epg mg ¥ i i An i mi i SA i POTTERY ww. NEIGHBOR 2.8.2 Boole: BPR SOMERSET. | SIPPELVILLE. | several days with friends a relatives. Ray Morrison, of Pittsburg, spent Mr. and Mrs. A. Raymond Wisman | Aug. 9—Misses Louiese and Beatrice Henry Meyersand Milton a nephew Sunday here. » Lester Foust,of Casselman, was call- and daughters, Misses Rachael, are spending a month with | wi relatives at Marietta, Pa. Prof. and Mrs. Charles R. Shultz | and children, of California, Pa., are the guests of the A. J. Hileman fami- ly, on the North Side. Mrs. A. E. Spangler, has as her se guests, Mr. and Mrs. George Mac- Laughlin and daughter, Miss Isabelle, of Pittsburg. * Dr. D.C. Colvin of Hampton, Va., formerly of Somerset, is in town e- | the home of William Ankney’s. newing acquaintances. - Miss Florence Bingner is spending | the home of her sister, Mrs. W. A. the week with Miss Lillian Thompson | Freeze. in Rockwood. Attorney and Mrs. Clarence L.|m Shaver, are entertaining Mrs. Sha- ver’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank |g p, Baer of this place, packed their dinners and went out in the woods for the Allegany Hospital, Cumberland, Lynn, of West Newton. Miss Helen Carr of Baltimore, isla the guest of Miss Marie Winters, of the Vannear Annex. Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Casebeer of Bellefonte, are the guests of Mrs. | visiting at the home of his mother, Mrs. John Baker, at present. Casebeer’s mother, Mrs. Robert Wal- ter, on the South Side. Miss Bessie Shaver, guest, Miss Katharine McGiffen, of |B Johnstown. Mrs. J. C. Wallace and daughter, Williams Rros.,wasseen on our streets Monday, Miss Lillian, of Pittsburg, have taker possession of their bungalow just west of town. | several days in Johnstown. Miss Sarah S. Scull has returned p from California, where she had been a for several years. Side, Wednesday last. Judge and Mrs. William H. Ruppel have as their guest, Miss Grace Nel- | ¢ son, of New York. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hostetler and | idence by putting down a new floor on William Hostetler of Confluence, are | his front porch. visiting Somerset relatives. | { Mrs. A. G. Benkhardt of Philadel- | Blecher, of this place, were welcome phia, formerly of Somerset, has re- | callers on Mrs. John Padfield on Fri- E News Items of Interest From Near-by Places, Gleaned by The 3 Commercial's Special Correspondents. a Sarah and | Robertson, of Coal Run, spent Sunday | George Albright, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Albright were | welcome callers at the home of Mr. | and Mrs. William Ankuey, on Sunday. Mrs. Domager and daughter were | ersdale Commercial, was a welcome caller at Mr. and Mrs. W. Ankney’s on Sunday. have started their pumps again. has as her|,t the home of hls sister, Mrs. John with his sister, Mrs. W. A. Freeze,left Attorney H. Frank Yost is spending | for Somerset on Monday. OHIO PYLE H. C. Jones, of Pittsburg, spent VIM Mr. and Mrs. Ed Engle spent Sun- fodrod 3 : * | O D N EWS . i day at Coal Run with Frank Thomas. Sunday at his home here. Il | P. W. White and family and Mrs. Bert Potter returned to his home % | W. W. Nicholson drove over to Finzel | here Saturday after spending several: | Md. to spend Sunday with Simon days in Connellsville. | Kieffer’s. Mr. and Mrs. George Gales, of Hum- Mrs. Henry Bangard left on Satur- bert, spent several days of this week |day for Elk Lick township to spend with friends here. | spent Sunday in Greenville township th their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. | with Chas. Schrader’s. George Meyers and family spent Sunday at Marshall Arnold’s,of Green- | church on Saturday evening was en- ville township. joyed by all who attended. The re- A. M. Schaffner, editor of The Mey- [\ciepts amounted to §72. Sunday brought the largest excur- caller in our town on Friday last. sions of the season from Pittsburg Quite a number of people from our and along the B. & O. line. “Burg” attended the Annual Reform-| Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Morgan, of King- ed Reunion at Riverside Park on last| wood, W. Va., visited Ohio Pyle friends on Sunday. Val. Gress and family, of Meyers-| Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Jackson, of Mrs. Belle River spent Sunday at|dale, spent Sunday with the Bangard { Connellsville, were the guests of | brothers. friends here on Sunday. Joseph Stein and his mother, Anna,| Mr. and Mrs. George Colborn, of and Mrs. Agnes Swearman, of Mey-| Mount Pleasant, are spending several ersdale, spent Sunday at the home of | days here with relatives. Wm. Seggie. 3 ——ee—r Mrs. Mary Jones, who had been in ing on friends here on Saturday. The festival, held at the Sugar Loaf en on our streets Sunday last. Mrs. Wm. A. Freeze was a welcome Mrs. Margaret Lowry als visited at Thursday. N. B. Hechler called on Frank Gates an on Sunday evening. P. W. Durst and family of town and ROCKWOOD : Prospecting for oil and gas has be- Md., came home much improved on gun on the 8. S. Mosholder farm in Sunday evening. Milford. | The Rockwood baseball team play- ed a game with the Garrett team at Garrett on Friday and was defeated by a score of 7 to 4. The mines have been running about The citizens of Black Township full time here. have expressed their appreciation of Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Genoy | the overhead bridge constructed by —a son. the Baltimore and Ohio over its tracks Joseph Perry, successor to A. Lu-| on the 8.& C.branch near Rockwood. nice time on Sunday last. The Sand Spring Water Company SHAW MINES. The farmers are busy cutting oats at present. Robert. Baker; of Keyser, W. Va.,is Mr. and Mrs. John Kendall visited | aker. Charles Williams, one of the firm of AAI NS NIN SSNS NS 1 —EGGS Seems odd for a bank to talk about eggs, but here is the idea :— Last week we offered $25 oo in gold as additional pre- miums of $5.00 each for five different entries at the fair next month, giving an opportunity for every man, woman, boy or girl to compete for at least one of the $5.00 gold pieces. : Then we were asked to add one more for some branch of the poultry department—so we are going to put a premiuni on eggs. : The day is fast approaching when eggs will be bough and sold by weight instead of by number. And We Are Going to Pay $5.00 in Gold For the heaviest dozen single-yolk chicken eggs laid during the week of September 1st. to 8th., inclusive. ' Entries to close at noon at the Fair Grounds. T For particulars and all your banking needs call at the Citizens National Bank. ‘““THE BANK WITH THE CLOCK.” a A cente, has started his meat market at| Mrs. Simon Holsopple, of Hooyers- this place. ville, is spending some time here with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shumaker and | her son, W. A. Holsopple. family are visiti)g relatives and| Work on the street paving job was friends at Larimer. delayed several days on account of a Miss Margaret Hostetler, of Mey- | shortage in brick. ersdale, was a guest at Joe Meehan’s| A jarge number of Rockwood citi- this week. zens attended the Chautauqua at Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fike and |Somerset on Saturday and Sunday. family attended the Sunday school! Af a recent meeting of the town picnic at Woodlawn on Sunday. council, it was dicided that a street Crosby Reynolds was home over | light should be placed along the B. & Sunday. He is attending school at| O. tracks near the Cox’s creek bridge. Mrs. W. A. Freeze and Mrs. Thomas Cumberland, Md. | Frank Paterene has secured a posi- Jee as clerk for the Dull Mercantile Co. Urias Hook, who made his home Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smith, of this lace, took supper at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. G. W. Smith, of the South Mrs. W. P. Baer wasa pleasant call | r of Mrs. John Clites on Friday. Charles Freeze has improved his res- ea SALISBURY. . Miss Mary Walton, of Sharon, is turned home after passing several | day. Qays with relatives, ; _ | Jonathan Albright was a caller ot Edwin S. Ryce of Pittsburg, is| the home of Mrs. Lucy Albright, on | spending ten days with Somerset re- | Friday. latives and friends. Tra Baer lost his podket book ‘cor Miss Emeline B, Scull has as her | atining $15 and his railroad pass. : spending a few weeks with her cousi Mr. and Mr. James Harding and en oS McClure Sim family and Mr. and Mrs, John Wiland : Miss Grace Hay arrived Sunday | and family, of Roumania, attended | the Sunday school picnic at Wood- | lawn on Sunday last. ab gl guest, Miss Elizabeth Hunter, of Ash- land, Pa. Clyde L. Shaver of Cleveland, O., {s visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Shaver. Frank “B. Rice has as his guest, Lloyd Walter, of Pittsburg. Register and Mrs. Bert F. Landis are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. w. Phillips, on an auto tour of the East- ern part of the State. Miss Clara Rush is spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H. Frye, in Richwood, W. Va. Miss Eleanor C. Colborn has as her guest, Miss Rebekah Dills, of Parkers- burg, W. Va. Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Cober of Ash- land, O., are spending ten days with Somerset friends and relatives. Mrs. W. H. Wable of Pittsburg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. James Hanna, on the West Side, who is seriously 3k Mrs. Charles W. Boughton of Youngstown, O., is visiting her par- ents, Attorney and Mrs. John G. Ogle, on the Bast Side. Mrs. Charles J. Harrison, Jr., is spending several weeks with friends and relatives in Gloucester, Mass., | and Philadelphia. Mrs. Frank F. Koontz of Philadel- phia, is in town visiting friends and relatives. Miss Catharine Coffroth of Keyser, W. Va., who had been visiting Som- erset friends and relatives, has re- turned home. Miss Alice Friedline has returned to her home in Meyersdale, after spend- ing a few days here with Miss Mae Walters. Miss Anna B. Scull, has as her guest, her sister, Mrs. John H. Boyts of Irwin, Pa. Miss Mary Fike of Meyersdale, was the guest of Miss Martine Cleaver, ——————————————————— DEAL gone to the country for a few days. Mrs. W. P. Baer and family have crt tna GARRETT. Aug. 11—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gipe returned home Thursday from a two Martha, weeks visit with friends and relatives | spent the past week with George Me- Donald and daughter, Ida, have re- Miss Ruth Smith. of near Berlin, vis- turned home. in Hooversville. ited her friend, Miss Emma Merrill, several days last week. Miss Emma Custer, a clerk iu the Enterprise Supply Co’s. store, is spend- ing her vacation with friends in Con- nellsville and Dunbar. Mrs. Albert Mason and two child- ren, of Hyndman, are guests of Mrs. Norman Romesburg of this place. Mrs. C. T. Bittner and Mrs. L. W. Pollard and daughter Elizabeth went to Windber Sunday to spend a few with Mr. and Mrs. L. ‘A. Beabes, who are living on a farm near that place. Miss Gertrude Schrock is visiting her friend, Miss Jennie Boose, in Som- erset. : Mr. and Mrs. Haryey Shoemaker,of CONFLUENCE. Mrs. E. J. McDonald and daughter, of Addison, after having William Knight, of Oshawa, Cara- da, is spending several weeks here visiting relatives and friends. : Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Reigle and son, of Dayton, O., are visiting Mrs. Rei- gle’s sisver, Mrs. John Trentle. B. F. Brown spent Saturday in Con- nellsville transacting business. Miss Nettie Weaver left for Parkers- burg, W. Va., on Saturday where she will spend several weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Neighborgal. S. G. Zimmerman and wife, of Con- nellsville, and Oran Kantner and wife, of town, left on Saturday for a weeks’ automobile trip through Michigan. Miss Ethel Conway, of Somerfield, was the guest of Miss Stella Miller Rockwood, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. U. S. Lape Sunday. Mrs. Lape | | Park Sunday afternoon. Miss Jessie Phillips apd Effie Pritts, | few days. of Wilson Creek, were Sunday visitors | at the home of Mr. Pritts’ brother, | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pritts. George Smith, Jr., of Cumberland, Md., is spending a few days of this week with his parents. Abraham Miller, who is working at Windber. spent Sunday with his fam- ily. W. L. Hoover, who was a patient in the Alleghany hospital at Cumberland came home on Sunday morning, but since he has returned his condition has taken a turn for the worse and he returned to Cumberland Monday even- ing. Lester Tedrow. of Pittsburgh, is The Reformed Sunday School at | spending his vacation here as the White Oak will hold their Old Home Day picnic oh Saturday September 6. A social will be held in connection with the picnic and a good time is as- sured to all. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shoemaker and family, of Meyersdale, spent Sunday with Mrs. Shoemaker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, G. Housel of this place. Henry day with his parents of Deal. Miss Mary: Hersh, of Sand Patch, 1t some time last week at P. W.| spel Suder’s. Miss Elizabeth Ki ruest of Suder, of Vim, spent Sun-| guest of Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Pollard. The girls of the ¥, L. B. C., of the Lutheran church are giving a sock social and lawn fete Saturday even- ing, August 16th. The girls are trying to pay for a large window for the new be needcd. | { | homes. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. | r Niagra Falls. They wil entertained her Sunday, School class | several days here with friends. of small girls with a lunch at Riverside | Mrs. Belle Dean, of Homestead, is church and have about $150 to raise | till November when the window w ill | las { Misses Minnie Weaver and Emma | Rector returned to Jerome after spend- | a week’s vacation at their respective township, will preach h Merrill left| F. terest in the last week, Miss Kate Lingenfelter is spending | the guest of Mrs. Fred Koontz for a Bruce Trentle, of Connellsville, was’ the guest of friends here on Saturday. eee GLADE CITY. A dinner was given on Sunday in honor of the 66th birthday of Herbert Harding. The following guests were present: C. L. Geiger and family, James Murray and family, Chas. Good and family, J. W. Forrest and family, Miss Annie Good, of Pittsburg, and Rev. M. A. Romesburg, of Garrett. Saturday was payday at Keystone Junction and the boys celebrated on Saturday evening. A game of baseball was played on Monday afternoon between the color- ed boys ‘of Meyersdale and the Key- stone Junction team. The Sunday school was well attend- ed on Sunday, and Rev. Mr. Romes- burg preached an appropriate sermon H. S. Smith, of Monessen, is the SE Telegram for the past guest of Mrs. Walter Shipley and oth- ! | er friends for a few days. Pa., is home for a few weeks. evening and will spend her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Hay. Miss Grace has been employed as stenographer in the office of the A VISIT TO Holzshu & WeIMEF's STORE Will show to you the best line of Groceries, Flour, Feed, Etc. We Buy in Car Lots, Hence Can Save You Money. Goods Delivered Free. Both Phones. MEYERSDALE FA. Centre Street Bernard Connelly, of New Brighton, Senator N. G. Keim, of Elkins, and Miss Cora Keim, of Elk Garden, visit- ed friends and relatives here last Wed- nesday. Sunday after a sojourn of several mo.ths in Berlin. . Sam. Engle and Rert Wagner took and back on Sunday in their auto. . James Russel, of West Salisbury, was taken to Cumberland last Thurs- day to be operated on for appendicits. Maust and family,C. M. May and wife, Miss Florence Johnson, Miss Edna Hay, I. F. Hay and Wm. Deitz motr- ed to Springfield, W. Va., Friday, re- turned Saturday evening. They re- ported a pleasant trip but a poor catch. Mr. and Mrs. I. 8. Monn and son Joe returned Friday from a month’s visit at Chambersburg. e— eer — ST. PAUL. (Formerly Keim P. 0.) Berry picking on Negro mountain is carried on at present by large num- bers of people. The blackberries are the only kind plentiful. A horse belonging to Charles Beals was killed by lightning on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wise are tak- ing possession of the Wesley McClin- tock property this week, having pur- chased it from Frank Maust. Mesdames Cal Rhodes and Mahlon Wisler were on a shopping trip to Meyersdale on Monday. Many people from this vicinity at- tended the Reformed Church Reunion at Riverside park last Thursday. Mrs. Oscar Sipple, who has been seriously sick for some time, is now improving. Mr. and Mrs. John Poorbaugh, who have been visiting Mrs. Poorbaugh’s father, A. O. Lepley, and other re la after Sunday school. J. W. Forrest, our butcher, claims he bought the best bunch of cattle | erset county. Harvey Berkley. Better try a steak. | day afternoon. |up. New goods, cou nore Cus t week that can be found in Som- He bought them from Rev. E. K. Hostetler, of Greenville Swearman’s business is picking teous treatment | the order at tives and friends here and elsewhere. in the county for several months, de- parted for their home in Nebraska last Monday. Samuel and Francis Maust, of Ber- lin, have been yisiting among their y many relatives and friends in this | ere next Sun-| vicinity for several days. Children cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA munity to buy some chickens. Sunday. lightning on Sunday evening. over Sunday. brother, John Lichty on Sunday. TP Val AS ve Povo OWL’S GLORY. 11,—Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. A. Hondwerk spent a week Aug. Harvey visiting friends and relatives in Broth- Deucker attended the Center Church | trsvalley township. . 3 Picnic in the Enfield Grove on Satur- Mrs. Elizabeth Livengood returned day and report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Habel and daughter, Mrs. Emma Rowe and Prof. Abram Kinsinger was in our com- and Mrs. W. H. Kretchman spent Sun- day at the home of L. A. Kretchman. A crowd of young people were at John Hay, of near Rockwood, spent: a crowd of young people to Oakland the big spring in the mountain on a few days visiting here. H. E. Hershberger motored Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Miller and family in his touring car to Engle’s Mill, Md.,where they visited Mrs. Miller’s parents, Mr. Chas. Beal’s horse was killed by Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Tipton were A fishing party composed of Frank| cov Ft 0h Jacob Tipton’s | 3d Mrs. Samuel Miller. Rumors are that in a short time there will appear in these items a short sketch of the public schools of, this township. Henry L.chty made a visit to his Francis Maust and family and Sam- uel Maust and family from Berlin were visiting relatives and friends in | our neighborhood last week. | Mr. and Mrs Dar iel Kiasinger were | visitors at Jonas Tice’s on Sunday. | H. R. Kretchman, after spending a fortnight in Ohio, returned home last Monday, well pleased with their trip. eee CASSEL.MAN. : : Miss Ed J 10 Milton Firl is working for George | home [das Uphorss hag Te Beal at present. ; | spent with relatives ana friends in Alvin Kretchman and Miss Savan- | Johnstown. % | . nah Gnagey were seen in our com- munity on Sunday. Rev. E. T. House, pastor of the U. rn B. church, is on the sick list. SUMMIT TWP. The farmers in general are nearly done cutting oat. . Mrs. Lydia Hay, of near Rockwood: was visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity a few days last week. The picnic held by the Center church | The Casselman girls are all pleased last Saturday was wellattended. Sev-| to see their friend, Miss Verda Kreger eral interesting addresses were made. | back after visiting friends at Gob The ball game between Summit Mills | pnelisville. and Center was very interesting, the ; score was 7-4, in favor of Summit Mie. | Miss, Hanpah May, of Markleton, An interesting time is reported by all. spent Monday visiting relatives and : : 3 friends at this place. The public roads in West Summit : township are generally in a bad con- The Casselman band, which was dition, being full of loose stones and reorganized recently, is delighting the ud holes. residents of the town with the musie N. J. Kinsingnr is beautifying his Wi Tender avely peck. - use with a coat of paint. - : ho oat of paint. The ar Frightful. tistic work is done by Mr. Kinsinger | | himself. : | A young Boston woman extremely etic, rides very well, and, seated Master Harvey Hart, of South Con- nellsville, has returned home after spending his vacation with Daniel Bittner, of this place. Miss Mildred Barnes is friends at Confluence. visiting R. J. Engle and family and Mary athi Miller spent Sunday at Dan’s Rock, : near Midland, Md., enjoying the beau- REMY sa My Poa 2 tiful scenery, journeying there in the : y : gone a m = forict’s uring car | masculine habit she had the misfor- : | tune to be thrown. An old sea cap- Miss Velma Gnagey, who is working tain hastened to her aid. ® for F. A. Handwerk, of near Pine Hill, | Raising her gently, he touched a spent over Sunday with her parents, | corset, and shouted in wild alarm to Mr. and Mrs. 8. M. Gnagey. |a bystander : | Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bittn visited | “Get a doctor, quick! Here’s a | ter’s sister, Mrs. Eliza Christner, | young cl ribs runnin’ north and last. ! south instes f east and west.”’ 0 Let o@ CLD OO -