S IN= AT- f ONE ARE " WEP THE | ES . fepersdaledi VOLUME XXXVI. MEYERSDALE. PA.. THURSDAY. APRIL 10. 1913 CIVIC LEAGUE GETTING BUSY $10 Given to Keep Lawns Clean-—--Concert Next Friday Night. The regular monthly meeting of the Civic League which met in the directors’ room of the High School building on Monday evening, was well attended. The President, Miss Jessie McKinley, called the meeting to order, and the Secretary, Mrs. R. -D. Pfahler, read the minutes of the previous meeting and then the busi- ness of the evening was taken up. - The fountain to be erected was the “v principal topic discussed. The secretary read a communica- tion which had been handed in by a citizen of the town, who desires to remain incognito. The communica- tion reads as follows:—*‘‘Being inter- ested in the work of the Civic League and wishing to dod something that might get more people interested in the looks and welfare of *he town, have thought of the expedience of giving money to be distributed as prizes.—So we offer this proposition to the League. We will give $10.00 to be given as onefiprize, or to be divided into several, just as the Leagne decides—to the house on JBroadway from Center street to the bridge, whose lawn and parkings will show the best care during the summer, from May vntil October.”? A vote of thanks was tendered the doner of the $10.00 and it was decided to offer three prizes, $5.00, $3.00 and $2.60. It is hoped this will get the children interested, even if they do not do the work that they will awaken ‘to the fact that they can help a great deal if they refrain from walking over or playing on the parkings, will keep paper and all sorts of rubbish * picked up and otherwise helping to keep the streets clean. The League would like to hear from ~.8ome more wide awake. citizens with -'reference to other street. Let the gocd work go on. On Friday eyening, April 18th, a home talent concert will be given in the Donges Theatre, for the benefit of the League, which promises to be very good and it should be_well at- tended. The admission swill be 25 cents to any part of the house. There will be no reserved seats. Followirg is the program: : PART 1. Selection—Orchestra. March—Roaring Valcano—Oitizen’s Band. : Piano Solo—IIl Trovator—Frances Damico. i Reading—The Race Question —Mrs." G. A. Neeld. . 2 Trombone Solo—Fascination Polka —Robert Crone. Vocal Solo—The Song of the Ar- morer—H. M. Cook. Violin Solo—Mr. Crunkleton. Male Quartette—*‘Annie Laurie’’— Baldwin, Thorley, Cook, Clutvon. Vocal Solo—*‘It Must be Tough to ~ be a Rich Man’s Son’’—Irene Collins. PART II. Selection—Orchestra. Overture—Storm and Sunshine— Citizen’s Band. Vocal Duet—Darrah Sisters. Trio—Mandolins and Guitar—Gold- smith, Philson, Crone. . Reading—The Daughter of thejDes- ert—Ada Mitchell. Male Quartette—Baldwin, Thorley, ~ Cook, Clutton. Duet — Sympathy — Irene Collins, Sadie Landis. Piano Duet—Ethel Oollins, Frances Damico. Cornet Duet—Birds of the Forrest— W. H. Baldwin, Panl D. Clutton. Overture—SlumberSweet—Citizen’s Band. Mock TRIAL—COUNTRY JUSTICE. Justice of the Peace—Clarence Moore. ; Spludge, Plaintiff —W. H. Kretch- man, Fudge—Defendant—Mr.Crunkieton. Attorney for Plaintiff —R. H. Phil- son, Attorney for Pfahler. Bulge, Witness—H. M. Cook. Jenks, oi —PFrank Bittner. Smith, i —QConrad Glessner. Foreman of theJury—S. E. Thorley. Jurors. Selection—Orchestra. Defendant—R. D. rg Miss Nan Hocking was hostess on Monday evening when she charmingly entertained the Spinster Club at her home on Meyers avenue. refreshments were served. JOHNSTOWN NEWS. April 8—Bradley Grahath, who holds a lucrative position as one of the stewards of the Elks club in this city, and who spent several days last week at Meyersdale with relatives and friends, returned to his duties on Saturday. : P. L. Livengood passed through this city on Friday enroute for Har- risburg to look after the interests of the icb to which he was appointed at the assembling of the legislature some months ago. This was his first appearance at Harrisburg for fsome time, owing to having been detained at home on account of serious illness. Eld. Tobias Meyers, ofitPhiladel- phia, one of the oldest ministers in the Church of the Brethren, arrived here on Friday to spend some time with relatives and friends. Two of Eld. Meyers’ sons areWfprominent ministers in the Church of the}Breth- ren. Rev. J. T. Meyers, jof ZPhila- delphid, and Prof. JT. T. Meyers, of Juniata College, Huntingdon. W. W. Bailey, editor fof the Johns- town Democrat, and ; a representa- tive-at-large in Congress from this State, left on SundayZforiiWashing- ton, D. C., to be present at the open- ing of the National Legislative body on - Monday. Before gideparting Le made the route of the office and tock leave of each one of thejjDemocrat’s employes. Hon. J. A. Berkey, fof §Somerset, was in the city onjbusinessgSaturday. W. H. Vann, of Rockwood, was the guest of relatives fandfifriends here and at Portage thej forepart of this week. F. M. Cober, a former well-known Meyersdale boy, and onejioff Johns- town’s leading contractorsjandjbuild- ers, left this afternoongforiFoustwell, ta complete a contractiforfia fine ir- terior finish for a batrroom at that plage. Mr. Cober makes a specialty of fine interior hardwood finish. Charles Landman, Eld. Silas Hoov- er, and E. E. Pugh, of Somerset, vis- ited this city today. Dr. R. L. Byrdgand J. E. Emerick of Meyersdale, spent ajportion =0f to- day in Johnstown on business. ' Penrose Wolf, a leading merchant and contractor of Rockwood, was a business visitor to this cityjtoday. A. R. Paul, of Somerset, jtoday accompanied his wife home,;wlo had been in thefMemorialjiHospital under treatment. Somerset’ county products rark high in Johnstown market. To be explicit, the fact that§! butter, eggs, potatoes orf other produce comes from Somerset county, ard advertised as such, aids greatly in its sale. The word ‘‘Somerset’’ seen s to place upon all of these commo- dities the seal of perfection. ' THE REX THEATRE. The Rex Theatre is one of the nve places of amusement for the yourg folks and the old folks too. The room in which the moving pictures are giv- en is beautifully equipped and orna- mented. Much money has been spent in changing the large store room into a show room and very good taste has been displayed in the walldecoratiors. The front of the show-roomfisjjlan in- dication of the up-to-date idea, which is being carried out in the moving pic- tures that are being displayed every evening. Large crowds are] spending the evening to see a firstfclass®show for a nickle. The management is courteous and appreciating§the sup- port which the public is giving®™them by giving a variety of pictures which amuse, Which entertain, which recall notable events, which present funny situations and which showSthe depth of degradation ‘to which %the Ivillain sinks. BANQUET ANDJBALL. Friendship Lodge, No. 76, L. O. C. M., will hold their Fourth Annual Banquet and Ball in theirghall fin the Appel & Glessner building, ongFriday €vening, April 18th. While! the pre- vious banquets given by this organi- zation were | pronounced first-class, this one promises to be stilljbetter. Its a fact, that the Moose have a habit of doing things just about right. ETHEL ROOSEVELT MARRIED. Miss Ethel Roosevelt, daughter of Theodore Roosevelt, was married in Christ Episcopal Church, Oyster Bay, of the bride and bridegroom saw the ceremony. on Friday to Dr. Richard Derby of | { New York. Two hundred close friends Delicious | CONGRESS GETS WILSON MESSAGE Brief Document Tells Purpose of Extra Session. MUST ALTER TARIFF DUTIES Lawmakers Asked to 8quare the Schedules With the Actual Facts of Industrial and Commercial Life. Washington, April 8. — President Wilson’s message, read today to the senate and house at the beginning of the extra session, was a brief, point- ed document setting forth in general terms what congress is expected to do in the matter of tariff revision. The message was as follows: To the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives: . I have called the congress together in extraordinary session because a duty was laid upon the party now in power at the recent elections which it ought to perform promptly, in order that the burden carried by the people under existing law may be lightened as soon as possible and in order, also, that the business interests of the country may not be kept too long in suspense as.to what the fiscal changes are to be to which they will be re- quired to adjust themselves. It is clear ‘to the whole country that the tariff duties must be altered. They must be changed to meet the radical altera. tion in the conditions of our ecnomic lifs which the country has witnessed within the last generation. r While the whole face and method of our industrial and commercial life were being changed beyond recogni- tion the tariff schedules have re- mained what they were before the change began, or have moved in the direction they were given when no large circumstance of our industrial development was what it is today. Our task is to square them with the actual facts. The sooner that is done the sooner we shall escape from suf- fering from the facts and the sooner our men of business will be free to thrive by the law of nature (the na- ture of free business) instead of by the law of legislation and artificial ar rangement. Business Not Normal. We have seen tariff legislation wander very far afield in our day— very far indeed from the field in which our prosperity might have had a nor mal growth and stimulation. No one who looks the facts squarely in the face or knows anything that lies be- neath the surface of action can fail to perceive the principles upon which recent tariff legislation has been based. We long ago passed beyond the modest notion of “protecting” the industries of the couniry and moved boldly forward to the idea that they were entitled to the direct patronage of the government. For a long time— a time so long that the men now active in public policy hardly remember the conditions that preceded it—we have sought in our tariff schedules to give each group of manufacturers or pro- ducers what they themselves thought that they needed in order to maintain & practically exclusive marxet as against the rest of the world. Consciously or unconsciously, we have built up a set of privileges and exemptions from competition be- hind which it was easy by any, even the crudest, forms of combination to organize monopoly; until at last noth- ing is normal, nothing is obliged to stand the tests of efficiency and econ- omy, in our world of big business, but everything thrives by concerted ar- rangement. Only new principles of action will szve us from a final bard crystallization of monopoly and a complete loss of the influences that quicken enterprise and keep inde pendent energy alive. It is plain what those principles mast be. We must abolish everything that bears even the semblance of priv- ilege or of any kind of artificial ad- vantage, and put our business men and producers under the stimulation of a constant necessity to be efficient, economical, and enterprising, masters of competitive supremacy, better workers and merchanzs than any in the world. Aside from the duties laid upon articles which we do not, and probably cannot, produce, therefore, and the duties laid upon luxuries and merely for the sake of the revenues they yield, the object of the tariff du- ties henceforth laid must be effective competition, the whetting of Ameri- can wits by contest with the wits of the rest of the world. ' Development, Not Revolution. It would be unwise to move toward this end headlong, with reckless haste, or with strokes that cut at the very roots of what has grown up amongst us by long process and -at our own invitation.- It does not alter a thing to upset it and break it and deprive it of a chance to change. It destroys it. We must make changes in our fiscal laws. in our fiscal system, wnose Gnject is development, a more free and wholesome development, not revolution or upset or confusion. We must build up trade, especially for- eign trade. We need the outlet and the emlarged field of energy more than we ever did before. We must build up industry as well and must adopt freedom in the place of arti- ficial stimulation oniy so far as it will build, not pull down. In dealing with the tariff the method by which this may be done will be a matter of judg- ment, exercised item by item. To ‘some not accustomed to the ex- citements and responsibilities of ter freedom our methods may in some; respects and at some points heroic, but remedies may be and yet be remedies. It is our to make sure that they are remedies. Our object is clear. motive is above just challenge an occasional error of judg- . 18 chargeable against us, we shall be fortunate. We are called upon to render the country a great service in more mat- ters than one. Our responsibility should be met and our methods should be thorough, as thorough as moderate and well considered, based upon the facts as they are, and not worked out as if! we were beginners. We are to deal ‘with the facts of our own day, with the facts of no other, and to make laws which square with those facts; ~It is best, indeed it is neces- sary, to begin with the tariff. “I will urge nothing upon you now at the opening of your session which can ob- scuré that first object or divert our €nergies rrom wnat clearly defined duty. At a later time I may take the liberty of calling your attention to re- forms which should press close upon the heels of the tariff changes; if not accompany them, of which the chief is the reform of our banking and cur rency laws; but just now I refrain. For the present, I put these matters on one side and think only of this one thing—of the changes in our fiscal system which may best serve to open oncermore the free channels of pros- perity| to a great people whom we would serve to the utmost and throughout both rank and file. : WOODROW WILSON. The White House, April 8, 1913. ir and WORK OF COURT. ; Si = The special three weeks’ session cf Civil Court which Judge Ruppel called some time ago, convened Wed- nesday morning. Judge Alfred John- ston of Union couuty, is assisting Judge Ruppel, presiding at the trial of cases in which Judge Ruppel was interested as counsel before his elec- tion to the bench. Four suits against the Connellsville & State Line R. R., in which the plaintiffs. are Edward H. Werner, Samuel Shober and others. Emanuel Stotler and the Central Savage Brick Co., were continued until the 28th inst. The following other cases were continued until the next term of court: Elien 8. Hentz vs. Star Mu- tual Fire Insurance Co, assumpsit; Calvin Snyder and others vs. Henry H. Carver, Sheriff’s interpleader; J. M. Hittie vs., H. W. Tidenburg, ap- peal by defendant. A settlement was affected in the suit of Lorenzo-vs. A. W. Cook & Co., by the defendant paying the plaintiff the sum $500. The plaintiff was injured at a saw mill operated by the defendant in Addison town- ship. : . The court directed a non-suit in the case of the H. J. Grell Butter & Egg Co., vs., John A. Dorotzak. After a partial trial in cjvil court Tuesday before Judge Ruppel the suit of Annie E. Kelley against the H. 8S. Kerbaugh Company to recover $5,000 for the death of her husband, Michael J. Kelley, a settlement was effected by the terms of which the plaintiff was paid $1,350. Kelley, who was a fireman on a steam shovel, was killed by a fall of timbering in the new Sand Patch tunnel on August, 23, 1912. The court directed a non-suit in the trespass action of David Fowler against George P. Stein, of Somerset. Before Judge Johnson a jury award- ed George Kimmell $66.75 against Alexander A. Casebeer, of Lincoln township. The suit involved a dis- pute over a lease on a farm owned by the defendant. FOR ENCAMPMENT. Members of Co., C. N. G. P., have been requested to assemble at the Armory in the Shafer block tormor- row night at Somerset; preliminary ar- rangement will be made for next summer’s encampment, which it is expected wiil be held in Erie. Capt. Samuel S. Crouse, who has been be present at the meeting. aa. . Mrs. M. Foley will go to Baltimore, | Md., on Duquesne toni to visit i d, who is al. her son, E St. Agnes’ NUMBER 1883 LOCAL AND GENERAL SCHOOL NEWS. The local High School was favored with an address by Rev: G. A. Neeld, on Wednesday April 2nd. Rev. Neeld Spoks on ‘“The Life and Work of Rob- ert Clive.” The subject was discussed in a very interesting and instructive manner. The speaker’s personal ex- periences in India enabled him to talk with confidence and authority on the great work begun by Clive. Rev. Neeld said that the great work to be done in India now, is not so much of a political nor commercial nature, but humanitarian. It is not often that the schools re- ceive such a treat as Rev. Neelds ad- dress, and their interest indicated their pleasure and appreciation. On Friday afternoon the Freshman class of the High School rendered a literary program before the school. The room was beautifully decorated for the occasion with plants and class colors. The Freshman girls added novelty by appearing with the same style of hair dressing. The following numbers were given : Recitations—Mary Darrah, Evalyn Leckemby, Margaret Richards, Ken- neth Brandt, and Clarles Fike. Reading of Original Stories—David Noel, Sadie Landis. Vocal Solo—Irene Collins. Vocal Duet—Sally Stratton and Mary Gill. ; Piano Solos—Irene Blume and Eme- line Hocking. Class Prophecy—Grace Weller and Mary Will. History of the Freshmen’s First Year in High School—Paul Schaffner. Class Presenters—John Boucher and Marion Dickey. Frank Hocking and E Ina Wagner. Reading from “The Cricket on the Hearth’'—MIlldred Payne. The Ideals of the Freshman Class— Elizabeth Bolden. Paper—Berkley Meyers and John Lint. There will be a meeting of the Parent-Teachers Association on Fri- day evening, April 11," at 7;45. An interesting program will be rendored. Seattle is talking of making the the girls of its’ High Schools wear a uniform while in school, to prevent the useless jealousy and rivalry in matters of dress. The Indian commencement was held at Carlisle las week. Fifteen boys and girls were graduated. Among those who sat in the audience, were several Indian Chiefs, dressed in native habiliments. The local schools were visited dur- ing the past week by cuperintendent, Seibert. THANKS TO SENATOR ENDSLEY. We acknowledge "with much ap- preciation Smulls Legislative Hand book for 1912, with the compliments of Hon. J. W. Endsley of the Senate, through Chas. H. Dia, president of council. DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS. Two divorce proceedings were in- stituted in the Somerset court Mon- day. Frank Bridegum, of Rockwood, seeks a separation from his wife, Flora Bridegum, alleging desertion. His petition filed by his Attorney, Ross R. Scott, Esq., sets forth that they were married on October 20th, 1899. The other libel in divorce was filed by Victoria Bobula Ciko,through her Attorney, P. G. Cober, Esq., in which she charges her husband with desertion. The couple were married in Austria on June 10th, 1903 and came to this country in 1907, the husband being charged with de- serting his wife on November 25, 1908. HORAGE ROSE HOME. Horace Rose, who was taken sick while attending school at the Uniyer- sity of Virginia, arrived here Wed- nesday evening on No. 5, accompan- ied by his mother who had gone there several days previous. He is resting very well at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Winter Rose, of the South Side. An Adjourned Council Meeting Civic League Assures a Foun- tain-—-Attorneys Too Busy to be Present. Council met in adjourned session on Tuesday, evening in the Council Chamber. The meeting was called to order at 8:20. All the members were present. Three ladies were present at part of the meéting. The name suffragette at once suggested itself, but later it was learned that Mrs. Ralph Pfahler, Mrs. Clarence Rowe and Miss Margaret Weber were present, representing the Civie League with reference to the contem- plated fountain. Mrs. Pfahler pre- sented the design of the fountain which will cost $455.00 net to Mey- * ersdale, while the placing of the same and wiring will add considera- bly to the expense and because of the great expense, the Civie League asked to be released from the Ooun- cils’ condition formerly imposed, of erecting a horse trough also. This was granted. The specific purpose of the adjourn- ed meetings was to have attorneys, Truxal and Boose, present with ref- erence to the legal rights of Council concerning the Sand Spring Water Co. The attorneys could not be present. City Solicitor Truxal will be in town on Saturday night, when a committee of council will meet him and when he will explain the legal points involved inf the controversy with the water company. This com- mittee will also take upithe dog li- cense question, trolley cars and: auto- mobiles, ex eeding speed limit, and also concerningifstreet car fenders. Policemen are urged to see that ordinance No. 4, Séction 21, is car- ried out. Councilman f §Weakland was in structed to have the spouting repair- ed on the Munieipal building. adjourned. ; LETTER FROM A FARMER BOY TO HIS DAD. Karl M. Cohen, twelvefyear’old son of Louis Cohen, of Meyersdale, is de- veloping into quite a farmer. He is studying under Harold M. Ware, a scientific farmer of ‘the Single Tax Colony at Arden, Del. Karl has just rented a quarter acre leasediby Prof. Scott Nearing, of the University of Fenna., who will be absen JonZa lec- ture tour this year. Following is an interesting letter just receivedzfrom Karl by Mr. Cohen. ‘Dear Pop:— I got the box and the maple syrup.f®There isibad news for you. KingZi(the horse) is dead. He died of spinal menungitis;(I don’t know how to spell it.) Harold has gotten a mare and horse. They are grey and seven years old. They are beauts. I have-a list of my expenses they are INVESTMENT Wheel Hoe........... .0.. 0 0 $425 Hog oo. on a 50 Rake... ... ....cl.. i. 50 Mise... nn 100 PRODUCTION Marure............... 5h a RBentb...... ..i..cooii a Total Invesment ‘‘ Production ‘“ Expenditure............... Harold says pleaseisend the money right away quick. I am getting on well in my studies, shorthand, flute, ete. I am going tolsendfyoufa letter in shorthand, get some onejto read if to you. How is business? It is awful about Ohio, isn’t it? Are there any floods around your way? I guess you're mad because I didn’t write. I am selling carrots now. They are winter carrots that Scott iike a fool left in the ground. I will have some grapes this year. I am gladfwe aren’ in Dayton now. TWO PERSONALS. + rill | ous of town for several weeks, will | bere visiting her friends the Misses | ient in | Miss Evelyn Bennett, of Frostburg, Md., spent several days of this week Hocking, of Meyers Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. J. Covell Parsons, and it Monday f former’ for a ten Lovingly, Karlie.” AT CONFLUENCE, Charles P. DeCorse, the well-known | Justice of the Peace at Confluence, died after a lingering illness Friday morning. | DIED