The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, September 11, 1913, Image 1

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    R YOU
) SAVE 7]
11, 1913
The regular September term of
criminal court convened Monday
morning at.10 o’clock. The Court ap-
pointed Edward Neid of Somerset,
foreman of the grand jury, whose
first return was in the Goldberg arson
case from Berlin in which a true bill
was found at noon Monday. ;
Settlements were effected in the
following cases:
J. A. Bartolon, embezzlement, J. J.
Longacre, prosecutor; John Patton,
desertion and neglect to maintain
Harry Goldberg, of Berlin, who was
tried for arson was found not guilty,
but pay the costs. His attorneys
prayed the court to set aside that
part, of the verdict which said he was
to pay the costs.
This morning at 9:45, Henry F. Bar-
ron, who was on trial for embezzling
There may be many parades attract-
ing attention and applause, but there
never was a parade in Meyersdale
that appealed to the pride of the com-
munity, nor gave more assurance for
the future than the parade of the
public schools on Tuesday when near-
ly eight hundred pupils were in line.
That was an inspiring sight, for in
the boys and girls of Meyersdale the
town beheld the most yaluable asset
that she possesses. The police force,
the teachers and the parade commit-
in Salisbury, last Friday evening.
Chopin, Beethoven, Rheinhold, Bohm,
etc., showed that the young people
of Salisbury and Meyersdale are be-
ing taught by their talented instructor
The piano recital given by twenty-
seven pupils from Meyersdale and Sal-
isbury of Mrs. Della Brown Liven-
good’s large music class delighted
the many lovers of classical music
who filled St. John’s Reformed church
The program which was made up of
selections from the compositions of
Yesterday afternoon about 1:30
o’clock, Warner Younkin of Con-
fluence, met a horrible death at Salis-
bury Junction, when he tried to board
a train for home. Early in the morn-
ing he and some friends reached Mey-
ersdale to spend the day in town and
at the Fair. He attempted to board
the train against the advice of those
who were at the Junetion at the time
and knew his intentions, with the ter-
mination of his life. His body was
'E WILL wife, Annig¢ E. Patton; Tony Romeo, $33,000. of the Poor House funds, ® Blloted through the line of march | to love the best and to interpret the | out in two and his left arm was cut
fraudulently removing goods, W. S. shot and killed himself in the bath k without any accident or jar. works of the masters with rare feel- off at the shoulder
oU THE Albright; George W. Lybarger, ex- | room of his father-in law, Daniel Rev. A. E. Truxal, D. D. Some of the classes went to a great | ing and skill. R Reich & Son were ent f 5
(ED BY tortion, "Lucy John; W. D. Brant, | Stahl The following special announce-|deal of trouble to present a good ap-|. Too much could hardly be said in| took charge of the ala i
L ONLY highway robbery, Katharine Layman, - ment by card was made to the mem- | Pearance and they succeeded very praise of the little girls and boys who morning J. F. Reich tobk the body to
William Colborn, larceny, Matthias| RECENT MARRIAGES bership of Amity Reformed church well. This is especially true of thé | with quiet, unembarrassed grace ren- Confluence, on the Duquesne
ALL PA- Nahlen; Bert Biddle, larceny, Mat- : by the pastor: classes of the high school, and while | dered their parts with such unusual 2 i q ’
CHINES thias Nahlen; John King, larceny, IN THE COUNTY" | services September 28th to Octo- each one attracted favorable atten-| exactness or of the older pupils who >
: Matthias Nahblen; Willis Werner, li: ber 5th. ; tion, it appeared that the J uniors | played many difficult selections with MARRIED AT GLENCOE.
ANY of resisting an officer, John C. Bentley; Miss Edna Tressler and John Par-| he services of Sunday 28th will be | Were superior to all others in lung rare technique and appreciation, or —
ROUBLE Harry Wilkins, assault and battery | nell, both of Confluence, were mar- | a key to the meeting of the week and power. The grades did yory well | of the wark of Mrs. Livengood who| Yesterday morning at 11:00 o’clock
“to ravish, Mrs. N. O. Smith; Stephen ried at Confluence. by Justice of the |it will be to your interest to be pres- under the special care of their teach-| has devoted her life to the cultivation | at Glencoe, at the home of the bride’s
s : es :
Beres, assault and battery, Joseph Peace, G. G. Groff. ent. ers. of great natural gifts as a musician | parents, Harvey M. Bittner, son of
D MAKE Vites: John Beres, assault and bat- : Pm The climax will be on October 5th and teacher. Her class of about fifty | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bittner, and Miss
BOTH tery, John Simon; Albert Szewozyk, Miss Irene E. Hostetler and John when the Holy Communion will be FIREMEN’S PARADE shows that her work is appreciated. Mary Surah Kroushaar, daughter of
: assault and battery, Julia Vinseck; Brough Jon vot nye celebrated both morning and evening. . The Salisbury Orchestra which is| Mrs. Wm. Hosselrode, were united in
Flora Ross, offense against morality, | Tare a Tsing, ; bY Boy. J. W. | These’Sorviessiwill be held for your| vyeste so popular with our people, opened | the holy bonds of matrimony by the
Cunningham. : esterday was parade day for the d el
LMER JS Constable H. W. Thomas Paul Grove, benefit and any one omitted by you | Firemen. Lonaconi d Frosth an Le ose the program and played | Rev. A. 8S. Kresge of Meyersdale.
' inst morality, Flora Ross; : . ning and KroSLburg, | during the lifting of the silver offer- | The beautiful ring ceremony of the
\ offense against Ys 3 : will be a loss to you. were the out town companies to |: + 3 g y
RED. William H. Powell, desertion and| Miss Bertha Jenkins, ard Elmer| 1, igor to live at peace with God z p ing which was given to one of the | Reformed church was used.
I Telephones.
non-support, Mary M. Powell; John
G. Miller, desertion and non support,
Eliza Miller; James Sarena, carrying
concealed weapons, Samuel W. Mec-
Mullen, prosecutor; Harry Wilkins,
assault and battery to rayish, Mrs. N.
Thorne Wilker, of Pittsburgh, were
married at the parsonage of the
Somerset Lutheran church, Rev. I.
Hess Wagner, pastor.
Miss Mary N. Crawford, of Hoov.
and to die in peace you need religion.
The church is the only foundation
of true religion. Therefore it is of
the highest importance to you that
you diligently improve the opportuni-
ties and privileges offered to you in
participate in the parade. The Pine
Hil: band furnished the musie. The
parade was an interesting one. The
visiting companies presented a very
fine appearance and executed nice
figures. The home company brought
up the rear. The Ladies Auxiliary
many charities of the church.
The chancel was beautifully dec-
orated with vines, cut flowers and
potted plants. Misses Maud Smalley,
Hazel Walker, Ada Glotfelty, Pearl
Newman and Bessie Engle were the
The bride was attired in a cream
charmouse dress, and the groom in
the conventional blue.
After the ceremony a sumptuous
dinner was served
The following guests were present:
C. Smith; Albert Freeberger, aggra-|ersville and John W. Close, of Som- | the services of this week. wet OF 4 Wagon orewn. be Ton ushers. Rev. and Mrs. Kresge, Mrs. I. D.
vated assault and battery, John Har erfild were married at the oonXt| ny. 15rq says, Come; the Spirit | horses. The outfit was a very attract- Leydix, Leah Leydig, Elisaneth Ley-
ris; Martha Servi, violating liquor a og License Clerk, says, Come; the Church says, Come; ive feature of the parade. The BOYS STRUCK BY Wig urs. HM: Poorbaggh, Mary
laws, Samuel W. McMullen; Walter ory 3 Aan ns your pastor says, Come and partake | judges. were E. C. Kyle, H. M. Cook, AUTOMOBILES Poorbaugh, Mrs. L. J. Little and
Enos, offense against morality, Sara k Mise" Cottle M. Hoover; of Boek- f the water of life freely. «| children of Friedens; Mrs. W. T.
J. Dodson; Garfield Shaffer, offense
against morality, Lillian Parson;
Louis Roth, selling cigarettes to
minors, David Gildner; Ivan (Gardner,
assault and battery, Mary Moser.
The following cases have been con.
tinued: Jacob Brisco, assault and
battery ‘with intent, Francis Collier;
wood, and George W. Pritts, of
Brothersvalley twp., were married at
Rockwood, by Rev. I. J. Duke, pas-
tor of the Rockwood United Breth-
ren church.
Miss Binnie Rebecca Tipton, and
John Edward McQuaide, both of
In Christian love,
Your pastor, A. E. TRUXAL.
The Twenty-ninth Annual Conven
and L. W. Weakland.
Frostburg, took 1st prize $50.00.
Lonaconing took 2nd prize $30.00
and 3rd prize $20.
The home team did not contest
for a prize.
Several automobiles struck boys
during the last few davs. On Tues-
day C E. Livengood’s boy was hit in
front of the Slicer House and miracul-
ously escaped with his life. Yester-
day, on Centre street, in front of Baer
& Company’s store. Mr. I. Bradburn’s
son was hit and bruised considerably,
Hensel and daughter ot Friedens; Mr.
and Mrs. Charley Deist and children,
Mrs Luvinda Smith of Johnstown,
Miss Ida B, Werner of Berlin; Mr.
and Mrs W. H. Bittner, and daughter
Nina; Mrs. C. W. Bittner and child-
ren of Meyersdale; Miss Bessie Martz,
Mr. and Mrs. Broesecker and children
Laura Collins, offense against morali- : 2 of Brothersvalley township; C. B.
3 Bre Coles Adan Baker; J. 3: Berlin, by Rev. H. B. Burholder. tion of the W. C. T. Us, of Somerset The BFasmors : 5 although not very seriously. Bittner. H. B fo 3 Ds Hi
> c rn - : Serr county, was held it the United Evan- farmers parade was an im- eu > >
Hay, offense against morality, Laura Missi Liey Lunilis Hoffman, and mense success. The Judges were M. Edward Kroushaar, Mr. and Mrs.
It has been announced that the
‘3 defendants in the following cases are
® fugitives from justice: R. 8S. Alexis,
charged with embezzlement by Her-
man Obermauer; Daniel = Morse,
charged with an offense against mor-
ality by Katharine Stern, and Alex-
ander Scott, charged with an offense
against morality by Blizabeth Emily
The annual harvest home services
will be held in the White Oak Re-
formed church on Sunday morning
at 10:00 o’clock and at 2:00 o’clock
in the Brethren (Hostetler) church,
by the pastor, Rev. A. S. Kresge.
Tne old town has put on holiday at-
tire and _is appearing at her very
best during Fair Week. The main
streets are beautifully decorated,
business fronts show to advantage
with the gaudy colors in nice ar-
Harvey F. Shipley, both of Contu-
ence, were married at Confluence,
by Rev. J. A. Hopkins.
Miss Elizabeth Ellen Boyer, of
Somerset, and John Francis Hart-
man, of Zimmerman, were married at
Somerset, by Rev. 8. G. Buckner,
pastor of the Somerset Christian
church. :
Miss Mary V. Solomon, of Cham-
pion, Fayette county, and John W.
Brown, of Accident, Md., were mar-
ried at the court house by clerk of
court, B. F. Landis.
Miss Rosa Elizabeth Lantz, and
Cyrus W. Moore, were married at
the court house, by marriage license
clerk, Bert F. Landis. Both of Rock-
Miss Lena Blanch McMillen, of
Somerset, and William Owen Gloss,
of Cecil, Pa., were married at the
home of the bride’s parents, by Rev.
S. G. Buckner, pastor of the Som-
erset Christian church.
Mise Dora Mae Orris, -and Charles
Hinkledier, both of Quemahoning
gelical Church, Salisbury, Pa,, Aug.
28 and 29,2913.
Delegates from nine of the twelve
Unions in the county were present at
the Convention. -
The Thursday afternoon session wa
opened by the county President, Mrs.
Azubah Jones, wno gave an enter-
taining address. followed by the Roll
Call. . :
Report of Cor. Sec..Mrs. Ida Stotler.
Addresses of welcome by Mrs. Vie-
toria Dean and Levi Lichliter.
Response by Mrs. Sue Liston, of
The evening session opened with
devotional exercises conducted by
Mas. Baumgardner.
Address of welcome by Rev. Ira S.
Response by Mrs. Sylvia Wilson,
M. D.
Lecture by the State President, Mrs.
Ellen George, of Beaver Falls.
The large audience was delightfully
entertained with a solo by Mr. Baum-
gardner and a reading by Miss Ellen-
An Executive meeting was held
on Friday morning, at which reports
from the County Treasurer, Mrs. Dr.
Hemminger, and other officers were
A. Zimmerman of Stoyestown, Lewis
Berkley of Berlin, and J. A. Opel of
Meyersdale, No. 2 The following
prizes were awarded:
Perry C. Miller, 1st.—$15; Jared
Walker, 2nd.—$10; Austin Miller,
E. M. Hay, 1st.—$15; John Peck,
2nd.—$10; John Saylor, 3rd.—$5.
Elias Fike, 1st.—$15; Andrew Rishel,
2nd.—$10; Elias Marteeny, 3rd.—$5.
Ed. Hay; 1st.— $7; Perry C. Miller;
2cd.—$5; Cyrus Forespring; 3rd.—$3.
Lulu Knepper; 1st.—$7; Mrs. Ed
Walker; 2nd.—$5; Mrs. C. C. Heckle;
3rd.—$§3. 3
At St. Paul Reformed Church, on
Tuesday evening, Septembr 16, there
will be held a Lawn Fete, to which
everybody is cordially invited. The
ground will be nicely lighted up with
The new Board of Health who were
recentlv appointed by the president
of the Borough Council, met on Mon-
day evening for organization. Dr.
Bruce Lichty was chosen president.
Clarence Moore was elected secretary
and the day policeman was chosen
health officer. The last Thursday
night of each month was made the
regular-meeting night.
The new board is composed of the
following members: —Dr. Bruce Lich-
ty, George D. Siehl, C. W. Baldwin,
W. R. Plitt, and M. F. Baer.
eeeeeeeeeneemeseteen emeeeseeeesemtesecs
Windber Miner Killed.
Steve Hojay, was crushed to death
in No, 38 mine of the Berwind-
White company Wednesday when he
was caught in the wreck of a mine
motor in his charge which he ran
into an open switch. Hojay was 29
years of age and married. The fun-
eral took place from the Greek
Catholic church at Windber.
On Sunday afternoon Mrs. Charles
Chambers was taken to the Markle-
ton Sanitariom on train No. 15, to
take treatment for a serious case of
heart trouble, aggravated with kid-
ney and other troubles. She was
carried on a cot from Salisbury street
to the station, by David Curry, Peter
Hahn, George Folk, August Rogers,
Richard Emelton and Frank Pooley.
Mr. Chambers accompanied his wife
to the sanitarium. She had been in
ill health forsome time and Dr. Hem=-
minger suggested the sanitarium in
order that she might have complete
rest and care, with the hope that she
may regain her health. A number
of her friends were at the station
wishing her much benefit while at
the hospital. Her children, Love,
Chester and Charles were much af-
fected on having their mother taken
away. James, the oldest son is in
ES mis | twp., were married ab Keutner, by|°2d 2nd afficers elected. slectriolty; the bess of sveryiiing to CELEBRATION AY VISIT THE “HOME OF 57”
shining across tne streets make the “ 3 At the Friday afternoon session re |eat and drink will be served, goo
principal streets nearly bright as|Justice of the Peace, Ross M. Rin- ports from different committees were | music is promised, and a general good TURKEYFOOT.| WHEN IN PITTSBURGH.
day. All this is a new experiment
in connectlon with the Meyersdale
Fair. A year ago when Old Home
Week was celebrated. The good
effects of that week’s decorations
impressed themselves to such an
extent that those in authority felt
the same idea should be carried out
this week and the effect is certainly
Miss Ida Ferne Lambert, and Ja-
cob J. Miller, both of Stonyecreek
twp., were married at Shanksville,
by Rev. M. L. Smucker, pastor of
the Shanksville Lutheran church.
' Miss Rose Floy Shaver,and Thomas
Wilson Henry, both of Stoyestown,
were married at Stoyestown, by Rev.
Frank Wetzel.
Miss Olive Pearle Bowman, and
heard, and delegates to the State Con-
vention elected.
The following officers were elected
for the ensuing year.
Pres.—Mrs. Azubah Jones.
V. Pres.—Mrs. Sylvia Wilson, M.D.
Hon. V. Pres.—Mrs. McKinley.
Rec. Sec.—Mrs. T. B. Grauger.
Cor. Sec.—Mrs. Ida Stotler.
Treasurer—Mrs. Dr. Hemminger.
The welcome, accorded the dele-
gates, by the people of Salisbury was
most cordial and hospitable.
time is in store for all. Come and
enjoy yourselves.
Program for Sixty-Second Anni-
versary Gazelle Rebekah, Lodge,
369, I. 0. O. F., in Odd Fellows Hall,
Meyersdale, Pa., Tuesday evening,
Septcmber 16, 1913, at 8 p. m.
Singing—America. -
The annual reunion of the descend-
ants of the Turkeyfoot region and
the annual meeting of the Jersey
Settlement Historical Society was
held at the Jersey church near Con-
fluence. An excellent program con-
sistlng of music, short addresses and
papers were carried out.
The Turkeyfoot region embraces all
that section of the county that is
drained by the Big Crossing and
Casselman rivers and the Laurel Hill
50,000 people go through the model
kitchens of H. J. Heinz Company
every year to see how the 57 Varieties
are made. You will be welcome any
week day between the hours of 9 a.
m., and 4 p. m. except Saturdays to.
noon only. ‘
Corrected weekly by McKenzie &
George Wesley Hunt, both of Stoy-| Somerset was chosen as the place Invocation. creek, extending from Somerset on PAYING PRICE.
th 1 f The C estown, were married at Stoyestown, | for holding the next Convention. Quartette. ) the north into Maryland and West | Butter, per pound........... Leeivaions 25-28¢
In another mh 0 ih A ™ by Rey. J. S. English, pastor of the Address—Editor of The Commer-| Virginia on the south. Nearly all|Eggs, per doz..........c.ccc...nn, «2s1221-280
cial appears she name of Joseph /. Stoyestown Lutheran church. cial. the region is represented at the | Chickens, per pound....... peessitaniie . 12¢
ect d? Snyder, of Friedens, who solicits the te TROLLEY OUT OF {ER- Reading—Miss Emma Gress gathering. : Country Side, per pound............ 14-16¢
‘ectea. votes of the Republican party for the | miss Erma Monica Shafter, and ~VICE Vocal Solo—Mrs. Della B. Liven- Apple butter, per gal
S. nomination o iTector © © TOOT. | James Garfield Thomas, both of . good. PROMPT PAYMENT. Shoulder, per pound......
Those who know Mr. Snyder say his
heart and his mind are right for that
important office. Two years ago Mr.
Jenner twp., were married at Jen-
nertown, by Rev. E. F. Rice, pastor
of the Jennertown Lutheran church.
Yesterday the trolley seryice had
been out of commission from three
Address—Rev. L. P. Young.
Duet—Misses Alma and Carrie Don-
Garrett, Sept., 3, 1913.
Corrected weekly by. Becker &
Snyder received 2,583 votes, two less
than necessary for the nomination.
It would now seem eminently proper
to supply the votes necessary for the
o’clock until nine at night. While
the automobile drivers did not much
object, yet it inconvenienced a great
many people.
PECIALIST Address—Editor of The Republican. |to extend my thanks through your
Instrumental Solo—Mrs. Della B. | paper to the Star Mutual Fire In-
Livengood. surance Co., for the prompt settle-
Quartette—C. C. T. B.
Corn, per bus
ment of the loss on my furniture, |Qats,
‘ ‘nomination, and we believe the read- 4 : | : | Oats, ...occoerieerenne sence,
: Reading—W. W. Winter. as I recived my check four days af-| Wheat b 5
: } rs of The Commercial would honor 3: ; : s Per DUfe...cocciciien veins $1 05
every two weeks = hemselves by honoring Mr. Snyder The Saturday evening s issue of the TAKEN TO ALLEGANY Reading—Miss Alma Donnecker. bed the fire. tii Wheat chop, per ewt.................. 1 90
corrections’ and ith their votes ab the primary elec- | Johnstown Tribune contained a 12 HOSPITAL. Closing. Respectfully, Corn and oats, per cwt. home
r free. jon on September 16th. column wide picture of the Werner | Luncheon free. E. A. BITTNER, ground................:.............. 1.7
° : Reunion held at Riverside Park on| On Saturddy Mrs. C. E. Klare, of |
Mrs. Milton Bittner, and children | August 30. The photographer has| Garrett, was taken to the Allegany | Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Leckemby, of | | ‘King of Minnesota’’ 60 per cent
nd mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Robison, | finished the pictures on large scrolls Hospipal, Cumberland, Md., by Dr. | New Brighton, are spending the week | Miss Kathryn Dougherty of Con- | patent, per barrel.................. 6 25
£ Cumberland, Md,. arrived here | four feet in length. The work is of | Hemminger, where she under- | here with their son and daughter-in- | nellsville, spent a few days of this | —_———
for a visit with relatives |a high order and is giving splendid |went a successful operation for|law, Mr. and Mrs. James Leckemby, | week visiting friends and attending| I. D. Leydig, merchant of Glencoe,
id friends. Cd satisfaction to the Freundschaft. appendicitis, by Dr. Johnson. "and other relatives. 'the Fair. ‘came up to the Fair today.
Garrett, Pa.
meee meres
Eyes and # x
s. Glasses. fitted bo