A dy eS i SEMI SI pr ~©COUNTY S. S. CON- - VENTION ADJOURNS! ADOPTS RESOLUTIONS. "The following resolutions were ad- apted at the Sunday school convention eld at Rockwood: ‘We, your committee on on resolu- {3ons, have framed and do submit the silowing for your consideration: Be it resolved, That we thank our Jesavenly Father for his tender care and blessings which we have enjoyed during the year just closed and that swith new endeavor and intense effort we enter the year which is before us, asking great things of God and at-| tempting great things for him. tam of lessons has done so much for | work. While we rejoice in the passing ae we are indebted to their formers, | ket with a conviction that they have faifilled their mission and are inade- quate longer to satisfy the growing demand for progress, we recommend that their use be discouraged in favor | 3 most effective weapon in the fur- of a graded system. That even a moderate use of to- bacco and cigarettes be denounced amd discouraged by all members of his convention and that we pledge our | that temperance showed on almost support of the recent act of our legis- 1ators prohibiting the sale or use of the | vious record. same to or by anyone under 21 years | =f age. That we pledge our support to any | affort made for advanced steps in teacher training work. We recommend to your approyal a #xained superintendency and ask that sur executive committee set aside one of Marion Lawrence's books to be | studied each year, in view of a better | nt oficiency. We as a convention condemn as a | vention of Sunday school workers turn | | | ! | | | ance bodies be ca led together to per- fuasmuch as the International sys-| ba considered by the court as ‘‘no ev- idence’’ against the applicants for license. Has the Brooks law that of- fers the opportunity of remonstrating been abolished and become a dead letter? Is it really a fact that these 6,000 high grade men and women are tending teward the ranks of the anar- chist dnd that the saloon element has suddenly become the hope of the na- tion and the law abiding element in American citizenship? Shall we de- sert our standard and enroll in their ranks for the nation’s good? We rec- ommehd that the war be waged as vigorously as ever in the year to come though the method may be changed, and the convention select a date in the fall when a conference of all temper- fect plans for the prosecution of the of an anti-cigerette bill and ask that all put forth an effort te insure its en- forcement, yet we record an equal gratification over the passage of the Webb-Kenyon bill, which will prove ther curtailment of the traffic. We wish to record our delight oyer the fact that the saloon traffic gained nothing in this present legislature,but every vote a great gain over any pre- Resolved, That we will not give our support to any candidate in state or county, for any office, who will not YouCanSacceedInLife The world calls for trained workers and offers them great rewards. If you aim to at- tain the higher places in teaching, secure the advantage of a thorough, practical course at this famous school, the Pennsylvania State Normal Scheel of Indiana, Pa. The daily life at Indiana is healthful. Sports and social recreation are encouraged. | he development of character and of physical strength and health is an important factor in school life. Indiana graduates—hundreds of them—are successful. $195 covers all expenses—excepting bocks— for one school year for those preparing to teach. 39th year begins Sept. 9, 1913. The Indiana catalog is one of the most beautiful books of the kind ever printed. Write for a copy. Address the Principal. Dr. James E. Ament Indiana, Pa. ——————————————————— The Indiana Conservatory of Music is one of the leading schools of the country. Booklet on request. announce himself fairly and squarely on the side of temperance. We hold that any man or woman who does not | aid the cause of temperance is not worthy to be a teacher or officer in| the Sunday school. With a firm trust he power of a prayer-hearing and a prayer-answering God, we as a con- LAWN FETE. MARRIED AT BERLIN. “restraint of law’’ the recent interpre- | our faces toward the future and pledge mation of the Brooks high license 1aw | ourselves to the work of our Master’s as made by the court of Somerset kingdom with courage, faith and sounty and that we file our protest | determination and an unequivocal de- against the reflections cast upon the | claration of our loyalty, also our un- meore than 6,000 well-thinking and in- | faltering adherance to the work which telligent signers of the recent romon- | stands for the saloon’s complete an- strance submitted to said court peti- | nihilation. tioning against the wholesale grenting | The temperance committes was com of license: also that we resent the | posed of the Rev. H. A. Buffiugton, sgurt’s interpretation as being foreigr | Fred Groff, the Rev. R. L. Aitken, the to the spirit of the law and out of har-| Rev. R. G. Moodo, the Rev. J. C. Mc- mony with sound exegesis, This con- Carney end Mrs. Azubah Jones. wention “goes upon record pledging | war individual effort and strength to! whe fo oe i a its | FIVE FOREIGNERS CAUGHT AT ROBBING. 3 . | Renchmen until the saloon is no more. | That each delegate carefully and | The young people of Mt. Lebanon Sunday School will hold a lawn fete on Saturday evening, June 21. Every- body is dordially invited. CEMETERY CONSE CRA- TION POSTPONED" The consecration of the new Slov- ish cemetery in the east end of Windber,, originally fixed for May 30th, and then postponed to June 15th, has again been postponed until J aly 20th. REPAIRING THE CHURCH Prof. John C. Werner, son of H. C. Werner of Summit township, and Miss Mary Musser, daughter of Jacob Musser of Brothersvalley township, were unit d in marriage in the Breth- ern Chr: 4 at Berln last evening at 8:00 o’clocik. A receptionat the Mus- ser hom, immediately followed the marriage, at which were present about 150 guests. Best wishes are ex- tended to the young couple. SHIPPZD CATTLETO N.Y. Enoch F. Plough, of Somerset, left on Monday night for New York in charge of five carloads of cattle ship- prayerfully report each session of this! eonvention to the school at home,and above all, emphasise the importance of missionary opportunity of the Sun- day school. That we appreciate the splendid mu- gi¢ furnished by our brother, Prof. Maxwell, and his helpers and that he | WINDBER, June 17— Walter Supres- ky, aged 10; Stiny Stupesyy, aged i4; Sriny Vocasky, aged 12; John Plou- chen, aged 12 yearsand Andy Cramer, aged 10, Slavish bers, last night were given in charge of Probation Officer E. E. Pugh, ofthe Somerset County Juvenile court after a hear- | ped by D. B. Zimmerman. Mr. Plough is a well-known dealer in cattle and purchased the consignment in West Virginia several months ago for the Somerset County ‘‘Cattle King.”” Two cars were loaded at Somerset, two at Stoyestown, and one at Rockwood. Se The tower and roof of the Lutheran church are being repaired this week. Copper valleys are being installed ard other improvements made. Messrs. Fleck and Noy, of Somerset, are the contractors. The exper se will amount to $500. The new carpet recently DAY. “DREAMS” oy ESOLVE NIGHT WHEN Yo THAT IT IS SUCH A DELIGH FUL FEELING To Go To BED Al NICE, COMFORTABLE BED. BUSTER BROWN N D, U 'HAVE OUR BEDS AND BEDDING ARE SUC THAT YOUR DREAM CAN BE ONLY A PLEASANT ONE WHEN YoU SLEE UPON THEM. A RooM ADoRNED WITH ONE o OUR BEDS WILL LOOK LIKE DREAMLAND. LET US HELP YOU MAKE YOUR HOME PRETTMA YoU CAN ENJOY OUR BEDS BOTH NIGHT AND OUR STOCK 1S ALWAYS COMPLETE AND YoU CAN MAKE A SELEGTION FOR ANY: ROOM IN YOUR HOME. STOCK OVER. COME AN UNDERTAKING IN ALL BRANCHES. PROMPT AND EF- FICIENT SERVICE AT ALL TIMES; j ————————— R. REICH & SON 130 Centre Street. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Both Phones. ] D LooK oUR: ITS Be awarded a medal of love cherished ing before Justice Liobert G. Col- mm heart and memory. born, of this place, on charges of | That we are greatly indebted to our | theft. The boys are in the lock-up | egunty officers for their efficient work | and Chief Mullen said he might take | and that we tender them our best. them to Somerset this afternoon. | wishes and sincere gratitude. | Evidence produced at the hearing | That the convention extend to the | showed the youngsters full of thiev- | speakers who served us so efficiently | joy, ardor. and persistence. Sunday, | its sincere thanks. | June 8, the first four boys had sneak- | That the convention extend to the oq into the BEureka’s big store on | people of Rockwood sincere thanks ‘or | pitteenth street and got away with a | their generous entertainment andlike- | 1,4 of goods. A watchman was onl wise for the use of their church. | guard every night daring the sue- | This report was signed by the com- mitteemen—the Rev. 1. Jay Duke, P. E. Vincent, F. B. Knepper, the Rev. €.-A. Hartung, W 1. Mills, the Rev. ¥. B. Rurkholder, M. D. Melntyre, Jacob B. Hechler, Edward Snyder, W. P.: Speicher. The other convention | ceeding week and he maintained a! | rigorous vigil. But Sunday so it is | said, he came out of the store, for a | | spell, leaving an outside door to the! | cellar open. In a very few minutes | | the four boys of the previous esca-! | pade, accompanied by Andy Cramer | committees laid, adds much to the beauty of the interior of the church. The debt fund is progressing nicely. By the end of this week $1500 in cash will have been reached. INTENSE HEAT. Evansville, Ind., June 16—Today was the hottest day of the year, many street thermometers register- ing 108 degrees. : Philadelphia June 16—The heat ree- ord here for June 16th, was equaled | this afternoon, when the official ther- mometer on top of the Government building registered 95 degrees. Chicago, June 16—A drop of 28 de- grees in temperature brought relief Eurcpe’s Wzr Material. Europe withdraws from industry 4,- 500,000 men to make soldiers of them. They are kept from one to three years. What an appalling waste; how doubly preposterous if efficiency can be insured with militia training; —New York World. As long as the present stock of goods last, we will make photo- graphs at one half the regular price. All portrait frames will also go at the same rate. We guarantee all goods to be strictly first class and up-to-date. E. E. Conrad. ad MARKET REPORT. Correcicd weekly by McKenzie & | ferior goods. satisfied. ‘‘Quality Groceries’ our motto. We sell Atlas Flour—none better for the price. _ Have you tried Heinz’s'Spaghetti ? Your money backif you are not | The quality of our goods and our prices ought to appeal to you. The Home of Quality Groceries {8 We couldn’t if we would, neither would we if we could, sell you in- | WE QUGTE GHLY A FEW PRICES FOR THIS WEEK. 3 5c boxes Matches, 15¢ 3 5c bars good Soap, 10¢ 1-2 gallon Syrup, 20c 30c jar Sliced Bacon, 25¢ Quart jar Cocoa, 25¢ 3 10c packages Corn Starch, 25¢ 7 be boxes Sardines, 25¢ Larbe can Tomatoes, 10c; 1 free with a dozen. Choiee Peas, per can, 12 1-2¢; 1 free with a dozen. 1 pound Baking Powder, 15c. GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. < < Qo Afte He ~Alfre gare! was | 14, 1 Penn 1890. In th +. dred Mrs. land, town Aug notic 1913. Tema Leve He Hoss late lersb Well for Eigh follo B.K Alfre Marj main early As oceu; fearl full meet suece testis ness Th inent was : : ; | == were as follows: [ed gotten into the place, | to this city tonight after what was Smits. 1 Le is | The youngsters took, among other | __. - s . PAYING PRICE. Temperance—The Rev. H. A. Buf- | things Ivo revolvers: & Tot of toad] with one exception the hottest June Bais: i : fington, Fred Groff, the Rev. R. L | = S00 bullets Sobaeo: A | day on record here. The maximum Be er, er down Sanbenerdes dali 20-22¢ F. A. BITi NER, 1 Aitken, the Rev. H. G. Moody, th lote Sonic. of tho took they hid i, | temperature of the day was Be loan Der rites Se Sn Ipsec a Rev. J. C. McCarney and Mrs. Azubah | © d on the way to No. 35. where | TEC Wind shifted shortly » after '3jUtciens, per pound................ 12 1-2¢ 142 Centre Street. Both Phones. Meyersdzle, Pa. I Jones, ee a v ety 2 oe ay ry |o’clock and by 4 the temperature Potatoes, per bn nA 75¢ ; A i they reside. Tr e 3 = i 1 Nomination—Lloyd Mountain, W. | bery, ar oh as was discov- Lad Jerrad Yo = Sopross A a; | pe pom a se pe R. Putnam, J. H. Lehman, the Rev. | ered, it did not take long to track | : Souk the mercury droppe / | Shoulder. Por nt. a rc H. 5 Pasion Rev. C A San and arrest the boys and then they | vogrees Pam... ns TTT Terry rr and 1 Mrs. Harvey G. Hamer and Ira Bauer- | ware Sinn 5 sini —_— i ] master. : }Were hot long: In vonle Sse: Fresh sliced, dried beef, boiled ham ERG } bre Superintendent of . cradle roll, | Special 1% srivces’ oat Fanasiins and Dold breakfast bacon kept on Correct weekly by Becker & | oe © jp — Mes. CO. 1. Shafer, home department, | SPECIAL Tow prices on bunanas by | 700! 4g “aetd in any quantify, at Strong. | Warm eather KRequisites. | : rs oi a y the bunch for the 4th of July, 7 hilt : +a Naar i \ ° § the a Lloyd Kurtz of ( ontiuence, : teacher! | & Phillios . ad Habel and Phillips. ad SELLING PRICE. tions Sraining, t ie Rev. 3: ( : et Soyo | 2 : | Corn, bes bus Setessiie.iieiveesivineiavaes Soe { Every season has its special aids to health and comfort. A E grand Ee re MERCURY RISING WEST VIRGINIA FIFTY Gath Toe reader enings “i ee || stock like ours provides everything of this nature that you are {8 have Rte G Desde. af fet. tomar . gdb YEARS OLD INL or or TS ry ¥ apt to need. You should not wait, however, until each separ- nal c ST ME aml. saws thal Tuer oitess : [2 Boab choh, Per OWh. culms: 19011 ate need arises, but should equip yourself with these modern and a ance; Mrs. Sauban Jones; of Boswell, | Many base forgotten thet justafewl GoTo , | Corn and oats, per cwt. home antidotes for discomfort. You'll want them when you stay at The secondary division, Lloyd Mountain, | days ago they complained of cold| West Virginia’s semi-centennial | gromnd..... a 1 50 7 . : he; nt . ile anes] ; . S ome or go on a vacation trip. local of Confluence. | weather. There has been little cause | was formally opened on Sunday with | Flour, ‘Best on Record’’ per bbl. 5 45 Iy bee The next conference will be held in | for complaininy in this respect lately, | religious services, when three minis- “King of Minnesota’’ 60 per cent Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Bath Supplies, Massage Creams, ing, a -Bomersct. | but, on the other hand, the mercury ters made historical addresses. The patent, per barrel............... —« 6 00 Lotions, Talcums, Foot Powders and Toilet Articles of all Kinds. River The following r port was submitted | has been rising until it reached the | celebration began properly on Mon- Our assortment 1s complete and our priess right. Tf yon coive wy the committee on temperance and | sizzling stage and the predictions are |day and continues until Saturday. | cannot conveniently come to the store, phone your order forme moral reform was adoped by the | made that warm weather with clear | Tomorrow, June 20th, it will be fifty and we shall deliver just what you want. heii eonvention. {skies over the greater part of the | yeats since the admission of the state | I xX 1. Alon COLD WATER FOLKS UNDISTURBED. | country, will prevail. There will |into the upion. Wheeling is the | Be B THOMAS oo a Since last we me be scattered thunder showers the first | mecca and thousands are coming | . © ) so sek 05] convention of S of the week along the northern bor- | from all sections of the state to join Both Phones. Leading Druggist. Meyersdale, Pa. There &t Confluence, much | der and by the middle of the week, in the festivities. President Wilson | C EF C 1 FA M Opposite Citizens National Bank. and along temperance li showers will set in along the east,gulf | touched the button on Monday that noth perance organizatic including the | and south Atlantic coasts. | set the wheels going in Wheeling. their Snnday schools. Wi e may be | — | A IS THE | serene Eitri give — doing discouraged by what appears on the| Automobiles for Passenge:s | Children Cry | BASE BALL day ‘the boys went to: Berlin: when Every surface to be a failure, yet the recent | aa Tee Se FOR FLETGHER'S pe f- ! | : | they suffered a defeat from those share “dry”? campaign has reyealed a tem- Vith my automobile, I am prepar- | | — 7 > a af 4.06 Lot ; As gerance str he bounds of ed to convey passengers on short no- HD SS T oO = i A : . AT | The Meyersdale base ball team has | ¥ 0 seemed easy few days be ore. ; the cou a tremb- ti on short or long trips. Call me | ee IN MEYERSDALE | plaved three o: this season and | The score was 6 to 3 in favor of Berlin, i een Not ta ns 5 on the phone... Both Photics | | {Playee three games ; | On Sunday the team went to Frost- July 1 Eng In the 4 my 2 3 3 cont pop the phone. Jacon BIrTNER | There will be a p sale cf —memem {| haa learned the sweets of victory and | burg, to try their ability with the and ¢ indy ar a Bitinee Nociie Works, potsetion sols g ihe ) evidence of THORLEY’S DRUG STORE | the bitterness of defeat. The first boys from the neighboring State, but. quest mave been forthec - and we deeply | june5-tf Meyersdale, Pa. ad | °2° aed. Js Binz 2 BAUSOUrY - 221 15h WW Wy !| game was played on the home| Frostburg gained an easy victory Nave wos + atures of li : en | St., Saturday June 28th, at 1:80 p. m, | grounds when Berlin was defeated by over Meyersdale. Tho score at the El Seplors aap wig a FOR SALE—A Three vear old Colt rer THE PENSLAR STORE. | the score of 1 to 0, that augured well | end of the ninth inning was 9 to 0 i o the county who strongly remon- | Apply, to GEORGE H. ALBRIGHT, | The very finest peanut butter 20e¢ Next to P. O. Meyersdale, Pa. | for our boys and had the Pon. of a eves of onus Det Joe to) So strated against the saloon evil should | mech 27-tf ad (Sippleville) Meyersdale. per pound, at Habel & Phillips. ad | | season of many victories. On ug eyersdale the next time. GREEN SE [ bs x facult mous! eveni