The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, October 30, 1913, Image 2

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    2 8 8 2 2 2 2 2. Bool
fosfesfeeprer PPT TTT IT TS ESO Cat
Soiopeideroodoodosdeodoodoobood bode fooforfooferfe dosed boleeobobeobbobdeid
sdb ddd HH5
The Atlantic Coal Co., has about
completed the work for shipping coal
and expect to ship it in the near
The foundation is being dug out
for a large boarding house to be
built by the Romesburg Brothers,
which will be equipped with all mod-
ern conveniences.
Philip Imhoff, was a welcome Vis-
itor to our town last week.
George Walter has moved his fami-
ly here from Milford.
James and David Rubright have re-
turned from a hunting trip
Charles Burket of this place visited
his parents at Rockwood, Sunday.
Lloyd Hoover and wife were wel-
come visitors at the home of William
Hayman, ab Garrett, Sunday.
Simon Conley.
spent Sunday at Garrett.
Albert Gross, of Trent, is working
for Jacob Miller.
Mine foreman, Dan Compsy, left %
Thursday last to attend the funeral several days with relatives.
of his father, at Sixmile Ran.
Lee Phenicie, and Bob Ellis, were Vas retarned home,
hunting in this vicinity last week.
! |
Ernest Weyand, son of Mrs. Ceorge | Miss Marguerite Smart, of Uniontown.
‘Weyand, of this place left for Philips-
burg, where he will attend school
this winter.
Mrs. Madison Romesburg,
George Weyant.
Romesburg Brothers, will open the
new meat market within a few days
and also contemplates building an
addition to the store room.
Miners are well pleased with Rom
Forn erly Keim P. O.
The graduating, or commencement
News Items of Interest From Near-by Places, Gleaned by The
Commercial’s Special Correspondents.
and son Harrison
was a
avelcome caller at the home of Mrs.
eos ofocforfed fodorets
So fofoutords fosfesdecdeforfordood doled doddeoobebodor
Ex-Sheriff and Mrs. Edward Hoover
have as their guest, the latter’s broth-
er, Edward Critchfield, of Omaha,
Miss Anna B. Scull is entertaining
her sister, Mrs. John D. Hitchman of
Mt. Pleasant.
A. J. Hileman, has returned from
Confluence and Addison, where he
spent several days with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Morrison
and Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Lancaster
have returned from Cumberland,
where they visited relatives.
Mrs. Emily S. Boyts of Irwin, Pa.,
is visiting Somerset relatives and
Mrs. G. B. Hough is spending a few
weeks with friends and relatives in
Mongantown, W. Va.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Cleaver have
as their guest the latter’s uncle, J.
W. Gailey of Bedford.
Mrs. Warren G. Ferner has returned
from Greensburg, where she spent
Miss Emma Grove, who had been
visiting in Pittsburg for several weeks
Miss Meta Sanner has as her guest,
Charles Rhoades of Friedens, has re-
turned from Harrisburg, where he at-
tended a meeting of the Washington
party state committee.
Mrs. Daniel J. Horner, who had
been seriously ill, is convalescent.
Prof. Daniel W. Seibert has return-
ed from Erie, where he spent several
days on a business mission.
Somerset relatives,
visiting his parents, Mr.
Mr and Mrs. B. F. Phillippi of
Rockwood, who had been visiting
have returned
William 8S. Lenhart of Jenners, is
and Mrs.
Solomon Lenhart on the North Side.
exergises of the Teachers Training
church on the eyening of November | of Milwaukee, Wis., are guests at the
oth. The class numbers fifteen mem- | picking homestead on the East Side.
H. I. Marsden have
| returned from St. Louis, where they
bers, and took its last examination
last Sunday evening.
The Rev. J. M. Bvans, who was yisited relatives.
pastor of the Reformed church bere| ,... (pares F.
Dr. and Mrs.
and Sunday. He preached to large Mrs. Willis L. Rhoades.
congregations at the preparatory and ss ihe
mmunion services, and his many
at and old acquaintances greatly SIPPLEVILLE.
enjoyed meeting him again. He is
young and vigorou
gerving a charge of two congrega-
tions near Butler, Pa:
Qur young folks are planning for a
Hallow’een party on Friday evening.
Among the visitors from a distance
the past week, were Asa Engle of
Berlin, Chas. J. Sechler of Bittinger,
Md., Wilson S. Rubright of McKees- Friday.
port, and W. W. Nicholson of Vim.
The usual regular services will be
day afternoon.
City, Wednesday last.
Sunday, Sunday school at 9:30 and
church seryices at 10:30 a.m.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Maust spent |
Sunday at the home of the latter’s|
parents, Mr. and
St. Paul.
‘Charles Ringer is working for J. J.
Yoder, one of the large and indus-
armers of Elk Lick township.
tri £ man Sunday.
of our popular auctioneers conducted
D. Yoder, last
the sale of Mrs. U. ¢ t
week, and on Tuesday of this week |.“ x Wii
the sie of Valentine Bender, both of | in Sippleville last Sunday.
near Grantsville, Md.
John Hay of near Rockwook, spent | eco oon with Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
over Sunday in this township visiting Smith.
relatives and friends.
tors at the home of D. 8. Gnagey on | house last Tuesday.
Sunday. |
€ William W. Picking of Chicago,
class will he held in the Reformed | gnd his brother, Samuel F. Picking
Misses Eva Pyle, of Coal Run, and
Jessie Saylor, of Meyersdale, spent
Tuesday at Eugene Wellen’s.
Mrs. Anna Stein, and daughter,
Mrs. Agnes Swearman, of Meyers-
dale were visitors at Vim Monday.
W. C. Burrell, 0’ Cumberland, Md.,
was a business visitor here Monday.
E. D. Lee butchered several large
porkers on Monday for market pur-
poses for which he realized eleven
cents per pound.
Eugene Wellen, and family moyed
to Thurmond, Md.,on Wednesday. We
are sorry to see them leave here,
however, we wish them success in
their new home.
Adam Seighnor, and family living
in Howard Miller’s house moved into
the house vacated by Mr. Wellen,
Zed Hoar, of Meyersdale, spent
Sunday with relatives and friends ag
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nicholson,
and son Cyrus spent Sunday in Mey-
Oct. 27,—It has been rainy for the
last few days.
All the farmers through here are
done husking corn.
Miss Grace Martin and Arthur Jenk:
ins visited their sisted, Mrs. George
Becker, on Sunday.
Norman Fike was a welcome caller
at C. O. Bakers. :
Wilson Neimiller spent part of Sun-
day at Howard Glessner’s.
Miss Sadie Ringler was a welcome
caller at Peter Baker’s over Sunday.
The Baker Bros. finished a house
wall for John Habel of Sand Patch.
Glenn Dickey passed through here
on Monday morning and stopped at
the school house.
George Becker had sale on Friday. |
It was largely attended. Mr. Becker |
intends to move to Meyersdale on the |
30th of October. We are sorry to see
them go.
Edward Martin is drilling a well.
Lewis Baker and family intend to |
move i.: the George Becker homnse on!
November 15th.
t Rhoades has re-
in the nine You from Bin I | turned from Butler, where she visited r
was in our midst again last Saturday , con ang daughter-in-law, Mr. and | ing the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. P. H. Durst of Meyersdale,was |
s looking, and now calling on her sister and brother-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. George Sipple, Wednes-
Mis. Lucy Albright was a caller at
Mrs. W. H. Shoemaker’s of Glade
Mrs. Samuel Hoffmyer was a caller
on her daughtei, Mrs. Charles Yutzy,
Miss Myrtle Johnson of Cumberland,
is spending a few days with Mr. an
held in the Reformed church next Mrs. N. B. Hechler of this place.
Mr. and Mrs. George Primrose spent | .
Sunday in Glade City with friends.- burg and Mrs. Grace Wiant of Romes-
Ross Albright of this place, spent hart, Sunday and Monday
Sunday with his father, Jonathon Al- I Lenhart, Sanday 31) Monn:
lori James Albright of Glade City, was
R. J. Engle and W. S. Weller, tWO | , iisitor at the home of his brother,
Ross Albright, one day last week. |
Mr. and Mrs. Fauchman were seen | to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tucker on Fri- |
fi Simon Bittner of Meyersdale, took
CO. D. Lichty and family were Visi- | six nice head of cattle to his slaughter
Carl Grant and Ed. Foy of Akron, |
0., are visiting friends here.
Mrs. L. A Beabes of Windber, is a |
guest at the C. I. Bittner home and
other friends this week,
Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Rush are visit-
i Leonard at Manns Choice.
Mrs. Wm. Martim and two children
spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr.
Martin at the hospital in Cumberland.
Mr. Martin is improving and will be
home in a few weeks.
Mrs. Harry Bauman of Johnstown,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
E. Sehrock.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Blair of Six
Mile Run, are guests of the former’s
sister, Mrs. Zack Walter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Claar of Cum-
berland, Md., were Sunday visitors at
the home of their son, C. S. Claar.
Mrs. Wm. Bowser and two daugh-
ters, Pauline and Gertrude, of Phillips-
finished threshing last week and all |
report a good crop.
been spending some time at Hermany,
returned home on Tuesday last.
ing sometime at Richmond, Va., re-
turned home on Tuesday last.
ner of this place are moving to Jen-
kins, Ky.
| strations in each county until all are
About all the farmers of this place
Miss Madeline Reynolds who oil
Ben Jackson who had been spend-
Jacob Polance and Patrick O’Con-
Are Your Kidneys Well?
The Kidneys filter the blood.
They work night and day.
Well kidneys remove impurities.
Weak kidneys allow impurities to
Nofkidney ill should be neglected.
There is possible danger in delay.
If you have backache or urinary
If you are nervous, dizzy or worn
Begin treating your kidneys at
Use a proven kidney remedy.
None endorsed like Doan,s Kidney
Recommended by thousands.
Proved by grateful testimony.
Robert Floto, cigar maker, Cum-
ber'and, St., Berlin Pa., says: ‘“‘Doan’s
Kidney Pills greatly benefited me.
Two years ago I used this remedy
and it did its work so well that I
have no hesitation in giving this
Citizens National Bank,
At the Close of Business, October 21, 1913.
Loans and Investments............oeveeeeeces $700,630 75
0. SS Bonds... ec. eterna . 75,000 00
Banking House........ CE ee 29,300 00
Due from Banks and Reserve Agents.. ....... 159,282 13
Cosh... hl cine ea hi de 64,948 21
$1,029,161 09
Capital Stock..... .... ...oceeiinses evs 4443 .65,000 00
Surplus... ...0.cnveiss Cavern cienne 100,000 00
Undivided Profits............ li le ee 20,012.08
Circulation i... c...cciu vrvivss elaine. . 65,000 00
Deposits. ..... ea Seas aan . 779,149 03
$1,029,161 09
For sale by all dealers. Price 50
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the
United States.
Remember the name—Doar’s—and
take no others. ad
Fall Orchard Demonstration.
The Orchard Demonstrations of the
Division of ZooloJy of the Pennsyl-
vania Department of Agriculture, un-
der direction of State Zoologist H. A.
Surface, wili begin in several of the
counties of Peunsylvania during the
first week of Nouember, and will cor-
tinue with from three to five demon-
Arrangements have now been made
in the office of the Economic Zoolo-
gist to have these demonstrations giv-
en by the trained inspectors who have
for some years been engaged in dem-
onstrating and inspecting in orchards
in the State of Pennsylvania. Dates
0lzshu & WeIM6F'S
Will show to you the bestline of
Flour, Feed, Etc.
We Buy in Car Lots, Hence
Can Save You Money.
Goods Delivered :Free.
Centre Street
Both Phones.
have been arranged for the yarious
Orchard Demonstrations, and these
will be announced in the press and
also by large posters in the form of
sale bills posted in public places in the
vicinity of the various orchards.
This demonstration work has un-
doubtedly done much to reclaim the
orchards of Pennsylvania and to make
a reputation for the high quality of
Pennsylvania fruit, as well as to show
| the possibilities of nearly all parts of
this State fore fruit growing. The
enthusiastic owners of most of these
orchards have said that the methods
of the demonstrators have resulted in
burg, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Jd.
Mr. and Mrs Freeborn and daugh-
both better fruit and better yields or
greater quantity, although the motto
of the demonstrators always is ‘‘Qual-
| ity before quantity,’’and their effort
ter Jean of Pittsburg, are spending | js to show how to improve the quality
Mrs. O. J. Engle at | of Meyersdale, were callers on Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Dempsy.
d Mrs. N. B. Hechl Sunday.
pn =n Senior Oh Pandy Mr. and Mrs. Dempsy went to Six
Messrs. Thom Pah fa Wm. | pile Run, to attend the funeral of |
Ankley were callers o - H. Kreteh- | yp Dempsy’s father, Saturday last.
visiting relatives here this week.
{ day, Oct. 24th, a son.
Mr. and Mrs. G. vw. Smith and grand Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hoffert went to
son of the South Side spent Sunday | ppjladalphia on Saturday to attend |
the funeral of the former’s brother
which was held there on Sunday.
i ge
S. M. Gnagey and J. A. Handwerk Water Co. closed down on Tuesday, | very bad as well as in the borough.
are busy hauling props to
M. Coal Co., at present.
Lloyd Hay who conducte
B. Yoder farm for the past six year
has purchased the A. C. Lepley farm,
one of the nicest laying farms in Elk |
his left hand crushed.
Lick township. |
J. O. Kretchmay was 2a business |
r to the county seat, last Thurs-
of this place.
the OC. C. & | on account of the recent rains.
| Emery George of Meyersdale, was a |
Dr. D. L. Buffington of Johnstown,
W. R. Stott of this place, while at|wasin our midst the other day on
d the M wort in the Keystone Mines, had the | pusiness.
s | misfortune to have several fingers of
| The Meyersdale Commercial.
factory results.
Miss Jennie Yutzy of Rockwood is |
Born to Prof. and Mrs. H. Spiker, | iia ;
| Monday, Oct. 27th, a daughter, and | to the Division of Zoology, Depart
. The waters of Stonycreek are very |respond to the
The pumps of the Sand Spring | high at this writing, and roads are | effects of Hokara
Mrs. T. H. Williams went to Gar-
| rett on Saturday to visit an aunt of
Mrs. W. Ankney spent Tuesday | hers, as well as on a business visit.
J. A. [Rishel is on the sick list at | evening.
present. George Albright, who drives a team
Quinter Gnagey who had been | for E. E. Klingaman, hauled himself
a load of corn one day last week.
working for John Saylor, returned
home last Friday.
Blanche Mankamyer who had been
A. Kretchman, re-
er home in Larimer town-
working for L.
turned to h
ship, last week.
Next Tuesday is the general elec-
tion on whieh every citizen should go
and vote for the men best
to the polis
Mrs. W. A. Freeze and son John,
left early on Tuesday morning for
or ten days with friends.
Mrs. F. G. Malcolm of Connellsville,
sent her daughter up to her mother,
Mrs. Lucy Albright, of this place to
go to school.
Akron where they will spend a week
| x 3 : 5
Miss Nellie Brown is now clerking
in the store of T. H. Williams.
| Mrs. Dempsey, aged 88 years, is on
the sick list at the home of her
The attendance of scholars at the
United Brethren church is good.
| Josephine DeMarco is on the sick |
| 1ist at present.
Misses Mary and Minerva Tressler | yo, weeks with the former’s parents, | of fruit, primarily in regard to pest
| suppression, and secondarily in every
| manner possible.
The public is, of course, invited to
attend the meeting and if anyone
| does not know where they are to be
| held in his or adjoining counties, he
| can get this information by writing
| ment of Agriculture, Harrisburg, Pa.
Novel Massage Cream.
| The most delicate skin will quickly
soothing and tonic
and when this
| pure skin cream is used, pimples are
| soon a thing of the past.
As a massage cream or after shav-
ing it is unequaled, removing all ir-
ritations and making the skin soft
and velvety.
Apply a little to the hands or face
after washing and surprise yourself
| wi sr mother, Mrs. Lucy Albright, i :
j with her mother, Mars. Lie) Mghe Do you make it a business to read | with the dead skin that comes off.
Hokara is the only antiseptic mas-
By adyertising in The Commercial | sage cream, and pimples, eczema and
| caller at L. A. Smith’s on Tuesday | oy will always get quick and satis-|all skin blemishes soon disappear
when it is used.
Although far superior to the ordi-
pary massage creams and sold on a
I guarentes of ‘‘best you ever used
or money back,” yet the price is a
trifle, only 25 cents for a liberal jar;
larger size 50 cents.
Sold on a guarantee by S. E. Thor-
ley. ad
a ge
A lazy liver leads to chronic dys-
pepsia and constipation—weakens the
whole system. Doan’s Regulets (26
qualified and who will try and fulfill
there oath. Ib is “a privilege that
ijzen hasand should perform.
every cit
| Children Cry
| per box) act mildly on the liver and
C A S T ® RR } A | bowels. At all drug stores. ad
Jl /
| Am ! im ee
| We have that Best—The TROY
| You can’t afford to take chances,on a farm wagon—and you
don’t have to. Let us talk TROY to you. We can show you
i l Tm Ham HI
es a
fil il
that it is different—where and why a TROY is the cheapest
wagon on the market for you. * ne
Get the most you can for your money—long, certain service;
no break-downs; no repairs. The TROY is always ready to
hitch to—always dependable. And when it is hitched to, it runs
lighter and carries more than any other make of the same size.
Wee 2
Investigate these statements. Don’t buy till you have gone
over the I ROY piece by piece, part by part. Materials, design
construction—examine themall. You can trust your own facts.
Drop in any time—if we can’t show you, buy some other wagon.
When Run Down
in physical condition it is usually because the action of the
organs of digestion has become irregular or defective.
Then there is need for a safe and speedymedicine to relieve
the ills which occasionally depress even the brightest and
strongest. The one remedyyou may take and feel safe with is
(The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World)
The first dose gives speedy relief in sick-headache, bilious-
ness, constipation, lack of appetite, heartburn, dyspepsia,
and lasting improvement follows the timely use of this far
vorite and reliable homeremedy. You will become healthier
and stronger, and more cheerful if you let Beecham’s Pills
Pick You Up
Sold everywhere. In boxes, 10c., 25c.
Directions with every box boint the way to health and are especially valuable to women.
er ——— + ——