The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, September 04, 1913, Image 1

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Attorney Harvey M. Berkeley Has Been Missing for Two
Weeks —Vast Sums of Money Involved.
| estate of Samuel D. Livengood of
Meyersdale. The rule is made re-
turnable September 15. Mr. Berkley
has been out of Somerset about two
weeks, stating before he left that he
would be back in a short time.
Somerset county was shocked a
number of times in the recent past by
men who were high up in business
matters, and have gone with a crash
to financial ruin, carrying with them
men and institutions, ruining some,
and crippling others. ,The last of
these reported from the county seat
is Harvey M. Berkley, a prominent
practitioner at the bar, a business
man of standing and a politician of
much ambition. ;
3. Bytkloy loft for parts Prov An execution was also issued on
on August igh Ji ins evening © Monday morning for the Ajax Coal
ihe senie day Xe » knows io bars Company to recover property of Mr.
transacted business in his oftes 4 HerFley's. nov in Poi ths
® Dariy from Baltimore, and at Jo ine. | First National Bank of Somerset; the
townie Vas = 55 Seen by aod £ "Second National Bank of Meyersdale,
BHOSS: ih wife who ha Ingany o and the Somerset Trust Company.
her "own is left without any visible ne y
a Concerning the property the writ
means of support. She is bravely 5: Pol
eis reads, ‘‘whatsoever it is, and where
meeting the changed condition and over It Is forms
much sympathy is felt for her. .
Rumors of his high financiering had F our years ago Mr. Berkley deeded
been heard, but the matter had been | his residence in Somerset to the Som-
in a large measure suppressed. Slow- erset Trust Company, for $10,000.
ly it has been leaking out and now | This deed was not recorded until last
his defalcations are alleged to amount | Saturday.
to, from ;$75,000 to $100,000 or even| Mr. Berkley has been a highly re-
more. Those who were somewhat in spected and trusted professional man
touch with the situation are dumb- | for years. He was admitted to the
founded at the enormity of the Somerset county bar in 1889. He was
amount. cashier of the First National bank of
Some of the funds of the defunct | Somerset from 1891 to 1905 and since
Livengood bank, known as the Farm- | that ‘time has practiced law exten-
ers’ bank are involved in Mr. Berk- sively. He is a great worker in the
ley the assignee, but this money is | Progressive Brethren church. He
regarded as absolutely safe, being | was both treasurer and attorney for
covered by bond. the Somerset Telephone company
The Court on Monday morning is-| since its incorporation, and a candi-
sued a rule on Attorney Harvey M | date for congress on the Washington
Berkley to show cause why he showd Party ticket + at the last election and
not be removed as Assignee in the carried Somerset county.
OPENING OF OUR Third Grade—Miss Martha Deist, 49.
4 PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Son Ledges Kate Coulehan,
Several years ago, Mr. Livengood,
who was conducting the Farmers’
Bank, a private institution at Meyers-
dale, made an assignment in favor of
his creditors Attorney Berkley was
appointed the Assignee.
The Public Schools opened on
Monday with an enrollment of 694
in the grades and 117 in the High
Schocl, making a total of 811. There
are a number more in the grades and
in the High School, who will be in
school in a few days. 3
The books, paper and penciis were
placed on the pupils’ desks by the
in, 45.
Second Grade—Violet Clark, South
Side, 45. .
Second and First—Frieda Daberko,
First Grade—Miss Eleanor Lepley,
First Grade—Miss Mary Eicher, 48.
Second Grade—Miss Esther Au:-,
teachers before the opening of the -_—
schools on Monday, and after the WILLS CREEK CHARGE.
opening exercises, regular school
work was started. On the second TI. :
day it seemed as if the schools had| AS. Kresge, minister—Preaching
been in session for a week or more.
In the High School, more attention
will be given to the business course
than has been given in the. past.
The course has been very much
The eighth and ninth grades haye
at Mt. Lebanon next Sunday at 10
a. m. and at Glencoe 2 Pom.
There will be a congregational
‘meeting of the Greenville appoint-
ment Friday evening, September 5th
in the Brethren church to enhance
matters in the erection of a new
Miss Wilhelm will
business forms and
and writing.
grammar, reading,
department work.
teach arithmetic,
rapid calculation
Miss Hoover,
and eiyiecs.
Miss Floto, geopraphy, history and
The following is the enrollment:—
High School, 117.
W. H. Kretchman,
Prof. L. D. Crunkleton, Principal |
High School—Algebra, History, Com- |
Prof. J. H. Coleman—Commercial
Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Phy-
Miss Alice
and English.
Miss Rena Lauver—Drawing, Bi-
ology Bookkeeping, Short Hand and
Miss Evelyn Truxal—German and
Ninth Grade—Miss Edith Wilhelm,
arithmetic, business forms and rapid
M. Hanford—Latin
"calculation and writing, 38.
Eighth Grade—Miss Eva Hoover—
grammar, reading and classies and
Pennai., Citizen, 44.
Miss Louise Floto —geography, his-
tory and physiology.
Seyenth Grade—Miss Mayme Platt,
BR ovenin and Sixth Grades—Miss
_ Ellen Lint, 4I.
Sixth Grade —Miss Emma Hostet-
ler, 36. ; J
Sixth Grade—Miss Marion Leydig,
Fifth Grade—Miss Hester Meyers 45 |
« Fifth Grade—Miss Marie Crowe, 41. |
Fourth Grade—Miss Nelle Domi, 45. |
Fourth Grade—Miss Sue Baer,South |
Side, 35. : ee
Sup., Principal hig
Last Saturday was Werner day in
this section of the county. The fifth
annual reunion was held at Riverside
park, when between two hundred and
three hundred of the Werner freund
schaft gathered together to honor the
name and the family of Pennsylvania
German ancestry. In the Werner
relationship are included the well
known and substantial families, of
Bear, Sipple, Sass and others.
At the head of the Werner family
stands the venerable and clear think-
ing Conrad Werner, who presided at
the meeting.
He introduced Prof. J. C. Werner
of Scottdale, who delivered the ad-
dress of welcome. He extended a
hearty welcome, called attention to
the fact that while family renunions
are very common in this day, the
Werner’s were among the first in this
locality to start the reunion. He
urged the continuance of Werner day
and suggested that a day other than
Saturday be selected.
Conrad Werner, delivered an ad-
dress and said the men were always
active and ready to express their
opinions when the occasion required,
while the women were too modest
and timid.” He urged them to bver-
come that, and make themselves be
heard, as well as the men.
J. C. Werner of Pine Hill was the
next speaker and said that a Year ago
the fiftieth anniversary of the mar-
riage of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Werner
had been celebrated, and this year is
the fiftieth anniversary of his coming
into the world on the farm on which
this reunion is being held.
Dr. Truxal gave the German ad-
dress in Pennsylvania German, in
metre and rhyme.
Rev. J. G. Rupp, field secretary of
Foreign Missions, of the Reformed
church, made a short address, !
The association decided to hold the
next Werner reunion on the last Wed-
nesday in August, 1914.
The present officers were elected
for the emsuing year.
day, A
The twenty-eighth annual conven-
tion of the W. M. 8. of Somerset
Classis met in the Reformed church
church at Berlin, August 28th.
Devotional services were conducted
by Rev. D. 8, Stephan.
Address of Welcome—Miss Nelle
Response—Miss Maude Smalley.
Enrollment of delegates.
Delegates enrolled, 13.
Officers present, 4.
Visitors present, 31.
Minutes were read and approved.
(=I=3 REAPER |
Mrs M. L. Welsh, an aged and
hly respected lady, widow of the
late Rev. J. J. Welsh, died at the
home of her son-in-law, E. J. Dickey,
on Salisbury street, on Saturday
morning, August 30th, aged 80 years,
10 months and 14 days. The funeral
service was conducted at Mr. Dick-
1 ey’s home on Sunday evening after
the church service, by Rey. J. A.
Yount. The remains were taken to
Friedens on Monday morning where
interment was made. Rev. Mr. Me-
Carney, officiated.
She is suryived by a son and a
daughter, Mrs E. J. Dickey, of Mey-
ersdale and Hon. RE. D. Welsh, of
Friedens and a number of grandchild-
Evelyn Louise Kuhs, child of Mr.
and Mrs. George H. Kuhs, of Broad-
way street, died on Friday last of
spinal meningitis, aged 1 Year and 3
months. Burial took place in the
Union cemetery on Saturday. Rev.
J. A. Yount, conducted the service.
We the undersigned hereby return
our thanks to the many friends who
rendered help and
pathy in the death of the wife and |
The following committees were ap-
pointed. =
Statistics—Mrs. L. I. Beachy, Miss
Minnie Wetzel, Mrs. Walter Hay.
Auditors—Mrs, E. M. Loechel, Miss
Lydia Hay, Miss Mary Baer.
Resolutions—Rev. A. S. Kresge,
Miss Emma Baer, Mrs. W. H. Musser. |
Report of delegates. |
Mrs. W. H. Stotler was elected |
Mgrried September 2nd, at ‘the
home of the bride’s brother, CO. A.
Diehl, on Meyers avenue, by Rev. A. |
E. Truxal, D.D., Mr. John Robert
Darnley and Miss Bertha Lucinda
Diehl, both of Meyersdale. They
were married at 9:30 in the morning
and took train No. 48 for Bedford
county. The Commercial extends
congratulations to the happy party.
The Meyersdale Fair and Race as-
sociation is planning for a big event
next week.
A car load of horses is expected
here the' latter part of the week from
Carleton, one car from Cresson, and
one from Clarksburg, W. Va., and in
addition to these 19 head of racing |
horses are brought in from different |
lacalities. |
But the exhibitions promise to be |
bigger and more attractive this year |
than previously. The products of the |
tion than in previous years. |
Entertainment is assured every |
minute of the day. i
‘Held Annual Eeeting at Berlin Reformed hurch on Thurs:
Last Thursday was Old Soldier day
ab Riverside park, and the biggest
day the old soldiers ever had at the
‘‘bean soup rally.”’
Samuel Hoffmyer went early to the
park and started two kettles of beans
for the soldiers and families and their
friends. But that which seemed an
ample supply for all, was insufficient
for the monster crowd that was pres-
ent. The day was ideal and from all
directions the crowds came to do
honor to the occasion. :
In addition to the beans. bacon,
biscuits and coffee which the M. C.
Lowry Post furnished, the women
came with baskets well filled and a
genuine picnic was had. The writer
took dinner with Veteran Peter Knepp
and Sqgnire Hay, and bears cheerful
testimony to the good dinner prepared
by the cooks.
After dinner an interesting program
was carried out.
Commander McKinley presided and
after a few preliminary remarks the
following program was carried out:
Recitation by Harvey Pfeiffer.
Address by A. M. Schaffner, Editor
of The Commercial,
Selection with fife and drum at the
same time by Peter Albright, accom-
panied by the drum corps.
The Boynton band furaished the
music for the day.
At the command of Dr. McKinley,
the flag was saluted with three hearty
This was regarded as the most suc-
cessful outing that the M. QO. Lowry
Post ever had. :
Mr. Hoffmyer promises to have an
extry kettle or two of beans for next
The Pfahler Co., furnished the tin
cups and spoons, free to the old
Miss Jessica Reed, of New York
city, is the guest of her Parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Reed, of Meyers
ug. 28
delegate to the Synodical conyention
also to General Synodical convention.
Givic League Makes Request—Council Gracefully Complies
Adjourn After Midnight.
Council met in regular session on
Tuesday evening. All the members
were present. The minutes of the
regular and special meetings were
read and approved.
Three members of the Civie League
were present and inquired what the
plans of the council were with refer-
ence to cleaning the streets during
Fair week and beautifying the town
generally and about the watering
trough which the council promised
to furnish on condition that the foun-
tain is erected, and what council
purposes to do for a walk at the band
stand and who is to attend to the
light at the fountain.
The council is
favorably disposed towards planting
trees in front of the Donges theatre,
decided to have’ the various com-
Panies, telegraph, telephone, and
trolley poles painted, and by a vote
of four to two decided to have a six
toot wide grass plot on Main street,
coming within 20 feet of Centre street
and within 20 feet of the alley at the
Brethren parsonage.
Council gave the Civic League the
privilege to clean the streets on Sat-
urday evenings.
J. F. Naugle was instructed to have
a proper petition prepared and pre-
sented to the court for a bridge across
the Flaugherty. x
Wm. Grof presented a petition for
a crossing at Chestnut and Lincoln
When conditions are complied with
council will pave crossings.
E, J. Gauntz complained that he
had been directed to lay a six foot
side walk and all others were per-
mitted to lay a five foot walk, and he
further complained of the bad condi-
tion of High street in his locality.
Health Officer Klingaman presented
bill for $12.00.
W. H. Deeter of the Fair associa-
tion was present and asked for
certain privileges The granting of
license for street priyileges was turn-
ed over to the treasurer of the Fair
association and that the association
bears the expense of extra policing
and cleaning of streets.
D. J. Fike asked that in view of the
Secretary... .......... ... 4 70
Meyersdale planing mili. ......... 6 89 .
Beal & Weimer..................... 12 00
Meyersdale school board.. 19 14
P. J. Cover & Son.............". 12 38
J. F. Reich
| The Commercial
Borrowed from sinking fund $600.
The Band asked to be exonerated
| from Paying a balance of $24. De-
gate with reference to
held in the Moose hall,
out license. ;
Motion was carrisd to suspend all
rules to pass ordinance No. 45,
Bids received for paving Mainstreet.
A bid was received froth B. J.
Lynce, for $1,075 and agreed to finish
in 40 working days.
dances being
for pay with-
ere eeee—
| \
| M$. Lebanon Sunday school cele-
[brated their annual picnic last Sat-
| urday when all previous records for
| attendance were passed and the rec-
ord is likely that for a long time.
The nearly two thousand attendance
at a country Sunday school picnie,
three miles away from the railroad
station and near the summit of the
| Aliegany mountains, will be an in-
| teresting topic to talk about for
| many years to come. It is quite -a
compliment to Charles Deist, the
Popular and active superintendent of
the school and to Rev, A. 8S. Kresge,
[the efficient and hard working pas-
| tor, that turned the remarkable num-
ber of people to Mt. Lebanon, on
| Saturday. A . splendid hospitality
| was extended to all and the writer
regrets that he and his family had to
forego the pleasure of accepting tHe
warm invitations to be present.
The groves and fields adjoining the
church were full of People, automo-
biles and rigs of various kinds. The
gathering had the appearance or a
Burgess was instructed to investi- .
Invitation from Salisbury congre-
gation was accepted as a place for
meeting in 1914.
On motion it was decided to elect
the same officers by approbation.
The first session was closed with
the Lord’s Prayer and benediction.
Anthem by the choir.
Devotional services by Rev. A. S.
Address by Mrs. W. H Harris.
Solo by Prof. J. P, McCabe.
Address by Rev. J. G. Rupp,
Offering was taken.
Report of committees on statistics.
Seven societies were reported.
Members reported, 154.
Amount paid to Classical treas-
urer, $371.16.
Closed with the Lords prayer and
a i
The parades in the forenoon are
bound to be a big attraction. They
are as follows:
School children’s parade and dis-
play, Tuesday, 10:30 a. m.
Firemen’s parade, Wednesday,
10:30 a. m.
Farmers’ parade—Open to all Farm-
ers, Thursday, 10:30 a. m.
Harry B. Speicher, supervising |
principal, $90; M. C. Haer, $50; N. E.
Beabes, $40; E. E. Carver, $50; Guy
Snow, $40; Anna Judy, $40; Elizabeth |
Cook, $50.
— |
Fort |
surprise |
Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Snyder of
Hill, were tendered a genuine
party, Wednesday evening, Septem- |
ber 30th. The evening was pleasant-
ly spent in social conversation, after |
which a dainty luncheon was served. |
extended Sym- | farm are receiving much more atteh- | Mr. and Mrs. Snyder received quite a
and useful |
number of very pretty
presents. More than
guests were present.
8 ) county fair and and it was not nee
change in the lighting system, that essary for any one to ask what are
the contract be extended five years. we to do with so many, nor was it
Council declined the request, and
. he | necessary to say they hada few
Bikes the change made in the lighting fishes and a few loaves of bread,
: ; for the good women of that section,
The president of council appointed had been baking and preparing on
the following as members of the a large scale for the day, and while
Board of Health: —Dr. Lichty five |), crowd was immense the provision
years; Geo. D. Siehl, four years; C. was ample for every one. It was a
W. Baldwin, three years; W.R. Plitt, big day and an enjoyable one to all.
two years; M. F. Baer, one year; | The music was an interesting feat
Council requests the board to elect ure. The Brushereek band gave a
the day policeman as health officer | g)ondia account of itself.
without any increase in salary. The large concourse was also treat-
BURGESS REPORT. |ed to a feast of reason.
Fines due last month..... ........ $ 106 00, Addresses were made by Rev. D.
y S. Stephan, and P. H. Berkey, Bere
During month. ................... 10 00 | = .
i : i : lin, Rey. A. S. Kresge, of Meyers-
Paid during month.. ..../... ...... 2 00
: dale, pastor of the Mt. Lebanon
Fines due,.................c...... 114 C0
- 4 d filed. | church.
Repors was received an * | The refreshment tables netted
. FINANCIAL REPORT. [over $330.00.
Sides’ collections, 1912. ........ $ 200 00 |
f i 1913.......... 670 00 | SOCIETY NOTES.
Active aceount.................... 483 35 |
Sinking fund Seediih.. sietatiiares Sa 6 Miss Irene Collins, very delighttully
Active fund overdrawn.......... 05 entertained a few of her frionds a
Sinking fund balance PRA 2869 iid her beautiful home on North root
Water committee reported a Short: br hursduy evening of last week, in
age of Water ou the hill, honor of her friend, Miss Madge
Street commissioner reported that |
: Clay, of Altoona. The evening was
all the work assigned had been, at- spent in playing games and with mu-
tended to.
M. Poly forthe B.S 0.8. RB sic and a dainty lunch was served,
notified to repair the fence at the Miss Corine Derry, of Salisbury,
bridge on High street. gave a very delightful party at her
Bills presented to middle of August | home on Wednesday evening to a
are as follows: large number of her friends. Those
J. J. Hammers 8 | present from Meyersdale, were Mr.
C. Saylor 10 and Mrs. J. F. Reich, Mr. and Mrs,
J. Austin 720, E. Crowe, Mr. and Mrs. M. J.
8 Kidner.........cooovnn.... seasess 3 49 Livengood, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Ful-
M. Poorbaugh «+ 600 jem, Mr. and Mrs. M. Carey, Mr.
J. 0. Weller....................... 27 75} and Mrs. Daniel Dahl, Charles Dahl
John Saylor.......................... 13 20 | Misses Mary Livengood and Regena,
D. R. Cramer 30 00 | Reich.
FredHare... .......... ......... 30 00
Since the middle of August. Mrs. James H. Black, entertained
J.J Hammers.............. ... 20 54|a few of her friends at her home on
CoSaylor................0 5... 20 74 | Beachley street, South Side, Friday
J-Austin........................ ... 22 19 | afternoon of last week.
20 17 | —_—
6 00| The Reformed Sunday school of the
25 92 | White Oak church will hold their
5 00 | annual picnic in the grove adjoining
13 75 the church, .on Saturday September
BE. B.Klingaman,... ...... . 8 00| 6th. A royal good time is anticipa-
D.R.Oramer.................... 30 00 | ted invitation ex
and a hearty
Hare..... 30 00! ed