=k A AN a A a aig Leche in pr gsi oi ih. Neighborhood News News Items of Interest From Nearby Places, Gleaned by The Com- mercial’s Special Correspondents. Notice to Correspondents. INDIAN CREEK. The correspondents wiil confer 8 April 22—The following parties—J. great favor if they will get their corre- | ig; Joe. Illig, John Slager and | Miss Jennie Illig, from here spent spondence into the office not later than | : 3 Monday evening. Saturday eyening at the reservoir fishing. They all came home well LIE MD |10aded down with the finney tribe. ; GRANTSVILLE, MD. Mrs. Charles Paul and son Wayne April 22—The State Road com-|,, 4 Janghter {Irene from Connells- mission met the citizens of this end | Cie spent ay. day at the home of of the county on Wednesday APpril| ni. paypsEbrother, C..W. May, at 16th at the National Hotel. Owing | prey Ran. : y : to the fact that, the notice of the | Mrs. F. W. Daberko,and son Eugene meeting was so short, only a small| 2 t of the citizens were present. arrived here from Meyersdale Friday Pereen | to spend, a week with her parents, The situation was briefly discussed Mr, and Mrs. Simon, Nicklow. and the commission stated that the| gy... Connorj»was La visitor to state road would only be Sule as far | Connellsville Saturday. as the Stone Hos a m be Yon George Kimmel, of Rockwood, who 2 distance of only 2 Sag | occepted the] position as engineer on two miles from the terminus of the t strotch east from Grants- the passenger run on the I. C. V. Prose railroad, engine} No. 1, is making ville, : good and the management of the roaa, This news came as a shock to the are welljpleased with their new em- people here since there are only about | jioye. Mr. Kimmel was a former B. seven miles of an open link and this|g QO, engineer and last December happens to be over the worst part|was on the runaway train on the of the National Pike. With only 2 /gand Patch hill. He left his train little work done on this part of the | 34 Manilla tower, when he saw that pike for two or three years and not!there was no hope in checking the a cent levied for this year, OD€| ast moving train and saved his life. can imagine the condition of the road. | Almost the entire train crew lost Ed. Stanton, of Little Crossing, lost their lives. Mr. Kimmel was dismiss a valuable horse on Monday. ed by che B. & O. Mis. A. D. Sipe, of Connellsville Mi Ruth Patton housed up | ’ % 154 5 id 3s 5 spent a short time here with her with a severe case of pneumonia. : 3 aunt, Mrs. F. W. Habel. Thomas Younkin has moyed in part Tor Barmaonth was called to BI: ’ f o . i of the house on the Tressler farm ete. Russel Broadwater, ef Frostburg, | (.< iliness of his father. spent Sunday with . relatives here. W. T. Stanton sold a bunch of fat cattle to Wm. Engle of Frostburg. Mrs. M. Nathan and daughter are visiting relatives in Oakland. Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. Yoder a daughter, on April 20th. John Winters, of Midland, and Olen Winters, of Frostburg, were guests of their brother, J. E. Winters, at the National Hotel on Sunday. A child, aged one year, of Mr. and Mrs. John Yommer, died at Cressen, and brought here for burial. Rev. Young officiated. ee ——————————— VIM. April 22—Mrs. Priscilla Queer and grandson, Earl Smiley, of near Cen- | Tressler. ter church, were visiting in our Russel Dunbar. the id trick ope midst on Wednesday of last week. dL. oy re atthe N. CO. tower, ih Miss Mary Vought js visiting ber Sunday among friends in Confluence, sister, Mrs. Lydia Fullem, at present., Dr. Mevers of Confluence was here Miss Veima Gnagey’s schoo] closed | %n business: last Thursday. H. 0. Krepps speit Sunday with Mr. and Mxe J Pile of Coal Run | bis family at Mill Run. y Sonn | Mrs. Curtis Martin was a Connells- 3 . | spent 89” gay with Eangene Wellen. ee tater George Stein and family of Mey- rye Pore Coal & Coke Co., re- ‘trsdale spent Sunday With William |; ved their first shipment of mine Seggie’s family. | cars, today. This shipment consisted | Mrs. C. W. Tressler is spending | 15 standard mine cars. this week with relatives aod friends! Richard Dasdorf, our Jones Mill, | at Scottdale and Mt. Pleasant. | attorney left foy a business trip to Mrs. Jacob Klingaman and daught- | Washington, D. C., today. er of Berkley’s Mill spent Thursday | George Kennell, the passenger en-| of last week with her daughter, Mrs. | gineer on the 1. C. V. spent Sunday | with his family in Rockwood. Mrs. Wagner, and children of Miss Jennie Illig was a Connells- | Frostburg, Md., spent several days ville visitor Tuesday. with Mrs. Wm. Engle, her sister. NT — George Bangard was busily engaged | this week unloading .a car load of | lime. Mrs. Lena Bigam was in Connells- ville Saturday. B. M. Swartzwelder of Connells- ville was on Laurel Run Saturday in search of the speckled trout. Mrs. John May, Mrs. Alice Reed and son James spent Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Habel. Wm. Steckel of Connellsville and Edward Bigam of this place were fishing on Tates Run Saturday. C. G. Gundrium, extra operator, who is holding down the office at the slide, the past two weeks spent Saturday in Connellsville calling on friends. The measles are still with us; the new cases are the children of Wm. Emma Fike. GLENCOE. April 21—Rev. A. S. Kresge of Ply- mouth, Indiana, preached for the al | Greenville and White Oak congrega- yr tions of the Wills Creek charge of the | ROCKWOOD. . | Reformed church, Sunday the 13th, | April 21—Money talks, bub it always ang for Glencoe and Mt. Lebanon | talks loudest when it is given tO | congregations on the 14th and 15th, charity. " | respectively. The weather having Necessity is also the mother of | been very inclement the membership economy. | wos not as fully represented as we is so easy that | had hoped that it would be. A gen- eral good impression was created throughout the charge and it is hoped that he may choose to accept the call which is being extended to him. Mr. H. M. Poorbaugh recently ad- ded a large number of fruit trees to be depended De he tapn lousy the several thousand which he had upon ; ? “i and wait already. His farm being specially It doesn t pay to sit down y ah well adopted to raising apples we con- for SO to Cr Ds ess JOU | sider his investment a very good one. are armed with a meal tl I Mrs. H. M. Poorbau i11| ; : : +H. M, gh has been ill When the millenium comes family | co oro than a week. We hope she jars may be used for preserving peace. may speedily recover. ern Getting married most bachelors are suspicious of it. A man seldom laughs at misfortune after he gets a ‘personal introduction to it. If a woman’s credit is good at a de- J. T. Cole of Pittsburg was visiting for a few day at the homes of W. H. Broadwater, G. W. Broadwater and Alfred Broadwater. He returned home on Monday. Not having finished courting at at Somerset last week Mr. I D. Ley- dig returned there on Sunday. FRIEDENS. April 21—The lady friends of Mrs. Charles Bauman of Ralphton, Pa., gave her a very pleasant surprise on Friday, April 11, in honor of ‘her birthday. A delicious supper was served and a pleasant evening spent by all present in playing games. She 2 : received many beautiful and valuable N. B. Poorbaugh also went to Som nts. The following were pres- erset, Sunday afternoon to serve as a presents. this ve ent:—Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Smith and j30UE0E this week. Mr. and Mrs J. M. Stief and Mr. | Saturday. GREENVILLE TOWNSHIP. April 22—The name Greenville township is a familiar name in the southern part of Somerset county, nestled along the Alleghenies is a sturdy class of people, devoting their enzrgies to farming and lumbering. The timberland is being cleared off ani large crops are raised, bearing testimony to the energy and thrift of the people of Greenville. Pocahontas is the capital of the township, which has a well stocked store under the careful management and courteous service of Mr. Yutzy. Dr. F. E. Sass, takes care of the sick of the town and the surrounding country. Mrs. Wilson C. Paul, widow of the most popular man the county ever had, hascharge of the telephone. The men generally of the village, work at the Savage Fire brick works. The town has one church, a Roman Catholic mission. About a mile from town in the direction of Salisbury there are two churches, known. throughout the county as the Greenville churches. That was the locality where for many years the Lutheran and Reformed congregations worshipped in a union church. ‘Not many years ago the congregations felt ' that each one should carry’ on its own church work and consequently there are now two churches. The Lutheran church is a handsome brick structure, which would be a credit to a city congrega- tion, while the Reformed congrega- tion still worships in the old church. That congregation is wrestling with the difficult question, whether to build on the old site or lcctite at Po- cahontas. That question will even- tually be decided. There is alsoa Church of the Breth- ern denomination in the township. The schools of the township are up to the average country schools. Dur- ing the year, diphtheria and measles were epidemic and as a consequence the schools and churches had been, closed and the schools will finish somewhat later than usual. The peo- ple are hospitable, and thrifty and. the homes open and a cordiality is always extended to the guests. BE CONFLUENCE. April 22—Ella Bird who has been teaching school near Addison is spend- ing a few days in town. Miss Edith Show spent a few days in Connellsville, visiting friends. On Saturday Mrs. Martin Beckett, and Mrs. Wesley Morrison of Harneds- ville, were in town shopping. Mrs. J. T. Reynolds was in Con- nellsville on Friday, doing shopping. Mrs. Wilma Watson and son Jacob of Addison, were in Connellsville on Brimett Miller was the guest of friends in Pittsburg for a few days. Prof. Enoch spent Sunday with his family in Pittsburg. Mrs. Charles Robinson and daughter Miss Helen, of Ursina, haye been visiting in Connellsville, for several days. Everett Show of Connellsville, spent several days last week with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther show. Miss Ida McDonald is the guest of her cousin, Miss Anna McLaughlin in Connellsville. Dr. H. P. Meyers was in Connells- ville on professional business, last week. 2 Miss Carrie Watson entertained the Tancy Work club at her home in West Confluence, Friday evening. Misses Edna Kuhlman and Sadie Farquar of Ursina, were in town on Saturday. ARR lea GLADE CITY. April 22—Glade City, a mile east of Meyersdale, is a centre of the uni- verse. The name would indicate that it is the seat of a large population of the thrifty sons and daughters of Somerset county. The name Glade City may be misleading. It is not the centre of a large population, only large in potentialities. Its centre is at the cross roads, leading from Mey- ersdale to Cumberland, and from Berlin to the opposite direction. The city is made up of about a dozen houses; but to be accurate, there are thirteen, and not one who lives there is at all superstitious as to the num- ber thirteen. The men are busy dur- ing the day, working principally at the brick works, clay banks, and in the mines, while the women keep the homes tidy, prepare the meals and have charge of the domicile during the day. Glade City felt the effects of the great engineering feat at Sand Patch, when large sums of money were earn- ed, and free spenders were engaged in distributing it. The village can boast of two stores; F. Swearman, son Carl; Mrs. Will Hoiler and | daughter Lucile; Mr. and Mrs. Charles | and Mrs. Alfred Broadwater ‘were Rector, Mrs. Jacob Miller, Mrs. Min- | VeTY much pleased on being visited nie Folk, Mrs. Hiram Miller, Harry last Sunday afternoon by Misses Julia Miller, Mrs. Speer Tilson, Mrs. Wil- | Weimer of Somerset and Leah R. }iam Hoke and daughter, Mary; Mrs. John Morgan, Joseph Bowman, Silas Leah Webrick, and Elizabeth Leydig Weyand, R Wevand, Mr. and Mrs i place oy has been | takes care of the needs of the people, | in keeping a large stock of general | merchandise. This is an old and well | established place of business. More Leydig, Alice Webrick, Clara Leydig, | recently Samuel Bowman has estab- | catarrh) lished a grocery. This store is under man. | cific Railroad, is not afraid of the WASHINGTON LETTER. Special to The Commercial. Washington, April 22—Howard Elliot, President of the Northern Pa- physical valuation of the properties of his company. He was recently in Washington and in conversation with a friend he expressed the belief that it would be desirable to have an official valuation of the railroads. He believes that it will clear the at- mosphere greatly, and it will definite- ly prove whether or not the railroads are receiving adequate rates for the service they give, and he is disposed to think that it will result in a sur- prise to the public in general by showing that the railroads have re- sources worth far more than the nominal capitalization on which they are required to earn interest. THE WEST ALIVE. F Members of Congress are showing much interest in the progress of the San Diego [Exposition. In general, Congress feels that expositions are valuable as public educators. They induce many people to travel who otherwise would not moye beyond their own township. They offer es- pecial inducements in the way of lower fares, ingenious routes of trav- el and moderate prices for entertain- ment. Western Congressmen in par- ticular feel that the San Diego Ex- position will offer an opportunity for advertising the achievements and resources of the west, which is a rich region yearning for willing hands to develop it. President D. C. Collier of the Exposition is a pioneer and empire builder himself, and he fully appreciates the need of our people, more money, more brains, to bring out the resources of the west. There is room forall and independence for all, If it did nothing more than to introduce some thousands of people te the opportunities that are await- ing them, the San Diego Exposition would be a great blessing to this country. MARKING TIME. While everything is abustle and alive in the west and especially at San Diego where the Exposition is building—in Washington there has been little but marking time. Con- gress is busy with the Tariff. That is to say, the Democratic Caucus is busy with it. Day after day for the past two weeks the Caucus has been wrestling with such problems as free wool and free sugar. Any day it may finish its work, but there have been long heated debates be- hind closed doors between the ad- vocates of free wool and a wool tariff, between those who want [free sugar and the friends of a tariff on sugar, and so on down the line ‘‘from agate to zine.” BLOWING OFF STEAM. The developments indicate how wise Chairman Underwood was when he decided to let ‘‘the boys’ ‘‘blow off steam’’ in the caucus and voice all of their objections and protests to various items in the bill before sending it to the House. Through- out it all Mr. Underwood held him-| self well in hand, smilingly listened | to the oratory on the floor, and final- | ly when the time came, marshalled | his forces and calmly voted down | all objections, item by item, and the bill—barring perhaps some trivial | changes—stood at last just as it did | when it was presented to the causes | for its verdict. | { UNPERTURBED. | Through all of the tariff talk, the | patronage fights, the reconstruction of the governmental machinery, due | to a change in party sgcendency, there has been a lack of turmoil, | excitement and uncertainty at the | White House which has pleased friends of President Wilson and pos- sibiy surprised his opponents—for enemies he seems to have none. Whatever democrats may think, the Republicans appear to agree that the President is conducting himself creditably, especially with respect to the choice of men for public office: ere DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of theear. There is only one way to cure deaf- Write your name and street address on it and bring or send it to the bank that desires your account. MAIL BOXES Suitable for town use will be given 3) away by the CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK Cut Out This “Ad,” CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK ‘““THE BANK WITH THE CLOCK.” ova ata i i WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR “Golden Link” and “Sunkist,” Two of Geos high-grade patent Western Flours. Buying diréct from the mills in car lots, we save you money. Every sack guaranteed. We keep a well- stocked wareroom of Grain, Hau, Straw and Feed of All Kinds. ‘A visit will prove to you that we have the most up-to- date Grocery Store in Somerset county, and : that our prices are the lowest. A Goods [Delivered Free of Gharge. A0LZSHU & WEIMER. | ness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is causedjfby an infiamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. ‘When this tube is inflamed youjhave a rum- bling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deaf- ness is the. result and unless the in- flammation can be taken oub and this tube restored to its normal con- dition, hearing will be destroyed for- ever; nine cases out of tenzare caused inflamed condition of the surfaces. ool is conducted every | We will give One Hundred Dollars | for any case of Deafness (caused by that cannot be cured by | Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for cir- and Lee Austin of Mey- | the careful management of Mrs. Bow- | qplars, free. | F. J. CHENEY, & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by Drug [ 3 Hall’s Take by Catarrh, which is nothing but an | mucous | | ov ER Rs 7 ” A 7 I, hr [HC Wagons Are ough ID you ever notice when one of the wheels of your loaded wagon dropped into a rut or bumped over a stone how the seat springs gave and rebounded, almost throwing you off? That is an indication of the shock and strain that the rigid spokes and axles have to stand whenever the wagon is traveling over a rough road or through a field. The IHC wagons your local dealer sells Weber New Bettendort Columbus or Steel King take these stresses and strains as a matter of course. From neckyoke to tail board they are built of selected, air-dried lumber, strong and tough, bending to strains but coming back as straight and true as ever when the load is removed. Besides being tough, I H C wagons are light running. The wheels have just the right pitch and gather, and run true. All skeins and skein boxes are paired. The running gear is assembled by skilled workmen whose wages depend as much on the quality as on the quan- tity of the work they turn out. Consequently, I H C wagons are practically all of the same high standard of quality throughout. Weber and Columbus wagons have wood gears; New Bettendorf and Steel King have steel gears. IH C local dealers sell the wagon best suited to your work and conditions. Get catalogues and literature from them, or, ade dress your request to International Harvester Company of America h (Incorporated) 8 LE SEAR TENCE SK Pa. f DE TERFOO Ar A