nor von ere lale ted red hen and | as \NK. fors I~ ap Free. Ss prepared >mbilists a ,000 veter- mi-Centen- The map: camp and es detailed reets are to les and all at value to he celebra- e of charge Col. Lewis Gettysburg sion, State ream. T REMOVES OMPLEXION, will quickly and tonic when this pimples are after shav- ying all ir- e skin soft » hands or rprise your- that comes septic mas- les, eczema soon disap- o the ordi- 1 sold on a er used or price is a liberal jar; S. E. Thor- e. ad OURT. oceedings of Company, of eph Wads- ip, in which tly awarded ages, Wads- art, alleging ot adquately appropriated ern in the ing Dam, -~ 3 emulsion. _and carry these to its nest. | FOR THE QUEEN OF FLOWERS | JUDGE VAN SWEARIN. | -ra | GEN TO HEAR EQUITY | The rose is rightly called the‘‘Queen | of Flowers,’ and June is the month of | roses, yet roses are becoming more | rare because of the difficulty in grow- | Ing them, and many persons think that | this is due to changes in conditions of climate or soil. Professor H. A. Sur- face, State Zoologist, Harrisburg,Pa., makes the following statement that if rose bushes are given proper atten- tion for the suppression of theiripests, roses can be grown to as high a state of perfection,and in as great abundan- ce as ever before. However their pests have been increasing, andjsome knowledge and skil must be used in their suppression. He giyes the fol- lowing directions for combating 2the pests of roses and jgrowing beautiful flowers. ’ “The rose leaf is likely to become more or less blotched with gray, and upon examination small white insects are to be seen which, as they become older, fly quickly. These are the Rose Leaf Hoppers. They pierce the rose leaf from the outside with the sharp beak, and destroy the chlorophyll, or green coloring substance. They can- not be killed by spraying with arse- nical spray as they are tnot chewing insects. ‘“The best remedy for them is to spray with a tobacco decoction or with soap solution, or with strong de- coction of pyrethrum or hellebore,jor (with about ten per cent. kerosene : A small ‘hand sprayer or atomizer will do for this purpose, but it should be held so the spray will strike the undersides of the leaves. If the pests fly to the ground they should be sprayed there. and be thoroughly covered with spray liquid. Another sucking insect seriously in- juring the rose bush and stunting the growth of flower and leaf is the Aphis or plant louse. This pest is destroyed by spraying or washing with one of the above applications for the Leaf Hopper. ‘‘Certain worms or larva of insects like shell-less snails or slugs are likely to feed upon the leaves]of roses These are known as the Rose Leaf Slugs. They are easily destroyed by spraying with one ounce of arsenate of lead in each gallon of water, or by dusting with one-fortieth part of Parig green mixture with slaked lime or fiour. Care should be taken not to get any spraying application too strong as it may injure the delicate parts of the plants. Certain insects may feed on the flowers of the rose, eating away the petals. These can be killed by an application of the same remedies as, the Rose Leaf Slug. The Leaf-cutting bee is likely to cut out circular discs from the rose leaf It also can be destroyed by spraying with one ounce of arsenate of lead in each gallon fof water, or dusting with poison dust when the dew is on the leaves. ‘‘If there are scale insects on the trunk of the rose stalk, wash these with a very strong solution of soap and water, applying it with a brush or use strong lime-sulfur solution made by boiling lime and sulfur to- gether as for San Jose scale. ‘If the rose plants are not thriving well and seem to be feble, there may be pests at the roots, in which case tobacco dust worked well into the soil in great abundance is found to be an excellent insecticide as well as a ferti- lizer. To push the growth of the plant and make more beautiful leaves and flowers, scatter one ounce of nitrate of soda on the ground around the plants once or twice per month. This should be finely pulverized and scat- tered over a radius of two or three feet from the plant. “IN A BAD WAY”, MANY A MEYERSDALE READER WILL FEEL GRATEFUL FOR THIS INFOR- MATION. If your back gives out; Becomes lame, weak or aching; If urinary troubles set in, Perhaps your kidneys are ‘‘in a bad way.”’ Don’t delay—use Doan’s Kidney Pills. Here is worth. P. T. Miller, retired farmer, Main street, Berlin, Pa., says: ‘I have had no reason to change my high opinion of Doan’s Kidney Pills and I recommend them just as highly to- day as I did in October. 1907. I have Hot had to take a kidney medicine during the ‘past several years. I was severely troubled with kidney and bladder complaint. The kidney se- cretions were irregular in passage and it often seemed as if my kidneys were not acting at all. I also suffer- ed from acute pains in my back. When Doan’s Kidney Pills were recommended to me I began using them. They acted just as repre- sented and it was not long before I had relief. My advice to other kidney sufferers is to give Doan’s Kidney Pills a trial.” good evidence of their For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. " Remember the name—Doan’s—and | organizations CASE. On Monday. June 23rd, Judge J. Q. | Van Swearingen, of Uniontown, will preside at a hearing in the equity case of Edwin D. Schade and others, of Johnstown, against the Windber Tel- ephone Company, in which it is alleg- ed that the officers of the concern il- legally voted themselves sufficient shares of the capital stock of the com- pany, about a year ago, to make them the majority, or controlling Zstock- holders. The stockholders of the Windber Telephone Company are di- vided into two factions, one lead by Schade, who is also general ananager of the Johnstown Telephone company and the officers and directors of the big coal town company. Their dis- putes during the past year have caused several suits in the Somerset courts. Last October the Schade faction se- cured a mandamus compelling the management of the company to ,per- mit an examination of the company’s books. An appeal was taken to the Supreme Court. In November Schade and others were granted an .injunct- ion restraining the alleged majority stockholders from voting disputed shares at the company’s annual elec- tion. On the same day George A. Smith and other reputed majority stockholders secured a second injunc- tion restraining the company from holding any election at all until the legality of the ownership of the stock in question was finally] determined, because the present majority stock- holders, deprived of voting fthe full value of their stock, would be in the the minority. Alfew weeks ago the Supreme Court sustained the Schade people in the mandamus proceedings which were thereby terminated. An inspection of the Company’s books, it is alleged, brought out additional reasons for cancelling some of the stock of the reputed majority holders, and the plaintiffs have accordingly amended their original bill of com- plaint. Judge Van Swearingen will hear the case specially presiding for the reason that the suit was commen- ced during Judge Kooser’s adminis- tration and Judge Ruppel was interes- ted in the case as counsel. The break between the stockholders and the Windber company occured several years ago and was followed by the cancellation of a working agreement between the Windber and Johnstown telaphone campanies, resulting in de- priving the subscribers of the Johns- town company in Cambria and Somer- set counties of service to Windber., Later the Windber concern connected with the Beil telephone lines and up until the present time there is no other means of telephoning to the county’s metropolis. ad —————— een — For Good Roads. A vigorous campaign in behalf of the ratification of the proposed con- stitutional amendment to permit the the State to borrow $50,000,000 for re- construction of 1ts highways is to be inaugurated this summer by the Penn- sylvania motor Federation and it has been assured of the support of many and of individuals throughout the State interested in the movement to secure good roads for Pennsylvania. The Federation has undertaken to inform the people of tke State as to the purposes of the loan and to make the plea for its adop- tion so that 'this State may obtain alike for the farmer and the dwellers In cities and towns the advan‘ages of better highways. The Federations plans include a big State convention in the interest of good roads to he held at Harrisburg in September. The Federation will ask the use ofthe hall of the House of Representatives, and the whole sub- ject nf highways in Pennsylvania will be gone into. All motor clubs will be urged to send delegations and the public generally will be inyited to participate. The road improvement proposition, which can not be under- taken until the next Legislature pass- es enabling legislation to issue bonds after approval of the amendment, will be utterly divorced from politics and considered from the standpoint of general good, economy and increase of facilities for getting about the State. This campaign will then be pushed in every county . Good roads meet- ings will be addressed by speakers on behalf of the federation and publicity forces employed so that the issue in its broadest sense may be laid before the people. The Federation will co- operate with other organizations in- terested in the bond issue as a means of advancing the interests of the State. After a thorough study of the proposition men active in good roads have become convinced that the $50,000,000 loan proposition affords the only systematic way to get the roads improved and they will work vigorously in its behalf. These plans were made by the State Federation at its recent annual meeting in Philadelphia. Support is being tendered from all over the State. -_— Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S take no others. CASTORIA — ICKED UP IN ENNSYLVANIA | | | { Huntingdon.—Alleged te have been { recovering from the effects of a spree and unable to secure any whisky, J. | B. Thomas, a farm hand of Moreys pital at Huntingdon, where he died. Scranton.—One thousand men of the ! Taylor colliery of the Delaware, Lack- | awannan & Western Co. went on strike because some of their fellow | employes were behind in their dues. | The strike followed the refusal of the | company officials to discharge the men who would not pay their arrearages | to the union. New Castle—James Raymond, aged | 40, was electrocuted while at work painting a street car of the Standard Steel Car Co., and Louis Hough, jr.,! was rendered unconscious while dem- onstrating how Raymond was standing when killed. Raymond placed a hand on each side of the door: of the street car and his body was made a short circuit for the highly charged car. Harrisburg.—Owing to the tremen- dous pressure on the state printing of- fice the plant was operated Friday, the first Memorial day in years, and tons of printed bills were rushed to the state capitol to be put on the files. The file folio numbers of the house bills have run over 10,000. Ford City.—Following a luncheon given by Joseph Valentine, one of the graduates of the Ford City high School, for his classmates at a local hotel, Prof. C. D. Cook, principal of the high school, became ill. Prof. A. | R. Bartholomew was about to start for a physician when he too became violently ill. Another messenger was sent and before the doctor arrived all the members of the class were ill. The physicians decided it was a case of poisoning resulting from eating cu- cumbers. All the patients responded to antidotes. Johnstown. —Walter Paul, aged 11; who makes his home with his grand- parents at Summerhill, died at the Me- morial hospital from an obstruction of the bowels. The lad was pushed from a coal shed a year ago, alighting on bowels and bladder. The lad has un- dergone a number of operations, and’ another was performed last week, but the lad never rallied. Philadelphia.—Richard Lindsay, said to be a resident of Chicago, who was arrested here on a charge of sending son, was committed to the county pris- on by a United States commissioner to await the result of an examination as to his sanity. Lindsay, it is charged by secret service operatives, wrete let- 000 damages for an alleged assault upon him in Chicago by a mar whom he called “Maxwell.” He signed the letters “Richard Lindsay, the lion.” Philadelphia. — A decree enforcing the decision of the United States su- preme court canceling the so-called 65 Der cent contracts under which the anthracite coal-carrying railroads pur- chase the product of independent coal companies was agreed to and filed in the United States district court here after counsel for both sides had argued for nearly an hour over the point whether an interpretation of the high- est court’s opinion in the case should be embodied in the decree. York.—Either Erie or Franklin will be the next meeting place of the Penn- sylvania Knights Templar, who are holding their annual éonclave in rk. The parade, in which 3,000 Knights Templar took part, was a ieature of the conclave. Pittsburg Commandery No. 1 made a splendid showing in the pageant. At the grand commandery sessions Grand Commander Bucking- ham made his annual report. It showed among other things that the Pennsylvania Commandery is the largest in the world, with a member- ship of 22,285. Pittsburg Commandery No. 1 is the second largest, with a membership of more than 1,500. Waynesboro.—With the chamge of schedule on the Cumberland Valley railroad in effect last Sunday the name of Waynesboro Junction was changed to Burgner and the stop for Waynes- boro © bramch trains mill be made about 500 feet farther east en the Waynesboro branch, at a road cross- ing, making it more accessible to the public. 3 Middletown.—The dead body of J. M. Robison, aged 35 years, a former resident of Middletown, was found along the lake front at Chicago. The young man had evidently been drowned and the body was washed ashore. The body was identified by a gold watch on the case of which was engraved “J. M. Robison, Middletown, Pa.” Chief of Police Charles Houser received a message from Chicago, ask- ing what should be deme with the body. The young man who was was drowned ig thought to be a son of Samuel Robison, formerly in charge of the Middletown Gas Works, who left town some time ago, and his whereabouts are now unknown. TUn- less relatives can be found the body will be buried. Homestead. — The police were re- quested to search for Mrs. Anna Craig, a widow of this city, who mysterious- ly disappeared from her home last Sunday, leaving two small sons. Pittsburg.—The baseball field of the Calvary Methodist Episcopal church, Northside, will be utilized for the hold- ing of a religious service by the pas- { | creasing the attendance at the church | | and making it a neighborhood insti- | tution tor, Rev. Dr. William S. Lockard, as- sisted by the choir and an orchestra. his move is made as a means of ins The congregation will occupy leacher . i th township, drank a pint of bay rum. | He was taken to Blair Memorial hos- | a sharp stick, which punctured the |’ ————— ters to the president demanding $300,- |: The Talk of the City “The Witching Food” This new corn creation—hardly 30 days old—is already the talk of the city. We call it Corn Puffs. Witching Food” —the name which users gave it. It is the inner part of white corn made into then puffed. i granules. to perfect it. Try it Ready to Serve with Milk or Cream For Breakfast Lunch—Supper But it goes by the name “The It is tiny, toasted bubbles—airy, flaky, chocdlate-colored puffs. Crisp drops of corn, made to in- stantly melt into almond - flavored It is the daintiest breakfast dish “you ever knew, and it took us ten years Now at Your Grocer's—15c¢ Per Package The Quaker Qats ®mpany Sole Makers—Chicago globules, while it’s new. (281) A GREAT INTEREST “IN THE SENATE Work of House Far Advanced in Important Legislation COMMITTEES ARE TO FINISH threatening letters to President Wil- i: { Election Bills Occupy Attention of Senators with Employers’ Liability and Public ‘ Utilities Commission Measure—Labor Matters Up. (Special Harrisburg Correspondence.) | Harrisburg.—Senatorial proceedings | held the centre of the stage this week, the House being so far advanced in its work that only appropriation meas. ures, a few House bills and measures sent over from the upper branch are listed for consideration. pil The House Appropriations Commit tee plans to finish its labors and the | rest of its committees will completa | consideration of all billgw.originating | in the lower house. . The election bills will be reported out in the Senate and will occupy most of the attention. The Senate committee decided. for action on tha| employers’ liability bills, and the pub- lic utilities commission measure is to be recommended as soon as it passes second reading. Action may also ba taken by committees on the women and children’s labor bills and the bill for a referendum on a constitutional convention. ' A hearing will be held upon the latter bill. - ; ‘The House Appropriations Commit. tee has thusfar reported out bills car- rying $25,637,409.65 and has yet to act upon the general appropriation bill which will carry $43,500,000 .in round numbers and about forty bills for ed- | ucational institutions, armories, monu- | ments, bridges, National Guard main- tenance and other appropriations to the House Committee aggregate above $114,000,000. As the revenue in sight | for the next two years is a little loss | than $65,000,000 and the Senate ap-| propriation bills are net included in | the above total it will mean heavy re- | ductions either in Legislature or by | the Governor. State Efficiency Board. 3 A joint resolution providing for a | State commission to reorganize the | departments of the State government | was presented in the House by Mr. Geiser, of Northampton, by unanimous consent. It embodies a recommenda- tien he made in his minority report on the dual office holding investiga- tion. By the terms of the resolution the Governor is to name three members of an “economy and efficiency commis- sion,” all of whom are to be versed in business and governmental affairs and in systems of economy and efficiency in administration. They are to receive $3,000 a year and expenses each and are charged with the duty of investi. gating “number, character or duties and compensation of all persons in the employ of the State and to ascer- tain and recommend what changes, if | any, | greater uniformity, economy and effi- | partments, branches, commissions of the this State.” | The commission is to report to the | Governor by November 1, 1914, the | report to be sent by the Executive to | the next Legislature, An appropria- | tion of $25,000 is carried. { | bureaus and] Policemen will be sent to jail for | Permit first-class | tn and under county and Stats high | participating in politics if the House EE —— — —— government of | 500. fccepts the Sheatz bill, passea nnally by the Senate. It provides also Judges shall not suspend sentence. There was no opposition, all of the Philadelphia Senators supporting it. Fixes Milk Temperature. The House passed, 117 to 18, the bill of Representative James J. Camp- bell, of Philadelphia, which will pre- vent that city from fixing the tempera- ture of milk there at less than 60 de- grees. The Department of Health and Charities thinks the temperature should be 50, er at most 55 degrees. The Campbell bill is State-wide in its scope, although, the ¢# degree minimum is eptienal with the Boards of Health. At present Philadelphia helds te the 0 degree minimum, and the. responsibility is placed on the Carrying cempany. The House defeated the Humes milk bill for State imspection.of cews and, dairies. This bill was beaten last Wednesday, and the House tonight reconsidered, - then on final passage defeated the bill. Fire Marshal Bill. Director ‘of Public Safety Porter, Powell, Evans, of the Fire Prevention Cemmission; Chief Edwin Clark, of the Bureau of Building Inspection, and other Philadelphians are working against the State administration bill repealing the clause, passed two years ago, exémpting Philadelphia from pro- visions of the act creating the State Fire Marshall. , The present bill would place the Fire Marshal’s department in Philadel- phia under the control and direction of the State Fire Marshal. Backed by the administration, it has passed the House and is now with the Senate Ju- diciary Special Committee. The Director was emphatic in de- claring that the only purpose that he can see in the repealer is to provide jobs for erganization werkers, the measure fixing a per diem fee of $3 for an unlimited number of deputy State marshals. It also allows the deputy 25 cents for reporting eath fire in his district. i “When the bill creating the State Fire Marshal's department was before the Legislature two years ago, a copy of it was sent to Director Clay, and at his suggestion a clause was insert- ed exempting Philadelphia and Alle- gheney counties,” said Director Por- ter. “This action was taken because there were already well established fire marshal’s offices in Philadelphia and Pitt:burg.” Appropriations Reported. These appropriation bills were re- ported to the House:— Polk Institution for Feeble Minded, $972,000. Fountain Springs 887.71. Soldiers’ Orphan School, $242,060. Valley Forge Commission, $77,100. Maintenance Norman Schools, $260, 000. Dixmont Hospital, $141,200. Spring City State Hospital, $554,450, Elwyn Training School, $330,000. Morganza School, $233,000. Rittersville State Hospital, $200,000. Farview State Institution, $226,150. Academy of Natural Sciences, Phil- Hospital, $260,- adelphia, $100,000. / Avery College, Pittsburg, $10,000. Monument at Florence, N. C. $20, 000. Corn Planter Reservation road, may be necessary to secure| $400. Commission to investigate mine ac- ciency in the work of the various de-| cidents, $25,000. Economic zoologist, deficiency, $1,- Ways And t§ EOIIeOT tne COST Irgms === efited parties, amd to grade, pave, curb, macadamize or otherwise im- Preve any highway and cest and re- quiring maps of plots of highways in suck tewnships te be appreved by commissioners before beimg recorded. A third bill approved extends and en- larges the prefersace givea to depos- iterk se .as te imclude deposits pay- able after a specified motice or at ex- piration of a fixed period, and defin- ing and includiag as depeeiters bona fide holders fer value ef certified checks om; or certificates of deposit issued by a trust company er checks or drafts given in exchange for pay- ment of checks er drafts of depoii- ters of a trust company drawn there. on. ’ Bille Vetoed. Extending emiment domain privi- leges of lateral railroads to t:n miles and including lessees as well as own- ers of fireclay and minerals under the act of 1833. Permitting D.,L. Saul and Flora W. Saul, of Harrisburg, to sue the State for damages for am injury re- ceived by Mrs. Saul by falling from an elevator in the Capitol Building, the Goveronor saying the bill’s lan- guage seems to authorize recovery no matter what the evidence. Streams Being Purified. The tanneries of the State are co-operating with the Department of Health and Fisheries in purifying the waters of Pennsylvania. For years the Fisheries Department has been trying to get the streams clear of chemicals and manufacturing plants and tanneries have been constructing devices “for the purification of their wastes which were formerly poured in, to the rivers and creeks unadulterat- ed, causing the death of many fish. Fish Commissioner Buller has just re- ceived a letter from M. J. Beach, president of the Elk Tanning Com- pany, which owns a large number of tanneries, advising the Department that it is making these improvements.'| The company is hampered, says Mr. Beach, in getting labor enough to complete the work as rapidly as they | i company desires. { i Restrict Liguor Trade. | Lecal option land the State-wide, prohibition resolution went down to defeat, but the House passed some minor bills restricting the liguo trade. The most important prohibit | the “growler” and free lunches, and] members of the House, who are iden< tified with the liquor business, helped to put this measure through. Mr, | Ulerich introduced early in the ses! sion a bill prohibiting the selicitation ! of orders fer beer or liquor by agents | and this bill prohibited the collection | by liquor men of empty containers, | This was defeated, reconsidered and! again defeated. BILLS SIGNED BY GOVERNOR. First-Class .Townships .Get .Added Sewer and Road Powers. Governor Tener approved bills to townships to lay | | permanent than technique.” —— Officers to Attend School. i More than 550 efficers, or more than | 80 per cent. of the officers of the Na- | tional Guard, have notified Adjutang | General Thomas J. Stewart of theim intention te attend the camp of ip. structien at Mt. Gretna, and it is ex pected more will register within a few days. The United States Army will detail officers to act as instrue- tors, and orders have been issued by General Stewart notifying officers that the camp will open on Juns 8 and that they should be on the ground by 10:30 that morning, ! —e " Well Expressed. “That man is not a very good lo- gician, but he is ga most impressive talker.” “Yes,” replied Senator Sor ghum; “he is what the musicians re- fer to as a performer with more tem- hoi tate i i fact aaa eS ORIEN - ee wp BL SUI DN pro, ee