ctric n, has nd one ilding he top an and reatest n elec- way. roast- and all warms s three slectric broiler, k heat- is con- ich in- ent, or f heat. | pastry general ; ectrical ical ad-' ranges are and oal fire, e more all nox- ders. . ed. ach oth- 1k, Eng- ages ag- , ninety, ne, four seventy» seventye seventy» | y sixty. | PR ee Tr is Bho jig = ——— * \ Garrett, $2,000. Nicholson, Somerset twp., 8500. Orphans’ Court Proceedings, Real Estate, Marriage Licences, Etc. REAL ESTATF. J. M. Olinger, to M. D. Judy, Summit twp., $1,600. Cyrus CO. Shaffer to Margaret E. Koontz, Somerset twp., $11,000. Dominico Nunnarri to Francesco Parna, Boswell Improvement Co., to Deminico Nunnarri, Boswell $550. George Schmucker to Martha J. Stanton, Jenner twp., $8,000. Howard CO. Cook to John H. Mor- ley, Shade twp., $1. John Hamer to I. C. Barlott, Hooversville $1,600. John Weigle to Hoovyersville, $5. M. L. Unrah to I. C. Barlott, Hooversvill. $2,000. Franklin Enos’ administrators to Préston B. Walker, Garrett, $732. Casper Eskin’s executors to Lewis J. Eskin, Berlin, $700. Mahlon Christner to H.B. Speicher, M. L. Unrah, Franklin Enos’ administrator to W. Fritz, Garrett, $825. y Alexander Nicholson, to Harry J. Savana A. Livengood, to William H. Kantner, Somerset, $2,000. Nathaniel Slicer’s executor to Annie C. Hammond, Meyersdale, $250. Irvin M. Hooyer, to George Playez, Hoovyersville, $75. Chalmer H. Reese to James M. Smrth, Somerset twp., $250. Adam G. Berkebile to Chalmer H. Reese, Somerset twp., $165. Philip’ Walker’s administrator to Peter H. Walker, Somerset twp., $8,000 Hulorpride Lumber Co., to P. 8S. Davis, Elk Lick twp., $1,800. MARRIAGE LICENSE. Oharles Elmer Sanders, of Beaver- town, Pa., and Estella Elizabeth Crowe, of Meyersdale. : John Claton Werner, of Summit twp., and Mary Arcelia Musser, of Brothersvally twp. Lloyd C. Hostetler, and Ruby E. Tinkey, both of Jones’ Mill. Grant I. Hughes and Alice Ken- singer, both of Windber. Wallace H. Walker, of Garrett, and Annie G. Coleman, of Berlin. . James J. Judge, of Scranton and Mayme Schardt, of Meyersdale. Henry Hyle and Margaret Haw- thorne, both of Addison twp. Maurice Brubaker of Friedens and Emma Eisler, of Meyersdale. Harry F. Kegg, and Gertrude Weis, ‘both of Johnstown. Jesse H. Kessler ard Frances E. Hauger, both of Donegal. Herbert L. Derry and Laura Edith Hawn, both of Salisbury. Andrew Gazik, of Holsopple and Anna Kundrat, of Seanor. Paul Varga and Frances Gamasit, both of Windber. Andrew Topoloosak and Maria Oravecz, both of Windber. WILLS. The will of Louisa Schaff, late of Lower Turkeyfoot twp., was proba- .ted. §he directed that her estate be equally divided among her children, as follows: Michael, Edward, Susan and Nellie Schaff, Flora Kreger, Maude Burroughs and Bertha Oros- sén. She named A. R. Hambert and Charles B. Humbert as executors. The will was dated February 27, 1913, and witnessed by A. R. Humbert and Minnie Hostetler. William 8. Brown, late of Windber, ieft his property on Somerset Ayenue to his widow, Nora Brown, and daughter, Iva Brown. He bequeathed a farm in East Mahoning twp., Indi- ana county, to his sons, Otto, Warren and Lester Brown, Nora Brown and testator’s brother, Joseph Brown, are appointed executors. The will was dated October, 26th, 1907, and witnessed by Sarah J. Moore and Jus- tice of the Peace, Robert G. Col- born. . Jacob J. Pile, late of Lincoln twp., left a life interest in his estate to his widow, Barbara E. Pile, at whose death the same shall be di- vided equally among his children, as follows: Ida Ogline, Annie Swank, Harry Pile, and Charles A. Pile. Barbara E. Pile and Herman F. Swank, are named as executors. The will was dated October 29th, 1910, COURT NEWS Spices And: Drugs. ‘PHARMACOPEIA SO LISTS THEM AND THEY ARE SO USED IN FOOD PRODUCTS. Experiments by Professor E. E. Smith of Fordham uaiversity, as re- ported to the Central Madical Society of Connecticut, at Middletown,Conn., some time ago show the positive danger which accompanies keeping canned food for any length of time after it has been opened. In order to determine the necessity forla preser- vative in a food which was not to be used immediately upon being taken from a hermetically sealed container, fruit sealed, sterilized and laid away for three months. It was opened at that time, tested for bacteria and none fouud. Three days later the bacteria presence was fonnd to be 8,850 per cubic centimeter, a measure about a quarter teaspoonful in bulk. On the sixth day there were 344,846,000 bac- teria per cubic centimeter. Other tests show correspondingiresults, Such tests prove conclusiyely that preservatives are not needed in foods, properly canned, whichlare to be eat- en virtually immediately after being opened but that preservatives are needed in catsups, preserves ete., which may remain open for days and weeks before being consumed. Preservatives are of two einds. One is benzoate of soda, the odorless and tasteles drug which chemists general y and the Remsen Scientific Referee Board at Washington particularly, have pronounced harmless. The other is'a condimental combinationlof spices and acetic acid. A curious incident; in this connection is that manufacturers who use acetic acid and spices as preservatives make much of statements that ‘‘no preser- vatives’’ are used by them, the law having been construed that,this acid and spices do not constituee a preser- vative. In this connection, however, ‘‘preservatiyes’’ occupies a rather pe- culiar technical position,for the Phar- macopeia lists these condiments as both chemicals and drugs, and- it is not denied that they are placed in catsups, etec., not only to flavor the finished product but to prevent de- terioration after opening asjwell. RECENT MARRIAGES INJTHE COUNTY. ‘Miss Margaret Hoffa of Pine Hill, i weg and Charles Beachem of Somerset, were married at Meyersdale, June 16th, by Rev. J. A. Yount, pastor of the Meyersdale Lutheran church. Miss Laura EdithjHawn,jand§Her- bert L. Derry, both of Salisbury, were married at the parsonage of the Salisbury MethodistEipscopal church, June 15, by Rev. W. W. Wagner. Miss FrancesZE. Hauger,gand}Jesse H. Keslar, bothjof Donegal, were married at Somerset, June 17, ly Rsv, Homer E. Lewis, pastor of the Somerset Methodist Episcopal church. Miss Margaret Hawthorne, and Henry Hyle, both of Addison town- ship, were married at Casselman, June 16, by Justice of the Peace H. W. Heil. Miss Maude G. Thompson, and Charles OC. Fox, both of Ligonier, were married at the parsonage of the Somerset Methodist{Episcopal church, June 15, by the Rev. Homer E. Lewis. Miss Laura’L. Lehman, and Ralph R. Eppley, both jof Windber, were married at Windber, June 14, by Rev. Josiah L. Weaver. Miss Lulu B. Walker of Stonycreek township, and Walter J. Suder of Brothersvalley township, were mar- ried at Shanksville, June 16,%by Rey. M. L. Schmucker. Miss Elva Mae Hahn, and]Fillmore Fleegle, both of Shade township, were married at the residencegof the officiating magistrate, Justice].of the Peace W. L. Powell, of Shade town- ship, June 16th. Miss Ellen Boyer of Northampton township and Simon Groff of Alle- gheny township, were married June 14. at the United Evangelical par- sonage in Berlin, by Rev. P.L. Ber- key, 50,000 VETERANS FOR GETTYSBURG. Col. Lewis E. Beitler, secretary of the Pennsylvania commission in charge of the fiftieth anniversity cer- emonies of the battle of Gettysburg, announced that the state of Pennsyl- vania will transport to Gettysburg, at the expense of the state, 25,0513veter- ans who participated in the civil war and witnessed by Andrew J. Ankeny and Andrew E. Bittner. | CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the ; 7. : . Signature of and are now residents of Pennsyivania, or who enlisted from Pennsylvania {and are now living in other states, This also includes all confederate vet- erans now living in the state who have accepted the invitation of the Penn- sylvania commission. The number of veterans to be trans- ported to Gettysburg by other states and territories is not yet known. It is expected, however, the number Professor Smith had some fresh, ripe | will exceed 25,000. OBJECTS TO BE REVERED Arlington National Com Cemetery Contains Many T ngs of Interest Unseen by ‘Casual Visitor. There are mere objects of rever- ent interest in Arlington national cem- etery than the casual visitor sees. "Among these are the graves of George Washington Parke Custis and his wife, born Mary Lee Fitzhugh. They lie in a thick oakgrown spot, densely shaded in summer, by the edge of a shadowy ravine, in the midst of the privates’ section, and southwest of the tomb of the unknown. Few per- Sons ever stray that way. The graves are marked by two white marble mon- uments, the taller of which is in- scribed: George Washington Parke Custis; Born April 30, 1781. Died October 10, 1857. Blessed Are the Merciful, for They Shall Obtain Mercy. The shorter monument is inscribed: Mary L. Custis, : Born April 22, ve Died April 23, Blesed Are the Pure in Heart, for They Shall See: God. At the base of the tombs grow lilies and myrtle, culled from the gardens of old Arlington, and, no doubt, piant- ed at these graves by Mary Ann Ran- douph Custis, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Custis, and the wife of Gen. Rob- ert E. Lee. The man whose bones rest under the taller monument was the builder of Arlington mansion. 'His Father was John Parke Custis, son of Dan- fel Parke Custis of White House, Va., and his mother was Eleanor Calvert of Mount Airy, Prince Georges coun- ty, Md. His paternal grandmother was Mrs. George Washington of Mount Vernon, and he was the adopt- ed son of George Washington. Soon after the marriage of John Parke Custis and Nellie Calvert, Mr. Custis bought from Gerald Alexander a tract of land opposite Georgetown. The only house on the property was one owned by the Alexander family, and in which it is believed Gerald Alexander lived. Its site is covered by the experiment gardens of the department of agriculture, and a few bricks found in the site were put in the wall of one of the government buildings in the experiment grounds. NOT CROWDED WITH PEOPLE One Corner in Washington That Is Piled Up With Appurtenances of Civilization. The northeast corner of First and B streets northeast, opposite the southeast angle of the senate office building, is a busy one. It is-not that 80 many cars or that so many persons pass that way, but standing there through the long day, and the long night, is a crowd of the appurtenances of civilization. And close together they stand near the north curb. In the parking there grows a small tree dressed in a slatted tree box. Close in under its branches is’ a big, gaping, open-mouthed box of sheet metal painted brilliant red and in tall white letters labeled “Waste Paper.” Close by this is a green painted letterbox, not clamped to a lamppost, but clamped to one of those short letter- box posts which one may see at inter- vals around the city. Close to the let- terbox is a big cavernous looking metal box. It, too, is a mail box, but its special duty is to receive and to give up—to the postman, papers and parcels that will not pass the mouth of the letter box. Close by this group of utilities is a fire hydrant. Standing at the corner was an old Washingtonian, who said: “The au- thorities don’t seem to have quite fin- ished up this corner. They might have put up in connection with these things, to sort of keep them company, a lamppost with a red light and a fire alarm box, a police telephone and a patrol box and a drinking fountain. While they were at it they might also have put in an electric signal switch tower and a weather bureau kiosk.” Simplified “Spelling” Debate. Can it be possiblg that there is any- thing in the advocacy of spelling “re- form” that is detrimental to the logi- cal faculty and the sense of humor? Here 18 W. W. Skeat, who not only asks me whether I think that Tenny- son would have objected to “simpli- fled spelling,” but solemnly challenges me to “produce my evidence.” It may be that I shall best convey to Mr. Skeat an idea of what he must really forgive my calling the absurdity of his challenge by asking him, by way of an “Irish” reply, whether he thinks that Beethoven would have objected to “ragtime,” and by requesting him to produce his evidence for his opin- ion on that point. Happily for the au- thor of “In Memoriam,” he lived and died before any “Sosieti” had been called into existence for the purpose of defacing the orthography of his mother tongue, and. if Mr. Skeat chooses to think that he would have preferred to spell wild “wield,” sky “scie,” and so forth, my only “evi- dence” to the contrary is the simple fact that he did not do so.—The Book- seller. Willing to Please. “lI want some oysters.” “Very well, madame.” “Very fresh.” “Oh, yes, madame.” i “Not too large.” ra “Yes, madame.” “Nor too little.” “All right.” “Above all, not fat.” The Dealer (getting impatient)—I shall attend to it, but you have for gotten to say, madame. whether you wish them with or without pearls.— ICKED UP IN ENNSYLVANIA Mountville—James Caldwell, while leading a cow along the Lancaster pike, was dragged and badly cut and his clothes almost torn from him, when the animal scared at some ob- ject. Paradise—Mrs. E. LeFevre, one of the best known women of the coun- ty, died at Lancaster at the age of 76 years from the effects of several strokes which she suffered within the past two years, Lebanon.—Considerable ice cream was melted when fire broke out in the ice cream factory of Abner W. Long, in East Lebanon. A bucket brigade got the fire out before a fire company, summoned by telephone, arrived. Lebanon.—A. Curfman Romig, aged 34 and single, for several years a newspaper reporter .in this city, died at his home, in Chester. He was at Mont Alto for treatment for some months. He was one of the organ- izers of the Press Club here, and its secretary. Sunbury. — Because her right foot Dersistently refused to heal despite all remedies to cure gangrene, Miss Hattie Fisher had two local physi- cians amputate it above the ankle. Reading.—The authorities are in- vestigating the death of Sallie Delp, aged 42 years, whose body was found cold in death in a pool of blood on her bed in a second story front room at her home. They believe she was murdered. Neighbors say that men often visited the home of the Delp ‘woman, who was divorced years ago. She was a cigarmaker by trade. Dillsburg. — The Rev. George H. Eveler, the pastor of the Dillsburg Lutheran Church, was seriously in- jured while picking cherries when a ladder on which he was standing turned 'and fell beneath him. Mr. Eveler fell across the rungs of the ladder. ‘He was picked up in a dazed condition by persons who saw him fall and carried to the house and a physician called who found in addi- tion to several bruises on all parts of his body, one rib on the right side was broken off at the spinal ¢olumn. No serious results are anticipated. Pittsburg. — During children’s day exercises at the Pittsburg Country Club fire broke out in the big build- ing, destroying it with a loss of $275,- 000. There was considerable confus- ion in getting 200 children out of the structure. Sunbury.— When the thirty-third an- nual encampment of the Pennsylvania division, Sons of Veterans, is held at Gettysburg from June 22 to 29, a de- termined effort will be made to have the encampment for 1914 in Sunbury. Lewiston.—While Charles Mattern was riding a bicycle he lost control and the machine crashed into a tele- graph. ‘pole. Mattern was thrown to the ground and severely injured. Jamestown.—The business section of Cassandra, fifteen miles from here, has been wiped out by fire. Fiften buildings were destroyed. Three dwellings ‘were dynamited to check the spread of the fire. The loss is es- timated at $150,000. The town is withont fire protection and the flames were in full control when the firemen resorted to dynamite. ° Waynesboro.—George Baker, about 50 years old, employed by BD. W. Hess Sons, was perhaps fatally injured foading twelve-foot sguame %===3 wpon a freight car, each door weighing about 800 pounds, and there were six- teen of them. These tilted and fell against Mr. Baker, throwing him so that he fell with his back across one of the boards on the side of the car, and all the doors fell upon him. " Mechanicsburg.—David N. Biddle, one offthe oldest and most prominent businessmen here, died after a year’s illness, of a complication of diseases, which assumed a serious nature in the past few months, He was nearly 74 years old and was born in Burbank, ‘Wayne county, Ohio, on July 24, 1849. York.—The York Tri-State baseball club, which has been a disappoint- ment to the fans so far this season, has been strengthened by Manager ‘Heckert. The weakness is in the pitching staff and Heckert has signed Eckert, formerly of the Elmira, N. Y., club, and Williams, who was with York last year, Pitcher Hightower has been released. Barker has been signed to play left field, and Southern will be carried along as a utility man. Lewistown. — George Wagner of Honey Creek landed a large trout from that stream measuring 233% inches in length and weighing over four pounds. Honey creek has the largest trout within its waters of any stream in this section. A short time ago James Moyer caught a 26-inch trout in the same stream. Carlisle. — While ex¢avating for curbing along the Cumberland Valley railroad tracks, A. J. Spotts, a con- tractor, uncovered the roadbed of the original road, one of the earliest in the United States. Although none of the old strap rails were found, the majority of ties were still in place and are in a remarkable state of pres- ervation. Hummelstown.—The Hummelstown school board have elected all the for- mer teachers, except Miss Ethel Hen- dricks and Miss Hohenshilt, neither being applicants. The board elected in their places Misses Hill and Shees- ley. Prof. Walter A. Geesey of Al- toona, .a graduate of Gettysburg col- lege, was elected principal. Johnstown.—The center of the min- ing town of Bens Creek, east of here on the main line of the Pennsylvania railroad, was wiped out by fire, with the exgeption of a few scattered build: ings. The loss is estimated at $200, Le Rire, Paris. AMERICA KEEPS Championship of World Wen by Quarter of a Point 40,000 CHEER THE VICTORS Excitement at Fever Heat as Teams Alternate in Lead—English Ponies Weaken in Last Half of Game— Immense Throng of Witnesses. New York.—America successfully defended the Weschester Polo Associ- ation cup by again defeating England in the hardest fought match in the Listory of the international trophy. The score was 4 1-2 to 4 1-4 goals. Each team made five goals. Fach lost half a goal as a penalty for foul- ing and the one-quarter of a goal, which meant bad news for the British Empire and the Duke of Westminster, was the penalty for an accidental safe- ty, the result of a luckless turn of the wrist by Capt. Ritson. Through eight periods 40,000 people cheered an exhibition of polo skill that left little to choose between the American four and the English four. The splendid teamwork and pluck of the Englishmen carried them to with- in a pony’s stride of victory, but could not prevail against the headlong dash of Stoddard and Waterbury, the gen- eralship of Whitney, the resourceful- ness of Milburn. At the outset the British four, play- ing the American game, fairly carried the Americans off their feet. As far along as the sixth period it looked as if we would have to say good-by to the game. Then Stoddard and Water- bury, backed by their mates, ripped a resistless way to the British goal and tucked the match in their Uncle Sam- uel’s pocket, It is no exaggeration to say that the matches since their beginning have in- volved an outlay of easily half a mil- lion” dollars. The Duke of Westmin- ster, who financed the cup-hunting ex- pedition of the Britishers, has found that the cost of the enterprise is in the neighborhood of $80,000, and near- ly the same amount represents the in- vestment of the Polo Association. THIRTY FREIGHT CARS BURNED. Flames Also Destrpy 3,500-Foot Trestie—Railroads Lese $1,000,000, Newark, N. J.—Thirty-five hundred feet of trestle spanning Newark Bay between Bayonne and Waverly, over whose four tracks there moved the freight traffic of the Pennsylvania and Lehigh Valley railroads, were destroy: ed by fire. Thirty cars either were burned or fell into the bay. The first was caused by sparks from a light engine of the Lehigh Valley running over the bridge at high speed. The sparks ignited the ties of the Lehigh Valley tracks. _ Bayonne fire officials figures the loss at $1,000,000. Two weeks will be required to rebuild the trestle. SUBWAY CAVEIN KILLS TEN. Bearchers Dynamite Choked Tunnel to Locate Two Other Bodies. New York.—The bodies of eight men, killed by the fall of tons of rock in the subway excavation at Lexing- ton avenue and Ffty-sixth street, have been brought to the street and gangs are blasting to find the bodies of two others, known to be dead. In the absence of Coroner Holtz hauser who had forbidden any blast- ing, the searchers appealed to Coroner Winterbottom and Public Service Chairman McCall for permission, say- ing it was necessary if the bodies were to be found. REBELS LOSE 150 IN FIGHT. Carranza’s Troops Suffer Crushing De- feat Near Villa Aldama. Mexico City.—Two ‘thousand Car- ranzistas were defeated by a body of Federal troops under Gen, Tellez Pena rear Villa Aldama. The rebels had 150 killed and a great many wounded. The Federal losses will not exceed fifty. The rebels laid a plan to ambush the Federals in this canyon, and were assisted by the people of the nearby town of Bustamente. The Federals, however, mowed the rebels down with machine guns. HORSEMAN MAKES NEW RECORD Wins Steeplechase, Then Flies to An- other Track and Wins Again. Berlin—Lieut. von EganKruger, a noted horseman, won a steeplechase at Magdeburg. Immediately after the race he flew to the Grueawald race- track, near Berlin, in a biplane. He’ made the trip of eighty miles in ninety minutes and arrived just in time to ride his own horse and win the Pots- dam gold cup. WOMEN POLICE NEWPORT. Wear Blue and Will Patrol the Beach All Summer. Newport, R. I.—For the first time in the history of the Newport beach, | two women policemen were placed en duty there. They wore a uniform, a blue blouse with brass buttons, a biue skirt and a sailor straw hat. ! The women are appointed at the re- quest of the Newport Civic League, and it is planned to have them give special attention to women in need ef aid. 000. THE POLO CUP GOVERNOR GIVES THREE VETOES Township Road Act Weuld Es- tablish Bad Precedent SIGNS THE BOND VOTE BILL, Proposed Amendment to Constitution to Permit $50,000,000 Loan for Road Improvement — Provides for Hu- mane Killing of Injured Animals. (Special Harrisburg Correspondence.) ! Harrisburg.—Disapproval of Senator Huffman’s amendment to the Town- ship Road act of June 14, 1911, was announcecd by Governor Tener, be- cause such a law would be a bad precedent, in the opinion of the Gov- ernor. The bill would have made it lawful for supervisors of second class townships to furnish material for road repairs at prices to be fixed by town- ship auditors. The Governor says;— “To approve this bill would be es- tablishing a bad precedent for the rea- son that the policy of the law is to prohibit any official of any county, municipality or township from being interested directly or indirectly in any contragt’ entered into by the county, municipality or township of which he is an officer, and 1 see no reason for making an exception as to contracts entered into by townships.” Senator Jarrett’s bill relating to Court testimony of handwriting ex- ‘perts was vetoed because a bill which accomplishes the same end has al- ready been approved. A third veto was that of Senator Kline's supple- ment to the Second Class City act of 1901, empowering second class cities to establish more stringent fire regu- lations. The Governor says:— Many of the objects are identical with the purposes of the amendments to the general State fire marshal act not pending in the Senate. If both bills should become laws there would be unnecessary duplication of work and conflicts with reference to the aun- thority and jurisdiction of the officers charges with the enforcement of the respective laws would arise. Election Bill Before Senators. Election, labor and appropriation bills, responsés to departmental chiefs to resolutions of inquiry relative to reasons for increases of appropria- tions and accountings for expenditures and meetings of conference commit- tees will keep the General Assembly well occupied. Business has gotten into such a state that hopes of ad- Jjournment sine die during June have almost been given up, and there is talk of July 10 or 17 as the time when the gavels will fall for the last time. The election law change bills will probably consume considerable of the time of the Senate and for the remain- der of the week appropriation and gen- eral House bills will occupy places on the Senate calendar. Bills regulating labor of women and minors, reported out last week, will be on the first read- ing calendar and will doubtless cause’ considerable discussion. The Senate will also receive the public service commission bill from its committee, numerous amendments being probable. These bills have passed the House and it is predicted on the Hill that there will be conference committees named to consider them. The replies from the departments about appropriations are due in the House and will be used when the general appropriation bill comes up. Considerable attention is attached to the first meeting of the Committea’ on Conference on the workmen’s com- pensation bill, the House conferees being ardently in favor of mandatory provisions regarding the liability clause on employers and the Sen- atorial conferees being as strong in opposition. The Committee on Con-. ference on the third class city com- mission government bill is ready to make its report, having made but few changes in the bill. / Instruction Camp Open. : The annual camp of instruction for officers of the National Guard-«is open at Mount Gretna and will continue until June 13. About 560 officers signified their intention of attending and every organization in the Guard will be represented: Regular army officers will be present as instructors, and during the camp Governor Tener and Adjustant General Stewart have made visits. t Twenty-One Ask Mercy. Twenty-one new cases, the largest number of any month this year, have been listed: for the niceting of the State Board of Pardons on June 18, which will be the last until Septem- ber. Included in this number are four first degree murder cases to be argued and one that was held under advise- ment. The first degree cases in which commutation is asked are Joseph Ma- gill, Allegheny; John Erjaeviz, West- moreland; John O. Keeler, Clearfield, and Jolen Mouse, Somerset. Bills Approved. The Governor signed the Buckman bill, providing for submitting to the people at the election next November the proposed amendment to the Con- stitution to permit the State to is- sue bonds to the exent of $50,000,000 for road improvements. The following bills signed: — Fixing salaries of Clerks of Courts in Philadelphia. Prohibiting the use of firearms on lands set apart for hospital or sani. tarium purposes, or parks or other public resorts. also were ela) vi wei 52