Meyersdale Commereial. ORT - | § THEFORUM. } 3 [Registered at the Postoflice at Meyersdale, Pa , as Second-Class Mail Matter.]|% i | THE ME Sh: Qhe people’s column for the diss 3 Y ERSDALE COMMERCIAL, % cussion of questions pertaining to 3 ; A. M. SCHAFFNER, Editor and Proprietor. % the public gaod. + 1 Wgblished €very Tharsday in the Year at $1.50 Per Year Cash The Editor must knots the names 4 Phone No. 55. 110-112 Center Street. 3 of the connibioss, and mill guard p 3 these names carefully. 31 THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1913 * Be does not hold himself respons F 6 6 ht mn % sible for any views expressed, amd I 9 9 "we : w wll 0 Tod . % reserves the right to reject any coms I ; Spitting Unsanitary. Ns Lat) hi The railroads forbid spitting in the cars, many municipalities * + tow make spitting on the pavement an offense subject toa fine, and it} 5 © oo a Th b he IS A T M has become a well known scientific fact, that deadly diseases fre- Who Shall the Next Burgess BSEN ON BUSINESS . queatly lurk in the sputum, consequently there is more concern ex- Be? y ercised with reference to spittal, where it is deposited, and the care —_— B40 of the receptacle. The conservation of life is counted of more im- | Next fall Meyersdale will elec a BUT 3 portance every day, and the means are taken to use those things urgess io serve the town fo thse gi hich . ; x a i years and the question is, who shall vy which minister to one’s heaith, and avoid those things which en-|he be and what kind of a man shall he H i S St k ° Fai danger one’s health. It may seem a strict law for railroads to en-|be? Is it the preference of the comu- oC an d Fixtur CS F force that regulation and it may seem an arbitrary act for a person | Pity that he is tho best man in our was to be placed under arrest for spitting on the pavement a | minds to occupy the position of ho A S { s nd ye Hor t 11 H i death lurk in th : y and respect? r c 1 ere an iN : a may lurk in the sputtum and the germs are apt to be ontheir| gj ould he not be a morally el fe Md mission which leaves death in its wake, every precaution should be | man, intelligent and mir] - en E - . . - 2 ’ . i taken to avoid the manner of avoiding disease and death. past life has not been tainted with Com pete nt H ands i It is a filthly habit to be squirting in every corner and it is an |shame or drunkenness? Should he not : ) unsanitary thing to deposit spitum, let it dry, and the germs be al- be a man who Is keen to observe and gs lowed to be carried away and do their work of sorrow, suffering EP Ee : Nhe Fespectsihe ) and death. All this couid be avoided if people would only have con- | and who is ee in hn yr i: sideration and would think. Offices and stores, schools and churches, | of his own duty? Should not the pol- ew 0 0 S A I I V | Nn los do not as a rule have up the sign ‘‘no spitting,”’ nevertheless the itican,;who seeks only his own inter- ) F above named places should be as much respected as the places where ésts, be utterly avoided? Does not 3 : tra the law comes to enforce sanitary demands. the town need the hesp that can be | 7. a had,regardless of political preference? | : P; p? b b q L - 1 B Let Meyersdale have a man to serve Pe : al i 3 t u as burgess whom all can respect and : LS rg cnoo Bonrs Evaded Re- be proud to own as her first citizen, ro in qs) * . | Let the people give careful thought Pp d L k Th 0 : a3, sponsi 1 ity. to this matter and so thoroughly plan an 00 e m Ver. , i The members of the Pittsburgh schools had a heavy load on forithe best man that no ENWoFthy as. oe their Shoulders when the Heeter scandal was started. The board Dirent shel be considered. ' « det the : > # > . . . .. ew i evidently thought it did the judicious and politic thing when it|of Sein Sn athe I se i . -. . » ! turned the case over to a commission of unbiased people to take tes- A Citizen. 1 timony and make recommendations. That committee did its work. He Me Some think their findings and recommendations were right, while RECENT BIRTHS. bg: - others do not agree. Of course that was to be expected. The school = 4 board naturally. took action in harmony with the recommendations 20 Tn to Mr, snd B Le Tolon Set 3 of the board selected to try the case. It was a disagreeable work Sore Jute 7h, 853 owsgott |] 5! . - - y . but under the circumstances, something had to be done, and the se school board took, what seemed to be the best i EVERYTHING - ATL oi Io a ak h x and fairest method. | Born to Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Bem- i Your Money fri ih a one, however, ithe work devolved ‘upon | minger, Wednesday morning, June 11, 10 WEAR Back With a ! e school board. The people selected them to have charge of school | 1913,—2 son. FOR ie matters in Pittsburgh and the more manly thing for that board tox : Pleasant Smile th would live been to meet the issue squarely, and honestly, and dis- VIOLATED PAROLE. ¢ RVERYRODY. Yon Want ose oO i IR : : ; pose of it according to their best ability. A man selected todo a| winiam Mil Ts : MEYERSDALE, PA, ke certain work should have the courage to do that work, or make RE ig 2 omerset, is : wt room for the man o 3! again in jail, this time for violating . raion r the woman who has the courage of his or her | his parole. He adjusted matters sev- | == . : C viCy 3. eral months ago, after perpetrating a wi ns — forgery, and was released from cus- WEST VIRGIN IA MINE A SNAKE STORY No. 5833. Cy en {tody, Sheriff Charles F. Hochard be- PROBE : 2 REPORT OF THE y : CONDITI ! The Red Peril. ing his parole officer. The Sheriff ; 141 : pil big Th fos th t d il that is f learned that Miller was not making | Washington, June 8—Confronted by An interesting party, widely known The: Citizens National Bank in ere menaces this country a red peril that is far more to be | good the promises he made the Court, i : 3 in this county, said that in his time | OF MEYERSDALE, PA. } ad or: feared than any ‘‘vellow peril’’ the alarmists have yet d d of. | and that he i & complicated situation constantly : A ; yy p iste y reamed of. an e 2 escrsen of another for- | growing more involved, the senate he had taken captive three horse 3% Whe close of business Jose 1. 1910. : 2p The red peril does not spring from a race; it is not bound up in thel Sey, $07 Wine he may be called | sub-committee named to investigate | thieves and their horses lone handed | —_— Or ambitions of a people. The red peril is the result of the spores of pps Spiel in Sout, Miller was | West Virginia coal strike conditions, | although later on the capturer had | t, Se | destruction which find lodgment in the human mind and in the end HR y Sheriff Hochard in Mt. | will leaye for Charleston tomorrow peen captured by the band which for i it I ri produce a growth of ideas in which death and destruction and hate ei Bight. aa Of ¥iinases Will Some time corried-on a big busines in| U3. fonds io secure U.S. Deposits. 1000 00 ® and malice hold mad riot. The red peril comes down to us from the | W gin Tnssray oo © Bppeatance |. £ os Drher hands 1 segure Portal Sayings. 3000.00 : . in sl Abel. Iti : ILL ENTERTAIN of scores of miners, rounded up by | PO™erse county. This is recalled by | Bonds, ys . fonds eeere ean 1.000 00 vi time when Cain slew Abe tis a peril that has never retreated HORTICULTURISTS the ‘agents of the United Mine Work- | 30¥ people of the county when the Rabiftug house, furniture and fXiGves 39.0 08 he from the horizon of the race, a peril that at times has overshadowed «| ors, 60 testify In relation to charges| T8sker-Lewis cupture was made. Ex. Don nee Re Oe i i STR | men, dealing with them as cruelly as the clouds from Vesuvious| The firm f 4G. Harrison & Sons, that the workers in the Paint creek Bony Kyle, Peter Albrigot, and De Ts ios Shi PHY Tks 8 have dealt with those who have dwealt upon the slopes of that old Nurserymen, of Berlin, Md., will en- sed get Sook oonl Belds arc kepk ih ign Ae > Are most a San TE% Dombanies 82 vi mountain of fire. tertain on the lawn of Mayor Orlando ator eh x ae dezoous with eooked Win Be Chicos and other cash items. JE o _ : : 3 ion the Mevi : ° r : : .| de 8 and o ish items. ..... ... 2.85 § : Were the red peril to be judged by its works it would be the Hemeon hairdo pecial charge of this branch of the with the courage of Eathen Allen at PreRota ig mks eiis 12,000 00 % most dreaded of all the enemies of mankind. As a result of its| Horticultural Society on July 31. In- investigation, will hear the: first wit- | Tiounderoga and with as forcfble lan. | Last money res Retna ve P00 blight, nations have been bankrupted, millions of men have been | vitations ill be extended fo mem- Bosses. i al a tle Hoga ice igiss Lo UW ors2 50 Se of oe ies... AL. 732 left to decay upon thousands of bloedy fields, millions of mothers | bers and officers of Pennsylvania, COLLECTING WITNESSES. tioned oo SD | or & hor sent of ireubations oro. 2.650 00 ko . 11° . . 2.2 ’ -, . said | PET RRENS have wept for their sons, millions of wives have mourned for their i Jersey ’ Sg and West Vir-| Paul J. Faulsor of the United Mine | he had killed a black snake a few days | Total. .ooruinine inhi . $1,020,324 39 husbands. The red peril has caused more suffering, more misery ghia. or wg ged Workers has been in West Virginia | before measuring five feet, eight in- ds . ; rris 5 : : : . than all the other causes ¢ ombined. For fhe red peril is War. pet oon OE ar iia for 8 WORE Solin the witnesses | ches and the following day while con- | capital stock Ln a. al - 5 a x s 3 flereeirasssnasseaets “That the nations of the world do not fear and dread the red | the methods used in saving and grow- Si re , . Dane —_ oe on the same spot With a Wan | Fufivided pros, 16s expenses ai hice to by * - i y les: o peril is largely due to the fact that men have not penetrated the dis- | ing this peach crop should be of inter- | periences in West Virginia mines Sibi pr Nationa) Baik notes ti mn X i 3 : . + A * s inches ) anding.... 64.400 00 guises the menace wears. In one land it flaunts itself as Patriot- est 10 all peach growers, They will be alleged interference) The snake bit the off side ox, when Tndividal Geposite. ubjaet to Heck. 197.300 35 ism: in another land it poses as Just Vengeance. The red peril has FAITH —— | with the postal service by mine the ox went off his fours and bellowed DA inate SL opost ee si 200 60 decked itself in the robes of the church; it has enlisted in the cause RE-CAPTURED ig oie of tue jmmsigra-| habs conid be beard a distance of GY i Cn teal b . . «iw » b 3 3 checks outstanding.... .... 7 of the Savior of Men. The red peril has ministered to the hopes of AND SENTENCED. ator i Dy re a Se hig and an hour laters mile Fann Sai depois: on ee Tez s . . : away from the place wh th ngs Deposits.............. 1.625 04 the ambitions, it has appealed with bugles to the impetuous; it has| winiam Faith, who escaped from and the arrest trial and conviction | had bitten the the e ake otal... lv isis 31030 324 39 C woven itself into stories of romance and chivalry and has imposed |the borough lock-up at Somerset, of citizens in violation of the consti- | RN NE lui eT 3 . 3 rat? “6 3 itself upon the fancy of the young and generous. It has done all|several months, who had been a fu- tution or laws? terra firma’’ and bellowed and took County of Somerset, o this with but one purpose—to gratify its lust for human blood. For |gitive until recently when he was MANY NEW COMPLICATIONS. a big load of stone and a Wagon and | bail, do SOLTULLY woes sia Tho Above states RB the red peril is a carrion feeder. It cannot live without its ration arrested at Listie, has pleaded guilty | The announcement of the indict- |g OC Jl © board fence, showing |bifer.® “'° ** U5 pt ton Prcifent. ¥ ! of human flesh. to a charge of malicious mischief, | ments in federal courts of officers of fhe working Of the steer’s brain and es aan g & DAE In our day the red peril has become a terrible cult— : and sentenced by Judge Ruppel to|the United Mine Workers charged is great fright. A reputable citizen CLARENCE MOORE, © 3 : : a species of | serve six months in the county | wi j i ith: of the lower end of the county gives Dirsetors. Te devil worshi And that terrible cult h it: h i. unty | with having conspired with coal op- 2 y & Subserived snd sw d EY d il’ 1t f blood ts s men who serve their jail. It was originally planned to |eratorsin Pennsylvania,Ohio, Indiana this ass true snake and ox story, ayer Jane, 19 "Ny Gormmigeion exvires Mar. ay upon the red peril’s altars of blood. In every land these high accuse Faith of prison-breaking, or |and Illinois to embarrass West Vi B ROBERT COOK, - - . . . ¢ r 1 " priests preach their doctrine, that justice cannot prevail upon this escape, but under the law. District|ginia mine owners by promoting the FAST TRAIN S Notary Public. M earth: unless men with instruments of destruction meet and kill each Atom fe Secided Sub 8 suis, AB (Ts Mews Of furiher lsh THE Ee i t upon battlefields. In this ec : charge cannot, be maintained when |out breaks in the New River coal “RN MARY- 0 I Inn Flea yy hs Dm priest of the red a prisoner takes French leave of so|field of West Virginia further com- LAN Get Well Ma W Il ¥ perl : } Pp r e most dangerous citizen that | insignificant a place of confinement | plicated the strike situation gince the D RAILROAD. y ¢ \ ever menaced the existence of a free people. In this land Hearst is|as a borough bastile. Faith broke | senate passed its resolution author- — PURIFY M the mouthpiece of the peril; he is the man who day by day works at down an iron bed in the cell as-|izing, the inquiry. The charge of Last Sunday the Western Maryland YOUR BLOOD 8] task of preparing the nation as an offering upon the altar of hate, signed to him and using it as a lever | conspiracy on the part of operators became a strong competitor for east- || : | a of anarchy, of injustice, of War. There is scarcely a day during pried OF vem in ofher states to cause trouble in| erm passenger business. For the first | dition and De h which William Randolph does not plot to bring the ti GEE AE the West Virginia field is one of the | time since since the connecting link |} fear from You JIL have hits 80 h A; . 11 deal d 5 g me nearer| For Sale or Exchange—A mule |points embraced in the senate reso-| between Connellsville and Cumber- |{ Stomach Med i 3 when merican guns will. eal estruction to some other race; wh en | about 54 inches high, makes a good |lution and the indictment may force | land was put into operation, the new American boys will fall a sacrifice to the fanatical devotion of men | mining mule, and is a good worker. | the senators to limit materially their | road has put a fast passenger schedule 1, to the most terrible god men ever worshipped—the red peril. | Several young horses, Hambeltonian | efforts on this point. Senator Mar- | into effect. : . Beside the red peril the “yellow peril’ is a pygmy.—Johnst own | and Natwood stock and several gen- tine of New Jersey, has charge of| The Baltimore-Chicago train, to be Democrat. | eral purpose horses, perfectly safe |this branch of the inquiry and he operated in conjunction with the S a | and good workers and saddle horses | will be very careful in calling and Pittsburg & Lake Erie railroad, will FRIFOL ALTERATIVE v —_— EE ; = ms —— | We have more vehicles than we | examining witnesses to avoid all make the same time over the Con- is the remedy that will do th Board for two in a modern house in As Yng-se the present stool of | need and will sell or exchange them possibility of giving immunity to any nellsville division as the fastest train | work. It purifies the on a o town or out of town. Good pay. goods last, we will make ate, | Toasonably-Two good three-seated | offenders who might later be called |on the Baltimore & Ohio between | enriches it. a Inquire at The Commercial. ad graphs at i half the re spring wagons, ete. Apply, to | to account through the courts. Connellsville and Cumberland. | 1s moran —— SLE * | may 29-3t ad LUKE HAY The fast trai rill i iT WIR A good team of heavy work horse All portrait frames will also go at may EL ye AY. , 2835 train Wi be a. daylight { IN| \ 1 5 var 18 Be 3 |the wme Tate, We go a ; Children cry run. The Western Maryland operat- | THORLEY ) DRUG STORE for sale. Quick cash sale. See H. € e guarantee all pg g J rol vo | ; se 9 : For SALE—A Three year old Colt , | ing officials are not yet dy t I 2 Phillips, or call by phone. goods to be strictly first elass and | Apply, to GEORGE H. ALBRIGHT | FOR FLETCHER'S | te n pt sp edy ig in y idl THE PENSLAR STORE. v. , 99-+fad ¢ 3 ev. S up-to- te 3. E.C a ad, oT ey (oem pe hg Oyer 1c now may 22-tfad 331 Beachley, St. up-to-date. E. E. Conrad. ad! mch 27-tf ad (Sippleville) Meyersdale. | C A S T oO R i A | road with a night passenger al, Yeung Meyersdale, Pa. K f S } 1.8