eerie 1 Meyer sdale Qommereial. [Registered at the Fostoffice at Meyersdale, THE MEYERSDALE COMMERCIAL, A. M. SCHAFFNER, Editor and Proprietor. ———— Pa, as Second-Class Mail Maiter.] | .50 Per Year Cash ®gplisbed Every Tharsday in the Year at $I Phone No. 55. THURSDAY, JULY 10, 1913 Low Mortality. The fiftieth anniversary reunion of the old soldiers at Gettys- ‘burg of the North and the South was a great idea—great in con- “ception and great in execution, it is one of the wonders of the cen- tury, but the most marvelous thing in connection with that great event is the low mortality of the old soldiers. The heat was almos§ intolerable for the best, change in manner of life, a tedious rail- ‘road journey, and with all that, less than one dozen deaths, nine seems the number, who died at Gettysburg. This is a record that . can hardly be paralleled in history and speaks well for the vigor of the old soldiers and the care exercised in their behalf while on their reunion. 5 CT ——————— The Balkan States Warring. The Balkan states by uniting humbled Turkey, but since then fighting desperately for the they have turned against each other, spoils of war. The sympathy of the world was with them when they united against Turkey. Now the world feels that they deserve a good spanking. Before they were engaged in a righteous war, now they are engaged in a selfish war, greedy with land hunger. There are still wars and rumors of wars, but the peace propa- ganda is at work and will ultimately win the greatest victory. A Safe and Sane Fourth. For a number of years prior to the Fourth of July the slogan has gone out from the press to observe a safe and sane fourth. The country is already reaping the benefit of that teaching in hav- ing fewer fires, fewer accidents and fewer nerve-racking experi- ences on the glorious fourth. The reports are that the fourth was observed in a sane and safe way generally. Philadelphia says there has been no improvement in this respect, but the New York people say Philadelphia is slow. Perhaps in a few years Philadel- phia also have a safe and sane fourth. The Perry Centenary. are inseparable, when we 4 one hundredth anniversar “There, too, the beginning o announce later on the lo they are ours.” September 10, 1913, is the centenary of that fight As we move along in tim America and England these nations, according t closer together. We wonder today how such splendid, big-hearted fair-minded men as each other, and in course O America cannot strive against each other on the field of battle. The President at Gettysburg. President “ The occasion was SO great, the event so important, that it woul diers and would have been a political blunder if he had not attende the reunion. soldiers had already burg Fourth of July speech that surpassed classic. . future speeches wi it matters little wh of the world that Linco and contrasts, Presiden keenly the exalted position h he anticipates our land. His speech rose to lo a fearlessness in ca government and a permanent peace for all members of society. Great Historical Event. .union at Gettysburg was the greatest event The veterans’ re the kind in the history Southern army, me gy the strong na treasures.’ Fifty} years ago they met at G m>t to extend the rglad hands of greeting. the spirit of hatred, now they met in the spirit of love. Bef they met when the s met in the unity and strength of our nation. foes, NOW they: met as brethren. NT p Ar 3 +a hia No nation In the hi Before they met Le world has ever brought toget 60,0 £ % | | | Joel Bauman, of Mance, was a | © { | nurse of the Jefferson college, at Philadelphia, is the guest of her mother. Mrs. Ida Staub, of Main i street. 110-112 Center Street. | on the Somerset and Cambria branch Scarcely has the nation finished the fiftieth anniversary of the great battle that determined that the Nation is one that the States look forward to the celebration of the y of the Perry victory on Lake Erie. f the fight was against the government ~ forces, but the intrepid Perry knew no defeat, and was enabled to conic words, ‘‘We have met the enemy and e the worder becomes greater how have been at war with each other. Nations that sheuld be natural allies, and as time continues to move on, o the laws of all nations, m ust come Clarence Rowe, and Mrs. Emma the North and South could be arrayed against f time we will realize that England and Wilson at a late day decided to go to Gettysburg./|of July bere with hi He made his speech at a time when many of the old | left for their homes. There is but one Gettys- ~ Lincoln’s address is a literary gem, and all|¢ 11 be judged by that high standard, consequently | visit to old friends and acquaintances at may be said, it will never receive the attention |W In’s address did, but aside from comparisons t Wilson made a good speech. He realizes e holds as President of the Nation, and the sacrifices which still must be made in behalf of fty heights of patriotism and shows lling to support the forces which make for good of the world. Fifty years ago between 150,000 and 160,000 men, the flower of the Northern army and the t on the field of battle to determine the mastery. drawn up for fight, filled with sectional animosity tion looks to her veterans and says, ‘‘Th Pe ese are my | gj oulder, per pound....... ettysburg to fight, now they Before they met in tability of our nation was involved, now they LOCAL OVERFLOW. | | own visitor Monday. Miss Harriet Staub, a graduate | Joseph Crone, B. & O. Engineer with headquarters abt Johnstown, attended the Moose picnic here Fourth of, July. Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis, of Wiimerding, arrived here Thursday evening of last week on the Du- quesne for a visit with relatives and friends for a few weeks. Mrs. P. P. Hauger, and, daughter Dorothy of Rockwood, spent a few days;of the past week here with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Bittner, of Lincoln avenue. Miss Hulda Powell, one of the clerks at the Miller and Collins Department Store, left Saturday evening for her home at Hyndman, where she will spend her vacation. Miss Lena Sinsell, saleslady in the suit departmert of Miller & Col- lins Store, left Sunday for a two weeks vacation with relatives and friends at Grafton, Fairmont and Parkersburg, W. Va. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Floto, and children of Connellsville, were guests at the home of their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Shipley, of Meyers avenue, a few days last week, and with other relatives. Eugene Naugle, spent severaldays of last week at Everett, with his wife who had been there with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Stiver, for the { past month. They both returned | home the first of the week. Mrs. Thomas Judge, who had been spending several weeks with rela- tives at Scranton, returned to Mey- ersdale and is now e guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Altmiller, at Hotel Altmiller, on Main street. J. P. Armbrust, of Maine on his ‘way home from Gettysburg, came to ‘town a few days and was ths guest of BHmery George, Mr. Arme brust is the son of the late Major Armbrust. Mr. Armbrust has spent the last 40 years in Maine. Mr. Charles Clodsworthy, spent several days of last week in Balfi- more, Md., on a business mission. He returned home Monday evening on No. 5, in company with his daughter, Miss Amelia, who had been there for several months visiting relatiyes. ; Mrs. ©. R. Radabaugh, and child- ren of Logan, Ohio, arrived here Saturday evening on No. 16, to spend some time with her brother-ic- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Smith, at Salisbury 3 Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Habel, Mrs. s | Troutman, of Pittsburgh, who is their guest, and Mrs. H. H. Williams former’s automobile, for Grantsyille, ant day with friends. | ! | been spending . | be dat hen Mr. Eichorn left here he locatb —— A for a quarter, at McKenzie & Smith. a Beautiful enlarged portraits given away, free to our cHstomers, at of | ad Habel & Phillips. sce ————————————— MARKET REPORT. AER Corrected weekly by McKenzie Then they Were : Smith and led by different conceptions of bis AE Fifty years : PAYING PRICE. | have passed by and the survivors of those days meet on the famous | gutter, per Pound. «cccocuees veeseeces 20-22 | battlefield once more, but the flower of the land of those days has| Eggs, per doz... commie 18-200 || == been transformed into the veterans of our day. As the Roman |Chickens, per potd....oevnennne se 12€ Or down, onan mother pointed to her children and said, ‘These are my treasures, ’’ Country Side, per 14c¢ wish, but be sw Apple butter, per gal 65¢ one of our bru | Corrected weekly by Becker | Streng. ore | SELLING PRICE. | Corn, Per bUS.ceeecerurin arnrennnertnnens as Obs; ..ovreersrsssvnrvasssansssysinners Veadassns iD $1 Wheat, Per DUS ...cociamneeenesennss her | Wheat chop, per CW Buvrienriinseigunes nd oats, per cwt. home 1 _{ Corn Reich, of Broadway, and with her left here last Friday morning in the |. q Md., where they spent a very pleas- James Stevenson, who is working at Paw Paw, W. Va., spent the Fourth | has paid the first quarter of an eight s wife, who had S several weeks died the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Jchn| yells flowing. Two wells goi . : : eiiiye / zs, 11s going down. | : have been an interprelator of his indifference towards the old sol- | Hartle, of Main street. They both | Wouldn’t you like to take some / ~ » d | left Saturday for Paw Paw., where !gtock? Call, on or write, \ they expect to reside for some t'm=, 4 Mr. Frank Eichora, who about | june 26 tf the public thinks of. Iti 4 | twenty-five years ago was a reside: b p itis an un | of Meyersdale, but now of Denver olo., arrived last Friday to pay a | ed in Chieagg, Ill., where he resided J . until about three years ago when he may 22-tf ad removed with his family to Colorado. 9 bottles Pure Lemon Juice for — 95 cents at Bittner’s Grocery. a 50¢ We are in the midst of the summer season, and while many think this isthe time when business is at a stand- still, that is not the case. There is a reason. Our excep- tionally good bargains are SO attractive that those who are interested in good: bargains come to our store and take ad- vantage of the special ffer- ap spection. The goods are for you and the prices are right. ings we present for your\in-_ - EVERYTHING Your Money TO WEAR Back With a FOR Pleasant Smile EVERYBODY, If You Want It. MEYERSDALE, PA, - Notice. The Larimer School Board will meet July 21st at the Wittemburg School House for the purpose of letting contracts for fuel in the fore- noon, and the selection of Teachers in the afternoon. By order of the Board. july 10-26 A. HORCHNER, Sec. eee eee The very finest peanut butter 20 | cents per 1b., ab Oxford and Pv’ SEASON - is here in full bloom, and we have © selves to meet the large demand. We carry them in all style black, tan and white. ; Our line of White Shoes for ¥ and Children cannot be surpasse Would like to have you large line before making your p Si § Habel & Phillips. rere OIL! OIL! The Oklahoma City Oil Company per cent dividend. it is only a half a year old. Three oil and two gas | H. C. MCKINLEY, Meyersdale, Pa. ad | ; HORSES FOR SALE. tA good team of heavy work horses | for sale. Quick cash sale. See H. be ana ol Phillips, or call by phone. yy a 331 Beachley, St. = ey MN Execu'rix’s Notice. MN A / da [rc thehgstate of Henry J. Wilmoth, late of the Borodigh of Meyersdale, Somerset County, » Pennsylvania, deceased: : A nice white Toilet Soap 6 ci Letters \ testamentary in the above 2 | paying beet granted to the undersignes_” proper authurity all persons indebtel estate are hereby notified to make i7 payment and ax) persors having claly said estate are; directed. ’Q preses | duiy authenticaked, for payment ¢ signed ExecutriX:. at the late “3 deceased = ie Borough of Mey. erset county, Pennsylvania, on F day of August, wis!” | Erie. WMNNIE BE. UHL & EALY, aH ¢ 8 WILMO\ Attorneys. d SUXPC, july3 et, & which to do iWfair, Clothes, Nail, H&ath, Lather and Tootshes all the best @. SEE THEM IN ONT Ar | | —————R 05 meen en GULL | THORLEY'S DRE BS THE PENSLAR & &)| Next to P. O. Me TEATS, PRS pwr Fh ES RR > Ae a