ofocfefecdrofodeordocde deere brobecdeodedooboodrobodobod Sdddr Pbodobopd bbb ddd + 3 NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS. 3 i News Items of Interest From Near-by Places, Gleaned by The i i Commercial’s Special Correspondents. } Ee ©Piboddod dodo poiodobdoid dod ddd Peet Jobdedd bebdd ddd ddddbbd did SOMERSET. | ST. PAUL. S. E. Knupp, wife and daughter, Formerly Keim P. O. Miss Ruth, have returned from a few| Rey, E. S. Hassler is attending days’ visit with friends and relatives Pittsburg Synod this week at DuBois. in Indiana, Pa. | There will be a teachers institute Mine Inspector and Mrs. Fletcher | next Saturday in the St. Paul sehool ‘W. Cunninghan, have as their guest, (house to which all patrons and citi- Miss Nancy Statler, of San Fran-| zens generally are invited. cisco, Cal. i | Mrs. Mary Engle is on a trip visit- Raymond F. Kressler of Allentown, [ing friends on the Eastern Shore, i are the guests of Mrs. Kressler’s par- | Calvin Rhodes is improving his ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bingner. | house with a coat of paint. hk The new Lutheran church at Grants- x Rdwan Gp ns Foe I | ville, Md., will be dediaated next Sun- Now York Oiyy Whee le BD | day, and on that account there will be no service in the Lutheran church Mrs. Andrew Swartz is spending a | ¢ this place. few weeks with friends and relatives in Youngtown, O. several days. Misses Mary and Pearl Hay, teach- | ers in Somerset and Rockwook, were Dr. and Mrs. Harry B. Bruner, have | home over Sunday. gone to California to spend the winter. | Miss Tracy Countryman is spending | Miss Irma Sipple, visited her parents several week with her brother-in-law | home near Summit Mills last Sunday. and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Hay, | George Sipple, formerly of this of Jenners. place, but now of McKeesport, was Mrs. Charles J. Harrison is the 2MmOng the friends Sienle the guest of her sister, Mrs. Annie Me- | faneral of Olia Sipple last edanes- Cutcheon, in Pittsburg. ly. . Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sechler spent Francis E. Straub and wife of New Saturday and Sunday visiting the Baltimore, are ihe guetis of John / ert father, Mr. Isaac Enos, in Weigle family, in Somerset township. Addison townskip. Miss Edna Critchfield entertained a| mpere will be no church service in party of between 35 and 40 friends at | {1,6 Reformed church next Sunday her home in Milford township Wed- | owing to the pastor's absence at nesday evening. Synod. Sunday school at 9:30 a, m. Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Staniford =———— of New York, who had been the GLADE CITY. guests of Mrs. Staniford’s father, J. G. Deeds, the county Union Sun- Capt. William M. Schrock, have re- | day School organizer, called to see J. turned home. W. Forrest last week and pronounced Lawrence E. Sipe of Somerset, has | the Glade City Sunday school one of organized biass bands at Bakersville | the best in his district. and Friedens, the members of which| Mr. Wilderman, who received a he will drill weekly. stroke about two weeks ago, is'in a Mr. and Mrs. Samuel B. Huston, | critical condition. ) recently had as their guests, William | Fred. Graham, who had been con- Meyers and Edward Williams, both | fined to his bed for several weeks, is of Irwin, Pa. able to be up but not in condition to Mrs. George Hubert Steed of Buffa- goons I 4 lo, N. Y., who had been the guests of| Wm. Lindeman, who had his foot her parents, Attorney and Mrs. Mil- fractured several weeks ago, is now ton J. Pritts, has returned home. |2Pleto get around on crutches. She was accompanied by her brother, | The Savage Fire Brick Company is John E. Pritts. working steadily right along and has Dr. Ira H. Shaffer of Hooversville, | prospects for an indstinite period of Hh 8 | activity. spent several days with Somerset re- latives and friends. Rev. Mr. Romesberg, of Garrett, preached an excellent sermon on Sun- H. W. Menser has returned from day. Rey. J. A. Yount preaches here Meyersdale, where he visited rela- | .y¢ Sunday and he extends a cordial tives for several days. invitation to all to attend the service. Rev. 8. G. Buckner, pastor of the| Fred Swearman, our old reliable Christian church, and Dr. 8. J. Me- | merchant, is doing a good business Millen have returned from Toronto, | handling fresh goods right along, and Can., where they attended an inter- | Samuel Bowman has established a Miss Eva Faidley, accompanied by national convention of that denomi- nice business here in merchandise. Crimi i A nation. ftir Miss Susan Berkey, daughter of INDIAN CREEK. Attorney and Mrs. John A. Berkey, | Oct. 4—Harvey Younkin of Connells- has gone to New York, where she | ville, spent a few days in Mill Run on will enter Columbia University. business. Miss Alice Scull of Irwin, Pa., is| Frank Stindel of Mill Run, was mar- the guest of her brother-in-law and | keting in Conne.lsville on Saturday. sister, Attorney and Mrs. Frederick| J. Zz. Lyon and F. D. Swearman W. Biesecker, on the East Side. spent Saturday along the Indian Mr. and Mrs. John R. Scott are | Creek Valley, hunting for chestnuts. visiting their son-in-law and daughter,| Jacob Cole of near Mill Run, is a Attorney and Mrs. Robert Morrow | Connellsville visitor today. | Brown, in New Cumberland, W. Va.| J. D. Slater of Connellsville left for | Mill Run last evening to spend several | Miss Sallie Zimmerman, of the > "North Side, is entertaining Miss Julia | 48ys with his mother. Demming, of Lincoln, Neb. | Charles Newell returned . from a Mrs. John M. Rose, Mrs. Edward | {rip to Connellsville on Friday even- Matthews, Mrs. Wesley Green, ahd | 118- Mrs. Givven Rose, of Johnstown, | were recent guests of Mrs. Clara |spending the day in Connellsville. | Barchfield, in the West End. | J. M. Stauffer and family of Scott- | Marcetlus Halbrock of Springfield, | dale, are spending today at their sum- | Mo., is spending several weeks in| mer home at White Bridge. town renewing acquaintances. Warren Watkins of Magnolia, W. Miss Emma Grove has returned |Va., arrived here today to spend a| from Philadelphia and Atlantic City, | few days with his parents at Mill Run. where she spent several weeks. Mrs. J. Milton Black is spending a |ing a few days at Indian Head. week at the seashore. | H. I. Fisher left for Wilkinsburg to- Mrs. James B. Friedline of Bakers- | day to spend a few days with his fam- ville, is visiting Somerset friends and ily. . relatives. Budd B. Boose has gone to Ann | Saturday to visit friends and relatives. Arbor, Mich., to complete his studies| (Cora and James Bigam are visiting sity of Michigan. eh SHAW MINES. | here today calling on friends. George Walker, who had been visit-| ,. . ie . Lean ing ab Td Rovaolds lett for Har-| Link Davis and son are Connells- g 2 "Monda ? : | ville visitors today. galing a a Match, of Moy. John B. Eicher is spending the day | . : : 2 lin 0 llsville. ersdale, were the guests of Wallace | in Cope SviLe ike’s on Sunday last. | On Saturday was clean-up day on |the B. & O. h Mrs. Frank Shumaker and children | ie & 5. nele, who had been visiting in Larimer | 2 township, returned home on Tuesday | Y©2r'S; from Roaring Run, was struck Iasi : e | by lightning and instantly killed on Miss Margaret Py HoT | his home, i J St O. allace Iike’s | DD uu | 8. Albright, of Youngwood, after | on 4 y = | spending a week here left for his Miss Madeline Reynolds left for | home on last Friday. Harmony last Monday where she will | spend a few weeks. On Friday afternoon the pupils of | our school took a half holiday and | | James Cole of Lisenring. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S William Miller of near Mill Run, is | R. W. Sutler of Pittsburg is spend- | ed nearly three hundred pounds. Mr. A. P. Doorley left for Scottdale on | | in the law department in the Univer- | their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. | on Tuesday last. spending this week with their daugh- | ters in Avalon, Pa. - | | William Stickel of Connellsville, is | children of Meyersdale, spent Mon- | day with Eugene Wellen’s. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones and| Out of the camp, the period of Is- | child spent Saturday and Sunday at| T3€''s rejection after (which Period Boynton, with Mrs. Jones’ parents, | Mr. and Mrs. Grove. | Paul, made a business call on Mo Edward Kalp, a young man of 20| day in our town. | Friday while working in a field near } Inglewood, Cal., will answer BOY | he oflce { inquiries about Foley’s Honey and | Sulitlons hie call in question the Tar Compound. He says further | wisdom of his appointments or the ‘Honey and Tar Compound has | greatly benefited me for bronchial| work. Mir trouble and cough after I used other tenth com | remedies that failed. It is more like | |a food than a medicine.” URSINA. Miss Ida King, who is staying at the Sanatorium at Markleton, visited with her: parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. King, Sunday. Miss Lottie Wills, who is teaching school at Markleton, spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wills. Mrs. Robert Holt, who was visiting her mother, Mrs. Chas. Robinson, re- turned to her home in Ohio Pyle, Thursday last. George Jamison, of Juniata, spent several days here with relatives and friends. Miss Helen Robinson, is visiting relatives in Ohio Pyle. Miss Elva Maust, visited her sister, Mrs. E. Kelley, at Humbert, Friday. —_———— GARRETT. County Commissioner Millard Walk- er of Somerset, was operated on last Friday in a Cumberland hospital for appendicitis. He is doing fine and will be back among friends in a few day. His son-in-law, C. D. Fritz of Garrett, was with him. Miss Goldie Burnworth of Markle- ton, is visiting several girl friends here this week. W. A. Merrill left Monday for Ken- tucky where he is interested in coal land. Miss Hazel Snyder of Rockwood, was a guest of her friend, Miss Nora Bittner, Friday and Saturday. Miss Ada Mitchell of Meyersdale, was a Sunday guest of her friend, Mrs. F. D. Godel, at the Merchants Hotel. Rev. Mahlon Brougher of Greens- burg, visited his aunt, Mrs. C. T. Bittner, Thursday last. Misses Minnie Weaver and Emma Rector of Jerome, spent a few days of last week with the former’s parents. Mrs. B. S. Rush and daughter were guests of Mr. Rush’s parents in Hynd- man last week. The home talent play ‘‘Golden Gulch’ played last Friday night to a crowded house. The play was a big success and the members of the Y. L. B. C. are well pleased with the neat sum added to their bank account. — ee SIPPLEVILLE! George Primrose of Coal Run, spent Sunday here with his family. The youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Aukley, had the mishap to fall and dislocate her right hip one day last week. Rey. Dr. A. E. Truxal, W. H. Ha- ble, and Prof. W. H. Kretchman of Meyersdale, were welcome callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smith on Sunday. Miss Edith Smith of Meyersdale, was visiting relatives and friends at this place on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Foust of Akron, O., spent part of last week visiting rela- tives and friends in this vicinity. Joseph Lowry of Greenville, was a visitor to our town Thursday last. Mrs. J. G. Malcolm and children of this place, left on Tuesday for Okono- ko, W. Va., where she will spend a few days visiting relatives and friends. —————————eeeeeeeee VIM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCO] LESSON (By E. O. SELLERS, Director of Evening Department, The Moody Bible lastitute, Chicago.) ? LESSON FOR OCTOBER 12. JEALOUSY AND ENVY PUNISHED. LESSON TEXT—Numbers, chapter 12. GOLDEN TEXT-—‘“Love envieth not; love vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, doth not behave itself unseemly.”—I Cor. 13:4, 5 R. V. In order the events from Sinai to Kadesh-Barnea were: (1) The march- ing host, Nu. 10:11; (2) The fire of the Lord at Taberah, 11:1; (3) The lusting jafter Egyptian flesh-pots, 11:4; (4) The complaint of Moses, 11:10; (5). The selection of elders, 11:16; (6) The two irregular prophets, 11:26; (7) the quails and the plague, 11:31, and (8) Sedition, chapter 12, which forms today’s lesson. Miriam’s Leadership. . I. The Accusation, vv. 1, 2. This is not the first nor the last time a . A Savings Account with this you on the way. bank will help! Threeg per cent. semi-annually,and absolute safety 1.00 Starts Yol on the ‘“ Road.” compounded marriage has caused a family quarrel. ‘Who this Ethiopian woman was we are not told, though we are inclined to believe that it was Zipporah (Ex. 2:21), and not a second wife whom Moses married recently. Of all peo- ple we would least expect jealousy to show itself in this family circle, among these the chosen leaders of Israel. Nothing so hinders .the work | of God, or gives more delight to the RESOURCES. Citizens National Bank, “Where Savings Are Safe.” | - = $1,000,00 devil, than just such a situation as lay (v. 15). The occasion was not, this one. It brings confusion and de- | ~~~ ~AA AAA A mS Pm, however, so much the wife of Moses | as it was envy of Moses (See Luke 22:24-26; I Cor. 1:11-15, and 3 John 9, 10). It may have been that Moses was culpable, for no man is perfect (Rom. 3:23), but Miriam and Aaron were not his judges. We must re- member in this connection last Sun- day’s lesson wherein we had present- ed such a radical change in the form of government. Miriam and Aaron were desirous of having an equal place with Moses and because he did a thing they could not understand they criticised him (Rom. 14.3, 4; Jude 8). : Il. The Arrest, vv. 4, 5. “The Lord heard it” (v. 2, 1 ¢.) God hears what Wwe say in criticism of those whom he has set over us. Instead of being jealous of the preference accorded to others we ought to rejoice (Phil. 2:3). —A VIS HOIZSNU & WEImGF'S == STORE | Will show to you the best line of Groceries, Flour, Feed, Etc. We Buy in Car Lots, Hence Can Save You Money. 117.170 Though we are free to admit such a course often proves the measure of his grace in our hearts. God did not let this matter stand nor run the (Goods Delivered Free. course of idle gossip. He at once, and in person, came down to cham- pion the cause of Moses (v. b, see also 16:20, 21). He Saw Jehovah. Centre Street Both Phones. MEYERSDALE, FA. Hl. The Arraignment, vv. 68, Je- | i hovah pointed out very clearly not | = = only the difference between them and | Moses, but also between Moses and | all other prophets. They were proph- ets, so was Moses, and more. To the | North, South, East, West prophets God revealed himself in visions (see Ezek. 1:1, Isa. 6:1, Dan. 8:2, Luke 1:11), and many other simi lar instances, but with Moses God spake “mouth to mouth even mani- voice speaking audibly to Moses (Ex. 19:19 and 33:11). any interpretation. Verse 8 deces not Mrs. Lydia Bangard spent Tuesday of last week with relatives at Berk- leys Mill. Wm. Stein and family moved their | household goods from Meyersdale into | the stone houses owned by E. D. Lee | on Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crone moved on Tuesday®, their household goods | from the McKenzie property to Mey- | ersdale, into the Dugan property. A. G. Maust took charge of the ad- | vanced room in our school on Mon- | day. The same room Prof. S. C. Witt taught one month while A. G, | Maust was sick with typhoid fever. | John Seigner butchered one of his | fat porkers on Tuesday which weigh- | Seigner had intended feediag the hog | a month longer but by an accident it | ! 1 | broke one of its legs, hence the best | evil with good (Rom. 12:12). His | thing to do was to kill it. Asa Shuck’s moved to Sand Patch | Mr. and Mrs. Martin Meyer are | Rev. and Mrs. Rittenhouse and | i Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Hassler of St. | edt] | went nutting. It was enjoyedbyal.! CC AST ORI A ers Everywhere. ad | like character. Christ prayed for hi | union; the she will be restored to her land and | her God in Christ Jesus. This lesson is a great teaching of | the jealousy of Jehovah for those n- | upon whom he confers honor. We | Serve him he will defend us. We should think reyy 2 5 | highly of any service to Which he Vill G. Richmond, a d 2 any service : will G h resident of | calls us and say with Paul, “I magnify rights of his appointees who do his thority. . Let us peware of this form Do not | °f sin. Such envy is. not only a lack | ; | ‘ef 0 of God. | accept a substitute. Sold by all Deal- | °f love for man but also of God did have a visible manifestation of the similitude (“form” R. V.) oi God (John 1:18). IV. Judgment, vv. 2y 10. The de: parting cloud from. off the tabernacle was a token of God’s displeasure, Let us not forget that future time when it will be others who will depart (Matt. 25:41). able. Read the stories of Naaman and Uzziah. Aaron’s Sin. V. Intercession, vv. 11-16. Aaron in his appeal to Moses acknow ledges his equal transgression with Miriam, his foolishness and his sin, and in| Calvin Weyant, eof Mt. Pleasant, | turn Moses revealed his noble Christ- | enemies (Luke 23-34), Moses Wa not overcome of evil but gvercame prayer was an effectual one (James 5:16). Some have vieweq this epi- sode in a typical light. Moses repre- | | senting Christ is rejected by his own | people; the Ethiopian bride as the | church, chiefly Gentiles: Aaron and | | | Miriam as Jews opposed to any such | leprosy as divine. jude- | > Jews who are inter- | ment upon t | ~ 3 | ceded for by those whom they oppose; | Downs and Mrt. Frank Clouse. | the Christian church: : Miriam shut | by his appointment and God will not hold those n and Aaron broke the dment by coveting au- ——— — copopeng festly,” that is, others heard God’s | This voice was | clear and distinct, it did not demand | imply that Moses had a full revela- | tion of the person of Jehovah. but he | The lifted cloud re- | vealed to Aaron Miriam smitten with | leprosy, that most terrible of all dis- | | eases; loathsome, contagious, ineur- 2 | mother, Mrs. Mary Wyant. { Uuiontown, has heen spending the | men and women are subj ect tothe numerous ailments caused | bydefective or irregular action of the organs of digestion and elimination. Headaches, lazy feelings, depression of spirits are first consequences,and then worse sickness followsif the trouble is not removed. But thousands have discovered that Peecham’s Pitly (The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) are the most reliable corrective, and the best preventive of these com- mon ailments. Better digestion, more restful sleep, greater strength, brighterspirits, clearer complexions are given to those who use occasion- ally this time-tested home remedy. Beecham’s Pills will no doubt help you—it is to your interest to try them—for all over the world they | Are Pronounced Best : Sold everywhere. In b. ,» 10c. . The directions with every box are ors aon 1c 25 pecially to women, : CE Sarr ar or AAP rn vr yn — ~~ - ~~ mm ~ ~ RO a a nn rr SISO CONFLUENCE DEAD LETTER LIST. Mrs. Andrew Coughenour if Oct. 6, i arc daughter of Dumas were in town |ard de Mrs. Mary Arnold, John Beeler, | shop ing Saturday. W. J. Donnelley, 2; Stanley Basard, Miss Mary Hamilton, card; W. J Vorrids. Foreign—1. O. George Oct., 5, 1913, J. F. NAvGLE, P. M. J. H. Weayer spent Saturday in Connellsville transacting business. spent several days last week with his . | Quick Help to Backache aud Rheumatism. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Murray moved | to Slippery Rock, last week, where where he expects to go into the mer- | The man or woman who wants cantile business. quick help from backache and rheu- Bs . oy : matism, will find it in Foley Kidney X y. such good effect that weak, inactive Mrs. D. H. Shank, of Oakland, Md., | kidneys that do not keep the blood has returned home after a two weeks’ | lean and free of impurities, are toned visit with her daughters Mrs. Samuel |UP and strengthed to healthy vigor- | ous action. Good results follow their s Ear) Miller as | use promptly. So:d by all Dealers Mrs. Earl Miller and baby of near Everywhere, Y eal os -_— past week with her parents, Mr. and | Mrs. Jasper Parnell; | Statesman’s First Duty. : : | he first duty of a 3 Mrs. George Waas, and daughter | Preserve the public Ba eaman Bd Rosa, of Addison, were guests of Mrs. | stone, ! George McDonald Saturday. | ’ | elf messi eemmmnspantans Miss Bertha Reckner has returned | Foley Ki i home after having spent the past four | y dney Pills Succeed. weeks with friends in Ohiopyle. | Because they are an honestly made Mrs. Chas. Springer and two child- | medicine that relieves promptly the ren, of Uniontown, were guests of | Suffering due to weak, inactive kid- Mrs. Daniel Smith on Saturday. (neys and painful bladder action. . | They offer a powerful help to na- | ture in building up the true excreting To feel strong, haye good appetite | kidney tissue, in restoring normal ac-’ andZdigestion, sleep soundly and en- [tion and relieving bladder discom- joy life, use Burdock Blood Bitters, | forts. TRY THEM. Sold by all Deal- the family system tonic. Price, $1.00 ers Everywhere. ad TS 0B 2 eh A A ah Th A hl aa a the gal tio: det of | a si the tai fall
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