SE ———— | Items Pertaining to the Town in General and Prepared for the Readers By Our Busy Staff. — AND LOCAL HAPPENINGS I Rev. A. S. Glessner spent Tuesday at Somerset. Miss Maud Saylor was a visitor Tuesday. Ike Weinstein, yisitor Monday. Rev. Father Rrady was a visitor to Cumberland, Tuesday. i James Price spent several days of last week ab Uniontown. Ms. John P. Kelley visited rela- tives in Johnstown on Tuesday. Mrs. J. A. Dixon, spent Saturday with relatives ab Connellsville. Mrs. James Kerrigan, of Sand Patch, was a town visitor Monday. T. W. Gurley was transacting busi pess in Pittsburgh several days this week. Miss Lillie Wasmuth, of Boswell, attended tne funeral of her aunt on Monday. J. J. Dougherty, was|a town visitor thi% week. Miss Eva Leckemby, returned | home Saturday from a visit to Som- | erset with friends. Dr. and Mrs. Ww. H. Ryland, and children spent sumday with relatives at Grantsville, Md. P. J. Cover, is attending the Semi- Annual Oonvention, ab Wheeling, WwW. Va., this week. Mrs. George Pfeiffer, vho was quite ill for the week 8 convalescing. Mr. John Kegan, was in Cum- perland, Md, Friday of last week on a business mission. A. W. Bittner, of Route No. 3, called at the office yesterday and renewed his subscription. s. P. Fritz, of Pine Hill called abt The Commereial office Saturday and renewed his subscription. Jobn B. Schrock, of Garrett, No. 2, called at The Commereial Saturday and renewed his subscription. Wm. Deitle, of Greenville township was in town Saturday. He is one of our recent new subscribers. Mrs. Ward Dull, and two children Somerset | was a Cumberland of Conellsville, here Tuesday of | of Olinger past s a visit ~with relatives at Ursina. «Miss Hattie Morrell has returned home from ‘McKeesport, where she had been visiting for the past month. Miss Alice Friedline, returned home the last of the week from a visit with friends at Berlin and Somerset. Mr. Malichia Kelley, and daughter Mrs. Thomas Bracken, of Sand 1] De- Patch, were in fown shopping Mon- p day. from : George A. Logue, proprietor. of the relief Slicer House, spent a few days of use of last week at Patton, Pa., and Johns- onsult town. Mrs. Ida Sturtz, of Scottdale, is here at the home of her brother-in- law and}’sister, Mr. and Mrs H. J. Wilmoth. : Miss Marion Domer, left last Wed- nesday for Elking, W. Va., and spent until Saturday thereZwith relatives and friends. \fax Weinstein, and bride of Brook- lyn, are. spending a few days in town the guests of the former’s father, Mr. L Weinstein. Mrs. Mary E. McKenzie, who spent the past four weeks visiting in Pitts- burg, Vandergrift, andyConnellsville, has returned home. ] Miss Cora Bigam and brother, Ed- ward, a weekEwithg their uncle and aunt, Mr. andjMrs. D. Dahl. Connellsville, of the latter’s mother, Weber,2of §High street. MissfTillie;, Brown, a trained nurse, left Saturday morning for Kingwood, typhoidgfever patient. $/“and friendsjat¥Fairmont, Pa. spent a few days of this here fatS;the Thome of his rents, Lenses Free ATS. nined free. 1e, nervous- nellsville gvisitor returned home Monday evening from of2Indian Creek, are spending Mr. andpMrs. Michael Hurley, of are guests at the home Mrs. Anna Pa., wherej she took charge of a Mrs. James BE. McCartney, returned homé the latter part of the week from a pleasant visit with relatives Charles Shoemaker, of Johnstown, week grandpa- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shoemaker. Mrs. James Leckemby, was a Con- a few days last Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Crowe, and little sn spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr.and Mrs. Geo. Orowe, near Frostburg, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Collins, of Pittsburgh, spent a few days at the home of the former’s mother, Mrs. B. B. Collins, of Large street, this week. Mrs. H. G. Will's Sunday school | class will give a lawn fete this even- ing on the lawn of the Lutheran church, when ice cream and cake will be served. 3 Mrs. John Carey, and three chilC-| ren of Somerset; came here Tuesday evening to be presént at the wedding of the , former’s niece,. Miss Estella Crowe, Wednesday. Prof. W. H. Kretchman, and wife spent Sunday ab , Rockwood where Prof. Kretchman, delivered a me- morial address before the fraternal orders of that town. The Spinster Club was delightfully entertained at the home of Misses Lulu and Nan Hocking, on Meyers avenue, Monday evening. John Stacer, who had been spend- ing the past week with relatives at Pittsburgh, returned home with his little grandson, Regis Stacer, who will remain here for some time. Charles Beachem, of Somerset, and Miss Margaret Hoffa of Pine Hill were married at the Lutheran par- sonage at 6 o’clock on Tuesday even- ing, June I0th, by Rey. J. A. Yount. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gorman, and three children of Johnstown, spent a few days of this week here with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Reich and Mr. and Mrs. Philip Reich. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Reich, and children and Mr. and Mrs. William Gorman, fof Johnstown, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Reich’s parents Mr. and Mr. Lloyd Beachy, at West Salisbury. : B. J. Lynch, who had been work- ing at Uniontown for several months, arrived here Monday on No. 14, to attend the Crowe-Sanders | wedding, which took place Wednes- day morning. : “Mr. and Mrs,” Ray ‘Hartley, and little daughter of Cacapon, Md., arrived here Saturday afternoon to spend some time with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Hartley, of Broadway. Miss Bthel Collins, and little Fran- ces Damico, attended the wedding of a friend of the former, in Berlin, Wednesday. They furnished the mu- | sie for the occasion which was beauti- fully rendered. : : Mrs. W. H. Sturgess, and little daughter Dorothea of Oakland, Md., arrived here Saturday on No. 15, to spend a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hocking, of Meyers ayenue. ‘Miss Maud Sheets, of Connellsville, arrived here Wednesday to attend the wedding of her friend, Miss Estella Crowe, and Charles Sanders, Wednesday morning. She returned home Thursday. Mrs. Joseph Grebenstein, and daughter Emma, of Cumberland, Md., were guests at the home of the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Stacer, of High street, Thurs- day of last week. Mrs. James Darnley, returned home Friday evening from a few days visit with her brother-in-law and sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lepley, at Somers of the local society but could at- inet whieh is being staged for, them toad, Mie Yount . 1 th | An enjoyable evening will doubtless hat. oe as ay sli 1 ° be in store for all who attend the en- Tr. - convention will €l0S¢ te tainment and in addition the larger ursday afternoon, | the crowd the more the band will be | helped. | WANTED. ——ee peer TE Just received a car of sterling corn, Experienced firemen at! oats and barley chop $1.45 per hun- West Penn Railways power | dred or $27.00 ton, at | Habel & Phillips. ad. station, Connellsville $2.40 ee for eight hours. Apply at! Lantz the ‘‘Reliable’”’ tuner is here, Power Station Connells- | busily engaged in attending to the 5 2 | wants of his many patrons. He will ville, Pa. adv. | likely spend a few weeks in town. | june-19 1t. ad. Marvel flour makes more bread to | is LUMBER FOR SALE. | the barrel, has a finer texture and | If you are in need of lumber see H. more delicious flavor that any Spring | wheat patent on the market. Try | one sack; your money back if it does Phillips, at 331 Beachley street, or not make good bread, abt | call by phone. Both phones. We can ree fee 1 The Crowds Go! GO WHERE Our store is the coolest and cleanest in town. Stop in when you are tired and warm and ask for a bracing cooler. The Best Soda Water and the Most Delicious Ice OGream in the Oity GIVE Us A TRIAL. @ can Friday, June 20th, half our fountain receipts will be given to the Young Womens Society of the M. E. church. iHome Missionary Come, join the crowd ami CC , TF oy Tr i OOLLINS’ CRUG STORE, 3 Hartley Bloc! Tre Ro kl Store Meyersiale, Pa ess or outings, dress functions Ww MN or sports; young men who want the quality that endures, Ww “’ /N\ the style that keens shape, the tailoring that lasts, and the WW * JN fit that’s jost right, ought to come to us and ask for A A HART SCHAFFNER & MARX / clothes. They’re right in every way; all-wool fabrics; and \ ihe highest class fabrics. We'll fit you, whatever your M\ size or shape. Call in and inspect our line. AN ‘A For all sorts of uses; busin v . Ls A \ AN = sa + Q LV Home of Hart Schaffuer & Marx Clothes. - + fe Ss AT AB A Ao As Ema TTT SE ZEW rn a a a NI NAN ANd NIN NANA NAS NS Nl Nl Ee o£ and Pump SEASON is hire in fall bloom and we have prepared our- selves to meet the large demand. e carry, them in all styles and colors— black, tan and white Our line of White Shoes for Women, Misses’ and « hildren c sanot be surpassed. would like to have you call and see our large line before making your purchase. M_& JIM, va FITIERS OF FEET. SEEEEEEN | BO On ‘TT 3 . ao Te CW SW, Wa, SW SS oy, «Wy, of oy, cW, NSS SS Sooo ooo oor ore rrr” ® Munsing Underwear Miller & Collins Is the only store in town where you can buy the now A MN Ww NG WwW MN famous Munsing Un- Wo A derwear for men, $F women and children. © We buy the under- FA . o mr L 2) M wear direct from the factory Yi MN 5 Minneapolis, and thereby ¥ " iN / 1 will offer at public sale on Sat-| | Neb., daughter of John Martin, formerly of the Cove, Garrett County, | 1 necessary f lenses ab- ime within eer ; i ili dg; i er’ rofit. We strain} My week with her son and daugher-in- | for Frostburg, Md., where they will | Habel & Phillips. ad | save you money on building material A save the . iobber’s PY ofit. VV € i W 1 from $2.00 Jaw EMr. and Mrs. Ross Leckemby. |Fema™ Boe time withthe form. pe by delivering direct from the ibn W\ can sell it cheaper than most : & > arents. . i NUNNING MBE 8 A : : : . used. You : Misses®Ruth and Hulda Glessner, ol Matin: ot Linco! Public Sale. 4“ So SORT LUMBER ge. A any other line in the market. - Come in \4 Wy Drag Store of Pittsburgh, are visiting at the 2 incom ayo age d ond let us show you all the different Af id g g y : homelof} their parents, Mr. and Mrs. grades we carly. John =A 7 Glessner, {at Trans-Meyers- We want you to give it Actual use better than anyth vrday, June 21, 1913, teginning at! Strayed or Stolen—A small chest- N° Md., is here on a visit at the home of | * 30 p. m., the household goods of | nub bay mule. Large letter H. brand- a trial. ino .rangements dale. Mr. and Mrs. James Darn]... of the|the wate CO. L. Delauter, including ed on left hip. Finder Will be liber-| gi\ else will convince you of its merit. lenses; par- Mr. W. H. «Ryland, left here | South Side. She had been to Phil- | stoves, carpets, refrigerator, a great | ally rewarded if returned, to ANESEE PIII LL EEE to children. Thursday evening in his touring car adelphia, New York, Baltimore and | variety of furniture. Also 2 looms| W.A. MERRILL, Garrett, Pa. ad. . CEE TTT for Lonaconing, Md., and returned other points of interest on the Con- _————————— with fixtures, carpet chain and knit-| on AOAC NEF BT aw two weeks. | RS : \ home] Friday accompanied by Mrs. | vention trip of the Lutheran League | ting machine. See bills for particu-| A good team of heavy work horse A a TY ee Tee ,.7 to 8 P _4 ) Ryland,fand three children, who had | wisich met at York, Pa. She is lars. | for sale. Quick cash sale. See Hq. = ous been there with relatives the past | President of the Nebraska State | Mgs. C. L. DELAUTER, | Phillips, or call by phone. Has All the Rie : BEY . 0 C arrio | | | 3 Fond | re v | Luther League. ad Clay St., Meyersdale, Pa. |may 22-tfad 331 Beachley, St. Th / 0 Mm m J I A aid i