The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, April 10, 1913, Image 3

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For Mites And Red Spiders.
A. Surface, State Zoologist, Harris-
burgh, shows a great demand for de-
finite information on the methods of
destroying Mites or Red Spiders. To
meet this he has issued the following
Among the very common pests of
plants are those commonly known as
Mites or Red Spiders. As a matter
of fact they are not Spiders, although
they belong to the same general order
animate life asdo the Spiders. Neith-
er are they always red, asin fact, they
are generally grayish or whitish.
These pests are properly called Mites.
There are several species of them,some
of which are the most serious pests of
veget .tion, wh 1: others attack stored
fruits and still others are in the com-
mon class of Red Lice of Poultry,
Those Mites which attack vegeta-
tion generally accompany Mildew,
and where the leaf or other part of
the plant looks powdery or whitish,as
though it were more or less covered
with floor, the plant disease known as
' Mildew is doubtless the cause, and
Mites are generally present. With a
microscope these pests are plainly ob-
served with their sharp legs, and their
sharp beaks, by which they pierce the
tissue and suck the flnids from within.
As they belong to the group of suck-
ing insects they are not to be killed
by arsenical poisons, any more than
“are plant lice or scale insects.
Fortunately, there is a specific or re-
liable standard remedy for Mijes wher-
ever, they are found, or regardless of
whatever they attach. This is sulfur
is some or any of its form. Powdered
sulfur or snlfurin solution or even fine
sulfur stirred in water will destroy
them. Powdered sulfur ean be dust-
ed over them or rubbed into the feath-
ers cof fowls or dusted over infested
plants. But the difficnlty with this
material is to make it stick, and also
to apply it thoroughly to hen roosts
and to the under sides of the leaves
of plants. Therefore, it is best to use
the lime-sulfur solution, such as is
made or sold for spraying trees. For
destroying Mites in poultry houses the
strength of the lime-sulfur solution is
not important. as State Zoologist H.
A. Surface has proven that these
“pests are readily destroyed by a
thorough spraying with the lime-sul-
far solution at almost any strength.
It is an easy matter to spray the in-
terior of a hen house and the roosts
and thus destroy the Red Lice or Red
Mites of poultry.
Mites on plants are also best destroy-
ed by spraying with dilute lime-sulfur
solution or the self-boiled lime-sulfur
formala. ‘One pint of strong lime sul-
, fur solution in ten gallons of water is
*Y generally enough to have the desired
effect for Mites and Mildew of grow-
ing vegetation. The spraying should
be done with an up-turned nozzle held
beneath the leaves of the plants, in
order to strike the under side of the
leaves, and also turned so asto cover
the upper side. A few varieties of
dilution which is a little greater but
most plangs when in leave will stand
even a stronger application than this,
which should consequently be made.
By local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of thejear.
There is only one way to cure deat-
ness, and that .is by constitutional
remedies. Deafness is causedgby an
inflamed condition of the mucous
lining of the Eustachian Tube. When
this tube is inflamed youlhave a ram-
bling sound or imperfect hearing,
and when it is entirely closed, Deaf-
ness is the result and unless the in-
flammation can be taken out and
this tube restored to its normal con-
dition, hearing will be destroyed for-
ever; nine cases out of tenjare caused
by Catarrh, which is nothingffbut an
inflamed condition of the mucous
We will give One Hundred Dollars
for any case of Deafness (caused by
catarrh) that cannot be cured by
Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for cir-
culars, free.
F. J. CHENEY, & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75 cents.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con-
stipation. ad
. Foley
What They Will Do for Yes
They will... eyour backadbé
strengthen 3+ .r kidneys, eos
rect urinar. .... gularities, buile
ap the wei wut tissues, and
= ——
The correspondence of Professor H.
Measure Attracting Much
Attention Over State.
The Bill Provides That Any Employe
Who Goes on a Strike Is Subject
to a Fine Not Less Than $10
Nor More Than $50.
Harrisburg. —Every street car com-
pany employe, every railroad employe,
every water company employe and the
employes of every other public serv
ice corporation will be forbidden to
strike or to leave their work as the
result of a labor dispute if a bill in
the state legislature, introduced by
Representative James E. Dickinson,
becomes a law.
The measure is a sister bill to the
public utilities bill and is designed to
prevent strikes and lzbor disturbances
among the employes of public service
companies and the bill may be
brought out on the floopepf the house
and passed at the sami@ time as the
public utility bill. For that reason it
is now lying in the judiciary general
committee, but its supporters are
ready to bring it to the floor of the
house at the opportune time.
The bill in effect provides for a
board of conciliation or arbitration
to be appointed by the public service
commission. This commission is given
the right to appoint a registrar of
boards of conciliation and investiga-
Stringent Penalties.
The bill provides stringent penal-
ties for any street car company :em-
ploye or the employe of any other
public service company like a railroad
or water company, gas, electric com-
pany or any other corporation who
goes on a strike before the board to
be appointed has passed on the mer-
its of the controversy.
If such employe does go on strike,
or if any one abets him to go on
strike or encourages him to g0 on
strike there is a swife and adequate
punishment for him.
Section 56 of the act provides: “It
shall be unlawful for any employer
to declare or cause a lockout or for
any employe to go on strike on ac-
count of any dispute prior to or dur-
ing a reference of such dispute to a
board of conciliation and investigation
under the provisions of this act, pro-
vided that nothing in this act shall
prohibit the suspension or discontinu-
ance of any industry or of the work-
ing of any person therein for any
cause not constituting a lockout or
strike.” i !
In section 59, the act says: “Any
employe who goes on strike contrary
to the provisions of this act shall be
liable to a fine of not less than ten
dollars nor more than fifty dollars for
each day or part of a day that such
employe is on strike.”
If a strike leader tries to lead the
men into a strike or if any official of
a labor organization advises his men
to strike hs is taken care of even
more severely. Section 60 declares:
“Any person who incites, encourages
or aids in any manner any employer
to declare or continue a lockout or
any employe to go or continue on
strike contrary to the provisions of
this act shall be guilty of a misde-
meanor and is liable to a fine of not
less than fifty dollars nor more than
one thousand dollars.”
Hunter's License Bill Wins Out.
Harrisburg. — After a struggle as
stubbornly fought as though millions
of dollars were involved, the house
reconsidered the vote by which the
hunters’ license bill failed for lack
of a constitutional majority last week,
and then finally passed the bill by a
vote of 112 to 77. Last week the
measure, which has had a big lobby |
of sportsmen here all winter, mus-
tered only 101 votes, or three less
than the constitutional requirement.
On its face, the bill seems simple
and inoffensive, but it has been fought
bitterly by various elements. It mere:
ly provides that each hunter shall
take out an annual license costing $1
and that no boys under 16 years shall
receive a license unless the consent
of their parents accompanies the ap-
plication for permission to carty a
Report Given to Senate. .
Harrisburg,—The senate elections
committee reported to the senate the
envelope system of voting and also
decided upoh party enrollment and
important amendments to the uniform
primary law.
Under the envelope system of vot-
ing, eléctdrs may enter a polling place
and ask for an official ballot and
either take it home to mark it or mdy
immediately eter a booth and place
their marks upon it. When the voter |
returns to the polling place from his
honie or leaves the booth he will re-
ceive an official efiveloge.
In the matter of party enrollment
each voter in first, second or third
class cities must enroll himself on
registration days with the party
which he intends to support at a pri-
mary election. If he fails to signify
the party which he intends to support
fr ——— ome
Philadelphia. — Lauri Pihkale, who
| holds the Finnish records in the 200,
| 400 and 800-meter races, has come to
this city to take up a six weeks’ study
of the methods used in training ath-
letes at the University of Pennsylva-
nia. He hopes to get suggestions
which will aid him in training the Fin-
nish team for the Olympic games of
Philadelphia.—Charles F. Warwick,
mayor of Philadelphia from 1895 to
1899, died at his home here after an
illness of several years. He was four
times elected city solicitor of Phila-
delphia and was a brilliant campaign
orator, baving accompanied James G.
Blaine on some of his campaign tours.
Mr. Warwick was 63 years old.
Carlisle.—With unique commence
ment exercises 15 Indians, from near-
ly as many scattered tribes, gradu-
ated from the government Indian
school here. In spite of orations and
essays the aborigines gave demonstra-
tions of practical work taught at the
government school... The exercises
were held in the school gymnasium,
and included among many visitors
were state and federal officials and
several old Indian chiefs, from a num-
ber of western states, a few garbed
in the habiliments of their race.
Norristown.—The 800 employes of
James Lees & Sons of Bridgeport,
who went on strike, demanding an in-
crease of 20 per cent, accepted the
14 per cent increase offered by the
firm and returned to work.
Pottsville.—After a strike at the
Otto colliery, Branchdale, for two
weeks, the miners went back to work.
The trouble was caused by three men
refusing to wear union buttons.
. Hazleton.—Joseph Kosletreick, a sa-
loonkeeper of Hazleton, was fleeced
of $2,000 by three sharks. They
worked a box on him which they guar-
anteed would double any money that
had been placed in it if it were left
absolutely undisturbed for three days.
Koslatreick inmoed at the chance to
make easy money and put $2,000 in
the receptacl When he opened the
box, exp ng to find $4,000, his
money had vanished. So had the three
Carlisle.—In order to secure new in-
dustries for Carlisle an industrial
league has been formed here with
over 150 business men as members.
Enthusiasm has reached such a high
point that already a $25,000 fund for |
the guarantee of labor to a big in- |
dustry that contemplated locating here |
has been raised:
Pittsburg.—Nora Brennan, aged 18,
of Carnegie was arrested in a down-
town departmer: store by city detec-
tives. It is alleged the girl had a sub-
scription book and represented that
she was raising funds fof the Ohio
flood sufferers. At central police sta-
tion the girl is alleged to lave ad-
mitted she was raising money for
the use of her family; that her father
was in poor health and her nine sis-
ters and brothers needed clothing and
food. She had not succeeded in get-
ting any money in the store.
Allen.—While playing in front of
her home Miss Anna Hoover, davgn-
ter of John Hoover, mail carrier, was
‘bitten on the cheek by a dog owned
by John Zell. This is the second child
bitten by the dog in less than a week.
The dog was taken to the woods and
shot. i
Philadelphia.—For a year the United :
States government has wanted a mas- |
ter joiner at the navy yard here. The |
job is still open with no applicants.
The pay was recently raised to $6.50 |
a day, but no one sems to want the |
place. This is much more than many |
of the much-sought-for postmasters’ |
jobs will pay. |
Hazleton.—The United Mine Workers |
of the Hazleton district have been |
notified by their officers to refrain |
from labor April 1 to celebrate the |
anniversary of the granting of the |
eight-hour day in the Pitino |
field. Only those men whose work is |
necessary for the preservation of the |
property of the coal companies are to |
continue at their places. The local!
unions have been advised to hold ral-
lies and discuss questions that are of |
vital interest to the organization.
Easton.—Leading musicians of East- |
ou and Philipsburg gave a sacreud con-
cert in Able Opera house for the
benefit of the flood sufferers.
Harrisburg. — nsyivania’s white
slave ‘rings” are among the worst in
the country, according to Lieutenant
Governor Barratt O'Hara of Illinois,
who was here at the head of the vice
commission of that state for interview
with Governor Tener and other state
officials. The commission was prom-
ised the co-operation of this Common-
wealth, and as a result of the confer-
ence Governor Tener will send a spe-
cial message to the assembly strongly
urging the appointment of a commis-
sion similar to the one that has been
taking testimony in Chicago.
Governor Tener said he is heartily
in favor of the appointment of com-
missions to fight the white slave traf-
fic and to improve the conditions of
women and girls.
Williamstown.—Richard T. Powers,
an agent of the Bernard Fischer Co.,
wholesale liquor dealers of Philadel-
phia, was found dead in his bed at the
Exchange hotel at Pottsville. A ver-
dict of death by heart disease was
rendered by Coroner Moore.
Philadelphia.—Richard Lloyd Will-
ing, a member of one of Philadelphia’s
oldest families, died at his home
here, after a long illness, from tesrt
trouble. Mr. Willing was pron.=ent
socially and in his early years took
' part in athletics, and was considered
one of the most expert chess players
in the city. He was 71 years old.
~~. ~~ =
oo. ase ow on
Miss Agnes E. Blubaugh, of Pine
Hill, and Daniel J. Pyle of Somerset,
were married at the parsonage of the
Somerset Lutheran church, April 6,
by the Rev. I. Hess Wagner.
Miss Nora J. Landis of Somerset,
and Harry Oelschlaeger of Hoovers-
ville, were married at the parsonage
of Trinity Lutheran church, Somerset,
April 7, by the Rev. I. Hess Wagner.
Miss Edith M. Baker and Homer E.
Saylor, both of Somerset township,
were married at the parsonage ot the)
Somerset Methodist Episc Opal chureh,
April 7, by the Rev. Homer E. Lewis.
Miss Minnie V. Pritts of Somerset,
and Benjamin F. Baldwin of Fried: ns,
were married at Fleasant Hill, Aprii
5, by the Rev. J. H. Wise, pastor of
the Husband United Evangelical
Miss Elizabeth Casebeer of Lincoln
township, and Thomas M. Marteeny]
of Milford township, were married a
Husband, April 5, by the Rev. J. H.
Wise, pastor of the Husband Unit.
Evangelical church.
Miss Rosa Band of Portage, Cam:
bria county, and H. W. Thomas o
Quemahoning township, were mar
ried at Stoyestown, April 6, by Jus-}
tice of the Peace, John H. Custer.
Miss Harriet May Faidley of Sum-
mit Mills, and Harry A. Weyand of]
Brothersyalley township, were mar
ried at the parsonage of the Berlin
Church of the Brethren, April 8, by
the Rev. Lawrence O. Hubbard.
Miss Ida Smith of Holsopple, an
Elmer Shaffer of Hooversville, were
married at the home of the officiat-
ing clergyman, the Rey. Perry J.
Blough, pastor of the Hooversville
Lutheran church, April 7.
Miss Ann Mary Hochard, and Geo.
B. Walker, both of Elk Lick township,
were married at Boynton, April 9, by
the Rev. W. W. Wagner.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tue
7% Z ac
Signature of
FA ol
1° Ne
And in that small group
Oppenheimer Superior
without running to extremes:
thréad are of the’
men who know real values pit
Oppenheimer models for Spring
creations of oir 6wh desigtiers they répresent the ultimate
Oppenheimer fabrics até dépendsble,
carefully chosen by our own experts.
Linings, inter-linings and details such as buttons, button-holes and
best quality:
in the Popular
Oppenheimer Superior Clothing introduces a new measure of
value ks the highest attainment ever reached in the manu-
factare of popular priced, ready-for-service clothing. B®
of distinguished makes from which
and choose unrestricted as to price,
must be accorded recognition.
are distinctive. Being the
in style
quality and patterns being
: or and TER yer for sal
M. Oppenheimer & Co.
This Clothing Introduces a New Measure
Price Field
It isn’t going to be such a difficult matter
as you might think to decide which make of
clothing you want.
your community who
Just go to the dealer in
handles Oppenheimer
Superior Clothing and examine it critically.
Compare it with any other clothing you
like, no matter what the price. Note the qual-
ity of the fabric, the distinctive patterns, the
expert hand tailoring.
Then try on a suit and
note the easy, comfortable fit.
You will not be importuned to buy. You
will not need to be.
heimer Superior Clothing to yourself.
But the real point of
You will sell Oppen-
lies in the organization back of
Oppenlimme: Superior Clothing. This organization builds character
mtegrity and true quality into
everydetail of design and manufacture,
There is no skimping or shghting permitted in the
orgazation, and no glossing over of de
ll garments are inspe
from the cutting to the han
her rigid inspection of the finis
the :
efects. 2
. Every detail must be right.
arments before they are sent to
; ed gam : ;
ing department makes doubly sure that all details
nheimer spring models have
our New Style Book which is no
have been faithfully reproduced in
W réady. Let us send you this
Style Book; or better still, look up the dealer ini your community who handles
Oppenheimer Siperior Clots
Bs coca ji
and verify with your own eyes every claim we
Suits, Top Coats and Rain
he may vote at a general election, but
not at a primary.
In country districts not within first,
eliminate the excess uric ack
that causes rheumatism.* Pre
vent Bright's Disease a second or third class cities, the en-
b ght's I8¢ nd Die fT must be done by assessors
ates, and restore health ars { in May and December. Ten days be
strength. Refuse substitutss | fore a primary election voters may
3 | change their enr#llment if they have
F. B. THOMAS. been erroneously enrolled.
defect of any kind whatsoever. Should
the slighest irregularity be discovered, the
makers will correct it without argument,
quibbling or delay.
Wholesale Exclusively
Coats, $10 to $28
Separate Trousers, $2 to $6