| WwW W WV Ww W WN | AN AC Ch ~C - s i “--- z dil our \W 3 W ...$1,085.00 1..$2,350.00 ...$ 725.00 y V &% mm m= 0 7 oo Bs a MN AN A MN 7 = @ = 9 18 | | 1 PERSONAL AND LOCAL HAPPENINGS | | { Jtems Pertaining to the Town in General and | Prepared for the Readers By Our Busy Staff. C. E. Deal, spent Monday at Frost- burg., Md. R. G. Miller, is spending the week in Pittsburgh. Wm. H. Meerbach, spent Monday with friends at Elk Lick. J. W. Locke, of Rockwood, spent Sunday here gwith friends. * Councilman H. E. Bauman, spent Friday in Cumberland, Md. Missesm Elizabeth and Edna Payne, spent fSaturday in Cumberland, Md. Quincy Murphy, of Frostburg, Md., was a town visitor Sunday. James Darrah, is spending a few dayslof this week with Garrett rela- tives. Miss. Grace Pfeiffer, is spending the week with friends at Somerset and |lins, of North street. » Jenner. Mrs. R.*D. Pfahler, is visiting rel- atives and friends ab Wheeling, | W. Va. | ° Miss Nelle Bittner, spent a few days of last week with friends at Berlin. : : Mrs. JamesfLeckemby, spent Sun- dayiwith Connellsville, relatives and friends. , Mr. and Mrs. JWm. Baker, spent Sundayl; with Rockwood relatives and friends. Mrs. Azubia Jones, of Somerset, spent a few days of this week here + with friends. 2 Mrs. Wm. Rae, is spending a few days of this week gwith relatives at Frostburg, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crowe, and ‘ little son werefSunday visitors with’ Salisbury friends. Miss [Nelll{Hoover, returned home Friday from a visit with friends at _ Mt. Savage,tMd. Attorney [Curtis W. Truxal, of Somerset, swas here with relatives Monday evening. Wm. Leckemby, of: Cumberland, Md., spent Saturday and Sunday here withj friends. George Riley, and Raymond Derry, of Salisbury, were town visitors Sunday with friends. MisstJuliaf Marriott, ofiLatrobe, is the guestfof herffriend, Miss Mayme Weber, offHigh street. “,, Miss Gladys Livengood, spent the past week with relatives and friends} at Connellsyilie. H. W.|Bittner, of Meyersdale Route 3, was in town on Saturday and ad- vanced his 2subsecription. ‘Mrs. Charles Damico, and two children are visiting relatives and friends at Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs.% Charles Thomas, of Alabama, are guests at the home of relatives on theiSouth Side. Irvin Deal,22of Johnstown, spent Sunday here with his sisters, The Misses Deal, of i North street. Miss Ruth BUmberger, of Johns- town, isafguest at the home of Mrs. Mary Yeager,ioff Broadway. Miss Anna Graves, is spending two wee ss with relatives and friends at Cumberland, and Mt Sayage, Md. Mrs. H..E. Bauman, and two children are spending the week with relatives and friends at Hyndman. Oscar®Brode, for{Sharon, Pa., spent one day last with his aunt, Mrs. Charles§:Vogtman, Keystone street. MissfLorena McGann, of Connells- ville, is fthe guest of her friend, Miss Eva Leckemby, of the South Side. Mr. George Merrbach, spent Sun- day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G.tMerrbach, at Frostburg, Md. MissiBertha Baker, of Gladdens, is | the guest of her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. George Pfeiffer, of Olinger street. J. C. Engle,"a recent Commercial subscriber] of Garrett, Route 2 made a pleasant call at the office on Sat- | Va., and Miss Grace Close, of Cum- urday. Miss Lou Floto, left Saturday for Akron,ECleveland and other points in Ohio, for a visit with relatives and friends. Miss :Eva Caddell, of Aibright, W. Va., spent a few days ths home of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bauman. Mr. and Mrs. Ammon Poorbaugh, returned home from a very pleasant visit at Keyser, W. Va., and Mt. Lake PaTk. Misses}Helen and Marzella Bolden, left Thursday of last week for a|gpent Sunday here and left that even- Oakland, Md. Missi Mary Livengood, is spending | Business College. the week with her uncle and aunt, Connellsville., Md., Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hoffmeyer, of Keystone street. Miss Orpha Ringler, Grantsville, is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Johnson, and | spent a few days of this week here | town, | with his relatives, Mr. and Mrs. { F. Reich, and with his Salisbury. Kretchman leave Saturday morning | for a trip to Clearfield, Akron and | Wakefield and Mr. Ike Weinstein, Grove City. They expect to be away | four or five days. ters of Johnstown, Sunday .after spending a week here with Mr. and Mrs. of Meyers avenue. Mrs. Harry Clements, of Youngs- | Ohio, returned to her home J. | Wednesday after spending the past | brothers at | week here with her grandparents, | | Mr. amd Mrs. Charles Diveley, of | Rev. E. S. Hassler, and H. R. | Main street. Mr. and M. F. Smith, of Youngstown, Ohio, | Mrs. VonMoos, Mrs. were Sunday visitors with Hooyers- vile friends. They spent the day very pleasantly and returned home on the Duquesne. Miss Jennse Spence, who had been spending the past three weeks here with her parents,Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Spence, of the South Side, left on Wednesday for Washington, D.C, Mrs. G. B. Nowag, and two daugh- returned home Robert Miller, Dr. and Mrs. Hoffman, of Con- Good, polite service and best quality in fount drinks and pure creams makes our place the most popular. nellsville, arriyed here Saturday to two children spent several days of the past week with relatives and friends at Berlin. Mrs. Wm. Payne, spent several days of this week with her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. O. 0. Cook, at Berlin. Mr. H. H. Willia'vs, returned home S.turday from a short visit wih rel- atives and friends at Toledo and other points in Ohio. Miss Virginia Somerlatt, of Cum- berland, Md., is the guest of her friends, Misses Helen and Irene Col- Miss Sanna Ebbecka, who is at- spend a few days with their rela- tives, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kling- aman, of Meyers avenue. Louis Cohen, who opened a gener- al store at Doe Gulley, W. Va.. spent Tuesday in town looking after his business interests here, left on the Duquesne for Doe Gulley. Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Countryman, and daughter Kathryn, of Philadel- phia, are guests at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Countryman, of North street. where she at a hospital in training for a nurse. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Getty, and Mrs. A. J. Steiner, of Cumberland, Md., who had been the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Lichty, left for Grants- ville, Monday aiternoon to spend several days and will return to Dr. Lichty’s to spend Sunday. Misses Mabel and Hazel Forney, of Chicago, who had been here tor several weeks at the home of Mr. We do thank the good people for their most 1ib- eral patronage. Tre Rexall Store and Mrs. N. E. Mi.ler, and with other relatives and friends, left Saturday for Berlin to visit relatives for a tending Business College, at Cumber- land, Md., spent Saturday and Sun- day, here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ebbecka, of North street. Miss Rebekah Will, returned home Tuesday evening from a visit with relatives and friends at New Cen- daughters Jennie few weeks before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMurdo, and and Grace of Before You Buy a -Cream Separator FIRST SEE AND TRY treville and Somerset. Mrs. Max Shaffer, of Mt. Savage, Md., spent a few days of the past week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sampson McKenzie. Mrs. Amos Bauman, of Somerset, is spending a few weeks here with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bauman. | Mrs. Alvin Garletz, and four child- ren of Boynton, spent Sunday here at the home or Mr. St. cer, of Olinger street. Miss Stella Miller, who is attend- ing Business College at Cumberland, and Mrs. John | Midland, Md., arrived here the latter : ct Mrs. James Judge, left last week part of the week, ot tho home of rg Me i . . h h . forf Magnolia, W, Va, where her their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. James husband is employed, and they wil } Luteo sirest. Mr. Me will reside in the future. Her sis- ison, 0 arg > : : : : Murdo, returned home Sunday while Mis har d 2 : : : tor, Miss Julia Senardy; accompene | the rest of the family will -remain her. | for a few weeks. Mrs. Wm. Irwin, and little daugh- ° teriSara spent a few days with the] former’s brother and sister-in-law. | small black purse, somewhere be- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hammond, of tween Malcolm’s Store, Coal Run, Oakland, Md., and with Cumberland | and Herman Deitle’s,Greenville twp., | ralatives. : | containing $115, or $120. Finder will be giyen $20 if returned to owner. - M. S. HEINBAUGH, Miss Mae Wilson, who had been spending several weeks with rela- | LosT—After midnight Saturday, a! A Del.AVAL, THE BEST SEPARATOR MADE. 5 Office 223 Levergood 5 J. T. YODER, SEE Johnstown, - Penr’a. | t. 2 BALTIMORE & OHIO] here at |aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank O’Bryon, tives and friends at Frostburg and Lonaconing, Md., returned home Tuesday accompanied by her friend, Md., spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, near town. R. F. D. No. 1, Box 6., Meyersdale. | _— ——————— Photographs and Picture frames at SEASHORE EXCURSIONS ; FROM MEYERSDALE TO } Mrs. Wm. Oliver, of gonfluence, | \ijss Marion McMullen, of Lonacon- Conrad’s studio at half-price. Sat- $8.50 a -3 spent from Saturday u Tuesday ing, who will remain for several isfaction guaranteed in" every sale of Good in Coaches Only > here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | woeks Photos or Frames. E. E. Conrad. ad $10.50 # John Wagner, of North street. : 3 ; Good fw Pullman Cars EE ] Miss Lena Sinsell, retusfied hom-= =i & = Th linen live Monday from a two weeks visit with WNEEELTESTSETEE ESSELTE CAPE MAY, SEA 1318 SITY, BCEAN ClTY, STONE rel-tiyes and friends at Grafton, Mor- gantown and Clarksburg, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. John Sisco, and two daughters, Misses Irene and Elsie spent Friday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Merrbach. Mrs.*Ezra Gaumer, and four child- ren of gAltoona, are visiting at the home of their relatives, Mr. and, Mrs. Bert Collins, of Large street. | Miss:Fannie Bhillips, of Fairmont, W. Va., ig] the guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Phillips, of Beachley street, South Side. Mrs. Charles Sanders, and little 7th Big ETTER SAL NOW ON THE PLACE 1S sister Dorothy Crowe, are spending a few days of this week with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John Carey. Miss? Mary Swank, of Somerset, who had been spending the past week here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. BE. Deal, returned to her home Meyersdale Sunday. ? Mrs. George Rexford, and Mrs. SEES Harmon Barnhart, of Gaines, Tioga Hartley & B / aldwin 2 Pa. # . TO om, Wa, . 5 o HO OO OO OOF) SSSh HARBOR, WILDWOOD, ReHUBOTH | July 3,17 and 31; August 14 and 28; September 11. TICKETS GOOD RETURNING 16 DAYS Ni] SECURE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET GIVING FULL DETAILS FROM TIiCKET AGENTS. . BALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD Sa case em I fd ad Id NAN SSNS \ ANS AN \ A A 8 a Every Lady's Spring Style Co., sare visiting their sons, J. B. Rexford and John Barnhart; at West Salisbury. Mrs. S. W. "Bittner, and son Elmer spent several days of the past week with® her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Hauger, of | Rockwood. Miss “Marguerite Carey, returned to herjhome at Somerset, after spend- ing two" weeks here at the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Crowe. T. W..Carter, left on Duquesne on | Monday evening for county Duran, England, for a two month’s visit. | ‘The family gave him a farewell din-| | ner on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. George Matthias, and daughter Mrs. O. C. Gurley, returned home Monday from Pittsburgh, where they had been attencing the funeral | BOUGHT 1 892 Pure Spun Aluminum Ware Sit (0 Go al One = Half Price! We Do Not Intend to Carry Over and I won’t have to buy any more uténsils for 15 years, because it is guar- anteed for that length of time. SOLD BY Siehl Hardware Store, MEYERSDALE, PA. $10 00 Ladies’ Suits for $15:100 Ladies’ Suits for a Single Suit. of al relative. $20 00 Ladies’ Suits for Elmer Snyder, of Martinsburg, W. | berland, Md., spent Sunday here at | the home of the latter’s aunt, Mrs. Western Maryland Railroad $25 00 Ladies’ Suits for James Wilson. Miss Frances Craton, of Con- nellsville, is spending a few weeks | here at the home of her uncle and of North street. PEN-MAR, | Miss Nellie Gordon, who is clerking lin a stcre at Fairmont, W. Va., is | spending her vacation with her pa- | rents, Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon, | of Centre street. SUNDAY, JULY 27, First Sunday Excursion The Picturesque Spot of the Cumberland Valley N 1913. All the Newest Shades. Miss Marie Heffley, of Berlin, | SPECIAL TRAIN visit with relatives and friends at | ing on the Duquesne, for Cumberland, LEAVES FARE Md., where she attends Tri-State Meyversdale............ T0A M.......... $2 00 Frosibug oe 7:00 . al 175 : : a umberland..... ...... 800 ‘LH o...... l Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kerrigan, | conn A Ty Tes Be Virginia Avenue 8:10 * { 150 | Globe Electric Novelty Co., filling Hancock .... ~.......« 9:40 °° ......... 100 Hagerstown ........... 1003 i. 50c Fred Taggart, his relasives, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reich, of Broadway. of* Altoona, spent | the place of Miss Anna Tissue, who a few days of this®week here with | with her parents, left Tuesday for | Morgantown, &. Va., where they will reside in the future. RETURNING, LEAVE PEN-MAR AT 8:00 P. M. Splendid Opportunity to Visit this Garden Spot for a Day of Rest and Pleasure iller & Collins} The Big Store That Gives Big Bargains.