The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, July 31, 1913, Image 4

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Meyersdale Qommereial. |
Pa, as Second-Class Mail Maiter.)
{Registered at the Postoffice at Meyersdale,
A. M. SCHAFFNER, Editor and Proprietor.
Phone No. 55. 110-112 Center Street.
Women’s Suffrage.
The suffragettes in England have ru
recognition and in their efforts they hav
take away from them sympathy and good will.
and destroy property does not commend its
of the people, but in the United States the Suffragettes are moving | ate,
on, they are moving with rapid strides,
do with the nation’s affairs in the future, and why should they not
Civic League, of San Francisco, said:
going to vote. Iam persuad
ers, things present or things to come, learning, the ballot, nor any-
of the home and the rearing of children.
dire predictions of evil will fall upon us when women vote.”
Home Business First.
be overestimated. They are men of faith.
their investments will prove profitable, that they begin business, in Besth oealins ok. Anh
: Le I e < y Vp.— e, nnie
the hope that they may gain profit from taeir venture, but they are| g.);. sandy oe Elwecd Coun?
tryman; Plank Road, Charles Brant;
fast End No. 1, Ernest Silva; East
End No. 2,Luella Hauger; Mill,Harry
Krissinger; Sugar Grove, Mae Miller;
Hays Mill, Ruth Dickey; Pine Hill,
Beatrice Rhoads; Glen Orris, Ellis
Werner; Fairyiew, Ralph Reimai j |
Long, Naomi Smith; Summit, George
Eveline; Cross Roads, Etta Shober;
Factory, Alda Beachy; Flickinger;
Farle Brant; Walker: Althouse,
Minnie Dickey; Pleasant . Valley,
Victor Glessner.
also benefactors to any community.
They are entitled to a reasonable gain in trading, and they are
deserving of the patronage of the public. In this age of order house
business, and parcel post service etc., when so much is being done
in that direction, it is opening one’s self to eriticism to say that our
merchants should do the business in furnishing you your needs.
Send a dollar to New York or Chicago and that dollar never returns
to Meyersdale. Spend it at one of our local stores and that dollar
will buy groceries this week for one family and for some other fam-
jly next week. It will keep on making the rounds, stay right at
home, and paying bill after bill. Keep as many of the good and
necessary things as you can in Meyersdale. If you support the
home enterprises, the money will stay here, where it does us all the
most good.
Let Congress Get Busy.
Congress has been in session for many weeks and many weeks
before the majority party had been at work on the formation of a
tariff bill. The country has declared that it wants a revision of
the tariff law. That was involved in the campaign preceding the
election of the president in November, 1912. That a revision would
take place there was no doubt in the minds of the people. The
majority party in both houses of Congress has been busy and
has substantially shown what it wants and what seems likely
that can be passed when the final test is made. The minority party
cannot defeat the measure if the majority wants to pass the bill, and
while it cannot defeat, it can cause almost interminable delay by
technicalities and sharp parliamentary work. The fact is the
country would like congress to do something real soon, so that the
ss world can adjust itself to the new requirements of the
business worl
new tariff law,
This say require some time and may cause some business din
lieve that tariff reduction is surely a movement
turbance, but we be
in the direction of honesty in business and in line with that which
has to do with a square deal to all and favors to none. American $ ’
the grip of an intense heat wave to-
day that threatens to eclipse the high
marks made on July 4 and 6 in 1896. | Bittner’s Grocery.
Reports of several deaths have been
} rocatved. The mercury reached 96| As long as ©
at noon.
industries, with American brains, American capital and American
skill to beg for bounty or a tariff rate against the outside world, is
not what the American people boast of. America claims suprem-
acy, and surely the time ought to be here when the industries
should’noflonger ask that every horny hand of toil be taxed in order
that the Fricks and the Carnegies may be produced from the nat-
$ural resources of this country.
The Burgess Question.
In the heat of the summer, politics is unusually quiet and yet
the next burgess of Meyersdale. This is a practical question and
one in which all citizens should be interested. Two names so far
have been mentioned prominently, others have been suggested. To
aspire to the headship of Meyersdale for the next four years is
laudable ambition, and the duties involved in the realization of such
aims are serious and should be
town may be clean, fair and in conformity with the ordinances and
for the safeguarding of the financial and moral interests of the
people. out the east, with the exce i
: . ) s ption of ¥ 3
Local Slootiony aro am for ie Jshest good when the people | Boston, sweltered in one of Ls on Ee PRICE al
forget politics:. en they choose the best man available then they |test days of the year today. Scores ? bs Te /A\ ’
serve their own best interests. of prostrations have been reported aid Se Soak > Roane MA car, don t forget to look our
It is still early in the season and the mercury still soars very 2m] x number of denis occured, Country Side, per pound.......ccccoees io MN stock over of the famous
high, but the probability is that other names will come before the HIGH MARK AT MOUNDSVILLE. Apple butter, per ea sieereessresesinens is MN
people so that the people will have ample opportunity fo ex press| Moundsville, W. Va., July 30.—One | a por pond. MD £6 ’)
their choice. The men whose names have been mentioned have) heat prostrasion Was reported before |= SI fi) M A XW | !
friends galore, and would summon many voters to their cause. |2o%" today as the result of the hot-| Corrected weekly by- Becker &| u
: test weather experienced in this sec- | gt; PN
Others would doubtless also have many warm advocates. We believe | tion this season. At noonsthe tem- TERE. MN .
this would be a good rule to go by in any local election. —Forget | perature registered 101. SELLING PRICE. IN 20 H. P. Touring Car, fully equipped............ $ 725.00
politics, forget Si bate forges fives organizations, but [oo per agar CREB oe #\ 35 H. P. Touring Car, fully equipped............ $1,085.00
think of the mén, think o the principles for which they stan d, think DESTROYED BY FIRE. | Wheat, POF BUS... -seererserirnassisenss $1 05 MN 50 H. P. 6-cylinder Touring Car, fully equipped”. . $2,350.00
A . —— | Wheat chop, per CWh.ceneerrrnsuennes 190 MN 2
residence owned by the coal| Corn and oats, per cw. home \
of their ideals, think of the good of the municipality.
THE farmer is on to his job, for he makes hay while the sun 2° =" ; iN
| Kaduchi, butcher, was destroyed by Flour, ‘Best on Record”’ per bbl. 5 45 /N
Ce —————
A self-designated blue ribbon paper scornfully, vaingloriously
and flauntingly publishes rank atheistic literature, thus outr aging |
. og 30° . ayy ee . ° | ( ‘he ral q "8
the religious sensibilities, and instilling pernicious doctrines In g| 2nd other valuables, were consumed.
| The fire it is believed, originated from |
Christian community, while any paper standing for
would absolutely close its columns to such blasphem
1S litera
The following teachers have been |
elected for the schools in Southamp- |
ton township: i
Korns—Ida Getz.
Mountain—Chas. Long.
Kennells—Mary Hillegass.
z —— | QCooks—Josie Brant. |
d Every Tharsday in tbe Year at $1.50 Per Year ©asb| (omps—Samuel Peck.
Spruce Bank—Sadie Engleka.
———| Schools will begin Saptember 15th. |
Northampton Twp.— Southampton, |
Charles B. Bittnerr Wagaman, How- |
ard A. Broadwater; Bridegum, Wm. |
ee . H. Ellman; Roddy, Ruth Bittner; | * 3 i
n wild in their efforts for | Brush Creek, Ruby Poorbaugh; Bow- |} Those W ho visited our store
e done many things that|man, Kathryn Keidel. |
To assault people : Ta
elf to the cod jud ent Elk Lick Twp.—Boynton grammar,
g juagm Lester F. Engle; Boynton intermedi- |
and they will have much to | primary, Grace Blough; Boynton first
primary, Margaret Robertson; West
have ? Secretary Daniels, of the navy, in addressing the Women’g| Selisbury._Srammsl, Roy J. Folk;
West Salisbury intermediate, Eliza-
. ? 2 ‘beth Newman; West Salisbury pri-
We may as well get ready for the inevitable, for women are|mary, Elizabeth Engle; Coal Run
ed that neither principalities nor pow- | grammar, John Lowry! Coal Run pri-
mary, Elizabeth Beale; St. Paul gram-
thing can separate women from womanliness and from the making | 4% ldella Decker; St. Paul primary, |
Therefore, none of the Maude Hay; Springs grammar, Flor-|
ence Yoder Springs primary, Anna
R. Miller; Peck, Nina Peck; Sand
. Flat, Savannah Miller; Cross Roads,
| Stewart Rodamer; Thomas, Grace
Wright; Lowry, Lulu Livengood;
. 3 Lichty, Edith Deal; Pleasant Hill,
The business men of any community are an asset that cannot | Oscar Brenneman; D, Hay; Alice
14 is in the belief that | Opel; Mt. View, Florence Kretchman. |
enterprise will be from $5000 to $10,000. x :
i The Oklahoma City Qil Company
When ihe ome yeopls begin help has paid the first quarter of an eight
themselves instead of looking to the or cont. dividend. It is only a half
outside world for help, they may find ta a hres oil and two as |
‘ : 1M *
es of Sigmonds wells flowing. Two wells going down.
abilities are that gas and oil can also
be fouud in our midst.
is in the grip of the second terrific
hot wave of the summer. Three | up-to-date.
deaths were reported from the ex-
cessive heat before 10 o'clock. The
: : : temperature is standing at 98 degrees
with S ; Tha
there is talk heard now and then with reference to the election of | 16 no relief in sight.
gq | minute downpour from a cloudless
80 considered by the person who i82| of the hottest experienced here this
candidate as well as by the public, so that the government of the|summer. ¥
thé publie good from a defective flue. No other |for sale. Quick cash sale. See H.|
1s trash and | puildings were near and no one was Phillip |
1 jured.
No vacation in this store. only vaca-
tion prices.
recently have learned that there
is no vacation ‘period here. We
have the goods to sell and our
prices fit the vacation season ex-
ceedingly well.
The clerks will be pleased to
show the goods, whether you
buy or not. Come in to see us.
We know how to buy and you
get the benefit of our know-
Ada Glotfelty; Boynton second
- |
The Commercial Club is seriously TO WEAR Back. With a
considering the proposition to drll a| FOR Pleasant Smile
well 3000 or 3500 feet deep for the pur-
pose of developing coal, gas or oil EVERYBODY. . If You Want It.
In case no gas or oil are found, itis MEYERSDALE, PA
felt that a good artesian well would :
be a profitable investment for water | ¥ i. ri LH
supply. ; =
The plan is to organize a company
and sell stock. The cost to launch the OIL! OIL! -
Big Reduction Sale
; Wouldn’t you like to take some
We have the coal here and the prob-| 4 io (all, on or write,
Meyersdale, Pa. ad
| june 26-tf
eet ————
Fresh sliced beef, boiled ham and |
breakfast bacon sliced thin and kept |
| on ice and sold in any quantity, at}
Cleveland, July 30.—Cleveland is in
he present Stock of
| goods last, we will make photo-
graphs at one half the regular price. _—
THREE DEAD IN PHILADELPHIA. All portrait frames will also go at . : >
Philadelphia, July 30.—Philadelphia | the same rate. We guarantee all | Nale B ¢ F e
goods to be strictly first class and | SING Tl dy I y *
E. E. Conrad. ad | 9 .
See the Premiums given for Wrap-
pers from Expert Borax Soap, at
McKenzie & Smith’s ad
eeeerenarem{ p—————————
* a o o 5 o o D D
0. C. GURLEY, Manager.
Marvel flour makes more bread to
the bbl., and better bread than any
spring wheat patent on the market
Columbus, O., July 30.—A fifteen
sky occurred here this morning. With | $1.50 per 49 1b., bag, ab
the humidity near 100, the day is one | ad : Habel & Phillips.
PATFPRN OImiEs Sore Corrected weekly by McKenzie &
New York, July 30.—Cities through- | g mith. .
If you are thinking of buying a
SSS 23 3333232 SISSS|/
2 22
company and occupied by Stiney ErOUNA...ccourreeneisnnssessnnaransness /
| ire shortly before noon on Sunday | «‘King of Minnesota?’ 60 per cent q Meye rsdale Auto
patent, per barrel. c.ceeciniienss 6 00] “It C
A ompany.
| at Ralphton.
Between $200 and $300 belonging to
| boarders, as well as several watches
A good team of heavy work horses
s, or call by phone. |
331 Beachley, St. °
yt -
yt. pt
A. B.
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