsitatebnshts $ 65.000 00 | before
626.703 81 . gomething must be done. Hearing of
Doan’s Pills I procured a supply and
I had taken them long, I
Since then, my
. kidneys have not bothered me and
Surplus funQ... ce oss cies reaenzanns 45,000 0V
Undivided profits, less expenses and
axes paid... occ ooeeee es tas eerie 10,160 89
National Bank notes outstanding.... 65,000 00
Dividends UnDAI. cooer conse coneensd 15 06
Individual deposits subject to check. 369.524 >4
Demand certificates of deposit... .... 690 68
Time certificates of aeposit.. . BB122 UT |
United States deposits... 10,338 75
Postal Savings Deposits . 2,851 58
‘When you have your homes wired, i
interest in Somerset and adjacent
Oil Company,
“the pain and lameness in my back
has not returned. I am justified in
' recommending Doan’s Kidney Pills
at every opportunity.
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the
United States.
Remember the name—Doan’s—and
take no others. ad
Furnished Rooms Wanted for a
family of ee grown-up people for
light house eeping—modern conven-
jences. ‘Inquire at The Commercial.
Two Concrete Form Builders. About
six weeks work. Apply to, Johns-
town Construction Co., Garrett, Pa.
The changeable weather of early
fall brings on coughs and colds that
have a weakening effect on the sys-
tem, and may become chronic. Use
Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound.
It has a very soothing and healing
effect on the irritated and inflamed
air passages and will help very quick-
ly. Itisa well known family medi-
cine that gives results. Sold by all
Dealers Everywhere. ad
— ee ere.
Honesty Universal in Finland.
The Finns place their money and
valuables in holes in the ground and
‘ cover them with a big leaf. Such
treasure is sacredly respected by all
, who pass it; but, in the rare event
of a man wishing to borrow of his
neighbor during his absence, he will
take only the smallest sum he re
quires, and place a message in the
hole telling of his urgent need, prom-
ising to repay the amount on a speci:
| ied date. And he will invariably keep
his word, for the Finn is invincible in
his independence.
NTT fs Be Ts Be fT Bs BM Bs Bs Bs Es I A
3 . . . a . IL FLY LY A +
his Store is Headquarters
\W for the best things to wear for men and
\/ young men. In clothes, we offer the
latest and most approved fashions; new
weaves; new colors; new designs; the
best of all-wool fabrics, the finest tailor-
ing. and fit guarenteed. If you want a
suit or hat that is becoming to } ou.
You want to be coming to us
The Nome of Yart. Sehailaer & Marx Clothes.
A= 2 eT TS Pil AF AF AY a
> 7 'o AP.
and will contract with portable mill operators for their entire cut
WE PAY CASH when stock is loaded and
meses cal always furnish cutting
orders to suit your timber.
a” eI Ro
Write us and we will send one of our m=n to explain our plan of doing business.
AMERICAN LUMBER & MFu. €9., -- Pitt-hurgh, Pa.
Sept. 184% )
| Western Maryland |
Lines ~ |
. 0 better cigars are to bef
the greatest cigar value
Havana and domestic cigars
in various sizes, shapes and
shades, each carefully kept
at just the right temperature
Tickets. | and moisture to assure af
. Ji} cool, sweet, delightful}
Good Over Import:nt East- |i smoke. Select your cigarsk’
ern Roads. + from our case today.
that, hence we offer vaul§
Interchangeable Mileage |
we oe Westen i {io IY d Doug RIL (I i
aryland and also over P. MEV fe te fi
& L. E. Lines to and from jg Maye RSDALE. Py
| & os
a a
What Fishes Know.
; P ITTS BU R b H That fish possess a certain power off
On Sale at Principal Stations. pers is affirmed by many who haves
studied them. They often learn te»
recognize the voice of the one who
Globe, foods them. Fish will congregate ifm
a | places where food is habitually throwme
ad | to them. -
em. - If a morsel proves too larg
| to be swallowed, they have beem
i known to divide it on a sharp stone—e
. | Harper's Weekly. .
Because they are an honestly made
medicine that relieves promptly the | hook to TOMS AvoomPlishmen.
suffering due to weak, inactive kid- | hands; so often this is forgotten.
neys and painful bladder action. | may do many things and accompa
They offer a powerful help to na- | little, simply because the activity i=
ture in building up the true excreting | skin deep, outward, superficial. We
kidney tissue, in restoring normal ac- | want rest for our attainments to sink
Get your homes wired.
Electric Company.
— eee
Foley Kidney Pills Succ ed
to ood relieving bladder discom- | By do gather our harvest, understand
NT THEW. SoM by oll Desh {oT Sit J We 157 200 Joo much
« a
rs Every where. a | much to really Tor Xe To Tho
Hi we do not always arrive.
rr — ——————————
Ready-Witted Salesman.
Some salesmen are equal to almos$
any emergency and do not spare the
“other car” when occasion requires.
“But the Blank car is guaranteed fox
life,” protested a prospective purchass
er to a salesman of the sort. “Yes, E
| know it is,” retorted the quick-wittesi
| salesman, “but our car is guaranteed
for a whole year.” It required severak
moments for the prospective purchas-
er to see the point.
8nake Put Town In Darkness.
A 20-inch green snake put out all |
the electric lights in the town of Mul-
lins, S. CO. In the morning linemen |
found it tangled in some wires on a |
pole. It had crawled to the top of
the pole and coming in contact with
the wires forced a short circuit, put |
out the lights and incidently died.
PE ——— ed
Henry A. Johnston, a business man
of L’ Anse, Mich., writes: ‘‘For years,
Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound |
for coughs and colds has been our |
family medicine. We give it to our
children, who like it on acconnt of
its pleasant taste. It is a safe cure
for cough and colds. It contains no
To Clean Leather.
When the traveling bag become:
dirty wash the bag well with tepid
watér and a little soap. After fr =
| opiates. Sold by all Dealers Eyery | dry put a little oxalic acld into a eup
where. ad | of hot water and wipe the bag well
oe with a soft rag dipped in the acid
z { When dry brush the bag with white
: } ™ <7 IDF or i
FOLEY! KIDNEY i ILLS of an egg and you will be surprised
FOR RNEUMATISM KIDNEYS /.ND Ble SRRF | 10 508 how new it looks.