Rap, CR EI A SE Se eS RA i — Bi amas = £7 TR Es cr ie ik Gesmrk Ae A ain ST FROM THE WIRES _ Silafast Dispatches Ground Down For Hasty Consumption. “WKOLE WORLD IS GLEANED “7§@e Four Corners of the Earth and the Seven Seas Are Made to - Yield a Tribute of inten esting News. apt Pastmaster Burleson is working on . ‘kms. to have parcel post packages «ment sollect-on-delivery. &rs. William Cunning Story, of New York, was elected president-gen- ere! of the Daughters of the American {@Bevolution on the third ballot. She dis been a candidate three times. Dr. Friedmann's “cure” caused a de- &ite in the Senate, in which opposi- #ira was expressed to a bill granting Bim a Federal license “Washington. The House Democratic caucus de- hired for free wool by a vote of 190 €ardinal Farley celebrated in New “Wark his seventy-first birthday by con- sszrating the Church of Our Lady of Mope and entertaining officials of the «mixchdiocese at a dinner party. Secretary William Jennings Bryan ~mad Speaker Champ Clark, strangers -gfuce the Baltimore convention, broke “#wad together, shook hands and w®siched up their differences at a lunch- «em in Washington. 4& road leading to President Wilson's ‘#atended summer home at Cornish, 3. H., has been named the “Wilson dRmd” by the State Legislature. An agwropriation of $12,000 was made to Bmwrove the highway. Senator Elihu Root, in a Princeton Eketure, warned the nation against the Personal ETH dfagers of absolutism under a system | wm recall of judges and decisions. [ Tommy Murphy's victory on points Sporting ~ @wer Ad Wolgast in San Francisco is d#ken to mean that the former light- weight champion of the world is all in. « Walgast lost his grip after recovering ‘fmm an attack of appendicitis a year LEER. Already rumors -are afloat that men ~ saith money are trying to TBemders in the Baseball Players Fra- «feruity in a plan to organize a big re- wit in 1914. But the major league aflzb owners refuse to be frightened Srio submission. They are paying wmearly $1,000,000 in salaries to the . miayers at the present time. Banny Maher, the American jockey, | @erformed a remarkable feat at New- | market, England. Maher had six en- . gmgements during an afternoon and mde four winners. Maurice Provost, <= wen the Schneider Cup for a French aviator, hydro- -. sepoplanes, and a prize of $5,000 at #ie Monte Carlo meet. General Rimi AR Lid i Clifford L. “ee New Hampshire House of Repre- «mentatives for offeriiyg to sell his vote. J. Pierpont Morgan, Jr., was elected =m director of the New York Central .J=ilroad, to succeed his father. "fhe battleships Minnesota and Ida- “Bmx left Philadelphia for Mexican wa- « Feps. to relieve the five battleships sta- # femed there, Ei.chacl Sellers, a prisoner in White- side eounty (IIL) jail, committed sui- «&ide by setting fire to the jail, and «mulangered the lives of the other w@msoners. Rix persons of Dillsburgh, Pa., were @olsoned. after eating candy sent from #farrisburg to Postmaster Altland of Willsburgh. The Rev. Dr. H. C. Jennings, head of #¥e Methodist Zook Concern of Cin-