kd BHPRawmSsruEmormmLapb< br Phones; mn eve the sets we VEr OW on en ard ese of ain ely ach 1€S ts. e, Pa. i i aed iy A 4 #2 14 BF hk on " marks on the cabin door. i kd i TRAE MED pmo —e——— VOLUME XXXVL ‘MOUNTAIN North Carolina-Tennessee Mountain District Preacher in Town---Speaks in the Churches--An Interesting Character, a Self-Sacrificing Labor of Love. Mountain Bell, Oross Trail Pilot has been living among these people as one of them for over three years liv- ing in a cabin which they have built for him and riding a distance of 75 to 100 miles each week on horse back to reach his four mountain missions. By leaving the Bible in the cabin, the love of God in their heart and then by being firm and bringing the mes- sage clear and plain they look from the Pilot of the trail to the Master Pilot above and there find that Jesus was a man among men. Itisnota "trail of roses but the Great Physician and Shepard of the Hills are one and there shall be one fold and one shep- ard. Mr. Bell was born in Mankats, Minn., and received his education in the north. He has the southern spirit and the call of the mountains is law to him. He has been with us for over a week and has presented his work in the local churches, the Brethern Sunday school, the Luther League and at the Sunday evening service in the Meth- odist church. . ‘He is securing supplies from the various Board of Education in the large cities, chalk, pencils, slates, and anything which will assist the child- ren to learn the lessons of life and be the means of teaching others for in the mountains as in no other place a little child shall lead them gently along the Trail of the Cross. Rev. Bell leaves here for Frostburg, Cumberland, and Harpers Ferry. He wishes to express his thanks to those who have helped him, and the sha- dow of the Alleghenies is also dear to him. The library’s of the north furnish no guide to Smoky Mt. which we will call the Heart of the Hills, the dividing line between North Carolina and Tenneesse. Our highest point is Mt. Mitehell, 6,711 feet high. We will go from 50 to 75 miles along either slope of Great Smoky without being able to cross except through a water gap or by blazing a trail which would mean. camping out all night upon the Mt. Here we find a virgin forest of hard wood together with ‘the southern pitch pine and cypress The timber is shot down the moun- tain side through bark shutes and then hauled to the mill by ox teams along the valley road. The only means of transportation along the mountain trails is by saddle horse or tow pack. As we near the cabin the old man greets us in this way, ‘‘Stranger you all better come in and rest your hat.” The mountaineeris a tall, lank, husky ~ built fellow, after the lines of Abe Lincoln. His dress is as simple as his entire life. Hat, necktie, shirt, blue jeans, corderoy, boots and the 44 caliber gun or Winchester, which is apart of their dress. As we enter the cabin we find a one room —log cabin similar to the one Abe lived in when a boy, for we are not progress- ive in the mountains and they think what was good enough for their fath- er is good enough for their boy. . The moonshiner is a mountaineer but every mountaineer is not a moon- shiner. Among the reasons they give for distilling their corn whisky is that grain ishard to transport through the mountains and that the govern- . ment owes them nothing and they owe the gouernment nothing and they reject any interference from an out- sider or furriner as we are called, for one of the mountain laws is ‘‘Mind your own business.”’ Ask the mountaineer as to the time of day and he will point to the sun We also see the spinning wheel, the shuttle loom and candle mould for we are in the Land of Yesterday. Some of the boys work in the lumber camps on the Tennessee side of the mountain while othérs content themselves by raising small crops of sugar cane, tobacco and corn on the cleared ground around the cabin. Christmas is a great day in fact it is the only day in their social ealendar as it includes the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving and New years, and a wedding is usually postponed until this day and thus becomes a part of the celebration. The honeymoon is never after the “wedding but always before from the time -when the fath- er of the girl stops the boy on the trail and says ‘‘Reckon you all better | religious service) is more or less a SERVICES AT tote some logs down yere for a ¢ until ole man and his ole woman : BELL. ready to occupy it just after Christ- mas. It is often better to tie the grcom to a pine tree away from the moonshine jug until the time comes to tie him to the girl then she’ll take care of him in mountain style. For music we have the fiddle and the banjo and it doesn’t take much music to start the Virginia reel or square dance. Eating bear meat before an old Yule log is where the old man of the mountains shines in all his glory. There are no doctors within 20 to 40 miles and no undertakers so the body of the dead must be buried within 12 hours after death. . As that is too short notice for their kin folks they hold an anniversary of a death six, nine or twelve months after, at which the funeral sermon is preached; it is also a big feast day with them and then follows what we would call a family reunion in the north. The men will go off among the trees and the same questicns which came up in the Lincoln-Douglass debate are still problems for the mountaineer. The sheriff is a much greater man (in the mountains) than the president. It takes two presidents to make one sheriff. The mountain preacher is given the title of the Man from There for the message he brings is the word of God ‘and God is there—somewhere beyond the skies. There are no neighbors in the mountains as the cabins are from one to three and four miles apart, so every gathering (a social occasion with them. The Nine- ty and Nine is the mountain hymn. The ninety and nine safely lay in the shelter of the fold—But the angels echoed ‘around the throne Rejoice for the Lord brings back his own. look: back across the valleys along the mountain trails [ can see again Dave and Steve and Sal and Nell des- perate? ignorant? No let us rather lay our hand on their shoulder in a friendly sort of way, for they are our brothers and sisters of the hills. Dia- monds in the rough. And as the sun sets beyond the Cumberland ridge and the mour* 'n day is done the old woman of the cabin is right smart glad to meet up with you all again and we are more content to dwelljin our house by the side of the road for the mountaineer needs not so much a vision of the great world outside of the mountains as a greater vision of his world and what God requires of Man. It has been reported that some one is making the rounds alleging that contributions be made for Mountain Bell and his work. No one is author- ized to collect money. If any feel like giving to this cause, money left at The Commercial office will be handed to Mountain Bell. CONFLUENCE. Next Saturday, April 19th, Rev. J. J. Brady will go to Confluence, where he will hold services in Coughenour’s hall at 9:00 o’clock in the morning. SOMERSET TOWN COUN- CIL. By a vote of four to two Somerset Town Council refused to co-operate with the Civic Club in a geueral clear-up day, which citizens have scheduled for May 8th. The vote was taken on a written request for two teams and wagons to be used in re- moving garbage, approved by Bur- gess Frank M. Forney. The teams, it is claimed would cost not more than eight dollars. Council’s action has caused a storm of protest and it is said that recon- sideration will be demanded at the next meeting of the connecil on May 8th " The following voted against the civic club’s proposition: William H, Kantner, Howard R. Boose, M. Varner and Walter L. Morrison. Councilmen Clarence E. Pyle and Ross R. Scott cast the affirmative votes. Some members of council said the municipality has no money ayailable to appropriate to Civie Club, while others expressed the opinion that the club women (and nearly all the AsI| MEYERSDALE. PA. LOCAL AND GENERAL - SCHOOL NEWS. The Parent-Teachers’ Association held its first meeting in theHighSchool building on Friday evening. It is to be regretted that so few of the pa- trons were in attendance. Meetings of this nature should excite more in- terest, on their part for no parent is so busy but that he could give at least one ‘evening a month to think and plan for the welfare of his children. The program was opened by a piano solo, by Sanford Weinstein. The adoption of the minutes of the pre- vious meeting, was followed by the admission of several new members. After a selection by the High School Glee Club, Rev. Goughnour read a paper on ‘‘The Moral Training of Children in the Home.”” Rev. Gough- nour said, in part, that the church and home have been neglectful of their duties hitherto. The communi- ty has better schools than it deserves. The home is most responsible for the morals of children. The church, school, and state are also responsible but moral training must begin in the home. When parenthood has been lightly regarded, there has been a degraded civilization. Training is of a two-fold nature, a repression of the bad, and an encouragement of the good. Evil manitestations are not always the result of evil, but of mis- direction. True morality is the doing of good, not the shunning of evil. Repression must not be too severe. Spare the rod and use some brains. We should encourage pleasurable activity, confidence, truthfulness, un- selfishness, and self-respect. Good habits are as easy to form as bad ones. Ia the general discussion that fol 1>wed, Mr. Cohen said that the school must step in to remedy cases where the home is unable to help. The general tendency is to make the school the social center of the com- munity. The school should supply the need of amusement. Prof. Kretchman said that the child should be taught absolute obedience first. After the reading of the proposed constitution and by-laws, a discussion arose as to the purpose of the organi- zation, whether the meetings should be held solely for the discussion of school problem or whether the As- sociation should become an active body, supplementing the work of the School Board and the teachers. Sev- eral lines of action were suggested and it is likely that some ‘of these will be taken up in the near future Similar organizations in other towns have succeeded in stopping the sale of cigarrettes to minors, aided in en- forcing attendance and securing punc- tuality, and have been of great as- sistance in relieving conditions in the less fortunate homes, problems which have always been rather perplexing to the school authorities. All those who believe in the child, in the con- servation of his strength, and the de- velopment of his body, mind, and morals, should come and take an ac- tive part in these meetings. THE FIRST MONTESSORI SCHOOL IN AMERICA. In the past, Tonesdale has been known as the home of one of the greatest filtration plants in the world, supplying Philadelphia with water. In the future it may become famous as the seat of the first American school buildings, erected to house pupils under the Montessori method of instruction. While still an experi- | ment, the adventure in education is producing results that far exceed the expectations of it founders. Mrs. J. Scott Anderson, the directress of the school, has spent some time in Rome under the instruction of Dr. Montes- sori and is a thoroughly capable wo- man. The boys and girls, from three to six years old, are learning to read, write, and figure, in less time than one could well believe, were it not for the evidence of their accomplish- ments. One of the basic principles cf the Montessori method is to at- tract rather than compel a response. Instead of ‘‘hammering in’’ knowl- edge, the idea is to draw it out. The word ‘‘don’t”’ is mever used in this school. All corrections are positive in their nature. The children soon learn to love the ‘‘toys”” that are teaching them things of value. A daily record is kept of each child’s progress, noting the date on which, this or that of the tests was chosen. If, at the end of several weeks, the child has not chosen to do some of the tasks, an effort is made to attract, never to compel, the child to the ones | members are women) are beccoming entirely too active in civie affairs] should confine themselves more neglected. Thus far, eighteen children have { been under, training and their records show remarkable progress in ne arl, "| to accommodate a large crowd, and THURSDAY. APRIL. 17. 1913 every case. Already the school is being besieged by petitions from par- ents and it looks as if greater provi- sion must be made or children turned away. To the observer, the Montessori method seems to be the common sense way of developing well- round- ed children and well-rounded children are the well-rounded men and women of tomorrow. THE GRIM == == REAPER Mrs.?Jerome Countryman living at the edge of town died last Thursday April 10th at the age of 76years Tmos. and 2 days. She had been ailing for several years but she passed away rather unexpectedly. She was the daughter of the late Fredrick P. Wal- ker, of Summit township. She be- longed to a family of sixteen sons and daughters, the majority of whom pre- ceded her to the ‘world beyond. On the 25th of December 1855 she was married to Jerome Countryman, the late Rev. Wm. Conrade, of Berlin performing the ceremony. Four children were born to this union, two sonsand two daughters. The sons, Charles and Norman died somes years azo, the daughters are Mrs. F. C. Younkin, of Rockwood and Mrs. Con- ral Bonheimer, of near Meyersdale. Tie deceased is survived jalsojby her aged husband, by three sbrothers, Messers Justus and Frederick F. Wa’- ker, of Summit township, afd John Walker §>f Kansas, and by two sis- ers, Mrs. Dianna Countryman of Ok- lahoma and Mrs. Belinda Mckenzie of Nebraska, and also by four grand-chil- dren and six great-grand children. Mrs Countryman was a member of Hay’s Reformed church, Brothersvalley township where her remains were laid fo rest last Saturday afternoon. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Dr. Truxal of Meyersdale, who had been ministering unto her in spiritual things and Rev. H. H. ‘Wiant, her pastor. Mr. Conrad Bon- heimer, the son-in-law, with his fami- ly has been living with the aged peo- ple and Mr. Countryman will con- tinue to make his home with them. MOOSE BANQUET. . Don’t overlook the fact that the Moose banquet .and ball will be held tomorrow night, (Friday, April 18th,) at their home in the Appel & Glessner building. Preparation has been made nothing has been left undone that will add to the comfort and cnjoy- ment of their guests. The local lodge of Moose are royal entertainers and the committee in charge of the affair have gone the limit for this occasion. There will be good music for the dancers and plenty of ‘‘eatings’ for the hungry. If you are from Missouri spend an evening with the Moose herd and you will be convinced that they are adepts in the art of sociability and high class entertainers. Follow the crowd. The last trolley car will leave for Salisbury at 11:45 P. M. Tickets can be had at the hall. ‘FOR BUSINESS MEN ONLY. One of our local merchants re- ceived ‘ a letter of inquiry from Con- fluence concerning an ad. which ap- peared in The Commercial and later sold a nice bill of goods to the in- quirer. The merchant heartily be- lieves in adyertising in The Com- mercial. Most business men know the value of The Commercial ads; others are gradually catching on. PARTY AT [ SHAW MINES, Mr. and Ms, James James Thomas gaye a very pleasant surprise party in honor of the former’s sister, Miss Nora Thomas’ birthday, at their home at Keystone Mines, Friday evening of last week. A delightful evening was spent by all present. BIRTHDAY PARTY. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller, enter- tained about thirty little friends of their sons, Cedric and Paul, on Monday evening at their home on Meyers avenue, in honor of their birthdays, -Cedric’s being § Monday and Paul’s on Thursday. A delicious supper was served and a pleasant THE MORAL TRAINING OF CHILDREN IN THE HOME. Of all the auspicious movements ;| that have been discerned among the people of our town in recent years, the one containing the greatest possi- bility of good is the organization of a Parent and Teachers’ Association. The salvation of the human family depends upon the education of its children. The evolution of the race is inextricably bound up with the training of its young. An dssociation of the parents and teachers of a body of young people is, in itself, a proof that these two responsible classes are awake to the gravity of their task and intent upon performing it. It is said that the first step toward the solution of a problem is to know you have one. Hence we may be certain that this very meeting is a promise that the problems of education are going to be better solved in Meyers- dale’s future than they have in its past. The moral training of children is necessarily a two-fold task. It in- volves the repression and discourage- ment of all evil impulses, and the en- couragement and development of every tendency to good This two- fold result, so devoutly to be desired, must be attempted in every wise way and with unflagging and eternal per- sistence. The first thing to be asserted abeut the method of repression is that it is inferior to the method of developing the good. It is the easier phase of the task of moral training, and for that reason is used very much too exclusively. It seems to be thought that the one thing needful is to rec- ognize the wild shootsinstantly when ‘it appears and apply the pruning knife at once. The theory is that the sap will then naturally flow into the fruit- bearing branches. But the ‘danger in applying this method is that the dresser of this human plant shall fail to discriminate hetween the good and evil shoots. Often there are evil man- ifestations that do not spring from evil impulses: The child's anger, falsehoods, selfishness, jealousies, cruelties and tyrannies are not always the result of evil. . Often they are the result of ignorance. The child must be instructed. Often they are the re- sult of uncontrolled energy. It is better to direct the energy than to knock all energy out of the child. Of course, the child is not perfect. At times there is manifestation of actual evil. Such manifestation must be promptly and firmly checked. For it is partly through external repression that the child learns moral distine- tions and develops self-control. But it is well to always give the child the benefit of the doubt and toZtake the attitude of the teacher more often than that of the tyrant. There are three ether specific dan- gers to be guarded against in employ- ing the method of repression in train- ing the child. The first of these is that the child shall come to look upon morality too exclusively in a negative light. True morality is primarily posi- tive, the doing of the good rather than the evasion of the evil. Of course, the eyil must be overcome, but the best way to overcome it is to supplant it with the good. Thatigood- ness has been considered to consist mainly in freedom from evil, has been one of the chief defects of most Chris- tian nurture. The second danger in repression is that it shall be too se- vere. No amount of repression can restrain a healthy child’s activities. His energies cannot be bottled up. It is just here that the break often comes between parents andZchildren. Being forbidden to do the things they must do, they practise them in secret. Thus they learn secrecy and deceit. The demand for bodily exercise on the part of the child simply must be provided for, and its normal activi- ties dare not be throttled. The third danger in repression is that itshall be too strict. Account for it as we may, it is a peculiarity of human beings that they do not like to appear as patterns of virtue. This may appear to be reprehensible, but it is a fact that must be reckoned with. The rudeness in boys, and sometimes girls, is ofttimes nothing more than a safe- guard against being classed with the superlatively good, And I am not sure that this trait is entirely bad. It evening spent by all present in play- | ing games. Later they were taken to [the Rex Theatre w Fhich was very much enjoy y have many more | | tions of child morality. is more often than anything else a protest against our negative concep- | Where posi- | tive and riven, it given, 1% sympathetic rarely rest 1ts that the child NUMBER 1884 PARENT - TEACHER MEETING. Rev. H. L. Goughnour Reads Strong Paper--The Moral Training of Children in the Home. Taken is transformed into a rebel. -| all in all the method of repression is the inferior one and the one that sheuld be used less often. It would be well to apply more generally Abe Martin’s homely paraphrase, ‘‘Spare- the rod and use more brains!”’ The primary_and positive method of training the child in morals is the development of the good inherent within his being. And it may be well to pause to assert that the good is there. Itis present in his make-up in more abundance than the evil. The reason more of it is not called into expression is that we place him in a bad environment and use poor methods in his training. The method of developing the good is more diffi- cult than the method of repressing the evil; but it is also more safe and more sure. It avods most of the dan- gers attendant upon repression and best secures the results that are so anxiously sought by the parent and teacher. The first step is to actually conyince the child that voujalways bave his welfare at heart—that you are unconditionally his friend. To do this it is necessary to wiseiy imagine yourself in his world and help him to supply his needs. The joyousness of thee child-nature must ever be encouraged. It is also su- premely important that he be kept emplyed, and mainly employed with such activities as he enjoys. When you have gained the child’s complete confidence, by supplying these funda- mental needs, then your appeal to his better nature will be an appeal of power, and even the word of restraint will be kindly received.® The next step is a firm determination, consis- tently carried out, that the positive method shall always receiye the pri- mary emphasis. The value of truth fulness will always be emphasized above the awfulness Jofjga lie. The beauty of unselfishness will be de- pended upon to overcome a too-stren- uoug guarding of self-interest. Ayp= peals will be made to self-respect more than to hatred and to the es- teem of others rather than to same. Love of parents and love of God rath- er than the fear of either®will be ad- vanced as motives of conduct. When occasions ariseXfor the natural exer- cise of such virtues 'as self-denial, patience in disappointment, self-con- trol in exciting and painful situations, and all such, their beauty®andinobili- ty will always be highly extolled. In these and every conceivable other way the positivejsile ofjlife§will re- ceive the primary emphasis. A third practise to hold in mina and apply is the custom of always recognizing a virtue and alwaysiipraising®a com- mendable act, especiallyf;infyounger children. With those who? arefolder in years it is sufficient §forfthem to know that their effortsjare§recognized and appreciated levenjjthough they are not praised ;eyet it}is always diffi cult to be prodigal withSproper and sincere commendation. It goes with. out saying that thegparent and teach- er should practise the virtues they ex- tol. There is nothing $that@Pwill so quickly undermine a child’s moral nature as insincerity /in those he ad- mires. Nor dare thisgrigorousiprogram of training often bejfrelaxed because of fits of impatience andfanger.ZThose who are in authority mustiremember that if they cannot control themselves when their wishes arejerossed they cannot expect their charge tojcontrol himself under like circumstances, Without doubt thefcoursell have oute lined is a difficult one, morefdifficult for the one who attempts the training than for the one who is trained; but the end in view is one of the greatest within the range of human endeavor; and the means thereto cannot be easy, If this process of trainings kept up. from day to day and fromQyear to year, good habits, which are so easy to form as bad ones, and which have equally as much strength, will be produced and established, and the task, seemingly so hard, will be ace complished. ee ee ——— ATTENDED FUNERAL} ‘Mr. and Mrs. John Stacer, Mrs,, Mary E. McKenzie and Miss Emma, Weber, attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs. John W. Walsh, which took place in Cumberland, on Mone day morning. Mrs. Walsh was ga niece of Mrs. Anna Weber and was instruction is | | well known here as She fr Euently Vise ited her aunt, 1 M Mrs. John Ryan son, John, aiso
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