Neighborhood News | News Items of Interest From Near-by Places, Gleaned by The Com- mercial’s Special Correspondents. SPRINGS The last Session of the Elk Lick township Teacher’s institute,for this season, was held at Spings, Saturday April 12. The auction at F. W. Bender,s, Sat- VIM. Pittsburg. Grandma Nicholson of Pleasant Hill, spent last week in our town. Notice to Correspondents. The correspondents wiil confer a JOHNSTOWN. April I5—James M. Cover, of Som- urday afternoon and evening, was a howling success. R. J Engle did the howling and Mr. Bender reaped the success; about two hundred pairs of Ed. Engle and wife of Akron, Ohio, who were heavy loosers in the flood, are visiting Mr. Engle’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Engle, at present. April 16—P. C. Miller spent several days of last week seeing the sights in The Dol lar . Saved erset, one of the state banking ex-|shoes and numerous other articles Mrs. Ada Kieffer and two children great favor if they will get their corre- spondence into the office not later than Monday evening. SOMERSET. aminers, Friday last enroute to his home. and accident insurance. ERR L. H. Long, of April 12—Ex-Jury Commissioner, Milton L. Weighley, of Jenner town- ship, was a business visitor in town on his return from Johnstown. Mts. George C. Keim, of Johnstown, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Coleman. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel, B. Getty, of “ Meyersdale, are the guests of Mrs. Getty’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam- mel F. Sharrah, haying recently re- farned from a six weeks’ trip to Cal- fornia and New Mexico. Ralph Spangler, and Charles R. Eckbert, of Clearfield, spent sev- Friday last. this city Thursday last were visitors to Johnstown, today. man, at Meyersdale, Johnstown this morning. The passed through the city 8. Walter Scott, of your town spent last week in this city soliciting life Connellsville, a well-known travelling salesman and a former resident of Meyersdale was transacting business in Johnstown Bert F. Landis, of Somerset, reg- ister of wills, was a business visitor to Eld. Silas Hoover, of Somerset, and Eld. P. J. Blough, of Hooversville, Edgar Klingaman, who spent Sat- urday and Sunday visiting his pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Klinga- returned to Meyersdale colony in the were disposed off. A large crowd of people was present and the bidding was spirited throughout. As a measure for reducing the high cost of living -of Candidates the anti- treating regulation is the greasest thing ever invented. From this date there will be preach- in the Mennonite Church at this place every Sunday Morning instead of every two weeks, as formerly. Married, April 13, in the Amish Curch at Niverton by Bishop Moses Yoder, Daniel Miller of North Dakota and Lena Hershberger, of Kalowa Towa. Mr. Elmer Bittinger, who was em- ployed in a large garage in Morgan- town, W. Va., during the last season has again accepted his old position as right hand man in Ed Miller’s machine and general repair shop. Besides be- the week in our town. Robert Lee spent over Saturday near Somerset. Mrs. Frank Thomas of Coal Run, and Mrs. Wm. Engle. len on Monday, a son. W. C. Burrell of Cumberland, Md., Tuesday. household goods near Meyersdale. OUR DUTCH LETTER Roata Barrick Der 10 Obril, 1913. Mister Drooker:—Letchta Sundog of Finzel, Md., spent the forepart of spent Friday with her parents, Mr. | Born to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Wel- made a business call to our town on On Monday Robert Lee moved his | eral days with Somerset relatives. Rev. N. Frank Boyer, pastor of the church, was in town ronewing old acquaintan- Ligonier Evangelical, ces. Rev. Mr. Boyer, formerly held pastorates in Somerset and John- | town, Frank E. Rice, of Pittsburgh, is | ting along nicely. Several haye not spending several days with his pa- | yet succeeded in securing houses, rents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Rice. Mrs. A.E. Spangler, and her daugh- ing an excellent all around mechanic hen mer die airshta meeting ghot fun “Flood City”’ has been considerably augmented by the addition of four Rowe brothers— William, Peter, Mat- thew, and John- and their brother-in- law, Beniamin Green. The five men | are working in the mines of the | Valley Coal Company and are get- locality as an automobile doctor. a large class, here Mr. Miller and veloping the latent musical talent here, for which they deserve the grat- itude of every man, woman and child but with good prospects of perma- in the community, for there is nothing Mr. Bittinger is without a peer in this E. D. Miller is at present giving weekly instructions in vocal music to | others have devoted much time in de- | nently being located soon. | that hasa more elevating and ennob- der Hinkelfooser Social Glup, uns sis olles goot gonga, un ich konrn dir sawga oss der Lons eppas fun emma entertainer, iss, un mer hem olle sot- ta guta zeita ghot, un sin net hame kumma bis morya un vie ich ins bett gegroddelt bin ist die Cass woker | vodda, un sie hot glei germaint ich sot uf bleiva un feadera un melka, un ich vor mead, un ich bin im bett ge- blivva bis die sun hoch im himmel To-Day the ability to lay the HW No matter what your books. IS THE ONE THAT COUNTS MOST. A ET RE By to-morrow it has already earned some inter- est, and besides, the increase in self respect, each succeeding one easier to save. (EY more now, open a Savings Account with the bank that desires to have your name on their CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WITH THE cLOCK first one aside. makes WH age, bring a dollar or me Sa RO SNA rn ter, Miss Cora, are entertaining Mrs. | P. 8S. Walter, B. & O. agent at ] . | wor, na hot sie mich rous geyogh for ling effect upon a people than music | Cora MacLaughlin, of Pittsburgh. |Holsopple was transacting business here today. Tuesday, May 6th, will be a big day in Johnstown, as Barnum & Bailey’s greatest of all shows will exhibit bere at that time, and there Rev. George C. the Evans City Presbyterian church, formerly of Somerset, relatives here. Mrs. Harriet Speck of New York | will be large representation of Som- who had been the guest of her son-in- law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Harrison, Jr., has return- ed home. Miss Helen Fisher, is visiting rela- tives iu Keyser, W. Va. Walter C. Carter, Baltimore & Ohio, R. R., agent at Somerset, is spending a few weeks’ vacation with relatives in Cuningham, N. C. Merchant Albert J. Bantley and Dr. J. B. Bell, of Windber, were among the recent business visitors ‘to the county seat. Mrs. Russel Benford is visiting rel- atives at Rockwood. * Miss Olive Miller and Miss Hazel Schlag, of Stoyestown, who had been the guests of Mrs. P. Casebeer, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. P. Stein, and Miss Duirl Walter and Miss May Walter, hive returned from Johnstown, where they visited relatives. Mrs. J. F. Retweger is spending several wecks with relatives in Wheeling, W. Va. Mrs. Tainrence M. Phillips is visit- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs J. P. McCabe, of Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. John Hileman of Mt Pleasant, who had been visiting Som- erset relatives, have returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Sharrah, haye as their guest, Mrs. Sharrah’s sister, Miss Ola Coleman, of Brad- dock. Attorney Charles F. Patterson, of Pittsburgh, who had been the guest of Attorney Edward E. Kiernan, has ‘Yeturned home. : Hon. J. H. Lonpenecker, of Bed- ford, formerly judge of the Somer- set-Bedford district, spent part of the week with Somerset acquain- tances. Alex H. Huston has returned from a week’s visit with relatives in Johnstown. Mrs. Thomas S. Sanner, and daugh- ter, Miss Edna are visiting Mrs. Sau- ner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Custer, in Stoyestown. David A. Griffith, is spending two weeks with relatives in Baltimore. Attorneys Charles F. Uhl, Jr., and Charles H. Ealy have formed a part- nership which will be known as the Uhl & Ealy law firm. The interior of the county jail is being repainted and repapered and otherwise improved. Town council has made a number of improvements at the municipal building. J. B. Holderbaum’s family, have taken possession of their new residence. Daniel Rhoads is remodelling his res- idence on the East Side. * Isiah Good is erecting a handsome new residence on the East Patriot lot he recently purchased from Hon. Amos W. Knepper. The Board of Officers of the Christ- «dan church has passed a resolution extending their thanks to W. P. Young and the other musicians who recently rendered the oratorio, ‘“The Crucifixion.” Ll ee Cheapest accident insurance—Dr. | Thomas’ Hclectic Oil. For burns, scalds, eufts and emergencies. All| druggists sell it. 25¢ and 50c. a’ Miller, pastor of is visiting | limits, | stains, rub with equal parts of turpen- of the right kind. ——————————— eee CONFLUENCE. ville on business on Thursday last. Mrs. Wm. Lenhart of Somerfield, is entertainihg her brother, Wm. Woogd- mancy, who is spending a few days visiting. Mrs. Earl Critchfield and daughter of Ursina, have been spending several days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Sanner. Ernest Baily of Pittsburg, spent a few days with his parants, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Baily. D. A. Griffith of Uniontown spent Saturday in town. Miss Maude Sanner returned to Cumberland, after spending a week with her grandfather, A. R. Humbert. Miss Margaret Blackburn of Pitts- burg, is the guest of Mrs. Frank Davis. Lloyd Kurtz and family were called to Addison on Saturday, due to the death of Mr. Kurtz’s father, who was well known here. After spending the winter with her son, H. L. Hostetler, Mrs. Robt. Hos- tetler of Somerset, returned home. Quite a number of young people from town attended the spelling bee at the River school house Thursday eyening. After the contest the re- mainder of the evening was spent in a literary program. Mr. Kimmel Vansickle taught a yery successful term of school and the pupils of the River school will look to the term of 1912-13 as having been a very pleasant year’s work. erset county people here upon that occasion. The B. & O. has forsaken Johns- town and the vision of a new pas- senger and freight station, besides other improvements entailing the ex- penditures of many thousands of dollars, has melted into thin air. The mayor says the company is ‘“bluffing,’’ but be that as it may, the fact remains that within the past couple of weeks a large force of workingmen iloaded up and ship- ped away all material that has been on the grounds for the construction of the freight station on Baumer street, and also ripped out the con- crete forms and levelled the founda- tions which had been partly con- structed. It is also said that negoti- ations are under way for the transfer back to the original owners of the property that had been purchased and | Paid for as the site for the passen- ger station. The mayor and council want the B. & O. company to ele- vate their tracks within the city which the company stoutly refuses to do, and now as a counter- play the mayor has announced his intention of taking steps to com- pel the B. & O. company to vacate their right-of-way from the New Senate Hotel on Bedford street to the southern city limits, claiming, that the ground was filched from the channel of the Stonyecreek. What the outcome of the contest will be, TTY can only be conjectured. SALISBURY EE Richard Glotfelty was a town visitor GRANTSVILLE, MD. Monday. April 15—H. OC. Bonig i8 at Pitts- burgh on business and expects to re- turn via., of Cumberland, and bring his daughter Winifred home, who has been there for treatment. G. J. Gnagey drove to Frostburgh one day last week and while there he ade Jig Tne fam of onset pl Will Hay in Cumberland. - Race, for a team of young ba : teas mares. Mr. Gnagey is Fn i, i Eerney Simpkins is busy these days fine horses and expects to raise colts grafting and transplanting fruit trees. in the future. Arthur Emerick of Akron is at home suffering with blgod poison in the foot Albert Blocher is at work again af- ter a few day’s illness. Archie Cochran Jr., of Cumberland who is at home with tge typhoid fev- er, is improving. Mrs. E. H. Perry and son James and Edna Hay spent over Sund with Migses Gertrude Haun, Blanche : Miller, Mrs. Charles Yourkin and canged by show eyelet, His father Mr ° A. Bender were shop- and brother of Holsopple are also pers in Meyersdale Saturday. home at present. J. U. Stanton and Emanuel Hersh- berger sold a horse on Monday. Quite a number of people from here attended the auction at F. W. Bender’s on Saturday afternoon at Springs. C. A. Bender, Jonas Gnagey and D. J. Stevanus were visitors to Monday, Pittsburgh several days last week.| Adam Fogle and sons, George and While there they attended the auto | Ray, who are employed at Connells- show at East Liberty. ville, spent the week-end at home. Miss Ethel Broadwater is home| Norman May and family of Jerome, again after spending several weeks |are visiting relatives in Salisbury. in Cumberland. Mr. and Mrs. C.F. Hay entertained] Excavation for the new church js |the following children and grand- completed the formation was ex- |children at dinner on Friday evening: tremely rough with a strata of hard | Mrs. E. H. Perry and son James of rock. Punxsutawney; Mrs. Earl Garlitz of Ferris, Pa., Mr. and Mrs. C. M. May, Mrs. D. I. Hay, and Misses Esther, Anna, Imogene and Dorothy Hay all | of this place. J. L. Barchus is improving his prop- erty by removing the fence and put- ting down a concrete walk. James Riley who har been absent in the family circle. Norman Hay was a town visitor on Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CC A S TT ® R 1 A Hester Shaw entertained a number Wiping Out Grease Stains. | of he small girl friends at a sewing For grease stains on fast colors, | party on Saturday afternoon. benzine can be used. For dry paint | ee FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS tine and alcohol. Aplirl4—Chas Beggs was in Friends- | un en bawr olte boxa un glaeser, un from home for several months isagain |’ die arvet shoffa. Es vor grosordig. | Mer hen die meeting ghot im waw- | ga shop, un mer hen of course net teal furniture gebreight, nur en dish, so vie mer hin kumma sin hot der Lons awfanga locha, un hot uns nuf gernumma in der shop, un die meet- ing is glei los gonga. Der Lons hot die seit gernumma fum kicliher aisel, ovver ar wor bong oss die olde des argument net ghaert hot, un es iss aw ken vunner. "Kensht du seine olde? Sie iss about drei mol so gross vie der Lons, un dem no vie sie guckt kon sie aw mechtige shtreich druf horka. Mer waara olle dot, der Benj Bittner, un der Ducter Miller fun Glencoe, un der Boyer, der nei Posht Meshter fun. Fairhope, un sei maedel, un sie iss base vodda. Der Boyer wor ferhoodelt den ar WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR “Golden Link” and “Sunkist,” Two of the best, high-grade patent Western Flours. Buying direct from the mills in car lots, we save you money. Every sack guaranteed. We keep a well- stocked wareroom of. Grain, Hau, Straw and Feed of All Kinds. A visit will prove to you that we have the most up-to- date Grocery Store in Somerset county, and that our prices are the lowest Goods Delivered Free of Charge. kon net feal deitsh fershtae, ovver ar hot zeimlig gut ousgermocht, un venn ars nei fershtonna hot, hots der Lons im ferzailt. Sie hen mich geleckt fer entertain- ment Committee, un mer hen ousger- mocht mer vodda emol en Ladies Night hovva, un mer vella oll die vie- ver mit nemma, un na gebts en zeit. Vaeshtder Lons iss eppas fun emma bolitishun, un er kennt oll die grosse bucks drivva in Somerset, un ar gaet olle gebot nivver zu reporta vies gaet im lond rum, un ar viil mich mit nem- ma fer ne deitsha speech mocha, un ich gae au emol mit. Letsht voch vor ich im Meiershta- eddle un vie ich nei komma bin zum Haley hot sei bar tender mich gfrogt ob ich en railroader vaer, ei hob ich gsogt, vos mochts ous? No segt ar venn du en raelroader bisht konsht geld hosht. Sel hot mich base ger- mocht. Ar iss yusht so en glaener kaerl, about so gross vie der olt Charlie Raupatch. Sog, hob ich gsawd, du glaener ratser, geb mer en boddle bear, ader ich shlog der aens uf die nos. Na iss der Haley kumma un hot en nous geryogt. Beats net der deihenker vie so en glaener kaerl frish iss? . Sie sawga oss der Judge en ferboata hot em raelroader zu ferkaufa. Iss es net orrig. Vos bin doch froh oss ich ken raelroader bin. Na muss ich on die arvaet. Dei Deitcher Friend, HENNY HINKELFOSS. ———————— eee Iliter”.'+ Decreasing. It is gratifying to learn from official figures furnished by the bureau of the census, at Washington, that in the en- tire population of the United States the percentage of illiteracy declined from 10.7 to 7.7 in the decade from 1900 to 1910. The “decline among children between the ages of ten and fourteen years was especially notable, the percentage of illiteracy being re- | iduced from 7.2 to 4.1 in ten years. The ‘general decline of illiteracy marks the ‘improvement of educational opportu- ‘ties throughout the country, and this improvement is most distinctly meas- ‘ured in comparing the children who have just passed through the schools. ‘Generally speaking, each successive generation in the United States shows a smaller proportion of persons unable to read and write and this proportion is always lesast for the children from ten to fourteen years of age. From this it Is evident. that illiteracy is considerably less for children than for the aggregate population.—Manches- ter Union. du nix hovva un ven du noch so feal|’ HOLZSHU & WEIMER. When Run Down in physical condition it is usually because the action of the organs of digestion has become irregular or defective, Then there is need for a safe and speedy medicine to relieve the ills which occasionally depress even the brightest and strongest, The one remedy you may take and feel safe with is i oir sia © BEECHAM’S PILLS (The Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World) The first dose gives speedy relief in sick-headache, bilious- ness, constipation, lack of appetite, heartburn, dyspepsia, and lasting improvement follows the timely use of this fa- vorite and reliable home remedy. You will become healthier and stronger, and more cheerful if you let Beecham’s Pills Pick You Up Sold everywhere. In boxes, 10c., 25c. Directions with every box point the way to health and are especially valuable to women, CAN BE CURED | Will Prove 1t to You Free You who are suffering the tortures of Eczema, Itch, Salt Rhe skin digeases—you whose days are migeranle, whose nights are tig Sher less by tha terrible itching, burnifig pains, 1ét me send you a trial of a sooth- ing, healing treatment which bas cured hundreds. which I believe wil] cure Fou aren ord > fee, Postage paid. without any obligation on your part. ow and ma $0 me, or i age ) ess I will send the treatment free of cost to you. Ville ms. giving your Rams, 8nd adds WED NSD GD VS GND Sma mes ew ==C UT AND MAIL TO DAYS own oo mom mv om oon me - - aw Jd. C. HUTZELL, 115 West Main 8t., Fort Wayne, Ind. Please send without cost or obligation to me your Free Proof Treatment. J. GC, Hutzell, R. P, *eessssescsnan SS8sausnctsransensnnesainasaninsnssaneasen.s Stessectonsrecnrssnce ®etsesesces senu.yanr NORTHAMPTON TWP. last day of school Pei Yo Charis Cg snd oe noon there was a good entertainment arry o ance, spent Sunday at]... 3 Beane of the forniore Bebe Samer | ay en by the pupils. The band for Keefer, of near Johnsburg. ished some excellent music, and the C. W. Ackerman and J. H. Holland | *°St Of order prevailed. Miss Kathryn were Meyersdale visitors on Monday. | Keidel was the teacher and is held in Henry Keidel is on the sick list at | in the highest esteem by all. this writing. | Henry Tressler and wife were Mey- Samuel Saylor was a business visi- i ersdale visitors, Wednesday last. tor to Sand Patch on Monday. and in the after- Mr. aud Mrs. Jesse Cook are on tke FOR RHEUMATISM KIDNEYS /ND Bs DDE Last Thursday April 10th, was the | sick list at present. Soe RE 5 Cha Par Bor Sar Cha Rek Mic Dor Ban Jos Mal Dar Mag Joh Ads % Sim Claz Aus Lill; Mic Mar Fra: will Jose of J mad , his of: | mon . ges, Alic fleld Han mer, hom at Han for has $17,( bong Cok: the his 4 Princ