The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, June 19, 1913, Image 4

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    ———————————=——-_ 1 pot LING FOI
“Meyersdale Qommereial. An enormous oil well toeredk on the ||
Maiter.]| Samuel B. Mosholder farm in Milford
Township was finished on Monday.
[Registered at the Postoffice at Meyersdale,
: Sy The casing for the new oil well is on | §
THE MEYERSD ALE COMMERCIAL, the a and the ¢ther machinery 3
A. M. SCHAFFNER, Editor and Proprietor. to complete the drilling outfit is *‘in | §
transitu’’ over the B. & O. The drill- | §
ip the Year at $1.50 Per Year Gash | ing equipment will be the most pow-
110-112 Center Street. erful ever used in Somerset County, it
—_— is said, by the operatives who have
THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1913. | just arrived from Pittsburgh.
—— a me The Mosholder farm has shown
pa i signs of oil, for many years past.
Safe and Sane 4th. | The Manufacturers Oil and Gas|
. | Company, of Pittsburgh, is putting |
rs concerning a safe and sane | gown the prospect hole; and if the |
m- | first well does not prove successful | :
more wells will be put down in the
Milford region, where the company
has about 15,000 acres under option.
Several thousand dollars have been | |
paid for these options by the company
which shows that the company, as
well as the Milford Township people, |}
is expecting good results from this | §
Pa, as Second-Class Mail
wghlished Every Tharsday
Phone No. 55.
Much has been said in recent yea : :
fourth of July and the propaganda of safety is more and more 1
pressing itself upon the minds of the people. In past years the fa-
talities of dead and wounded on the fourth of July celebration fre-
quently exceeded those in important battles in history, which de-
cided great events. This way of celebrating is passing away, the
conservation of life is taken account of and people are learning that
the day in history can be honored just as well, without risking life,
limb and property. A safe and sane fourth of July is coming with
accelerated steps and the day after the event is not to mourn the
loss of loved ones, or contemplate a crippled body through life, or
meditate over the loss of slowly accumuluted property consumed by
flames in honor of the Fourth.
The main thing is to commemorate the stony Wiles when!
men of heroic mould went on record before the world and in Sp el. > : :
of the mother country, England, when they were willing to risk pons 2 ey “ :
their lives, their property and their most sacred honor in behalf of | now ES ow aimbitions to Keep be-];
themselves and their posterity. | fore the public. On Sunday for the
| first time in its history two women
| were placed on police duty. They
TR —
Strife Between the Classes and the | wore as a uniform a blue blouse with
Newport for years occupied a prom-
; | brass buttons, a blue skirt and a straw | 4
Masses. sailor hat. |
1 : | They are appointed at the request |
in a while the true facts of the condition In the coal fields | of the Newport Civic Leagua and it
shed in the newspapers, while the acts |is planned to have them on duty all
but as a rule the publicity of crime and | summer, patrolling the beach aad)
and giving particular care to the
women in need of help.
Once I€
of West Virginia were pubii
of lawlessnes were in process
violation of the constitution of the land and the rights of the people
were safeguarded, so that the public did not fully understand the |
situation and when the real fact actually became known, there were | payjST CUT APPRO-
those who felt aggrieved that the people would meddle in a matter PRIATIONS
which apparently did not concern them. ; :
1t begins to look, since the United States Senate has begnn in-| eh
vestigation as if the half had not been told, and because the Uh prt be ok more heavy citing of
is known, the world is shocked that men do treat men as seems 10 |appropriations than now appears prob-
have been the case in the coal fields of West Virginia. able, the present legislature will au-
The golden Rule is still far from being realized in that state.
The answer in a large measure is still the same that Cain gave when
he had killed his brother. There is stilla wide chasm separating
capital and labor. He who can bring the two antagonistic forces
together will accomplish a work that has not yet been satisfactorily
done, and will prove one of the greatest benefactors of the age.
thorize the expenditure of from $15,-
000,000 to $20,000,000 over and above
| the estimated revenues of the next
two yoars.
1n that case it will be necessary for
Gov. Tener to exercise the power ves-
ted in him to reduce the appropriati-
ons made by the Legislature, so that
the State Treasury shall not be con-
of his term.
The Eastern Question.
n questien has gotten to be almost the infer-
In the meantime you can
cet, better goods for less
money than anywhere
else---and that’s no pipe
There are many rare bargains to be
had right now. Come and see.
fronted by a deficite before the close \
Back With a
Pleasant Smile
If You Want It.
The eternal easter .
The civilized world has been shocked time | Oiacked corn. S165 ‘Dek 100, hie
nal eastern question. Be. Bii ;
and again at the atrocities practiced and sufferings afidiired in the | food §2.25 and scratch food $2.10 per
E h h religion and through land-hungry people. For a hundred also oyster shell and grit 75¢
ast, throug | per 100 lbs., at Habel & Phillips. ad
‘second time a peace conference called to settle the war between the
lies and Turkey has failed. The conference came to an
Sn the representatives reaching a satisfactory conclusion. NEW SCHOOL FOR tire
While a draft of the preliminary peace had been signed, the main :
issues springing from the war are still ausettled. The government| ,. ‘tio: of a four-room
of Servia recalled her representatives and as a consequence they ick cased addition and the remodel-
conference was broken up. ing and brick-casing of the present
The feeling prevails that the war is not yet over, and the re-|school building at Hooversville, are
t Roumania may improvements planned by the School
port is that fresh hostilities may be begun and tha a io | Directors.
pe involved in this new entanglement. The spoils of war iskeeping| “r ." gooversville soboot baling
the appetites of those small states keen for land, and while but 8| pag not been large enough to bg
few weeks ago they were united agains: the unutterable Turk, now | modate the pupils for some time and
they are ready to wage war against their former allies. These petty | rooms had to be rented in other build-
> ir i ss are a menace to the peace of | Ings:
states If thew jealousy and selfishne p Architect E. H. Walker of Somer-
the world.
: set, has prepared plans and specifica-
tions of the proposed improvements
Lobbyists and bids are being solicited.
d ®
The directors will receive plans,
Men entrusted with the authority to enactlaws for their fellow- osciiations, yn ies for he instal-
men are intrusted with a serious work. It should ronnie free men ps on © pling ape Hew ing ve
to make laws. They should carry their abilities and their convic-| agin,
tions with them when tney undertake to make laws for their fellow-| w. p. Hoover is President of tte
men. Our law makers, if left to themselves, would generally do | Hooversville School Board and J. Fe |
what they regard as best. Butevery law affects particular classes | Custor is Secretary.
or special interests and interests in which the rich get richer and SARE .
the poorer, there is much money involved in the enactment of cer-{ Supplies Need ed for 1913.
tain laws. These particular interests are at times wie i Send Ls Gs Non enh
fabulous sums of money to prevent the enactment of laws that are | oh. ons Primary pencils.
detrimental to their particular interests. As a consequence they send | a5 Gross Knowledge tablets (yel-
their representatives to the seat of the law-making body to change | ow paper.) ;
sentiment or control legislators, spending money lavishly to carry 600 Noté Books (Genius Comp No.
out their purposes. This practite has been in vogue at the Rafions A onms Rs ARvastndtion FDeR:
capitol for many years. The steel trust, the sugar trust, the wool-| 1 © No. 2 Examination paper.
en trust, the leather trust, the lemon trust, the rubber trust, and | 3 Gross pen holders (Eagle No. 1040,
many other trusts have been doing business, some legitimate, but | 10 Gross Eagle pens No. 560.
mostly illegitimate, for many, many years, corrupting our law- | 20 Gross Estosrook ous Nos ww
makers without doubt. Every president knew this in the past, but | 2 Name Roberts and Heck yellow
President Wilson courageously took the initiative to put a stop to|P i Fins of Goo Tok
this percunious system. If he succeeds, our fellow-citizens, regard-| ; oase Velvet Dustless Orayon—
less of political affiliations have good reasons to call him blessed. Caxton.
—— . . 5 Gross Thumb tacks.
- : : ' : Li 2 Dozen Higgins India Ink.
WITH three moving picture shows and one vivaphone in Mey | 6 Boxes paper fasteners No. 86 A.
ersdale, we ought to have amusements galore. lo McC and Co.
CL ——
6 Boxes Hotchkiss fasteners.
95 Teachers’ roil books.
Our entire line of ladies sui
far below their actual values.
suits than we want to carry a
27 00 Tan Bedfor
925 00 Two-ton
24 00 Grey Be
23 50 Blue Serge, I : 1
29 50 Fancy cutaway jacket ip tan, size 36...:..:
t Fancy Suiting, plain tailored, size 16.......
Cheviot, plain tailored, sizelG. ... .-.c:.
Blue Whipcord, plain tailored, size 36. ......
fancy cutaway, size16.. ............
orfolk, fancy grey, size 16............
20 00 Tan Serge,
19 00 Modified N
/17 50 Shepherd’s ) {
Fancy Blue Suiting, cutaway jacket, size 38......
16 50 Black Ch
15 00 Two-tone
12 50 Dark Bl
ts and coats are now reduced
The reason—just a few more
t this time of the year; the re-
sult—you reap the benefit. Remember every suit and coat is
new, spring merchandise.
Special Prices on Suits
$27 50 Grey Bedford cord, plain tailored, size 36... ..... $13.73
97 00 White Serge, plain tailored, size 16..5..0, 000 00
d,fancy cutaway, collarless jacket,size 16 16.50
97 50 Dark Blue Bedford, plain tailored, Size 33.......-
e whipeord, black and white, size 18.....
dford, cutaway jacket, Size 36.....: ..:
plain tailored, semi-stout, size 38%. n
Plaid, plain tailored, size 36..... ie.
eviot, plain tailored, gsizeld .... .......
Whipcord, tan and white, size 16.......
12 00 Black Serge, plain tailored, size 45... Linch nn
ue Serge, cutaway jacket, Sizeld........
10 00 Tan Serge, plain tailored, size 18................
BE me mes eer
Hartley Block
ns were on the Pittsburgh force he would have |
ie Buty 1y0 25 Boxes Holden self binders.
i ling bases.
grrested the Giants of New York for Sten g | 2 rt typevwnior paper.
6 Reams drawing paper manilla No.
THE turkey trot is a subject of criticism on the part of Ameri-| 405 (9x12.)
cans, but ‘‘viggle voggle’’ is just as bad, say the Germans. ms
Ee ——————————— . | 1505 (9x12.
12 Reams spaced paper No. 22.
1 Gross Red Crayon—Br
1Gross Green Crayon—
THE glorious fourth; Parade in the forenoon at Meyersdale, |
The Moose at Riverside Park and the Socialists at Coal Run.
lassy bunch of | ersdale School Board.
adv.junel9-3t Secretary.
are a high priced and ¢
THE Pittsburgh Pirates inch ©
faction—to their
+ yr 1- +} 7 %
ers. Last week they g4V
Meyersdale, Pa.
ousehold Goods For
9 Reams drawing paper, white, No. Household goods ab
offered at private sale, on Ss
All bids to be in by July 5th. "Mey-
the residence| A Lady or Man to represent the |
of the late J. J. Hoblitzell, will be Grest Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., |
ury | in and around Meyersdale.
ne 1
Photographs and Picture frames at
ery | Conrad’s Studio at half-price
FOR FLETCHER'S | isfaction guaranteed in every sale of |
122 N. Centre St., Cumberland, Md.
Result from Structural De-
fects of the eyes, or from
old age. or both, and relief
is obtained by’ the use of
proper glasses
Eyesight Spee:alist,
Collins’ Drug Store,
Hartley Block,
Tuesday, July |
8:30 to 5. Tues. evening, 7 to 8 p.m.
All Necessary Change of Lenses Free
Within Two Years.
Eyes and sight examined free.
Overcoming of Headache, nervous-
ness ‘(produced by eye strain) my
specialty. Glasses fitted from $2.00
up. No drops or drugs used. You
can find me at Collins’ Drug Store
every two weeks, and necessary
correction or change of lenses ab-
solutely free at any time within
two years; special arrangements
for Kryptok and Toric lenses; par-
ticular attention given to children.
nes. E. E. Conrad.
Rev. A. 8
ab Somerset
Miss Mau
visitor Tues
Tke Wein
visitor Mor
Rev. Fatl
James Pr
last week
Mrs. Jot
tives in Jol
Mrs. J.
with rela
Mrs. J:
Patch, wai
T. W. &
ness in Pi
Miss Lil
attended t
J. 3:1
was( a tow
this week
Miss E
home Sai
erset with
Dr. an
at Grants
P. J. C
W. Va.,
Mrs. (
: 5
week 8
on a bus
called @
Ss. P.
The Co
called a
and ren
was in
of our r
a visit
had be:
the las
with fi
Mr. |
- Mrs.
last w