Now RR ' at St. Louis, Mo., rt bP SEER EE FREE rr thE bb @ @ INEIGHRFBORHOOD NEWS. i “ge I News ltems of Interest From Near-by Places, Gleaned by The + 3 Commercial’s Special Correspondents. i A ELLE ESPERO E EEF EE EAL E ib ebb bb bbb bbb COUNTY SEAT NEWS ITEMS June 12— Demonstrator Frank L. Goll, of the Bureau of Plant Indus- try of the Department of Agriculture, of Washington, D. C., is in Somer- set county planting one-acre patches in beans upon a number of the prin- cipal farms surrounding the county seat and elsewhere. The soy bean js a highly nutritious agricultural product, both bean and stalk, the former being reduced to meal by grinding and the latter used as hay. It is classed a legume, with alfal’a, have the nitrogen nodules that store nitrogen in the soil where the beans are grown. The Baraca Bible class of the Unit- ed Evangelical church, which was organized June 2, 1912, will obserye jts first anniversary with special services next Sunday. The principal speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Frank- lin E. Het i:}, of South Fork, Pa. | He will addzes the Baraca class in the morning and preach instead of | the Rey. Virgil Cameron Zenor, in| the evening. ! State Road Superintendent C. 8. | Endsley, started a force of men to | work improving the Bedford-Mt | Pleaant turnpike between Somerset | and the Somerset-Fayette county | line, on the Summit of the Laurel | Hill mountains. The work will be | rushed and within a month, Supt, | Endley, expects to have it in fairly | good condition for automobile traffic. The pike will carry many motor par- ties to the Gettysburg semi-centen- jal next month, it is expected. The Mt. Pleasant half of the highway was improved last summer by the State Highway Department, assisted by the Pike Country Olub, and when the seetion lying in this couuty is improved a direct route, suitable for automcbile tiavel, will be pro- vided from Mt. Pleasant to Bedford. Many autoists ‘will probably use the local pike @s it provides a change of scene from the Bedford-Ligonier pike gnd. a splendid view of the White Horse Landscape. The annual banquet of the alumni of the ‘Teacher Training Department of the Somerset County Sunday School Association, which was held in the Rockwood Methodist ghurch last Friday was a success, Mrs. Rose Bird entertained the Builders’ Bible class of the Metho- dist at her home on the West Side. The following officers were elected: | President, Mrs. Jesse C. Deeds; Vice President, Mrs/ Arthur Kuhns; Secretary, Mrs. Ralph N. Kantner; Treasurer, Miss Mayme Johnsion; Teacher, Mrs. G. B. Hough. Chair- man Devotional Committee, Mrs. 8. E. Platt; Chairman Membership, Mrs. Mary Long; Chairman Social Committee, Mrs. Ross Bird. : The Red faction of the United Brethren Christian Endeavor Society entertained the White branch of the Association at a banquet in the As- embly hall of the court house Tues- day evening, There were 120 guests. Oyrus M. Shaver, has been ap pointed collector of school taxes for Somerset borough. Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Risley, of Gohnen, Ind., who are visiting Mrs. Risley’s mother, Mrs. J. P. Ankney. will sail for Africa in July 1st, where Rev. Mr. Risley, has been assigned work as a missionary. Mrs. John Auman, of Bucyrus, O., and Mrs. O. Newton Shrock, Miss Mrs. Milton C. Pyle of the North Side, has returned from Johnstown, where she spent a week with rela- tives. The Misses Anna and Emeline B. Scull are spending ten days with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John D. Hitchman, in Mt. Pleasant. Miss Sallie Zimmerman, a student at Bryn Mawr, and Miss Salome Mc- Kelvey, a student at a seminary in Washington, Pa., are home for the summer vacation. Wallace Miller of Uniontown, spent several days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel 8S. Miller, on the North Side. item + CASSELMAN. June 16—Mrs. Harvey Brant of Shanksville, is visiting relatives and friends at Markleton. Mrs. Will Whipkey was a 'Markle- ton caller last Sunday. Mrs. George Bouris, and daughter Irene (f Fort Hill, are visiting friends at this time. Mrs. J. F. Rennels, of Confluence, is the guest of friends. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Gray, —a son. ; Miss Nellie Braucher. cent Casselman caller. Little Elsie Sbanks, Manchester, Ind., is grandmother, was a re- of North visiting her Mrs. Simon Shanks. Quite a number of our young folks attended the Children’s Days ser- vice at Centreville. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher, of Con- nellsville, are visiting Mrs. Fletcher's | sister, Mrs. Harrison Sechler. Miss Katearine Zufall was a Cassel- man caller last week. Mrs. Richard Rice has returned home from visiting friends of Con- fluence, Mr. and Mrs. Trimpey of King- wood are visiting their son, Milton Trimpey. Mr. Shealer, of Somersel, was a Oasselman caller last Sunday. een reemenremnee— HONEYSUCKLE RIDGE. June 16—Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Duecker, visited their danghter, Mrs. Lewis Keefer, who lives on the Sam- nel Philson farm, near Berlin. Joel Maust is building addition, to his home. Miss Maude Hay was a visitor at Harvey Duecker’s on Sunday. John Rodamer, was in town on a business mission. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Maust, M~, and Mrs. Robert Faidley and Clar- ence King with his automobile from Springs made a visit to Orenda, on Saturday where Mr. Maust’s son Clareuce, is working for a coal company and returned on Sunday well pleased with their trip especially with the auto ride. Those who were visitors to Mey- ersdale on Saturday were, Peter Maust, Mrs. Maude Bender, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Duecker, Leonard, Henry and Percy Maust, Rolston Weimer, J. M. Kretchman and son Ellis and Joel Maust. ese ———— GLADE CITY. June 17—James Murray, of the H. 8S. Kerbaugh Construction Co., Mag- nolia, W. Va.. was home Sunday with his family. Edward Bittner is showing much improvement and is on a fair way to the complete recovery of his health. The Sunday school was well attend- ed on Sunday and the work done there and the interest manifested Daisy Wooley and Miss Clara Wool- ley, will leave on a six weeks’ visit with relatives and friends in Ver- mont. \ Mr. and Mrs, Willis L. Rhoads of Butler, are guests of Mr. Rhoads’ mother, Mrs. Charles F. Rhoads, on the South Side. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kantner, who had been visiting Johnstown relatives and friends, returned home. Attorney and Mrs. Robert Morrow Brown and son, John, of New Cum- berland, W. V., are the guests of At- torney and Mrs. J. R. Scott, on the South Side. Mrs. Lawrence R. Brooks and daughter, Miss Elizabeth, of Pitts- burg, who had been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. Ross Nicholson, have re- turned home. Miss Ella King Vogel, who teaches German in the Monticello Seminary, arrived yesterday and will spend her summer vacation with her mother, Mrs. Peter Vogel, on the South Side. Ralph E. Spangler of Clearfield, is visiting friends and relatives in Som- | erset. Miss Ada Muller Miss Nettie | Beck, of the West 1, are visiting relatives | are a source of much encouragement to those who have charge of the school. | Rev. Mr. Romesburg, of Garrett, preached an excellent sermon after the Sunday school. Rev. H. L. Goughnour will preach next Sunday. Moses Forest spent Sunday and Monday visiting his brother, J. W. Forest, and returned to Scottdale on Monday evening. Mrs. Kerschsteiner was visiting her relatives, Nelson Crissinger and family in Greenville township on Sunday. Mrs. James Murray entertained several friends from Garrett Monday. Wm. Bittner, while sharpening a drill in Arthur Miles’ blacksmith | shop on Monday was cut in the foot | through his shoe by a piece of steel | splitting from the anyil. Mr. Bitt- {ner bled profusely and it was thought that the steel had cut an | artery. | township that the people are thrifty, GREENVILLE TOWNSHIP. Greenville township is one of the townships of the county that, while ‘‘aeross the mountain’® has much to do with the general prosperity of Meyersdale. The central point of Greenville is Pocahontas. Although, there is no postoffice in the village, at the present time due to the rural delivery system which is in operation, the village has a phone central, store, a Catholic church, school house, etc. Dr. F. E. Sass, the clever family phy- sician, known favorably far and near takes care of the physical well being of a a large scope of country. The schools studded here and there in the township take care of the in- tellectual needs of Young America, while the churches, the Catholic in Pocahontas, the Lutheran and Re- formed out from Pocahontas, and the Hostetler, the Church of the Breth- ren, and perhaps others not known to the writer, supply the spiritual needs of the people. So far as the writer knows there is but one minis- ter located in the township, Rev. E. K. Hostetler, of the Church of the Brethren. Mr. Hostetler is a man of liberal views, broad sympa- thies, a student of history and in close touch with the trend of the times, interested deeply in religious and social developments. He is broad spirited and living the life of his neighbors, a man of pleasing person- ality, and held in the highest esteem by all who know him. There are many excellent farms in Greenville township and the large barns and the convenient dwellings attest to the general prosperity of the people. As a side help to their general thrift in farming, the timber industry requires much teaming to transport the lumber to the mines and railroads. The saw mills of the township give employment to many hands. One gets the idea in traveling through the comfortable and contented. Farming, lumbering and mining engage the attention of the men of Greenville township. There are many well known and highly respected people in the town- ship. One of the best known and oldest and most highly regarded families, is that of Noah Lint and wife. Their days of hustling are past, but their home life is most refreshing and inspiring. Mr. Lint is one of the substantial men of the township. The three Hostetler brothers living close together, J. C. Miller, who always has the latch string out, Irvin Shock- ey, a progressive young farmer, Geo. W. Baer, Isarial Baer, S. D. Glotfel ty, Wils Miller, Jacob Paul, Fred Dvrr, John D. Arnold, Wm. Deitle Wm. Shultz, Frank Lint, C Meyers Adam Deitle, and Nicholas Deitle, the veteran of many battles. These and others help to make Greenville great and strong and are valuable as- sets in the manhood of Somerset county, ne melee INDIAN CREEK. Mrs R. R. Dull and son, of Ohio Pyle, spent Saturday with Mrs. R. R. Vance. 0. R. Stickel, of Connellsville was here on Friday evening for a short time. on business. Mrs. H C.Krepp, of Mill Run,spent Monday here with her husband. Frank Kooser and Frank Stindl, of Mill Run were business callers here on Monday. Monday was pay day on the Indian Creek Valley Railroad. A. P. Doorley left for Scottdale on Monday to spend a few days visiting friends. Mrs. J. C. Mammaux and son William left for Pittsburgh on Satur- day. They will be gone for several days. Samuel Sweitzer spent last Friday among friends in Connellsville. Geo. Miller, of Mount Nebo, left for Connellsville and Scottdale on Saturday to spend a few days with friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prinkey spent Saturday on a business trip to Con- nellsville. Samuel Fullem, of Mill Run, was marketing here on Saturday. —————e erence HAYS MILL. June 16,—B. B. Boyer left last Sat- urday for Akron, O. There will be a festival at Berkleys Mill on June 21. ‘All are welcome. John Fresh and Irvin Fike are busy hauling lumber, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Baker and child- ren were welcome callers at Irvin Fike’s, on Sunday. Myrtle and Gaza Becker spent Sun- day with Mary and Anna Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mathias and sons George and Earl were welcome callers at Mrs. Mathias’s parents, Mr. | Mrs. Hannah Harding of Keystone | Mines is visiting at the home of J. W. Forrest. — Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA GRANTSVILLE. June 17— Roads are getting to be extremely dusty and crops of all kinds need rain badly. The first strawberries of the season | were brought to town by Simon J. Miller. Indications are for a small crop. e 'W. W. Morris, Thomas Fike, Forrest Beachley and Bert Zellers attended the firemen’s convention at Western- port last week. Simon Brennaman,of Bittinger, Md., and his crew of men have started the framing of the large new barn on the Stone House farm. Miss Ruth Keller has retyrned from college and expects to remain with her parents for some time. ‘Wm. Lowry, of Cumberland, has begun the laying of the brick at the new church. The sealing of the corner stone will take place on Wednesday or Thursday. Hoblitzel & Price, state road con- tractors, of Meyersdale have loaded and shipped their road machinery to Brownsville, where they have secured a contract. The Children’s Day services held in the Reformed church on Sunday was exceptionally good and an unusually large audience was present. Miss Ella Beachy, formerly of this place but recently of Pittsburgh, and J. L. Augustine were married recently and will be at home to their friends at Friedensville. Clarence Loechel wears his hat a little peculiar since the arrival of a nine 1b. boy on June 11. An eight 1b. girl was born to Mr. and Msr. D. J. Steyannus on June 12, while Mr. and Mrs. Potter, of Jennings had a similar experience on June 13. The Postal Telephone & Cable Co. has planted two posts,50 feet in length to take the place of two old ones, in order to get the wires above the trees in front of Bouig’s drug store. Dr. R. C. Bowen visited Baltimore last week. Joseph King and family, of Springs, were calling on friends in Grantsville on Sunday afternoon. Miss Helen Beachy is in a critical condition from the effects of rheuma- tism and other complications. A. Joice Riker, of Oakland, motored to Grantsville last Friday. Mrs. Charles Hetrich died at the home of her son, John, at Cove Sun- | day night. She vas an aged widow and leaves to mourn her departure two | sons, John, of Cove, and August, of Grantsville, and a number of married daughters in different parts of Mary- land and Pennsylvania. Miss Edith Petry, of Unamis, spent over Sunday at Norman Ringer’s. Jacob Folk, the venerable horse dealer, went to Frostburg on Satur- day and made a deal in a few fine horses from Milton Race. Squire Miller, of Springs, helped to bring the horses home. Jake has become quite a horse fancier and generally keeps several fine spans. An unusual amount of firewater seemed to be on tap last Saturday night, with telling effoct on a few of our citizens. As a result, one man had to be knocked out of the ring. There should be a law passed and rig- idly enforced preveting intoxicants from being shipped or carried into dry districts. This works well in other districts, why not here! eet {tea ———— VIM Mrs. Elmer Engle, Mrs. Richard Horning and Mrs. L. B. Rittenhouse of Meyersdole spent Thursday of last week at Eugene Weller’s. Henry Suder spent Saturday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Sud- er, at Deal. Mr. Shiller and family, of Johnstown visited P. C. Miller’s, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phillips and Miss Grace Thomas and sister, of Meyersdale, spent Sunday with Martin Meyers. E. D. Lee who spent two weeks with his brother in the state of Wash- ington, returned home last Saturday. Miss Edith Shockey, of near Rock- wood, spent several days of this week in our town visiting relatives. Misses Maud Way and Edith Peck, of Nebr. are visiting at Milton Fike’s at present. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Nicholson and two of their children spent Sunday at L. A. Kaetchman’s. D, M. Lee and his mother attended the funerul of Mrs. John Ravenscraft at Sand Patch on Wednesday. P. C. Miller and family spent Sun- day at S. M. Gnagey’s. OHIO PYLE Miss Daisy Moon, of Bridwell was shopping and visiting friend, here, on Monday. Edward Bener, of Confluence, spent Monday here on business. Childrens Day was observed in the Methodi®t Church on Sunday evening when an excellent program was ren- dered. and Mrs. C. C. day last week. : Misses Ada an and Pearl | Klingaman attended the Sunday | School Convention at Rockwood, last | week. | The Baker Brothers put up a st “hot ed for Frank Ha: Pine H | Richard McClain, of Connellsville | Sunday here at his home. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Citizens National Bank, AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, JUNE 4, 1913. RESOURCES ‘““THE BANK WITH THE CLOCK.” Loans and Investments..... ......... $ 726,353 46 United States Bonds................. 66,000 00 Banking House.................. ei 29,300 00 Due from Banks and Reserve Agents.. 126,304 46 Cash 4 ee 82,366 47 | $1,030,324 39 LIABILITIES Capital Stock..............<-.v.r.. 0 $ 65,000 00 Surplus..............-- ep 100,000 00 : . Undivided Profits........ ........... 14,565 71 Ciretlation.. .. .....0 0 van hivaes 64,400 00 Deposits..... .. ........ i. 0ieeeiss 786,358 68 $1,030,324 39 a a Holzsht Will show to you VISIT TO & WEIMOF'S | STORE = We Buy in Car Lots, Hence Can Save You Money. the best line of Goods Delivered Free. Centre Street Both Phones. MEYERSDALE, FA. ' CONFLUENCE. June 17— Mr. and Mrs. John Black, gnests of the former’s father, A. G. Black. A. R. Humbert was the guest of | friends in Rockwood and Somerset last week for a few days. Alfred Younkin went to Pittsburgh on Sunday, where he will be the guest of relatives and friends. J. H. Weaver was in Connellsville | on Saturday transacting business. | Herbert Silbaugh, of Pittsburgh, was in town on Saturday, circulating among [rieuds. Mrs. W. A. Hughes was shopping in Connellsville on Saturday evening. Mr. Kidd, of the B. & O. station re- turned home on Monday evening with his bride. Mr. and Mrs. Russel DeBolt are happy on the visit of the stork, a boy and a girl now make their home with them. All are getting along well. Miss Myrtle Emery, of Friends- ville was the guest of Miss Hollinger for a few days. Mrs. Grant Pyle spent from Thurs- day to Saturday, visiting at Rock- DEAL. June 16—Mrs. Missouri Schaffer, of of Dickerson Run. spent Sunday the | Pittsburgh,Pa.,is visiting her brother, P. W. Suder, of this place. Miss Emma Lotig and Mrs. Harri- son Hersch spent part of last week in Cumberland, Md. Mrs. Leyi Knepp and Mrs. P. W. Shder spent Saturday at the quilting party held at Harry Petenbrink’s. Misses Berdella Smith and Mamie Murray, of Wittemburg, spent part of Sunday with Miss Eya Caler. The Reformed people will hold a social at White Oak on Saturday af- ternoon and evening, July 12th. All are invited. reenter ee. 'Engineer’s Club Has Electric Kitchen. The Engineer’s Club, of Boston, has just moved into new quarters and one of the wonder places of the building is the electrical kitchen on the top floor. To meet the demand for clean and wholesome cookipg, at the greatest economy, the kitchen has been elec- trically equipped in every way. Electricity is used for baking, roast- wood. Misses Mabel Scott and Laura Mar- quet were entertained by Mrs. Irvin Wolf from Thursday till Saturday. Miss Hazel Tannehill, of Philadel- phia, is visitingher g andmother,Mrs, R. Tannehill, and other friends for a few weeks. Eunice Nedrow, of Somerfield spent several days, the guest of her aunt, Miss Ida Burd. Mrs. Jean Barrymore spent Satur- day in Pittsburgh shopping. Mrs. James Burnworth, of Elm Grove, is spending a few days with her mother,Mrs. Anabelle Burnworth. Mrs. Ida Greer and daughter, Ora, spent a few days with the former’s daughter, Mrs. Joseph Shipley. Miss Amber Clark and Mrs. Jeanette Barker, R. E. Black and Russel Ger- hart were guests of Miss Clark’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clark, of Addison on Sunday. ol Pa When baby Dr. Brady, who had been seriously ill is able to be out ag valescing satisfactorily. in and is con- | Oil at once. Safe for children. A yes a long way. 25c and 50c. little At all drug stores. a returned from Connellsville, having | suffers with croup, apply and give Dr. Thomas’ Electric | ing, broiling, grilling, frying, and all other purposes, except for the warm- ovens. The kitchen range has three lage electric ovens, three electric frying kettles, a two-section broiler, a set of griddles and eight disk heat- ers. Hach oven and utensil is con- trolled by a snap switch which in- stantly turns on or off the current, or gives it any desired degree of heat. The baking oven for bread and pastry, is entirely separate from the general ; cooking. : It is estimated that the electrical kitchen has a distinct economical ad-' vantage over the old coal ranges when the cost of fuel, the care and attention necessary for the coal fire, i etc., is figured. ‘Besides the more modern way has eliminated all nox- en | | English People Long-Lived. | Within a stone’s throw of each oth- | er at Stonham Parva, Suffolk, Eng- | land, live 28 persons whose ages ag- gregate 2,121 years. One is ninety, two eighty-two, one eighty-one, four eighty, one seventy-eight, one seventye | six, three seventy-five, four seventy four, six seventy-three, three seventy» sixty. | | two, one sixty-nine, and one | eight. rrr ——— Er ———— | ious gases, ashes, dirt and cinders. . ra J Paul both of And: Oravec The | Lower ted. § equally as foll and |] Maude sen. § Charle The wi and wi Minnie # ‘Willi | ieft his to his daught a farm ana cot and Le: d testator | are ap i was da witness | tice of i born. Jacol left a | his wi whose vided e i follows V Harry | Barbar: Swank, will we and wit H and An } Fi : The Ki Bears Signat