£ sR cs Saito SH % epseRbReR IT rn ¥ agen ps \ A AT ATS SS0I 1 onseamIS ER UE RE l W. H. POWELL. PUBLIC SALE BUGGIES, WAGONS AND HARNESS. At 10:00 A. M., Rajn or Shine. SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1913, § Nowhere, at any sale, can you find a { finer lot of vehicles than are displayed i at my warerooms. MUST REDUGE, MY STOCK. [Come and Get Quality as Well as Bargains! ed security. A cash discount will be given. HL GRIFFITH, Auctioneer. Staton. MEYERSDALE., PA. > ot iy Amounts i , Amounts less than $10.00. cash. | TERMS a over $10.00, six months’ credit with approv- Warerooms Near B. & O. | side, Cal., is a guest at the home of SOMERSET. April 22—Albert Lowry, of River- Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hyatt, in the West End. Roy Pletcher has returned from Roger’s Mili, Fayette county, where he spent a week with relatives. Justice of the Peace J. Wesley Henry and Elmer Kreger, of Scullton, were business visitors in town yes- terday. Harry Weimer, a well-known B. & O. conductor of Friedens, was in town yesterday. renewing acquaintances. Sheriff and Mrs Charles F, Hoch- ard have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rhoads, of Akron, Ohio. Mrs. Mary Sargent, of the West Side, is visiting relatives in Ligonier. Miss Mary Granger, of the South Side, has returned from Johnstown, where she spent several days with relatives. Attorney and Mrs. E. G. Kerr, of Johnstown, who had been the guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Kantner, have returned home. Miss Helen Fisher, of the South Side, has returned from Keyser, W. Va., where she spent two weeks with, relatives.; Miss Mary Forward, who had Been visiting relative in Urbana, Ohio, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Biesecker, | are visiting relatives in Pittsburg.) | Miss Elsie Ferner and Miss Mary | Emert, students at Seaton Hill Semi- nary, Greensburg, are home for the | spring vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Krebs, have where they spent a month. Alexander B. Grof, has returred from Butler, Pa., where he spent a week with relatives. MARKET REPORT. Corrected weekly by McKenzie and Smith. April 8th, Butter, per pound..,......... .. L.... 30-32¢ Eggs, per doz............... Se then ...r. 14-16 Chickens, per pound................. 12 1-2¢ Apples, perbu...... 00 50-60c Potatoes, per bu..............i. 60-65¢ Country Side, per pound................ 12¢ Shoulder, per pound ig Try Golden Loaf or Maryel flour and ycu will be pleased with the result, at Habel & Phillips. ad eS Board for two in a modern house in town or out of towr. Good psy. Inquire at The Commercial. ad ~ | — om, on, Wy, SW, aa. a a, _— a oT Dn ¥ ] ASsSsSSSSsss D4 SSeS ONE OF THE BEST THINGS § MAKING A HIT! . . | About our store is that we have the right things wv | for men of all ages. The old man, who wants his XY B clothes stylish, but highly dignified, in color, pat- \V k tern and model ; the young fellow who seeks the WV H smartest, snappiest, latest fashion in everything W H he wears ; we're ready for all. W |! We have clothes for all these different tastes; WV | getting a quality in all wool fabries, in fine tailor- ing, in correet fit. and you know in buying our goods that you're W 5 will make a big hit with your feet and with your pocketbook. O R line of shoes has been making a hit with our friends because the, are correct in style, fit and wear Tom & Jim Shoes why not give them a try out ? | We have a complete line of Spring Shoes Wo and Oxfords in Black, Tan and White ( ome in and see us before you make your purchase (returned from French Lick, Ing. * Chi-NamelFloor \ like newly varnished wood. As easy io apply as plain color. Geraining Compound gives ing color. 2 Does not require a skilled hand application. This Floor Outfit con- tains a Self-Grainer, Set of Brushes, and material to grain, stain and varnish ! 00 square feet of surface Only $2.50 A Ten-Year old Child Can like an expert in 5 minutes. not have to buy. IF YOU HAVE CARPETED FLOORS AND PREFER Hard Wood and Rugs THIS SPECIALLY PRICED Outfit WILL INTEREST YOU It contains 100 sq. ft. of hard-wood floor surface, which looks and wears paint, Ready to walk on next day. Graining First Coater hides the old the grain- The little Self-Grainer makes the grain. to hold it.) Chi-Namel Varnish gives it any color desired, and a high lustre with one Apply it. You Can’t Go Wrong. Come to our store and learn to grain ou’! R. REICH & SON, 130 Centre Street. Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Both Phoaes, =m Fi 7 =A HV See vg WE HAVE THE LAR- GEST AND BEST SELECTED STOCK OF | ALL KIND. OF 4 FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, a WALL PAPER, | BM MUSICAL GooDsS, SEWING ; MACHINES, i GO-CARTS, B PIANOS, ETC. IF YoU ARE IN NEED OF ANY THING IN THLS LINE GIVE US A CALL-=-WE CAN INTEREST You. Yas Ny, TOS ne in this line will be our tice, fully equipped. HARTLEY y & v BALDWIN'S ¥ AP ho ina Ss t——— i oor oor / TOM & JIM, HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE. Maxwell 1913 Line Consisting of One large six cylinder and one small six cylinder. The leaders 35 H.-P. the latest practice, equal to any $2,000 car on the market today. ! THIS CAR FULLY EQUIPPED AT $1.085 Our 25H -P. will be similar to the Mascotte of 1912, which was acknowledged to be the best car on the American market for the price. It is said this will be a real opposition and the first one the Fordjpeople have had, as it will sell for $700 or less; 3 speed, good size, notitoo heavy, 32x3 1-2 tires, all the lasest prac- If you are thinking of buying a car wait and see these models. Deliveries will start April 15th. All these | models can be seen atlthe Pittsburg Automobile Show April 5th, | or later at Gurley Bros. Garage. GURLEY BROS. leyersdale, Pa. A fine large touring ear, with be. gdh > i ne Commercial Has All the Naws. TERN. BO TT RETR