The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, August 07, 1913, Image 2

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Aug 4— Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Godel
and two children, Margaret and Char- | be an event of the past. The quality
lotte, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Tom |is good, but the quantity falls below
seventy per cent of a crop.
Pollard in Geneva, O.
~ Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Rush visited Mr.
Rush’s at Hyndman over Sunday.
Miss Belle Pyles and brother, Ever-
ette, of Harnedsville, are the guests of
their brothe-r and sister in law, Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Pyles this week.
Miss Rena Brant went to Somerset
Sunday to visit friends and attend the
Chautauqua this week.
News ltems of Interest From Near-by Places, Gleaned by The
Commercial’s Special Correspondents.
adn oS 3osJoofeoode 2.8
has been visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. I. D. Leydig.
as, has been visiting relatives and
friends in this vicinity for several | 41,0 hospitable home of Mr. and Mrs
weeks. : *
that Miss Leah Leydig, who has been night on the lawn ofthe M. E
Milton Younkin and family attend-
| brother-in-law, Meryin Carey, who
one day iast week
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pittinger, who
fodefoodeofededootdodoiok | had spent 9 years in the India Miss-
ion field have returned on a furlough,
extending one year, after which they
will return to their field of labor.
Mrs. Pittinger, before her marriage,
was Miss Florence Baker, a daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baker, and is
well and favorably known among the
people in Garrett county.
While in India, two children were
born to them, a boy and a girl, both
Mrs. Irene Carpenter, Huston, Tex- being bright and interesting chaps.
This happy family of four are ah
Aug. 4, 1213—Oats harvest will soon
Mr. Burhenn, of Rock Falls, Ill,
Daniel Baker.
Everybody is very glad to know| mpe jawn fete held on Saturday
D NEWS oiled the funeral of Mrs. Younkin’s mail carrier for the past eight years
on Route No. 2, is enjoying his well
was killed by a bolt of lightning earned yacatiou at his native home
near Wellersburg. Miles
substitute is now on the Route.
Meyersdale are yisiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs.
ill for severa: months will soon be able
to resume her place in our Sunday
‘Miss Nelle Brant is the guest of her
friends ia Cumberland, Md., where
she can be near her grandfather, WwW.
I. Hoover, who is a patient in the
Alleghany hospital.
Miss Minnie Weaver, of Jerome, is
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Phil. Weaver for a wee
. G. H. Broadwater and daughters,
Alfred Beech, who made his home|, , 003 pmma, of Parsons, 3 Va.,
and Mrs. Chas. Broadwater, of North
With nis RE accompanied by their sister Miss and will soon be ready for the plas-
prietor of the Rivers > Nellie Broadwater, and Alfred Broad- terers
Pittsburgh Friday to accept a position | = ior came to visit at the homes of
in the Westinghouse Electric Co. relatives and friends in this vicinity
David Densy, of Pittsburgh, is the |gn4q in Parsons, W. Va.
guest of his parents for a few days Dr. G. J. Beachy and family with
this week. several friends are occupying their
Miss Elizabeth Kindlesperger, of | summer home near our town.
Boswell, is visiting her friend, Miss | pro Theodore Krissinger, of Pitts-
Helen Brant, this week. burg, is visiting at the home of her
John Hogan, of Manning, W. Va., | parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Broad-
and Elizabeth Crowley, of Wellsville, | water.
Ohio, were guest at George Mitchell’s
home on Walker st last week. SALISBURY.
Miss Emma Rector, of Jerome, i8| pgisees Carrie Johnston and Edith
visiting her mother at the Merchant's | 1 iopiiter returned Saturday from a
Hotel at present. weeks visit with friends and relatives
Cleve Saylor, of Holsopple, was the | in Stoyestowa.
guest of his sister, Mrs. Wm. Martin, | john Cochran who had been em-
over Sunday. ployed at Jenner, is home and will
Miss Fayotte Sykes, of Jefferson, | remain if he can secure employment.
Mn., is the guest of her friend, Miss| arg. Wm. Mimna of Addison is a
Edna Custer. guest of Mrs. Alfred Ringler.
Mrs. Warren Blough, of Confluence, | nr and Mrs. Chas. Mimna of Som-
visited at the home of S. P. Fritz over | ¢ cet, and Mr. and Mrs. George May
Sunday. of Coal Run, were in town on Satur-
Mrs. Waters and granddaughter, day to attend the funeral of Mrs
Mary Waters, of Fayetteville, Kas., | Charles Hose of Garrett, who was
are guests of Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Pol- | brought here for burial.
lard. Darby, the youngest child of Dr.
The ladies of the L. 8. C. with bas-|and Mrs. E. H. Miller, who for the
kets, boxes and sewing bags, went to | past four weeks has been seriously ill
Riverside Park Thursday afternoon, |is much improved at present.
here they enjoyed themselves With | Attorney James McClure of Pitts-
eyery form of amusements the park|j,ye arrived Saturday evening and
affords until nearly six o’clock, when | wi}} spend a month at his home here.
curiosity and hunger got the better of
one had a table cloth then came sand-
witches, spring chicken, salads and
some of the most tempting diches any
housewife could make. Then fruit,cake
three different kinds, and ice cream.
They returned home on the 8 o'clock
car rather tired but happy. Those
present were:
1. W. Pollard, C. T. Bittner, B. 8.
Miss Blanche Rees of Elizabeth, Pa.
their parents at this place.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Glotfelty, Mrs
church was well attended and a
large lot of ice cream and cake were
sold. The evening was beautiful but
George C. Pfeiffer, our old reliable
Hay, his
Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Saylor, of
D. S. Gnagey, on
Yost Summy, one of the industri-
ous young farmers of’ this township,
while helping, R. J. Engle, to haul
wheat, had the misfortune of falling
from the over den, receiving several
injuries, but is able to be about again.
H., E. Hershberger, and E. R. Hay
attended the Chautauqua at Somer-
get on Sunday afternoon.
The surprise party given Miss Della
Klink, on Saturday last was well at-
tended and all report a good time.
W. J. Weller, one of the supervis-
ors, is busy crushing stone, and pik-
ing the road, leading from Upper |
Summit Mills to ‘A. Rishel. Many |
Having visited - their parents, Mr. | rather cool.
Jackson, Ohio, Prof. L. Broadwater, Frostburg, Md., spent Sunday with beneficial to the general public. 4
of Seattle, Wash., Prof. 8. G. Broad- Mrs SEanbort's ani Ag
k or ten days. | Water, of Devils Lake, N. D., and| 0" oo Jo 9 18 ’ .
Mrs. Milton Meese and daughter
each and They Seriaed Be fe Mii Margaret of Johnstown, are guests of
the others had in their baskets. her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Alfr turned to their home after spending |&rove.
is spending her vacation at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John | ren are spending a few weeks with |by the Hooversville Supply Company
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newman of
Mesdames C. D. Fritz, Boswell, are spending a week with
people think the crusher should bef
Mr. snd Mrs. James Shumbert, of |used on the main roads where it is}
Mrs. Eliza Christner, spent Sunday |
with her aunt, Mrs. Nancy Kretch-
The new church is now under roof | man at St. Paul.
R. J. Engle, one of our popular
auctioneers, conducted the sale of
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Mason, of near| W. J. McClintock, at St. Paul, last
Swanton, were Sunday visitors ab Saturday. }
Samuel Baker’s. L. A. Kretchman, is moying the |.
Concrete pavements are being put’ old house, which he bought several |
down at the M. E. parsonage, at H.| years ago from Peter Schmucker to
O. Bonig’s and at Mort Smouse’s. build an automobile shed.
On Sunday four couple from near Noah J. Kinsinger, and family were
vicinity of Grantsville to have their | Sunday last.
dinner in the woods and before re-| The lawn fete held by the Brethren
turning one of their horses became | ghyrch at Summit Mills on last Sat-
sick. O. W. Stotler, owner of the|nrday evening was well attended.
horse was summoned by telephone | pg. vey Handwerk and Miss Annie |
and af once he sent bis son Earle Fullem visited the former’s parents, |
accompanied by Steve McKinley, t0| nr g5,q Mrs. Blias Handwerk near
administer medical aid. The horse Spring s-1a5t Sun day
improved and was taken home on . * i
re. Miss Kate Miller, of Salisbury Junec- |
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Younkin, Henry Yes, spout Sunday with her friend, |
Baker, and Susan Durst visited at w gey. ;
thn Tome of John Fainger's not oF GCE A ner of bes
rawn on Sunday. .
On Monday evening a party from Harry Bjegsom at St. Paul Sunday.
Meyersdale, motored to Grantsville, A. G. Maust, who has an attack of
typhoid fever is slowly convyalescing.
where a chicken and waffle supper
was prepared for the occasion at the The Yoder brothers, who lately
National hotel. Among the happy | Pought the threshing outfit from
party we noticed Mr. and Mrs. W.|Sechler and Hershberger, had their
T. Hoblitzell Mr. and Mrs. J. J.|first experience of threshing for U.
Hoblitzell and Mr. and Mrs. 8. A.|M. Kretchman on the Saylor hill.
Kendall. Everything went fine. The Yoder
—_— brothers are fine young men and we
CONFLUENCE. believe they will have all the thresh-
Mr. and Mrs. James Hood, of Som-|ing the coming season they can do.
erfield were the guests of their parents | The Center Lutheran church will
Salisbury, drove livery rigs to the visiting at the home of Yost Summy Cie
An Opportunity
$25.00 IN GOLD
We are going to'add to the prizes at the Fair next month.
We Will Pay
$5.00 for Best Half-Bushel Ear Corn.
$5.00 for Best Selection Peck of Potatoes.
$5.00 for Best Loaf of White Bread.
Then the following for Boys and Girls under 16 years of age :
$5.00 for Best Loaf of White Bread.
$5.00 for Best Essay by Boy.
“Why Boys Should Stay on the Farm,”
For particulars and your banking
call at the
Citizens National Bank.
Holzstu & Weimer's |
Will show to you the best line of
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Etc.
We Buy in Car Lots, Hence
Can Save You Money.
Goods Delivered Free.
Both Phones.
a short time Monday. hold its annual picnic on Saturday
Misses Susan and Helen Bowlin re- | August 9th, 1913, inthe W. M. Enfield
Everybody invited.
a week with Miss Emma Thomas, of Yr
Mr. und Mrs. P. 8. Rowe and child-
W. H. Johnson, who is employed
spent Saturday and Sunday with his
O. E. Stotler, of Rockwood, spent
Saturday and Sunday with his family
at Arbutus Park, near Johnstown,
where they are camping.
friends in Cincinnati.
Rev. Ross, of Pittsburgh, was in
town Monday visiting friends.
Mrs. Jedi Show, of Charlestown,
spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs.
Rush, H. C. Bohn, Ed. Johnson, L.A.
Phenieca, Simon Fritz. Mr. B. 8.|Stephen McKinley, and Mrs. F. F.
Rush, Mr. L. A. Phenecia, Rev. W.H. | Petry, motored to Berlin and Mae-
B. Carney, Miss Ada Bittner, Eliza-| qonaldton, coming home by way of
beth Pollard and Mrs. Waters and | Garrett, last Thursday. All reported | days with Mrs. Sam. Peybeck. They
a very pleasant trip and highly com- returned home Monday.
phmented C. M. May on his safe
Mary Waters, of Fayetteville, Kas.
July 28,—Mrs. L. A. Smith, of this
place, and Mrs. Henry Mercer and
‘Wm. Deitz.
Mrs. Wm. Schulteis, of Pittsburg,
Ao0k a pleasure trip to Berlin on Toil —
Charlie Freeze, who has been
ery sick; is able to be out again, Saturday night in Connellsville.
8. P. Pore, of Indian Creek was
; ; “a .
Mrs. L. A. Smith, Mrs: Henry Mer business caller in Connellsville Tues-
ser and Schultheis, of Pittsburg, were day
welcome callers at the home Jonas * :
Albright’s on Tuesday last Tuesday.| H:C. Krepps spent Sunday with h
family at Mill Run.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee, of Saylors
Knob, were welcome callers at Mrs. |. =
Lucy Albright on last Wednesday. his praents at Mill Ru.
spent Thursday in Cumberland. day.
W. P. Bear, P. H. Durst and T. W.| Frank Lenhart, of Joues’ Mill, W
Belcher spent Thurday in the woods | in Connellsville on Tuesday.
hunting for berries.
Mrs. J. G. Malcolm, of Hazel Wood, | business caller Tuesday.
who was visiting her mother, Mrs.
Lucy Albright, of this place, returned | 1,15 tamil v in Wilkinsburg.
to her home on Saturday.
Miss Annie Bittner, of near Glade Dewey Miller were berzy picking
City left on train No. 15 for Connells-| myesda y.
ville to spend a few days.
G. H. Albright, who has been work- over Sunday with his family at Dai
ing on the State road between Somer- | + op
set and Berlin, came home on Thnrs-
day to spend several days.
Miss Verda Kreger, is visiting
friends and relatives of Connellsville.
Miss Katharine Ohler, of Rock-
wood, is being entertained by her |
in, Miss Stella Cupp. |
os, ee . re | and Scottdale on Tuesday.
Miss Maud House, 18 the guest of | OE : mi
friends and relatives in Frostburg. Captain G. W, Brooks, of Mill R
Tags . x7 Wa spent Tuesday
Mrs. Elizabeth Beal, of Wellington, | ..
: ~_ | friends.
YW. Va., is V go her parents, Mr. |
Me 8
and IMTS.
day on account of the derailment
the engine tank at Ohio Pyle.
on Tuesday.
ymi Weimer, is the
0. 0. Schmucker and family of Bos- | way to Addison, to visit friends.
well, spent Sunday at the home of
L. L. Eish and Walter Bmith spent
Warren Younkin spent Sunday with
S. M. Hutchingson, of Mill Run, was
Mrs. N. B. Heckler and children, gonnellsville business caller Tues-
Hiram Connor was a Connellsville
W. T. McFarland spent Sunday with ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Clarence and George Cooper and |p orming.
H. R. Adams, of Uniontown, spent| Mrs.
Train No. 57 was one hour late to-| Connellsville visitors on Monday.
T. B. Murry, of Indian Head, was
| a business caller at West Newton | pusiness trip here cn Monday.
J. M. Stauffer, of White Bridge, |dray to Whig Corner on Monday.
| transacted business in Connellsville Lewis Morrison of Sugar Loaf took
with Connellsville | operation.
Miss Helena Williams, of Uniontown, | The Kind You Have Always Bought | of a new round-house
A. L. Bird,
Miss Florence Frazee, Mrs. Florence
Ramsey, of Pittsburgh, spent a few
Mrs. George Filcer, of Somerset,
spent Friday, here, visiting friends
and relatives.
Miss Helen Rankin, of Jonhstown,
Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Hartzell
went through town Saturday on their
sopple for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. G .N. Shrock and
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. D. Dull, of
Somerset, were the guests of Mrs.
Flanigan Saturday and Sunday. Jerome Coal Company.
is visiting her cousin Mrs. W. A. Hol-
Miss Lillian Thompson, of Rock- family, visited at George Beal’s, at
wood is visiting relatives at Somerset. | the Slope, last Sunday.
G. W. Large has moved to Jerome,
where he will have charge of the
Centre Street MEYERSDALE, FA.
Climbing Cutworms.
Chas. Ackerman, who had been
living at Mance for 18 months, moved
near Berlin.
It is not generally known through-
out the state of Pennsylvania there
The mines of the Brothersvalley | exist insects known as Climbing Cut-
Coal company, are working full time | worms which spend the day in the soil:
and still wanting more men. in concealment, and in the evening
E. E. Conrad of Meyersdale, was and during the night climb plants.
geen in this vicinity one day last shrubs and even trees, and feed on
week. their foliage, and especially on their
, : fruit. Such is the case, and these pests
Baise Brick of jes J Shaver are so numerous as $0 be very destruc—
yer a business visitor here last ¥ri-| tive, Fruit growers often find young
ay. : . : | fruits gnawed into, but do not see
George Beal is on the sick list. the marauder. It is possible to spray
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ackerman and with an arsenate spray to destroy
these pests, using one ounce of arse-
nate of lead in each gallon of water or
fungicidal liquid. Specimines sent to
Prof. H. A. Surface, Harrisburg, Pa.,
have brought replies as the following:
STATION. “The insects which you sent us ap-
, pears to be a cut worm larva. The
Miss Nina Fike returned home after| Mss. B. M. Crossen, of Lepher Hils
a few weeks visit with friends in Mey-
Miss Marion Sanner has accepted
the position as clerk in MeCrory’s 5
& 10 cent store in Connellsville.
Hogan Yeagely, of Connellsville,spent
several days with his parents
Mrs. James Frazee, of Connellsville
spent ‘several days with her ssiters,
Mrs. William Frazee and Mrs. Sam.
| Reybeck, of the West Side.
§iMrs. A. McAuliff and son, of Chi-
cago is visiting her mother, Mrs.
Lydia Umbel, this week.
Mrs. Alfred Younkin,of Homestead,
who has been spending a week visit-
a here for a few weeks.
First National Bank, was the gues
of his mother, of Stoyestown.
eee r————
our community last week hunting.
28 horse to buy.
who lives on Jerry Keim,s farm.
Fick. She returned home Sunday neighborhood this week.
Chas. Blain was shopping in
rs- | Connellsville.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Shipley were
bought two head of cattle from Jon
Tice and took them along home wi
of| p. J+ Potter was in Connellsville Springs were visitors at Jonas Maust
on Monday.
Ed. Bender, of Confluence, made a|ren made a visit to John Engles
Walter Chuck made a trip with his
his soon Donald to the Cottage State
un, | Hospital on Monday to undergo an
For Infants and Children.
| was calling on Ohio Pyle friend this |
Pe a | Bears the
R. C. Baily was in Connell Signature of ¢;
Fla., is visiting friends and relatives
H. F. Berkebile, cashier of the
Aug. 4,—Henry Lichty and Rolston
Weimer made a visit to Springs on
Christ Yoder, of Grantsville, was in
Benjamin Bender and family made
a visit, last Sunday, to George Engle
Solomon Summy was a visitor in our
Lewis Maust and daughter Edna | rooms, as well as the offices of the
from Berlin, were yisitors at Peter | train despatchers.
Maust’s last week. While here, he|made more attractive by the Marquise
Simon J. Maust and family from |larly attractive.
Mrs. Washington Boxes and child-
Mr. snd Mrs. George Beals Vers od thousands of dollars in improying
0 t's, on Sunday. eg
ghosts si Peter Mums. Y* | its terminal facilities at Cumberland |
The handsome new passenger stati- | jes = heen crushed in the mail and
on of the Western Maryland Railroad A . had escaped, by the
eaten fruit was received and examined
t | Company ab Cumberland, Md., has | and it indicates the injury by this par-
been completed and is now in service. | ticular pest. The poison bran mash
rhe building is a part of the extensive | placed at the foot of the tree will in-
terminal improvements which were | Te Diotection against this insect,
. climbs the tree at night and
d . 2
gotten under way by the railroad | feeds on fruits and foliage and then
company at that point some months | goes down and conceals itself during
the day.
J ‘Make this poison bran mash by mix
| ing one part of paris green with forty
parts of bran when dry and then dis-
The station, which is one of the fin-
est on the Western Maryland System,
is three stories high, is of brick and
concrete construction. The lower floor olve some coarse brown sugar or stale
of the building is on a level with the |l0lases in enough water to moisten
railroad tracks. The building willnot the bran without making it sloppy.
only house the passenger station rooms Put a little pinch of this poison bran
but also the baggage and express | here and there around the base of the
trees or plants to be protected, in the
The structure is | evening and the cut worms will come
to it and feed and be killed. It is the
as | covering. best means which I have yet found ef
th| mhe interior appointments of the protecting garden plants from cut
new Cumberland station are particu- | Worms.
The building is fin- ‘‘A year ago one of my friends, who
ished throughout with hardwood, with | has a large young orchard, reported
h Ti opt a .__|thatcut worms were destroying all the
other wor n keep Dg, nd contains | new growth on his trees, NE 3 od
on | every modern convenience for the | remedy for this. We found they were
traveling public. | the climbing cut worms and a
The Western Maryland has expend- | mended this remedy, which he used
[Uh jmmaiste and entire satisfac-
and elsewhere. Work on the station | DEAD LTTER LIST
| was begun some months ago, and its | — :
construction has proceeded without in-| J, S. Prince.
terruption. Other improvements at| Aug. 2, 1913, J. F. NavGLE, P.M
| Cumberland include the construction | mo afin:
ps |
Children Cry
and enl ed
ight yards will be
| pleted in the near future.
ner t