The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, June 12, 1913, Image 5

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    onal Bank,
June 4, 1913.
fixtures 29
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my knowledge and
LSON, President.
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Notary Public.
-Stay Well
ne purest con-
have little to
1s diseases or
; will do the
he blood and
Aleyersdale, Pa.
Items Pertaining to the Town in General and
Prepared for the Readers By
Our Busy Staff.
3 ee
WwW. Christner, of Garrett, spent| Mrs. Edward Miller, and daughter, |
Tuesday in town.
Harry May, of Johnstown, was a | day with relatives
town visitor Friday.
Mrs. Haselbarth, of Salisbury, was
a town§visitor Friday last.
Mrs.§ J. Lowry, of Pocahontas was
a town visitor Wednesday.
J. M. Black, of Boswell, spent Mon-
day here on a business mission.
V. A.2 Weller, spent Sunday at
Fairmont, W. Va., visiting friends.
F. M.
was a town visitor here Monday.
Frank Quinby, of
Mrs. Howard Ravenscraft, of Sand
Patch,jwas shopping in town Tues-
Mrs. Sampson McKenzie spent Fri
day last with relatives
Mrs. A. H. MacLennon, of Markle-
ton, was a Monday visitor here with
Messrs. James Chambers and Paul the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
McMillen were Pow Paw visitors Weakland, of Meyers avenue, a few
Attorney W. C. Truxal, of Somer-
set, was a Sunday visitor here with
V. C. Dumont, of Hancock, Md.
was a Saturday visitor here with
Miss Josephine Damico,
this week.
E. D. O'Donnell, of Mt. Lake
Park, was a Sunday visitor here
with friends.
S. A. Kendall, of Washington, D.
a town visitor Monday
C., was
with] friends. w=
James Slicer, spent a few days of
this week with relatives and friends
in Pittsburgh.
_« Misses Helen and
Oumberland, Md. -
Mr. and Mrs.;R. B. Poorbaugh, of
were Monday visitors in |8 few days last week. :
town with friends. :
Mrs. Walter Dodson, of Connells
ville is visiting relatives and friends | adelphia, was a pleasant visitor here
here for a few days.
George Matthias, of
ville friends Sunday.
Miss Grace Vallimont,
severalgdays this week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Riley, of West |1aw and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Salisbury were guests of friends in |Shelbear, of near town.
town Tuesday evening.
MissgEvely Meager returned Mon-
day, from a short visit with relatives
and friends at Salisbury.
Mrs. Myra Meyers,
and friends in Pittsburgh.
Messrs. Daniel Schaffner and Har-
vey Pfeiffer, were. visitors to Salis-
bury, on Sunday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs.
Confluence, was a town visitor Mon
day onffa business mission.
Messrs. Rayman Derry and George
of Salisbury, were Sunday
visitors here with friends.
Mr.;and Mrs. Daniel Dahl, return-
ed home Tuesday from a visit with
relatives at Cumberland, Md.
Charles Graham, of Ralphton
spent Sunday here with his mother
Mrs.Z? Graham, of Main street.
* Edward Foley returned home Sat-
urday from a visit with Rev
FatherlJ.;F. Locney, at Tyrone.
J. H. Garman, J. 0. Ream, R. S
Meyers,?A.fH. Musser, all of Berlin
“spent [Monday in town ‘with friends
\ Mrs. George Matthias,
relativesfand friends at Pittsburgh
FrankjMurray, of ‘Sand Patch, No
1, was at The Commercial on Sat
urday and renewed his subscription
Miss Maud Hady,
visit with friends in Cumberland
oa No. 6,
lantic City.
Mrs.ESamuel Hoffmyer, and Mrs
A. M.’Schaffner and son Henry, were |
visitorsjwith Mrs. Hoffmyer’s daugh- |
ter, Mrs. N. D. Christner, at West |B. & O. as Engineer on the 8S.
{ Salisbury {Wednesday.
Ludley, of Connellsville,
Md., spent Sunday here with friends.
F.fYoder, of Johnstown, was a bus-
jness visitor here one day last week.
M. A. Shumaker, of Boynton, was
a townZvisitor jon Saturday evening.
A.J. Goldsmith, of Philadelphia,
was aj business visitor here Monday.
Miss§Madelon Kilroy, spent Friday
lost ‘with§hergsisters at Cresson, Pa.
Fred§,Bender, of Grantsyille, was|home Tuesday evening from Johns- |
transacting business in town Tues-|town, where he had been on a cleri-
at Salis-
was a
Cumberland visitor Wednesday of
lrene Collins
spent Saturday last with friends in
the South
Side, was a visitor with Connells-| ton, of Frostburg, Md., spenta week
of Johns-
town was a business visitcr here
left Sunday
for a few weeks visit with relatives
F. W. Davis, of
home from a pleasant visit with
returned home
Saturday evening on No. 5, from a
* | relatives and friends.
Miss Edyth Gurley, left Tuesday
for a visit with relatives
and friends in Philadelphia and At-
Miss Elizabeth Leibeau, spent Tues-
near Kennells
| Mill.
Mrs. Walter Ravenscroft, of Ridge-
way, Pa., is the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Kate Bowman, and other rela-
Demetrius Bisel, of Lincecln ayenue,
has added much to the appearance of
his house by giving it a new coat of]
The Dorcas Thimble club met at
the home of Mrs. Paul D. Clutton,
of Broadway, Wednesday of this]
Mrs. Earvey Walker, and daugi te:
Miss Mae of Pine Hill, were in town
Wednesday shopping and calling on
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McKenzie, re- |
turned home yesterday from a few
days visit with relatives at Mt.
Savage, Md.
Rev. Father J. J. Brady, returned |
cal mission.
Miss Carrie Donnecker, spent Sun-
day at Somerset with her brother
in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wal-
_| ter Cartright.
Mrs. C. E, Crowe, and daughters
Estella and Bernadette spent Friday
and Saturday in Frostburg, Md., on a
business mission. ‘
Mrs. Tannehill, of Romesberg, was
days last week. *
Mr and Mrs. 8. B. Philson, and
Miss Agnes Ebaugh spent a few
days of last week at their summer
home, near Berlin.
’| Misses Sadie and Barbara Daugh-
erty, of Listie, are spending the
week with relatives and friends here
and at Salisbury.
Charles Payne, of Connellsville,
was a. Sunday visitor here with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Payne,
of Meyers Avenue.
Cyrus Truxal, of Philadelphia,
arrived here Monday to spend a
few days with his parents, Dr. and
Mrs. A. E. Truxal.
Miss Mattie Kendall, of Home-
stead, is the ‘guest of her brother-in-
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. John
Baker, of near town. :
Mrs Christena Heindrickson, was
the guest of her friend, Miss Jennie
Montgomery, at Fairmont, W. Va.,
Mr. Eli Wineland, a formér mer-
- | chant of this place but now of Phil-
with friends Monday.
Mrs. John 8S. Merbach and son Clay-
with Mrs. Wm. H. Merbach, and
Mrs. Charles Vogtman.
Mrs. Harrison Keim, of Bruning,
Neb., is the guest of her brother-in-
Miss Janie McIntyre, of Berlin,
was.a Tuesday visitor here with her
friends, Misses Estella and Bernadette
Crowe, of Meyers avenue.
George Stacer, spent several days
of this week with his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Grabenstein, in Cumberland, Md.
Sunday school next Sunday at 9:30
a. m. Morning service 10:30. Even-
ing services 7:30. Luther League, 6:45
p- m. Mid-week service Wednesday
7:30 p. m.
Miss Elizabeth Holtzhouer, of
Connellsville, spent a few days of
this week here with her brother-in-
law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. K. M.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kirkpatrick,
of Rockwood, were guests here
Sunday with their relatives, Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. Weakland, of Mey-
ers avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Helbig, of
Oakland, Md., spent a few days
of this week here with their rela-
* | tives, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bolden,
» | of North street.
‘| Charles Sanders, who had been em-
ployed by the B. & O. at Cheat Haven
for some time, arrived here last even-
ing on the Duquesne to remaig%a
. | week with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Neeld, and
little daughter left last week for
Ocean Grove, New Jersey, where
they expect to spend a month visiting
Joseph Crone, who
spending the past month in Galves-
ton, Texas, and other Southwestern
points, returned here Saturday,
.|much pleased with his trip. He left
| Sunday evening on No. 49, for Johns-
Makes Home Baking Easy | ANOTHER BALL GAME.
Absolutely Pure
The only kaking powder
made me Royal Grape
©ream of Tartar
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm, of
near town, ard Mr. ard Mrs. Elmer
Kiingaman, and daughter Dorothy
attended the funeral of a relative
at White Oak, Sunday.
Mrs. P. P. Hauger, and daughter
Dorothy spent several ays of the
past week here at tie home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. W.
Bittner, of Lincoln avebue.
Mrs. James Lancaster, of Mt. Sav-
age, Md., spent a few days of last
week here with her brother and
sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Sampson
McKenzie, of Olinger sureet.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Critchfield,
and two cuildren of Rockwood,
were guests of Mrs. Crnitebfleld’s
parents, hii. and Mrs. John Schardt,
of the American House Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Cook, and
daughter Mary Elizabeth of Berlin,
were guests a tew days here with
Mrs. Cook’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Payne, of Meyers Avenue.
Albright, W. Va., spent the past
week here visiting relatives and
friends. On Tuesday evening they
left for an extended visit through
the west.
Miss Cora Bittner, left Wednes-
ay for Rockwood, to spend a few
days with her brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Hauger,
and also attend the Sunday School
Miss Madeline Sheppard,, who
had been attending school at Wash-
ington, D. C., is spending the sum-
mer vacation here at the home of
her father, D. R. Sheppard, of
Large street.
Nicholas Deitle, of Greenville town-
ship who had been housed up all
‘winter, is much improved in health
and recently made two trips to Mey-
.ersdale, where his many fricnds were
glad to see him.
The new carpet in the Lutheran
church was seen by the congre-
gation for the first time last Sunday.
It is green rego-wilton. The carpet
was purchased by the Ladle.’ Aid So-
ciety of the church,
Mrs. Thomas Farley, of McWhor-
ter, W. Vau., is the guest of Mrs. Busk-
irk for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs.
Farley, left Meyersdale about a year
ago. Mr. Farley is yard boss at
McWhorter coal mine.
‘Miss Ida Dia, who is attending
Irving College at Mechanicsburg, ar-
rived here Friday on No. 15, and
will spend the summer vyacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Dia, of Main street.
Miss Rebekali Truxal, who had
been teaching in the Connellsville
High School, returned home Satur-
day evening and will spend the sum-
mer with her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
A. E. Truxal, of ‘Centre street.
Louis Weld, who had been attend-
ing Carnegie Institute at Pittsburgh,
arrived here Thursday last on No.
6, and will spend the summer vaca-
tion with his mother, Mrs. Margaret
Weld, on Salisbury street, South
E. C. Naugle, went to Hyndman,
Sunday where he met Mrs. Naugle,
who had been spending the past
week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. W. Stiver, at Everett. Both re-
turned home Sunday evening on
train 49. :
George Howerth, of North Carolina,
spent Tuesday here with Mr. and
Mrs. John Hartle, of Main street.
He 18ft the same evening for
Wilmerding to spend a few weeks
with his wife and daughter, Miss
Margaret, who haye been there for
some time with relatives.
Mrs. Webster Bittner, and two
children, of Washington, D. C., re-
relatives. She
home by her
was accompanied
sister-in-law, Mrs.
will remain there for a few weeks.
Ri es
Photographs and Picture frames at
| town, where he is employed by the
& C.
Conrad’s Studio at half-price. Sat-
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Caddell, of] base ball team made its initial appear-
Robert Miller, and son Cedric, who |
isfaction guaranteed in every sale of |
1otos or Frames. E. E. Conrad. ad'
The recent game of base ball be-
tween the fats and leans afforded much
amusement, but the attendance was
small and one of the objects for which
the game was arranged was not real-
ized, viz: a playground fund. On Me-
morial day the attendance would have
been large, but the weather was be-
yond control, and the postponed game
like most postponements was not a
huge success.
Would not another effort in this di-
rection be worthy of a trial, especi-
ally if there were a common agree-
ment to close the places of business at
4:00 o’clock. © Almost all would be
ready to help in thisdirection;and the
proceeds then given to a playground
fund or some other worthy object.
Let some one lead off in this matter,
and there is no reason why the town
cannot have a few hours of genuine
sport and at the same time supply
funds for a worthy cause.
SE ne
WANTED—Experienced firemen at
West Penn Railways power station,
Connellsville. $2.40 for eight hours.
Apply at Power Station, Connells-
ville, Pa. adv.
As a result of falling upon the pick-
ets of a fence over which he attempt-
ed to climb, Harry, the nine-year-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Snyder,
who lives on the Frank Koontz farm,
about two miles from Stoyestown,
and is in a critical condition. A splin-
ter from oae of the pickets penetrated
the lad’s abdomen and punctured the
stomach. The boy was taken to
the Johnstown Memorial hospital by
Dr. J. H. Gardner.
All Hats reduced one-haif at the
Diehl Millinery. ad
On Wednesday afternoon,the Beriln
auce of the season on the home grounds
and was defeated by the score 11-0.
Stafford pitched ‘a stroug game, no
rnnner getting farther than second
base: The hitting of Barnhart and
Bauman featured, Barnhart knocking
a home run and Bauman was credited
with two two-baggers.
Harry McClintock, 31 years old, an
employe of the United Lumber com-
pany at Humbert, is at the Connells-
ville Hospital for treatment of injur-
ies suffered when a steam pipe broke.
His leg is fractured and probably sev
eral ribs.
Harry Ross, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Ross, of Friedens, employed as
a fireman on the B. & O., had a nar-
row escape from death a few days
ago at Ralphton. From the cab win-
‘dow ‘he was intently watching signals
given by a brakeman when his head
struck a glancing blow against a tip-
ple timber, which tore a big hole in
his scalp. He was hurried to a Johns
town hospital, where his recovery is
expected. :
The Sunday schools of town gen-
erally observed Children’s Day on
Sunday. The churches were taste-
fully decorated, the audiences were
large, the music was well rendered
and the children gave a good ac-
count of themselves. ,All together
the day was a delightful one and a
profitable one, and many availed
themselves of the opportunity to
be at the services. |
—_— ee
Public Sale,
I will offer at public sale on Sat-
urday, June 11,
12:30 p. m., the household goods of
the late C. L. DeLauter, including
stoves, carpets, refrigerator, a great
variety of furniture. Also 2 looms
with fixtures, carpet chain and knit-
ting machine. See bills for particu-
ad Clay St., Meyersdale, Pa.
Strayed or Stolen—A small chest-
nut bay mule. Large letter H. brand-
ed on left hip. Finder will be liber-
ally rewarded if returned, to
W. A. MERRILL, Garrett, Pa. ad.
A Lady or Man to represent the]
| Grest Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., |
in and around Meyersdalg. Apply: —|
turned home Sunday on No. 6, affer |122 N. Centre St., Cumberland, Md.
| spending the past month here with
had been
Conn tee
| |
If you are in need of lumber see H.
| Phillips, at 331 Beachley street, or |
| call by phone. Both phones. We can |
| save you money on building material
| by delivering direct from the saw mill. |
May 1-tf ad.
Just For Friday |
At the Rexall Store
Try One of These Nourishing
Drinks--a Regular Meal.
exall Store Me
~ Hartley Bloek.
D-—— d
yersdale, Pa
Re, I
/ hoor sports; young men who want the quality that endures,
. clothes.
Call in and inspect our line.
\ the style that keeps shape, the tailoring that lasts, and the
\ fit that’s just right, ought to come to us and ask for
They’re right in every way; all-wool fabries; and
the highest class fabrics.
size or shape.
We’ll fit you, whatever your
* yt me Wm wn Wm Wa,
For all sorts of uses; business or outings, dress functions ¥
Hartley % Baldwin§
Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes.
> . BEBE. EE ETB s Ps
AsE a a a a a a a — = TES =
1913, beginning at ||
Toe neibe ASE EEL PPE RA
Na 3
Closes Ronday, June 16, 1913.
No. 1—Umbrella, Highest Bid
¥ No. 2—Kid Gloves, 1
No. 3—Silk Hose, 2 =
Ne. 4—Gown, 4 3
No. 5—Waist, ’ Sei
No. 6—Raincoat, re *
No. 7—House Dress, 's 2
No. 8—Sweater, 4s $s
No. 9—Parasol, 4 1
No. 10—Corset, * £
$1 10
1 00
Just three days left to bid on the articles of our
From the bids below (Wednesday bids) you will
easilv recognize exceptional values in the merchandise.
vo. ‘If you are not satisfied with any purchase we will
cheerfully refund your money. :
Hartley Block.
The Womens Store.
Hartley Clutton Co.,
Meyersdale, Pa.
Warm Weather Requisites.
and we
shall deliver just what you want.
Leading Druggist.
Opposite Citizens National Bank.
Both Phones.
Every season has its special aids to health and comfort.
stock like ours provides everything of this nature that you are
apt to need. You should not wait, however, until each separ-
ate need arises, but should equip yourself with these modern
antidotes for discomfort. * You’ll want them when you stay at :
home or go on a vacation trip.
Toilet Waters, Perfumes, Bath Supplies, Massage Creams,
Lotions, Talcums, Foot Powders and Toilet Articles of all Kinds.
Our assortment is complete and our prices right.
If you
cannot conveniently come to the store, phone your order
Meyersdale, Pa.
sendy Her