/ish HANGE LY EN- ., WALL R ANY, STORE. . YOUR 5. 7 oth Phones, I TO nd you w you )eapest ervice; ady to > gone lesign, facts. vagon, consisting nan strong. rack if not convineed. T YOU. ¢) 15¢ 25¢ EE ————_—_—— ——— red Promptly. goer Sows rsdale, Pa. —- m— et. RY WR TT WR NT ee een fey ers0aleli % VOLUME XXXVI MEYERSDALE.PA.. THURSDAY. MAY 22. 1913 MEMORIAL DAY. THE CITIZENS ARE AROUSED. A Grand Demonstration in Honor of Our Departed Veterans—-An Interesting Program Arranged. The second public meeting was held in the Kendall building on Tues- day evening regarding the fitting ob- servance of Memorial Day on May 30th. In the past years the public had not been showing the interest, which the occasion deserved. There is taking place, however an awaken- ing, and the people feel that the few more years that the soldiers of the Civil War remain with us, should re- ceive the recognition worthy the sac- rifices they made and to impress upon the minds of the children reverence for those who have fought for the preservation of their country, and impress the lessons of patriotism. The public has always been mind- ful of the soldiers, but too frequently has failed to give expression, and as a consequence Memorial Day has come and gone without, a proper ob- servance. This apparent neglect seems to be past so far as Meyersdale is concerned, a new page of history is being written, and Meyersdale will in the future make proper account of the event. Union cemetery will be the attractive centre for many hun- dreds of people where an interesting and impressive service will be held on the afternoon of Memorial Day. The observance of this event will be ushered in when Rev. J. A. Yount will preach the sermon next Sunday evening before the M. C. Lowry Post, in the Lutheran church. The following is the program -ar- ranged to be rendered in the Union cemetery on Memorial Day. Music—Meyersdale Band. Music—Male Quartet. Invocation—Rev.A. E. Truxal, D.D. Music—*‘Nearer My God to Thée” Band and Assembly. Recitation—Miss Ada Mitchell. Reading—Lincoln’s Gettysburg Ad- dress. Prayer—Grand Army Ritual. America—Band and Assembly. Address—Rev. G. A. Neeld. Grand Army service. Benediction—Rev. L. B. Ritten- house. The Meyersdale Band and the Drum eorps will furnish the music. The committee to procure automobiles to convey the old soldiers to the ceme- tery and return consists of B. E. S8hip- ley, J. N. Cover and F. W. Plock. The owners of automobiles are re- quested to lend their aid in making this feature a success. An invitation is extended to all fraternal and other organizations to join in the parade. has been selected as chief marshal for the occasion. An effort is being made to have the children of the town take a more active part in the memorial service. To them shall be the work of decorat- ing the graves of the departed soldiers, ad for the successful accomplishment o! this work, the matter is referred to the Civie League, that is, the Civic League is requested to interest itself in seeing that flowers for the occasion are furnished and that the children be out in full force. Each child will be furnished with a flag. SUPPLEMENTARY PROGRAM. A game of base ball is to be played in the afternoon at 3:30 o’clock be- tween the fats and the leans. Frank Hoblitzell is captain of the fats and is to get his team together. Paul D. Clutton is captain of the leans and is to select his team. J. Williams is umpire. Dr. Large is official scorer. Louis Cohenand CO. F. Jenkins have been asked to manage the affair. ‘The proceeds of the game are to be given towards a play ground fund. The heavy weights feel confident that they will sweep the ‘field while the leans are just as sure that they will be able to win by a big score. 7 "Both sides will go into the game for blood and an exciting game may be looked for. It will be worth going miles to see. If the crowd is too large ground rules will be made. Ample police protection will be given all. The umpire will be safe and the scorer will be busy and the crowd will get its money’s worth and every body will have a good time. The names of the players will be given next week. Come all. We will meet at the ball grounds at 3:30 } DISTRICT SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. The Sunday School Convention of District No. 8 of the Somerset county Sunday school association will be held at St. Paul, Wilhelm, Reformed church, Meyersdale, R. 2, Pa, on Sunday, May 25 1913. The following is the program: AFTERNOON SESSION, 1:30 O’CLOCK. Devotional and Song Service—Rev. 1. S. Monn. Opening Address—‘‘Why Are We Here’’—Dist. Pres. Rev. E. J. Egan. Singing. Round Table—‘‘The Cradle Roll’’— Mrs. E. E. Haselbarth. Round Table—‘‘Home Department’’ —Mrs. H. F. Fogle. Singing Address—‘“The New Graded Les- sons’’—Rev. E. 8. Hassler, - Roll Call of the Schools in the Dis trict, with one-minute reports by rep- resentative from each school. Singing. Round Table—‘‘Teacher Training’’ —Mr. J. M. Gnagey. Reports of District Officers: Treasurer, M. S. Maust. - Cradle Roll Supt., Miss Mary Eicher Home Department Supt., Perry K. Maust. : Teacher Training Supt, W. G. Saylor. O. A. B. Class Supt., Rev. H. L. Goughenour, Missiorary Supt., Rev. G. A. Neeld Temperance Supt., Mrs. Sue Liston Singing. EVENING SESSICN, 7:30 0’CLOCK. Song Service. Organization. Address—‘‘How to Get More S. S. Members to Remain for the Church Service’’—Rev. H. H. Wiant. Binging. Queries. Singing. Address — “Our Sunday School Work.””—Mr. B. W. Lambing, Pres. of the Co. S. S. Ass'n. Closing Service. — Go to the ball game to-morrow Moose vs. Hagles—at Slicer’s Grove. A BIG FOURTH OF JULY PROMISED. Display cards have been printed at this office and distributed throughithe town announcing the fact that Friend- ship Lodge, No. 76, IL. O. O. M., will hold their annual picnic at Riverside Park on July 4th. This means that the people of Meyersdale and vicinity will have an opportunity to enjoy themselves right at home. As has been shown on several occasions in the past, the Moose are top-nothers in the way of entertainers and they will keep things moving at a lively clip all along the line on this occasion. When it comes to ‘‘getting things going,’’ leave it to the Moose and you will be sure to get the very best to be had. This is only a reminder—full particulars will be published later. GRAND OPENING. The opening of the new fountain at the Rexall store will take place to- morrow. This is worth seeing, but in addition, Mr. Collins will give half the receipts of the day to the Civic League. Read his add. DAMAGES AWARDED. Attorney Rufus E. Meyers of Som- erset, Joseph B. Miller, of Jefferson township, and Jeremiah J. Reiman, of Stonycreek township, viewers ap- pointed by the courtto determine the damages sustained by several proper- ty owners by reason of the construc- tion of the Manufacturers Water com- pany’s Quemahoning dam has made the following awards: — Stanton’s Mill Lutheran church, $600; Anna K. and Rollin Holsopple, Conemaugh township, $200; James Wadsworth, Jenner township, $2,000. Mary L. Metzler, of Upper Turkey- foot township, who sued the United Railway company for the value of a right of way appropriated through her farm was on Monday awarded $225 damages by Viewers Louis C. Colborn, Esq., of Somerset, Jeremiah J. Reiman, of Stonycreek township, {and Joseph B. Miller, of Jefferson township. Burgess Reich | | Walker, for $732. VOTES FOR WOMEN. Apropos of the bill now before the the Pennsylvania Legislature to shor- ten women’s hours of labor. we are rominded by Miss Batrice Eshner of the Philadelphia Consumer’s ;League that Pennsylvania enjoys the distinect- ion of being the only state which by statute expressly permits women to be employed 12 hours a day and 60 hours a week. : Did the legislators who passed this law, and do those who allow it to re- main on the statute books, represent the women of their districts? GIRLS IN PULPITS. The departments store clerks who are on strike in Buffalo, New York, placed girls in many pulpits in the city last Sunday to tell their experi- ences and to make a direct appeal to the congregations. This action resul- ted from a conference between repre- sentives of the strikers and members of the Buffalo Federation of Churches. One very beautiful girl appeared be- fore the ministers and told her story as follows: ‘‘I was being paid $6.00 a week by one of the largest decpart- ment storés in the city when I asked the manager for an increase, stating that I was unable to live respecifully on $6.00 a week, he said ‘“Why don’t you geta friend to keep you, like some of the other girls?’ One minister jumped to his feet and asked if that statement was true, ‘“Yes,”’ replied the girl, ‘‘and I can bring 25 girls or more who will make affidavit of simi- lar effect. Why I pay $2.00 a week for my room and the least I can eat ou is $2.00 a week. My laundary costs about 756 cents a week. The suit I have on cost me $15.00 and I owe $6.00 on it yet, which. hope to pay at the rate of $1.00 a week. You can see what is left of $6.00 a week salary. I’m respectable yet, but there is not much of an inducement to remain so. If women who have been through such experiences, and if the mothers of such girls have votes, minimun wage bills would not be so difficult of passage as the one now before the Pennsylyania Legislature seems tobe. CLUB WOMEN WANT TO VOTE. The Southwestern District of the State Federation of Pennsylvania Women at their spring meeting held Friday,May 8th,in Pittsburg Y.W.C.A adopted a resolution endorsing equal suffrage in Pennsylvania ‘‘innasmuch as it would facilitate the philanthropic work of women’s clubs and stimulate civic interest throughout the State.” BROWNING AND VOTES FOR WOMEN. ‘Robert Browning,’”’ writes Mrs. Sutherland Orr, his biographer, ‘‘was at one period of his life an enthusias- astic advocate of Votes for Women and eyen contemplated writing a play in support of the movement.’”’ SALES CONFIRMED - BY THE COURT. Judge Ruppel has confirmed sales of real estate made by Executors, Administrators, Trustees, ete., as follows: Estate of George A. Pile, late of Boswell—Lot of ground, fronting 50 feet on Allegheny street, sold by H. E. Pile, administrator, to Phoebe J. Pile, for $1,7000. Estate of William M. Schrock, late of Stonycreek township—Farm of 40 acres in Stonycreek township, sold by Homer A. Schrock and Merle R. Schrock, administrators, to Roscoe H. Snyder, for $3,750. Estate of Charles N. Martz, late of Hyndman—Farm of 250 acres with two-story dwelling house and barn in Southampton township, sold by Jas- per Luman, administrator, to Mrs. Harriet Martz, for $300. Estate of Samuel J. Lichty, late of Salisbury—A. M. Lichty, administra- tor, sold the following lots of ground: Two lots in Salisbury, to Otto Petry for $1,200. One lot in Salisbury, to John {ichliter for $49. Two lots in Elk Liek township, to Franklin Maust for $25. Three-acre plot in Salisbury to Howard Meager for $500. Estate of Anna M. Streng, late of Meyersdale—Two lots of ground in Lavansville with two-story dwelling house and stable, sold by Charles C. Streng, administrator, to Sarah A. Countryman, for $310. Estate of Edward S. Ogline, late of Somerset township—Lot of ground with two-story dwelling house and stable in East Somerset, sold by Mar- garet L. Ogline, administratrix, to James R. Ogline, for $2,350. Estate of Franklin Enos, late of | Garrett—James B. Walker and Dinah | Enos, administrators, sold the follow- | ing property located in Garrett: One { lot to J. H. and A. B. Judy, for C. D. {One lot to W. H. Fritz and $2,531. | Fritz, for $825. One lot to Preston B. | ATTENTION COMRADES! A detail of M. 0. Lowry Post, will leave on Sunday morning at 7:30 by carriages for Mt. Lebanon, Mishlers, Johnsburg, Bowman and other ceme- teries in that vicinity for decoration services. The Drum Corps will ac- company this detail, ana all will re- turn ih time to attend preaching ser- vice in the Lutheran church, sermon by Rev. Yount at 7:30 p. m. All members of the Post are ex- pected to be at the Post room at 7:15 and all veterans are invited to be with us. Let there be a full turn out, to move in a body to the church. On Sunday June 1st, a detail will leave at 7:30 a. m. for St. Johns, White Oak, Lancaster, Comps, and Knepp cemeteries for decoration in the forenoon, and for Greenville and Hostetlers in the afternoon. The Drum Corps will accompany this de- tail. . A detail, will leave Meyersdale on Sunday morning June 1st, at 8:30 for Summit Mills and St. Paul for decora- tion services; Rev. Hassler will de- liver an address in the church. A detail will go to Fritz church where decorations will be made at 3:00 @’clock in the afternoon, on Sun- day ne 1st. The Berkley band is cordially Invited to assist in this service. : ‘We kindly request all persons living near these cemeteries to bring flowers and assist us in this devoted service. Graves in the Catholic and Reform- ed cemeteries will be decorated at 10:00 ¢’clock on Memorial Day. The Post will go to Salisbury on the 4:20 car in the afternoon of Me- morial Day, for decoration services. H. C. MCKINLEY, Commander. TEACHERS EXAM- INATIONS. The examinations for the teachers of Somerset County for the year 1913 will be held as follows. ‘Stoyestown,June 17-18;Conemaugh, June 19-20; Somerset, June 23-24; Con- fluence, June 25-26; Rockwood, June 25-26; Meyersdale,June 27-28; Garrett, June30-July 1;Boswell, June 30-July 1; Berlin, July 2-3; Salisbury, July 8-9; Professional, at Somerset, July 10-11; Special, at Somerset, July 30-31" EXPLANATORY. Examinations will begin at nine o’clock. Each teacher must present a health certificate properly signed by a phy- sican. Applicants should have pens, ink, scratch paper and blotters. Manu- script paper and envelopes will be fur- nished. Last year’s certificates or reports are expected from al: applicants. For provisional certificates the ex- amination in methods will be based on ‘“The Teacher and the School’ by Colgrove. The examination in Pennsylvania History will be based principally on ‘“T'wo Centuries of Pennsylvania = tory’? by Sharpless, beginning with chapter eleven. Applicants for professional certifi- cates, or for the renewal of profess- ional certificates will be examined in ‘“The Teacher and the School’’ and in ‘‘Seeley’s New School Management.’’ Also in two of the following branches: Vocal, Music, Drawing, Physical eography, Plane Geometoy. All applicaets for certificates are ex- pected to read carefully Dr. McKev- eer’s ‘Farm Boys aud Girls’ and Scott’s ‘‘Lady of the Lake.”’ Provisional certificates will be is- sued on or before July 12th to all those who have attained the age of 18 years and have made the required standard of 18. : : The school law forbids the election of any teacher who does. not at the time of his election hold a valid certi- ficate. All who expect to apply for schools on provisional certificates shall be examined at one of the regu- lar examinations. Applicants for professional certtfi- cates shall present reccommendations from the boards by whom they were employed last year. Owing to the fact that cne day af- fords insufficient time for applicants to do the required work satisfactorily we have been obliged to consolidate some of the classes in order that two days may be given for each exami- nation. The directors and friends of educa- tion are cordially invited to be present at the examination. Directors will kindly see that the school houses are open and in proper condition on the day of the examina- | tion. D. W. SEIBERT, County Superintendent, THE GRIM == === REAPER DAVIS K. MALCOLM. On Monday morning at 8:30 o’clock, one of Somerset county’s prominent men was called from his life here to the great beyond, when Davis D. Malcolm, the widely known merchant of Coal Run, passed away. For the last year Mr. Malcolm had been ail- ing and going backward in health and for the last three or four months his condition had become more critical. Dr. Swank of Elk Lick had been attending him. S The cause of his death was diabetis- He was aged 50 years and is survived by his aged mother who is 81 years old and is making her home with her only daughter in West Virginia. He is survived by one sister referred to above, and two ‘brothers, A. W. of Shaw Mines, and John at Coal Run. Davis K. had never been married and he and his brother John also un- married had for a number of years kept house by themselves at Coal Run, above the store, but later they had a housekeeper, Miss Davis, to take care of the home. Mr. Malcolm was widely known throughout the county aad was held in high regard by all who knew him. He had been for some years engaged in the mercantile business at Coal Run, where he had established a large trade. Mr. Malcolm had been a member of the . Methodist church. The service and interment took place in the St. Paul Reformed church and cemetery at Keim, yesterday. His pastor, Rev. W. W. Wagner, officiated, assisted by Rev. E. S. Hassler. The funeral was very largely attended. OPPOSED TO EARLY RISING. There is a movement on foot, in Somerset;, to abolish the sounding of the electric light plant whistle at cluding railroaders, who derive no benefit from the whistle, it is said. Older citizens, who do not arise at that hour, it is said, have become ac- customed to the sound, and it long since ceased to interrupt their slum- bers. However, public sentiment changes; only a few years the whistle was considered a great boon to the en- tire community. But in those days more people got up with the sun. The matter will probably be consider- ed by the civic society, which is be- lieved to have jurisdiction in cases where the elimination of unnecessary noises are involved. PRISONERS MUST WORK. Ever since the new court house and adjoining heating plant were erected the engineers at the heating plant have been periodically annoyed by drain water in large quantities. It was recently discovered that in build- ing the foundation for the boiler house the drains leading from the jail were cut off. Sheriff Hochard detailed a force of nine prisoner to dig a new ditch to connect the drains with the fown’s sewer system. The job was completed yesterday. By utilizing prison labor the Sheriff saved the county about $100. APPLY FOR DIVORCE. Peter Mankamier, of Black town- ship, has filed a libel in divorce against his wife, Nettie Mankamier, charging adultery. They were mar- ried November 21, 1895. The libellant is represented at Attorneys Berkey & Shaver. Judge Ruppel yesterday appointed Attorney John A. Hartman, of Wind- ber, master in the divorce proceeding of Eva J. Scott against John M. Scott. Attorney Valentine Hay is appointed master in the case of Lydia B. Foster against William Nelson Foster. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION. The ninth annual convention of the Somerset County Sunday school as- sociation including all schools of all denominations in Somerset county will meet in Rockwood, June 12-I3th. A splendid array of talent has been secured to make this the best conven- | tion ever held; in the county. Among { other persons of note we have secured the services of Mrs. M. J. Baldwin of { Phiiadelphia; Mr. Maxwell of Wino- | | na Lake, Ind.; Mr. Forsythe, state | field worker; Mr. H. G. Moody, a re- tired missionary and others. NUMBER 1¢89 = . HIGH SCHOOL NEWS. The sermon to the members of the senior class of the High School will be delivered by Rev. H. L. Gough- nour in the Main Street Brethren church on Sunday evening May 25th, at 7:30 o’clock. + The Commencement Exercises will be held in the Donges Theater on Friday evening May 30th at 8:00 o'clock. Dr. S. E. Weber, Dean of the School of Liberal Arts and Head of the Department of Education, of State College will deliver the address. The President of the class, Lee Austin, will give the Address of Wel- come, and William T. Lint, the Vale- dictory. 4 The members of the graduating class are: John Lee Austin. Earl Walker Boyer. Florence Mabel Boyer. Sarah Helen Boucher. Lucille Patience Conrad. Bernadette Louise Crowe. Violet, Merella Dickson. Pauline Elizabeth Grof. William Eston T. Lint. Albert Frederick Lintz. Samuel Wilson Peck. Margaret Elizabeth Shultz. Park Manchester Weimer. Howard Reed Will. The tickets for the Commencement Exercises will be on sale at Thomas Drug Store on Tugsday May 27th. Admission—Reserved Seats 25 cents. KILLED NEAR GLENCOE. James Asemonilis, aged 21 years, was killed at Glencoe, Friday after- noon about 3 o’clock. The remains were brought here on train 49, and were taken in charge by Uudertaker, J. F. Reich, who prepared them for burial, ‘Which took place Saturday af- ternoon in the Catholic cemetery. The Rev. Father J. J. Brady offi- ciated: The unfortunate young man left Fair Hope in company with his two going to Glencoe to draw their checks, b o’clock ‘in the morning. Complaint | all being employed on the B, & O. is made largely by new residents, in- They boarded a freight train and when nearing Glencoe he fell from the train, receiving several scalp woudds and both legs were cut off. He lived about an hour after the ac- cident. ORDER TO COLLECT JUDGMENT GRANTED. Judge Rupple yesterday made an order allowing E. Van Sickle, of Ursina, to collect a judgment of $1,100 he holds against Edward Alcott. In 1906 VanSickle entered a judgment against Alcott for $1,000. The judg- ment was opened on petition of]Alcott and after a jury trial the plaintifi was awarded the full amount of his claim. The court however, restrained the plaintiff from collecting his judgment,- as the money had been attached, until a settlement was effected on some other disputes between the par- ties. The last issue concerning’Alcott and VanSickle was last week termi- nated in the U. 8. District court at Pittsburg in favor of VanSickle and this paved the way for VanSickle to realize upon the judgment of 1908. —_—— RECENT MARRIAGES IN THE COUNTY. Miss Bessie A. Saylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Saylor, of Som- erset township, and George W. Maust, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Maust, of Lincoln township, were married ati Somerset, May 18th, by the Rev. J. H Wise, pastor of the Husband Unit ed Evangelical church. MARRIED IN MARYLAND and Miss Rebecca Trexel, of Boswell, were married at St. James’ Protestant Episcopal rectory, My Lady’s Manor, Maryland, on Thursday by the Rev, James F. Plummer, rector of St, James’ Church. The bride isa daughs ter of Abram Trexel, a prominent resident of Jerome. IRVING COLLEGE GLEE CLUB. The Glee Club of Mechanicsburg, composed of twenty-two young ladies, rendered a very interesting program on their recent visit to Meyersdale, The dance in the Auditorium after the concert was a grand success. CHILD ADOPTED. 1 ———— | The court has approved the adop- tion of Edna May Keim by Mr. and | Mrs. W. A. Meyers Hooversville, OR LSA TOE older brothers with the intention of Harry Claude Friedline, of Jeroms, = i 3 : {;