oe - FN Sarre Ald Mo oo oie ne - - yisitor Friday. Co Jit dd dri Svs sssiig NEIC GHBORHOOD NEWS.{ COUNTY SEAT NEWS ITEMS M. E. Martz, until recently master mechanic in the B. & O. shops at| Rockwood, has been advanced to general foreman of the Somerset & Cambria division, with headquarters at Somerset. In his new position Mr. Martz will have supervision of motive power over the entire division. Frank Milton Reedy of Somerset, and Miss Katharine Olive Pyle of Milford township, were married at Cumberland, a few days ago. Mrs. Barbara Keim Speicher, aged 85 years, widow of Jefferson Speicher, late of Liscomb, Ia., died several days ago. Her first husband was David Putman of New Centreville, this county. She was a brother of John J. Keim of Elk Lick township. J. Frank Lambert, a student in a Philadelphia medical college, is spending a vacation with his parents, Postmaster and Mrs. John A. Lam- | bert, on the West Side. | Miss Ivy Denison of the North Side | is visiting her brother-in-law and sis- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maust = Salisbury. Oscar Matthews, son of ex-County Treasurer and Mrs. W. Scott Mat- thews, who has been employed in the Union depot, at Pittsburg, during the | past five or six years, was recently promoted to the position of cashier. | Mrs. Frank R. Lyon, whoshas gone to her new home in Fairmont, W. Va., was entertained at a party giveu by Mrs. John H. Beerits, Saturday | evening, at which the out-of- town | guests were Mrs. John D. Hitchman | of Mt. Pleasant; Mrs. Frank B. Black | of Meyersdale, and Mrs. J. Milton | Black of Boswell. Miss Carrie Rhoades spent several | days with Mrs. Milton Taylor of Pitts- burg, who is visiting her parents, the Hon. and Mrs, C, P, Shaver, at Friedens Miss Carrie U. Heffley is spending | the week with relatives in Charles- town, W. Va. Mrs. H. H. Walpole is spending | two weeks with relatives in Tren- ton, N. J. Mrs. Sarah Lipscher, who had been seriously ill, is convalescent. Miss Margaret Kimmell, who had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. George F. Baer, in Philadelphia, has returned home. Dr. H. D. Moore is visiting his son- {n-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Baker, at Holland, Bucks county. Frederick Halbrock, who had been confined to his home with a severe attack of rheumatism for several months, is again able to be about. The Rev. Thomas G. Hicks of Lig- onier, a former pastor of the local Methodist Episcopal church, spent geveral days in town renewing ac- quaintances. Mrs. Frederick W. Biesecker and her brother, Attorney George R. Scull, are visiting relatives in Phila- delphia. Miss Veda Shoemaker has returned from a week’s trip to Gettysburg and Philadelphia. Elias Schrock of Meyersdale, and Barney Krause of Salisbury, were among the business visitors in town recently. Harry Berkey left for Newark, O., where he will spend several weeks with friends and relatives. Miss Mary Black is spending the week with friends and relatives in Morgantown, W. Va. Miss Etta Lape has returned from Rockwood, where she had been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. P. P Hauger. Herschel Walker, a student at Jef- ferson college, Philadelphia, is visiting his brother-in-law and sister, Drug- gist and Mrs. John W. Mullin. Veteran Henry Forney of Chenoa, 111., a native of Somerset county, is in town renewing acquaintances. He will visit the Peter Koontz family at Milford and other relatives at Berlin before returning home. eames SAND PATCH Leo Donovon was a Meyersdale Misses Mary and Beatrice Ravens- craft spent Friday with relatives and friends at Meyersdale. Miss Annie Kerrigan, of Connells- ville, spent several days here with relatives and friends. Mack Kelly was a Friday visitor at Mevyersdale. Mrs. Greenop and son Ben spent a 3 Trt de + od og Ac “ge 3 News Items of Interest From N % Commercial’s Special Correspondents. 5 sfeofeeeederde Bd bE EEE eeee dt PEE bbb RRR RRR R REE | her lin Bedford county. 4 3 | 3 ear- by hoes, leaned is The i + | + 3 | RIDGE VIEW. June 2— Decoration Day was spent rather quietly and owing to the rain there was not as large as would have CONFLUENCE. June 3—Wm. lial Day with friends in town. Mrs. VanSickle and three children of Somerficld spent Thursday in town. : Mrs. Lloyd L. Mountain and two children attended the High School | Commencement Exercises at Mey- | ersdale. Isaac Hall is entertaining his daughter, Mrs. Frank Koontz, of Greensburg. | been had not the rain interfered. The | Friendsville band furnished excellent music. In the evening the Civie Club | gave a delightful play in the I. O. O. | F. Hall entitled ‘Our Coilege Town’’ The play was a decided hit,the pro- ceeds amounted to $104.25 they will be devyted to cleaning up our'ceme- tery. The stork has been quite busy this week. He left a little girl at Mr. and Mrs. Earnest MeDonald’s and a daugh- ter at t e home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hiliman. Intelligence was received here on Friday announcing the death of Rush S. McMillen, of Somerset. Mrs. Sue Liston, of Meyersdale,who is here visiting, and Charles McMillen left at once for Somerset to attend the funeral, Mr. McMillen had a host of friends in Addison who were sorry to hear of his death. John Eisentraut of Listonburg Sud- {dayed at Ridge View. Miss Bessie Jeffreys, of Addison,re- turned home Tuesday after spending | several days at Somerfield, visiting her friend, Miss Ada Witt. Miss Charlott Wass, an aged resi- | dent of our place, is dangerously ill at this writing. Miss May Jeffreys spent Sunday and Monday at Ridge View, the guest cf grandmother, Mrs. KE. Grimes, Snore —————— ROCKWOOD. June 3 Leroy Young, A.b:rt Young and Harry Wolfersberger attended the commencement exercises at Con- nellsville last week. Mrs. John G. Miller is spending several days with relatives and friends at Manns Choice and vicinity Ross May, the constable, Memorial Day in Pittsburgh. Miss Ethel DeVore, a student, of California State Normal, is spending | the summer vacation with her moth- er, Mrs. E. G, Devore, Mrs. Ida Leach and Mrs. Violet Sanderson of Pittsburgh, are spend- ing several weeks as guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Biftner, and Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McSpadden. Miss Ida Berger of Jeannette is the guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. M, Rafferty. i INDIAN CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walcott of Roaring Run were calling on Connells- ville friends on Saturday. M. S. Hutchinson,one of Mill’s real estate men, was transacting business in Uniontown and Connellsville on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thorpe and son Meloin returned from Ohio Pyle, were they spent Decoration Day among friends. Train No. 48 set off a coach on Sat- urday for Scottdale High School, who were picnicing at Killarney Park. Joseph Steimdl and Frank Kooser were business callers at Connellsville, on Saturday, spent Mrs. August Darrah and children left for their home after visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. Z. Lynn. Wm. Prinkey was marketing this place on Monday. Mrs. Hiram Hall, of near Mill Run, made a shopping trip to Connellsville on Saturday. BE VIM. June 3—Mrs. Simon Nicholson and daughter Harriet of Pleasant Hill, spent Decoration Day in our town and Meyersdale. in Milton Fike was detained from his work on account of lumbago last week. Mr. and Mrs, Martin Meyers spent Saturday in Larimer twp., with friends. Eugene Wellen is on the sick list at present. Henry Suder and family spent Sun- day with Peter Bowman’s near Sum- mit Mills. John White of Salisbury spent Sun- day with his son, P. W. White. Samuel Saylor and family of near Meyersdale spent Sunday with How- ard Fike’s. The trolley was put out of com- mission several hours last Friday on aocount of a big slide at Huntsrick. Frank Thomas and family of Coal Run spent Sunday with Mrs. Thom- as’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Engle. Wm. Seggieand family spent Sun- day in Meyersdale with relatives. Scott Keim of California State Normal spent Decoration Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Keim. Mrs. Charles Robison of Ursina spent Decoration Day in town. Mrs. George Marietta of Humbert spent, Thursday in town shopping. Archie Zimmerman of Grantsville was circulating among friends on Thursday last. Harry Campbell of Humbert was a town visitor Thursday last. Mrs. Bartholamew and four child- ren of Rockwood spent a few days with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Mitchell. Miss Stella Miller Mrs. L. A. Silbaugh. Mrs. Edward Clark spent Thurs- day last with friends in Ursina. Mrs. Wm. Grove was called to Connellsville by the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Templeton. Mrs. Samuel Downs and Mrs. F. Clouse entertained the J. O. L. Sun- day school class at their home| Thursday evening. Arrangements were made to hold a reception in the church in June. After the reg. ular business was transacted they. adjourned, A very .delightful social hour was spent in playing games and contests. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess. The following members were present: Misses Stella Miller, Helen Bowlin, Edyth Show, Nellie Brown, Ida McDonald, Lucy Porterfield, Nettie Weayer, Edyth White, Erma Flanigan, Grace Stark, Louise Hagans, Mrs. Samuel Rey- beck, Mrs. Milton Clark, Mrs. Tay- lor, T. W. Black and C. W. Hall The following visitors were also present: Mrs. ‘Haryey Mease, Mrs. Edna Augustine, Della Silbaugh and Ronald Clouse. BN SAARI WHIPPOORWILL COMMUNITY. entertained June 3—Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Poor- baugh of Wallace, Neb., were visi- tors at A. C. Lepley’s, Mrs. Poor- baugh’s father. : Miss Mary Zimmerman, who was working for Washington Boxes is at home at present. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lichty and daughter Mary made a visit to Elmer Engle’s, Sunday. Cyrus Boxes is staying with his son Washington who liyes in A. C. Lepley tenant house. John Lichty was a yisitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Lichty, Sunday. Most of our people attended the Memorial service at St. Paul, in the Reformed church last Sunday, which was one of the best Syor held at that place. Charles Arnold, who had been vis- iting in Cumberland returned home. Next Sunday, June 8th, Childrens Day will be observed in the Reformed church at St Paul Everyboay wel- come. > CASSELMAN Mr. Foust of Pittsburgh and Miss Ella Trimpey of Kingwood were guests of Mrs. Milton Trimpey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stahl and little daugh- ter, Mildred of Meyersdale have re- turned from a four week’s visit with relatives at Casselman. Daniel Bittner who is working near Uniontown spent the week’s end with his family. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Putmgp a girl. Messers. Glen and Clark Witt and Claude Meckes, of Connellsville were guests of the former’s sister, Mrs. Harrison Sechlur, on Memorial Day. Mrs. Ada Whiplsey, of Connellsville, is visiting relatives, here. Miss Pauline Whiplsep, of Center- ville is the guest of relatives. Misses Ida and Della Shrock, and Mrs. J. A. Sembower were Casselman callers, on Saturday. Mrs. C. W. Gauisbert, of Pittsburgh, is visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Lape. Miss Maude Lephart was a Meyers- dale caller last week. Mrs. friends and relatives in Ursina. Mr. and Mrs. John Lephart have left for Homestead to attend the wed- dieg of their son, Ralph Lephart. Mr. Lephart isa well-known young man in this vicinity. We wish the young couple much happiness. and Mrs. L. Monday with friends at Meyerdale Robert Kelly was a Meyersdale r, Friday. visite D.H.K Md and Monday in ess. berland, p spent Sunday in Cum- | Som- | Mr. D. Cramer were business callers at Rockwood, last week. Mrs. Burns was a Cumber- land visit veel Clouse spent Memor- | | Baer, of Rockwood, | mer’s sister, Mrs. Howard Speicher,of Wm. Heil has been visiting |Z SALISBURYJUNCTION. June I2— Messrs H. W. and E. R. | spent Tuesday | with their mother. Mrs. Ira Fike and Mrs. Chas. teney spent Wednesday with the for- Rockwood. Mrs. Henry Platter and children,of Meyersdale, spenta few days with Mrs. A. C. Platter. Edward Meyers, wife and children, of Greenville, spent Sunday with the former’s sister, Mrs. John Bowser. Herman Baer and family spent Sun- day at Hay’s Mill, visiting the for- mer’s brother. Miss Edith Baer spent over Sunday with her brothers of Rockwood. Mrs. Simon Marteney spent over Sunday with her daughter, mrs. How- ard Speicher, of Rockwood. G. E. Baer and family, of Meyers- dale, spent part of Friday with the former’s mother. Mrs. John Gauntz and family spent part of Sunday with Levi Gauntz’s, Miss Carrie Keefer, of near Berlin, spent over Sunday at the home of Mrs. Baer. Paul Baer, who is working for his uncle, at Summit Mills, spent Sunday with his mother. Miss Ruth Griffith, of Shady Lawn, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Susie Gnagey ah OHIO PYLE Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Glotfelty of Connellsville are making a short vis- it with Garrett street friends. Mr. and Mrs. Burdette were visiting at Ursina. Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Mitchell spent Saturday at Connellsville. Miss Gertrude Stull left on Tuesday morning for Brunswick, Md., to spend several months visiting friends. Mrs. R. ‘C. Holt left on Saturday for Ursina where she is visiting among friends. . Mrs. Ray Taylor and daughter spent Friday in Connellsville. Mr." and Mrs. spent Sunday in Ursina. Mrs. Wm. Joseph and children left on Monday evening for their home in Connellsville after a short visit with friends here. PEL SEAR SALISBURY Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wagner, of Akren, Ohio, are visiting relatives at this place. On their way home they will spend a week with their son in Johnstown. Bud Wagner who is employed in Johnstown spent a few days of last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Wagner. Fay Lichty has returned from Se- lins Grove where he had been attend- ing college. McClure Barchus left on Monday morning for Sharon’ where he will visit relatives for several weeks. The Merchants Power Plant ab Coal Run was burned te the ground Monday night. The Fancy Work Club was delight- fully entertained by Miss Emma McClure at her home Thursday after- noon. Thirty-two members wer pres- ent. BIDS FOR SUPPLIES. A letter from Representative C. J. Hemminger on Tuesday states that Gov. Tener has signed a bill which is of considerable importance to the taxpayers of Somerset and other counties having a population of less than 150,000. The new Act provides that the Poor Directors must adver- tise for sealed bids for the furnishing of all supplies where the same costs $150. or more. It is asserted that much money has been lost under the old system which permits the pur- chase of supplies without the formal- ity of receiving bid.s The bill was drafted by a Somerset attorney and was introduced by Representative Hemminger. The new law provides a penalty of $500 or six month’s im- prisonment. RECOMMENDS BRIDGE. Judge Ruppel has filed a decree con- curring with the May court grand jury and the county commissioners in their recommendations of anew bridge across Roaring Run, in Jenner Town- ship, where the public road leading from Glessner post office to Freeman Gonder’s farm crosses the stream,near the residence of Samuel Griffith. The bridge was recommended by the fol- lowing viewers: Attorney Rufus E. Meyers, Somerset; Peter Hogman, of Paint Township, and Jeremiah J. Reiman, of Stonycreek Township. The court has also similiarly concur- red in the matter of anew bridge over Fallen Timber Run, in Quemahoning Township, where the public highway leading from Hooversville to the Ridge road crosses the stream. This bridge was recommended by the viewers: Attorney Louis C. of Somerset, Josepl ferson Township, anc Mar- | | M. H. Hochstetler | | following | Colborn, A BRIEF HISTORY until 1882—When S. 1869—0Only a few years later, there was started in Meyersdale the bank Philson, Black & Co., which was so operated the firm which was then named the CITIZENS BANK and so continued until ; 1901—When it was incorporated as the CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK. Old in experience New in methods Gives efficient service to its depositors “THE BANK WITH THE CLOCK.” 1861-1864—The soldiers whom we honor this 30th day of May won their glorious victories. B. Philson entered AAA AAA Groceries, Centre Street Ce A VISIT TO HOIZSII & W6IM6F'S STORE Will show to you the best line of Flour, We Buy in Car Lots, Hence Can Save You Money. Goods Delivered Free. Both Phones. DD rm mn ~ Feed, Etc. MEYERSDALE FA. SALES CONFIRMED. Judge Ruppel has confirmed the sale of a 167-acre farm by P. M. Wey- and, administrator of the estate of George W. Weyand, late of Jeff- erson twp., to Jessie G. Weyand, for $7,111, The court has passed on the fol- lowing other matters in the Orphans’ court recently: Administrators’ accounts confirmed in the following estates: Tony Dom- inick, late of Jenner twp.; Sarah Yoder, late of Comemaugh twp.; David R. Holsinger, late of Wind- twp.; Herman P. Fritz, late of Brothersvrlley twp.; Wm. A. Gar- man, late of Berlin; Sara Woy, late of Somerset twp,; Edward S. Ogline, late of Semerset twp., and Josiah Shaffer, late of Jenner twp. In the estates of the following ex- ecutors’ accounts have been confirm- ed: George C. Bittner, late of Som- erset twp.; Abraham Landis, late late of Paint borough and John, J. Gumbert, late of Brothersvalley twp, Guardians’ accounts confirmed in the following estates: John Liebau, late of Southampton twp., Reuben S. Hay, late of Lincoln twp., and Frances Woy, late of Somerset twp. Widow’s appraisement confirmed in the estate of Norman S. Saylor, late of Somerset twp. In the estate of Milton C. Johnson, late of Windber, order of sale of minor’s interest in real estate awarded. Widow’s appraisement confirmed in the estate of Wilson C. Paul late of Greenville twp. of Lincoln twp., Carrie E. Knupp, appointed guardian of minor children. Bond $600. Attorney Frederick W. Biesecker, appointed auditor Herman P. Fritz, | valley twp. In the estate of Wm. late of Brothers* of C. Holbert, appointed auditor. The Rev. James P. Sass, ber; W. H. Miller, late of Jefferson |to of Stonycreek twp.: John A. Luther, In the estate of John Queer, late in the estate of Maurer, late Quemahoning twp., Attorney A. appointed Gettysburg Automobile Map Free. The War Department has prepared for the information of autombilists a map of the big camp of 40,000 veter- ans at the Gettysburg Semi-Centen- nial, July 1 to 4 inclusive. The map shows every street in the camp and the adjacent roads, and gives detailed information as to which streets are to be open for wheeled vehicles and all regulations for the same. This map will be of great value to automobilists who attend the celebra- tion. It will be mailed free of charge all who write for it to Col. Lewis E. Beitler, Secretary, Gettysburg Semi-Centennial Commission, State Capitol, Harrisburg, Pu. EE Novel Massage Cream. PERFECT SKIN FOOD THAT REMOVES WRINKLES AND CLEARS COMPLEXION. The most delicate skin will quickly respond to the soothing and tonic effects of Hokara and when this pure skin cream is used, pimples are soon a thing of the past. As a massage cream or after shav- ing it is unequalled, removing all ir- ritations, and making the skin soft and velyety. Apply a little to the hands or face after washing and surprise your- self with the dead skin that comes off. Hokara is the only antiseptic mas- sage cream, and pimples, eczema and all skin blemishes soon disap- pear when it is used. nary massage creams and sold on a guarantee of ‘“‘best you ever used or money back,” yet the price is a trifle, only 25¢ for a liberal jar; larger size 50c. Sold on guarantee by S. E. Thor- ley, at the City Drug Store. ad APPEALS TO COURT. In the condemnation proceedings of the Manufactures Water Company, of Johnstown, against Joseph Wads- worth, of Jenner Township, in which { gnardian in the estate Children Cry FOR FLETCHER’S Reiman, of Stonycreek Township CASTORIA of Dennis | McCauley, late of Windber. Bond$200 | the defendant $1,700 damages, Wads- a board of viewers recently awarded worth has appealed to court, alleging | that such amount does not adquately compensate him for land appropriated by the Manufacturers conce construction of its Que Although far superior to the ordi- - y PN Pe ot hi Me RR OP Od PN ek Pd CF EAN eA Cede