i & WEEK'S NEWS BY TICK AND FLASH What Interests the World Chron- | to_crops is reported. : feled by Telegraph and Cable. | Counsel General at Paris simce 1905, GLANCE AT FOREIGN AFFAIRS Washington Looms Large as a Center | the blame for the trouble upon the | of Interest—Legislatures Busy In Many States—The Lights and Shadows of the News. i Washin dton The Department of Agriculture has Bunched a plan for better organiza- tion of farmers throughout the coun- fry. The Senate confirmed the nomina- @on of William H. Berry as collector | part of that State. af customs for the port of Philadel- | ghia. Captain Roy C. Smith, commanding | era] dairy farms near its coking plants | the effecs that injury by the freez- sfficer of the Dreadnought Arkansas, | and coal mines for the benefit of its ing of May 10th was usually severe. General Pershing won a #enal vio tery over the rebellious Mores. Andrew Drew, an aviator, was killed a : when he lost control of his biplane,| Specimens of branches of fruit while trying the “spiral dip” at Lima, | trees being sent by mail to State Ohio. x . | The Texas Panhandle is suffering Zoologist H. A. Surface, at Harris | | from a heavy rainfall. Slight damage | burg, at the present time show more injury by frost effects than by any other cause or combination of resigned. causes. All such twigs show that Crops were damaged by the recent|the leaves have turned dark or snowfall in North Carelina. » Ex-Governor Glasscock declared that | °TWD, and have shriveled or be- West Virginia miners first asked for | come colored and the fruit is dwarfed martial law. He put greater part of or rudimentary. It looks very much guards employed by the mine owers. | ke the disease commonly called A legacy of $5,000 was left te the | Fire blight or black Blight, but it Xopona oman Sulirage Assoulition | differs from this in the fact that the ¥ ex-Senator Palmer, o chigan. leaves are not so dark in color, but The estate of Luther McCarthy, the | : : ? = | pugilist who was killed in a boxing | Shriveled aud d ied and the £ | bout at Calgary, Canada, is valued at| W°© 1s nob so a * SO In © $10,000, of which $8,191 is bank de-|frost injury the line between the posit. His widow is the sole bene-|injured and living wood is not sharply ficiary. marked, whereas in blight injury The Massachusetts Senate passed |there is generally a sharply marked over Governor Foss’ veto the bill per- | line between the dead and the live | mitting the New Haven Railroad to | park. extend its trolley lines in the western FROST BITES. Frank H. Mason, United States There is a universal complaint, The H. C. Frick Coke Company, Dob only over Pennsylvania but over Connellsville, Pa., will est-.'ish sev-| most of the States of the Union, to THE JAPANESE SILHOUTTE. New Figure Lines of Japan- ese Origin, Gathered Skirts, Cretonne Coats, Novelties in Footwear, ZARA. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his pers Sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this, All Counterfeits, Imitations and «J: ust-as-good’’ are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiments What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paras) goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. IS contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhcea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the | Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep, , The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. NRRREERRNRRRNRNS #nd Lieutenant W. W. ®avigating officers, who Smyth, aeting | workmen. were court- | A real end collision on the New martialled because their vessel in Feb- | York, New Haven and Hartford Rail- mary struck a coral reef off the coast road, within a few blocks of the sta- of Cuba, have been found guilty of | tion at Stamford, Conn., caused the aeglect of duty. | death of five persons and the injury of Instructions to postmasters were is- | about twenty more. sued for handling C. O. D. parcel post | Sufficient signatures have been se- Fackages, beginning July 1. Charges | cyreq to suspend the operation of the will be collected from recipients of full crew bill, passed by the Missouri Farcels and a 10-cent stamp will in- | Legislature. ‘ elude the fee and $50 insurance Governor Sulzer and Col. Roosevelt ®&gainst loss. spoke from the same platform at Ro- | chester in behalf of direct primaries. The Illinois Legislature passed a Woman-Suffrage bill. : ._ | ‘Mrs. Alfred I. Dupont, of Wilming- Ex-President Gomez and his family | ton, Del., has presented Maryland with #nd servants, fifteen in all, sailed from [a maternity hospital to be built in Havana for St. Nazaire. He paid $7, | Cambridge. #00 for the best suite on the ship. The | Construction has begun on many of @uban press contrasts this evidence | the Panama-Pacific Fair buildings at sf wealth with the fact that the late | gon Francisco. President Palma was penniless when | The New York Board of Estimate He left the Presidency. | appropriated $40,000 for the construec- It was announced that President tion of municipal ice plants. Wilson's family would go to California Mitchell, S. D., voted $60,000 in ahortly. . | bonds for the erection of a municipal J. J. Hill has left on his annual telephone plant. dishing trip to Labrador. The Massachusetts bill permitting Aduiphus Busch, 3d, iweniytwo, |... New Haven io extend its trolley gramdson of the big brewer, is to mar- |; 0 was vetoed by Governor Foss. ry ia St. Louis, Mrs. Florence P. Lam- | The jury in the trial of Police Ser Wert, wealthy divorced wife of Marion | geant Peter J. Duffy, of New York, Bambert. She is thirty-eight and! 4; cod after 24 hours deliberation pretty, and is the mother of three , "Lo .. discharged by Justice Geoff. Personal I] children. | Willis Hickam of Spencer, Ind., will = i be graduated from the same class as’ . = his son in a law school at the Indiana ! Sporting = University. More than 6,000 applications have been received to date for concessions at the Panama-Pacific Exposition to be held in San Francisco, The UJenate committee investigat- ing the West Virginia mining condi- | tions is convinced that citizens of that State “have been tried and convicted in violation of the Constitution and America successfully defended the ' Westchester Polo Association cup by again defeating England at Meadow Brook, L. I, in the hardest fought match in the history of the Interna- #omal trophy. The score was 41% to ¢1% goals. Duke Kahanamoku, the world’s champion swimmer, made two new | laws of the United States.” world’s records at Honolulu by swim- | ’ ming 100 yards in 55 1-5 seconds and | 2 320 yards in 2 minutes, 34 2-5 seconds. | Charging the American Baseball ! Jesus win IE he Sremn Captain Scott's Antarctic ship, the ager of the St. Louis Federal base- | Terra Nova, arrived at Cardiff, Wales, ball team, has brought suit against | The suffragette “bomb squad” threw that organization for $25,000 damages. & lighted bomb from a street car pass- Riding the distance without a sin- | 108 Over a bridge near Liverpool. Lit- gle stop, Arthur Chapple of New York | tle damage was done. won the fifty-mile open championship | The Dowager Empress of Russia aec- at the Motordrome at Brighton Beach | cidentally broke one of a pair of vases dcing the distance in 38 minutes and for which the late J. P. Morgan of- 46 1-5 seconds. | fered $25,000. | PBugene Maggi and his wife, whose wealth is estimated at $10,000,000, committed suicide in their home in Switzerland. The Servian government proposes Inn, Foreign Till HIN General Perv The Massachusetts House passed | the Washburn railroad control bill | to Bulgaria the demobilization of @ver Governor Foss’ veto. three-fourths of their respective “Dream II” won the Philadelphia to | armies. Bermuda motor boat race. Pope Pius was so pleased with mov- The summer White House at Cor- | ing pictures of New York city that he @ish, N. H, will be opened June 28. | said he wanted to go to America. Chicago suffragettes propose Miss The New Zealand Farmers’ Union Jame Addams for Mayor of that eity hag asked the government to aid in im 1915. | securing 6,000 additional laborers. The United Commercial Travellers At Buenos Aires it was announced af America chose Jamestown, N. Y., | that Theodore Roosevelt is coming to as their convention city in 1914. Argentina to lecture on the progress An unknown vandal cut down 600 of the United States. two-year-old peach trees on the farm Five soldiers are dead and nineteen | of Martin Kohoud, in Camden County, ' others ill from heat exhaustion at the | NJ | military manoeuvres near Aires, Ger- | The Virginia Polytechnic Institute’s | many. shops at Blacksburg, Va, were de-| The situation in Morocco is general stroyed by fire. Loss, $150,000. In- ly thought to be critical. After the dis- smrance, $50,000. | quieting reports from the Spanish Captain Ting-fa Vang, of the | zone comes the news of fighting on Mminese army, will be admitted to the | the part of the French. West Point Miktary Academy under || A general shake-up in the Cabinet & special act of Congress. | of President Huerta, of Mexico, oc- Frank Esola, a San Francisco city | curred. General Manuel Mondargon detective, was sentenced to five years | resigned as Minister of War and was Sm prison ‘for aiding the “bunco” gang | succeeded by General Aureliano Blan- mown as the “Forty Thieves.” | quet, former military commander of Mrs. Riizabeth Maugherman, died | the federal district. ®t Bryan, Ohio, aged 108 years. She | For cursing the Pope, the police, was the mother of seventeen children. { the army, the Ancient Order. of Hi- Miss Gladys Mason, of New York, | bernians, and the buekles om the con- Began her walk to San Francisco on a | stable’s coat, Felix Mulholland was aul and vegetable diet. fimed $5 at Magherafelt, Ireland. Fores: fires are raging in the New | The Spanish cruiser Reina fired on Zork Alirondac:s. | the looters of the gunboat Concha, The gold production of the world | ashore at Morocko, killing nihetten during 1912 is estimated at $472,975,- | and wounding many others. The | looters had killed thirty of the crew suspended | of the stranded. steamer. ub for fiying | from New Zealand. Frederick C. Hild w for a year by the Aero ( One gentleman in York county re- ported that he expected a crop of five thousand bushels, the circumstances, lost the entire crop, and will not have a peck of apples in his orchard. Many have reported more or less injury in their orchards, while some of the advanced fruit growers, who have pruned and sprayed and kept their trees vigorous, will have two-thirds of a regular crop. This means, of course, improved quality of fruits because of the reduced numbers. Frost injury demands no special attention on the part of the grow- er further than keeping the trees in good condition, so that they will out grow it. It is not blight, and will not change to blight. It does not continue to infect and injure the trees, as does blight A twig that is blighted retains the germs of the disease within the wood and bark, and these germs will live to continue to work downward beneath the bark and extend the blight. While it is not necessary to cut off and burn twigs injured by frost, it is advisable to thus treat those that were damaged by blight. The chief reason for failure in the control of blight is that persons pruning trees infected with the disease have not pruned low enough to remove it. It is not sufficient to cut it out at the line between the living and dead wood. The cut should be made at least one foot below the lower limit of . the blighted - area. I= this is done and the pruning knife or shears sterilized frequently, as by passing through’a handful of straw or paper and the stump or stub is also washed with an antiseptic solution or painted the parts containing the blight germs con be removed, and the disease can be effectively checked. “IN A BAD WAY”, MANY A MEYERSDALE READER WILL FEEL GRATEFUL FOR THIS INFOR- MATION. If your back gives out; Becomes lame, weak or aching; If urinary troubles set in, Perhaps your kidneys are ‘in a Genuine CASTORIA ALwars but under \J . vn NE . . The above design OI. ¥, New’ Yor ~ dl New York, June 12— One has only to study the outlines of the fashionable crowd to recognize that the influence of Japan extends way beyond the borders of the Pa- cific coast. The drawn in drapery at the foot of the skirt, the up- ward swirl! of the lines in front, the wide sashc. and girdles, all show a similarity to the kimono clothed Japanese ‘oman. There are modi- fications aud differences to be sure, but the source that inspired the de- signers .is unmistakable. To eyes unaccustomed to the change the new silhoutte is neither graceful nor becoming, but custom makes so much difference in eriticism that when a little more modification is made, we may come to like the lines and cease to find the effect grotesque. THE GATHERED SKIRT. The gathered skirt is constantly gaining adherents, which is not sur- prising as it suits the filmy stuffs used so admirably, and certainly the folds gained by small clusters of pleats or gathers here and there on the skirt .are. a rest. to eyes tired with’ the drawn skimpiness of the past few seasons. CONSERVATIVE STYLES. There are always a number of smart conservative styles to be had and the majority of the well dress- ed select these for all ordinary wear. It is the flamboyant costume that attracts attention in the thro: g SO we are apt to lose sight for the majority, whe dress conseryatively and quietly. FOOTWEAR. With skirts split at the foot and draperins . soaring upward in front the foot is constantly in evidence, and shoes and hosiery makers keep peace with the demand for fancy bad way.’? footwear... Many of the models are Don’t delay—use Doan’s Kidney dainty and pretty and irresistibly Pills. attractive as their vogue proclaims. Here is good evidence of their The Colonial pump with cut steel worth. buckle in patent leather, or satin P. T. Miller, retired farmer, Main is perhaps the most worn with street, Berlin, Pa., says: ‘I have had no reason to change my high dress costumes. Lately the ribbon bow has made its appearance on | opinion of Doan’s Kidney Pills and I recommend them just as highly to- day as I did in October. 1907. I have not had to take a kidney medicine during the past several years. I was severely troubled with kidney and bladder complaint. The kidney se- cretions were irregular in passage and it often seemed as if my kidneys were not acting at all. I also suffer- ed from acute pains in my back. When Doan’s Kidney Pills were recommended to me I began using them. They acted just as repre- sented and it was not long before I had relief. My advice to other kidney sufferers is to give Doan’s Kidney Pills a trial.”? : For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., ‘ Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name—Doan’s—and eczema that had annoyed me for a long time. The result was lasting” Hon. S. W. Matthews, Commission- er, Labor Statistics, Augusta, Me. ad | are pretty, but they are not adapted the Colonial. The tied bow that was formerly relegated to Oxford models. Colored heels are in again and when worn appropriately these | to morning wear in town or to dusty country roads. Every variety of cross strapping is offered in slippers and these styles are not only in line with present modes but they do offer a moderate amount of support and stability at the heel, which is where the vsual pnmp and slipper fails. VERONA CLARK. —_———— Catarrh Cannot be Cured. With Local Applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and | take no others. acts directly upon the blood and Eee mucous surfaces Hall’s Catarrh “Doan’s Ointment’ cured me 0 | Cure is not a quack medicine. Tt was prescribed by oneof the best physicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is| composed of the best tonics known, | combined with the best blood puri- | fiers, acting directly on the mucous | rect urinar . { Papers promptly executed Vv. -6ma7 Bears the Signature of The Kind You Havs Always Bought : In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. om mARE IT'S A CURE} THAT'S SURE § Jones’ Break-Up For over 20 years has Cured RHEUMATISM Sciatica, Lumbago and Gout It you have Rheumatism [any form] get Jones’ Break-Up, it will tama pA has i) era have taken it, Guaranteed 0 cure all cosets ~-3m 5 BECISTERED Nea?37 SALE AT COLLINS’ DRUG S(ORE, Meyersdale, Pa and Bath Jn When building-a home for renting purposes remember the charm, the potential force which these two words have to the seeker of a comfortable, convenient { home. ; A pleasing bathroom may easily be the deciding factor in the renter’s choice of a new home. . For the small home or richest residence we recommend “Standard” plumbing fixtures for pleasing appearance and durability. . BAER & GO. aa Ta PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A HOLBERT, . ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOMERSET, PEN: w Uffice in ook % Beerits’ Block. up sta; oS S $ ’ $ J s g Powerful, clean explosion. No carbon, Waverly Gasoline % refined—distilled—not crude A compressed gas. HARVEY M BJREKLEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOMERSET, ¥ Fr OMcewith F. J. Kooser. Esq. i / IRGIL R. SAYLOR, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOMERSET 1} )et.28-03. EN FREE=S2 aschudk al ’ G. 6. GROFF WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO. > STI Pittsburgh, Pa. USTICE OFyTHE PEACE. : FC ie = LAMP OILS LUBRICANTS CONFLUENCE, PA. Deeds, Mortages, Agreements and all Leg» m BUHL & GATESMAN, Distiiiars of Pure Rye, Wheat, Mal snd Gin. Distilling up-to-date, MEYERSDALE, PA. Nov.ib-tf. U Ought to Use oy idney Piils: They will - strengthen = your backache ‘'r kidneys, sos gularities, bull | ever the Meadow Brook field while #he international polo match was be- f=z played. B. H. Gary, Chairman of the United | State Steel Corporation, testified at the Federal dissolution suit that he did not now approve or certain con- | tracts ke made in the'early days of $he trust. hs dition cr. no dbase 24 ininiiies _. | on a four-year Arctic expedition. | | 3 Arct pf DEAD LETTER LIST. Milon Eaeton, Betty Saylor. June 14,1913. J. F.NAUGLE, P. M. More than 300 persons were killed in India, on the Arabian Sea, owing to | floods caused by heavy rains. The Italian Chamber of Deputies ap- Proved the appropriations of $20,000,- | 000 to continue the war in Tripolil | makes you an easy victim for diseases, Steffanson, the explorer, left on | pgp pure and sound digestion... Bor. | board the Karluk from Victoria, B. C., | dock Blood Bitters. At all drug Price $1.00. ad jot | Impure stores. ————— ie i surfaces. duces such wonderful results in cur- ing catarrh. blood runs you down— |free. Sold by Druggists, 75 cents. Take Hall’s Family Pills for eon | stipation. ad | The perfect combination | the two ingredients is what pro- | F. J. CHENEY, & Co., Toledo, | ap the wo. ou* tissues, and | eliminate the excess uric ack Send for testimonials, | that causes rheumatism.® Pre | vent Bright's Disease and Die bates, and restore health ary strength. Refuse substitutes The Commercial Press Handles It FNRI TRS Why F. B. THOMAS. (FOLEY Kor NEYL ANG EL The recent a vols House sured This b ficatio: the fr tions | the Sti ‘Won the 29 the St total 1 choser 9 Wes age pI total ) Fo easy consi 25 ce