oUT- E IN- USING WHEN EXES DOOR LOW SHING OK IT VOR K 1 Phones. ort. A you are | separ- modern stay at “reams, | Kinds. 1 r le, Pa. a ator d St, enn’a. ries stter for \- le, Pa. iil EET Tommercial, VOLUME XXXVI. MEYERSDALE. PA. THURSDAY. JULY 3. 1913 NUMBER 1895 THE OLD GUARD LEFT FOR GETTYSBURG ON SUNDAY Large Crowd at the Station—All Were In Good Spirits. Meyersdale seemed to have the martial spirit on Sunday forenoon. It was the coming together of the old soldiers, the meeting place of about a half hundred grizzled warriors of & half century ago, those who escaped the deadly shot and sabres cut of the enemy and survived the ravages of time. These are the men who were wending their way to the railroad station, coming from all parts of the county, and even some from the far west, starting on their way to the hallowed ground of Gettysburg to extend the glad hand to their com- rades and fraterzize with the survi- §. vors of the confederate army. iL > The drum corps was on duty and escorted the old soldiers to the sta- tion. These constituted the drum corps: —A. H. Johnson, Chas. Dively, Peter Albright, Norman Holzshu and W. G. Eiller. Chas. Dively had the drum which he used in the Civil War, the drum which had been captured, and later returned to him. The drum is an historical relic, and most highly prized by the owner, Mr. Dively. The soldiers left on the W. M. R. R. scheduled for 12:10 p. m. The train was half an hour late and there were gathered together at the station probably 300 people to see the old boys and extend them good wishes on a pleasant outing and a safe re- turn. The train consisted of one en- gine and nine splendid coaches. The train was pretty well filled with vet- erans as it pulled in at the station and here forty-two veterans em- barked. Miss Jessie McKinley, daugh- ter of Dr. H. C. McKinley, com- mander of the M. C. Lowry Post of Meyersdale, accompanied them. The following veterans left to spend the week at Gettysburg: —P. J. Liven- good, R. 8. John, Jos. Wagner, Alfred Wagner, Joel Bauman, Wm. Wagner, August Rosenberger, J. W. Pile, Howard W. DeLozier, John White, John Livengood, Norman Engle, Samuel May, John Daubert, A. E. Finegan, Christian Paul, Jas. Hoover, Dr. H. C. McKinley, Wash- ington Recter, C. M. Bittner, H. G. Hay, Peter Albright. J. F. Dively, Chas. Dively, Samuel D. Brant, ‘Jos. Baker, Elijah Livengood, Eli Hare, Paul Hoffman, John Stacer, G. W. Slick, ‘Henry Swauger, Hezekiah Crissey, Jas. Hoover, Jos. Shultz, John Gray, Henry Wahl, Samuel Hoffmeyer, Norman Ringler, Joseph Mosholder, Christian Lichty, C. J. Fike. H. D. Shaffer left on Sunday after- noon for Johnstown to take the Penn- sylvania road. -J. F. Klingaman, wife and daughter, who were here from Waterloo, Iowa, left on Mon- day. L. W. Weakland also left on Monday, and M. A. Rutter left on Tuesday for the battlefield. Of the more than forty soldiers who left for Gettysburg, there were only three among them who participated in the battle and of these three, there was only one from Meyersdale, Jos. Mos- holder of @o. F. The other two were Washington Recter of Somerset, Co. OC. and Hezekiah Crissey of Garrett, Co. D. These three belonged to the 142 Regiment Pennsylvania Volun- teers and were engaged in opening the battle on the first day. The following left on Tuesday on B. & O. train No. 48:—Hugene Oriss, John Coneway, and Geo. Shoemak- er, of Somerfield; Franklin Phenicie, and John Ream of Shanksville. James Gimbel, a veteran, who was ab the station, did not feel able to make the trip. He was a cavalry man at the battle of Gettysburg, going there on the last of June and and was on duty there till July 4th, when the Confederate army had moved away. Mr. Gimbel was originally from the north eastern part of the state, and was the first child born in what is now the city of Honesdale. B. F. Smith, the oldest soldier in town is in his 86th year. He had been ill some time ago and did not feel equal to undertake the journey, with its many demands on his strength. He remains at his desk and continues in his business of handling fresh eggs, Elgin butter etc. Mr. Smith belonged to the 139th regiment New York Volunteers. He was in the van on the capture of Richmond and he was privileged to see the: rear of Lee’s cavalry leave Richmond, cross the James river, set fire to the bridge and march towards Petersburg. a With the departure of the train the targe crowd waved the old soldiers an affectionate good bye. They expect to be gone about a week. While the excursion will be a heavy strain on the vitality of the best of them yet all wish them a safe re- turn to their homes, in full apprecia- tion of the nations gratitude for what effort in making them contented and happy in their declining years. KEMP REUNION. A reunion of the Kemp family was held here several ‘days during the past week at the home of Mrs. J. H. Slicer, of Main street. Among those present were H. B. Kemp, Titusville, Pa., C. H. Kemp, Melbourne, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Kemp, Union- town; B. L. Kemp and daughter, Mrs. J. F. Klare, Somerset; Mrs. George Dennis and daughter, Mrs. Ida Jordan, Flatwoods, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. R., S. Kemp and family, Mrs. J. H. Slicer and family, and Mrs. Sarah Morrison, all of Meyers- dale. On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Kemp entertained the party at their home on Olinger street, by giving an old fashioned dinner at 5 o’clock in the evening. The menu consisted of, baked beans, new potatoes with the jaeket, lettuce, cheese, coffee, fruit and cake. This was thoroughly en- joyed by all present. C. H. and Milton Kemp are old soldiers and on Monday left for Get- tysburg to attend the big celebration. It has been a number of years since the brothers and sisters have been together and their little gathering here was a very pleasant and enjoy- able one. TALKS ABOUT MURDER OF HUSBAND. While visiting at Uniontown last week Mrs. Harrison Brown of Addi- son, is said by friends to have con- fined her conversation almost entirely to the murder of her husband by John Maus, now under sentence of death. ° Mrs. Brown, who seems just as much affected as she did at the time her husband was killed, insists that Maus is his murderer and that the granting of a pardon would be a miscarriage of justice. Maus’ aoom appears to be sealed, as only recently the board of pardons refused to grant a rehear- ing in his case. 7s KILLED AT GLENCOE. ‘While going for a jug of water Sun- day morning, Edgar B. Bass, a B. & O. fireman, was struck by train No. 10 at 2 o’clock at Glencoe and instantly killed. The train on which Bass was firing was a double- header and stopped at Glencoe to take water. The noise from the two engines preyented Bass from hearing the approach of train No. 10. He was hurled for some distance. Engineer L. H. Grant started dowu the track in search for Bass and met a brakeman, who had discovered the body. The crew of train No. 10, was notified at Mt. Savage, of the ac.i- dent. The body was brought here and later was sent to his home in Connellsville, from which place ser- vices were held Tuesday afternoon at 12:30 o’clock. Rev. J. F. Allison, pastor of the Christian church officiated. Interment was made in the Versailles cemetery. Mr. Bass was born at Schell Creek, Tenn., October 10, 1883, and was a son of Rev. and Mrs. J. CO. Bass. He is survived by his wife and two children, Genevieve aged 6 years and Lawrence, 10. He was a mem- ber of Youghiogheny Lodge No. 302, B.of L. F. & E., in whose charge the funeral was held. SATURDAY EVEN- ING’S CROWD. On Saturday evening there was an unusually large crowd of people in town, the stores were crowded and consequently the merchants did a big business. The banks were open and many deposited their savings. It is seldom that so many people are seen on the streets on a Saturday evening unless there is some unusual | attraction. The moving picture shows | were doing a thriving business. The {trolley had a extra car and large 1 b= t Garrett. they have done, and of the nations || {the party | crowds were here from Salisbury and | | [SO]E= ——0|[C | LET THE EAGLE SCREAM ! sw |B joie EEE LI AT RIVERSIDE PARK. With favorable weather the Moose picnic at Riverside park tomorrow promises to be one of the best and biggest ever held at that popular re- sort. A large delegation of Moose and their friends are expected from Cumberland, Frostburg, Mt. Savage, and surrounding towns. The parade will be a large one and will be well worth seeing. All who are desirous of spending a pleasant day can do no better than to come to Meyersdale on the Fourth. Good music and a good time generally is guaranteed. TEAM ON RAMPAGE. An ugly rnnaway took place on Mon- day afternoon,when the young horses of the Wilmoth Ice Co’s. ice wagon took fright at the B. & O. station and dashed down Meyers Avenue, one breaking away from the wagon while the other one brought the wagon at breakneck speed and took it safely into the yard. Neither horse was hurt nor was the wagon damaged, but it narrowly escaped striking Dr. Lichty’s automobile and the laundary automo- bile, and scattering ice and coin on the avenue. GUESTS AT THE PARSONAGE. Mrs. Elizabeth Wolf, nee Kooser, and grandchild of Washington, D. C., are visiting Rev. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Truxal at the Reformed parsonage. The grandchild is the daughter of Lieutenant Leslie Bratton of U. S. Navy, and his wife is the daughter of Mrs. Wolf. £ MISS TRUXAL ELECTED TEACHER OF THE HIGH SCHOOL. At the meeting of the School Board on Tuesday evening another member was added to the teaching force. Miss Evelyn Truxal, a graduate of the Meyersdale High School in the class of 1908, and of the Woman’s College, Frederick, Md., in 1912. She taught in the preparatory department of the college in 1912-13, ‘and gave excellent satisfaction. She also took the pedagogical course which enti- tles her toa state provisional certi- ficate. She is the daughter of Rey. Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Truxal. She has been elected to the position of teacher of English. The board is looking for a male teacher for the one remaining vacan- cy; one who is to give his attention to the department of mathematics. The teaching force thus far seems to be an exceptionally strong one and with the other position occupied by a strong mathematician we will have an unusually strong faculty. _— BARN ENLARGED. Jared Walker of Summit township, has made quite an improvement on his barn by splitting it and moving the'dne-half eleven feet and adding a twenty-foot storm shed which makes the barn very covenient. The work was done by the well known Mankamyer Bros., of Meyers- dale, who are capable of doing work of that kind. Two years ago they remodled his house. Mr. Walker and family now have a home and farm that they can be proud of. = jr AES — A : = LET OLD GLORY WAVE! bl = Ll Ll I= [I IC— : SMALL POX IN ROCKWOOD WEDDING TWO HOMES Toi There are two homes quarantined on aceount of small pox patients: One is the home of Conrad Herwig, where Mrs. Herwig, a boy about 11 years old, and a daughter about six years old are down with the smallpox. Kenneth Housel and John Bartalon, are the quarantine guards. This home is in Summit township about two and one-half miles from Meyers- dale. Leyi Gauntz, who lives at Salisbury Junctions, is also a small pox patient. Charley Hipp and Howard Lepley are the watchman. SPENT SUNDAY IN TOWN. G. B. Ryland, and wife of Pitts- burgh, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. 8. H. Ryland. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schafenberg, and Theresa Sli- cer, of Cumberland, spent Sunday in town the guests of'Mr. and Mrs. G. BE. Hammond. Sunday evening they all took supper at the home of Dr. W. H. Ryland and in the evening Mr. Hammond and Dr. Ryland, took in their, automobiles to St. Paul and made a short call at | the home of Mr. Speicher. The home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Conway, at Rockwood, was the scene. of a pretty wedding Wednesday last at high noon when their niece, Miss Catharine Snyder, was united in marriage to Homer Bowman. The impressive ring service was perform- ed by Rev. I. Jay Duke, pastor of the United Brethren church. The bride was attired in a navy blue suit with hat to match. The cere- mony was. followed by a handsome- ly appointed wedding dinner. A coler scheme of pink and white was cleverly carried out, carnations and ferns being used in decorating. The bride is widely known in Rockwood and for a number ol years was a clerk in Groff’s store. The groom is a Baltimore & Ohio engi- neer running out of Rockwood. His home is in Connellsville. Mr. and Mrs. Bowman left for an extended . wedding trip. BALL GAMES Two games of base ball are sche- duled for tomorrow between Somer- {set and Meyersdale, at 10:30 a. m. 3:30 p. m. on the Slicer field. TOMORROW. | The report had been circulated that | SMALL-POX PATIENT AT LARGE. Owen Murphy, a small-pox patient at Jenners, Somerset county, has broken quarantine and is thought to be traveling toward Johnstown, though no information concerning his present whereabouts is obtaina- ble. This information, startling in the possibility of numerous contacts with the patients and consequent ’| sbread of the disease, was imparted Monday by Dr. George Hay, of the Board of Health and officials of the Police Department of Johnstown. Murphy, who is 30 years of age, is wearing a blue suit. He has black hair and dark eyes and should be easily identified. The local police and health author- ities were notified of the escape of Murphy from quarantine at one o’clock Sunday morning. They were asked to keep a sharp lookout for him, as it was belieyed he had start- ed to Johnstown, i All towns along the B. & O. and in other parts of the county have re- ceived similar warning. "BASE BALL. The Garrett team came on the field to wipe out old scores and succeeded admirably on Saturday afternoon. Possibly now is the time when the knocking. in real earnest begins against the home team. The game was far from an ideal one, but them the large teams occasionally crack. Whether this is only a slump or an evidence that the team has really cracked remains to be seen, but the fact is our team has not played the game that it is capable of playing, and the fans have the weakness to want their own team to win. At the end of the game there was more ex- citement than during the nine innings of play, but fortunately the cooler heads averted serious trouble. John Barleycorn was present and he was just a little too demonstrative. The score was—Garrett 9, Meyers- dale 3. . MIDLAND WINS. The Meyersdale base ball team, at which the ‘I told you so’s’’ were be- ginning to shake their heads when Garrett gave them a sound drubbing on Saturday, has not cracked and has recovered from its recent slump, play- ed a fine game at Midland on Sunday Three hits were made off Stafford and our boys made three hits off the Mid- land piteher. The score was 1-0 in favor of Midland. AVERY OYLER, OF WIND- BER, DROWNED. Attired in a woman’s old skirt as a bathig suit, Avery L. Oyler, aged 27 years aed married. Went down to Conemaugh river near Echo for a swim on Sunday and within a few minutes met his death. The tragedy occured about 4 o’clock in the afternoon and was not recovered until 5:30. Mr. Oyler with his wife and child had gone to Echo to visit Mrs. Oyler’s brothers, N. R. and M. W. Rummel. Attracted by the cooling water of the river, he determined to enjoy a swim. Lacking the regular bathing regalia, he borrowed a skirt from one of his woman relatives and thus attired went to the water. He had stepped on a log near the edge of the river, when it turned, precipitating him in- to the water. It is not known wheth- er his head struckthe iogor whether he became entangled in the skirt. The drowning was witnessed by the unfortunate man’s wife and child and his two brothers-in-law and their wifes. Besides the widow the diseased is survived by a daughter , his mother and father, who reside in Helixville, Bedford county, and several brothers and sister. RETURNED HOME. Mrs. W. A. Graves has returned from a three weeks visit to Ohio and Indiana. She spent sometime in Cleveland where her daughter, Miss Emma, is employed by the Wheeling and Lake Erie railway; and she wit- nessed the graduation of her daughter, Miss Fannie, as a trained nurse in St. Luke’s hospital. Afterwards she went to visit her daughter, Mrs. E. O. Cosgrove, Chicago, I11 | A FALSE REPORT. | Alfred Wagner, of Salisbury, who {had gone to Gettysburg, had died. | He had been prostrated by the heat, | but has been improving right along at Hammond, Ind., near — Wm. H. Dill, who for a number of years had served as the accountant for the Meyersdale Coal Company, severed his connection with that company to become general manager of the Miller Manufacturing com- pany, makers of washing machines, grain registers, dust collectors, ete., of which he is a leading stockholder He is an expert Bookkeeper, a man of energy and rare business ability, and will surely make the Miller com= pany a winner. HOLY COMMUNION. Next Sunday the mid-summer Com-~ munion will be celebrated in Amity Reformed church, both morning and evening. Preparatory and Confir- mation services will be held on Sat- urday evening. Miss Eyelyn Truxal will sing at the Sunday services; at the one, ‘‘The Publican’’, at the other “The Pr digal Son.”’ PICNICS ON THE FOURTH. On the Fourth there will be a num- ber of picnies in this locality. The Moose will hold sway at Riverside park after the big parade in town. The Socialists will hold their annual picnic in Cascade park near Coal Run, and the St. Paul’s Sunday school at Keim will pienie. \ INSPECT THE W. M. The New York Central inspection train passed over the W. M. R. R. from Connellsville to Cumberland on Saturday, The engine is composed of a coach on top of the boiler and one coach attached. This is a beau- tifully equipped rain with every com- fort and convenience that money can furnish and the brain can devise for the work of inspection. DIED AT HOOVERSVILLE Mrs. Katie Keim, aged 38 years, died of tuberculosis on Friday after- noon at the home of here brother-in- law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Meyer, of Hooversville, with whom she had been making her home for some time. The husband and one daughter, Edna, survive. Funeral services were held on Sun- day afternoon at the Hooversvillie Lutheran Church. Interment took place in the P. O. 8. of A. Cemetery. FIRST TRAIN CROSSES ROCKWOOD VIADUCT. The first train, pulled by engine Noe 2259, crossed the new yiaduct at Rocke wood on Saturday afternoon at 3:0Q o’clock. The road is complete from Rx tower to Garrett, but it will re- quire some adjusting, and in a few days they will be ready for operations. This road runs parallel with the W.M. to Garrett and is on the same grade, and when fully in operation, will do away with the blocking of traffic at Rockwood on the B. & O., and the company will be able to get the freights traffic through more rapidly and mores economically. ‘While crossing the viaduct, the ene gineer saw that the roof of the Rock« wood House was on fire, which had doubtless caught from the sparks from an engine. A few buckets of water extinguished the flames. Geo. Felser the master boiler maker, went up through the attic and put out the fire, WOMAN IS GASHED WITH RAZOR. Windber, June 30.—A Hungarian woman had a narrow escape from bleeding to death here on Sunday night about 7:30 o’clock, when an Italian slashed her across the left temple with a razor, producing a gash three or four inches long and to the bone. Dr. D. A. Basil was on the scene within a short time after the murderous assault and succeeded in stopping the flow of blood. The woman, he says, will recover. Her asszilant has not been caught. He took his wife and child with him. SOMERSETERS GOING BY TRAIN AND AUTO. About 50 veterans of the Civil War left Somerset. Monday morning for Gettysburg. A parade was fort the courthouse, and was head the military company of the S« Veterans and dram corps. The cossion moved from Main Cross street to East Patriot, and to the depot. ACCEPTS NEW POSITION. Tan ro I ¢ i P