0h 2 poof oe feo peoofecde fe ode fofoodeoirebooedbredeodoobedrdoodode dbo obdod Sb dr Popeodesbododrdrooobd Pere r er Oe Ah hi ded LISTCNBURG. ‘Miss Minnie Mason aud Miss Mirah “Fisher of Connellsville, who are the ‘guests of Mrs. Mary Henica, assert that they are having an elegent time “9Mongst the hills o’ Somerset.” These jovial young ladies make daily #rips to some plkce of interest in our ~ forestsand along our mountain streams Listonburg appeared like a deserted ~yilliage on the Fourgh, as the inhabi- tants struck out in every direction, some went to Confluence, Garrett and Addident, others went to the nearest point, Unamis, where Mr. Karl F. Miller greated all with a hearty wel- _come and the day was spent in music, dancing, feasting and drinking Lithia ‘water. A score of young menand girls from here made an exploring trip during tho week, over the west side of Wind- ing Ridge. They visited the famous money den, where it is claimed much counterfeit money was made many years ago. They also visited the Durst Cabin. This cabin is located in the dense forest, over a mile from any road and it was built and occhpied by Levi Durst,a veteran of the Civil War; the time he answered the last roll call. Robert Grove and family, of Pine Hill, are spending a week with Mr. Grove’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Grove. E. S. Romine, of Wheeling, W. Va., was here during the week, looking after his merchantile business. ‘The Addison township school board ‘ auditors and tax collector met here on Monday to settle the annual school buslness. Squire A. J. Case, of Ursina, was There on Monday the 7th inst. Mr. Case made his first visit here just 70 years ago, when he first saw the light of dny. The house where Mr. Case was born has been torn down, only an old stone chimney is left to mark the spot. Daniel Nicklow, a veterun of the Civil War, passed through here 'Sat- urday on his way home to Addison from Gettysburg. Mr. Nicklow says that he had a glorious time at the Gettysburg reunion. Miss Pearl Shaffer, who had been critically ill from heat prostration, is convaleséing. * Mr. and Mrs. Charles Troy spent Cumberland, M. D., and Peidmont, W.Va. : Rev. H. B. Smith,of Jockey Valley, delivered a sermon here Sunday even- ing on temperance. Rt .p rT SUMMIT TOWNSHIP. Comrade Samuel Firl,one of the few suryiving soldiers of the late Civil War attended the semi-eentennial of the Gettysburg battlefield, where the greatest battle took place that was ever fought on American soil. Mr. Firl seems well pleased with his trip. W. H. Herwig bought a valuable horse from M. W. Race,of Frostburg, last week. George Witt, who conducted a grocery store for the last year at Jen- ners, has disposed of his store at that place and has returned home. There will be singing at the Church of the Brethren next Sunday evening t 7:50 o'clock. = IR. J. Engle, Albert Engle and Cal- win Sechler journeyed to Boswell in the former’s touring car to spend the the glorious Fourth, and also see the sights at the northern end of the county. Prof. W. H. Kretchman killed a large rattlesnake on his father’s farm which measured nearly four feet and had ten rattles and a button. This is the first rattler killed so far down the monntain. Ross Witt and Miss Cora Witt, who Boswell returned home last week. year in Kentucky is visiting his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joha Commons, of Roumania, at present. Elias Yoder left for his home at Nor- Folk. when his many friends came to cele- evening. Miss Bertha Miller is working for Conrad Gnagey,one of the large farm- ers of this township at present. Marshall Lindenman is helping Mor- gan Walker to make hay. The Brethren church will hold a lawn fete in the Fike Grove, near the . church, on Saturday e’ ening,July 12. All are invited. Subscribe for The Commercial. ee children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ASTORIA who lived a hermit’s life until near | several days last week visiting in “had been attending Normal school at Harry Commons, who spent the last A. L. Faidley was greatly surprised brate his birthday last Wednesday - 4 3 NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS.: News Items of Interest From Near-by Places, Gleaned by The : Commercial’s Special Correspondents. i pfecdosfosdosdosforfesdoode dodo fore doodeobeo bobo rere bobbed pofoeoesdedoodoct poodeobdododdob bb | HOOVERSVILLE. July 5.—Tony Maruch was seriously | burned by an explosion of gun powder | at his boarding house. | Michael Lubons, Jr., is convales- | cent after an attack of typhoid fever. | Trespassing Fowls: Is there any [1aw to compel my neighbor to keep | his fowls off my fields? What can 1 | do? You should give your neighbor | notice to keep his fowls at home, and if they conjinue to trespass, you can pen them up and keep them until any damages they have done have been paid. Sunburns—Use vaseline, soda or oil and wrap parts. baking Lime in eyes—Wash eye with luke warm water, then drop in lemon juice | or weak vinegar. ’ Owners of property can be com- pelled to erect(?)along one half of the property line between themselves and their neighbors to keep out marand- ing animals. The question is often asked ‘‘How much coal is there in an acre?’ So much coal land has been leased and bought that the question is pertinent. A cubic foot of coal makes a bushel. An acre is a little over 200 feet each way, or 43,560 square feet, equal to 43,500 bushels in a one foot vein. H a vein is four feet thick an acre con- tains 174,240 bushels, and a five foot vein would produce 227,800 bushels. Containing 25 bushels to the ton a four foot vein would produce 6,700 tons to the acre. At three cents a ton royalty the coal would be worth $278.80 an acre. A farmer writing to a friend of his says that the above figures are correct so far as they go, and adds: ‘‘The Pittsburg or river vein, by all tests made knowa, is from five to eight feet in thickness, but we will take the average, which is six and one-half, and multiply by 43,560, the number of bashels in a one foot vein to the acre, and we have 283,140 bushels of coal vuder one acre of land. Count this at eight cents per bushel; we have $22,651.20. Allow one-half for mining and other expenses, and we have left, $11,325.40 profit. ———reeeeeeee CASSELMAN NEWS July 7,—Miss Lillian Shanks is a visitor in Rockwood. Miss Edna Uphouse is visiting rela- tives at Johnstown. Miss Naomi Weimer is the guest of friends in Hyndman. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, of Union- town. have returned home after visit- ing Mr. and Mrs. H. H. VanSickel. Messrs. Aaron Lape and Cook have returned from Getuysburg. Mr. and Mrs. Tinton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lephearc and Mr. and Mrs. Hobson are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Lepheart. Mr. and Mrs. Buras and daughter, Pearl, of Hyndman, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buras, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. John Shanks, of North Manchester, Ind., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Shauks. Mz. and Mrs: Trimpey, of Kingwood, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Milton Trim- pey, of this place. “Mrs. Ada Whipkey and daughter Nellie, of Conne!'lsville are the guaests Mrs. Harrison Sechler. William Wilkins, of Homestead, is a visitor at the home of Mrs. A. Wei- mer, of town. Misses Grace and Alma Mickey are Casselman visitors. Miss Edna Uphouse entertained a number of frieads last Tuesday even- ing. All reported having a splendid time. ee OHIO PYLE. July 9—Mrs. Charles Collins and daughter Thelma of Connellsville, visited Ohio Pyle friends on Satur- day and Sunday. G. Thompson spent Saturday with friends in Confluence. Jos. Wiltrout was in Confluence on Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Stewart and children of Connellsville were guests of friends here recently. Mrs. Frank Rafferty returned from Philadelphia on Sunday where she had been visiting. Twe cows valued at $130.00, owned by Isaac Hall were killed by the B. & O. excursion train. Miss Ethel Connor, of Connellsville, was a visitor here Saturday. Clyde Cunningham spent Sunday in Confluence. Miss Catharine Emmert, Woll. is spending a few weeks at her here. home of BSe-| wickly, is the guest of Mrs. Judson | Miss Leah Potter, ol Philadelphia, | INDIAN CREEK. | July 7— Geo. Warrick took sudden- ly ill Saturday night and is still con- | fined to his home. His illness was | due to heat prostration. The I. C. V. handled over seven hun- dred passengers on the Fourth. No. 48 set off four coaches which were taken over.the I. C. V. and attached to train 48 the same evening Fred Swearman spent the Fourth among Ohio Pyle friends. H. 0. Krepps spent over Sunday with his family in Mill Run. H. J. Fisher, general manager of the McFarland Lumber Co., left for his home in Wilkinsburg Thursday evening and spent Independence Day and over Sunday at that place. The I. C. V. Ry. had to abandon their excursion on Sunday on account of a big land slide on their line at Papla Hollow. Most of the passen- gers spent the day at Ohio Pyle. C. R. Wagner, of Altoona,a veteran P. R.R. conductor, spent Saturday night here with his sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Habel. Mr. Wagner left on train 48 Sunday morning for Hyndman where he will spend the day with his brother and gister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner. Miss Bertha Pore, from Connells- ville, spent Tuesday here with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Habel. The electric storm on Saturday evening did a lot of damage in our valley—washouts and slides. Hiram O’Connor, the expert loader for the McFarland Lumber Co., spent over the Fourth among Humbert friends. He reports a good time. F. W. Habel and Fred Swearman were angling on Morgan Run Monday for the speckled beauties. They had fairly good luck. : Miss Jenunie Illig was in the valley Saturday evening shopping. The new signals were put in oper- ation at the NC tower at noon Thurs- day. The sigral camp bas moved to Connpellsville, where they have sev- eral week’s repair work to do. L. L. Fish and Warren Yoankin spent Independence Day in Connells- ville. D. P. Hiltabidel has been reinstated as section foreman on section no. 27 here on the B. & O. We are glad to see Mr. Hiltabidel back on the job." L. B. Lepley, the congenial black- smith on the signal corp, has moved to Connellsville He occapied the dining car on this journey. . Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alguire, from Connellsville, spent Sunday here. L. RK. Miller, from Rogers Mill, was a business caller in Connellsyile Mon- day. Mrs. Sam F. Hood, from Rogers Mill, was calliog on Connellsville friends and shopping Monday. J. I. Rogers, the Rogers Mill mer- chant, was a Connellsville business caller Mouday., Bert Foust and wife of Greensburg, who have been spending a few days with Mr. Fousi’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fousy, at Roaring Run, retuned home Mooday. R. H. Adams, of Uniontown spent over Svnday with his family at Drake- tow. The linemen of the Bell Telephone Co. from Connellsville were here Mon- day repairing broken wires. reel ee CONFLUENCE. July 9—DMrs. John Hawke has been spending a short vacation on a visit to Clevelard, Ohio. Newlin Lowry, of Somerset, spent a day in town among friends. Rev. Aitkins, of Rockwood, spent Friday and Saturday in town. Mr. and Mrs. Herwig, and son Thomas were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Little. Miss Ida Clover, and Wesley Clover, of Beaver Creek. spent Satur- day with Mrs. Jas Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burnworth, vis- ited his sister, Miss Alverda Burn- worth at the Mercy Hospital Pitts- burgh on Sunday. Misses Gwendolyn Eicher, Eliza- beth Rutter and Etta Costello, of Fort Hill, were town visitors last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Mountain, ard Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Fortney, and Miss Mary Reed returned from the Gettysburg reunion on Saturday. Mrs. Ross Cuppert, of Glade farm, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Augustine on Friday and Saturday. Edward and Albert Kurtz, of Me- Keesport, spent Friday and Satur- day here with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark and son Joseph of near Addison, visited their son Milton Clark and family last week. Miss Gwendoline Holt and John Walters of Ohio Pyle were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stark, on the Fourth of July. Mrs. E. S. Bowlin, and daughter | Helen, who have been spending the past four weeks in Chicago and other | parts of Illinois, have returned home. Mrs. Bartholamew and four child- 1 of Rockwood are the guests of tives and friends. rel re SALISBURY Herbert McKinley and little daugh- ter, of McDonalton, spent the week’s end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. R. McKinley of this place. Lemuel Ritter, of Frostburg, was shakiug hands with old friends here on Saturday. Frank Holler, of Akron, is spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Holler of Boynton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Holler and two children, Amanda and Hiram, spent the fourth with relatives in Bedford. Samuel McClure and wife, of Pitts- burgh arrived Saturday evening. They will remain two weeks, the guests of Mr. McClure’s sisters, Miss Emma McClure and Mrs. J. L.Barchus. Frank Wagner and two small child- ren, of Akron, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wagner, of Grant St. Miss Alma Wagner, who had been in Pittsburgh for the past two months, returned home last Wednesday even- ing accompanied by her Uncle and Aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Brandt- ler, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wagner until Sunday eyen- ing when they returned to their home in Pittsburgh. The fourth was spent in a very en- joyable manner by a small crowd who motored to a beautiful grove near Cleveland city. The children spent a good part of the day in wading and playing in a small stream. The men of the party succeeded in catching some very nice fish. Tne ladies had prepared an abundance of good things to eat and the party did not return until dusk. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Barchus ard family accompanied by A. E. Liven- good motored to Berlin on Sunday afternoon and were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Musser and Mrs. Eliza- beth Livengood. Mr. Livengood re- mained in Berlin for a few days. Marie Griffith and’ George Baird, who had been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. May for a week, returnd to Jenner Saturday. eee ee eee GRANTSVILLE The glorious Fourth is over and most of those who celebrated have fully recovered. Grantsville was rather quiet since many peaple had gone away; some to Accident, Jennings and Avilton, where picnics where held, and some to Springs ,where a Sunday School was in progress. Sunday afternoon the old National Pike was alive with automobiles load- { ed with pienickers, tourists, ete. Born to Rev. and Mrs. W. W. Mor- ris a girl, on June 24, and a boy to Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Benders on June 25. Val. Bender and Louis Eichorn left for, Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland, where Mr. Bender ex- pects to buy a farm before returning. Alvin Miller, who had been attend- ing college at Goshen, Ind., spent a week with relatives here before start- ing for New Youk state where he will be a student. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Miller, of Hol- sopple, Pa., visited relatives near near here, from the 4th to the 6th of July. Farmers bave commenced making hay and are having excellent weather for it. W. B. 1ressler, the well driller, of Springs, has completed a well for Alice Miller and expects to move his machine near Bittinger to drill for the Miller Lumber Company. Up to the present time District No. 3 has only one announced candidate, namely C. A. Beachy, for Treasurer. Byard Keller,of Winchester, Va., ar- rived home on Sunday evening to spend two weeks with his pareuts. Dr. Bowen has purchased a new Ford Roadster and is making use of the same. Mrs. Biuce Lichty, of Meyersdale, is visitiag at the Keller home since Sunday evening. A number of Salisbury people’ niced in W. T. Stantous suga” on the Fourth and had a ro) The trip was made in aut Ray Bevans, who had be valid for over a year from t of a railroad wreck in the home somewhat improved able to work. « Olarence Bevans of J visited Grantsville severe, STOYESTOWHN July 7.— Joseph Lot veteran, was taken ill w burg and was in the ho a few days. He retu town on Saturday afte P.V. Schlag, a local eran, is home from G¢ Mr. and Mrs. Lewir Paul, of Johnstown, ¢ Weir’s parents, Mr. ¢ Spangler, of this plac Miss Belle Ferner, Hospital, is spending her home here. Prof. H. A. Menser, | visiting in Stoyestown | Mrs, Della Levitt, of | Del., is visiting local rel: | Mary Brubaker On July 4th., 1776. One hundred and ago 0 as. the BANK, o thirty seven years the wonderful nation of today made its humble beginning. o On June 2, 19o1—twelve years ago— the Citizens Bank was incorporated CITIZENS NATIONAL and like the nation has grown from a small bank to the big national bank of the county. Q We welcome all accounts, no matter what size they may be, and with the large accounts invite the smaller one of today, feeling certain that like the nation and the Bank itself it will grow when once started and assisted to be the big one af tomorrow. o Q i Gk i “THE BANK WITH THE CLOOK.” crt?” A A A A A A PATA SIN NSNS NNT 0lz8h S " Centre Street ROCKWOOD Rev. W.’B. Slough, of Blooms- burg, will preach in the Rockwood- Reformed Church next Sunday evening. The Lucius Engineer Company has a force of men at Rockwood, where they will begin the erection of the overhead bridge, crossing the Somer- set & Cambria tracks and Cox’s creek, north of Rockwood from Black towa- ship. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Brennan avd family, of Johnstown, were cuests of day. The Rockwood base ballteam play- ed two games of base ball with the Berlin team,at Berlin, on the fourth, and were defeated in both games. J. H. Swanson, of Davosb" iting several days with town. A number of Rockw the fourth at Rive: At a recent r wood school the coming tr = is wis- A VISIT TO & Welmer's TOR | E Will show to you the best line of Groceries, Flour, Feed, Etc. | We Buy in Car Lots, Hence Can Save You Money. Goods Delivered ‘Free. Both Phones. MEYERSDALE v Our old veterans he home from Gettysbr fine time. # Born to Mr. and’ a big baby boy. Any skin it The more yc itches. Doar eczema —any ay all D.ug ¥ # RECEN" Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gardner on Sun- | Miss and 2 Tow. son er, A of] Tr a ry —— special to The Washingt gation of tl pation is set «tinterests’’ widening i tell where citizen wh to his Cong called on t what inflo opinion ref legislation Great as lobby inqu rency bill, sight of th er celebra ~ Panama C making © this event ved from ! the expos exposition public. ——— — kt 2d Th Bb ph BE hg Eh OS wt Ede