The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, July 10, 1913, Image 3

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special to The C>mmercial.
Washington, July 8,— The investi- |
gation of the manner in which legis- |
pation is secured or prevented by the |
«interests’’ on one sort or another is
in its scope and no one can
| w
tell where it will end. Perhaps every |
citizen who has ever written a tetter|
to his Congressman may in time be
called on to explain his letter and tell
what influenced him to express his
opinion regarding pending or proposed
Great as is the interest over the
lobby inquiry, the tariff and the cur-
rency bill, Washington has not lost
sight of the preparations for the prop-
er celebration of the opening of the
Panama Canal fn 1915. San Diego is
' making energetic preparations for
this event. Every assurance is recei-
ved from President D. C. Collier and
the exposition management that this
exposition will be a revelation to the
Secretary of State Game Commission
Mages Announcement.
Western Pennsylvania appears to
| be taking a big interest in the new
hunters’ license law, which becomes |.
effective this year, judging from the |
letters which are being ‘sent out by
Dr. Joseph Kalbfus, secretary of the
| state crime commission.
Dr. Kalbfus says that the plan is to
start the sale of the licenses as soon
as the necessary printing is done.
county treasurers, not by the state
game commission, and each county ||
will have a serial number, all accord-
The licenses will be issued by the |
AAAPAAPAAAN PIE re for Control of
®y E. 0. SELLERS, Director of Ee Srepieetd FOES
Department, The Muar Bil
‘MOSES PRE: deal of annoyance and loss to
wp , $10,
| Bu ye B. ZR, Pasqui
Meyefhade twp., ei Y
with/me to Charles
and, $75. ;
3 the ame to Giovanni:
~ Mifade twp., $150. .
¥Same to John D. Spiker,
Byp., $50.
Julia Berkebile, blir; twp., vty
Amanda Meyers to same, JS Shade
le Tignar-
John E. Séese’s heirs to Joseph
panmsn, Paint twp., $200.
Henry Umberger, to John B. Zig-
Jl Shade twp., $100.
| John Yauman, to Shandor Bikar,
Idella Waide to Telford Lewis,
1 Windber, $1,500.
Shade twp., $3,000
: Sadie R. Miller to W. H. Zufall,
£ Harnedsville, $1,600.
Jr W. Clarke to Stephen Martin,
‘Windber, $600.
Ross Sechler,
Co., Flk Lick twp., 81,500.
i, Somerset, $3,500.
thd oF illiam Gibbons to Jamss F. Weak-
Shade twp., $45.
J. Pyle to Clara B. Mos-|~
/ 1coln twp., $150.
“5 Harry OC. Miller, Al-
/ 2,500.
to Keystone Coal
Daniel W. Rhoads to John H. Fike,
5 to Stonycreek
Stonycreek twp.,
Harry E. Al-| “The key to the graveyard is to be
‘wine, Cone-| found in the tavern.”
This is an undesigned statement
: . of a great truth. A great army of
~iatratriX | jen annually find the key that opens
3 tWp., | the way for them into the graveyard
= by going into the tavern. They not
only: unlock the graveyard to them-
selves, but oftentimes to innocent
illiams-| children and helpless women who are
f Som-| dependent upon them.—Southern Pa-
| triot.
2earle ;
to their alphabetical position. meek; £
The state game commission has is- | (Matt. &
sued a table showing just whatare| pranp-
the game seasons in Pennsylvania to- | of se to
day, the statements being based upon | \mid Iva
legislation which has been enacted | fyf Fair
into law, The statement is “well| Zr, The
worth keeping in mind. Itis as fol-| | 1918,
lows: ‘Schiller,
Bear, number allowed, unlimited;
season, Oct. 1 to Jan 1, traps prohii—
+ For months
interest to Meyersdale Readers.
Meyersdale citizens
have seen in_ these columns enthusi-
astic praise of Doan’s Kidney Pills
by Meyersdale residents. Would
these prominent people recommend
a remedy that had not proyen re-
liable? Would they confirm their
statements after years had elapsed
if personal experience had not
shown the remedy to be worthy of
endorsement? The following state-
ment should carry conviction to the
mind of every Meyersdale reader.
Mrs. W. C. Burket, 315 High 8t.,
Meyersdale, Pa., says: ‘I gladly
confirm the pubilc statement I gave
praising Doan’s Kidney Pills two
yeass ago. This' remedy was used
in my family in a case of kidney
trouble and the relief it brought
has been permanent. I have often
recommended Doan’s Kidney Pills
to other kidney sufferer and I know
of cases where they have been used
with just as great benefit.”
For sale by all dealers.
cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
New York, sole agents for the
United States. ,
Remember the name—Doan’s—and |
take no others. ad
Price 50
Gate: io Cemetery of ory. of Old Church Near
Berlin Bears Undesigned State-
“ ment of Great Truth.
There is sald to be an old church
near Berlin, Germany, which is very
attractive to tourists. The graveyard
back of the church is kept locked, but
on the gate is the following notice: |
He -4 Clinton,
~ontrasts Outlawéd Hole
gal Dram Shop.
contrasts the out:
” and the legal sa.
tiger’ keeps drink
nadvertised, un-
ight; the saloon |
a building |
- one of the
7ith lights
thers in
te and
| fore hatching the yolk is drawn up
in Characteristic x
ton, in his dry, sar i
iy Bn Outlined by
Insect Parasites.
sect parasites are the cause of a
goultrymen. Some essential measures
as outlined by George M. Turpin for
thelr control are:
Have the poultry houses separated
from all other farm buildings.
Have all the interior fixtures of the
poultry houses, such as roost-poles,
nest boxes, feed hoppers, dropping
doards, etc, removed so that every
part of the interior can be readily
cleaned and sprayed.
Keep a good dust bath to which the
fowls may have access at all times
of the day. Common road dust with
fine ashes and powdered sulphur or
gir-slacked lime added is excellent.
The road dust should be gathered
during dry weather for use during
the winter.
Spray the coops and fixtures with
a good whitewash twice each year,
adding two pounds of salt and one-
fourth gallon of erude carbolic acid
to every 50 galons of the spraying
Setting hens should have access to
a8 good dust bath such as mentioned
above. If lice are found later on the
chicks, rub lard in the feathers of
the head and throat, and in bad cases
also under the wings.
Little Fellows May Be Sent Long Dis-
tances by Express Without Dan-
. ger or Discomfort.
One of the most interesting branch-
es of the poultry business is the ship-
ping of baby chicks hundreds, even
thousands, of miles, and yet have them
arrive in good condition for further
growth and development. By ship-
ping direct from the incubator when
the chicks are one day old, advantage
is taken of that period in the life of
the chicks when nature intended that
they should be without food, and they
can therefore without injury or dis-
comfort be sent long distances by ex-
press under any conditions of climate.
Chicks when first hatched require |"
neither food or drink. Indeed, such
is harmful. During the first seven-
ty-two hours the chick's life is sus-
tained by the assimilation of the yolk,
for the embryo chick is developed
from the white of the egg, and just be-
into its system and furnishes all the
food any chick should have for the
first three days of its life. It is dur-
ing this period that chicks can be
shipped as far as express can take
Inverting Tin Bucket on Posts
Supporting House Rodents May
Be Kept Away.
-» If there are many rats in your vicin-
ity it will pay you to make it im-
‘possible for them to enter your poul-
‘try house. Put a post in the ground
‘for every corner of the house, says a
‘writer in the Towa Homestead. Invert
Rat-Proof Hen House.
over the top of the post an old three-
| gallon tin bucket. Set your house on
‘these posts and when Mr. Rat at-
‘tempts to climb a post and go into the
‘poultry house he simply goes up in-
‘side the bucket and does not accom-
‘plish hig purpose.
Mectintoboie -—David Stambaugh,
13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Tol
bert Stambaugh, was severely bitten
by a coach dog belonging to Samuel
Stone, a liveryman. The lad is a Jour-
nal carrier, and just as he was leav-
ing the office the dog sprang at him
without warning and bit him in the
right arm above the elbow. The teeth]
of the canine were so deeply imbedded
that they protruded through the arm
in the fleshy portion. Medical atten-
tion was given and the wound was
Lewistown.—A snake came crawl
ing down Market street one day last
week. It was of the copperhead va-
riety. A woman sweeping first saw
the reptile. She uttered a scream,
and Warren Yeatter, an employe of |.
the trolley company, attracted by the
noise, landed on the snake with both
feet, smashing his snakeship almost
beyond recognition.
Reinerton. — The home of Charles
Berger at Orwin was struck by light-
ning and burned to the ground. - Most
of the furniture was taken out, but
many things were damaged. The
lightning also struck the. Catholic
church and caused slight damage.
Mechanicsburg.—The intense heat
caused Aaron Long of this place to
sustain a sunstroke on his return from
Gettysburg in his automobile. Stop-
ping at Dillsburg to make some re-
pairs to the machine, he was pros.
trated while at work and taken to the
hotel, where medical aid was given,
Later he was sent home in the trolley
car. z
Waynesburg. — A large family cat
belonging to Dr. J. H. Koons devel
oped rabies and as soon as its condi-
tion was noted the animal was shot,
but not before it had bitten a small
dog, also belonging to Dr. Koons. Sev-
eral weeks ago the cat was bitten by
a mad dog which was terrorizing this
Pittsburg.—According to statistics,
popular beliefs and facts, there have
been more June brides in this commu.
nity during the last few days than at
any other similar month since Father’
Pitt began bookkeeping. The clerks
at the Fort Pitt hotelsought for sooth.
at the Fort Pitt hotel sought for sooth.
muscles, follawing the strenuous days
of last week. In one day alone they
had 13 lovely June brides on their
hands. It seemed as though they were
everywhere about the Fort Pitt. If
one walked with one's eyes closed,
one was almost certain to stumble up-
on a June bride. They held a mo-
nopoly on all the shady neeks of the
hotel, and it was almost necessary to
blow a whistle when turning a corner.
The same hotel clerks declare that in
this month of roses there have been
the month of roses there have meen
no less than 40 June brides within the
confines of the hostelry.
Marietta.—More than a score of per-
sons were baptized in the creek near
the Smithville Church of God, by the
Rev. E. E. Kauffman of Maytown, as-
sisted by a number of prominent
clergymen from other parts of the
county. The pastor, the Rev. W.
Gable, had charge of the affair. It
was witnessed by several hundred |
Carlisle.—After having received in
his body the fall charge of a tele-
phone wire that had been torn down
by a storm, Edward Weigle of Mount
Holly Springs, who was thought to be
dead following the accident, is now
able to walk about. Physicians re-
vived him by artificial respiration. An
effort will be made to obtain a Car-
negie medal for James Green, who
witnessed the accident and rescued
Weigle from the deadly grip of the
electric current. When Weigle picked
up the telephone wire Green secured
a stout pole and attempted to knock
the wire from the man’s grasp. When
he came in contact with Weigle,
Green was hurled as though shot from
a cannon. Several times he was cata-
pulted through the air, but he per-
sisted until he finally knocked the
wire away from Weigle. Both of
Weigle’s hands were severely burned.
It is thought he will completely re-
cover from the shock.
Sunbury. — Mrs. Peter /Bedver of
Milton, mother of Cliff Beaver of this
city, died from heart failure when she
heard that her son-in-law had been
called to Williamsport, where her
Greater Value Than Any [Other
‘nd Used on Farm—Should
le Well Taken Care 9%.
nure 38 a ‘ilizer has
8 than any her fertiliz-
4m. It is generally sup-
some poultry’nen that the
will pay for ‘taking care of
ps, but this demends much on
, it 18 kept. The dropping boards
the roosts should be kept cov-
er the sme absorbent to preserve
2 trengthif the droppings.
9s a plasteior South Carolina rock
O0T@ | 4g oy . Newg use’ yood ashéy or
dan- | ji Itry droppings. Whe
n would be set
e value of the fer
\ tilizer he Aroppings should not
be apDEE 8 growing crop, or cov-
~red se it on corn by putting
handfeach hill at’ the time of
+ hat should be kept under
ing a Turkey.
way to kill a turkey is
t together, hang on a
the throat and allow to
Dry pick, leaving head
After picking, dip In
then in cold. This will
a fresher look.
daughter was in a hespital. The in-
tormation stated that his wife had
recovered and that he was to bring
her home to Milton, The mother mis-
interpreted the news and believed that
her daughter had died. She sweoned
and died soon after:
Harrisburg. — The 60 tetanus anti-
toxin stations throughout the common-
wealth have received their supplies
from the department of health and are
ready to meet the usual Fourth of
July demands.
The « antitoxin will be furnished
without cost to the poor and the sta-
tions are so located that every part
of Pennsylvania is within easy reach
of one. It is essential that the te-
tanus antitoxin be administered with-
in 24 to 48 hours after the wound has
been inflicted.
Warren.—Helen Averill, aged 8, and
Margaret Averill, aged 10, with others
were enjoying a picnic on the banks
of the Brokenstraw creek, 11 miles
from Warren, and while dodging fire
crackers thrown into the air by boys,
stepped into a deep hole and were
Newton Hamilton.—James I. Camp~
bell of Greenwood, near Altoona, aged
19, was drowned in three feet of wa-
ter in the Juniata river here, when
he and several other campers had
gone swimming. The body was found
‘and report upon safe construction of
ors and witnesses of Bucks county.
A Brief Qutline of the Acts of the
General Assembly of 1913, As
Approved by the Governor
No. 1.
Appropriates $70,000 to cover de-
ficiency in equipping and maintaining
Homeopathic State Hospital for the
No. 2.
Appropriates $4,000 for maintenance
last quarter current fiscal year of the
State Quarantine Board.
No. 3.
Appropriates $9,327.53 to pay in-
debtedness incurred in furnishing and
altering State Hospital for Injured
Persons of the Trevorton, Shamokin
and Mt. Carmel coal fields.
No. 4.
Provides for the resentencing of con-
victs who have been sentenced under
a law declared unconstitutional.
: No. 5.
Appropriates $20,000 to cover de-
ficiency incurred in carrying out the
law to provide for registration of
births and deaths.
No. 6.
$1,800,000 for State Highways.
Authorizes the accumulated fees of
$1,800,000 from licensed autos to be
expended in maintenance and con-
struction of state highways and state-
aid highways, to be rateably appor-
tioned among the several counties of
the Commonwealth.
No. 7.
Repeals the act to lay out a state
road from Ayr Township in Fulton
connty to Warren Township, in Frank-
lin county.
No. 9.
Extends the time to November 1,
1914, for the report to be filed by the
commission appointed to investigate
buildings in the state.
No. 10. }
Repeals a section of the act au-
thorizing pay to certain officers, jur-
No. 11.
To Protect Birds.
Blackbirds, turtle or mourning-
doves and killdeer plover are made
game birds, and a penalty of ten dol-
lars for each bird killed, wounded or
captured is prescribed.
No. 12.
To quiet the title to real estate; and
to enable citizens of the United States,
and corporations authorized to hold
‘real estate within'this Commonwealth,
to hold and convey title to real estate
which has been formerly held by or
for corporations not authorized by law
to hold the same:
: No. 13.
Provides for the election each three
years in counties having 150,000 in-
habitants of a controller instead of
an auditor, first election to take place
in 1913.
No. 14.
Fixes the salaries of controllers in
counties of 100,000 inhabitants at
$2,500, where previous provision has
not been made.
No. 15.
To Honor and Protect Our Flag.
Provides that no other flag than the
Stars and Stripes shall be allowed to
wave from any public building unless
occupied by a foreign minister. or
consul. And prohibits the use of a
red flag, “intended to represent
anarchy,” from being carried or dis-
played, in any public procession.
No. 16.
Authorizes the leasing of state for-
ests for church, school, health and
recreation purposes, 80 per cent of the
revenue to go to the state school fund.
No. 17.
Amends the law requiring publica-
tion of auditor's reports, so that the
reports may be published in other than
weekly newspapers.
No. 18.
Provides that hushand and wife may
sue each c¢ her and testify against
each other in certain cases.
No. 19.
Provides that toll bridges may be
closed to public travel, where free
bridges have been erected to accom-
modate the publie.
No. 20.
Establishes a county court for Alle-
gheny county to which all appeals
from justices and aldermen shall be
taken in civil suits, other than suits
for penalties, on actions started after
July ‘1, 1913. Appeals from county
court to be taken to the Court of Com-
mon Pleas.
No. 21.
Validating bonds or other obliga-
tions of counties, cities, boroughs,
townships, school districts and other
municipalities not in excess of two
per cent of the assessed valuation,
where there has been failure to file
the proper statement.
No. 22.
Directs the publication of a pamph-
let containing the game, fish and for-
estry laws.
No. 23.
Provides for another judge in each |
Philadelphia county.
No. 24.
Increases the jurisdiction of the
County Courts of Allegheny county
to $1,500, and providing other regula-
tions for said court.
No. 25.
Allows wholesale and retail liquor
some time afterward 50 feet
vhere it was last seen.
dealgrs to keep licensed place of busi-
ness open pending action by the court
on permission to transfer license. N
No. 26.
Provides for the protection of the
elk as a game animal.
No. 27.
Reoistcs to fees of prothonotaries im
counties of 200,000 cr over.
No. 28.
Appropriates $720,000 for the de-
ficit in caring for the indigent in-
sane during the past five years.
No. 29.
Authorizing the State Treasurer to
endorse to the Ladies Memorial Asso~
ciation of Petersburg, Virginia, all in~
terest accruing on a bond bought from
the city of Petersburg, Virginia, by
the Battlefield Commission of the
Third Division, Ninth Corps, Army of
the Potomac, said interest being due
to said Ladies Memorial Association.
No. 30.
Provides for an additional law judges
of the several courts of the Forty-
seventh Judicial district.
No. 31.
Appropriates $7,500 for the expem-
ses of the State Board of Censors of
moving pictures.
No. 32.
Provides for enforcing the law re-
quiring toilet rooms and water clos~
ets at foundries.
No. 33.
Allows the Cottage State Hospital at ~
Connellsville to dedicate to public
‘highway use a small plot of ground.
No. 34.
By the provisions of this act Coun-
ty Commissioners may sell lands pur~
chased at Sheriffs’ sales under judg~
ments for tax claims.
No. 35.
Twenty-five thousand copies of the
bulletin “Increasing the Winter Yield
of Eggs” are to be printed by the
Secretary of Agriculture, the former
supply having proven inadequate to
supply the demand.
No. 36.
Authorizes the purchase of live
stock and farm implements by the new
Western Penitentiary: in Centre coun-~
No. 37.
Authorizes the removal of buildings,
machinery, appliances and materials
from the old penitentiary at Pitts.
burgh tothe new in Centre county.
\. No. 38. i
Cities of the second-class may create’
a pension or benefit fund for aged, re-
tiring or disabled employes, by de-
ducting a fixed amount from salaries,
or by annual appropriations, or by
both methods.
No. 39.
Fixes the number of clerks and sale
aries in the Auditor General’s Office. °
No. 40.
Regulates appeals from tax and
other public accounis settlements of
the fiscal officers of the state. .
Permits Courts of Common Pleas tay
fix return day or writs. 4
No. 42.
An act, relative to the Publi¢
Grounds and Buildings; defining the
powers of the Commissioners; authors
izing the Board of Commissioners to.
carry into effect the provisions rela-,
tive to contracts for stationery, sup-
plies, fuel, furniture, furnishings, dis~
tribution of documents, repairs, alter-'
ations or improvements, and other
matters needed by the Legislature,
the several departments, boards and!
commissions of the State Government,
and executive mansion; authorizing:
the appointment of a superintendent,
and defining his powers, authority,
and duties; and providing for the ap-
pointment of subordinate officers, and.
fixing their compensation.
No. 43.
Prohibits the sale or use of eggs
unfit for use.
No. 44.
Amends the state highway law, de~.
fining the methods for proceeding im.
condemnation cases.
No. 45.
Includes townships of the second-
class with other municipalities in the
law authorizing the appropriation of
private property for necessary publi. .
buildings and works.
No. 46.
Direct Vote to Elect Senators.
Joint resolution ratifying the pro.
posed constitutional amendment pra
viding for the election of United
States Senators by direct vote of the
: . No. 47.
Makes it a misdemeanor, punishable
by a fine or imprisonment, or both, te
make a false statement or present.
false certificates relating to the age
of minors for whom employment is
sought. Also makes it the duty oft
truant officers to enforce the law con--
cerning employment of minors. }
No. 48. :
Carrles the same provisions as No.
47 in relation to the employment of*
minors in bituminous coal mines and
authracite collieries.
No. 49.
Authorizes the sale of the real es-
tate upon: which the fish hatchery at.
Spruce Creek is located. ,
No. 50. !
Empowers courts to attach property
belonging to husbands who have de-
serted wives or children, to provide
for the support of the abandoned rela~
No. 51.
Makes it unlawful to use the word
“Consul” or “Consulate” or the coat
of the Courts of Common Pleas In of arms of a foreign country for adver
tising purposes.
No. 52.
Provides for the transcribing of di--
lapidated records in counties with a
population of over 1,500,000.
No. 53. ;
Provides for the appointment of col-
lectorg of taxes in counties having a
population of 300,000 to 1,000,000.
(in a
41. EE