The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, July 24, 1913, Image 3
. FA. aS ale. onic dis- , special- yme. Dr. ing here, 1lize that sherefore > see the ice of an and see er exams- our case ell, T will nding. I t, purifies y trouble, ng spine, hy I can 7, pains in give you ES? you, suffer nsult me. ' ore throat, been sick, > suffering benefits in Piles and ous, weak, want you Variocele, s of ambi- f a private anent and atter what reated only cer House, treatment COURT NEWS Orphans’ Court Proceedings, Real Estate, Marriage Licences, Etc. REAL ESTATF. Elizabeth P. Gugus to County Trust Co,. Somerset $700. Robert Nicholson’s administrator to Jedi Show, Confluence, $800. Jedi Show to E. 8. Thomas, Con- fluence, $750. C. L. Spencer to Ellen L. Spen- cer, Paint Borough, $1,975. D. B. Zimmerman, to W. Kooser, Jenner twp., $5,000. P. T. Miller, to Irvin E. Miller, Stonycreek twp., $600. J. W. Mayr., to Somerset Coal Co., Jenner twp., $10; J. M. Wolfersberger to Baltimore & Ohio, R. R., Black twp,, $900. Austin GG. Schrock, to Norman Neimiller, Brothersvalley twp., $600 Wm. Wable to Hiram Wable, Rockwood, $1,700. J. J. Hoblitzell to W. T. Hoblitzell, Summit twp., $1. George S. Mowry, to Uriah Weaver, Windber, $1,000. Elizabeth E. Beaie to Helen Beale, Somerset twp, $2,800. Lg Charles 8S. Fifer, to Harry W. Boyts, Somerset twp., $12,500. Nancy Homer,s executor fo Earle T. Fulton Stoyestown. $810. Barle T. Fultan to Lucy Penrod: Stoyestown, $975. Klimence Sadey to Annie Sadey, Jenner, twp., $1. Jacob Neff to Thomas Neff, Jen- ner twp., $150. Wilson K. Walker, to First Nation- al Bank of Stoyestown, Stoyestown, $1,500. Steve Briticak to Andrew Tarrigan, ‘Windber, $1,075. Rose A. Hase, to John R. Scott, Somerset $1,400. Belinda Hite to. First National Bank of Stoyestown, Stoyestown, $1. Wilmore Coal Co., to Mikele De Otto, Windber, $200. David Evans to Daniel Windber, 81. Arthur Evans to same, Windber, $1. : F. E. Straub, to G. T. McGough, Jr., Allegheny twp., $1,000. Lucinda Geiger to George T. Beall, Meyersdale, $1,300. Jonathan Growall, to Elizabeth Growall, Rockwood, $6,000. Alvin E. Fritz to Elsie M. Lohr, Jenner twp., $4,000. i Mary Ellen Miller, to Bertha A. Miller, Summit twp., $1. Lewis C. Lambert, to Joseph M. Miller, Stonycreek twp., $10. Kate Vinseck to Motys Marslanka, Boswell, $2,000. Josiah Ankeny, to Emma E. Weaver, Paint twp., $1,000. C. W. Weigle to R. W. McGregor, Hooversville, $200. Susan McGregor, to same, Hooy- ersville, $3.509. Edward Engle, to Harrison Fuller, Salisbury, $400. ; Simon P. Naugle to Joseph De- lorie, Windber, $300. Benedick Shuto to Michael Peter, Windber, $535. Hugh W. Marror to Wm. Geddes, Windber, $10. Frank A. Wolfhope to Henry Wolf- hope, New Baltimore, $1. Wiley O. Ringler, to L. C. Long, Somerset, twp. $6,000. MARRIAGE LICENSE. Ralph Lloyd, of Windber, and Elsie Witchew, of Reitz. Earle Trevour of Hooversville and Emma Darl Wagner, of Shade twp. John Bosak and Annie Alatky, both of Adams twp., Cambria county. James Garfield Shaffer, of Wind- ber, and Lilie Belle Parson, of Rum- mel. Charles Turina and Theraso Busco, both of Jenner twp. George Horopka and Bertha Elco, both of Boswell. John Strancak and Reggie Rustak, both of Hagevo. John Szvinar and Annie Gowalsky, both of. Windber. Guiseppe Vadacchino and Maria Degrazia, both of Windber. Cragio Lattanzi‘and Ollie Gennaro, both of Confluence. Antonio Crososki and Julia Czar- linski, both of Windber. Wasul Wilcho and Annie Lellem, both of Listie. WILLS. Park Evans, The will of Levi Hanlin, late of Jenner twp., directed that his farm be diyided between his two sons, Robert H. Hanlin and Harrison H. Hanlin, the former: to pay for the same the sum of $2,000 and the latter $1,500. The balance of his es- tate is left to his three daughters Zernah, L. Speicher, | Huldah E. Hanlin, and Margaret A. as follows: Custer. Testator’s two sons are ap- pointed executors. The will was datod May 13, 1911, and witnessed b* the Hon. R. W. Lohr, and Laura M. Lohr. ! . Alice B. Largent, late of Meyers- dale, directed that J. A. Gaaves, shall be paid for caring for her duar- ing her illness, and the balance is left to the trustees of the Meyers- dale Lutheran church. J. A. Grayes is named as executor. The will was dated March 26, 1913, and witnessed by W. B. B. Cook and Elda Cook. John J. Blough, late of Elk Lick twp., left his, estate to his legal heirs, while a cash bequest of $150 is made to Martha J. Brant. Milton J. Blough is appointed executor. ‘The will was dated December 14, 1812, ad witnessed by J. C. Lichliter, and O. 8. Lichliter. Simon P. Sweitzer, late of Somer- set, made the following cash be- quest: Edna Torpey, $1,000,; Eva Lichtyv, $500 and Pearle Lichty, $300. The balance of his estate is to] be equally divided among his child- ren, as follows:—Jennie Rhodes, John L. Sweitzer, and: Charles B. Sweitzer. Attorney J. H. Uhl, is named as executor. The will was dated November 19th 1908, and wit- nessed by Frank K. Sanner and H. B. Schlag. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. To Edward E. Harkoom, estate of H.R. McClintock, late of Addison twp. Bond $1,000. To Somerset Trust Co., in the es- tate of Theresa Welsh, late of Jen- ner twp. Bond $2,000. eee mat For Good Roads. State Road building, which had been to a considerable extent held back because of delay in the enact- ment of the legislation necessary to an adequate supply of funds, has been resumed for the season,and the State Highway Department is counting on a substantial quantity of construction before winter puts a stop to work of this character. Three contracts have been let for improved highways in Lancaster county. Bids have been asked for twelve pieces of work, in- volving 95,000 feet of road in various parts of the state. Additional bids are to be asked at an earley date for 150,- | 000 feet of road, partly on the state-aid plan and partly main state highways. An interesting feature of this year’s contracts is that wherever possible the department has chosen work that will connect existing stretches of im- proved highway or extend pieces of road previously improyed. Each sec- tion is designated to fit into the gen- eral scheme of a comprehensive sys- tem of main highways. A notable instance of this is found in two. sec- tions of Route 5, which extends from Scranton to Wilkes-Barre by way of Pittston. One section contains 11,652 feet and the other 24,435 feet. = They will connect municipalities that have improved their streets. As a result there will be in a short time a contin- uous improved highway between the county seats of Lackawanna and Lu- zern counties. Another case of the kind is in regard to a short piece of road between Harrisburg end Steel- ton, which is the only unimproved portion in twelve miles of highway. Similar connections are to be made in Fayette and Beayer counties and on Rote 286, in Blair county. Later con- tracts are to be characterized by a like policy. The three contracts alreaCy awarded in Lancaster county cover 54,291 feet and will connect important roads greatly increasing the amount of continuous good roads in that re- gion. While the work for the present season is now under way, there is no likelihood that the actual road im- provement in 1913 will exceed that of. 1912. The same will be true of 1914 as no money will be available either this year or next except such as can be spared from the current revenues. As the recent Legislature appropriated $27,000,000 more than the estimated in- oome of the state for the two years, good roads must bear their share of the enforced curtailment. It is appar- ent to those familiar with the situ- ation that this condition of affairs will oontinue until some plan has been evolved for financing the road build- ing program independently of the reg- ular revenues, because the temptation of the legislators to appropriate the state money for their private charities and other institutions at the expense of public roads has been demonstrated time and time again to be too strong to be resisted, Meanwhile, the demands of the State Highway Department for the construction aud repair of roads all over the state are far in excess of its ability to meet, by reason of the lim- eted amount of money that can be diverted from the public revenues for that purpose. nn ——— lp ——————— ¢“] have been somewhat costive, put Doan’s Regulets give just the re- sults I desire. They act mildly and regulate the bowels perfectly.—Geo. B. Krause, Altoona, Pa. ad Over the State Altoona.—Two boys while walking through the mountains west of this city found the decomposed body of Robert Emmett McCann, a young civil and mining engineer, lying on the summit of a hill a mile west of this city. McCann, who wgs aged 24 years, recently returned from Florida, where he was employed, and spent much of his vacation hunting. Last Saturday he took his gun and went to the woods, and his prolonged absence caused his relatives no uneasiness, as he had frequently been absent several days on such excursions. When found his rifle lay at his feet, and a bullet hole in his throat and through his head leads to the theory that his gun was accidentally discharged. Scranton.—From a knife wound in his throat, self-inflicted, Clement Dun- derwald, aged 54, died in the West Side hospital. The death of his 22- year-old daughter is believed to have cdused Wunderwald to commit sui- cide. Washington.—Rev. C. W. Johnstoh, for 25 years a Presbyterian minister at Efulen, German West Africa, reached Washington, his former home, on an extended furlough, being met here by Mrs. Johnston and their two sons, Robert and Logan, who are in the United States securing their edu- cation. Mr. Johnston brought with him from the African jungles a chim- panzee. The animal was not suited for a pet, however, and was sold to a New York menagerie. Birdsboro.—Robert Reinard, of Mo- nocacy, while painting a huge boiler at the Birdsboro stone plant, was burned to a crisp. Philadelphia. -— The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. is preparing to spend $600,000,000 for the elimination of grade crossings on its lines east and west of Pittsburg. This is according to an estimate made by officials, who say that there now are approximately 13,000 crossings at grades which, in the interests of public safety and efficiency of qgperation, must be. re moved. It is estimated that the re- moval of one grade crossing costs $50,000. Uniontown.—Two thousand pounds of powder exploded at the DuPont works, four miles south of Union- town, when a car in which it was loaded was derailed near the powder mill. The car ran down the steep in- cline 500 feet before it left the track and the explosion followed. Men working near ran for their lives and got to places of safety. Johnstown.—When Mary Chalinski, a domestic in the Hotel Mussulin, at Broad and Front streets, started to look for a bedbug with a candle in her room, she set fire to the mattress and a two-alarm blaze with a loss of $4,000 resulted. The hostelry is in a foreign section of the city and a large crowd witnessed the firemen at work on the blaze, which was one of the most spec- tacular fires that has occurred in this city in months. Mary, frightened when she saw the mattress in flames, shut the door and said nothing. The flames had gained much headway when discovered. Firemen, when they arrived some time later, found Mary in a secluded room bemoaning the loss of her “jawh.” Kane.—Hundreds of oil derricks and trees were blown down, while telephone and telegraph lines were put out of service in the worst storm in years. Passenger and freight Service on the Pennsylvania railroad was de- layed several hours owing to trees being blown across the tracks at Wet- more. Farmers were also heavy losers caused by the hail. Sheffield, Mt. Jew- ett and Ludlow also report heavy losses from the storm. Uniontown.—Men sought shelter be- hind friendly trees, houses and coal sheds, while hundred of women and children ran screaming hysterically about when Luther White, aged 21, following a fist fight which preceded the first inning of a baseball game at Mt. Braddock, went to his home and securing a Winchester rifle, threatened everybody on the field. He was overpowered by the umpire, “Mont” McCormick, and two spec- tators, who, while his attention was drawn to one part of the diamond, grabbed him from the rear and took the weapon from him. After being overpowered White was arrested and taken before Justice of the Peace G. A. McCauley. Nobody thought of ex- amining the gun until the justice asked for it as evidence. When the justice opened the chamber he dis- covered it was empty. There was a general laugh among the men in the court room, but the justice, who did not think it a laughing matter, com- mitted White to the Fayette county jail to await a hearing in court on charges of pointing firearms, assault and battery and disorderly conduct. Pittsburgh.—Edward Linn, alleged to be the man who rented a room at the home of Mrs. Anna Funstall, South Millvale avenue, and disap- peared, taking with him about $300 worth of jewelry, was arrested in Youngstown, O., and will be brought to this city. . Kittanning—When a hoop on a large tank which contained 25 bar- rels of vinegar, shipped here by the Cruikshank Brothers company of Pittsburgh, broke a steady stream of people carrying tubs, buckets, pitchers and other vessels visited the freight car on which the tank was shipped and carried away most of the liquid. York.—A blaze partly destroyed the Foust distillery near Glen Rock. A bucket brigade did good work, but was unable to check the flames, which were confined to the distillery, a two- story stone building. The loss is about $10,800. * | HIS “GUESS” EASILY THE BEST Schoclmaster Did a Little Thinking and Astonished His Crowd of Competitors. Men wonder at what they do not | understand, but a seeming marvel often becomes absurdly simple when it is explained. Many years ago & schoolmaster, in the course of his travels, had occasion to stay for a day or two at a country travern. As he sat in the public room with a dozen other persons, evidently natives of the place, there came along a man with a fat hog that he was driving to market. Leaving the animal outside, he en- tered the inn and joined the little company. Several of the latter went to the window to look at the hog. “That’s a fine pig you've got thers, neighbor,” remarked one. “Do you know what he’ll weigh?” : “Yes, sir,” returned the pig's owner, “I had him on the scales just before I started out. What do you guess he'll weigh?” : The questioner, thus questioned in turn, looked at the pig carefully, and made a guess. The owner turned to the rest of the company, and said: “Will not somebody else give a guess? Just for the fun of it, let everybody have a try.” : The proposal met with favor. One after another the men eyed the pig critically, and ‘aftém due considera- tion, gave their estimates of His weight. The schoolmaster, who seemed deeply absorbed in his own thoughts, alone took no part in the contest. But he was not to be let off. - “Say, friend,” the owner of the pig] urged, aren’t we going to hear from you?” The pedagogue, who perhaps had never in his life looked attentively at a pig, rose, went to the window, and gazed out at this one. He deliberated for a moment, then, with modest res- itation, named a certain number of pounds. : At hearing it, the eyes and the mouth of the pig’s owner opened wide in astonishment. “Wal, I swan!” he exclaimed. “You're the champion! All the others guessed either over or under, but you’ve hit it almost to a pound.” Every one stared at the schoolmas- ter admiringly, but no one was shrewd enough to tell how he had been able | to make so good a guess. It had not | been a lucky hit, although he could have done quite as well without see- ing the pig. He knew nothing about swine, but he knew a good deal about ' figures. Having heard the guesses of | 11 more or less expert judges, he had | added together their guesses, divided the sum by 11, and “guessed” the re- | sult.—Youth’s Companion. MANY MEN WITHOUT RELIGION Agnosticism and Deliberate Unbelief | Astonishingly Prevalent Among Citizens of Florence, Italy, Prof. Ugo Gusti, head of the statis- | tics bureau cof Florenee, gives some | curious particulars in regard to the religious beliefs of the Florentines, declared in last year’s census. | Heading the section of “No Religion” | about ten per cent. are printers and | about the same number of profession- al men and artists, nine pér cent. of civil servants, the finer trades and railway and tramway employes. In answer to the query on:their religion curious answers were received. “I believe in the God of Garibaldi and Mazzini,” “Religion is home,” “Catholic, but do not believe in God’s ministers,”- “Catholic of my own con- science,” “Agnostic,” “Positivist,” “Ma- terialist,” “Anti-clerical Christian,” “Anti-Catholic Christian.” In the population of 232,860 almost 205,695 declare themselves to be Cath- olic, 1,641 Protestants, Protestants of other nationalities 1,798, Jews 2,569, other creeds 144, no religion 8,315, un- declared 12,798. Early Showed Heroism. As a boy, Rear Admiral Young, who died last month, showed qualities that were sure to out him in the front rank of his profession. As a midshipman, he leaped overboard to rescue a. sea- man, and before the boats could be lowered and rowed to him, he was three miles astern, swimming and supporting the unconscious sailor. Later, when the ship Huron was wrecked on a reef off the North Caro- lina coast, he and another man tried to reach the shore on a raft. When the raft capsized, he not only swam ashore, but dragged his companion to safety with him. Then he ran to a life- saving station, broke into the build- ing, dragged out the apparatus, and succeeded in saving 34 officers and men out of a crew of a hundred and thirty-two. For this act of heroism congress advanced him in rank, and the legislature of Kentucky, his native state, made him an honorary member. —Youth's Companion. Save the Label. “Awkwardness in pouring medicine from a bottle cost me $2,” a man said. “Because I poured it out on the label side and got the number of the pre- scription ang the date’ blurred the druggist wouldn’t refill it, and I had to give the doctor another call. I got no sympathy from the druggist. “‘But you had to learn your les-; son, he said. ‘Nearly everybody does. ! It seems second nature for everybody except nurses, doctors and druggists to pour medicine from the label side ofa bottle. The professionals never do. They always pour from the oppo- site side and keep the label clean. Laymen, after they have paid the price of a consultation for the expe- rience, also adopt that method.” EIS SIC AR ey NEW LAWS OF PENNSYLVANIA A Brief Outline of Acts of the General Assembly of 1913 As Approved by the Governor No. 54. Validates bonds illegally issued by certain municipalities. No. 55. Appropriates $125,000 to pay the tui- tion at state normal schools of pupils preparing to teach in the public schools. No. 56. Makes it unlawful for an officer af- ter his term has expired, as well as while in office, to charge or demand any fee except that provided by law, and providing a penalty for failing te refund excess fees collected. No. 57. Amends the law allowing pay to witnesses held without bail to include commitments by coroners. No. 58. Provides for appointments and com- pensation of janitors for the various courts mn counties of 1,200,000 and over. : No. 59. Extends the scope of the law pro- hibiting persons who have not been admitted to the bar from advertising as “lawyers.” No. 60. Amends the law requiring county recorders to record free of charge the certificates of all honorably discharged soldiers dnd sailors of the state, mak- ing it possible for the discharge to be presented by an agent. No. 61. $15,500 is appropriated for deficien- cy the two past years in maintaining the State Hospital for Injured Per- sons of the Trevorton, Shamokin and Mt. Carmel coal fields. No. 62. Provides for transportation to Get- tysburg of state officials, guests of the state, and old soldiers to attend the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg. No. 63. Game Laws. Provides for the better protection of wild birds and game; requires license for hunting to be procured before us- ing guns, and fixes the ‘Resident Hunter's License” at one dollar. No. 64 Repeals the supplement to the act for preventing clandestine marriages. No. 65 Repeals the act for preventing clan- destine marriages. No. 66 Commissioners of public parks in cities of the first class given full power and control over parks. - No. 67 Gives commissioners of public parks in cities of the first class power to make rules and regulations govern- ing drives. : : No. 68 Appropriated $195,000 to pay one- half the expense of caring for vet- erans at the Gettysburg reunion. No. 69 Joint City and County Building. Permits city and county authorities to construct buildings for their joint use. The site may be selected from land belonging either to the city or county and the cost of the building apportioned between the city and county. Also authorizes purchase or condemnation of additional ground for gite and for bonds to pay cost of erec- tion. : No. 70 Game law providing for the protec- tion and preservation of game. No. 71 To provide for the classification of fish in lakes of 5,000 acres, and to pro- tect and provide for the maintenance and increase. Imposes a license fee for fishermen and requires counties to pay costs of prosecution. No. 72 Extends the list of birds protected by the game laws and regulates the sale of feathers of protected birds. No. 72 Provides necessary medical atten- tion for persons supposed to be in danger from hydrophobia, after hav- ing been bitten, and providing for ex- penses previously incurred in like cases. No. 74 Provides for the construction of a fish way across the Susquehanna at McCall's Ferry. No. 75 Repeals a supplement to the act to establish a board of wardens at the port of Philadelphia, by which pilots shall no longer be required to serve an apprenticeship of six years. No. 76 After July 1st, when this act took effect, wages shall be paid as often as semi-monthly, the first’ payment be- tween the first and fifteenth, and the second before the last day of the month. No. 77 Validates certain receivers’ sales. No. 78 Amends the act relating to receiv- ers’ sales by providing for notices by mail to all interested parties describ- ing the property to be sold. No. 79 Relates to the manner of making service in actions at law. No. 80 Mothers’ Pensions. Under this act the governor ap- points a board of women in each coun- ty as trustees, to carry into effect the] provisions of this law, providing monthly payments as approved by the board to indigent, widowed or aban- doned mothers, for partial support of their children in their own homes. Payments are to be made direct to the pensioner by the state treasurer and the county treasurer. Payments must be ‘discontinued when the child is of legal aga to secure emplcyment. The trustees are to serve without pay, bug shall be allowed traveling expenses. The trustees shall provide a headquar- ters and appoint an investigator. Then are also given permission to employ a stenographer. The wearly office ex- pense shall not exceed $3,000 for coun. ties with cities of the first class, $2,400 for counties with cities of the second class, $1,800 for counties with cities of the third class, nor $1,200 in other counties. $200,000 appropriated to carry the law into effect. No mother can become a pensioner who has not continuously resided three years in the county where the application is made. No. 81 Provides for the protection of elk and deer and provides for any county to be closed to hunting for a term of years upon petitions and hearings. No. 82 : Regulates the storage and sale of linseed oil; fixes standards for raw and boiled linseed oil, and repeals pre- vious legislation. No. 83 Repeals section 2806 of the act of May 18, 1911, to establish a public school system. No. 84 Regulates the sale of seeds— clovers, timothy, alfalfa, barley, wheat, oats, rye, spelt and buckwheat, and provides standards for purity. No. 85 Amends section 1125 of the act to establish a public school system in regard to the county superintendent’s office. No. 86 Appropriates $6,209.82 for deficiency in salaries of orphans’ court judges in Philadelphia and Allegheny coun- ties. No. 87 Reorganizes the Attorney General's office; designates the number of em- ployees, and fixes salaries. No. 88 Prohibits the Killing of foxes Im Delaware county, except those de- stroying property. No. 89 Permits boarding house keepers ‘in suits before magistrates, aldermen or justices io attach the wages of delin- quents, but to not exceed the sum due for four weeks. No. 90 Concerns mattresses; regulates their making, prohibits the use of un- sanitary materials. No. 91 Allows the killing of deer between November 10th and 25th only. ? No. 92 . Provides for the establishment of vocational schools; for state aid in. maintenance, and for payment of tui- tion by the state. 2 No. 23 Repeals the act “to encourage the repression of tuberculosis of cattle.” No. 94 Commissioners of townships of the first class may make appropriations to support fire companies in their townships. No. 95 Decreases by $30,000 the appropria- tion for printing and binding and in- creases $30,000 the appropriation for paper required for the executive, ju- dicial and legislative departments. No. 96 Validates certain elections not held in conformity to law. No. 97 Permits an abandoned wife to sue her husband. No. 98 Makes an appropriation of $2,520 to pay the judgment obtained against the state by W. C. Wolfe. No. 99 The deputy prothonotary of the su- preme court of the Eastern district is to receive a salary of $3,000 during the.absence of his superior. No. 100 Relates to hospital fees paid by tha state in certain cases. No. 101 Confers additional powers on the Board of Public Charities, and fixes the salary of the secretary at $5,000, No. 102 Makes it unlawful to throw broken glass, metal or dangerous refuse on any public highway. No. 103 : Changes the terms of directors of the poor in districts where the num- ber of directors is eight. No. 104 Requires separate specifications for plumbing, heating, ventilating and electrical work, and calls for separate bids on all public buildings costing $1,000 and over, and the letting of contracts to the lowest bidder. No. 105 Because the federal government has made no appropriation the additional sum of $15,000 is appropriated for the statue of Gen. George G. Meade at Washington. The president of the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, the commander of the Central Penn- sylvania Grand Army Association, and John Wanamaker are made additional members of the commission, No. 106 Appropriates $5, J for the State Hospital for the Criminal Insane at Farview. No. 107 ' Regulates the employment of eoun- ty detectives in counties of from 300,000 to 700,000. EER ST Tey