LTA gLT WYN Lg WELL ITURE , COME U CAN th Phones. EXE a no SORT A RT a i £ a A ee PE —— - ENGAGEMENT CE CR BE yr a EC VOIR VOLUME XXXVI STATE BOARD PLANS FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION To Fit Pupils for Work---Industrial, Agricultural and : Household Arts Training to Be Given. On Friday afternoon the Senior Class of the High School rendered the following program: Recitation—Violet Dickson. “The Class, Past and Present’’— Pauline Grof. Violin and Piano Duet— Samuel Peck and Lucile Conrad. «“What Meyersdale High Schocl has Meant to the Class.’”” — Margaret Schultz. Recitation—Bernadette Crowe. Personals—Helen Boucher. Piano Solo—Lucile Conrad. Paper—Albert Lintz and Earl Boyer. Class Song. Class History— William Lint. “A Day with the Senior Class’’— Lee Austin. Song—Class. Class Poem— Samuel Peck. Song—School. Prophecy—Howard Will. Presentation— Park Weimer. “Farewell to the Class’’Florence Boyer. Song—Class. The state boad of education will take up the preliminary work for the ~ establishing of vocational education in the schools of the state at once, but it will be necessary for the pres- ent legislature to make an appropria- tion to carry it into effect. Dr. J. George Becht, secretary of the state board, in speaking of the plans for enforcement of the act, said “In extending the educational sys- tem through the vocational education act, which has just been signed by the governor, Pennsylvania puts her- self among the leaders of the states in this important department of pub-|s lic education: + The ‘stale. poard of | ta education is authorized to investigate the subject in general, and to render assistance in the introduction of in- dustrial, agricultural and household arts education, to assist in establish- ing schools and departments and to inspect and approve such schools as are provided for in the act. “The purpose of this form of educa- tion is to give such training as is needed for the following reasons: ‘First, pat we may have more efficient men and women in the in- dustrial and vocational walks of life. ‘‘Second, that by means of this practical form of education we shall be able to hold in check, during the critical period of youth, the many children who react adversely to book training in our schools and conse- quently leave on one pretext or another. “Third, that this large body of young persons may be kept from en- tering upon duties and occupations where their development is likely to be arrected early and thus prevent growth toward wider efficiency. «This form of education will reach four groups as follows: “Pirst, those boys and girls who are compelled by reason of home conditions to leave school at the close of the compulsory school age and who will thus never have an opportunity to attend high schools. *‘Second, it will provide a means for those pupils who may take some part of a high schooljcourse, but who are unable, by reason of financial or other conditions, to complete it. “Phird, iv will provide a means for continuing the education of those who are now at workin the industries. ‘Fourth, provision can be made for those who' will complete the high school course, but who are unable to enter college. : “ft will be recalled that the bill provides for part daytime and also for evening classes. : ““The schools have been severely criticised because so large a number of children have no definite prepara- tion for specific work when they leave ool. With vocational schogls es- ished a the 3.) state chil dren will have a means for obtaining definite instruction for particular ac- tivities. ‘‘On account of the great variety of MEYERSDALE. PA. THURSDAY. MAY 8, 1913 DIED AT SALISBURY. Mary A. Brosman, died at Salis the age of 24 years. She was a vie- tim of pulmonary tuberculosis. Her funeral took place Wednesday morn- ing. Her pastor Rey. Father Quinn, of West Salisbury officiated at the funeral service. Among the floral tributes was a beautiful wreath of roses sent by the members of Friendship Lodge, No. 6, L. O. 0. M., of Meyersdale, of which’ her Busband isa Bember. OUR CEMETERIES. The time is here to clean up and the season when the many make their trips to the cemeteries is now at hand, but a few more weeks remain until | Memorial Day is with us. Doubtless much work has still to be done in the cemeteries before they stand inspec- tion of friends and strangers. that show to all that we regard our cem- eteries as concrecated places and that we show a proper regard for the dead. bury, on Sunday May 4th, 1913, at | work be carried on now, so that we |! ~ MAKING CHANGES. T. W. Gurley is at work changing the office location in the garage build- ing, enlarging the entrance to the garage, and remodeling the stationery and sporting goods store rooms for the moving picture show which will occupy the spacious rooms by the e of June. BARN STRUGK BY LIGHTNING. - On Tuesday evening during the ter- rific hail and electrical storm, the lightning struck the barn on the C. M. Smith farm just west of town. The barn and other out buildings were destroyed. A calf and a lot of chick- “np were also consumed by the fire. IRVING GLEE CLUB COMING. Next Thursday, May 15th, Irving College Glee Club will be here and ive a concert in the Donges Theater t 8:15 p. m. They come highly rec- ®mmended and all lovers of music should go and spend a pleasant even- ng. The proceeds are for the bene- fit of Lutheran League. Council met in regular session on Tuesday evening. All members were prosent. The minutes of the preceding reg- alar and special meetings were read anl approved. Ww. H. Klingaman, health officer, was present and made a report and pre- sented bill for fumigating and drain- | declared the law allowed ‘The mat- | ter: evoked considerable dicussion. With reference to the old mill race, the report was ‘made that Mr. Wil- moth had determined to abandon the old race, but wants an extension THE CITY DADS HOLD THE USUAL LENGTHY SESSION Much Business Demands Their Attention---Meeting Was In Session Until il Midnight, ing. The rate for fumigating had | been increased, which Mr. Klingaman | industries in Pennsylvania the process of administration will be somewhat difficult and complicated. It involves bedded in the race. Peter Knepp and U. M. Miiler were of time to raise the tile that are im- | notified that the payment must be ‘made by May 25th ~ The city solicitor is directed to |notity the tax collector and to urge him to push the work and gather in the large amount of unpaid taxes, for the year 1912. The band and fire company are re- ested to settle for bills rendered. Mrs. McGarrey’s side walk on Cen- street had not been laid. The treet comulittee is to notify her to ay sidewalk within ten days, or the Oouncil will be forced to lay side- valk according to city ordinance. B. E. Shipley asked for sidewalk grade. The grade is the same as at present. WATER ‘AND LIGHT COMMITTEE. The water and light committee had nothing to report. a tremendous resporsibility, but if the legislature will make the neces- sary appropriation, the successful development of the system will be a present. The former made the re- q est, that the gutter on North street which is three feet deep be given at- tention. These persons said that the property holders of North street were question of comparatively short time.”’ : willing to have ditches placed in ANNOUNCED. Saturday, May 3rd, the engagement of Miss Margaret Dill was announced when her mother entertained twenty- eight of their lady friends at a pret- tily appointed one o’clock luncheon, at their home on the South Side. The decorations were beautiful'y carried out in yellow and white; the flowers used were Marguerites. The lunch was served at small tables, and the found a tiny envelope on her plate which contained a card bearing the names of Miss Margaret Dill and Mr. A. P. Kephart, and in this way the engagement was made public. After the guests recovered from the delight- ful surprise best wishes were extend- ed to the happy bride-to-be. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in playing “500.” No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Dill is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dill, and is an accomplished and very popular young lady. She is a graduate of our High School in class of 07 and also of the Woman’s College at Frederick, Md. For the past two years she had been the Latin teacher in the Seminary at Sugar Grove, Pa., which position she resigned a month ago. Mr. Kephart is the president of the Sugar Grove Seminary. Miss Jean Armstrong of Connells- ville, a class mate of Miss Dill’s, was the only out-of-town guest. BASE BALL. There are rumors that a base ball team will be organized in the near future and that frequent games will be played on the home grounds, We have the playing material on hand and if interest can be aroused, Meyersdale will render a good aceount of her ability on the ball field. the fans get together and give the sporti it is leyers- ball for what the p | dictory will be delivered by members | of the class and some noted educator place cards were hand painted. When | will deliver an address. the ice cream was served, each guest | rout of their properties and that they would be willing to meet the conditions which the borough im- poses, although they had not under- stood the conditions. as they really are. The Council decided to sus- pend that work temporarily. H. E. Hibner was present and with a lengthy petition, asking that a side walk be laid from Thomas street on Sixth Avenue to Salisbury street On motion, P. J Cover, was to be notified to lay payements according to ordinance. Burgess Reich made his report which was accepted and filed. Collected, $14.50. He was requested to make ont a list of those whose fines can be col- lected and that the officers be in- structed to arrest those whe have taken advantage of leniency shown. Mr. Reich suggested that an ad- justment be made due to the in- increased seating capacity of the Auditorium during five months of the year. The Meyersdale Planing Mill per W. H. Deeter, President, asked per- mission for a tramway and agreed to keep the tramway in good con- dition. The request was granted on condition that the same be under the supervision of Council and that ren on request of Council the tramway Miss Ella May Bowman, daughter | be removed. The city solicitor is of Mr. and Mrs. Dauiel Bowman, and | directed to draw up the article of Frederick Ernest Walters, son of Mr. agreement. and Mrs. William Walters, both of | The Secretary is directed to com- Barronvale, were married at the home | municate with B. J. Lynch, former of the bride’s parents, May 3, by the | borough engineer with reference to Rev. H. A. Stahl. the sewage plant. . =n STREET CONMITTEE. Miss Elizabeth Beech, daughter of| nv. gtreet Committee reported Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Beech, and th at repairs are being made on the G, 2. Watkins, son of My. and Mrs. streets in different parts of town Grant A. Watkins, both of Listie, were : FINANCE COMMITTEE. married at Friedens, May 5, by the | Rev. J. C. McCarney, pastor of the | The finance committee reported THE GRADE SCHOOLS FINISH THEIR WORK. The grade schools closed last Fri- day evening with generally satisfac- tory results for the year’s work. The work in the High School continues. The commencement will be held in Donges Theater, Friday evening May 30th when a change will be made from the custom that prevailedin the past. The salutatory and the vale- The graduat- ing class numbers 14. The Normal School opened under favorable auspices. Forty-eight were enrolled on Monday morning. The school will school wi¥ continue for eight weeks. The faculty consists of four instructors. RECENT MARRIAGES IN THE COUNTY. Mrs. Nellie Proctor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson, and Milton Berkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Berkey, both of Windber, were mar- ried at Johnstown, by the Rev. J. W. Mills. Let | ng blood a chance to show what | Dogs to be taxed. The Borough is determined to enforce dog tax law, and the ordinance covering this, will be rigidly enforced. The culvert across Center s reet at the property of Baer and Comn- pany through the flushing of the streets became filled with sand. Rei- erence to street committee. COMMUNICATIONS. Mr. Martz of Keystone street com- plained of the foot bridge at Buhl and Gatesman’s. To be attended to. Property holders on Keystone street are directed to lay sidewalks or they will be laid. according to the rights given by ordinance. The W. M. R. R., claims that the ———— This is again the season for general cleaning up and improvement, when the homes are made beautiful and the surroundings are made attractive and sanitary. This'is also an age when the practical is worth its full face value, and when all things are focused to minister to the public. The orna- mental and the useful should go hand in hand. The ornamental without the useful is of the nature or extrava- gance while the useful should be given as much of the ornamental as possi ble, but this is an age where the utili- tarian idea predominates and yet the ornamental is most desitable. The Civic League has undertaken the ornamental and at the same time, in a measure the useful in arranging for a public fountain. This is credita- ble for their enterprise and commen- dable in helping to make the town beautiful and also servicable in slak- ing the thirst of man and beast. Of course the expense is heavy for the accomplishment of the object in view, and only of use for part of the year. Let that all be called a good work But clean streets and a clean town are of the highest importance. A number of streets are pavad, and the condition of these streets, especially the business streets, are no credit to the town and to strangers they are a commentary on the customs and ways of Meyersdale. Now this mav be called the work of the council, so it is probably, but the council is always hampered for lack of funds. An excellent sphere in which the work of the city could ! e comp!ement- ed by the Civic League would be in THE PRACTICAL AND THE SANITARY * WHO WILL LEAD OFF? : using every effort in having clean streets. One of the practical and use- ful things would be a street sweeper and the expense for this would be comparatively small. How would a suggestion to the Civic League be re- ceived regarding a street sweeper? Would it not be an enterprising thing and in the right direction if efforts would be made to give the stable and pig pens a coat of lime, and the peo- ple be encouraged to do this work. Encouragement might be given to this if a small investment were made by the Civic League iif furnishing free white wash. That would give our alleys quite a different appearance, and it would improve the. sanitary conditions very much. This would seem practical and inexpensive. There are a good many old branches in the back lots, ashes and rubbish here and there that detract from the . appearance of town. Can there not be a ‘‘clean town’’ day, when teams will be around;to haul out the dead branches and all kind of rubbish from the back lots? This seenis possible and it would not entail a large expense. Some organization should take hold of the matter and to us it seems that it would come under the province of the Qivic League. It would seem feasible and practical. While the fountain is ornamental and of some use, it touches but, a comparatively few families, but, clean streets. afl a clean town, will be for the benefit of the whole town, a good advertisement to the town, a credit to those who bring about better con- ditions. This will be practical and sanitary. ; THE GRIM == | =i=iz REAPER Mrs. Polly Naugle, widow of the late John Naugle, Sr., who died 17 years ago, passed away last Thurs- day afternoon at the home of her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Justus Keim, of North street, at the age of 85 years. Death was due to a complication of ailments incident to her advanced years. Mrs. Naugle s maiden name was Polly Weible, and she was the moth- er of 12 children, nine of whom sur- vive as follows: Mrs. Justus Keim of town, Mrs. Fred Ott of Johnstown, Samuel Naugle of Paint township, Mrs. Jacob Berkey of Jenner town- ship. Joseph Naugle of Davidsville, Charles Naugle of Quemahoning town- ship, Jacob Naugle and Mrs. Mary Miller of Iowa and Daniel Naugle of | California. She is also survived by | one sister, Mrs. David Naugle, rl resides near the St. Thomas’ church. | Funeral services were held at the | to surrender the bond which the Council holds-against the W. M. R.P. The borough insists that the bridge | is not safe, due tc the lack of lights. | The company claims that it has carried out its agreement. / Borough officers are instructed to | inspect electric light, telephone, telc- | graph, cable trolley line and pols and other lines and conduits, the oughfares twice a month and report to the Conncil at each meeting. BILLS RENDERED. W. H. Elingaman sie: savin $421 14 04 Hobltzells................... iis 5 00 The Commercial Stationery ...... 1:0 Appel & 4 00 E. J. Dickey, clerk,postage etc... 9 19 RIOSS............ a 1 80 BISher. chur cil adie a 2 93 The Renublican Adv.................. 3 15 Cunningham Lumber Co............ 15 44 Gloninger & Maxwell...... .......... 108 50 Savage Brick Co............cccu vu. STREET LABOR. Albright. ....... ........ ........sis; $ 19 25 BIAnor....... 5. icin ai 19 25 Austin ....................n un 19 25 3.0. Woellor.............c.coc nisin, 23 50 Hammer. coins 8 60 Friedens Lutheran church. | that the sinking fund amounts t0| Officer Hare...........ccccooinnnenns 30 00 . = | $2,539.62. Office Swearman..................... 14 00 On Saturday evening at the Amity | Overdraft, $421.35, and that there | Badges, tags for dogs............ 3 18! A. |are due for 1912, of | sum of about $1,800.00. Reformed: parsonage, by Rev. | E. Truxal, D. D., Ernest Bodes, Some of the Meyersdale Route No. 2 “son of Mrs. | property holders who had brick | Henry Bodes and Ac » Ghrisiner, ditches laid in front of their proper- | daughter of Nor: I ot 1 he cost of the m nater- | Elk ut t 6 5 : Lick, F marriage taxes the large Half the amount of bills of Glon- | inger & Maxwell and Savage Brick | Co., ordered pai id. Other bills order- | | ed paid in full written specifications do not accord | with the vrrbal agreement, in order] Saturday morning at 10 o’clock, Rev. | streets, alleys and other public tho:-| St. Thomas’ church near Holsopple, | | Daniel Lecrone, officiating. Inter- | | ment was made in the St. Thomas’ cemetery. \ | DAVID FULLER. Yesterday one of Elk Lick town- | ship’s oldest and best known citizens ! died—David Fuller, better known as 8 'Squire Fuller. David Fuller was born in the com- munity in which he spent Mosk of his life, on September 9, 1826,'and died May 7, 1913, aged 87 years, 7 months and 28 days. His early life was spent in the store of Elijah Wagner, of Sal- isbury. 'Squire Fuller was twice married, “first to Elizabeth Caton. By his first maJiriage the following children sur- vive: Lucretia, wife of D. J. Miller, Susan, wife of Henry Bittinger, of Springs, and Mrs.Sallie Brenneman, of Akron, O. His second wife was Har- riet McCloskey. From this union the following children survive: Mrs. Lo- rena Reitz and Mrs. Alice Williams, Elk Lick; Ressley Fuller, West Salis- bury, and John Fuller at home. In politics Squire Fuller was a Re- publican, although he showed his in- dependence frequertly by ignoring his political party. ’Squire Fuller was unusually well known in Somerset county, also in | Allegany county, Md. Some years! ago he had been deputy sheriff of Al- legany county, Md. For a period of | about thirty years he had dispensed | | justice in E ik ‘Lick township. At the | time of his death he was a member of | | the United Evangelical church. | The or, Rev. F. B. Ellenberger, > ab the funeral tomers ow CIVIC LEAGUE MEETS. The regular monthly meeting of the Civic League was held on Monday evening at the home of Mrs. H. H. Williams on Main street. After read- ing the minutes of the previous meet- ing, the business of the evening was taken up, and the first discussion was the fountain which will be erected in the near future. Bids for the concrete work had been let, but the secretary had only heard from one party con- sequently the contract could not be let until all would be heard from. In addition to the $10 prize offered by a citizen to be given as one prize or divided into several, as the League would decide, to the house on Broad- for the best kept lawn, the League offers the same amount to be divided | in the same way to the best kept lawn {on any street in town, excepting Broadway. Everybody shouldbe in- terested in this matter and should work for the prize by improving their surrounding and at the same time , helping to beautify the town. In order to help the League along | financially, Mrs. W. 8S. Livengood, her sister, Miss Mae Eisfeller and Mrs. 8. E. Thorley will give a tea on Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs Livengood, on Meyers avecaue, the hours being three to five. Every body is cordially invited andZurged to attend and help the ladies along with their good work. Besides delicious refreshmeuts thatgwill be served by the ladies, there will be good music and readings also. The small sum of 25 cents is all it will cost you. The League wishes tojreturn their sincere thanks to all who so kindly rendered their assistance andfhelped to make the concert recentlyZgiven so successful. U. S. RECOGNIZES CHINESE REPUBLIC, Washington, May 2.—Minister Chang, as soon as he learnedjthat this country formally hadErecognized the Chinese republic, calledfupon §Jobhn Bassett Moore, actingfgsecretary of state, to assure him of China’s§appre= ciation. The minister told®Secretary Moore he was sure this country’s act would go far in helping thejnew gov= ernment to assume and maintain its new position in the family] of jrepub= { lican nations. State department Jjoffieials are ir clined to regard the language cones tained in Yuan Kai’s messagejof thanks | to President Wilson’sfletterjofgrecog- | nition as indicating devotionffof re- | publican principles, .