The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, July 24, 1913, Image 4

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    uni naonih
ale Com
ercial. |
~ Meyersd
[Registered at the Fostoffice at Meyersdale, Pa, as Second- Class Mail Matter.
A. M. SCHAFFNER, Editor and Proprietor.
Pablisbed Every Tharsday ip the Year at £1.50 Per Year Cash
Phone No. 55. 110-112 Center Street.
The Newlands Law.
The Newlands law, an amendment to the Erdman law has been
signed by the President. This is the law which is' to dispose of
the difficulties existing between the railroad companies and the rail-
road men. Icis devoutely hoped that the objectin view will be ac-
complished, but this law in its application has the appearance of al
law made to fit a particular case and that is not according to the
broad idea of equity.
The Monroe Doctrine.
The Monroe Doctrine promulgated by the Americrn government
many years ago has frequently given the nations of the old world
cansiderable trouble. The latest in the situation of Mexico, where |
the Huerta government has not been officially recognized by the
government at Washington while some of the nations of the world
have recognized Huerta as the lawful ruler of Mexico. The gov-|
ernment has not yet changed its policy with reference to the Monroe |
Doctrine. The government has no objection when foreign countries
compel her to pay her legitimate debts, and this means no surren-
der of the principle for which our government has stood for many
\ |
Public Officials and Their Salaries.
There has been caused considerable commotion because Zoerel]
tary Bryan has been delivering lectures for pay while he is sup-|
posed to give his entire service to the government. There are al
good many people in this country who have been in the habit of | Sonn passed away too quickly. jy
criticising Bryan for the last seventeen years and yet the country
has not lost faith in him. But at the same time his service and his
time belong to his country, and now comes the question, Does he
not receive sufficient salary for his services ? Does he receive a
sufficient sum to live as a man in his position ought to live ? They
tell us that the men representing our country at the fogeign capi-
tals do not receive enough to meet their expenses, and that only a
wealthy man who hasa big income besides his salary can fittingly
represent this nation at a foreign court. If such is the case it is
too bad that our great nation does not give her servants a decent
living, and the same, they say, holds true in the cabinet. - Above
all, the nation should give her servants sufficient to live according
to the station which they occupy.
It is humiliating to learn that the first mén of the nation have
to go on the lecture platform to help earn a livelihood so that they
can give their time to the affairs of the government. Of course
we may deplore the high costof living and the heavy demands made
on our prominent citizens, but that does not help matters. Our
“public men should have an income sufficient to meet their needs, and
if that is actually the case with Bryan, instead of criticising him he
should be lauded for making the great sacrifice, of serving his
country at great personal loss.
The nation has a right to expect the best from her officials, but
ghe ought to-give them a living corresponding to their station and
their requirements. & Of course most people cannot understand how
some people must have from a hundred to a thousand dollars a week
for decent living, while the great hosts of families get along with
from ten:to twenty-five dollars a week, but then one half the world
does not knew how the other half lives.
EvELYN NESBIT THAW is in the limelight in Europe.
Two hats in the ring for the office of burgess. Next.
THEY say the fountain erected by the Civic League is a dandy.
BASEBALL: players are crowned one day and crucified the next.
THE situation is critical in Mexico and it is about due to have a
new ruler.
To have or not to have lobbyists at the nation’s Capitol, that is|
the question. |
THEY say that railroad engineers would like to have more pay. |
So would the newspaper men. |
SINCE the Pirates have made a better showing the papers of
Pittsburg are not knocking them so hard.
THE latest is that this country is going to expand south to the
Panama Canal. Wonder who started tuat'story ? |
WHEN the merchants want to make sure to get returns they |
always advertise in The Commercial—the paper with the increasing |
circulation. |
FrED. HARE’S friends will soon believe he is leading a chatmed|
life. Wonder if he is like George Washington and cut down the |
cherry tree with his little hatchet.
ONE of the most prominent American citizens has left this |
country and declares he will not return again. His name is “Jack’’ |
Johnson, of pugilistic fame, and white slave notoriety. |
AMONG the troubles Senator Tillman now has are the prepared |
fowls that are sent to him by mail, parcel post and by express, be- |
cause he reflected on the cooks of Washington in an unfavorable |
‘way, saying that they do not understand the art of frying chicken.
Well, he abused a good many people and now the cooks are turning |
on him. |
As long as the present stock of |
goods last, we will make. photo- | HORSES FOR SALE.
graphs at one half the regular price. | A good team of heavy work horses |
All portrait frames will also go at for sale. Quick cash sale. See a
the same rate. We guarantee all “ude CT
goods to be strictly first class and | Phillips, or call by phone.
up-to-date. E. E. Conrad. ad | may 22-tf ad 331 Beachley, St.
the Fotos at Meyerodaie, Pa, av Second Class 1d M07 |
Tuesday evening, July 22, at the |
| by the goodly number present. Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stacer, and
daughter Miss Lucy, Mrs. E. S. Kemp,
P. P. Brieg, and daughters Misses
Sara, Mary and Esther and son Am-
brose attended the funeral of their
relative, Mrs. Nettie Thomas, at Sal-
isbury Wednesday.
Miller & Collins just re-|
ceived a shipment of Golden
Brown, Light and Alice Blue |
No vacation in this store. only vaca-
tion prices.
Ramie Linen.
A wooden wedding was celebrated
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Slagle, |
who live on the old homestead of the
N.D. farm in Elk Lick twp., this |
county. The occasion was the fifth |
anniversary of their marriage. The |
woman of the Bible class of the St. | 8
Paul Reformed Sunday school, oF}
which Mrs. Slagle is teacher, got up |
the affair, and invited the men of |
the class, to which Mr. Slagle be- |
longs to jointhem in giving the party. |
When they gathered at the house, |
Mr. and Mrs. g#Slagle, were taken |
completely by surprise, so much SO |
that it took them some little time to |
comprehend and recover. But it was | §
none the less enjoyable for all that, | i
and no bad results were to be seen
and felt by it. It was evident to all | 8
that a most happy evening was spent 4
and Mrs. Slagle were the recipients | {
of many useful and beautiful pres- 3
ents, all made of wood to corres- | 3
pond to the occasion, and much | §
merriment was caused by their pres- | 3
entation and display. Delicious re |
freshments were served and the.| §
buy or n
get the
+ ledge.
and Mrs. Slagle, haye now |g
lived in our community over a year,
and have made themselves well and |
favorably known. May they stay
long with us, and may their future |
wedded life be long and hapyy.
who visited our store
recently have learned that there
is no vacation period here. We
have the goods to sell and our
prices fit the vacation season ex-
ceedingly well.
The clerks will be pleased to
show the goods, whether you
ot. Come in to see us.
We know how to buy and you
benefit of our know-
Corrected weekly by McKenzie &
| 3
: |
Your Money
Back With a
Pleasant Smile
If You Want It.
Butter, per pound. ......c.ce ceeunenne 20-22¢ | TO WEAR
Eggs, Per d0Z....ccceeeiiiiiiininnsiinnns 20-22c |
Chickens, per pound....................12¢ | FOR
Country Side, per pound........c...... 14c | 8
| Apple butter, per gal.........cuconne. 65¢c | @ EVERYBODY,
Shoulder, per pound............. reas 13c | §
Ham.:......ccn co Feoiriiihase tere rsurereins 16c | 3
Corrected weekly: by Becker & rm
Streng. |
Corn, per bus...........cocceiniiiinniees 80c| The Oklahoma City Qil Company
OAlB; ... 0 i farses sits inidaaisea teriunes 50¢ | has paid the first quarter of an eight
Wheat, per eee $1 05 | per cent diyidend. It isonlya half
Wheat chop, per cwt.................. 190!a year-old. Three oil and two gas
Corn and oats, per cwt. home wells flowing. Two wells going down.
gromnd. na 1 55 | Wouldn’t you like to take some
Flour, “Best on Record’’ per bbl. 5 45 stock? Call, on or write,
*King of Minnesota’’ 60 per cent H. C. MCKINLEY,
patent, per barrel.................. 6 00 | june Meyersdale, Pa. ad
[Look Out For Sunburn!
Don’t let the sun blister and burn away your complexion. There is
nothing attractive about a red, blistered skin even in summer, and you
will have a greater cause for regret next winter when you find you have.
ruined your complexion for good.
We can help you to safeguard your complexion through the hot sea-
son. We have a number of popular remidies for removing tan, sunburn,
freckles, and all blemishes causad by exposure to the sun, wind and
| Pretty warm, we stay-at-homes find it. If
Stay - at- Homes | we cannot all go to the mountains or shore
these hot days let us try to keep cool and
comfortable here. In our store you will find a big line of cool producers,
such as Lotions, Powders, Bath Salt, Sponges, etc.
Come in and learn how to defy the thermometer.
You may need some reliable remedy and need it in a hurry—be pre”
pared. We can furnish you with everything you should have at hand in
cases of emergency, and at a moderate cost.
Both Phones. Leading Druggist. Meyersdale, Pa.
Opposite Citizens Nationa! Bank.
The Home of Quality Groceries
Cur goods will appear to much better advantage in your pantry than
on our shelves. The former is where they naturally belong.
For good, wholesome bread try Atlas Flour.
We can save you money on Canned Goods. Try us and be convinced.
We sell Dr. Johnson’s famous Educator Cracker.
Our Coffee sales are constantly increasing. It’s the quality.
1 can Black Raspberries, 15¢
1 full pound can Herring, 10c
3 jars Boneless Herring, 25¢
3 10c packages Corn Starch, 25¢
4 pounds Prunes for 25¢
2 bottles Lemon Juice, Z5¢
2 packages Corn Puffs, 25¢
3 pounds Rice, 25¢c
L gallon Syrup, 20c
6 bars good Toilet Soap, 25¢
Try Olive Relish.
142 Centre Street. Both Phones. Meyersdale, Pa.
Big Reduction Sale
Sale Becinning Friday, July 18th.
| MN ( as
| A ; . ha
A 0. C. GURLEY, Manager. v
| “ If you are thinking of buying a hb
| IY car, don’t forget to look our \
| A stock over of the famous y
| Mh] 66 93 |W
| a 25 H. P. Touring Car, fully equipped.......7s.... $ 725.00 y
| /\ 35 H. P. Touring Car, fully equipped. ........... $1,085.00 v
| a 50 H. P. 6-cylinder Touring Car, fully equipped. . $2,350.00 y
| A W
7 \V/
r Meyersdale Auto
® Company. W/
A ececcecececcccececceccesy
The Commercial Has All the News.