Sous food ds ecdoofobe Boole bobeod INDIAN CREEK. i July 14— Rodney Woodmancy has éompleted his new boat and gave it a tryout last week. He claims it will | carry over a ton safely and has named | it the Titanic. Watch out for the float- ing icebergs, Rodney. S. M. May, from Mill Run, spent a day with his son, Attorney May, of Connellsville. Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Lynn were Con- nellsville callers,the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alguire. Walter Cotton, the. B. & O. bridge and building inspector, was here one day last "week on business. A. O. Overhalt, from the Country Club, at Jones Mill, was a business caller in Scottdale and Mt. Pleasant last week. - Allen Sipe, one of our industrious farmers and stock raisers,of Mill Run, was a Connellsyille business caller last evening. Miss Eliza Dushone, who had been | spending several months with Mrs. A. | Stickle, at Mill Run, spent a day in Connellsville calling on friends last | week. Gertrude Hutchison, the seamstress from Mill Run,spent a day in Connells- ville calling on friends and shopping. Geo. Harbaugh and son, Dudley, of Mill Run, were Connellsville callers | last week. Dr. Brooks, from Normalville made a professional call here today, looking after the sick. Advertise in The Commercial and wait for results. F.W. Stickel arrived here from Mag nolia, W. Va., and is looking after his jaterests here. The Painter family, of Greensburg, arrived here last week and are again at their summer home at Rogers Mill. Mrs. Charles Thorpe and son Melvin spent a day in Connellsville last week | with friends. | Joha Pinkney, an old veteran, from Mill Run, was in Connellsville, renew- ing old acquaintances. The I. C. V. Ry. have cleared their big landslide at Popular Hollow and passenger and freight service has been restored, all trains arriving and leav- ing on schedule time, fhe W. M. Ry. have opened a day office on their line. This looks as if business was on the increase. | The McFarland Lumber Co. have installed the twice monthly pay sys- tém. All employes will receive their | ‘pay envelopes on the 2nd and 4th Sat- | urdays of the month. Fred Swearman spent Wednesday with his parents at Glade City. M. E. Frozee, from Connellsville, | was along the Indian Creek Valley | Wednesday on business. J. J. Kidd, of the Kidd, Bucking- ham Lumber Co., of Baltimore, Md., was here Wednesday looking over the stock of the McFarland Lumber Co. E. S. Barnes, superintendent of the Mountain Water Suppiy Co., was the Indian Creek Valley Wed- | | | | along nesday. : Father Burns, of Connellsville, ac- companied by several sisters, spent Wednesday at Killarney Park. Robert Norris, the retired shoe mer- chant, from Connellsville,whois spend- ing the hot season at his summer house at Rogers Mill, spent Wednes- day in Connellsville on business. Mrs. John Johnson, from Mill Run, was shopping and calling on friends in Connellsville Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Habel spent Friday among Connellsville friends | Keyestone, spent a few hours here | D. W. Border. | Sarah Ringler, ; ing relatives and friends. ee be be boule bo cose Boule obo obe ote fe Beafeaocfests oo cfoofocdo ceeds fe of feofoofe oJ odo of good | SHE EERREEPEES % | NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS.: & ok ge oe : 3 "we 1 + News Items of Interest From Near-by Places, Gleaned by The 3 Commercial’s Special Correspondents. e Josef de ppora Jobd Fo Gofesforfeseofocdode oococfosfectoaforfeofecfeodeodd I. J Baer, the 3d trick operator of Sunday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Habel. He left for Connells- ville on important. business Sunday evening. Levi King has resigned his position as night watchman on the W. M. Patronize those who advertise. Mrs. H. C. Krepps and daughtea, of near Miil Run, spent Saturday night here with their husband and father. a ee HOLSOPPLE. Benson Borough School Board has reorganized for the new school year by electing the following new officers; President, William Snably ; Secretary, N. O0.Border;and Treasurer, L.Helsel. Teachers were elected Friday even- ing. Miss Nell Shupe, of Dayton, O., isa guest offMiis Martha Cassler, of this place. They attended Otterbin Col- lege together. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoffman and daughter, Dorothy, are home from Phillipsburg, where they spent a few weeks with relatives.'s They were ac- companied home by Mrs. Trent, of | Philipsburg. : Miss Mildred Acker, of Chicago, is a guest of her brother-in-law and sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Helsel. Ralph Fish has returned to his home | in Indian Creek, after a visit here with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. The White Oak Light, Heat & Power | Company, of Holsopple, has brought | an action against Benson Borough to recover $370 for street lighting ser- vice. Harvey Cross, of Somerset town- ship, who conducts a small store near Somerset, was given a hearing before Justice of the Peace, A. Kent Miller, on .a charge of selling cigarettes to minors. Because of insufficient evi- dence, the case was settled by his paying the costs. % | daugeter, Mary Sue, of Bedford, are | Samuel McClure of Pittsburg, were | tne honor guests. SALISBURY. July 14—Mrs. George Biser and guests of Miss Carrie Johnston. Bud Wagner, who had been working in Johnstown for the last six months, is again at home with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wagner. Mr and Mrs. J. L. Barchus accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Will Liven- good, motored to Addison, Friday morning and returned in the evening. Edward Livengood, who nearly lost his life through alcoholic poison is re- ported out of danger. Bud Stotler returned Sunday after being away from home a week. Rev. and Mrs. I. S. Monn and son Joe, are spending a menth at Cham- bersburg, visiting their parents and other relatives. On Thursday Dr. Albert Haselbarth and family motored from Mercers- burg, to thisplace to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Haselbarth. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. C. M. May, accompanied by Mrs. C. T. Hay, Imogene Hay, and Mrs. A. M. Lichty, motored via. Oakland to Elkins, W. Va. The ladies fancy work party was entertained at the home of E. C. Saylor’s last Thursday. There were about thirty guests present. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnston en- tertained a number of their friends at ‘500’ on Friday evening. Mrs. George Bizer of Bedford, and Mrs. Other guests pres- ent were Dr. and Mrs. A. M. Lichty, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barchus, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. May, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Petry, and Misses Carrie Johnston, Emma McClure, Amanda Martin, and Lottie Wagner; Messrs. John Johnston, Ernest Livengood, G. C. Hay and Fay Lichty. Miss Anawalt of Stoyestown, is vis- iting Miss Carrie Johnston, Miss Mildred Slocum of McKees- port, is visiting Miss Dorothy Bar- chus. Mrs. Glessner of Berlin, is visiting her daughter and family, Dr. and Mrs. E. C. Saylor. i — to HOOVERSVILLE. July 12—The supreme court has de- cided that the shade trees in front of a man’s residence belong to him al- S. E. Krupp has purchased the West End garage from John F. Arisman and | Harry Weighley. The consideration has not been made known. eens meee VIM July 14—Mrs. Tillie Vought, and son Hurley, of Eglon, W. V., were visiting friends and relatives in this section last week. Henry Nicholson, a veteran from Missouri, attended the Gettysburg Conyention, also took part in the battle during the Civil War stopped off at Meyersdale, to visit his sister, Mrs. Simon Nicholson at Pleasant Hill, and other relatiyes, on Monday and Tuesday of last week. John Tressler, who had his right leg broken several weeks ago, is able to be out again on crutches. W. W. Nicholson, accompanied his uncle Henry to Connellsville, where they spent several days wvisit- Henry Suder, and family spent Sunday at Deal, with Mr. and Mrs. at Coal Run, and | though they be located on public property. The case in which the de- cision was rendered was one in which the property owner sued a telephone company for cutting off the limbs of his trees. The decision is of interest to all property holders. Treatment for Corns—Yes, indeed, there are many remedies. Here is one: Soften the corn with applica- tions of vaseline and soakings in hot water, then paint the spot with a mixture of one ounce of Collodion and ten drops of Cannabis Indica. | Prevent the return of the corn by daily rubbings with vaseline. A new coal mine is being opened south of Hooversville, as well as at Landstreet, and men are wanted. Mrs.-T. H. Williams has returned home after spending a few days visit- ing at Somerset. Louis Roth was a business visitor to Pittsburg recently. ~ George Coleman is harvesting for his son-in-law at Coleman. Veteran J. Boyer made a social call after returning from Gettysburg, at P. W. Suder, and family. Miss Elizabeth Tressler. who is employed by the Meyersdale Pro., Co., spent Tuesday in Somerset. Mr. and Mrs. Calyin Swindell, and daughter and Mrs. Swindell’s father, Mr. Knight, of Coal Centre, Pa., are at present visiting relatives in this section. Howard Fike and family spent Sunday with Conrad Gnagey’s near Cross Road church. while there they enjoyed a fine auto ride in the car of Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Sipe. Harry Fullem, from Broadford,spent over Sunday with his parents near Mill‘Run. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thorpe and son Melvin spent Saturday night in Con- nellsville. Samuel Housel, from Lisenring No.1 spent over Sunday with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warrick spent over Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Ridenour. Dr. W. H. Fetter,of Scottdale,made a professional call to the home of J. WwW. Hawks, near Mill Bun, Sunday on Hawkg’ sister, Mrs. Charles Shannon. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Miller and son, Charles, spent over Sunday among friends at Rogers Mill. Miss Jennie Illig left for Connells- | ville Saturday evening to spend sev- eral days among friends. an, the NC tower, spe “FD. Swearm trick operator at Sunday with his parents at Glade City. of k visited the home o . Marrietta an The st v box the congenial 3d Mr. | P. W. White and family spent Sunday in Salisbury, with William Engle’s. Milton and Harry Meyers are spending this week in Avalon with their sisters, Mrs. Annie Parker, and | Mrs. Weinstein. Mrs. Asa Hoar, and two children are visiting relatives in Brownsville. this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nicholson, and children spent Sunday with W. M. Shultz, in Greenyilie twp. Mr. and Mrs. John Glessner, | | Larimer twp., with relatives. a 7) of Det aunt er, her Mrs. Herbert eic ic is yisit chrock and Mrs. C. Bowmaster, of Meyersdale weather is favorable. spent Sunday with Wilson Ringler’s. C. W. Tressler, and his daughter - gecount of the serious illnes of Mrs. | Edna, spent Saturday and Sunday in the office of Dr. Gildner, who knew | each other 40 years ago, and this was | their first meeting, and they recited | instances which took place at that | time. —_—————— family SALISBURY JUNCTION. July 14—Harry Moshbolder, wife and returned to Connellsville, after spending two weeks with the former’s parents. Mrs. Howard Speicher, and son Karl, of Rockwood, are spending a few = weeks with Mrs. Speicher’s parents Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Merte- neys. John Berkley, and wife, Mr. Ferns- ner and two children of Washing- ton, D. C., are spending some time with the former’s mother, who re- sides with M. C. Horner’s. A. C Gauntz, wife and son Mel- vin, are spending the week with the former’s sister, Mrs. Sarah Seibert. The following person spent Sunday at John Werner’s, Edith Baer, Harry Fisher, Ralph Werner, Paul Baer,Ezra Baer and Paul Werner, wife and family. Mrs. Sarah Baer and two daughters spent Sunday at the home of the | former’s son George of Meyersdale. ied CONFLUENCE. July 14—Mrs. F. F. Lininger, and son Mervin, of Conneaut, Ohio, have been visiting Mrs. George McDonald and Mrs. John Truetle, during the past week, returned home Sunday. Mrs. Charles Collins, and daughter Thelma, of Connellsville, are spend- ing several days with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Stark. : Mrs. Edmunds, and daughter of Homestead have been visiting Mrs. Raymond Reynolds. Mrs. L. D. Show and two children | are spending some time in Fairmont, W. Va, her cousin, O. B. Maddox, at Fair- mont, W. Va. Mrs. Myrtle Sellers, of Ursina, called on friends in town on Satur- day. Miss Carrie Hood, of Somerfield, who has been visiting Miss Mary Zimmerman for several weeks has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hostetler are visiting friends in Uniontown, Greens- burg and Connellsville. Mrs. M. McLaughlin, and daughter Anna of Connellsyslle, who had been visiting che former’s niece, Mrs. John Weaver, for several weeks, left on Saturday for Friendsyille, Md. Mrs. Reeves Hill, of New Castle, and Miss Margretta Hill, of Pitts- burgh, who had been visiting the former’s parerts, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Black, have returned to their home. The Ability to Check Shows Man's Supremacy ET If the horses, cattle and chickens had their way they would enter the ripening hay and grain fields and eat and trample down the maturing products. Having a feast today—a famine tomorrow. : But man builds fences, mows and reaps, saves and stores away the summer’s abundance for the winter’s needs. j The same care, the same restraint, the pru- dent man employs with his money. Dollars in the pocket go quickly. : Dollars in the bank go slowly. The writing of a check causes us to think twice before spend- ‘ing. Show your supremacy by opening an account EET ERR and your ability to check yourself by checking on TUE Citizens National Bank. ‘““THE BANK WITH THE CLOCK.” Miss Edith Show is the guest of | A A NSIS SSIS NIT NI NI NS NI NLS NL. ld IANNIS Sf SSNS NNN NS NNT NT Sl A.VISIT TO HOIZShU & WEIMm6r'S STORE Will show to you the best line of Groceries, Flour, Feed, Etc. We Buy in Car Lots, Hence Can Save You Money. Goods Delivered Free. Both Phones. MEYERSDALE FA. Centre Street George and Chaa. Schwarm, of Fairmont, W. Va., have returned to their home after spending three weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. L. D Show. The following members of the Fancy Work club were entertained at the home of Miss Laura Marquart. Misses Ida McDonnell, Susan Bowlin, Gertrude Dold, Emma Flanigan. Mrs. A. Wilson, of Dunbar, and Mrs. Barnhart of Connellsville, are visiting Mrs. John Trentle, for a few days. Mrs. Effie Romesbnrg and two children left for McKeesport on Sunday to spend several weeks with relatives and friends. nt — en enn. OHIO PYLE Mrs. Frank Welsh and son Frank are spending several days with friends at Connellsville. Dr. White, of Connellsville, made a professional call here on Sunday. | DEAL. July 14—The Reformed social held |at White Oak, wasa good success; | all present had a very nice time. Calyin Tressler, and his daughter | Edna spent some time last week | with his brother, H. G. Tressler, of | this place. | George B. Suder, and wife of Bos- ton, Mass., spent their vacation | with Mr.and Mrs. P. W. Suder, of this place. William Housel, of spent Sunday at home. The Reformed church service will be at 10 o’clock Sunday. Sunday school at 9 a. m. All are invited. ——eee fee eee PINE HILL. The farmers of this community are uite busy hay making when the Meyersdale, | the miners are earning good wages. vice in the hayfield. | | niooht nignt good store gua rd at is ready to fill endid mail fa ly is busy Commercial The mines are running full time and S. P. Fritz, the popular veternary | surgeon, has beenflending yeoman ser- age- | Mrs. John Burke and daughter left | | on Saturday to visit friends at Friends- | ville, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Marietta and | family have returned to their home at Humbert after a pleasant visit with friends here. Edward A. Mitchell was buried on Sunday afternoon in the Mitchell cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell Marietta have returned to their home in Union- town after a week’s visit with friends. _——————————— CASSELMAN Mrs. Martha Fletcher has been the guest of Mrs. Daniel Bittner. Miss Bessie Wiltrout is visiting. at the home of here grandfather, Mr. Wiltrout. Miss Warner, of Connellsville, is | visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Joan | Lepheart. Mrs. George Tipton has returned to | her home in Connellsville. A. J. Orlidge, of Braddock, Pa., a | { ECZEMA CAN BE CURED | Will Prove It to You Free You who are suffering the tortures of Eczema, Itch, Salt Rheu; u wl , y eu skin diseases—you whose days are miserable, whose nights are Eade a less by the terrible itching, burning pains, let me send you a trial of a sooth- ing, healing treatment which has cured hundreds, which I believe will cure ou oa Soul it ives, Dostage pad. without any obligation on your part. St ow and mail it to me, or wri , givi ) age ress’ I will send the treatment free of cost to you. be Wes g1Ving Jour name) and sad a a A A Pe A NN ol NS NINN NS ed SPSS ot RCT J. G, Hutzell, R. P, Em WED EEE Sw ES Ame mm meow =mCUT AND MAIL TO DAY mv wm mw coms 5 SSR IND ONES OF SUD SUN 05 GD J. C. HUTZELL, II5 West Main St., Fort Wayne, Ind. Please send without cost or obligation to me your Free Proof Treatment. Post O08 seeivoscrisvinsneosess.. eds ens drecnsniianas seseessrsesancane . . *sseccessncenes essescacs sesece Btate..ooesscceresrcersisscarcsoness Street and No............. Sevissssrseiseniosrrassesansours caters SIPPLEVILLE J. G. Deeds, the Union Sunday July 9,—It has been a long time | School organizer called on J. W. since you have heard from us, but we | Forrest last Thursday in the interest are still here and can’t be put out. of Sunday school work. He ex- Mrs. L. A. Smith, Mrs. W. Ankley ra pleasure in the Sun- and Mrs. J. G. Malcolnwere welcome | 1 school as couducted in Glade callers at Mrs. Webb’s, ‘of Saylor | y : Knob, on Tuesday evening. The brick yard at Keystone June-- Mrs. J. G. Malcoln spent Tuesday tion is rushed with orders. night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.| XeV. Romesberg of Garrett preach- Robert Lee, of Saylor Knob. | JRSINA. : va >3 | DES A Jonathan Pritz, one of our splendid | student of the Bible School, Park, N. | There was a temperance lecture | citizens, is enjoying life surrounded | Y., who is on his vacation, is visiting | given in the Methodist church on Sun- | jy many friends. |at the home of Rev. E. F. House. | day night by Mr. Holsopple. | TR. D. Hoffman, with three mowers He is an evangelistic singer of some : * R 31 hag \lichte he 5 yf | Miss Helen Keucher, of Braddock, | in the field, has been cutting a great | NOC She has Seliguied the People of | : - : 7 { ssel yith h i SO noice. 1 | Pa., is spending several weeks with | deal of grass in a day. { wi ine T is . : 3 rar a | is ii ‘i ess | He and Rev. Longthorpe, of New nt | her friend, Mis e VanSickel, | H. Gumbert’s dog, ‘‘Spring,”’ is a : | paign near Erie, Pa. Children cry FOR FLETCHER’S AST ~~ | | York recently closed a successful cam- R.R Souser and family have re- turned from ndod tour of the West, where they visited relatives and friends. an exfe et re ia, our national a ilment, od Bitters. oms- strengthening d ’ blood. t hntd For dyspej ed last Sunday afternoon. Rev. D. George H. Albright has gone to | teruoon, after Sunday school. Berlin where he will work on the state ; : : Charles Froeze, is a typhoid fever Mrs. J. G. Malcolm, who was stay- | Wm. Froeze. ing with her mother, Mrs Lucy wl Our butcher, J, W. Forrest, is burg on Thursday. | high grade meats which he fur- Misses Mary and Martha Froese of |nishes his increasing number of cus-’ day morning enroutef or Washington pe and Philadelphia. ROCKWOOD. | and Mrs. Ross. Albright were welcome | opened up along the Baltimore & Ohio. callers at the home of Mrs. Lucy Al-| east of Rockwood, is about ready to —_————— | as the track from the mine to the GLADE CITY. | railroad is completed, which will be Sunday School and the Keystone; Miss Elizabeth Miller has returned Junction = Lutheran Sunday school|home after a three weeks visit with in Al. Bittner’s sugar grove. The { Keystone and the Shaw Mines Union | to join in the picnic. This is an old | time basket picnic, where everyone | will be an abundance for all and a | L. Clapper, will preach Sunday af- road. : patient at the home of his brother, bright, left on train no.15 for Pitts-| gaining quite a reputation - for the this place left on train no. 8 on Thurs- | tomers. Mrs Robert Lee, of Saylor Knob, | The new coal mine that is being bright, on Wednesday. | begin the shipment of coal, as soon July 14—The Glade Oity Union |but a short time. will hold a picnic tomorrow, (Friday) | relatives and friends in Connellsville. Sunday schools have also been invited | is to bring a basket and then there good time. 4