IRS 5 RTE EE BE i - sire MO _ E— cst - rr pe Coded do oof ope bee erie eeob deb deb dob bbb ol a a bd ge db dil ROMESBERG. CONFLUENCE AC SR TA * #| A new town is on the map of Som-| Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mountain have | fe + N F iG H BO R HO D N EWS. + | erset county—the town isnot so large left for their home, after spending The Ability to (he ck oo - - in population now, but great in possi- | several weeks with W. 8S. Mountain a ; il + % bilities. The opening of the Black SR EE * News ltems of Interest From Near-by Places, Gleaned by The mines and the track to the B. & O.| Samuel Lakel, one of Addison’s fine i x + Commercial's Special Correspondents. { will make this a great industrial cen-| citizens, was here on Saturday on his Shows Man S SIPremacy REE ERs SRE SERRE RRR tre for years io eome, | way to Pittsburg. A | © The coal company expects to ship| H. P. Burnworth, manager of the TER I SEE EE ET SR HOOVERSVILLE. ¥ PINE HILL ] | coal from these mines by the middle Humbert Company store, was a busi- July 22—Dr. C. A. Ross, formerly ns July are are busy making ! of August. | oss caller here on Sabaiday. of Hyndman, bas established a den- ‘hay and cu ling grain. : 2 ; : tal office in the Roger & Ober build- . B. F. Miller, of the West Side is a 4 typhoid fever patient. ing and will operate between Hooy- ; ersville and Cairnbrook. Dr. Ross While on his way to Friendsville on 1 mended, having Saturday, Dr. H. L. McIntyre, a med- the Pennsylva- ical examiner of the B. & O., stopped : off here. i Maryland and of Dental Exami- Milton Clark, the baker, is much If the horses, cattle and chickens had their way they would enter the ripening hay and grain fields and eat and trample down the maturing products. Having a feast today—a famine tomorrow. But man builds fences, mows and reaps, saves and stores away the summer’s abundance : Buildings are going up very rapidly F. C. Lichty and family, Mr. and |in Romesberg, but still the demand Mrs. F. A. Handwerk and family |for homes is such that the carpenters were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Peter | cannot keep up with the requige- 'Baer’s on Sunday, when a grand din- | ments. The houses are occupied be- | ner was served and all enjoyed the| fore they are finished. day. | have started a Romesberg Bros., Ofiio State Busi The children’s Da ices held | > Stn wg z y services held |store and are already doing a good |; e : : BES ny wish him sn abundance |on Sunday evening in the Hays | business. ii a poche ls for the winter's needs, a Le Lf ip yuunsen Were latgely attended. W. H. Hoyland, foreman is making | fiends in Youngstown. 2 The same care, the same restraint, the pru- Coird EB st Hoovers- | a electedpeacher a first class track from the minesto| p = _ 4 noo J.T. Fox and daugh- dent man employs with his money. Dollars in willie, will sval on Satur-| woo andt il and S. P | B £0.54 : ter, who have been visiting Mrs. Fox’s the pocket go quickly. : Sax ame. | Baer ant feral weg gl Myton Resh sid family Of Moyers (petomts, Mr, and Mrs, 0. oF, Groff, "Dollars in the bank go slowly: The writing Lows Both, the merchant and |g wa.q ey i S at dale are now citizens of Romesberg. | eft for their home at Conshohoken, £ BC 3 bef. d Bamckster, was at Johnstown recently. | w 5 y 1 7 Norman Weimer and family of Mey- | Pa., on Friday. ola check causes us to think twice beiore spend- Lloyd Kregar has gone to Con- | e are informed that orman ersdale are living here. Mr. Weimer| gj B, Coughnour, a B. & O. engineer ng. ['Neimiller has purchased the Henry |js running the ‘‘dinkey’’ and Park at : : | Bittner property to which he recently | the present time is working on the Daniel B. Miller, of near Stoyes- moved, and will seek employment of | track. town, has been on the sick list. idati : us > the Consolidation Coal Company, The branch runs from the mines to The enterprising Shoemaker, Jac.| Russell Baughman, of Pine Hill, | McSpadden on the B. & O. where a DeMarco, has all the work he can bought a Ford car from Ream Bros., | steel tipple is being erected, costing do and does it satisfactorily. of Berlin. $20,000. Subscribe for The Commercial. | Elis Werner made a certifidate as a| The coal company has the contract Mr. Long, of near Salisbury, was |teacher and will teach the Good Town | to supply the B. & B. engines on the killed on the S. & C. branch, on the school. * Elis will teach foreigners| main line. crossing south of Hooversville on | some of the English. | Efforts are being made. to have Saturday night. He was at work at| Harry Werner works at Rockwood | either free mail delivery here or the | the Federal mines and was on his | ap present. | establishment of a postoffice. The | way to the boarding house. : : | A crowd of young people attended | latter would be more satisfactory. John Felker is on the sick list. | (1 fostavel, at Berkley’s Mill, and| Since the dinkey is mean enough at Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Williams, gave | report a good turn out All returned | times to jump the track on the curves, | : > 4 | J rl. W.H. Ki > a dinner party at Wagner’s grove | home filled with ice cream. | the expert track man thinks the rails | oN Rand oe hes on Sunday when they entertained —_————————— | ought to be sent back to the shops to | for wy esl i hh sls the following guests, Dr. D. Gildner, SIPPLEVILLE. | have the corners chiseled off, while | Aliantie Nefning ompany- Dr. C. A. Ross, Dayid Edwards and | July 13th— John Albright was a | others think the rails are all right if | E. C. Rowley, of near Jersey church, the Mesdames Mary Keiffer and Su-| yojeome caller at the home of his the curves are put in properly. For | vas in town on business on Saturday. san Brown. Mis, | daughter-in-law, Lucy Shoe- | this new idea in making rails for | A double silk fiag, costing $126 and | maker, on Saturday evening. | curves an increase in salary should made by Mrs. Adalberh Perenyi, of | raster Luther Smith and John Ful- | be in order. : New York, and receiyed at Hoovers: |, were visitors at the home of Mrs. | Romesberg is on the map to stay. ville by Rev. Father Rae, of Johns- ' Lucy Albright Sunday evening. | Come and live among us. The Black town, and was presented by him to | Goorae Primrose, of Coal Runs ant] mines will be a busy place in the the Elso Bens Creek Magyr Bonyarz | S ger 2 SP Bs Egylet No. 11, of Hoovyersville. fo | future. On Saturday preceding the christen- | of Connellsville, was greeting friends in town for a few days last week. Scott Rush and Wm. Reeves, of Humbert, were transacting business in town last week. C. E. Yeagley has drilled a well to the depth of 175 feet. The flow, how- ever, was not satisfactory and he has decided to go deeper. W. H. Zufall and H. E. Purbaugh, of Harnedsville, were transacting business in town last week. | E. W. Debolt, of Charleston, who | had been sick, visited in town on| | Saturday. finemce on a business mission. Show your supremacy by opening an account and your ability to check yourself by checking on LL THR Oitizens National Bank. | ‘““THE BANK WITH THE CLOCK.” I a 0. hh Bll Bho hos B Sle fc Or Bo A VISIT TO Holzshu & Welmer's STORE Will show to you the best line of Marcellus and Charles Burnworth, | prosperous farmers, of Johnson Capel, | were among town visitors on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Crowe,of Union- town have returned home after visit-| ing the latter’s sister and husband, | Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Sellers at the Confluence House. —_———— I aturday and Sunday with his family £ this place. Work every day. Read The Mey- . ersdale Commercial in the evening ‘ ing of the flag a parade formed 8 their hall and paraded on the princi pal streets. It was a gala day, the | music being furnished by the Magyar band of Johnstown, concluding the Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bittner, of | and be happy all the year ’round. Meyersdale, spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bittner. Wm. McKellup was a welcome cal- eee eee fee VIM. July 22.—Sarah Ringler and daugh- Is It Necessary to Bag Grapes? A grape grower in the eastern part of Pennsylvania wrote to State Zoolo- ter Nancy Davis of Coal Run, spent Groceries, Flour, Feed, Etc. We Buy in Car Lots, Hence parade the society assembled at their | ler at. the home of Ross Albright on | : x hall where a brief address was de- | Sunday evening. 2 | last Thursday with W. W. Nicholson’s. livered by Father Rac, in which he| Mrs. Robert Lee was a welcome |. Mrs. Wilson Ringler, spent Sunday spoke very favorably of the Ameri-| caller at the home of Mrs. W. Arkley | in Salisbury and vicinity. can flag and received great applause. | on Monday. William Seggie and family spent Following are the officers: —President, | | Sunday in Greenville township with Charles Schrader’s. 23 Mrs. L. A, Smith were the guests Joe Vered; Secretary. Joe Dudas; ¢ Mrs. Webb, of Saylors’ Knob, on : Treasurer, John Peter. | Monday. Freeman Fike, son Samuel and Ed- EES ward Engle, are painting this week | . . 2 ’ RIDGE VIEW. DE Re A A | in Milford township. “Grapes will ripen as well outside | | com e A pain i 3 3 July 15—Augusta Jacobs and our Freeze on Sunday afternoon. John Seigner and family spent Sun- of paper bags as in them. The object | gist, H. A. Surface, Harrisburg, and | asked ‘‘Is there any remedy to get | good grapes without putting them in bags? I left some out last year and every one was stung. Please let me | know if I can gfow grow grapes with- out such great work as bagging them. To this Professor Surface replied as follows: Can Save You Money. ‘ Goods Delivered Free. Both Phones. MEYERSDALE FA. Centre Street ’ day in Meyersdale, with Wm. Seeler’s, ] ! for placing them in bags is to keep genial postmaster, C. N. Jeffreys| pfiss Catherine Smith took supper |, “qo ; 7 broth 7 raged has painted their dwelling houses at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A Mrs. Seigner’s brother and family. clean. You can spray with proper ! | re AL SS A A NLA NTN ATTN fd Sd Nl Nl NSN NS NN lf Sd NS NSS NS NIN dS Sf Nt pests away from them and keep them | | | { i : Ray Commons, who has been in fungicides and insectisides and keep | WILL MAKE them clean. You can spray with prop- | A ] . __ |er fungicides and insecticides and | | Prof. S. C. Witt of Summits Mill, | keep the grapes healthy in this man- | | made a welcome call in our tOWn on | pop and thus avoid the neccessity of | Regular Visits to Meyersdale. { Monday. bagging. Commercial grape growers | | GLADE CITY. OF INTEREST TO EVERY SICK PERSON. | Mrs. David Cramer of Meyersdale, do not practice bagging, as it is more which adds quite an improvement |g, ith on Wednesday. Ray ; : to both. | Mrs. L.A. Smith was calling on | Michigan for two years i at his home Mrs. Minnie Graham, and son Frank | yrs G. W. Smith, of the South Side, jn Roumania, at present. of Brooklyn, N.Y., who have been | on Wednesday. . { here for a few days with friends, left ; for their home. . Mrs. Mary Henica and friend, Miss ibn Sa Union jenic in Al. Bittner’s| = J 53 0 s ; : | Minnie Mason, of Connel'sville, were| Dy as well attended. | spent last Thursday with ‘Thomas |economical in saying time and money | Dr. Johnson and assistant, of Pittsburgh, specialist on chronic dis- in Addison. 15 sy x Yount mored us with | Swindell’s. to spray instead to take the time to |] eases, will be at the : Miss Jessie Risheberger, and Miss a iy Ti Mrs. John Stein of Meyersdale, was | place them in bags. Where one has | Slicer House, Tuesday, July 29, 1913, giving all who are sick an opportunity to consult these eminent special- : ists free of charge and get advice and treatment right at your home. Dr. ! Johnson has decided to visit this place by request of people living here, who otherwise would not have the chance to consult him. Irealize that a visit to Pittsburgh to see me would be a hardship to the sick, therefore I come to you, believing that more good can be accomplished to see the largest number of sick. I ask, therefore, all who need the service of an expert specialist in chronic and long-standing diseases to call and see me, consult me free of charge, get my advice, and if I find after exam- ing you that I cannot cure ynu, I will gladly tell you, and if your case i / | /m. Seggie’ Monday. | but a few vines, however, it pays him | feah A. Nicols, Mr. and Mrs. John | Hold favor pe-) a caller at Wm. Seggie’s on ’ Stark, of Addisen, and Mr. and Mrs. fre : op Oe 5 p Miss Eliza Miller and sister of Mey- fo take time to bag them. Orville Stark, of Bond,» Md., were | : > : pp | ersdale, at Milton If you had sprayed with an ounce Sunday visitors here. The Glade City Sunday geno will} pipers. of arsenate of lead in each gallon of : hold a lawn fete on Saturday even- water beginning. about the time th Fred I Melyjlle, of Sern a re or the benefit of Se stool] Frat oe 8 of a ip i nd Ed ol with Mr, an Is: ‘| and an invitation is extended to all. at Indian repeating this once every two weeks 2 : Come for ice cream and cake. | Creek, with his son and daughter-in- | for three or four spraying, your grapes | Mrs. Augusta Burrow aged { Creer, wi g 4 : Shay a a fhizen. di od this even Our grocers keep fresh, goods, and | jaw, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thorpe. would not have been stung. The in- | snd respected cihizen, (le '€0- | Js doing a splendid business. | w : Ai sect you describe is the grape berry | ing with dropsy. Mrs. Burrow has | | Miss Mary Painter, of Rogers Mill, moth which damages a great deal of spent Monday eel eet INDIAN CREEK Jobe Thorpe spent Sunday an been sick a long time, yet her death | The Savage brick works are rush-|jeft on Tuesday for Greensburg, where | | came unexpected. She was 78 years of age and leaves the following children. Mrs. Hanna Wilhelm, Pensacola, Fla., Mrs. Jacob Show, and Christopher, of Listonburg, Mrs. Bertha Walter and Miss Minnie abt home. Mrs. Wilhelmi and son, Herman arrived from Pensacola. | of | are | than ever. ed with orders, and giye employ- ment to a great many men. paying Bdward Bitter, was able to attend They | she will visit friends.for a few days. | attack of neuralgia. | the plenie on Friday ond was grect-) Run were the guests of Mrs. Alice ed by a great many people who were pleased to see him out and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dennis, of Har- | enjoy the day. risburg, who have been visiting the latter’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. Laud- erbaugh, left for their home day. Mrs. Annie Kurtz and Mrs. Hattie Kurtz were called to the bedside of the former’s son George, who lives at Humbert, is very ill with rheu- matism. Le CASSELMAN. July 20—Mr. Frank Heil, is spend- ing his yacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Heil Miss Hazel Heinbaugh, is visiting friends in Connellsville. Miss Iona Whipkey is the guest of relatives in Connellsville. { | Last Sunday was banner day for the Sunday school. The largest at- Tnes- | tendance in its history. On Sunday, Rev. D. L. Clapper, preached an excellent sermon. Next Sunday Rev. M. Romesburg will again preach. Yes, Mrs. Forest, you were rather shy, but we saw all about it in the Pittsburgh Sunday Post. Congratu- lations to you and yours. Miss Stella Miller and Mr. Hand- werk have been elected teachers for our schools. eel HAYS MILL. July 21—Well boys get your horns and bells ready as it looks as if | Reed and Mrs. John May. Warren Younkin spent Sunday vis- | iting his parents, near Mill Run. W. E. Walcott, of Jones’ Mill, had a shght paralytic stroke, and isin a critical condition. F. D. Swearman spent Sunday at the guests of Miss Annie and Mary Eberharter. Wm. Reed and Harry Collins, of the McFarland Lumber Company, spent Sunday at Humbert. : re ROCKWOOD Mrs. Berkey Hayman/of Confluence, is spending several days this week with her sister, Miss Margaret DeHaven. The ladies of the Lutheran church will hold a festival on Aug. 1 and 2, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eberharter | | . H. C. Krepps is confined to his home | advise bagging duri J bub ol h wages to-day : a - | adylise bagging uring June, but not ghar Be day! ear Mill Run, suffering with a severe | pefore the blossoms drop. Grapes that | Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thorpe ,of Mill should sell for a faney price. { fruit in this state, but is easily killed | by spraying with arsenate of lead. 1I| | have been bagged and kept clean | 1f one | can develop a special trade, such as | these grapes will justify, it may pay | him to place bags over them even | though for market. It would scarcely | pay you to attempt to place fly netting | over a whole vine. : —— ee een Any skin itching is a temper tester. The more you scratch the worse it itches. Doan’s Ointment is for piles, eczema—any skin itching. 50 cents at all Drug Stores. ad | | | TWO CANTATAS FOR SOMERSET. Under the direction of Prof. S. G. Smith of Pittsburgh, singing classes | recruited from all the Somerset | churches will present, two cantatas in | the opera house within the next few | weeks. ‘The Holy City,” will be | given on July 31st, and “A Dream of | | | accept your case. a permanent cure. every case. is curable, which in 90 per cent. with my new treatment get well, I will I cure Rheumatism in one month, no matter how long standing. I give you relief at once. the blood, relieves the kidneys at once. 1 CURE Kidney and Bladder troubles. pain in back, urine highly colored, dark sediment, pain along spine, weak back and headaches, come to me and let me show you why I can give you a cure—does the urine burn you, pass it too frequently, pains in : the bladder and prostrate gland, I can relieve you at once and give you DO YOU SUFFER FROM STOMACH OR LIVER TROUBLES? : Have you pains after eating, does your food disagree with you, suffer from constipation and gasses in the bowels ? Then come and consult me. I will cure you in one month, complete restoration to health. If you have blood poison, which causes eruption, pimples, sore throat, eczema, and all rash and sores, no matter how long you have been sick, 1 can cure you of the disease, many cases with one treatment. 1 positively cure all unnatural conditions that you may be suffering from. My home treatment has been used by thousands with benefits in I cure Lung trouble, Nervous diseases, Epilepsy, Catarrh, Piles and all Chronic and Special diseases. WHAT I CURE My treatment removes the cause of it, purifies If you have Kidney trouble, SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES : ¥ % DISEASES OF WOMEN DISEASES OF MEN Po there is going to be a wedding |; vast. office buildi ear + : Se cps . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tiarahy and or 4s & eon young lady: of in the old Post-office building. Fairy Land,” a pretty children’s can- | YOUNG MEN.—I especially invite men who are sick, nervous, weak, children were guests of Mrs. Harri- A ee ye 2 J. -J. Enfield is seriusly ill at his | tata. on August 1st despondent, loss of ambition, no desire to work or pleasure, I want you son Sechler, on Sunday. Meyersdale went to visit Hays home on East Broadway ’ august . to call and get my special advice. I cure blood diseases, Variocele, ’ . church on Sunday and as the road a, I Wr e weakness, losses, ‘and drains stopped in ten days. Ulcers, loss of ambi- 9 a 7 Te = 7 ¥'3s J ’ amb Aaron Lape’s daughter of Mt. has a turn in it, she stopped off at Mrs. E. F. F Sher is spending sever- ; |} tfon, nervous debility, lack of energy and'all special diseases of a private Pleasant, was a Casselman visitor | pr. John Boyer’s and has not ar- al weeks as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. nature. Consult me confidentially, and I assure you a permanent and last week. rived home vob G. OC. Tannehill, of Black township. CAS ; OR { A lasting cure. The “Pink Rase Scryice?”? which " qT ! Miss Rae Milhouse is the guest of = ps os er E REMEMBER Vi was rendered by the choir of the U. B. church Sunday last, was enjoyed by all. | mended for strengthening digestion, FOR FLETCHER'S Bears the Meyersdale, Tuesday, July 1. Call and be convinced of a treatment Matt Younkin, was a Casselman | purifying the blood. At all drug | Signature of 7 7% that will cure you. ler Saturday. cs. $1.00 a ‘bottle. a | CASTORIA | A For dyspepsia, our national ailment, | use Burdock Blood Bitters. Recom- friends and relatives at Latrobe. Children Cry The Kind You Have Always Bought | | For Infants and Children. I will make regular monthly visits to your town, and no matter what your disease is, I want you to come and. consult me. I have treated only chronic diseases for 25 years. Consultation is free. At Slicer House,