The Meyersdale commercial. (Meyersdale, Pa.) 1878-19??, April 10, 1913, Image 2

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    Neighborhood News
News liems of Interest From Near-by Places, Cleaned by The Com-
mercial's Special Correspondents. |
| End. He will remove to Somerset
| as soon as the building is ready for
Somerset’s military organization,
Notice to Correspondents.
Tre correspondents wiil confer &
great favor if they will get their corre-
Shaffer’s on April 1st was well at
tended and nearly all the articles
in part of the house with H. C.|
left on
Del., where they will make their
future home.
April 8—The public sale at Henry |
From the Booming Metropolis of
the Yough Region.
rought good prices. i
Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer have moved | :
| Mrs. M. Minder,of near town, enter- | |
tained her daughter Miss Harriet of | ]
Connellsville, over Sunday. ]
Wm. Logue, a studentat Pittsburgh
is spending a few weeks with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Logue.
Robert Wilson and wife spent Fri-
Mr. William Tressler, and family
April 2nd for Greenwood,
We are sorry to lose
spondence into the office not later than
Monday evening.
§ April 6—Henry F. Knepper, of
Johnstown, is visiting his son, Nor-
man E. Knepper. Veteran Knepper
returned from Hot Springs, Ark.,
where he spent over a month
at the National Army hospital in
company with Capt., Wm., Schrock,
and Comrade Henry F. Barrett, of
Somersct. The three gentlemen had
a narrow escape from death only a
few days before leaving the federal
resort. They think they owe their
lives to the impatience of OCapt.,
Schrock. The three had stopped in
in front of an establishment where an
auction of Oriental merchandise was
about to open. The sale was delayed
on account of a scarcity of prospect-
jve customers. Capt. Schrock char-
acteristically became impatient in a
few minutes and started away. His
Co., C. 10th Reg., N. G. P., was seen
on the motion picture screen in yiews
of the Inauguration of President Wil-
son at the Diamond Theatre last
night. The pictures or the home
company were among twe most dis-
tinct on the film and attra. ted a large
crowd to Manager Winters’ theatre.
On sunday evening the Bijou motion
picture theatre will present a spec-
ial program of religious pictures, the
receipts to be forwarded to the re-
lief of flood sufferers in the middle
Mrs. W. H. Paul of Jonnstown, and
Mrs. Thomas G. Hicks, of
Ligonier, both of whom were form-
erly residents of Somerset. are
guests at the A. J. Hileman.
Prof. O. O. Saylor of Brownsville,
Fayotte county, spent several days
with his brother, District Attorney
Virgil R. Saylor.
Mr. snd Mrs. John Megahan, of
Wilkinsburg. are the gnests of Mr.
comrades at that time thought he |
acted rather hastily, bub followed
and Mrs. Washington Megahan.
| Mrs.
them but wish them success in their
new home.
Lewis Schrock and family have
moved on the farm made vaeant by
the Tressler family.
The horse market is still about at
the top notch. Samuel Loechel of
Riverside Farm, no doubt holding
the belt for receiving high prices.
He sold two colts not quite two years
old to D. W. Maust of Springs for
$350. These colts were fine Perche-
ron’s sired by Black Mack, owned
Ed. Yoder and will make horses
weighing at least 1,600 pounds. The
pair already weigh over 2,300 lbs.
H. E. Bonig and family went to
Cumberland, Md., on Sunday to visit
their daughter, Winifred, who is
taking treatment from a specialist.
They returned the same day.
Rev. Chas. Beachy, of Wheeling,
W. Va., spent over Sunday with
relatives here prior to leaving for
the Pacific coast where he expects to
Norman Ringer and family of Ne-
Edna Baer Furst has re-
| tnrned from a week’s visit to Phila-
gro Mountain have moved into the
day and Saturday iu town.
Mrs. Anna Sullivan is visiting in
Miss Mary Engle was visiting her
friend, Miss Echiable, at Ursina on
Miss Ora Greer is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Jos. Shipley of Connells-
Dr. H. P. Meyers and wife enter-
tained Mrs. Robert Augustine on Sat-
Mrs. Earl Tressler of Addison, was
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Alexander, a few days.
Mrs. Howard Sanner and children
of Cumberland, returned home after
visiting Mrs. Sanners father, A. R.
Mrs. Raymond Goller of Harneds-
ville, spent Saturday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mitchell.
Edward Brown who is taking treat-
ment in Baltimore for rheumatism,
shows improvement and is expected
home before long.
At Close of Business, April 4, 1913.
Loans and Investments.......... nit, $681,675 53
U.S. Bonds... ..;.... i... veins 66,000 00
Banking House...... .... ....s-s:- .. 29,300 00
Due from Banks and Reserve Agents... 124,505 36
Cash. tT EL a eae . 63,909 63
$965,390 52
down the street to take in some
other attraction. Fifteen minutes la-
ter a gas explosion killed five people |
at the action, all the people in the
store. The Somerseter (Veteren| Mrs. J. D. Hitehman,
Knepper) is a native from -‘Mongst | William of Mt. Pleasant,
the Hills’? had been standing near the | guests at the home of Robert S.
aunctioncer, and feels sure that all | Scull.
three would have been killed had | ny; and Mrs. Simon Krebs are
they remained for the sale. | spending two weeks at Battiecresk, |
Street Commissioner B. Frank Bur- | Michigan.
kett, his daughter, Mrs. Henrietta | Edward Scull has returned to
Meyers, his granddaughter, MisS princeton University, after spending
, Daisy Burkett, aud Mrs. Edward | to Faster vacation with his pa-
Burkett, are spending several days | rants, Attorney and Mrs. George R.
with Cyrus Burkett’s family near | g.uj,
New Baltimore. : _ | Mine Instructor Richard Maize, of
Edward F. Fisher, of Philadelphia, the South Side, left last evening for
formerly of Somerset, who organiz- Pittsburgh, where the examination of
ed the Fisher Smokeless Coal Com-| ming inspectors is being held at the
pany several years ago, 18 visiting | Monongahela House, on the 1st, 2nd,
Somerset acquaintances. |3rd and 4th. The mine inspectors
Miss Edna Adams, is visiting rela- are required to take the examina-
tives in Rockwood and Connellsville. | tion every four hours.
Mrs. Harry Heeron, of Pittsburgh, | john Reisinger, of Uniontown, a
is the guest of Somerset relatives. | well known insurance agent of that
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Tayman | place was a business visitor in Som-
are entertaining their daughter, Mrs. | erset yesterday.
P. J. Edwards of Pittsbnrgh, and
the latter's daughter Miss Latian | TOT BRL Somberignt. Ml
Edwards. Walker. Mrs. J. 4 | sister, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Groff.
ju Chale W a pei | Miss Drusilla Jones of Uniontown is
“have returned from Pittsburg, where hii guest of Miss Mae Hoover.
they passed several days. | Attorney and Mrs. J. R. Scott, of
Frank A. Fritts of Somerset twp., the Sonth Side, have returned from
will leave this evening for Bartlett, | New Cumberland, W. Va., where they
Kan., where he will spend several | visited their son-in-law and daughter,
weeks with relatives. He will also Attorney and Mrs. Robert Morrow
visit relatives in Texas. | Brown.
P. L. Casebeer, the well known
| d:lphia and Atlantic City.
Mrs. Ella K. Keffer, is visiting rela- |
are the |
————— eee
|S. J. Beachy property.
tives in Baltimore. %
d | the home of J. S. Miller, on April
and SOD | 7h in which about 20 of their neigh-
| The Fancy Work Club was delig! t- |
| fully entertained at the home of Miss
Capital Stock... .................. heen $ 65,000 00
SUrplIS.~. +. isa sicnnsssdnssnrprns 100,000 00
Undivided Profits. ......... See ill 14,531 20
Circglation' .... .. i... cicintesinnas 64,250 00
Deposits. . .
ie msssnssesssessnsras cere
$965,390 52
A brush burni t held |
rush burning party was hel at | 1 aura Ma quart cn Friday evenirg. |
EE | freshments were served.
work was done and all seemed to |
enjoy it especially the excellent GLENCOE.
meal prepared by the hostess. | April7—Rev. A. S. Kresge of Ply-
Joe. Reich of Meyersdale passed | mouth, Indiana, will be due to ar-
through town on Sunday enroute for | Five at Deal, Pa., Saturday the 12th
Addison. nots and will preach for the Green-|
% ville congregation of the Reformed |
Last Thursday night Jacob Gnagey | church, Sunday the 13th at 10:00 a.
had a torilling experience, but came | m. and at White Oak at 2:00 p. m
out without being hurt. While driv- On the following Tuesday evening he
ing up town his rig collided jw preach for the Glencoe congre-
another rig, causing his horse 10 ution, and for Mt. Lebanon on Wed-
jump aside the road, throwing him |... qay evening at 8 o'clock. We
ater 1
out. The horse then made TapiC tryst that the membership of all the
progress: pnt ous Soe Bittinger | onoregations in the charge will be
road, then turn ack in an alley | way) represented. On Sunday the 20th
and came on the street again at the|;,gt services will be held by Rev. H.
First State Bank, and then made a| yg wiant at (ilencoe at 10:00 a. m
Rasty retreat for home. On arriv-|,. 4 .+ Mt. Lebanon at 2:00 p ot
ing at the little crossing bridge the|cyioh time an election for pastor will
lines became suddenly wrapped |p. p13. On the same day (Sunday
around the hub of one wheel which 20th) service and election for pastor
stopped the horse where he Was| wij he held at White Oak at 10:00 a.
found by Jacob and his father as|,, .,4 at Greenville at 2:00 p. m
they were on their way home. Very Mr. Loe Austin of Meyersdale, was
little damage was done to the vehi- a Glencoe stir lash S > ay ®s
ee pee
Fw Pram
| Appetizing ond daintily prepared re- | ~~~ ~~
“Golden Link” and “Sunkist,”
Two of the best, high-grade patent Western Flours.
Buying direct from the mills in car lots, we saye you
money. Every sack guaranteed. We keep a well-
stocked wareroom of
GraintHau, Straw and Feed of ANEKInds. |
A visit will prove to you that we have the most up-to-
date Grocery Store in Somerset county, and
that our prices are the lowest.
Goods Delivered Free of OGharge.
cle only a few spokes were broken.
° Messrs. Theodore Krissinger and
Walter Broadwater of Pittsburg, were
; yim. ___ | visitors at the home of G. W. Broad-
April 7—Mrs. Kate Wahl and child- | water, last Sunday.
. Mike Th d Mrs. |
mx BS es A ariay of Thomas Poorbaugh of Johnstown,
last week at Wm. Shuck’s spent several days here with his par-
§ * ents, Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Poorbaugh.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crone moved Miss ‘Alice Wobrick bi Giifaed
from Meyersdale to the Moses Me- i = Se i He 8% return
Kenzie property, Wednenley of Tost a ee wh se school at
> 0
Somerset jeweler,has gone to Panama |
to view the ‘big diteh.”’
Druggist J*S. Picking, J
turned from Pittsburgh, where he 8 alves.
visited Edmund Keffer, a patient in| phe man who is down on excite-
ment in religion is often a whirlwind visiting his brother, Asa Hoar at
Mercy hospital.
Andrew E. Bittner, who had been , in polities.
connected with the Bauman restau- |
rant on Pleasant street for several ‘by the people who wish 16 well an
years, has purchased the Bentley stop with that.
cafe at Boswell, which he will ope- |
rate after the 25th inst.
Contractor W. H. Stoddard, is con | ,1 4 crowd the churches.
fined to his home by a severe attack |
of Tegtibpe: by looking on the bright side.
Ira H. Shaffer, who had been em-|
ployed in the Picking drug store, has |
If every church member
Hooversville, where he will engage |
in business for himself under the firm
name_of Shaffer’s pharmacy. |
| pearance.
The non-commissioned officers of |
Co.. ©. N. G. P., composed a merry
surprise party at the home of First|
makes the wool light and soft an
casionibeing his birthday anniversary. |
Mr. and Mrs.
family removed to New Kensington, ,, Bake in a quick oven.
for several years and was previously
associated with other lumber mills.
He served one term as a member of
town council.
| ents in Greenville township.
the persons elected to the board of | ville visitors on Tuesday.
road supervisors of Middlecreek twp.,
April 7—The better men know God
r., has re- the more ashamed they are of them-| ,; 431 were welcome callers in our
Every good cause is most hindered
d | made a business trip to our town last
| looked |
| happy it would soon kill the saloons
Nobody was ever made color blind
| After your blanketshave been Wash- | 34 peg) with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
purchased the Blansett property in | ed and dried thoroughly beat them |p ww. guder.
vigorously with a carpet beater. This
| gives the blankets a new, fresh ap-
Minute Biscuit: One pint of sour
buttermilk, one teaspoon soda, two
Hi H. Gnagey, the oc-| teaspoons melted butter, flour to make
ESrgeant Harry agey | a soft dough just stiff enough to han-
. |dle. Mix, roll and cut out rapidly
John H. Fitt and | ith with as little handling as may
this week with Mrs. Menhorn’s par-
Mrs. C. M. May and Mrs. E. H.
Alleging that Adam Sanner, one of | Perry and son James, were Grants-
.George W. May and family moved
Elias Fike and E. J. Dickey of Mey- Hooversville recently closed, has re-
turned home.
The schools of Northampton town-
ship closed on Monday. |
ie |
April 7—Miss Edna Baker was a
| welcome caller at C. B. Salers on
Thursday. Sunday.
W. W. Nicholson and Wilson Ring-| Miss Lydia Bowman and Wm. Grif-
are serving in the capacity of | fith visited at the former’s home on
Sunday afternoon.
Harry Fresh was a welcome caller
at Howard Glessners, Tuesday even-
ing of last week.
Mrs. Samuel Fogle and Mrs. Samuel
Vought called at the home of P. Ba-
kers on Saturday.
There will be Sunday school at
Berkleys Mill on Sunday April 13th,
at 7:00 p m. Everybody is cordially |
invited to attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis F. Baker will
town last Thursday.
Harry Hoar of Brownsville, Pa., is
Lou Knepp Of Larimer township,
| ler,
| jurors in Somerset this week.
P. W. White made a business trip
| to Salisbuey on Saturday.
Henry Suder spent over Saturday
3 Out of the twenty-one applicants
that took the examination in the 8. J.
Miller school last Saturday, eleven
ne a ——
C. G. Gundrun, the regular opera-
tor at N. A. tower, is working at No.
1 cut where the big slide occurred.
Mrs Chas. Thorpe and son were
near future.
For any itchiness of the skin, for
skin rashes, chap, pimples, ete., try !
where Mr. Fitt has purchased an in- | — | Connellsville callers on Saturday. De 4 : :
terest in a large lumbering operation. | | Ww. S. Rafferty and W. F. Algui oan’s Ointment. 50 cents at al
: : ! SALISBURY. . OS y .F. guire
Mr. Fitt had been superintendent 4 oi i spent Friday night in Connellsville. Drug Stores. ad
of the Berkebile Lumber company April 8—Mr. an rs. Clarence . : :
Menhorn are spending a few days of Wm. McCune, one of our prominent FRIEDENE.
farmers was a visitor to Connellsville
on Saturday.
Bruce Miller, fireman on the Indian
Creek Valley railroad, was a business
caller at Connellsville on Saturday.
Mrs. Lydia Prinkey and son Harry
of near Mill Run were in our commu-
April 9—People in general were
greatly shocked about the license
decision, this being especially true
in this community. Many good peo-
ple had expressed their opinion, that
Judge Ruppel, on account of his
previous temperance record would)
move into the Bittner house in the j 3
has failed to qualify because he did 45 bedford county the first of this
nity on Saturday.
not file an expense account as re-| oj
quired by the Corrupt Practices
Act., Walter Moore and John Faid- |
ley, the other two supervisors, to- | :
ior with other Middlecreek citi- | fending college.
zens, have asked judge Ruppel to
declare a vacancy in the boar
appoint a new supervisor. The court |
has awarded a rule on Supervisor |
Sanner to show cause why he should
not be removed from office. The |
rule is returnable on the 14th inst.
after their coal interests.
Mrs. L. C. Boyer is improving he
property by removing the fence.
for one week is again able to b
Samuel Mosholder, of Lavansville, n the house.
a handsome | is i
will erect
Miss Helen Shaw returned to Penn
| Hall, Chambersburg, where she is at-
F. F. Petry and Wm. Cochrane; , 5 number of new pens.
d and | went to Kentucky last week to see |
His son Samuel
g rapidly from “his IRS r
E omen we| FOLEY KI
A. P.2 Doorley of the McFarland
Lumber Co. spent Sunday at Scott-
The Indian Creek poultry Co is erect-
grant no license, while others were ,
of the opinion that he would grant ||
some of the old licenses but would re- |
fuse at least some of them. But noi
one in this community ventured the |i
| John Dahl, the barber of Mill Run,
| returned home after a few days vaca-
I | tion at Connellsville,
Floyd Landermilk and family of
J. J. Engle who had been bed fast | Roaring Run left for Somerfield to
© | spend a few weeks on the farm.
prediction that the court would grant I
more licenses than last year, hence |
the decision of the court came as!
la sad surprise to the good people of |
| the vicinity of Friedens, as well as |
| elsewhere. |
| _——— |
Cheapest accident insurance—Dr. |
For burns,
I H C Quality Shows in Service
E could sell wagons for less money,
but we don’t care to sell that kind
of wagon. We want your second
order, and your third, and every
order you give for'a wagon. We
can’t be sure of getting those orders unless the
first wagon you buy from the I H C local dealer
proves so satisfactory that you would not think
of going anywheré else for the second. We
have to tell you how good our wagons are to
get your first order. After that, we expect the
wagon itself to do the selling. I H C wagons
Weber New Bettendorf
Columbus Steel King
are made of selected, high-grade material
throughout. The lumber is air-dried in huge
sheds for three years or more before it is used.
Air-drying takes years of time, and leaves the
fibres of the wood filled with and cemented
together by the natural resinous residue of the
sap. Kiln-drying requires only a few days’
time and leaves the wood brittle and weak. \
Air-drying produces elastic lumber, wagon N
parts that bend and give under loads and 3
strains, but that spring back when the strain
is removed. :
Weber and Columbus wagons have wood RN
gears; New Bettendorf and Steel King have N
steel gears. The I HC local dealer will give you N
Thomas’ Eclectic Oil
| sealds, euts and emergencies. All
druggists sell it. 25¢ and 50c. a
literature and full information about thewagons \
he sells. See him, or, if you prefer, write \ |
International Harvester Company of America §
' Pittsburgh Pa. 3
NO :
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