/ish hich face. wel- SCAR - ) PIECE SOME NTER- HANGE .Y EN- th Phones. - : REY IN HONOR OF THE VETERANS Meyersdale Pays Homage---A Large Crowd Anticipated, / re + private road leading from the Somer- Meyersdalef 3 VOLUME XXXVI BCommercial, MEYERSDALE. PA. THURSDAY. MAY 29. 1913 4The M. C. Lowry Post of the G. A. R. attended Memorial services in the Lutheran church last Sunday even- - ing, when Rev. J. A. Yount preached an edifying and inspiring sermon to a large and appreciative audience. MEMORIAL DAY. It is expected that many more than in previous years will join in the parade on Memgrial day. Burgess Reich is chief marshal. The parade will start on Center street between Broadway and North streets, and pro- ceed to the Union cemetery. At 1:00 Pp. m. the parade will form. The following is the program ar- ranged to be rendered in the Union cemetery on Memorial Day: Music—Meyersdale Band. Music—Male Quartet. Invocation—Rev. A.E. Truxal, D.D. Music—*‘‘Nearer My God to Thee’’ —Band and Assembly. - Recitation—Miss Ada Mitchell. Reading—Lincoln’s Gettysburg Ad- dress. Prayer—Grand Army Ritual. America—Band and Assembly. Address—Rev. G. A. Neeld. Grand Army Service. Benediction—Rev. L. B. Ritten- house. The old soldiers will be conveyed t> the cemetery in automobiles. FIREMEN’S MEMORIAL SERVICE. Immediately after the G. A. R. Memorial exercises are finished and while the graves are being decorated the Meyersdale Fire company will hold a short memorial service, at which time A. M. Schaffner, Editor of The Commercial will deliver a short address. ORDER OF FORMATION. The Veterans and Fraternal organ- izations will form on Center street between North and Broadway. All automobiles and vehicles will form on North street above Center, All school children and citizens will form on North street below Cen- ter. / H. J. WILMOTH’S CONDI- TION CRITICAL. H. J. Wilmoth, one of the most widely known men in the county, has been critidally ill for some time, and the belief is that his end may come at any time. The hopes which his many friends entertained of his ultimate recovery have changed into despair and resignation. MAUS GRANTED A RE-HEARING. PARDON BOARD GIVES MURDERER ANOTHER CHANCE. The State Board of Pardons at a session held last Wednesday decided to grant a re-hearing in the case of John W. Maus, of Somerset county, who had been refused recommenda- tions for commutation in April. NEW ROAD. Attorney Bufus E. Meyers, of Som- erset; Attorney John A. Hartman,of ‘Windber, and Virgil M. Black, of Con- fluence, viewers appointed by the court to pass upon the petition of the Globe Column & Manufacturing Com- pany, of Somerset township, for a set;Stoyestown highway, at the Som- erset & Cambria Railroad crossing,to petitioner’s mill, a distance of 500 ft., have reported in favor of the projected road. A former board of viewers dis- approved of the road, and it is prob- able rhat exceptions will be filed to the report of the second set of arbit- ers. ARM FRACTURED. Mrs. Robert B. Walker, fell on Fri- day from the step ladder, while clean- ing a lamp, and broke her left arm near the wrist. Dr. Rowe attended to the fracture. While Mrs. Walker is suffering much pain she is getting along as well as can be expected. FAMILY REUNION AT HOOVERSVILLE. There was a pretty family reunion on Saturday at the home of F. F. Clark of Hooversville, in honor of his 69th birthday anniversary. Mr. Clarke is one of the oldest residents of Hooversville, having been born there and never having been absent from the town longer than a month at a time, except when he was in the army. While there are older men in Hooversville, there are none who have livéd there continuously as has Mr. Clark. Many out-of-town relatives were present to celebrate the anniversary. FRATERNAL MEMORIAL | eloquent and interesting sermon. The SOCIETY NOTES. A very pleasant surprise party was given Miss Sara Gerhart at her home on Olinger street, Monday evening by a few of her friends. The evening was very pleasantly spent in playing games and delicious refresh- ments were served. Those present were—Misses Vira Boyer, Elizabeth Bolden, Margaret Foley, Gregg Darrow,Eunice Darrow, Mildred Donges, Marion Dickey, Grace Dickey, Mary Darrah, Virginia Carey, Cora Crosby, Margaret Brant, Florence Gerhart and Bertha Gerhart, ‘Thursday evening of last week a surprise party was given Mrs. J. F. Reich, at her home on Broadway, by a number of her friends in honor of her birthday. The evening was delightfully spent in playing, five hundred and a delicious luncheon was served. May she have many more happy birthdays. The Dorcas Thimble club met at the home of Mrs. W. H. Ryland, on Meyers avenue, Wednesday after- noon of this week. GRADUATING CLASS ATTEND SERVICES Seats were at a premium last Sun- day evening in the Brethren church when the graduating class of the High School and many of their friends gathered to hear the baccalaureate sermon preached by the pastor, Rev. H. L. Goughnour, who delivered an young men and young women pre-/ sented a fine appearance in cap and gown. The music rendered on the occasion was of a high order. The members of the graduating class are: John Lee Austin. Earl Walker Boyer. Florence Mabel Boyer. Sarah Helen Boucher. Lucille Patience Conrad. Bernadette Louise Crowe. Violet Marella. Dickson. Pauline Elizabeth Grof. William Eston T. Lint. Albert Frederick Lintz. Samuel Wilson Peck. Margaret Elizabeth Shultz. Park Manchester Weimer. Howard Reed Will. The following program will be ren- dered in Donges Theatre on Friday evening at eight o’clock, when the commencement exercises will be held ; » Music—Orchestra. Invocation—Rev. J. A. Yount. Address of Welcome—Lee Austin, President of the Class. Song—* ‘The Fountain’’—Class. Reading of the 103d Psalm—OQlass. Valedictory—William T. Lint. Music—Orchestra. Address—Dr. S. E. Weber, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, State College. Song—*‘Spring’’—The Class. Presentation of Diplomas — Mr. Clarence Moore. Music—Orchestra. Bo diction—Rev. G. A. Neeld. - SQUIRE REVERSED. Judge Ruppel on Tuesday handed FIRST COMMUNION AND MAY PROCESSION - LAST SUNDAY. Last Sunday morning in SS. Philip and James Catholic church, a class of thirty-one boys and girls received their first Communion at the 8:30 o’clock mass. The girls were dressed in white and wore veils and the bays were neatly attired in dark suits. The pastor, Rey. Father Brady, de- livered a short address, after which the children who had just received their first Communion, renewed their Baptismal vows, and the total ab- stinence pledge was given them by the pastor. The children’s choir, with Miss Josephine Damico as or- ganist, rendered the music at this mass. In the evening at 7:30 o’clock, about 125 children participated in the annual May procession and crowning of the Blessed Virgin. At this ser- vice the church was crowded to the doors. Margaret Foley, carrying a huge basket of flowers, and with lit- tle Katharine Logue and Siddy Dam- ico, holding ribbons which extended from her shoulders, led the procession, followed by the children, the girls dressed in white, wearing veils and carrying flowers. Regina Foy, the May Queen, carrying a wreath of flowers, with little Marie Kelly and Joanna Domico, was next in line, and then came the altar boys and Rev. Father Brady. As the procession moved up the center aisle, they sepa- rated, and at a signal, the larger girls who were carrying flower wands, formed an arch through which the May Queen, altar boys and Father Brady passed; this presented a most beautiful sight. When all“were seated Margaret Foley recited a beautiful poem and placed her flowers at the shrine which had been erected for the occasion. Regina Foy also recited and offered the wreath she carried which was placed on the statue of the Blessed Virgin. Rev. Father Brady delivered a very able discourse suitable to the occasion, after which Benediction was given. The singing by the senior choir and also by the children was well render- ed. Miss Marie Crowe, the organist, presided at the organ. For this occasion the church was beautifully decorated with cut flowers and plants. TO LOCATE IN MEYERS DALE. : Daniel Meyers, wife and family are in this locality from Kansas. It is the plan of Mr. Meyers to engage in busi- ress in town The comunity welcomes him here, and will be pleased to have him succeed in establishing a business MEMORIAL DAY BASE BALL GAME. On Memorial day, when the veterans and children are through decoraticg the graves in the cemetery, and the exercises are completed, the crowd will turn its steps towards the Slicer ball ‘ ground, providing J. Pluvius, takes in his sprinkling can, and ‘Old Sol.”? favors us with sunshine, where will take place a most remarkable game of ball between the heavy weights and light weights of Meyers- dale. It will be a battle for blood. Each side is determined to do or die. Frank Hoblitzell is leading a formi- dable and a classy bunch of players out to prove that the fats are the champions, while Paul Clutton will have his men, who are keen of eye and fleet of foot to score the winning run. A glance at the list of players will convince all that it will be a battle royal and that the better team will win. LINE-UP. FATS LEANS Hoblitzell , p. Shipley Hostetler Cc. Price Stotler 1t. Cook Pfahler 2nd. Moore Smith 3rd. Philson Getty S. 8. Clutton Lenhart L Weller | Shipley. c.f OC. Cook Reich r Thomas SUBS Naugle Thorley Dill, Rowe - Benford Bowman Hoblitzell Kretchman Crunkleton Walker, Fike Neeld Dailey, Geidt, Goughnour Clark, Bittner, Ryland Hartung. Appel. Umpire—J. Williams. Score keep- er—Dr. C. P. Large. Manager—Louis Cohen. Game called at 3:30. Ad- mission 25 and 35 cents. GQ. A. R. Veterans admitted free. "-~ NTHLY PAY. The B. & O. railroad will inangu- rate the semi monthly pay system on July 1, as provided for in a recent act of the Legislature. All of the men on the system will receive their pay on the first and§fif- teenth of each month in the usual form. The custom of paying by check, which the company had followed for several years will be continued. If employers are out on a run when the checks are distributed they will be left with the agent to await the claimant. It is expected that two days at the first and fifteenth will be sufficient time to pay the 2,000 men on the enterprise. Connellsville division. The Keystone Junction community was in a high state of anxiety from last Thursday at 6:00 p. m. until Fri- day morning at 10:00 o’clock. The people were told from mouth to mouth that a boy had been lost. All realized that night was rapidly coming on and a child six years old unfamil- iar with the country had wandered away and no trace of him could be found anywhere. The mother was intensely concerned and the commu- nity readily responded, a search was made, every hill and valley, every boulder and bush, every spring and and every pond was examined with- out success. Mrs. Louis W. Geiger of Connells- ville, a daughter of Fred Swearman of Keystone Junction, is on a visit to her father and brought three children along on the visit. = On Thursday evening, a young son Teddy wandered away from the premises without leaving any trace of his whereabouts. As soon as he was missed, which was about six o’clock, a searching party went out and hunted till midnight without re- LOST BOY FOUND--ALMOST PERISHED In a Woods at the Foot of the Allegheny Mountains All Night---Was in a Sad Plight When Found. Junction. The boy has many marks bearing testimony to the fact that he had a pretty rough night, marks of the sharp thorns and briers are on his small body. It rained practically all of Thursday night and the little fellow was in it without coat or cap. He was chilled to to the bone and nearly frozen to death during his long wait, and almost famished when the rescuing party found him. ; The little fellow is bright for his age and in answer to the questions put to him he gave direct and intelli- gent answers. To the question whose boy are you? he said I am L.W. Geiger’s boy. Where do you want to go? To grandpa Swearman’s place. Where do you live? At Connellsville. The boy was ready for a good breakfast. Teddy said he had been afraid of wild cat and bears, but he claims he had not seen any. He claims he had not slept all night but that he had been sitting on a large stone throughout the entire night. Teddy has evidently the making of a botanist. At any rate he says he sult. About four o’clock in the morn- ing another start was made so that the party would be on the mountain | J dali Lyery nook and corner | was Kept np@imtil abeus10:00 o'clock | on Friday morning when John Miller DAY. The Modern Woodmen and the Knights of Pythias will hold a joint | memorial service in the Union ceme- tery on Sunday, June 8th. down an opinion reversing a $70 judg- ment awarded for the plaintiff by. Jus- | tice of the Peace, A. Kent Miller, | of Somerset, in the suit of M. M. | Shaulis, of Lincoln township, against Calvin E. Deal, of Meyersdale, of Scrateh Hill, came upon Teddy | Geiger, standing against a. tree in Milton Zinn’s woods, at the foot of the Allegheny mountains, about three miles distant, from the home of { Frederick Swearman at Keystone was out hunting Johnny-jump-ups and by following that he lost his bearings. EIGHTH DISTRICT SCHOOL AS The annual convention of the Sun- day schools of the Eighth District of the Somerset County Sunday School Association was held in St. Paul's Reformed church, St. Paul, Pa., on Sunday May 25th. The convention opened with devo- tional exercises conducted by Rev. BE. 8. Hassler—reading responsively with the congregation the 19th Psalm. After singing hymn 26, Rev. Beahm lead in prayer. Following the opening. exercises Rev. E. J. Egan, President of the District took charge of the meeting. The report of the last convention held at Salisbury on August 18, 1912, was read and approved, after which our President opened the program with the address—‘ “Why Are’ We Here?’ At the close of his address he gave a very applicable Sunday school motto, which we think is well to carry in our report: ‘‘I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, But I can do something, What I can do I ought to do; And, by the Grace of God, I will do,”’ After singing hymn No. 146 Presi- dent - Egan appointed Mr. Lester Engle as Query Manager. The next topic for discussion was a Round Table Talk on the Home De- partment in charge of Mrs. H. F. Fogle of Salisbury. Mrs. Fogle de- scribed the Home Department as the Sunday school in the home. The dis- cussion brought forth many interest- ing questions. Mrs. Fogle, with Messrs. Beam,” Maust, Lepley, Gna- gey, Mrs. Liston and Miss McKinley pointed out the following interesting points :—The usefulness of the Home Department to the Sunday school, the aid it gives the Pastor, in many cases paving the way for him and helping him to get a hold on the home; that every school should have a home department no matter how small or how large; the duties of the home department visitors being to distribute the leaflets, collect the con- tributions quarterly, to inquire as to the welfare of the family and if any are sick to report to the pastor of the chureh and that at least six hours each week should be spent in visiting Home Department members. The great number of benefits derived from this department of the work are brought out in the aids given to the Sunday school, the church and the entire community. After singing hymn No. 68, Rev. E. S. Hassler very ably described the New Graded Lessons. = Some peo- ple think these New Graded Lessons should be called a New Education. As yet it has no fixed place and has not been established in many of the schools of this county. but it is based on the needs of the pupil and it gives more thought to be worked out by the teacher. The whole idea of the work is based on the needs of the scholar, the age of the pupil and the ability of the pupil to study and learn. The lessons are made to fit the under- standing of beginners, juniors, inter- mediate and senior pupils. NUMBER 1890 SUNDAY SOCIATION REPORT Proceedings of Annual Convention of Somerset County Sunday Schools Held May 25, 1913. After singing hymn No. 175 Mr. J. M. Gnpagey, of Mey ersdale, took charge of a Round Table Talk on Teacher Training work. There was a time when Sunday school teachers taught the lessons to the pupils from sources of their own knowledge and what additional helps they could get from commentaries on the work but today there is a demand for trained teachers everywhere. Our publie schools select their teachers after go- ing over their credentials, examining their character and their ability. The Sunday school today to be suc- cessful in every point must follow along this line. We need trained teachers so that they can adapt them- selves and teach where they are needed. Following this was a report of the District officers to which the Treas- urer, Mr. M. S. Maust, responded with a yearly report and giving a bal- ance of $2.37 in the treasury. Miss Mary Eicher gave a report of the schools having cradle roll depart- ments. Mr. Perry Maust being ab- sent sent a report of the Home De- partment enrollment in the different Sunday schools. The total enrollment being 421. Mrs. Sue Liston gave a report of the temperance work in the District and in the absence of Mr. Ww. G. Saylor, Supt. of Teacher Training, Rev. H. L. Goughnour, Supt. Organ- ized Adult Bible Class, and Rev. G. A"Neeld, Missionary Supt., and these gentlemen having sent no report, there were no reports given of these divisions of the work. Another round table talk was then taken up with Mrs. E. E. Hazelbarth as leader. Rev. R. D. Murphy, Field Secretary of Western Pennsylvania, gave a short talk on general Sunday school work. Following this the president called for a report of the different schools in the distriet and only ten schools responded. President appointed a nominating committee composed of Rev. E. S. Hassler, Chairman; J. L. Barchus, E. E. Hazelbarth and J. M. Gnagey. This was followed by the Benedic- tion by Rev. Ed. Miller, and then the session adjourned until 7:30 p. m. An evening song service was con- ducted by Rev. E. S. Hassler and fol- lowed by reading responsively the 1st Psalm. The nominating committee gave their report which was accepted. In the absence of Rev. H. H. Wiant, who was assigned the subject “How to get more Sunday School Members to Remain for the Church Service’ and Mr. B. H. Lambing, the County President, who was to speak on ‘‘Our Sunday School Work,” Rev. R. D. Murphy gave an interesting talk on Sunday school work After singing hymn No. 219 a num- ber of interesting queries were read and discussed. The convention closed with the Benediction by Rev. R. D. Murphy. MARRIED. Last Thursday, May 22nd, Miss Florence Bessie Bowser and John G. Livengood, were married at the home of Carl Voghtman, Keystone street, at 11 o’clock in the morning, by Rev. J. A. Yount, pastor of Zion Lutheran church. A wedding dinner was served at 12 o’clock. Those who attended the wedding from out of town were—Mrs. Cathe- rine Merrbach, Mr. and Mrs. John Merrbach, George and Clayton Merr- back, Mrs. Theodore Merrbach, Miss Pearl Phillips and Victor Phillips, all of Frostburg, Md. Mrs. Conrad Lintz and daughter.Vesta of Midland, Md.; Godlieb Merrbach of Lonoconing; John Lichliter- and Miss Daisy Lich- liter of Cumberland, Mrs. Wm. Bru- ner of Eckhard, Md. Mrs. George Schramm, Misses Emma and Maud Schramm, Mr. Bowser and son, Mr. and Mrs. John Livengood, Amelia Mr. Geiger took his son back to AT goncuon and San@®onnellsville, thinking that perhaps Patch was 166%ed into: This searchighe effects of his ‘night out’ might work to the boys injury, and preferred having him at home. The mother’s heart was filled with joy when the news reached her that her los y had been found. The parents ple who so diligently carrigd on the search for little Teddy. very grateful to the peo- | weekly Livengood and Miss Wagner, all of Ele Lick, Pa. LUCKY DOCTOR. The will of the-late David Barry- man, merchant of Listie, reveals an interesting bequest in favor of a prominent Somerset physician, Dr, S. J. H. Louther, who will receive, under the terms of the will $500 Dr. Louther was for somelyears Mr. Barryman’s family physician. The remainder of his estate is bequeath~ ed to Mr. Barryman’s only child, a daughter. Mr. Barryman’s remains were interred in the Husband cem- etery. MEN HURT IN HOOVERS- VILLE MINE. Jacob Suter, a miner employed by the Bakér Whitney Coal Co., was badly hurt on Saturday when caught under a fall of coal, his collar bone was torn loose from the breast bone and one foot being crushed. John Hinchew, employed by the SOMERSET WANTS CLEAN STREETS. ® re. Council will receive bids y for cleaning the streets rough Secretary Gharles Town same company, was also erushed “by |a fall of coal Friday, his collar bone | being fractured and one hand crushed. | Dr. A. M, Uphouse who attended the | two injured men, Ss also under his treatment, Mike Rusick, who was in- jured in No. 1, § ycreel ine Smoke of VEEKS ag Pa 3 o PAL Reo. Ei a