i a SE WEEKS NEWS STORIES RETOLD Zvents That Made a Stir Con. densed to a Paragraph. WHAT WASHINGTON IS DOING &¥iews of Interest That Trickles Frem | #he White Heuse and the Various ! Departments—Catalogue of Crimes and Casualties. T Washington ] A petition bearing 3,000 signatures Yas been seat from Panama to Presi .afemt Wilsoa requesting the reopening .«f the case of J. Frank Houstom, of PZ entucky, sentenced to tem years’ im- sarisonment for killing Harry Stern at ¢zatun February 8. Secretary McAdoo has invited all enflicials and employes of the Treasury SDepartment to make suggestions and wrecomnendations for the improvement | anf the department. A stay was granted Samuel Gomp- wers, John Mitchell and Frank Morri- «son until their appeal to the Supreme ¢ Court is argued. Daniel J. Keefe's resignation as| ofommissioner of General Immigration | 1fendered May 3, was accepted by Sec-| y Wilson of the Department of Mr. Keefe was appointed by ident Roosevelt. el THIET [Han HE Pers onal STE HH An Billy Arlington, known a generation #ago from coast to coast as one of the Wieading minstrels of the country, is sijead at a hospital at Los Angeles, at | ‘he age of 78. He was stricken with ¥aeart trouble. “Fhe wedding gifts received by Prin- | «ess Luise and Prince Ernest of Cum- | Waerland total $2,000,000 © value. Dr. Charles McBurney, fas’ in a «oyaagmire, near Stockbridge, Mass, «ast to a tres with his trout rod and | “ime and pulled himself to safety on a Dr. Robert Johns Trevorrow, for- ssmerly pastor of the Woodlawn Heights "Sfethodist Episcopal Church, of New “Work City, was installed as president | «»f Drew Seminary for Young Women, | ~awhich is conducted at Carmel. N. Y,, Way trustees elected by the Methodist J¥