4 Es Lain MA te En OUR DUTCH LETTER |BIG INCREASE IN WAGES | Roata Barrick, Moi der 6, 1913. Mister Drooker:—Die voch waar ich emol hinnich die iorella, un venn | mer au nix grickt hen, mer hen en | ordlicha goote zeit ghot, un hen en boor nosse feas grigkt, un en bouer hot em Chonny Longkom es moul fer- shlogga vella, ovver ar hots net gedu, den der Chonny js fot shprunga, un sel is vos ich der ferzaela vill. Ich un der Chonny sin fot gshtart free maryets, mit erra bottle bait, un noch blendy onnera sotta, un mer sin gonz nuf in der bush, un vos vawra mer doch so mead. Ich hob em Chonny en boor mol gsawd ar soll es moul holta, oyver ar hot yusht so fot gshnotbert, un uf ae mol kummt en olter bcuer un fervisht en in erre pond fisha. Sog do lousboob, saegt er, vos den- ksht du vaer sella blotz, ei saegt der Chonny, en ferdolta goota blots fer fisha. : Ich hob gsaena oss es druvel gebt, no bin ich fot gshneakt un hob mich hinnich en shtumpa ghockt. Der bouer iss olle minnott louter vodda, un der Chonny hot nimmie feal gemoult, un der Chonny hot em en drink gebotta ous der buddel, ovver ar hot die buddel fershlogga, un hot em orma Chonny en boor nei gedraeta oss es gegrocht hot. Ar wor recht viesht. Ovver der Chonny hot sich fot germocht. Es vor net dervaert shtreitig zu sei, mer hen enyhow ken fish grickt. Der Dhonny is voal base ovver ich kon nix derfor. Ich bin yusht froe oss ar mich net ferwisht hot. Dei Deitcher Friend, HENNY HINKELFOSS. CHESTNUT BLIGHT. i A large percentage of the chest- nut timber in eastern Pennsylvania, js infected with the chestnut tree blight. Many owners are allowing this timber to remain in the woods and do not appreciate that they are losing money while there are numerous opportunities of disposing of it at a profit. The chestnut, blight ia i‘self injures. the wood but little. It kills the tree in much the same way as though it were girdled with an axe. However, if such trees areafterward left stand- ing in the woods for several years, deterioration occurs, caused by in- sects and the sap rot. When this decay sets in the wood loses some of its merchantable value, and the greater thé amount 'of “decay; the greater the loss. There is, therefore, much lack of foresight to allow tim- ber to get into this condition when there are good opportunities of dis- posing of it. : As a result of the time spent by the Chestnut Tree Blight Commission in investigating the uses of chestnut and its markets, chestnut timber of any size above four inches in diame- ter may be sold. The forms into which it may be manufactured and for which there is almost always a demand, are as follows: Tannin ex- tract, staves for slack cooperage; mine timbers; trolley and railroad ties, lumber; telephone and telegraph poles; fence posts and rails and fire- wood. If you are interested in these mat- ters write to the Chestnut Tree Blight Commission, 1112 Morris Building, Philadelphia, Pa. NEW CAVALRY SWORD HAS THRUSTING POINT The new sword just adopted by the U. 8S. Army authorities for cavalry use is strikingly different in almost every detail from the old saber, says the May Popular Mechanics Magazine. The blade is 35 7-8in. long, perfectly straight, sharp on both sides, and ta- pers to a sharp point. The gaurd is strongly constructed and affords com- plete protection to the hand. The sword itself weighs a trifle more than the old saber, but the combined weight of sword and scobbard is about 2 oz. less than the old equipment. The service scabbard for the new sword is of wood covered with raw- hide and eanvas. Officers’ service scabbards are of a dull-finished steel, while they will wear blue steel scab- bards on garrison duty. The new sword makes it easier to train soldiers to use the point instead of the cutting edge. Cavalry exper- ience has demonstrated that the sword is much more efiective for thrusting than for slashing, although the tendency of the beginner with the saber is to swing it as though it were an ax or a club. A cut- ting blow, even with a sharp sword, seldom dismounts or disables an op- ponent, while the forward thrust with the comparatively little force behind it, usually disables or Kills if it reaches its marks. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA MEANS RATES? INCREASE IN| The Baltimore Sun, discussing edi- torially the award recently granted to the firemen of the eastern rail- roads, involving increases of from 10 to I2 per cent in wages, sums up the situation as it effects the railroad managements through the® additional charges to operation which they will have to bear. Theaward in the case of the firemen entails an in- crease of from $2,900,000 to $3,480,- 000 in the annual pay-rolls of the 52 eastern railroads party to the arbitra- tion agreement, and this, together with the recent increases granted to the locomotive engineers. The Sun estimates at $5,000,000 at the lowest. Continuing the ‘editorial says: ‘‘But according to dispatches from New York, the end is not yet. Rail- road trainmen, representing about 100,000 employes of the eastern roads, have submitted a demand for an average increase of 15 per cent This will doubtless be scaled down by the final settlement, as were the de- mands of the engineers and the fire: men; but if granted, as seems likely to be the case, the result will be the addition of severallmillions more to the annual expenses of the railroads. “All these increases may by en- tirely right, but to pay them the railroads must either cut down other expenses or secure additional reve- nue. This might be done ‘by neg- lecting the maintenance of tracks and rolling stock and other equip- ment, and by abandoning projected extensions and improvements, or by raising their rates. The former would not only be dangerous and in- convenient to the public but would prove immensely costly in the long- run. The only practical recourse, apparently, will be an application to the Federal authorities to permit the raising of rates. Thus the increase in the wages of engineers, firemen and trainmen would finally be paid out of thejpockets of the shippers and the] traveling public unless the opponents of higher freights and passenger rates shall be able to show that the railroads have some secret gold mines that render them inde- pendent of ordinary business laws.” ree meets ‘Generally gdebilitated for years. Had sick headache, lacked ambition, was worn out and all ron down. Burdock Blood Bitters made me a well woman’’.—Mrs. Chas. Freltoy, Moosup, Conn. Ey OE. INTEREST .TO . . OLD SOLDIERS. The Acts just passed by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, regarding the great Gettysburg Reunion Cele- bration, at Gettysburg, Penna., July 1-4 next, were immediately approved by’ Governor Tener, and the one ap- propriating $165,000 for the Pennsyl- vania Commission to provide Free transportation tojGettysburg and re- turn makes the following five (5) Classes of Soldiers, Sailors and Ma- rines of the Civil War eligible to such transportation, provided the war rec- ord of each applicant «is first proyen to be correct by the Pennsylvania Commission: Class A.”All honorably discharged Soldiers who enlisted from this Com- monwealth and served in a Pennsyl- vania Regiment, or any unit of Penn- sylvania Volunteers, at any period during the Civil War, including com- mands of the Pennsylvania Volunteer Militia (Emergency Regiments) and independent companies, batteries and troops, who are now living in Penn- sylvania as citizens of this Common- weaith. Class B. Any of the above who are now living in other States; but Penn- sylvania provides these free transpor- tation to Gettysburg and return only from the Railroad station on the bor- der of Pennsylvania which is nearest to their preseat residence; also Class C. To any Soldier either Union or Confederate, borne upon the rolls of any other State as a Civil War Veteran, but now living within Pennsylvania as a citizen of this Com- monwealth, such transportation may be issued: likewise Class D. To United States Regu- lars, Soldiers of the Civil War, now living within Pennsylvania as citizens of this Commonwealth: and in addi- tion Class E. To United States Sailors and Marines, Veterans of the Civil War, now living in Pennsylvania as citizens of the Commonwealth. All applications therefor must be made, and before June 1st, and the earlier the better, to the Pennsylva- nia Gettysburg Commission, at the Capitol, Harrisburg, Pa., and upon Application Blanks now procurable from said Commission, wherein must be stated explicitly the War record, etec., of each applicant, who must, in applying for such Application Blank, state what Class he comes under. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ' i ™ | EJICKED UP IN i ENNSYLVANIA ROR EP GA al TRS Greenshurg.—Lawrence Null, received Both legs were died from injuries making up a train. crushed. J Sharon.—Because, it is alleged, she did not have the kind of clothes she wanted, Teresa Wolf, the pretty 16- year-old daughter of William Wolf of Farrell, has left home and the police have been unable to find any trace of her. Sunbury.—Julius Lesch, aged 52, en- gineman on trains Nos. 1 and 50 of the Pennsylvania railroad, died at his home here after a short illness. He entered the service of the Pennsyl- vania railroad Sept. 3, 1882, and on Oct. 1 of the following year was made a fireman. He became an engineer on Oct. 11, 1889, and lately has nad trains Nos. 1 and 50, between Harris- burg and Renovo. Lewistown.—John McNabb, 55, an undertaker residing at Belleville, died after several days with blood poisoning, the result of accidentally pricking one of his thumbs with a tack. A wife and six children sur- vive. Dillsburg. — The heavy thunder- storm that passed over this section a few miles west of Dillsburg de- veloped into a severe windstorm, causing a great deal of damage in the vicinity of York Springs. Several barns were unroofed, chimneys blown down and trees torn out of root, and the accompanying heavy rain washed the fields and roads badly. Lewistown.—Mrs. John Sterret is dead at her home at Milroy, this coun- ty, after a brief illness of pneumonia. She was 57 years old. Charles Ster- ret, first baseman and catcher of the New York baseball team in the Amer- ican league, is a son, A husband and four children survive her. Lebanon, — Tracklaying on' the Ephrata and Lebanon Street railway, has been temporarily halted by the refusal of William J. Arnold, a South Lebanon township farmer, ‘to let the trackmen go ahead with tracklaying on his premises until the damages agreed upon with him by the company have been paid. Apollo.—Mrs. Mary A. Snyder, aged 67, of this place, was ground to pieces beneath the wheels of a sou bound Pennsylvania railroad tra when she attempted to cross the tracks at the approach to the Apollo- Paulton bridge. Mrs. Snyder was on her way to visit friends in Paulton. ~ Lewiston.—James Hubler had a foot injured at the Logan iron works some time ago ‘and blood poisoning de- veloped. He was taken to the Penn- sylvania Hospital, Philadelphia, where it is likely that part of the foot will have to be amputated. Pittsburgh.—A preliminary injunc- tion was granted in common pleas court restraining three printing com- panies from printing and distributing post cards bearing pictures of S. L. Heeter, superintendent of the Pitts- burgh public schools, and Ethel I. Fisher, the former domestic in his household, on whose serious charges he was recently acquitted. Bradford. — Harry N. Rounsefell, aged 41, whose home was at Roxbury, Mass.,, was found dead in bed at his boarding house in this city. With W. E. Barnes, he was in Bradford com- piling a telephone directory. Rounse- tell leaves a widow and one son in Roxbury, Mass., to which city the body was sent. Pittsburgh.—Final Cincinnati mine of the Pittsburgh Coal Company, near Finleyville, Pa., where a disastrous explosion occurred last Wednesday, has been completed and the fact established that all the dead, ninety-six, had been removed. Kittanning.—Trailed clear across the continent and over the Pacific ocean to thé far east, A. B. Windt, the alleged absconding clerk in the First National bank at Leechburg, this county, has arrived at San Fran- cisco in charge of a United States marshal and will be brought to Pitts- burgh for trial at the May session of the United States court. The bank at Leechburg has been notified to this effect. New Castie.—“That’s the fastest I've traveled in many a day,” was the smil- ing remark of Mrs. Nancy Roberts, aged 99, after she fell down stairs at the Almira Home for Aged Women. Attendants who saw her fall rushed to her side, expecting to find her dead or seriously injured. She was unhurt. Mrs. Roberts will round out a century search of the of life next January 12. Lebanon.—Myerstown lodge of Odd Fellows is arranging to celebrate the sixty-fifth anniversary of its organi- zation and the ninety-fourth anniver- sary of the foundation of the order. Sharon.—Trooper Frank White of the state constabulary was indicted ior the murder of Trooper Robert My- ers. White and Myers were scuffling for possession of 4 revolver during the recent flood in Sharon, when the weap- on was discharged, the bullet passing through Myers’ kidneys, causing al- most instant death. White’s home is in Butler, while Myers lives in Mis- sourl. White will be tried next week. Johnstown.—William W, Wike, aged 85, said to be the last surviving en- gineer of the old Portage railroad, died at Conemaugh. Johnstown.—Arrests are expected in Patton, in northern Cambria coun- ty, following the battering down of the stage door of the theater there last Friday night after a burlesque show. Rowdies with & railroad tie smashed down the door and a girl, who was changing her costume behind s knocked unconscious. A ecured a revolver and fired after the fleeir 3€ aged | 34, a yard brakeman at Youngstown, | while | ng hoodlums, Governor Approves Sheatz Bill to Help Needy Families OPTIGNAL WITH COUNTIES Women Must Be Members of Board of Trustees, Which Has Charge of Monthly Payments—County and State Provide Equal Amounts. (Special Harrisburg Correspondence.) Harrisburg.—Governor' Tener sign- ed the Sheatz bill providing a system of mothers’ pensions. Money is to de distributed through the counties, gnd acceptance of the law is eptional with each county. In each county ap- plying the act the Governor shall each year appoint a board of trustees com- posed of not less than five nor more than seven women residents, to serve without pay. The trustees are to have sole charge of monthly pay- ments to indigent, widowed or aban- doned mothers, found deserving, to help support their children at home. Payments are to be made directly by the State Treasurer through the coun- ty treasuries, and are to continue at the will of the trustdes, but not be- yond the time that the law permits a child to secure employment. The act appropriates $200,000 to be dis- tributed to the counties according to the population. One-half is made available for the first year, but no ccunty is to receive its allotment un- ti! it has appropriated an equal amount. : 4 Payments Are Graded. The maximum payment is $12 per month for one child; $20 a month for two children; $26. for three children, and $5 a month for each additional child. No woman can become a bene- ficiary unless she has been a continu. ous resident of the county for three years. Receiving a pension under false pretense is a misdemeanor sub- ject to a $500 fine, imprisonment for one year, or both. Four copies of a complete record of each family receiv- ing pensions must be provided. One copy is retained by the trustees, one kept by the Juvenile Court, one sent to the Auditor General and the other to the County Treasurer. A detailed report, with recommendations, shall be made by the trustees to the Legis. lature of 1915. At no time shall the yearly expense be more than $3,000 for Philadelphia county; $2,400 for Al- ‘legheny and Lackawanna counties; $1,800 for counties in which there is a city of the third class, and $1,200 for each other county. Amn additional $500 may be expended in the first year, if necessary, for furnishing. Other Bills Signed. Reorganizing the Attorney General's department and abolishing the offices of Assistant Deputy Attormey General, the offices being now designed as fol- lows: —First deputy, at $5,000 salary per annum; second, $4,250, and third, $3,600 all to be appointed by the Gov- ernor; chief clerk and law clerk, eack $2,400; private secretary, $2,000; three stenographers, $1,200 each, and mes- senger, $1,100 all te be named by the Attorney Geineral. Providing for a system of State in- spection of seeds and establishing standards. Repealing section 2806 of school code relative to certain independent districts. Appropriating $6209.82 to ‘meet de- ficiency in salaries of Orphan’s Court Judges. Authorizing State Game Commis- sion upon petition to close certain dis- tricts to hunting of deer and elk. Sixteen Senators Warned. Henry G. Wasson, © epublican State Chairman, issued this warning to Sen- ators who are pledged to oppose cer- tain election legislation:—“In the reg- lar order of procedure there are three bills which wili be on the Senate cal- endar for third reading and final pas- sage and which no republican or dem- ocratic Senator can vote for without violating the platform pledges of his party. These bills are:—The Sheatz bill, providing for the election at fall primaries of delegates to State Con- ventiéns for the purpose of nominat- ing candidates for the offices of Judge of the Supreme and Superior Courts when such offices are to be fllled at a municipal election. The McNichol bill, providing a method for the nomi- nation and election of United States Senators under the recent change in the Federal Constitution, and the Salus bill, providing for uniform pri- mary elections. There are sixteen Senators elected last fall, whose writ- ten pledges I hold, who cannot vote for any of these bills without default- ing and flying in the face of public sentiment in their respective districts. These men are all men of honor and I do not believe that they will for a moment stulify themselves and open the way for their retirement back into private life.” Blind Member's Plea. “There is more behind these dark glasses I wear than the members of this House may imagine.” This was the pathetic statement of Representa- tive Henry E. Lanius, of York, the blind member, in advocating the mea- gure prohibiting experiments on hu- pan beings. Behind this appeal is 8 story that exceeds short-story cli- maxes—that of a man who lost the sight of his good eye through the ex- periments of young physic ns. De- fact that he made such an bill was datented. = { ww HOUSE PROCEEDINGS. * | Bill Enlarging Fire Marshal's Power | Has Close Call. By the narrow margin of two votes Representative Roney, of Philadel- phia, pulled through his administsra- tion bill creating two extra deputy fire marshals in addition to the two under the present act, each to receive a salary of $3,000 a year; a statisti- cian, at $2,500 a year, and a chief clerk, at $2,000 a year. One or more stenographers may be hired at sal- aries not to exceed $1,200 a year each. One thousand dollars is provided for a messenger and clerk and the mar- shal is empowered to name other clerks. The objection was the in- crease of the department’s cost from $70,000 to more than $300,000. By a vote of 89 to 80 the House re- fused to concur in the amendments of the Senate to the Romney bill for the creation of a Department of La- bor and Industry and abolishing the Department of Factory Inspection. The bill was amended on second read- ing in the Senate, creating almost a dozen new positions im addition to those originally provided for in the bill and increasing the cost of the department $10,200 annually. Speaker Alter voted against concurrence. The bill to amend the township law so that commissioners of first class townships may be elected at large, was defeated, 111 to 49. Thirty bills were reported out of committees, including bill to regulate soliciting of orders for beer and per- mitting applicants for liquor licenses to appeal. The Benson bank guaran- tee act was negatively reported gether with the Irwin bill to classfiy counties. The House defeated the Swift bill re- quiring saloons to close on Christmas, Thanksgiving and Memorial Day. Rep- resentative Swift said that the meas- ure was not only favored by the tem- perance people, but by many persons engaged in the liquor business. The vete was 67 to 86. Bitter words were passed in the House Law and Order Committee over the anti-treating bill. Represent- ative Messimer, of Philadelphia, op- posed to local option; Dr. Swift and Chairman Moulthrop, local optionists, were the dispu*ants. Some one said that the time had come when the committee should stop listening to telephone messages from liquor inter- ests. This started the row and many personalities were injected. The bill was recommitted. The bill fixing standards of coal and providing penalties if it contained more than a certain percentage of slate and dirt was defeated, receiving’ 69 votes to 51 against it. SENATE PROCEEDINGS. Municipal Referendum Bill Favorably Reported by Committee. The bill for the initiative and refer- endum in all cities and other munieci- palities, introduced by Senator Jar- rett, of Mercer, was favorably report- ed to the Senate from the Judiciary General Committee. Under the bill 15 per cent of the voters can initiate local laws and 10 per cent can bring about a referendum. The Corporations Committee re- ported favorably the Lowers bill, which permits boroughs to prohibit, by ordinance, the emission of smoke from chimneys or stacks. The Lowers bill requiring that the Bible shall be read in public schools passed on second reading. The Flinn bill, giving church au- thorities power to control church property, and giving the canons of the respective churches full standing in law, which formed the subject of con- troversy in the House, was recommit- ted to the Judiciary Special Commit- tee. The Senate nonconcurred in the House amendments to the Senate bill authorizing city councils to provide for minimum rates of wages to be paid, maximum hours of work to be done under contracts with such cities and validating ordinances which so provide. Senate Passes Cold Storage Bill. The Senate passed finally, 3 to 9, the Gans cold storage bill. As the bill was amended, it must go back to the House for concurrence, but it probably will reach the Governor sub- stantially as now drawn. It places all cold storage plans under the super- vigion of the Dairy and Food Commis- sioner, fixes specific periods for the storage of certain foods and provides that they shall be marked when placed on sale. Fine and imprison- ment are penalties for violation, and the act goes into effect 90 days after approval by the Governor. Each stor- age warehouse musi be licensed from the Dairy and Food Commissioner, the fee being $30 a year. The Commis- sioner must first inspect the ware- housa to see that it is sanitary. Un- sanitary warehouses may be clesed and even deprived of license. House Favors Two Mayors. The House passed the Geary bill permitting Mayor Magee, of Pitts- burg, and Mayor Von Bergen, of Scranton, to succeed themselves. Phone Rates to Drop. Telephone rates in the State will pe reduced as the result of the reso- lution introduced in the House last week by Representative Coniff, of Lu- zerre county. This requires that the State Nsilroad Commission shall com- fer with the telephone eompanies within fifteen days and bring about a reduction along the lines suggested by the commission in tentative sched- ules. The independent telephone com- panies will have a hearing before the ion on ‘commissi May 2 7 on the suggested | 3 FOOD VALUE OF MANY ECO Though Nearly Half Water, Their Contents Are Ext->mely Nutritious —Comparison With Meat. Many persons often ask what an egg is made of, but strange to say few ever find out to their entire satis- faction. A test at the department of agriculture shows that the white of an egg is nearly seven-eighths water, the balance being nearly pure albumen. The yolk is slightly less than one-half water. This is true of the eggs of chickens, turkeys, ducks and geese. In | comparing the eggs of these various | | birds the department of agriculture ! quotes the following figures: Hen eggs, 50 per cent. water, 16 | per cent. protein, 36 per cent. fat. Goose eggs, 44 per cent. water, 19 | per cent. protein, 36 per cent. fat. Duck eggs, 46 per cent. water, 17! per cent. protein, 36 per cent. fat. | Turkey eggs, 48 per cent. water, 18 | per cent. protein, 33 per cent. fat. Of course, farmers understand that protein goes to make muscle and blood, while fat is fuel for running the machinery of the body. Thus it will be seen that eggs, though half or near- ly half water, are extremely nutritious, | containing all the elements required for the building and support of the ! body. There is no truth, however, in | the old saying that an egg contains | as much nutriment as a pound eof steak. It would be nearer correct to | estimate a pound of eggs as being | equal to a pound of lean steak in nu- tritious value. | MAKE PERCHES | MITE-PROCF | Made of 2x4 Stuff, cuff, There Is No Place: | for Little Insects to Hide— Kerosene Does Work. The simplest constructed perch we can get, if it gives satisfaction should be the one to build. There is no place for the mites to hide, even, should they get on these perches. The perches are made of 2x4 stuff with one edge rounded, the pieces that form the support for the perches ara of the same material as the perches, also that of the legs, which are one foot long, which makes the perches 18 inches from the floor. Sufficiently high for convenience and not so high that when fowls jump from them, r Mite-Proof Perches. | ‘they will bruise their feet, causing “Bumble-foot,” broken legs or breast bones. The legs should fit the cans ‘loosely so that in removing them ta ‘facilitate cleaning out the droppings, ‘the cans will not be overturned. The ‘cans should contain an inch or twa ‘of kerosene or coal oil at all times, and there is no possible chance of any mites, big or little, getting by. INDUSTRIOUS HEN LAYS EGGS :Fowl Should Not Be Compelied to Re main Idle by Being Cooped Up in Flithy Quarters. The hen is naturally industrious, and she should not be compelled ta remain idle by being cooped up in dark, flithy quarters, where drafta .are prevalent, the floor without some ‘good litter and surroundings othen iwise unhealthy. Rather encourage ‘her to work by providing her with igood, comfortable quarters. Construct a good scratch shed, but iit this be impossible then construct la dropping board under the roosts and place the litter upon the floor of the coop. Permit all the light possible {Scatter the grain food in the litte: ‘and let old biddy scratch for it to he: ‘heart’s content, Avoid feeding moldy food and pro vide drinking water in plenty. During ithe bitter cold weather slightly warm the water for the convenience of the ‘fowls. Remember, the working hen is ‘the one ‘that will shell out the eggs ‘while the idle one will not lay. Varieties of Ducks. Today we have 11 acknowledged ‘varieties of ducks, viz.: Pekin, Ayles. bury, Rouen, Indian Runner, Crested ‘White, White Muscovy, Colored Mus- ‘covy, Cayuga, White Call, Gray Call and Black Bast Indians, For veal practical purposes, I only recommend the first four classes and ‘in the order that I have named them, ‘the Pekin being the most extensively bred and probably as good as an all round market duck as there is today; but they are the most timid, and con- sequently more liable to get panie. ‘stricken when raised in large num ‘bers, says a writer in an exchange. ‘Standard weight of adult drakes, eight pounds; ducks, seven pounds. As to laying qualities the Pekins are outclassed only by a single breed. It is a common thing for a Pekin duck to lay from 100 to 125 eggs in a single &