| ! iren. SE Have ht 4 In Use ver ars IX CITY. yw while National onal ex- on hand. — ul Press J J PILLS ND BLADDER 4 # ¥ y “WASHINGTON LETTER. Special to The Commercial. | or the Codling moth, there will be no | | special need of this midsummer spray- | | ing unless there are surrounding or- | chards near yours that have been «Behind the ostensible government ‘neglected, and which are sure to give sits enthroned an Invisible Government | a second brood of Codling moth this owiltg no allegiance and acknowiedg- summer. Of course, if such surround- ing no reponsibility to the people,” |ing orchards are entirely without fruit, declares the Progressive national pro-| they are unable to produce a second | INTERNATIONAL | SUNDAYS(H00L LESSON AIT ay AREAL a RT, Sa, SE, oN, EDS ES GE, CS, WE TS A WG AE ETS CED USE Wu. FST TS ST TTT 2 rrr > Second |# gram. The trail of this Invisible Gov- brood of the Codling moth this sum- ernment in and out of the halls of Congress and elsewhere about the national Capital and throughout the country seems at last to have uncov- ered partly at last,through the astoun- ding confession of ««Qolonel,” Mulhall who was for years ono of its active agents in Washington and elsewhere. Colonel Mulhall 8 confession inyol ves the names of many men who have been prominent in Congress in recent years and of some who are stil mem- bers of the Senate or the House. Both Democrats and Republicans are in his list. Of course Republican names ‘greatly outnumber those of Demo- crats for, during the days of Mulhall’s activity, the Republicans were in power in both branches of Congress and, although the Invisible Govern- ment impartially entrusted its inter- ests to Democrats and Republicans alike, it naturally dealt chiefly ‘with those who were in control and had the power to give effect to its legislative desizps. . AmongiRepublicans, Colonel Mul- hall names the late Vice President Sherman, who was for years a promi- nent leader in the House; ex-Speaker Qannon: and Mr. Dalzell, of Pennsyl- vania; Mr, Payne, of New York; Mr. McKinley and Mr. Mann, of Illinois; and Mr. Dwight, of New York, who were important cogs in the Cannon machine. Special emphasis is laid upon the activity and friendliness of former Congressman James E Wat- | mer, and you are free from a menace | former president of the State Suffrage in this regard at present. «The mature moth of the first brood that produces the second brood of the larva or worm, will not fly far,un- less infested or old orchards are near yours, there will not be much danger and hence not much need of spraying to prevent infection from this source. But even though the spraying in your own orchard has been very effective in preventing plant diseases and the first brood of the Codling moth, if there is an old orchard quite near yours that shows diseased leaves and wormy fruit at the present time, it is very important for you to prepare to spray some time in J uly with the .di- lute lime-sulfur and arsenate of lead, as mentioned above.” —_———— the Suffragetts. SPEALERS BUREAU FOR PENNSYLVANIA Mrs. Helen Ring Robinson of Colo- rado, the only woman Senator in the United States, Mrs. Clara 8. Laddy, Association of New Jersey and Miss Sophorisha B. Brekcinridge of the Uni- versity of Chicago, head the list of celebrities which the Speakets Bureau of the Pennsylvania Woman Suffrage Association has engaged for lectures in Pennsylvania, It aims to supply speakers for the many local organiza. tions throughout the State and will bring the best talent in the country in son, of Indianna, an especially impor- | Pennsylvanie. The Bureau is located tant member of the Cannon maehine | at the State Headquarters, Harrisburg | in the House and the leader of theTaft | and is in charge of Miss Louise Hall, | forces at the Republican convention in | the Executive Secretary of the Asg0- | Chicago last June. Former represen- ciation. - tative Tawney, of Minnesota,eminent | yacoB RIIS WANTS WOMEN’S HELP distinguished Republican machinists Jacob Riis, the famous philantropist also favorably mentioned, along wi and social reformer, has been recently Burke and Bates, i Pennsylvania; again wrongly included among those Denby and Diekema, of Michigan; opposed 10 Woman Suffrage. On Fasset, Fairchild, Maltby and South- July 11 therefore Mr. Riis wrote to * wick, of New York; Gardner, of New Miss Amy Wren, a Brooklyn lawyer Jersey; who was at first in opposition | 1, q suffragist, as follows: “No I am but was afterwards “eonverted”’ ;Par- not against woman § affrage, and the ker,of New Jersey, the eminent stand- enclosed clipping from the Chicago patter who headed the, Judiciary Municipal campaign of last March will Committee after that other eminent |. you why I was once ai anti, bub standpatter,J enkins,of Wisconsin, was, I have changed my mind. I wantmy defeated; Fordney, of Michigan, the sister in the fight with me, beoause great standpatter of the Saginaw dis- we are fighting for moral issues and triet; Burleigh, of Maine, promoted to We d her help.” The Chicago clipp- tHe Senate by a characteristic Rep abe ing mentioned by Mr. Riis includes the lican trick; Former Senator Foraker, following statement’ “We want of Ohio,is prominently mentioned and women in this fight;” he declared. the old Viking of Minnesota, Knute «Like a host of others, I once s aid; Nelson, comes in for his share. Sen- ‘Woman's place is in the home; let ator Lodge is referred to pleasantly |, leave politics alone.’ And then for friendly assistance and former bore day it dawned upon mé that all! Senator Aldrich, long time the Repub | the things clean politios is reaching | lican boss of the Senate, ebe, . -.- out now a days to proteet are summ- | What is already disclosed bears out ed up in the word ‘home.’ We make | the charge so long made by the Pro-| ge... child labor, upon the exploit | gressives that the Republican party | chemies of the homes, in which was under the control of the Special | woman has the first and deepest inter- | Interests and was dominated by the |. ye need her moral backing, her Invisible Government. ~~ Representa-| fury when those nearest aan tive Victor Murdock, floor leader of dearest to her are in peril.” the Progressives in the House and one of those whom the Invisible Govern- ment hated because he constantly fought it, is urging upon the House the necessity of an immediate and thorough investigation. «Mere denials will not serve to brush GENT. That the women voters of Califor- nia are plunging the state into bank- rupey is claimed by eastern opponents of woman suffrage. Ca.ifornia is not away'these charges,” he said. ‘‘They jon the verge of bankrupey. Its bud- must be sifted to the bottom, and get of expense has increased because either sustained or proved false by the its population is increasing. preponderance of the evidence. The states where women do not vote “Congressmen cannot afford to be |are very often threatened with bank- equivocate. The investigators must rupcy. The measures which the anti- probe to the very root of the matter. | suffragists claim are extravagent seem The thing for every Congressman to be | to the California men and women, who asking himself while these charges | backed them in their passage through are being probed is how are we going | the legislature, the wisest sort of to purge this body of corruptionists ? economy, as they will save many mil- How can we make it impossible for | lions in prunitive measures. They are such a state of things to continue ? doing everything to prevent immor- How ean we keep such men out of ality, rather than to spend money on Congress 7’ hospitals, asylums, courts and prisons. LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR FOR SUFFRAGE Lieutenant Governor O’Hara of 11I- inois is quoted as saying; ‘‘The grant- ing of votes to women is not the work of any party. It isthe progressiveness of the will of the people that has given woman the right te vote. Men that did not believe in woman suffrage and did not want to vote for it did so because they knew it, was political suicide not to do so.” Mr. O’Hara said he saw a great future ahead for the better government of Illinois now that women had been given the right to vote. BOSWELL MINER KILLED. Funeral services for David John Reese, who was killed Thursday morn- Summer Spraying For Second Brood of Codling Moth. This is the time of the year that many Pennsylvanians are writing to Prof. H. A. Surface, State Zoologist, Harrisburg, asking if it is necessary to spray their trees again during the summer for the second brood of the Codeling moth which makes wormy apples, pears and quinces. To such inquiries Professor Surface replies as follows: «Tt would be proper to spray your trees during the month of July with the dilute lime-sulfur solution and ar- | senate of lead, using the hydrometer to test the lime-sulfur and make it|ing in the Boswell mine of the United specific gravity 1.01, and use two lbs. Coal Company were held at 2 a’clock of arsenate of lead to fifty gallons of Sunday afternoon in the Boswell Pres- the solution. Much depends upon the | hyterian Church. The remains were condition of your trees and surround- interred in the United Brethren cem- ings. If there is much evidence of the | etery at Jenners. first brood of the Codling moth in the | Mr. Reese was caught under a fall young fruit, or any disease of leaf|of coal and smothered to death before commencing to appear, spray during | other workmen could get to him. His July to help in preventing the brood ofjCodling moth and the future | in development of disease of fruit and | leaf. If your leaves are healthy and | © Wales,and onebrother who was the growth good,and your young fruits | with him as the time of the fatal acci- show but little evidence of worminess | dent. jured by the same fall. Besides his widow, Mr. Reese is sur- vived by two children in Boswell and CALIFORNIA VOTERS NOT EXTRAVA- £ second | brother, Joseph Reese, was slightly | (By E. O. SELLERS, Director of Even: ing Department The Moody Bible In- stitute of Chicago.) LESSON FOR JULY 27. MOSES’ REQUEST REFUSED. LESSON TEXT-—Ex. 51-14 GOLDEN TEXT—'‘Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted.” —Matt. 5:4 Only one incident is mentioned with reference to that long journey Moses had to take in returning from Midian to Egypt. “The Lord met him and sought to kill him,” (4:24). Moses is about to pronounce a fearful penalty, see 4:23, and it was necessary that he comprehended the terrible meaning of his threat. Also he had neglected to observe the sign of covenant peace (circumcision) with his youngest son, and that was a serious delinquency for the future leader of Israel. *It was necessary at this stage of his ex- perience that he should learn that God is in earnest when he speaks, and will assuredly perform all that he has threatened.” (Murphy.) Showing himself with Aaron, the elders of Israel are soon convinced that God had sent them and was about to work out through Moses and Aaron the long promised deliverance. issue Plainly Stated. 1. Moses’ Message, vv. 1-9. Moses and Aaron plainly stated the issue at the very outset, “Thus saith the Lord God of Israel” (v. 1). This was at once a challenge as to the boasted su- perior greatness of the Egyptian gods. It. also touched Pharaoh’s pride for he was an absolute monarch and can he allow these representatives of an oOp- pressed people any liberties? Lastly, it was @ question of economic impor- tance. Pharaoh looked upon these Israel ites as his own property, now they are claimed for another. “Let my peo- ple go.” In contempt, Pharaoh ex- claims, “Who is Jehovah?” It was in answer to that very question Moses had been sent and right well was Pha- raoh to learn the answer ere the ac- count is settled. Men are flippantly asking that same question today, both by word and conduct, who will find out to their final sorrow who Jehovah is, and why they should obey his voice. Pharaoh spoke the truth when he said “I know not the Lord,” but though he seems to boast of that he little knew what it means for a man to set up his will against that of God. “J will not” was the proud boast of a weak, wilful, ignorant worm of the .dust, for all his exalted position zmong men. Read 2 Thess. 1:8 and Rom, 1:28. In reply, (v. 3) Moses and Aaron did not seek to argue the case. Very little is ever gained by such a meth- od, much better for us to deliver God's message verbatim and trust to the holy spirit to bring conviction. Moses and Aaron were far more afraid of the pestilence and sword of Jehovah than the boasted power of Pharaoh. God does punish disobedience whether we like it or not, see Deut. 28:21. . Zech. 14:16-19, etc. This fearlessness angered Pharaoh (v. 4) and he com: mands them and their brethren at once to resume their burdens. The world is constantly accusing the ser- vants of God of unfitting people for their work, see Amos 7:10, Luke 23:2 and Acts 17:6. Truth Confirmed. The truth of this narrative is con- firmed by the bricks found in the ruins of cities built during this period of Egyptian history. The bricks were made of clay mixed with stubble, rath. er than the ordinary straw and baked in the sun rather than in a fire kiln. Pharaoh’s Method, vv. 10-15. It must have been a severe test of faith | for the Israelites to have had their | hopes thus dashed and more grievous | burdens thrust upon them. Before, | the government furnished the neces. sary straw, now they must get it | themselves and at the same time keep | up the-usual toll of bricks. | Those who were beaten (v. 14) were | of their own number who were held accountable under the Egyptian task- | | masters for the conduct of the whole. Is this not suggestive of one other than ourselves “who bore our sins in his own body on the tree” and “by whose stripes we are healed?” How little we comprehend, even with centuries of Christian history as our guide and the inspired word as our teacher, the full meaning of Pauls words, “For I reckon that the suffer- ings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.” Rom. 8:18. But God is mindful of his own and as soon as Moses and Aaron turn- ed to him he gives them a most gra- cious renewal of his promise and of | the ultimate blessing, see Chapter 6:1-8. 11l. The Summary. God's ways of | deliverance are never easy. His peo- ple are always slow to believe and his enemies have a hard hearted and ter- rible persistence in their opposition to him and his plans. But God does not permit this defeat, nor prevent the accompiishment of his purposes. When pain has done its work he makes it to | cease. When the fire has burned out the dross he will extinguish it. Pha- rach esteemed human life cheaply, how about the sweat shop of today? “Let my people go” is the watch-word | of the fight that is still in progress. Israelitish oppression still survives. Nationa 14 Bank OF MEYERSDALE, PF. AT AAA WONDERFUL MATERIAL. GREAT MEN ARE GIVING THEIR BEST WORK EVERY WEEK No newspaper in the country has ever had such a galaxy of brilliant literary talent on its roster regularly as is the case with the Pittsburg Sun- day Dispatch at the present time. President Wilson, no less because of his literary attainments than because of his high office, heads the list, and the name of the Chief Executive is quickley followed by such men as Finley Peter Dunne, creator of the | immertal Mr. Dooley; George Ade, the man who made the fable popular; Alfred Henry Lewis, who put Wolfville | ¢ 3 16) on the map; O. Henry, acknowledged | evening, 30th inst., at 7-30. as the uncrowned king of all Ameri- can short story writers, and Frank Carpenter, prince among travelers. These are only the headliners, the stars, among the hundreds of contrib- utors of a newspaper acknowledged to be the greatest in the land. All these great men are giving their best work to the Sunday Dispatch, and in no small measure. President Wilson is taking the readers of this great paper into his inmost confidence as no President has done in the history of the Republic. Mr. Dooley is right | now doing his very finest work. Geo. Ade has renewed his early youth and his new fables set those on which he won his fame far in the shade, fasci- nating “as those efforts undoubtedly were. Alfred Henry Lewis tells the story of nation-famous murders which occurred in New York, and with it he is telling them with the nerye and dash which characterized his ‘‘Wolf- ville”. tales. O. Henry, who died at the height of his literary career, is ‘represented by Stories of the Gentle | Grafter,”’ long cited among his very best works. He has now come into ,a permanent place at the head of the weil-filled ranks of short-story writers (and ‘on this account examples of his | work are worthy of the closest atten- | tion of every person. Frank Carpen- ter is writing important interviews with big men of national prominence, each one of them telling of vigorous effort along some interesting line of industry or thought. These noted writers are by no means all whose work go into this magnifi- cent newspaper. There are many | others, all of them firmly fixed in pub- lic estimation as the best now writing lin his or her particular line. This | newspaper disappears from news- stands and from hands of carriers at a most rapid rate. On that account it his absolutely | necessary that readers order their | papers early. RECENT MARRIAGES IN THE COUNTY. Miss Elsie Hitechew, daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. George Hitechew, of | Reitz, and Ralph Lloyd, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lloyd, of Windber, were married at Somerset, July 21, by Rev. Henry A. Buffington, pastor of the Somerset United Brethern church. Miss Malinda Lichty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Lichty, of Con- fluence, and Ross Kiernan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kiernan, of Bos- well, were married at Boswell, July 21, by Justice of the Peace C. C. Schmucker. Miss Josephine Lighteap, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lightcap, and Chas Geest, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Geest, both of Jennor Township, were married at Boswell, July 19, by Justice of the Peace C. C.Schmuchker. Miss Daisy B. Ankeny, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ankeny, and Lemon Gindlesperger, son of Mr. and John Gindlesperger,both of Sipesville, were married at the home of the bride’s parents, July 21, by Elder I. B. Ferguson. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Depository of the United States Government. NCP, oF ST Eo, ZF EE TTT VE ELSES STSSTTTSTITSS=S AN Ol Nl NEN tN See Lar ns rp melt ln "CHURCH SERVICES: i Groceries If you want the BEST GRO- CERIES the market affords at the least possible price they can be sold at a reasonable profit, we have them. Evangelical church, L. B. Ritten-| house, pastor—Sunday school at 2:00 | Pp. m. Preaching at 7:45 p. m. Methodist Episcopal church ser- vice, Rev. G. A. Neeld pastor—Ser- | vices at10:30 a. m. Sunday £ch0019:30 | a. m. Epworth League at 6:45 p. m. | Evening service at 7:30. Church of the Brethren—Preaching | 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p.m. Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Christian Workers | Meeting at 6:30 p. m.- Bible Class, | Saturday evening, 7:30 p. m. Teacher | Training classes meet Monday evening 7 and 8 o’clock, respectively. Sunday | Workers’ Meeting, Friday We also handle Hens Star Brand Overalls awd Work Shirts, Dress Shirts, Ludies’ and Men's Hose and Underwear. Ab the A. M. E. Zion church Sun-| Rubber and Tar Roofing Pa- E day School at 3:00 p. m Preaching per, Root . Paint, . Floor Paint at1l a. m. Christian Endeavorg at and Varnish, Paint Brushes. 7:45 p. m. Evangelical Lutheran chureh, J. A. DON’T FORGET . Yount, pastor- Sunday school next || we are agents for Cambria Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Morning ser- || Wire Fencing Barb Wire, Nails vice 10:30. Evening services 7:30. |} and Fence Staples. Luther League, 6:45p. m. Mid- | week service Wednesdny 8:30 p. m. . Z St. Paul, Wilhelm Reformed charg price of these products belong) |B. 8. Hassler® pastor. No services | puying. \ next Snnday on acconnt of the pa stor’s | : absence. Sunday school at $a m. Both Park’s and Green Trad- ing Stamps. At the Christian chureh, Sunday il _ — July 27th at 7:45 p.m. A cordial |] =u + ram | invitation to to all. J. A. Hopkins, | B | pastor. §S. Philip and James Catholic | church, Rev. J.J. Brady, pastor.— Mass next Sunday 8:30 and 10 a. m. { See us about the quality and DDLE’'S, URSINA, PA, —_—— rr GENUINE ECZEMA REMEDY. NEW REMEDY “ITIAT HEALS ECZEMA | : QUICKLY. J. S. WENGERD SELLS No 1 Roofing Slate steel Roofing, Felt Nails, S. BE. Thorley sold hundreds of jars of Hokara, and although he offered | to refund the purchase price to any | dissatisfied purchaser, not one jar | has been returned. While this is surprising in itself, | Valleys, yet the most marvelous thing is the Ridging and reports of chronic cases or eczema | Spouting. that haye been cured by this simple | skin food. People who have suffered | Stock always on hand at Meyersdale and with scales, scabs and even bleeding | at my mill in tik Lick Townsip. itching haye fouud relief in Hokara. ‘fy We “efore Bayi on Jo matter where the eczema, pim- | Seg ¢ Telort BUyng bisewhere § | pies or other breaking out occurs, | R.F D No.2 Meyersdale, Pa. whether on the face, hands or legs] | or body, the application of Hokara should give quick relief,land even the | ee et worst or most chronic cases should be cured in a short time. You can buy a liberal jar to-day at DIAMOND BRAND | the very low price of 25 cents and ot i win every package goes S. Fs Thor- | pode’ ® ox ley’s guarantee to refund the money | on if it is not satisfactory. | . { LADIES Thor- Sold on guarantee by S. E. Ask sour Druggiat for CHI-CHES-TEP » City Drug Store 4 : MOD IRAN ILLS in RED and ley, at the City Drug Store. ad DIA metallic: boxes, sealed with Blu ee li——— Rivsom Tags NO STBER. Bey oF Jous { 21 . y. rugglst and ask for CHL ES. TERS | A household remedy in America DIAMOND BLAND PILLS, for twenty-Svar | for 25 years Dr. Thomas’ Electric years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIME EVERYWH ER WORTH | TRIED TESTED. a a a el ade i lm al Naf al” Qil. For cuts, sprains, burns, 25c¢ and 50c. At all hh Drug Siores. ad 0 ° ° ® Suffering Humanity Finds thatrelief mustbe found for the illswhich may come any day, — else suffering is prolonged and thereis dangerthatgraver trouble will follow. Most serious sicknesses start in disor- ders of the organs of digestion and elimination. Thebestcor- § rective and preventive, in such cases, is acknowledged to be PILLS IS This standard home remedy tones the stomach, stimu- lates the sluggish liver, regulates the inactive bowels. Taken whenever there is need, Beecham’s Pills will spare you hours of suffering and so improve your general health and strength that you can better resist disease. Tested by time, Beecham’s Pills have proved safe, certain, prompt, convenient and that they i| Alibays: Lead to” BetterX Health Sold everywhere. In boxes 10c., 25¢. ’ The directions with each box should be read by everyone,—especially by women. | { {