The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, April 17, 1913, Image 3

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Orphans’ Court 'roceedings,
Real Estate, Marriage
Licences, Etc.
Warren G. Ferner to Julia A.
Ferner, Somerset.................... $ 400
John H. Uhl to Warren G. :
ner, Somerset...................#.. 500
John D. Baker to Clarence B.
Bittner, Black twp....... +sseerat . 1 000
U. M. Ringer to Wm. Frazee,
Addison twp... 4 000
Edmund Livingston to John J.
Speicher, Jenner twp............ 1 500
Charles J. Newman to Ralph R.
Straub, Boswell................ wee. 425
William 8. Matthews to Ger-
trude Daniels, Jenner twp...... 1 500
J. W. Barkley to Charles I.
Knepper, Somerset twp......... 1
L. D. Reed to Daniel Di Domin-
ico, Windber
Wilmore Coal Co.; to Martin
E Holman, Windber.............. 900
Charles A. Boyts to Jacob
- Hershberger, Conemaugh twp 1 500
George Peterson, Conemaugh
BWDP... 2 000
David M. Effley to George Pe-
terson, Conemaugh twp......... 1 100
Jane 8S. Eicher to Harry E.
Barkman, Somerset twp...... . 3 000
Warren G. Ferner to Margaret
L. Ogline, Somerset............... 2 250
Wells Creek Lumber Co., to H.
Phillips, Larimer twp............ 175
Amanda Husband to Benjamin
H. Husband. Summit twp...... 1 500
Josiah M. Blough to Robert
Wingard, Conemaugh twp...... 7 0CO
Martha Lakel to John Curry &
Co., Addison twp........ cucu... . Bb 750
Eli Saylor’s heirs to Nelson Say-
lor Middlecrzek twp .. ............. 2 8€6
Mary Trimpey to Frederick
Trimpey, Middlecreek twp...... 275
Elizabeth Cable to Wm. Um-
berger, Shade twp.................. 2 200
Henry Lebmen’s heirs to A. A.
Lohr, Quemahoning twp....... 1 950
Robert L. Wissinger, to W. A.
3 .
{ »
7 id
Barndt, Paint Bor.................. 2 200
Mary A. Newman to Wilson J.
J. Vought, Elk Lick twp..... ... 7 000
8S. E. Ringler to Wm. H. Stull,
Stonycreek twp................ 00. 875
Marshall Baer to George E.Baer
Meyersdale ...............occ..o0iuinviin 650
C. J. Harrison to Ruth J. Fer- -
ner, Somerset twp.............. So
Qaroline Meyers to Nelson Ger-
hard, Somerset twp............... 3 000
George Stufft, heirs to Sarah
Stufft, Quemahoning twp ....... 6 200
Bertha A.Ray to Lemon Shaulis,
Jenner twp........... %i 4s aTererevbnns 7 300
Belinda Younkin’s heirs to P.
B. Younkin, Upper Turkey-
00h tWp........ na 2 100
Charles W. Diveley.............. Somerset:
Rose Shaulis ............ .......Friedens
Paul Mate ............. coer. Seanor
Borliala Landor .. .................. Seanor
FElmer Clyde Gerhart........ Meyersdale
Sara Mull ....................... Meyersdale
Charles R. Miller............Summit twp
Rebecca P. Wedge.......... Summit twp
Michael Vislocky........ ......... Windber
Annie Rendor...................... Windber
Dominico DiDonato.............. Windber
Bambinna Battisto,............... Windber
Joseph Bano...........<.............. Windber
Antonina Vescora ....... ..... Windber
1. R. ‘Emerick............... Shanksville
Mabel A. Hill...... ....Shanksville
Daniel J. Miller..................... Mylo, Ia
Magdalena Hershberger,Johnson City
John C. MeCabe......... ..... Pittsburgh
Ada Della Lindeman.............. Garrett
Simon P. McKenzie.......... Meyersdale
Clara E. Bowman......... Summit twp
Austin J, Barron Somerset
Lillian M. Good.......... . Somerset: twp
Michael Staronash............Goodtown
Mary Masure..................... Goodtown
Martin Socher........ wiissans .Jenner twp
Frances Para ................ ..Jenner twp.
William A. Metts............... Listonburg
Josephine M. Bender.........Listonburg
The will of John C. Hammer, late
of Jenner twp, was probated. He
made the following cash bequests to
his children: Mary Elizabeth, wife
of Franklin Glessner, $1,000; Solo-
mon R. Hammer, $1,000; Emma Fran-
ces, wife. of Forrest Queer, 1,000;
Alice Bertha Hammer, $1,000; Win-
fleld Scott Hammer, $500; Jacob John
Hammer, $500.
Testator’s widow, Malinda M. Ham-
by 8S. H. Cauffiel and David Barry,
of Johnstown. He directs that the
balance of the estate shall be equally
divided among his children.
The will was dated January 13, 1913,
and witnessed by 8. #4. Cauffiel and
omon R. Hammer, Franklin Gless-
ner, and Alice Bertha Hammer, are
appointed executors.
Cyrus A. Stahl, estate of W. H.
Stahl, late of Somerset township.
Bond $14,000.
Elizabeth M. Dull, estate of Ru-
fus H. Dull, late of Upper Turkey-
foot twp. Bond $3,060.
John R. Sevits, estate of Abraham
M. Sevets, late of Brothersvalley
twp, $4,500.
“I suffered habitually from con-
stipation, Doan’s Regulets relieved
and strengthened the bowels so that
they have been regular ever since.’’
—E. Dayis, Grocer, Sulphur Springs,
Texas. : ad
res eee
For Better Roads.
Harrisburg, Pa., April 3—The $50,-
000,000 State highway bond resolution
is nearing its final stage in the House
of Representatives, and the advocates
of good roads throughout the State
are redoubling their efforts to impress
on the members of the House the
magnitude of the popular sentiment
back of this proposition, which in-
wolves the only feasible method of
financing the movement to give Penn-
sylvania a firstclass system of high-
Those who wish to write or tele-
graph their Representatives, urging
them to vote for good roads, have
only a short time in which to act, as
the resolution is expected to be up
for final passage in the House next
The only opposition to the resolu-
tion is from the State Grange, which
has been flooding the State with lite-
rature and bringing every possible
pressure to bear on members of the
House from interior counties. These
efforts are being met by the assertion
that the Grange in this matter does
not accurately represent the senti-
ment of the farmers of Pennsylvania,
many of whom realize that the loan
proposition is the very best solution
of the road improvement problem.
Opponents of the loan have been
vainly trying tc make the farmers be-
lieye that somehow or other there
would be more money for the town-
ship roads if the loan were not to
pass, whereas the contrary is the case.
400 | pe State has taken possession of
8,000 miles of main highways, virtual
ly all of which must be reconstructed.
If the millions necessary for the care
of the main State highways are not
provided through some such expedient
as a bond issue, the money must be
takea out of the current revenues of
the State for that purpose. The in-
evitable result will be curtailment in
other directions, and in this the town-
ship roads are bound to suffer, be-
cause it stands to reason the State
will look after its own roads first.
On the other hand, if the bond issue
passes, the State will be in a position
to contribute liberally. out of its reve-
nues for the township roads. With
this end in view the new Jones ro d
bill appropriating $3,000,000 for State
aid to township roads is proceeding
through the House, with the support
of the bond issue advocates. It will
enable the State to pay the townships
50 per cent of the money they raise
from local road taxes, up to $20 per
mile of road. Should the bond issue
be defeated in the House the Gover-
nor would be compelled to veto the
Jones bill because of lack of money
to carry out its provisions.
These are the cold, hard facts of
the situation which are causing the
real friends of good roads, including
many farmers who have not accepted
the short sighted view of the Grange
leaders, to urge their Representatives
in the House at Harrisburg to vote
for the bond‘issue.
—————ee ee
Feel languid, weak, run down?
Headache? Stomach “off” A good
remedy is Burdock Blood Bitters.
Ask your druggist. Price $1.00. ad
What They Will Do for Yee
mer, is left a life interest in tne| Theywills eyourbackacke
homestead situate in Jenner twp. | strengthen «© r kidneys, eos
at whose death Winfield and Jacob gecturinar.. ... gularities, bull
Hammer may purchase the same
for $8,000. Testator states that he
has investments aggregating $28,000,
$17,000 of which is in the form of
bonds in the Xennerly Coal and
Coke Co. The interest on $7,000 of
the latter is to be paid annually to
his widow during his life time, the
principal being held in trust for her
up the Worn u® tissues, ams
eliminate the excess uric acl
that causes rheumatism.” Pf
vent Bright's Disease and Dia
bates, and restore health ary
atrength. Refuse substitutes
Charles 8. Ling, of Johnttown. Sol-|
Soseial 10 Tne C muercial. |
Washington, April 14-Whether it
will be a long session or a short one
is a question which the lawmakers |
under the dome of the Capitol are un- |
able to predict. If the tariff bill is
rushed through substantially as it was
prepared by the Ways and Means
Committee it is quite possible that
Congress will adjourn before July 1.
But while the House will very likely
pass it quickly,despite the disappoint-
ment in various quarters over failure
to give what is considered sufficient
protection, there will probably be a
different story to tell in the Senate.
In that body the advocates of protec-
tion for sugar and wool are likely to
gather enough democratic support to
hamper the programme of the admin-
istration. That will mean delay, if not
disaster for the bill. \ And then too
it is not improbable that the Presi-
dent may wish the currency question
takenup, and perhaps other impor-
tant questions, so that the session
may stretch along into October. ,
The gentle pressure is to be brought
to béar to induce Congress to be good
is indicated by the holding up of com-
mittee appointments, and by the de-
decision of the Treasury Department
to make no appointments of customs
officials until July 1. It would be
easy for this policy to be extended to
other departmtments; for instance,
the Department of Justice and the
Post Office Department, which have
been somewhat slow about distribut-
ing places. Such tactics are likely
to prove efficacious.
The official newspaper published by
the Government in the Panama Canal |
Zone known as the ‘‘Canal Reeord”’
contains an item to the effect that
fiiteen German steamship lines have
applied for coal space on the canal
zone sufficient to store 15,000 tons of
coal. This only substantiates the
statements that the great steamship
companies were getting ready to
make the fullest possible use of the
canal. After passing through this
new maritime highway the first port
of call on American soil will be San
now being made to celebrate the
opening of the canal with a great in-
ternational exposition. Preparations
are being made by the steamship
co npanies to take thousands of visi-
tors to the San Diego Exposition.
To visit the unique San Diego Ex-
position will be an experience worth
waiting a lifetime for, but to be able
to make the journey to it by ship,
part of the way through tropic seas,
and threading the great canal which
is justly regarded as the engineering
wonder of the age, will be an ideal
‘arrangement. Indeed, the rage to
visit the canal has become almost a
mania, and people are flocking to the
canal zone in hordes in order to see
the work while it is still under con-
struction. At San Diego there wily
be a model of the canal, giving a most
realistic impression of it; and in honor
of the big waterway, the amusement
features of the Exposition will be ar-
ranged on a site which will be known
as ‘‘The Isthmus.
—————eee ee
Sunshine, Plante—and Girls.
Sunlight is so important to life that
it is little wonder that sun worshipers
prevailed in primitive days. Plant a
potato in your cellar, and if there Is a
little light the potato will sprout and
try to grow. Surround it with the best
fertilizer, water it, and do the best you
can for it except that you keep it in the
dark, and it cannot digest and grow.
Bee how slender and pale it is! The
process of digestion, the great function
of assimilation, cannot go on without
sunshine. Nature's laws are the same
in the animal world. It is just as true
that the only girls with red cheeks
and sweet breaths. the onlv girls who
become fully ripe and sweet, are those
who baptize’ themselves fully in glori-
ous'sunshine, The many pale girls who
are to be seen with a bloodless, half-
baked sort of face, whose walk, whose
voice and whose whole expression is
devoid of spirit, are not half ripe.’
The Queen and Gambling.
Though the queen is to accompany
the king to! the grand’ national next
month; she: retainns her: dislike for
gambling, But some years ago when
the royal party was traveling down by
rail for the derby, the late. King Bé4
ward proposed’ a half’ crown” sweep
stake on the race, and Princess Mary
drew a horse that had « fifie chance.
Prince Arthur of Connaught having
drawn his usual blank, suggested he
should buy if from her present: maj-
esty for five shillings: She declined,
and held to her cliance; which romped
home an easy winner. “For any one
who does not like gambling” remarks
H. R. H., when retailing this yarn,
“I never saw any one collect her win-
ning more quickly.” —London Opinion.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
.and speed. He will be a great help:
Diogo, where active preparations are
Comiskey Says Twiders Are
Showing Better Form.
Big Ed Walsh Is Sure of Good Season,
While Scott and White Have Old
Cunning—Joe Benz Is Like
a New Man,
Prediction that the Chicago Amer-
ican league baseball team will have
a strong pitching staff this year is
made by President Comiskey. He be
lieves the twirlers now being sea-
soned are showing better form than
in previous years, all of which is at-
tributed to the spring work at Paso
“There is no need to tell the fans
how good Ed Walsh is going to be be-
cause they realize that he has no;
equal in baseball,” was the way Mr..
Comiskey started out in speaking of,
the White Sox staff. “Ed is in per-
fect physical condition and his man«
ner of caring for himself during the
idle winter months always assures a
good season for the big fellow. He is
good 'for ten years to come. Nobody
knows how much I think of him and
how proud I am of such men as his
type. I would not be surprised to see:
him make his best record the coming
season. :
“Another thing which is encourag-
ing to me is the way Jim Scott has
been going on the coast. I want to’
£0 on record as saying that Jimmie is
back to his best form and he will be
a great support to the team. I expect
him to have his best year barring a
return of his ailment, of which he
now seems to be entirely free.
“Doc White is making a better
showing than he did last year at this:
time. He has all his old-time cunning!
“Big Ed” Walsh.
to the club and will be ready to take
‘his turn as soon as the season opens.
Benz is going great guns. He looks
like a new man. 1 was surprised ‘to
see the way he worked. Cal tells me
he expects wonderful things of him.
Lange and Cicotte never. were early
season pitchers, but they are just be-
ginning to show their real value.
“Manager Callahan believes he has
‘a great find in Clarence Smith, the
youngster from Birmingham. The
young fellow will be given a thorough
trial and it looks now as if he might
‘be one of the regulars. Phil Douglas,
.one of the tallest twirlers in the
game, standing 6 feet 4 inches, also
looks good to me. Mogridge has im-
proved greatly and Cal will’ in all
probability carry him the full season.
‘His work on the coast insures him a
place in major league baseball.
Penn Hopes to Win Championships.
The University of Pennsylvania is
hopeful of winning this year’s annual
intercollegiate track and field cham-
pionships, which would’ put them bn
even terms with Cornell for perma-
nent possession of the $1,000 trophy.
The record now stands four wins for
Cornell, three for Pennsylvania anc
one for Harvard. It must be won five
Player Goes to Pen.
Danny Claire, infielder of the Sioux
City team, of the Western league, con-
victed in ‘the Federal court at Grand
Rapids, Mich. on a charge under the
Mann white slavery act, was on March
14 sentenced to three years in the
Federal prison at Fort Leavenworth,
— gL
Eyes on Pipp.
The major league scouts have, thus
early, their eyes upon one college
‘player in Pipp, the first baseman of
the University of Virginia nine. They
say he is the best first baseman play-
.ing baseball since Fred Tenney’s days
at Brown.
Spike Shannon’s Job.
Spike Shannon, who once was
bought by the Giants for $10,000 in
one of the biggest deals ever put
through in baseball, is to manage the |
Signature of
Zot DZ
| ern league.
little Virginia club in the new North-
EE ——————|
House Expected to Approve Bill
Already Adopted in Senate
Affects All Except Four Cities of State
—Most General Piece of Legisla-
tion of Session—Council of
Five Elected, One as Mayor
(Special Harrisburg Correspondence.)
Harrisburg.—By the passage of the
Clark commission form of government
bill for third-class cities, the Sepate’
placed in a fair way to enactment the
session’s biggest and most general
piece of legislation affecting cities.
Only four cities are not affected by
the law as proposed, and these four
are Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Scran-
ton and Lancaster, the last-named a
third-class city, but working under a
special charter. The House will prob-
ably pass the bill without serious ob-
jection, and the victory in the Senate
has caused the commission advocates
to rejoice, for heretofore the hardest
fight on legislation containing the ini-
tiative, referendum and non-partisan
ballot provisions has been in the Sen-
Not a Ripper Bill.
The bill passed by 37 votes to 8.
Briefly, the measure provides for a
Council of five, to be elected at large,
one to be the mayor and serve as the
head of the Department of Public Af-
fairs, and the others to be heads of
the departments of Public Safety, Ac-
counts and Finances, Streets and
House improvemen*s, and Parks and
Public Property. Salaries are to be
determined by population at the be-
ginning, and afterward by the council.
There is no ripper in the bill, and
mayors elected in 1911 will serve until
January 1, 1916, while all other may-
ors are to retire next January, as well
as the councilmen now serving in bi-
cameral bodies elected from wards.
The council and mayor in each city
are to appoint an assessor to serve
for one year. The assessor will name
assistants. The Council must also
elect a treasurer, engineer and solicit-
or, but all other appdintees are to be
named by department heads. The ini-
tiative is to be applicable on peti-
tion of 10 per cent. of the electors,
and within twenty days after the
ordinance has been passed by council
it may be referred to the people, the
procedure being the filing of a peti-
tion signed by 20 per cent. of the
House Refuses to Fix Day.
The House has refused to con-
sider at this time the proposition ad-
vanced by Representative Schuck, of
Westmoreland, that final adjournment
be fixed for May 15. The resolution,
by a viva voce vote, was sent to the
Rules Committee, following a strong
speech against it by Speaker Alter,
who left his chair for the second time
this session to. participate in debate.
Mr. Schuck then offered a second reso-
lution, that the committee report not
later than next Monday on a date for
final adjournment, but this was ruled
out of order. ‘
Schuck argued for adjournment on
the basis of economy, and declared
that if a date were fixed more work
could be accomplished. The Speaker
reviewed the work of the House to
the present, and stated that up to
March 27 the members had accom-
plished 30 per cent. more than up to
the same time in 1911.
Speaker Alter Opposes.
The Speaker was cheered as he
said: “It has been said around the
State that the Speaker has. been too
indulgent with the members in de-
bate. Some of the House members
have given utterance to the same
thought—that if the Speaker were
more strict the House” would work
Now, this is what I want to
say: If it is the idea that the Speak-
er shall refuse to give fair hearing to
members who arise in good faith to
express their viows on pending meas-
ures, then this House must get a‘ new
Schuck Defends Motion.
When the resolution was offered,
Representative Humes of Crawford
moved to refer it to the Rules Com-
mittee. Schuck then came to the de-
fense of his resolution, saying: “It is
in response to a public demand for a
business’ ending to this session that
I present this resolution. Nothing will
ever bring this House to its senses
but the realization that a certain lim-
ited time remains in which to consider
the legislation before it. We are be-
coming the laughing-stock of the peo-
ple of the State, the object of deri-
sion when deliberative procedure’ in
legislative matters is concerned. Let
us not magnify our importance and
deceive ourselves into the belief that
our constituents are expecting us to
remain here indefinitely.” Mr. Schuck
Overrides Tener's Wish.
Twenty-four dual officeholders, in-
cluding Governor Tener’s private seo
retary and the Executive Controller,
adjudged guilty of contempt by the
House Judiciary-General Committee,
were subpoenaed to appear before the
dual officeholders’ investigating com-
mittee. This action was taken against
the wishes of the Governor and Sen-
ators McNichol and Vare. The com-
mittee, after observing the greatest
secrecy in two sessions held last week
and another since then, refused to
accept the report of the Governor.
opposed the Humes motion, saying he
| objected to “the indefinite and inde
| ‘Graveygrd
| Committee’ on Rules.” Calling Rep-
| resentative Flynn, Democrat, of klk,
to the chair, Speaker Alter took the
floor and requested that the resolu-
| tion be sent to the Rules Committee.
| After referring to the reports of his
| overindulging the members, the Speak-
er said: “I do not think this is the
time for the House to set any definite
time for final adjournment. There is
no way of determining how long it
will take to dispose of bills. I find
that on March 27, 1911, 157 bills had
passed the House, and the same day
this year 204 bills had made the same
progress. That is 30 per cent. more
business done this session than at the
preceding one. That does not look a;
if we are wasting time.”
| terminate policy of the
Bills ‘Passed.
For the better preservation of ree-
ords in Philadelphia Recorder of
Deeds’ office.
Permitting Warren Academy trus-
tees to sell certain lands.
Bills Introduced.
To preserve and publish ancient
English and German church records
found in the State.
Resolution asking Congress for na-
tional road system connecting State
Bills Passed.
Three companion bills creating aux-
iliary forest reserves, fixing value at
$1 per acre for local taxes and reima~
bursing counties and townships 2 centa.
per acre. !
Making the violet the official State
Making Philadelphia and Pittsburgh:
school boards eelctive.
Appropriating funds to transport
veterans to Gettysburg celebration.
Appropriating $1,500,000 for . pen
sions to Civil War veterans.
Remitting parole of life prisoners.
Creating bureau of utilities in sec-
ond-class cities.
Regulating plants of shade trees:
and acquisition of lands for forestry
purposes in second-class cities.
Regulating s..le of aigrettes.
ate bill.)
Regulating appointment of county
detectives in counties having between
300,000 and 700,000 population.
House declines to adopt resolutiom:
for adjournment May 15.
Senate sets April 22 for final vote
on woman suffrage.
Bill to license railway dining cars
beaten in House.
House defeats bill forbidding tip~
Lieutenant Governor Reynolds de-:
clines to order election to fill vacancy!
caused by Senator Stineman’s death.
Philadelphia produce dealers ap-
pear in opposition to cold-storage bill.
Advocates and opponents of Bible
reading in public schools appear be-
fore Senate committee.
Constitutional amendment abolish
ing Department of Internal Affairs re-
ported affirmatively to House.
Senate committee postpones uni
form divorce bill indefinitely.
District Attorney Rotan suggests
that criminal jurisdiction be denied to
proposed municipal court.
tion act is made before Senate Corpo-
ration Committee.
Fixing the deer season at from No-
vember 10 to 25.
Authorizing police magistrates in
second-class cities to suspend sent-
ences after persons have been ad-
judged guilty of violating city ordi-
Repealing Philadelphia Port Ward-
en act of 1864;
Authorizing municipalities to pur
chase entire capital stock and bonds
of bridge companies and exempting
such investments from State tax.
Changing time for opening bids for
State supplies from June to May.
Court Bill Goes Through.
Among the bills to pass second
reading was that providing for the
consolidation of the Common Pleag
Courts of Philadelphia. The Senate
Judiciary General Committee post-
form divorce bill. This bill is the one
drawn by the National Committee on
Uniform Divorce. Walter George
Smith, of Philadelphia, oné of the
sponsors of the bill, appeared befora
the committee in its favor:
Senate Seat Stays Vacant.
Lieutenant Governor Reynolds an
announced’ that’ he would not issue g
writ for the election of a Senator in
the Cambria district to fill the vacan-
cy cavsed by the death of Senatop
Stineman: He said there was no ne.
cessity for an eleetion, as the Legia.
lature. would probably adjourn beforg
the election would be held.
Dining Cars Remain “Dry.”
After a short but somewhat heated
debate, the House defeated the bill of
Representative: McAleer, of Philadel.
phia; to license railway dinine cars,
74 ayes. to 11 noes.
Veto to Hit Powell.
Governor Tener let it be known that
he will veto the bill increasing the
salaries in the Auditor General's of-
fice. This is the measure which caused
Senator Powell, Auditor General-elect,
to withdraw his opposition to the con-
firmation of Highway Commissioner
Bigelow. He was assured by the Or-
ganization leaders that the Governor
would apprave the bill. Senator Pow-
ell declared. that if the Governor ve-
| toes the bill he will fight every Or-
| ganization bill in the Senate. A lively
| ight will no doubt result,
yrs re
mili atl nfl bosib 5%
Argument for workmen’s compensa- :
poned indefinitely action on the uni. ~