| ——————— ee PERSONAL AND LOCAL HAPPENINGS Items Pertaining to the Town in General and Prepared for the Readers By Our Busy Staff. lL th fe Rev. Dr. L. L. Sieber, of Gettys: burg, will preach in the Lutheran h were church Sunday morning and even- ing. Mrs. Wm. Payne spent sunday ab Hyndman with friends. Mr. and Mrs. John Darra Boynton yisitors Sunday. Noah Lint, of Greenville township, was in town on Thursday. Dp. F. Graham, of Philadelphia. was a town visitor Wednesday Miss Effie Mimna, spent Wednes- | day with friends ab Somerset. Miss Elizabeth Schardt, spent Sun- ’] day with fricnds ab Cumberland, Md. Alfred Broadwater, of Glencoe, made a trip to Meyersdale last Thurs- day. : Irvin Deal, of Johnstown, was in town Wednesday on a business mis sion. / Miss Nellie Poorbaugh, of Mt. Le- banon church, Was in town on Sat- urday. J returned home Sunday evening on Andrew Hotfchner, Secretary of the | the Duquesne, Larimer School Board, was in town | visit with _ relatives Friday. : ville, Ohio. | WH. M. Maul, left Tuesday for a ten | Miss Ilda Pfahler, returned home i day visit at Philadelphia and Atlan- | from a visit with relatives and friends tic Oity. at Grove City, Pittsburgh and Con- Dr. O. P. Large and Homer G. Col- | neaut Lake. lins were visitors to Stoyestown, on Herbert Hibner, Sunday. . | Saturday from a visit with relatives i —————————— Miss Lucy Stiver, left Sunday for Everett, to spend a few weeks with her parent, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stiver. 2 Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Schlicht, and two children left Monday for a visit with relativesand friends at Washing- ton, Pa. Edward Meager, weeks’ vacation with relatives and friecds at Lonaconing, and Frost- burg, Md. : Mr. and Mrs. Wm Houck, left Thursday last for Atlantic City, where they expect to remain for sev- eral weeks. Vv at Steuben- a visit with friends ab Punxsutaw- Connellsville. Mrs. Amna Chischm, left Sunday ney, Pa.” ] Mr. and Mrs. Charles Streng, are for Mt. Savage, spending the week with relatives at | there on account of the serious illness of her daughter. J. ©. Reitz, one of Rockwood’s, substantial and clever gentleman was | a pleasant caller at The Commercial office on Saturday. A new boy came to the home of | Mr. and Mrs. S. Lucente, on Tuesday morning. The mother and boy are getting along well. Somerset. ; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Orowe, and little son spent Sunday with friends near Berlin. Miss Bernadette Crowe, spent’ Monday and Tuesday with friends ab Frostburg, -Md. B. G. Bittner, of Garrett, was in gi town on Thursday ’ and advanced : his subscription. | Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Diehl, and two | Greensburg, Pittsburgh, Chautauqua { Mrs. W. H. Gill, and daughter daughters Valera and Orlean, spent | and other places of interest. i Miss Mary, were Cumberland, visi- the past week visiting relatives and | expect to be home by August 24th. i $013 ly last friends at Bedford. i Miss Mary Yeager leaves today for h in RE it with friends ab at Shaw Mines, moved to town last | liam, of Pittsburg, | Winchester, Va week and are now located on Beach- 5 ? : > 1 treet, South Side. i Miss Margaret Wilson, is visiting ws » South Bide : relatives and friends ab Lonaconing Claude Deal, returned home Mou-} Ralph Quillman, i nd Midland, Md day from a visit with relatives ab Coes | B et. © T Seyies of Pithsburah, Crpant ‘Lake, Pittsburgh, Grove — ¥ Ale ee ’ 2h, | City, and Confluence. 1 is spending a few weeks here visiting iM piri 0d Eel d a r returned home Monday from a b visit with griends at Frostburg, Md. Miss Edna Baldwin left on Monday for a two weeks visit with relatives| and friends at Stoyestown and Johns- | porrow county, Ohio, is visiting town. es friends in Somerset, county. He is Miss Rhoda Cable, of Cumberland, | the gon of J. L. Saylor, formerly of Md., is the guest of her friend, Miss Somerset county. Elizabeth Schardt, ab the American House. nery establishment, Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. McClune, and | part of the week to spend a few daughter Miss Margaret spent a | weeks with relatives at Bediord and few days of this week with relatives | from thers she will go Fast to pur- chase her Fall goods. Charles Hummel, of Longyville, La., who had been visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Hummel, at Avilton, Md., and with friends here returned home Wednesday. Charles ‘H. Saylor, of Mb. Gilead, ve, Pa. i i at Johnstown. Ww. L, Dahl, the baker, received a new delivery wagon. The Somerset Chautauqua is one © year. J. S. Wengerd, was in town yesterday transacting business. burg on Wednesday, to remain for a Olassis is held today at Riverside Park. The indications are for a fair day and a large crowd. at Addison, Monday after spending several weeks here with his uncle : : and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Will, is spending 3|of Meyers ayenue. from a visit here with her friend, Miss Eva Leckemby, street, South Side. Friday evening from a few weeks Misses Margaret and Bess: Hady, | visit y 2 n sister, Mr. and Mrs. James Judge, from a two Weeks | at Magnolia, W. Va. and his daughter Miss Maude Bills, of Confluence, spent Tuesday here with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ebbecka, of North street. returned home | vv Jeft for their home at Cincinnati, Miss Mary Foley, left Tuesday for |and trionds at Mt. Braddock, and|pere with their relatives, Mrs. C. H.Dia, of Main street. Md., being called | Rockwood, party given the latter’s mother, Mrs. , spent a few days of last week here Miss Mae Diehl, of the Diehl Milli- | at the home of his parents, Mr. and left the latter | Mrs. Charles Darrow. a. NR Miss Marguerite Berthy, who for the past month was visiting at the ¢ | home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Hartley, left Monday for Oakland, Md., where she will visit for a few weeks before returning to of Route No. 2, her home in Cohen, W. Va. Mrs. Mary Hummel, of Ayilton, Md., left here yesterday for Tyrone, to attend the 186 anniyersary of the Matthew family of America, at Res- ervoir Tyrone. She will also visit relatives and friends ab Altoona, Hol- lidaysburg, and other places before she returns home. Mrs. D. P. England, and sons Har- e big affairs of the county this John Stacer went down to Pitts- w days visiting relatives. The Reformed reunion of Somerset Mrs. Francis Stacer and three chil- dren of Homestead returned home | VeY and Simon and daughter, Miss yesterday, after a three weeks visit | Selma, of Bedford, arrived here Sun- here with their relatives, Mrs. John Stacer. Mr. and |day in their touring car, in company with the former’s daughter, Mrs. Wm. Dahl, and children who had been spending a few weeks with them. They returned to their home Monday evening. Richard Ross, returned to his home Miss Florence Rottler, of Connells- : ille, returned home Thursday last | Everet, of Latrobe of Railroad Miss Julia Schardt, returned home for several weeks, brother-in-law and | with the party on Sunday evening. es pie Sha = i Cr FE poem Mr. and Mrs. John C. Weber, son Charles, Mr. T. E. Marriot and son motored here Sunday morning in their large tour- ing car, and spent the day with the former’s mother, Mrs. Lizzie Weber. Miss Julia Marriot, who had been visiting at the home of Mrs. Weber returned home | ——————— GOLLINS’ DRUG STORE, SECOND FREE MATINEE AT THE BLJOU Saturday, August 9th, 2 P. M. amma Ofle admission ticket given FREE with each purchase at our Fountain Friday and Saturday, (until 2 P. M.) August 8-9. Pure Distilled Water am \ Ps S-, y : s = ere | is used in making our Soda Water and ESET seryed with our Sundaes. Our Matinee gives out of town people a chance to see a good Moving Picture Show. The Biggest, Best, Cleanest and Coolest Fountain in Town at tie well sure BALTIMORE & OHIO csmp— Mr. Edward Bills, of Briar Hill, Administratrix’s Notice. ck township, Somerset county, Pennsy vania, deceased. Miss Iréne Appel, and brother Har- Meyersdale Borough, Pa.. immediately. Mr. and | "2 MARGARET MANKAMEYER, Administrataix. HAY & HAY, Attorneys. Aug. 76% Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Hauger, of . 4 attended the surprise ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF VALUABLE Real Estate Sirnon Biutner, of Lincoln avenue, Wednesday evening of last week. Ed. Leonard, of sCamberland, spent Sunday here with his family who are spending the summer, at the home of Mrs. Leonard’s mother, Mrs. Thomas Reese, of the South Side. Rev. J. A. Yount, and wife left on Tuesday on their vacation, visiting county the undersigned, Administor, C- Tt. 8 deceas d, on FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1913, The; y AT 2:00 O'CLOCK P. M., Mrs. Wm. Poschman, her daughter, about 100 acres being clear, having toere here visiting at the home of their erected a large bank barn, relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Saylor. of Norristown, thereon. . Terms made known on day of sale. with his wife, who has been here OZIAS WEIMER. tor some time at the home of her mother, Mrs. H. J. Wilmoth, of the South Side. W. P. Meyers, of Summit township, one of Somerset county’s most pros- perous farmers, made a most pleas- ant call at The Commercial office, on Saturday and while here renewed his subscription. Miss Grace Pfeiffer, of Olinger street, who had been visiting rela- tives and friends at Stoyestown and other places in the north of the] county, fora week or more, returned | tor settlement to the undersigned on Saturd, home Friday - last. Messrs. Edward and DeForest Lud- y Vv: R. SAYLOR. wig and Edward Bérnard, arrived kis ot ay. here Monday from Pittsburg, in the former’s touring car, and have since been guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. Collins. E Mrs. (Ed. - Miller, and daughter Miss Eligabeth Leibeau, of Olinger street, who had been spending a | naying been granted to the undersigned by There will be a meeting of stockholders Lick, Somerset Co , Pa., on Jugust 23, 1913. July 313¢ R. S JO EXECUTOR’S NOTICE. township, Somerstt coun ty. Pa., deceased. proper authority, notice is hereby -iven 10 pe sous indebte executor in Larimer township. Fir HERMAN B. BEAL. . Execu'rix’s Notice. In the estate of Henry J. Wilmoth, late of Pennsylvania, deceased: oe Cumberland, Md., returned home last Saturday morning. i Mr. and Mrs. Ira Layman, apd little child, who had been the guests erset county, Pennsylvania, on Friday, the day of August, 1913. of Mrs. Layman’s mother, Mrs. o 5 JENNIE E. WILMOTH, % HL & EALY, xecut Jesse Garletz, Of Lincoln avenue, Attorneys. july3 6t. returned to their home at Delville, Va., the last of the week. CT re Mrs. Austin Kennell, returned to FOR SALE]! her home at Wellersburg, after spend- ing the past month here with her mother, Mrs. Ida Staub, of Main SMALL FARM—20 ACRES, berland, Md., arrived here the last of the week. Mr. Beal returned home on Sunday, while his wife will spend a few weeks ab the home of Mrs. Samuel Beal, and other relatives and friends. Wm. Smith, of Opelika, Ala., ar- Also a Large, Powerful Draft Horse, years old, 17 hands high. J. A. SCHMITZ, Jul. 31-4t In pe estate of Elizabeth Thomas, late of Elk Letters of administration having been grant” ed to the undersigned by the proper authority: notice is hereby given to all persons indebted to-said estate to make immediate payment, and those having elaims againsy the Same to present : : them duly authenticated 10r settlement at the Ohio, after spending several weeks | residence of Mrs. Margaret Mankameyer, in By order of the Orphans’ Court of Somerset the estute of Samuel K. Weimer, late of Green- ville township, Somerset county. Pennsylvania, will expose for sale at the late residence of the All that certain tract of land, late the property of the deceased Siete in Ereouvilie Younsuin. i ivi . . merset county, Penns ania, adjoining the Ed. Seggie, who had been living | Mrs. Marion Carlin, and her son Wil- Se. CO yins. yy of Ozias Weimer, and land of Mathew Jones, containing one nun spent last week dred and thirty-five (135) acres, more or less. nine-room dwelling house. 26x36 feet, a tenant house, shop and other outbuildings. and with two springs of good water and large orchard Administrator. ¢ t. 2 CHARLES F. UHL, JR., Attorney. Aug 74t the Salisbury Jemetery Company held in Elk HNS, Sec'y. Estate of Issabelle Mull, late of Northampton Letters testamentary on the above estate having been issued to the undersigned by the A to said estate 10 make imme- diate payment, and those having claims against the same to present them duly authent cated September 13, 1913, at the residence of the Execuior. Borough of Meyersdale, Somerset County, Letters testamentary in the above estate week with relatives and friends in | proper authority all persons indebted to said On the banks of the Casselman river, 90 miles from Pittsburgh. Fertile soil, used to farming, Percheron breed, 6 Address, Fort Hill, Somerset Co., Pa. SEASHORE EXCURSIONS FROM MEYERSDALE TO > $8.50 Good in Coaches Only $10.50 } Good in Pullman Cars With Pullman Ticket CE SE CAPE MAY, SEANISLE CITY, OCEAN CITY, STONE HARBOR, WILDWOOD, REHOBOTH July 3, 17 and 31; 7August 14 and 28; September 11. TICKETS GOOD RETURNING 16 DAYS i ec —————— "TIN SECURE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET GIVING FULL DETAILS FROM TICKET AGENTS: Li BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD v SENSES 0 Stops “Summer Complaint | | This remedy should be in every home—not only for, the litt 1g VS put for the older members of the family as well. - y fone Tide ongy id In cases of Cholera Morbus, Colic, Diarrhea, or any*howel complaint NYAL’S BLACKBERRY CARMINATIVE is so certain in its action and relieves in so short a ti hat : afford to be without it. ime that you cannot It relieves all irritation of the intestines, is slightly astrin , an- ses the bowels before they are checked, and is ay To It is without doubt the best remedy of its kind we know of and is equally good for children and adults. \ h There Are Two Sizes - 25 cents and 50 cents the bottle. ‘When we had a chance to get the exclusive selling agency for Ny: Family Remedies we jumped at it. They are known re i as the highest quality line on the market, and are prepared by a oreat firm of manufacturing chemists, famous for fifty years. F. B. THOMAS, Leading Druggist. Meyersdale, Pa. Opposite Citizens National Bank. v in Both Phones. oa ” rs . rr rm Have you any of the following symptoms of Eye Troubles? If so, consult EYESIGHT AT COLLINS’ DRUG STORE, HARTLEY BLOCK, Tuesday and Wednesday, Aug. 12 and 13. MEYERSDALE, PA., FROM 9:00 A. M. TO 5:00 P. M. all ay, the t+ - IF the letters blur or run together znd: you become sleepy after reading a short time. ? IF you are troubled with nervousness, dizziness or a constant tired exhags— ed feeling. IF you get sick at your stomach easily / while riding or mingling with a mov. - ing throng of people. IF your eyes water. Tix adv IF your eyes become swollen. IF you have pain in the temples. IF it troubles you to see ata distanee.- IF your eyeballs ache. IF one eye is weaker than the otzer. street. She was accompanied home ; > : sandy loam, rofitable for small fruit 3 by her cousin, Frederick Groff. and ail farming. Spring water > your eyes feel swollen. piped to house and barn, picturesque F your eyelids droop. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Beal, of Cum-|gcenery—a charming summer home. P IF your eyes feel tired’and worn ziex IF you suffer from dull or periodically sewing. sick headaches. IF your eyes smart or burn and the lids become inflamed. IF your eyes feel tired after QiEg fine work of any kind. IF your eyelids stick together in the IF you experience pains or aches in morning. . rived here the latter part of the week to spend a few weeks here with his wife, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wiland, of Keystone street, for sev- eral weeks. Mrs. Howard Frankenfield, and two children left for their home ab Philadelphia, Thursday of last week, | after spending several week here ' with the former’s brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Gurley, of Center street. Hy $7.40 MEYERSDALE AND RETURN Via Pittchurgh-and B. Ru& RyRy: James Darrow, who is employed’at inf ugh n wy Grafton, W. Va., gpent Sunday here TICKETS G00D FIVE DAYS Sromm—— He returned to his work on Monday, accompanied | by his sisters; Misses Gregg and | Eunice Darrow, who will visit in the above city for several weeks. Full Information. Baltimore & Ohio NIAGARA FALLS AUGUST 2, 23 AND 30. Ask B. 0. RFR. Ticket Agent for the eyeball or in the top or back of | IF there is any discharge from %he head, extending ofttimes into the| ©¥©S: 8 neck or shoulder. 1f any" black spots appear before you. No matter how clear your vision, if you are experiencing any of the above troubles, step in and have a talk about your eyes. GLASSES IF you are wearing glasses that do |IF your fglasses tire your eyes wes not fit you perfectly. using them. your glasses do not giye you Soil1P your glasses draw your eyes OF and distinet vision. muscles. SPEGIAL ATTENTION som isan ons the utmost importance tq the eyes asd. ‘body. in gener al as regards of health, : * 1f you have any of the above symptoms, weak eyes or improperly Bed glasses,donob delay, as it will pay you to consult us at once. ‘We'will exatsiie your eyes free of charge and candidly and truthfully tell you if we can Save your sight, and give you correct results. Remember I visit Meyersdale, at Collins’ Drug Store, every two weeks and guarantee all my work. I will make all necessary corrections and change the lenses and time within two years absolutely free. Eyes and sight exzm- i med free. Special attention to children’s eyes. Glasses fitted from $2.06 up-