Jie at ition es I a ——— A RR I a sa X 3 Washington ITH OF THE WEEK'S NEWS atest Telegraphic and Cable intelligence Epitomized. GOLD WORLD AND THE NEW dF olitical Pet Is Bubbling Furieusly— «News About Wars That Are Rag- ing and Rumers Abeut Wars te Come. TL 3,000 delegates te the Seveath- «way Adveatists’ cemferemce at Wash- dington observed the Sabbath in a num- ‘her of tents erected im that city. The resolutiem fer public hearimgs a®n the Tarif bill was defeated and the “Zill referred to the Senate committee. Japan was informed that the United “tates will stand by California in the matter of the Alien Land Law. Presi «ident Wilson and the heads of the ¢Btate, War and Navy Departments “held a comsultatien in regard to the agituation. The Senate Committee on Indian Af- €¥airs heard from three sources of al- Ljeged immorality at the Indian Schoel «ot Carlisle, Pa. 3 ~~ Personal i= sllnNE The inhabitants of Washington, N. «3., aided Secretary Daniels in cele- “rating his fifty-first birthday. Immediately afier wwperintendent of schools of Kansas City, James H. Greenwood, whe held the of-