vening. read- stock old : lies and s, Picks’ oats, ket Suits. rtains, 1 " ‘R maa es | PERSONAL AND LOCAL HAPPENINGS | ROYAL Items Pertaining to the Town in General and Prepared for the Readers By Our Busy Staff. : Wm. A. Markle, of Somerset, spent Monday here. : CO. Sides spent Friday last with | Somerseb friends. E. R, Floto, of Connellsville, was a town visitor Saturday. : F. A. Handwerk of Pine Hill was jn town on Tuesday. Ww. D. Lambert, of Somerset, was a town yisitor Tuesday. ‘Wilson Gomer, of Greenville town- ship, was a Monday visitor here. H. ©. McVicker, of Johnstown, spent Tuesday here with friends. A. R. Goodwin, of Cumberland, Md., was a town visitor Monday. A. S. Glessner, of the firm of Appel & Glessner, spent Monday at Mance. G. W. Tressler, of near the White Oak church was in town on Tuesday." E. D. Leonard, of Cumberland, Md., was a town visitor Wednesday. Gc. BE. ‘Klingensmith, of Avalon, was a business visitor here Monday. Oharles McIntyre, and son Robert wt. Berlin, were Monday visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bonistall, of New York, were Monday visitors here. W. P. Townson, of Baltimore, Md., was a town visitor Tuesday on bus- iness. . Miss Nelle Deeter, of Berlin, spent a few days of this week here visiting friends. | Hon. S. A. Kendall, of Washington, D. C., spent Saturday here with friends. © Mrs. Alice Schrock of near White Qak chlarch spent. Monday here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hanna, of Rockwood, spent Monday here visit- ing friends. Dr. I. L. Ritter, of Frostburg, Md., spent Sunday here with relatives and friends. J. C. Reitz, of Rockwood, was a pleasant caller at The Commercial yesterday. : Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson, of New York, were Sunday visitors here with friends. Rev. H. S. Nicholson, of Monroe, is visiting relatives and friends in this locality. A. B. MacLannon, of Morgantown, W. Va., spert ‘Sunday here at the Colonial Hotel. Mrs. James Darnley, spent Tues- day with ber sister, Mrs. Ella Snyder, at Rockwood. - Mrs. J. A. Liphart, of Casselman. spent several days of this week here with relatives. Louis Cohen,had been in Pittsburgh on a business trip to « replenish his always vanishing stock. : ‘Mrs. Annie Matthews, spent a few days with relatives and friends at Frostburg, Md., recently. Mrs, Alice Bruner, of Frostburg, Mad., spent Sunday here with her friend, Miss Ethel Ritter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Warfield, and son Clinton are spending the week with relatives at Baltimore, Md. Miss Hattie Morrell, left Friday on No. 15, for a month’s visit with slatives and friends at Braddock. John Dunne, of Walk Pa., spent Tuesday here with his mother, Mrs. Margaret Dunne, of High street. H. C. Smalley, of Elk Lick, Route No. 1, while in town on Monday even- ing subscribed for The Commercial. David Lindeman, and son Irvin ad left Sunday for Paw Paw, W. Va., where they have secured employ- ment. Cashier and Mrs. J. H. Bowman, spent a few days of this week with relatives and friends at Pittsburgh and Johnstown. Clarence Dahl, spent Saturday and Sunday with his friend, Louis Weld, in Pittsburgh, who is attending Car- negie Institute there. Mrs. H. W. Fike, of Savage, Pa., spent a few days of this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Clapper; near town. Miss Grace Beal, of Sand Patch, spent Sunday here with her brother- ingdaw and sister,Mr. and Mrs. George Benford, of North stgeet. Miss Mayme Altmifier of Pittsburgh spent Sunday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Albmiller, at Hotel Altmiller, Main street. Rev. J. N. Codori, of Johnstown, and Rev. J. O. Oocoran, of Spangler, spent Tuesday here with Rev. J. J. Brady at the R. C. parsonage. W. H. Mazer, and interesting sons, Ralph and Merle, of Sand Patch Route No. 2, were in town on Tues- day and Commercial, renewing Charles Arnold, of Frostburg, Md., was a town visitor Tuesday. Mrs. C. E. Deal, spent Thursday last with Cumberland relatives. Harry Habel was a business vis- itor to Connellsville Saturday. Mrs. Harry Snider, was a visitor to Cumberland one day last week. J. H. Hoover, of Johnstown, spent several days of this week here with friends. : Miss Lydia °- Holtzhouer, who is working at Rockwood, spent Monday here with frends. Charles F. Hammond, of Oakland, Md.. spent Tuesday here visiting rel- atives and friends. Miss Mary Stotler, is spending the BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure Economizes Butter, Flour, Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Creain of Tartar week in Cumberland, Md., visiting| relatives and friends. Miss Mary Geiger, of Greenville RECENT MARRIAGES township, spent several days of this IN THE COUNTY. . week here with friends. Misses Clara and Edith Coleman, of Merlin, spent several days of last week here with friends. Miss Nelle Bittner, is spending a few days of this week with rela- tives and friends at Rockwood. Miss Rachel J. Spaugy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Spaugy, of Mil- ford township, and Noah Beabes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Beabes, of Somerset township, were married at : the residence of the officiating clergy- Mrs. John Stein, spent Tuesday | man, the Rev. Daniel H. Walker, of in Connellsville, the guest of her|gomerset township, pastor of the son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and| Church of the Brethren, May 11, 1913. Mrs. John Ryan. _ B. & O. Engineer, Jacob Opel, Who| Miss Susan J. Baker, daughter of is working at Quemahoning Junc-|Mr and Mrs. William Baker, of tion, spent Sunday here with his| Brothersvalley township, and Parker family on Salisbury street. F. Shank, son of Mr, and Mrs. William Mrs. Tillie Vought, and daughter | Shank, of Stonycreek township, were Miss Vida of near Berlin, spent| married at the home of the officiating Tuesday here with their relatives, | clergyman, the Rev. P. U. Miller, ‘Mr. and: Mrs. C. R. Darrah. pastor of the Church of the Brethren, Mr. ‘and Mrs. C. E. Crowe, and |near Berlin, May 10th. daughter Dorothy spent several days of this week with relatives| Miss Katharyn V. Kuhns, daugh- and friends at Frostburg, Md. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kuhns, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barnhart, of |of Ligonier, and Charles W. Ankeny, Johnstown, are the guests of the son of Mr.and Mrs. Christian Ankeny latter’s - grandmother, Mrs, Eliza |of Latrobe, were married at the par- Miller, and aunt, Mrs. Jacob Opel. |sonage of the Somerset Methodist Leonard Long, of Connellsville, | Episcopal church, May 10th, by the spent a few days of this week here | Bev. Homer E. Lewis. with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George Blake, of Center street. MARKET REPORT. D. P. Ford, and Samuel Cramer, left Monday for Paw Paw, W. Va., where they have secured employ-| Smith. ment with the Kerbaugh Construc- tion company. Fi Mrs. O. O. Cook, and daughter | Eggs, per Mary Elizabeth, returned to their | Chickens, per pound home in Berlin, after a visit here| Apples, per bu with the former’s parents, Mr. and | Potatoes, per bu PAYING PRICE. Mrs. Wm. Payne, and with Cumber- | Country Side, per pound................ 12¢ laud relatives. Shoulder, per pound............ccoceeevens 13c Miss Boatrice Truxal, who haa Ham........ genet sevarsrinesvatisransenrasras i6c been attending College at Buena Vista, Virginia, arrived here the last of the week to spend the sum- mer vacation with her parents, Mr. SELLING PRICE. and Mrs. C. W. Truxal, of Broad-| Corn, per bus............cccecoiiniliinn, way. Oats,frecleaned............. Wheat, per bus................ Largest stock of flower and garden Wheat chop, per cwt Corrected weekly by Becker & Streng. seeds, at Habel & Phillips. :d| Corn and oats, per cwt. home gro. Ln hin 145 Flour, ‘‘Best on Record’ per bbl. 5 25 NOTICE. ¢‘King of Minnesota’’ 60 per cent Notice is hereby given to owners patent, per barrel...... .......... 6 00 or possessors of dogs with the Bor- ough to give the number and de- scription of the dogs and have them registered by the Borough Treasurer. The owner of any .3og who shall fail to register the same in violation of Section 2 and 3, dog ordinance is liable to a fine. This ordinance will be rigidly enforced. The license can be secured from the Borough Treas- urer, R. H. Philson. By order of Council. » E. J. DI1ckEY, Sec. Save MONEY ! Get It At THORLEY'S 4 cans good cream corn for 25 cents, at Habel & Phillips. ad Things Worth While in the Next to Circus Realm. Postoffice, The Sanger’s Greater European Meyersdale, Pa. DEAL. Last Tuesday evening we had-a hail storm but little rain. Misses Emma and Iva Lotig were Sunday visitors at P. W. Suders. Peter Knepp left Tuesday for Paw Paw, W. Va., where he will be em- ployed by the H. S. Kerbaugh Co. Miss Alma Sass spent Monday ab Meyersdale. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Suder took in the show at Meyersdale on Monday. F. A. Werner of Finzel, Md., un- loaded a car of feed last week. RA FoR SALE—A Three year old Colt Apply, to GEORGE H. ALBRIGHT, mech 27-tf ad (Sippleville) Meyersdale. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA PRICEN HAVE DROPPED Corrected weekly by McKenzie &/ Butter, per pound........... a 2890 Shows have spread a dragnet over the ©opyright 1018 The H. Black Co. Bakers of Wooltex Garments. We are offering our entire line of this Spring’s Styles of Ladies’ and Misses’ Suits at prices that will interest you. You are acquainted with the high grade of Clothing we al- ways sell. $18.00 Suits, $13.75 20.00 i 15.75 22.50 : 16.75 25.00 ke 18.75 30.00 # 21.75 35.00 oy 24.75 Miller & Collins. amusement and zoological universe and hauled in the ropes; have made a scientific assortment of the great catch, retained all that was wonder- fully striking or sensational and cast the refuse to other shows. If there is anything really worth while in the circus realm today which has been overlooked, the newspapers in the large cities have missed it, for they have proneunced the Sanger’s Greater European Shows as the world’s perfect show. Every field of possible innovation has been invaded and every feature which would bring delight to young and old is seen with these shows. Do not fail to enjoy their great ex- hibitions, at Meyersdale on Friday, | May 16th. Have You? Price 25 Both Phones. et Flour ma advancing. Our G | en Loaf at $5.50 per bbl., is cl vt Habel & Phillips. TRIED THE NYAL’S Toilet Talcum Powder, BORATED AND PERFUMED ? FOR SALE BY F. B. THOMAS, Leading Druggist. THE HOME OF VINOL. Have You? Cc per box Meyersdale, Pa. CUT FLOWERS Decoration Day. | Let us have your order now for i Carnations, Roses, Peonies, Lillies. ' Our stock will be very large, but you can be sure of your order by leaving it now with GOLLINS’ DRUG &7 Onc, Hartley Block. 780 Rexall Store {=~ Mail orders will receive our best attention. Meyersdale, Pa oho o OO OO OO OY oy, on, oT, TS, Ti, Sa, SU, SS, NASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSo23Z IS . “4° 3 Wg RUGS | Our showing of rug materials on display in our window is the most complete assortment we have ever offered. 22D -~ Wg, Wy, >> Jy, oo /N RUGS in any size can be made up from any /N sample on display and delivered to you in a few A days. MN We allow the manufacturers to carry our MN stock and are thus able to quote rock-bottom MN prices on any sizes. Mn ~ AN \ AN 7 < & Lodge LEE LE LELESLLSSSSESEN : Nn Wn” Nin Wm Wy Wy Wm hn Wa Wm WR WR WR WR WR A I SIS - —r Pe AS NN NSIS SST Hartley & Baldwin§- Oxford and Pump SEASON —— is here in full bloom and we have prepared our selves to meet the large demand. We carry them in all styles and colors— black, tan and white : : (ur line of White Shoes for Women Misses’ and : hildren c innot be surpassed : Would like to have you call and see our , large line before making your purchase. TOM & JIM, FITIERS OF FEET. : Nw Styles In House Dresses | (You couldn’t ask for neater or more per- fect fitting garments than the Electric Brand House Dresses we are now showing. lounging garments for women and misses. The styles range from the ‘‘Simplicity’’ —a princess effect that buttons all the way down front, to snappy tailored effects for semi-street wear. Every garment is a wonder of skill and | f care in improved designing—in flawless construction—in perfectly proportioned sizes. Fabrics are dark and light patterned ginghams, Percales, ete. $1 to $3. All sizes in a perfect range of patterns. Hartley, Clutton Co., THE WOMENS STORE Hartley Block Meyersdale, Pa J A Lady or Man to represent the| If you are in need of lumber see ff. Grest Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co., | Phillips, at 331 Beachley street, or in and around Meyersdale. Apply:—| call by phone. Both phones. We can 122 N. Centre St., Cumberland, Md. |save you money on building material | by delivering direct from the saw mill. Cracked corn, chic and scratch CUNNINGHAM LUMBER CoO. food; also charcoal grit, louse killer, | May 1-tf | ete., at Habel & Phillips. ad] ? WANTED. | LUMBER FOR SALE. | —_— in —_———— As long as the present For. RENT—Mrs. Annie Hanning |goods last, we will n e I | will rent her dwelling house of five graphs at one half the regular pr | rooms, steam heat and bath. A store | All portrait frames will also go | room in connection or separately. |the same rate. We gua: | Apply, to No. 510 Main street, |goods to be strictly first cl Meyersdale, Pa. ad | up-to-date. E. E. Conrad. as >. 2 a vs BAU a They are the quality line of “work and | E